THE 8C11AHT02? TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNTtfCt ' JULY 22. 1895. (Dim .; Neisbbops WILRES'BnRRE. ' - - tThe '.Tribune haa'openr l t t-r.nch eft goo a No. Laniu- ba'.l.!!nit. l'uhlic Square, Wtlkes-Barrt, for the transaction of -business.. The pubUfher propose to extend the circulation of The Tribune In - Wllkee-Barre and surrounding towns, arid to that end wii present a very com plete department of Luzerne county new. or success In this -undertaking depend "jce is placed solely upon the superiority of The Tribune aa a purveyor of all th news of the day domestic, foreign, local, commercial and financial. The general in terests of the people of Wllken-Bnrre anil the Wyoming valley will have In The Trib. tine an earnest advocate, editorially and Is the purpose of the pub lishers to iasue a newspaper as valuable to the general puhllo as the metropolitan (tallies, and delivtfr It to the people throughout northeastern Femsylvunia from three to five hours- earlier than thev Philadelphia and New York papers can reach them. V IN TROUBLE AGAIN. A Had Scranton Woman nadly Worries Mayor Nichols. When Mayor Nichols made his first raid on houses of lU-fame he closed up the establishment of Madamo Brandt, wboftad emigrated toerv when Scranton became too warm for. her. She skipped out, aa was Jiopdfor all time. Hut one day last w-k-h quietly skipped back -to W$e-trre again, rented a rathervpretetitVius dwelling on Wash Jmrton Btneet," "anA -was preparing for business when ithe facta came to tho nothw of the mayor. On Saturday the rntnlon of ' law, .'.'prJer and morality pdwnc6d) down on he establishment and took madam , tfr police headquarters. 'W'hen brought face to face with th In dltrnanit mayor ahe had little t-i say. 5fcH't .q bemoan tha sad fate that was overtaking: her wherever she went. Tha '.nayor atJ he would glw hor just flvo hours In which to pot out of tow"n, -arnj if she w found within the limits" of this munk-ViHty at the ex piration of that time ho would send her to Jail and keep her there as lonir as h- could. Madam Accepted the situation, nd In half the tins granted was en Iter way to Scranton, promising never to KturA,to. tbe. highly moral city of Wilkes-Barre. . wanted-a Large hotel. Ko Prospect That One IV ill Be Erected ia WUkes-Barrc. The pressing need of more hotel ac commodations In this ctty Is felt more and more every day, ' but there Is no move tn the direct km of a new hotel. If a large convention of any kind should be held here the Influx of strangers could not possibly be provided for. This Is a remarkable condition of things (or a cHy of 40,000 people. It is a fact that the city of Carbondale, with less than a third the population, can provide more people with good hotel accommo dations than WUkes-Barre. The same is true- of such- towns as Alleniown, Bethlehem and Eastern. . It ia surprislns; that some enterprising capitalists from Scranton or elsewhere have not before this taken advantage of the opportunity, secured a site and utim0ST EXPENS1VE5H0BT STORY EVER PUBLISHED. IT WON THE CAPITAL PRIZE OF OOO.0FFERED BY TH1 shlf . ErmTLEDTnOXOFICgi f - I tOUIAtNS MILT BE Irican - g)iK: (Iff mm JZrrO '-( lijjnrqrs if'Trwar commenced the erection of a large ho tel In this city. There might not be millions In It, but there would be a 10 op 13 per cent, return on the money Invested. If the proper kind of building were erected and placed tn the hands of proper oven. POLITICAL POINTS. Th Democratic lTlmarlcs oa-Saturday. pTobnMo Winners. From this time until next November politics will occupy more of the atten tion of the people of -Lucerne thain any other topic. On Saturday the Dem ocratic primaries were hold, but there was much loss excitement than la cus tomary on ruch occasions, and In a ma jority of districts a llffht vote was polled. The county ollloes to be tilled this year are jude. sheriff, recorder of deed, controller and some miir ones, William S. MoLean appears to be the favorite candidate for t'he Judgeship, but the other aspirants may make com mon cause against hltn and -bring about his defeat. A powerful clement In the l-Vmooraoy have an old .pruitffe against AIoLean and they may improve this opportunity to gratify their revenge. II I! !! The contest for the nomination of rherlft 'will be between IVtter wml Sutton, with the cha-noes about equal. For th other ..HHvs there are a num ber of asplr.inn-. 'but there l little- in the result of the delegate elections to im.livi.ite who the favorites are. In fact, the primaries attracted little at tention. (Many Ivmooratw are opposed to m.iklnir a eomination for Jude tn a."!iiueh as two of tho Judges are lm eor.xts. and they seem to thlidt their county ticket would be materially Honsttu-ned by con.ct.dlng the third judge) to the lteimbllcans without a o Mn. est. II II II The Republican are warming up as tV day for holding the primaries ap pr ;:chcs. The adherents of Senator Qim are greatly diyplrlttil by the suc-c--.e9 everywhere of the Hastings men, and appear to have practically given up t'he light except in the Second Legis hi.ive district, whore ex-Congressman Shur.k is exerting himself In the Inter es; of the senator, and Is eald to be dolt? earnest work. All the indica tions, however, point to a solid Hast ings delegation from Luzerne. The laic.?: scheme of the Qttayltes 1 the putting forward of the threat that if Quay !- 'beaten he will defeat the pas sage of the bill for a government build ing in Wll'ies-Barre. Tha.t threat will make more votes amlnst Senator Quay than tor him. Tt has already injured hint materially In Wllkes-llarre. li II II As the situation stands today Walton Garrison, of Phlckshlnny, will receive the Republican nomination for sheriff an 1 he will make an exceptionally for midable candidate. He is a clear able and honest man and very popular per sonally. II II II If the Republican' attorneys of the Luzerne bar had the selecting of the candidate for Judge they would un V-. . noVelis ' fk M. AVim ATinni with DbuJb the fl's I -V doubtedly name Lyman Hake Ben nett for that honor. He admittedly possesses more of the peculiar qualities which marked Judge Ktcea great ca reer on the Luserne bench than, either of his competitors. The contest for the nomination Is between iMessrs. Uennett. Halsey and Wheaton, with the odds In favor cf Bennett. Mast Pay I'p. A Parsons man has been making a business of Impounding cows belong ing to other people that were running at large. The owners of the animals resented such proceedings and brought suit against him. Twenty-four of the Injured owners recovered Judgment for Ave dollars each, and two who claimed their cows -were injured brought suit to recover $100 damages. The I'arsons man la now trying to raise the money to settle. PERSONAL. lr. Taylor and Pr. Stewart and At torneys McCllntock and ltedTord are on their way to Europe, having sailed last Wednesday. Mls9 llcit.tle Lnclar has returned from a two weeks' visit at the summer resi dence of lr. Uullard at 'Lack Eden, Susquehanna county. Major Wrlpht and family are so journing nt Heaoh Haven, New Jersey. Kev. Father MelMahon, cf Philadel phia, Is sojourning at Harvey's Lake, as the guest of Kdw.ln iiaikln. Joseph Weltzenkorn. of the firm of Weltzenkorn Urothers, will sail for Kuropa tomorrow. The employes of the Arm have presented him with a fine field glass. O. 1. Johnson, of this city. Is a candi date for state councillor of the Junior Order American Mechanics. The con vention will ho held at iMcKeesport in September. Hon. H. W. Palmer -and diaughtcr are at the White Sulphur Springs, Vir ginia, for a few weeks. Sir. nd Mrs. A. J. Davis sailed for Europe last week. JUST ABOUT THE TRUTH. From the Post-Express. Nearly all the periodical writing In the country Is done by about a score of people, who have reputation nnd facility, and who are called upon with unfailing regu larity to discuss all manner of topics. The literary du vices, the opinions, the In formation, of these old hacks are fa miliar to the great public which Is utter ly Weary of them. An Intelligent reader who picks up a new magazine or a review and tinds a paper by one of these mental, moral, literary and political hash ma chines, seldom thinks of glancing at It. He knows beforehand what It will con tain. He can tell precisely what statistics will be set forth, what authorities will be quoted, what fullicles will be used and what lessons will be Inculcated. Too Mediocre. From Truth. He Won't you be my wife? I have pad dled my own canoe for years and feel sure that I could support you. She Cnnoe! Nonsense! If you had said you had sailed your own yacht for years I might have considered your proposal. JWSFD m no mm, Valley. PITTSTON. Tks PUtston office of ths Scranton Tribune has been opened by H. W. eraser, agent, at No. t Williams street, whare con tribution of news, complaints of non-delivery, orders for Job work of all descrip tions, should be addressed and regular subscriptions received. Advertising and subscription rates cheerfully submitted. Those cobbles on Main street that have have so long a time been an eye sore to merchants and all who have an Interest In the wellfare of Pltston, ars being moved. On Saturday three teama were employed drawing them to out-of-the-way places. The nest Is the pav ing. We undestond that the Barber Asphalt company Is ready to commence this work, but that some of the prop erty holders still adhere to the old cobble atones. The present financial strain of wtvich the people of Plttston now complain would be much- relieved If the city officials would compel more cleanliness about, not only the Main street, but the back streets and alleys. There 4s, it has often been demon strated, no Incentive to trade so great as a neat, clean appearance. Will our city fathers make a complete revolu tion In this respect, or will we still con tinue to live In our present filthy condi tion. Tickets for the Wllkea-Barre Press club's excursion to Delaware Water Gap on Wednesday, July 24, over the new route of the Wilkes-Bar re and Eastern railroad can be purchased at the Plttston office of the Wilkes-Barre Record. William H. McMillan was recently elected to succeed his father, the late Hon. J. !. 'MciMllhtnt as president of the -New York and Plttston Coal com pany. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Owens and Mr. end Mrs. W. Q. Thomas attended the laying of the corner atone of the Con gregational church at Plains last Thursday. j , Plttston Business Directory. FOB FIRST-CLASS PLUMB1NQ CALL on Wright A Co., 97 South Main street. A new range for sale or exchange; also second-hand household goods, bought or sold. AVOCA. Yesterday morning at her home In West Avocai occurred the death of Mrs-. Bridget iMcHugh, after a lingering Ill ness, leaving her husband and five children. Deceased wats a wonvaini of exemplary character and. her demise will be mourned by her many frleiil. Funeral announcement lafer. Mev. and Mrs. J. R. Wagner Iiave re turned home after spending a few days with their son t Chenango Bridge, iN. T. The Epworth league of nine sub-district embracing the several leagues In this vicinity will hold a basket picnic on Lincoln Hill FTlday, Aug. 2. iMr. and Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Larra bee, of Susquehanna county, are being entertained by iMr. and iMra E. C. Kel lum, of Lincoln Hill. Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Flock, of Wilkes Barre, spent Sunday with Mr. SS. A. Flock. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster have returned home' after spending a week with friends ini Forest City. Mamie, the 10-year-old daughter of IMr. and Mrs. John Kearney, of West Avocai, died Saturday morning after a lingering Illness. Deceased was a patient sufferer, having been a victim to spinal trouble caused by a fall a few years ago. Funeral will take place tihie afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment at St. Mary's cemetery. Patrick Sander, formerly of this place, but now of Wilmington N. J., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. L. E. O'Brien. Attorney Paul J. Sherwood; who re cently purchased an Interest Ire the old Stark tract In and around iMoostc. has sold out a part of his Interest in the fame to James Butler, of iMooslc. Mr. Sherwood reserved his Interest In lots heretofore sold by Stark heirs. The In terest which he purchased never has been conveyed away. Property own ers who have purchased lots and built homes thereon are now belnlg asked to settle with Mr. Sherwood for his Inter est therein', and where they refuse ejectment suits will Ibe Instituted. Mr. Sherwood Is treating the people kindly, however, and nearly all of those ap proached are settling with him. Andrew Decker Is visiting his son. George, of Menhoppen. Misses Lizzie Hlnes aiml Cell Mc Olyinn are visiting friends In Jermyn. Michael Callahan, an old and respect ed citizen of this town, died last even ing. His death was due to paralysis. He Is survived (by two sons. John and Michael. Funeral announcement later, ENGLISH A LA JAPANESE. An Enffllnh teaoher In a .tanonina school has given for publication this essav on the whnlo -nrrlttan hv Jap boy: "The whale live In the sea and ocean of all the country. He 1s a largs and strong In among of kinds of all the fish, and Its length reach to ninety foot rrom seventy foots, and Its color almost Is a dark, and be h'na a larva honrf When swim In the up water he Is so large as Island. When struck the water on angry he 1s so voice as ring great deal thunder. If he danced make the storm without winds, and also blow the water almost lay down the fog on the weather. His the form Is proper to live, for his front less nutltA hlo-hsr mil afterlegs Is no, and the tails 1s a Hire that on en on the un mtum. mnA h mouth have no leaves, but have leaves that la a hard narrow beard as with horns. His body though Is fish, but he 1s not a flsh, but he Is not fish, but Is creatures. His leaves Is named wnaienieavea. The men, make the everything wHh It. Knn va n even or eight month from four or five montn, tne wiwnaies-men catch on the sea or ocean. Ha mav llv on h. aa. of North-sea-way or -nve Island, of niinuu un mgen country in Japan. Written by T. Hlrakawia. P., . Ths tell of the what la more but I do not know fully to tell." NO DANGER. From tht Cleveland Plain Dealer. John-Do you really believe. Maria, that It will be as bad In the next century as these Jokers say- ' Marla-What? , -. ? .,, "Oh. that tha xitui ,iu fc. tbinge and the men will have to stay at "And whatr "Do the housework-the cooking" . "Not a hit nt Ht Vnu fears that woman WIN aver get to be that big a fool. Bhs ha to satl" ... ;! ? .. Wanted to tWw. aitkJtH. ali-t TK.C. MM. l. best clocks we have in the store. It goes sign says wrtnout winding. '.v Hay- tuAJtl that BAt If nr 1am a .- she'll go when you do wind brt"-Har- DISTRESSING DISEASES OPtHB SKIN Instantly Relieved aac Speedlly Cured br Hfim film Tmiiiiii Warm baths with Ounce. Bur, ratl ppH. caUoat of CUTicca. (olMOMOt), nd silld flow ot CUTtcOBA IUtoLTSKT (tlia HI blood psiuler) vmM. RritUk dMli r. N-a. avau al. VOBP., 4IH ITOD.t tttalOM, U. B. A HUMOROUS EPIGRAMS. Swift vindicated poets from aspersions concerning their Intelligence In the fol lowing lines, probably Inspired by a sim ilar quatrain In the French of Saint Marthe: Sir, I admit your general rule. That every poet Is a fool; Hut you yourself may serve to show It, . That every fool la not a poet. Pope was, probably, our greatest master of epigram. Here Is what he has to say about the ordinary ruck of versifiers: And moon-struck poets midnight vigils , keep, , Bleeplesa themselves to give to others sleep. He himself did not escape being the sub ject of joculur epigram. It being con sidered that tie did not give stitliclent credit to Browne, who, as he admitted, "worked ten whole years with him" In translating Homer's "Odyssey," a con temporary, John Henly, wrote: "Pope came off clean with Homer; but, they say, Browne went before and kindly swept the way." In the way of mock epitaphs we have the still more severe one penned by Dry den: Here lies my wife! here let her liel ' Now she's at rest, and so am I. Coleridge's reference to a vocalist was even more personal: Swans sing before they die; 'twere no bad thing Did certain persons die before they sing. An unknown wit thus contemptuously speaks of opera: Opera, like a pillory, may be said To nail our ears down and expose our head And here Is Carrlck's unkind estimate of Sir John Hill, a physician and dramatist; For physio and farces his equal there scarce Is; His farces are physic, his physic a farce is. Now, ladles for your side of the case. You are Indebted to Theodore Hook for the following dlatrlbo concerning the un fortunate marriage of a Miss Honeyi - This pair In matrimony Go most unequal BnaokjJ i He gets all the honey And she gets all the whacks The marriage of pale-faced lady to a red-nosed husband Inspired the muse of an observant poet thus: Whence comes It that In Clara's facs The lily only has its place? Is tt because the absent rose Has gone to paint her husband's nose? Characteristics, feelings and emotions have all been the themes of humorous epi gram. A hypocrite is thus castigated: Joe hates a hypocrite which doth show Self love Is not a fault with Joe. GLOOM PREVENTATIVES. A dog was advertised to play on a piano at a circus. Wihen the time came for tho dog to perform he got on a seat and be gan playing. Suddenly a wag In the crowd shouted "Rats!" upon which tho dog bounded oft the scat. But the piano kept on playing. Minneapolis Baptist. A teacher In an Aroostook (Me.) school was hearing her elementary class In phy siology the other day. "What's the first step toward the digestion of the food?" she asked. Up went the hand of a black-haired little fellow, who exclaimed, with eagerness: "Bite it off I" "You are right in It," remarked the whalo to Jonah. "You bot I am In It," was the answer. "And what Is more. If I am not out of It In less than a week I will give you the biggest case of appendicitis on record." The sequel Is history. Indian apolis Journal. The Ease of It: George (nervously) "I'd like the best In the world, Kitty, to marry you, but I don't know how to propose." Kitty (promptly and practical ly) "That's all right, George. You've finished with me; now go to papa." De troit Free Press. Papa "Where Is your mamma?" Lit tledaughter "I link she has gono to Mrs. De Fashion's 4-o'clock tea." "Did she say so?" "No; but I heard her say she wished Mrs. De Fashion was In Hall fax, an' she went out about 6." New York Weekly. Sunday school teacher "Why did the naughty children mock the prophet Kll sha when he went up the hill?" Little Johnny "Because he had to get oft his wheel and walk." Chicago Record. Tommy "Paw, what Is the board of education?" Mr. Flgg "In the days when I wont to school tt was a pine shingle." Indian apolis Journal. "The thief who broke into my shop last night," said the false-hair merchant, "re minded me very much of a firecracker," "How was that?" asked his friend. ' "He went oft with a bang,"slghed tho hair merchant. Harper's Bataar. THE BIBLICAL TREE. THB . Bible con- ' tains 1.560,480 letters, -8lo,9r . words, 11,175 verses, 1189 chapters and fid . books; longest chapter Is the 118th Psalm; the short est and middle chapter Is the imh Psalm; the mid dle verse Is the 8th of the Psalm. The longest name Is the 8th chapter of Isa iah. The word "and" occurs 46, . fOU times. The 87th chapter of Isaiah and the 18th chapter of the Id book of Kings are alike. The long est vers lathe Ith of the 8th chapter of Esther: the shortest the SBth of the 11th chapter of John. .The list vsrse sf the " 7th chapter of Esra la the only ono of the entire- collection which contains every letter In the alphabet. The word "Lord," or Its equivalent, . "Jeho ' van," ' occurs 7698 times In the Old Testament; or, to be more exact, the iWtord "Lord" oc - curs 1863 times, and ' the , - y word "Jehovah" 6845. .- . . times. , The word .v.- "OoKW doe -not occur In the book Of Esther, kt' there l-s-'" ,. WISDOM, KNOWLBDOB, j jvt HOUNERI AND LOVB IN, EVlRYi! CHAPTER OF THH ENTIRE WORK. lasraaaaBssW Closing Prices on Dress Ooods to Make Room for Fall Stock. Have Arranged the Bulk of Our Stock Into Four Great THE 15c. LOT Comprises 40 pieces of all wool Mixed Saltings, 4a inches vide; goods that have always brought 50c a jard. Also about as many more pieces of a gen eral assorted character. Nothing in the lot worth under 37 I-2C We consider thia the best bargain ever ottered in Dress Goods. 15C. a Yard. AT 25c. All wool Cheviots in a large variety of mixed color ings, Henriettas and Serges in plain colors and many novelties. The goods we offer under this heading would be cheap at 50c. Sale Price, 25C The above four lots are unquestionably the best bargains ever offered In Dress Goods. The prices we quote are actually less than half the cost of manufacture. We are making some alterations and improvements In our store and must have the room. Consequently the sacrifice prices on these goods. Sale lasts Until August L - CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 01 CENT ' A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE), NO CHAROH WILL BE LESS THAN is CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED. WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Htlp Wanted Mala. 1HOTOTIclHSTAii men can learn of a fine position by md drmHlns WILLIAM H. PLATT, 0 Elm traet, Camden, N. J. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stack sulwciip tloni; monopoly: big money fur aaunu; no capitnl required. KDWAHD 0. FISH CO., Burden Block, Chle.RO. 11L SALESMEN KK8IUENT 8ALH8UKN wanted, acquainted with the IochI and nearby drus and grocery trade, to haodl. our line of high grade clears, Addreaa, irlln references, J. EbWAHD CUWLES Co., 13 Chamber! street, N. Y. , Mela Wanted FamaUt. WANTED OOOD OIBL FOB GENERAL housework; Rood wbrss. MKS. JOS, A MBAKS, at4 South Main avenue. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AS cook in hotel; suitable salary. Address, with references, Box lOtiS. Plymouth, Pa. ANTEIMllEDIATELYTWO ener petio saleswomen to represent as. Guaranteed fO a day without interfering? with other duties. Healthful occupation, write for partieulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company, No 72 John street, New York. Wanted To Rent OFFICES IN COMMONWEALTH BUILD in;; on. suite, 4 rooms. 2 vaults; three auites, 'J rooms, with vault In each: possession August I. Inquire rooms 19 and itO, Common wealth Building. For Rant. TDORIiENT-ti-ROOM HOUSE, GREEN r Ridgo. Address F. E. NETTLETON, 1686 Washington avenue. FOR RENT -4 FLOORS OVER HARD ing's City China store, suitable for lodg ing or boarding house; all in flrat-elass repair. OFFICES TO LET, DESK ROOM TO LET snd Assembly Hall to let. D. B. BBP LOGLE. 4UH Spruce street. FOR RENT A LARGE, 4-STORY BUILD IngatliB Franklin avenue; auitablo for wholesale business. CARSON DAVIES, Scranton. FOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Larktwanna avenue. Addrom THOMAS E. EVANS, sear 1183 Luserne, Hyde Park. F 'ORIENT-NICELY FURN18HEDHALL suitable for lodge rooms, JOHN JER MYN, 111) Wyoming ovenue. Agents Wanted. AGENTS-HINDE'S PATENT UNIVER aal Hair Curlers and Wavers (.used with out heat), and "Pyr Pointed' Hair Pins. Lib eral commiasions. Free sample snd full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 4M. New York. w ANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our linn, no twtldllnff. Salary. 17ft per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, WUB, Boston, Msss, NEATLY TAKEN IN. Two young men were standing on the platform of a Chestnut street car yester day, when a XushlonaBly dressed irlrl entered and seated herself at the for ward end. "A picture of Innocence and beauty," remarked one of the young men, adjusting his tie." Innocence?" exclaimed the othor. "I'd like to bet a dollar that If I fro In and sit next to her she will open a conversation with mo." The first speaker sized tip the girl agnta and accepted the bet. His companion sauntered In, and to the nmnxemcnt of the observer on the rear platform, the young' ludy smiled and spoke, and In a moment the couple were conversing as If they had known each other for a lifetime. Presently the pre sumptions young man beckoned to his friend, who thought he was to share In a "pood thing." Heonly realised how he had been taken In when his companion Intro duced his sister. Philadelphia Record. DIVORCE IN BURMA1I. Bifrmeeso divorce proceedings are at tractively simple and Inexpensive, If a couple grow tired of each other they light two candles and sit In their hut wait ing till on. burns out. The one whose candle burns out first then quietly walks out, taking nothing but the clothes he or she mny have on, and all else becomes the property of the other. i Justifiable Curiosity. From the Indianapolis Journal, "Doctor," said the Mck mnn rolling up his eyes until only the whites showed, "why la It that In the days when I ate no melons except stolen onee that they never bothered me In the least, and now that I am a man and buy my melons as an honest man should they tie me up In seven kinds of knots?" Had a Corking Tint. Gimlet "Did you have a good time on the Fourth, JohnnyT" Johnny "Did IT Well, say I Ma ain't got over the hys terics yet." Puck. . Rsllof In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Ala eases relieved In six hours by the "New Q re at South American Kidney Cure.' This new remedy la a. great aurprtse on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving' pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of tbd urinary pas- - i- ,( fatYtmlm Tft mIIm L saicm -- in tention of water and path In passing II almost Immediately. If you want quick liar and enra thia la ir rem adv. guM by C. M. Harris, Drug bus, Scraatan, Pa it, la Pans avs- a a Lots at 15c, 25c. 35c, 50c. FUBMITUBE UPHOLSTERED. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, : . REASONABLE CHARGES 4 TRY US, THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO. . Lacka. iTt., Cor. Idams. Special Notlcea. AWDl"5cTpYif6opTwTSnrBTA for cop lea of Tho Tribun. ot tb. follow. Ini datm: January 4. lWto; February 2s. 1W; May ai, im. TRIBUNE BCBINKHS OF ICE, OTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1, I Will mak. a monthlv tonr nf thM fnllnw. ins plecM giving free opus air advertising ex niLitiona with the atsreopttoon: Taylorvllle, Hyde Hark, Providence, Dickson Olyphant, Peekvlll., Arcbbald, J.rmyn. Exhibitions given on Wednesday and Friday of each week during the month, the rates for adver tl.ingare $10 per month. Address E. H. Call, Tribune office, city. '"T'HE SOLDIER IN OUB CIVIL WAR. ' J. You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Hctures.hw ing the f orees In actual battle, aketched on ta apot. Two volumes, U.0UU pictures. Bold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by x prees complete, all charges prspald. Addrea P. U MOODY. Ita Adam. Ave , berantoo, Pa. BLANK BOOK a, PAMPHLETS. MAOA sines, etc., bound or rebound at The Thibunb office. Quick work. Reasonable prices. For Sal. FOB BALE-NEW HOUSEHOLD OOODS. amalll lot Inquire for Van Anker, Bee mor's restaurant, Franklin Coll to day. TBK HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS OF fer their property on the west side ot Adams avenue, between Pin. and Olbson atreeta, consisting of flv. forty-foot lota mak ing a front., ot two hnndred feet on Adams avenue by on. hundred and fifty feet in depth. Improved, with a large three story frame house. Price, thirty thousand dollars, EZRA H. RIPPLE. WILLIAM T. SMITH, HENRY A. KNAPP, Advisor y Committee. Situation Wanted. EXPERIENCED PHOB CLERK WANTS position. Address W. W., this office. A BOY Is YEARS OF AGE WOULD LIKE a position to take care of horses or any honorable work C. B., 81 Grant street. tlANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN. POSI f V tloa ss bookkeeper, stenographer or to do amanuensis work ot any kind. Address A. R C, Tribune office. CITUATION WANTED-BY A YOL'NO C man of 17: good education; work in store, office or sny kind cf light work. Address T. B., 1702 Price street, citv. -OUNO MAN (FO) W ITH OVER 10 YEARS' experience in the clothing nuainoss. wants situation in same line or anything else; go d references. Address "FRANKLIN," care this office. Medical. ADIKftt Chlche-tef'i English Pennyroyal PHi U (Piunon. ri), nre the Best. . rS,,ij laJin." t Lima ky Return Mali.,, ' Pmirwa Chkbasier Cbsmtaol Co., ThUoUa., Pa, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. O. EDQAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 618 Spruce street, Scranton, Fa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, KM PENN AVE. ; 1 to P. M.j call 1062. Din. of women, obstrelrlce and and all dls. of chll. . DR. A. J. CONNELL, OFFICE- Ml Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Frnncke'e drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine st Office hours: 10.J0 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4. and (.) to 7.20 p. m. Sun day, 2 to 2 p. m. DR. W. B. ALLBM, CI North Washington DR. C. L. FREY. PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; office, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, 628 Vine street DR. L. M. GATES, 12B WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, I to ( a. m., 1.80 to 1 and 7 to I p. m. Residence 209 Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON. RELIABLE 8KIN. Tumor and Cancer Specialist. Tuesdays nd Fridays, at tuJ Linden street Of fice hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR 611 LACK A wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Schools. SCHOOL OF THB LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re attest Opens September 10. H REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. MIS8 WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue, opens Bept s. Kindergarten 210 per term. Seeds, O. R. CLARK CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green hoes.. 1K0 North Main awe pus; store telephoa Ttt . Dentists. Da WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crown work. Offloa, la Washington av.nue. C C LAUBACH. STJROBON DONTMT. no. iu wypming avenue. R. M. BTRATTON. OFF1CB COAL B3t 4dutnga Wallace We AT 35c. All wool Tweed mixtures, Scotch Cheviots, regular 60c goods, 46-loch plain Serges and Henrietta worth 75c, all go at 35c a yard during this sale, and the style and colors are correct in cvtfry way. AT 50c. Here are Checks and Stripes la a doien different combinations, Silk and Wool Mixtures, Plain Serges in every desirable shade, Jacquard Suitings, Pop lins and the popular and serviceable Vigoreaux Cloths. The actual worth of this aggregation is from 85c, to J1.35 a yard. Bale Price, 50C SS&g&JSr ar ar - Lawyers. WARREN A KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, republican building, Washington avenue, Scran tonLl'a. . - iESSUPS ft HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law. Commonwealth Building, Washington avenue. W. H. JES3UP. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. PATTERSON ft WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices ( and I Library building , Scranton, Pa, ROSWELL H. PATTERSON. . WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common Wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 snd 21. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room L Cool Exchange, Scran ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY at-Law. rooms Hi, M and 65, Common wealth building. 8AMUELW. EDOAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office. 217 Spruce St.. Scranton. Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, O Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. URIB TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan in large sums at t per cent. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT Isw, Commonwealth building, Scran ton. Pa. C. COM EG YB, 321 SPRL'CE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOAN 9 negotiated on real estate security. 401 Spruce street B. F. KILL AM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton, Pa. JAB. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g. Scranton. J. U. C RANCK. 124 WYOMING AVS. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 24, 25 and 26, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT. OFFICB rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS hancock7jr., ARCHITECT 435 Spruce st, cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN ft MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, Price building, tn Washington avenue, Scranton. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Callender, Dun. Bank building. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'S music store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 120 Washington ave., Scran ton, l'a. FRANK P. BROWN ft CO WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms It and 20, Williams Building, opposite postofBce. A Kent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK tin avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., LAW. Eassengcr depot. Conducted on tha luropesn plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St and Irving Place, New York. Rates, 22.60 per day and upwards. (Amert can plan). E. N. AN ABLE. Proprietor. Mai Pioneer of tha hotel cen ter in New York city. Noted for Its superb loca tion, superior rooms ana excellent outline service; The Standard Hotel tor giving mutts) vi -uai iuh THB PRICE than any first-class hotel In h world. Facing Central Park. Nth and loth sts., Plata Square and Fifth avenue; reached oy any uptown cmrm, ana me erosstown cars at 60th at, which latter In tersect all surface and elevated roads: terminal staUon h ave. L road within half a . block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plana, Drinking .- -nil ic used is vaoorlsed and frosen on the premises, and fortified as to purity, by Prof; Chandlar. F. A. HAMMOND. THK WINDSOR lfrtTE NEW YORK. v-.,F,. ----- - ustva . iiTUhD-ri siivrn The Aomerleaa and Varepeaa tlaaa, Reeraa with Beard, $4.00 and upwards per day, linn wlthotrt Board, ft.50 aad upwards ae The emfatn a aad strvtea asson iil Ths Latss sad Moat Approved Seal tar Phuabing. - .wh? dsorrated and refsrmkiaea, Iv' .1 1 . t .