The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 20, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    '7. ,
The Need of Good
Roads Explained.;1
'. Costa as Much to Get a Ton of Wheat to
the Depot as to Haul It 400 Miles by Rail:
Some points from an address upon
"Roads," recently delivered at Union
college by Colonel Francis V. Greene,
deserve to be remembered. Colonel
Greene said In part:
"Considering roads, In the broadest
ense, as means of communication and
transport on land, and thus Including
railroads, common roads, and cMy
streets. It Is true now, as It has been for
three thousand years, that the degree
of civilization to which any people have
obtained la accurately measured and
Indicated by the condition of their
roads. Tou will naturally ask how It
la. If roads are so Intimately connected
with clvlllzatlon.that the United States,
which claims to be among the most civ
ilised nations lr the world, should con
fessedly have wads so bad that they
re Justly described as intolerable. But
the answer Is not far to seek. The
United States have the longest and
jest roads In the world. But they aro
In the formation of railroads, and the
construction of these railroads has ab
sorbed so much energy and capital that
there has not, until now, been time to
construct good common roads, nor has
the necessity for them been evident.
It 1s evident, ihowever, that there must
be a limit to the building of railroads,
and It would seem as If that limit had
been practically reached In certain
parts of the country. It is Impossible to
have a railroad leading to every farm,
although this rondltion Is closely ap
proxlmated In New Jersey, where, it Is
said, there Is no point in the state
which to more than seven miles from
railroad. Still the transportation prob
lem cannot be considered as satisfac
torily solved If tt costs as much to carry
a ton of wheat or potatoes to the rail
way station as It does to carry It 400
miles over the railroad. So that with
the practical completion of the railway
system In a large seotlon of the country
an agitation has sprung up In favor of
the Improvement of the comon roads.
Many Bad Common Roads.
, "We have an enormous number of
roads, in bad order for the most part.
Gen. Roy Stone estimates the total
length at iwmethlng over 1.300,000 miles.
These road have grown up regardless
of system or method, and for the most
part have been built without reference
to engineering principles. In Massa
chusetts the road expenditures, outside
of cities In 1893 were $1,136,944, or $66.30
per mile; In New Jersey $778,470.82, or
$43.24 per mile; In New Tork about
$2,500,000, or about $30 per mile. If the
average expenditure In other states was
only $18 per mile, the total for the en
tire country would be about $20,000,000.
It Is not too much to say that the
greater part of this sum produced no
useful result, and was wasted.
"The bad condition of the roads be
gan to attract widespread attention
something over ten years ago. Certain
elementary principles were evident at
glance, to wit: the price of farm pro
ducts Is fixed at the great cities or cen
tres of consumption and distribution,
and Is wholly beyond the farmer's con
trol, and the cost of transportation Is a
principal factor In determining his pro
fit, or the possibility of any profit. On
the railroads this has been reduced un
til It varl?s, according to bulk, from
one cent to four mills per ton per mile.
But the average roads are so bad that
a two-horse team and wagon, the value
of which to $3 per day, cannot haul a
ton of produce more than ten miles and
return In a day. The cost of road trans
portation is therefore 30 cents per ton
per mile, or about forty times as great
as the rate on the railroad. The aver
age distance from the farm to the near
est railway station Is at least ten miles,
so that it costs as much to get the
goods to or from the railroad station as
to carry them 400 miles on the cars.
' Ths Cost of Bad Roads. '
"It only needs to state these element
ary facts to show what an enormous
drain bad roads make on our resources.
It to evident that an Improvement in
these conditions Is Imperative, and the
remedy Is equally evident, for It "has
been proved, jiot only Iby mechanical
experiment, tout 'by actual test, that the
same force which draws one ton on a
muddy earth road iwill draw four tons
on a hard macadam road. On the Im
proved roads in INew Jersey loads of
four to Ave tons are habitually drawn
by a two-horse team. This effect! a
saving of fully three-lfourths of the cost
of hauling to the station, and reduces
the cost of road transportation from 30
cents to 7V4 cents per ton iper mile.
"What tMs savin amounts to may be
Imagined When It Is known that the
New Tork Central railroad carries
nearly 20,000,000 tons of way freight In
a year. If this is hauled only two
miles toy road to or from the station,
amd a saving of 22 cents per ton per
mile could fee effected, It would mean
a total saving of nearly $9,000,000.
"These figures may seem exaggerated,
but they will no longer appear so (when
we realize the savlfiijr actually accom
pliffhed by the reduction' In railroad
rates In the last twenty-five years. For
Instance, In 1869 the average freight
rate on the New Tork Central railroad
was 2 4-10 cents per ton per mile; In
1893 It was seven mills. Thin satvrnff on
the 'business of 1893 Is upward of $64.
00,000. This Is the result which has
been accomplished by the application to
the railroad problem of the highest
available taJent. In the .next twenty
Ave years the results accomplished on
the common roads are likely to fee as
remarkable as those achieved on the
railroads in the last twenty-five years.
Why Rosds Sbonld Bs Improved.
."But there Is another and hardly less
Important side, and that is the use of
the roads for health and pleasure; and
this appeals not so much to the farmer
as to the Inhabitants of cities. In New
Tork about 60 per cent, of the popula
tion lives' In cities, and in Massachusetts
69 per cent. In proportion as the urban
population grows, and possibly In still
greater proportion, the number In
creases of those who desire to escape
to the country for pleasure during a
part of the year. And nearly all coun
try pleasures and amusements are de
pendent In a greater or less decree on
the condition of the roads.
"The most extraordinary Increase
among those who find pleasure on the
road Is In the number of cyclists or
' wheelmen, ' and lately wheelwomcn.
Every wheelman Is a preacher, In season
. and out of season, of the gospel of good
roads, and they are not scattered and
disunited like the farmers, but they live
In cities, and are thoroughly organised.
They make their wishes known with
no uncertain sound In legislative halls.
' "The agitation for good roads thus
rests on two distinct bases, business, or
economy In transportation, and pleas
lira, It hat been In progress with ever-
Increaslng volume for more than ten
years. During that time, as Gen. Stone
has shown, 'sixteen states have passed
new road raws, and one has amended
Its constitution to permit the adoption
of such laws.' The general trend of the
legislation enacted in the sixteen states
is to provide that the road tax shall be
paid In money and not In labor.
"In states like New Tork and Massa
chusetts, where two-thirds of the popu
lation and three-fourths of the assessed
valuation of property Is In the cities,
the provision for state aid enables and
requires the cities to pay a share of the
cost, and this is manifestly 'proper,
since they share largely In the benefits.
The cost to the farmer, who derives the
greatest benefit, Is reduced to a baga
telle. General Stone states that in New
Jersey the annual road tax Is about ten
cents per an acre and the assessment
about four cents additional. In spite of
this small cost It Is a remarkable fact
that the Toad laws in New Tork, and
also In Pennsylvania, providing for Im
provement at the cost of the state,
under which three-fourths of the ex
pense would fall upon the cities, have
been defeated by the representatives of
the farmers.
Some American Examples.
"Union county. New Jersey, lies about
twenty-five miles souhtwest of New
York, contains about one hundred
square miles, and its population In 1889
was 72,467. Its main roads are thlrty-
five miles In k-ngth. A competent en
j glneer, F. A. Dunham, was appointed
to take charge of the work Improving
them. The width of the roads varied
according to the locality and the traf
fic, wltih a crown or rise In the centre
of twelve Inches. Of this width ten
feet had a telford foundation, fourteen
feet had McAdnm metal and two wlnga,
ten feet In width on each side, were of
"The road was first graded to Its ap
proximate form, and then the space of
ten feet In the middle was excavated
to a depth of twelve inches. This was
then thoroughly rolled in order to com
pact the earth on which the stone por
tion of the road was to be built. Next
the telford was laid. This consisted of
Irregular pieces of trap rock about 8x12
Inches on the under side, 4xS inches on
the upper side, and eight inches in
height. These were placed by hands as
close together as possible, and the spac
es In the surface were filled In with
spalls and smaller pieces of stone,
which were wedged Into the openings
as tightly as possible. A small amount
of fine trap screenings were then spread
over the telford for binding, and It was
then thoroughly rolled. The macadam
was placed over this In two layers
each of which was two Inches thick,
the first layer consisting of stone brok
en to one and a half Inches In size. Each
layer was finished wltih a small amount
of fine binding material, and then thor
oughly rolled with a ten ton roller, the
surface being kept constantly wet by a
sprinkling cart while the rolling was In
progress. After the stone road In the
middle was completed the earth roads
on the side were rolled and the road
was finished.
"These roads have given great satis
faction to all the residents In the coun
ty; they have been In use for several
years with very slight repairs, and are
still In excellent condition. They can
be maintained so with proper care and
at small cost for a long period. Tho
cost of tihese roads was a little more
than $8,700 per mile, and they may be
taken as a type of the most expensive
roads that It Is necessary to construct
anywhere outside of the boundaries of
cities and towns. In the southern part
of New Jersey the roads have been con
structed on a much smaller scale, the
width of the road being about twenty
feet and the metal portion only eight
feet, the telford foundation has been
omitted, and the thickness of the maca
dam reduced to eight Inches. The cost
of these roads has been about $5,000 per
Good Roads at Small Cost.
"In 'New Tork some excellent roads
have been built In the vicinity of Can
andalgua, where the towr bought a
stone crusher and steam roller. They
built macadam roads, consisting of a
crushed stone roadlbed a'bout eight feet
wide land nearly a foot deep in the
center of the turnpike some twenty
five to thirty feet In wldith, eloping
enough to shed 'the surface water, but
not too steep to drive on amy part of
It, at an expense of $400 to $700 per mile,
the smaller sum ini cases where the
stone had been contributed and drawn
into piles by the neighboring farmers
without expense to the town. "While It
is not possible to construct important
highroads In the vicinities of large cities
at any such rice as this, yet it is pos
sible to duplicate this work on ordi
nary country roads wherever the farm
ers are willing to co-operate. The plarnit
necessary for the purpose consists of a
portable tone crusher nd a steam en
gine, costing about $4,000, and a steam
roller coating about $2,500, or a total ex
penditure of $6,500. These should be
owned y the coun ty, and can be moved
to any place where the road building
or repairing la in progress. The broken
ston can, tin the majority of oases,
especially In the (Middle and Eastern
itates, be obtained from the fields. A
(large part of It Is already broken to the
proper size, at least for the lower course,
and the rent of It can be run through
the crusher at n- exense of about 20
cents per cubic yard. The cruh?r can
move along the road every night or
twice per week, thus reducing the haul
of the atone to and from the crusher
to a minimum.
"Long experience has ihown. that the
only form of durable road Is one made
with crushed stone. There has been a
difference of opinion among engineers
as to the necef4ty for the telford foun
dation, but the generally accepted opin
ion now Is that the telford should be
used, and Is worth more than It costs
or roida of heavy traffic. On roads of
light traffic It can be omitted.
Railroads Willing to Help.
"Gen, Stone of the. Road Bureau of
the Department of Agriculture has car
ried on a correspondence with every Im
portant railroad In the country, and he
has obtained answers from them which
Indicate not only a willingness but an
active desire on the part of all the rail
roads to cooperate to the fullest extent
In the improvement of the common
roads. Every one who travels over a
railroad must marvel at the enormous
numbers of empty freight cars which
he sees standing Idle as he enters and
leaves each town, '..The principal reason
for their tying Idle 4s the bad condition
of the common roads; It Is only during
certain months that ths farmers can
haul theln produce to the railroad sta
tions. If the roads were In such condi
tion that the farmers could deliver
their produce regularly, probably one
third of the rolling stock eould be dis
pensed with. The Information ob
tained by Gen. Stone makes It possibly
not only to determine at Just what
points in each state suitable road mate
rial can 'be obtained, but It chows that
the railroads are willing to transport
these materials at surprisingly low
figures; some of them are willing to
transport It free of cost, others at half
usual rates, others at actual cost as
nearly as caw 'be determined. General
Stone estimates that the average cost
of moving broken stone by railroads
would be about two mills per ton per
mile, or, In other words, a cubic yard of
broken stone weighing 2.800 pounds
could be carried 100 mMes for 28 cents,
or for the cost of moving it about one
mile on an average road by wagon. In
some portions of the country there are
tracts cf and no stone Is available.
Fairly good roads can be made In such
cases by mixing clay with the sand.
If clay is available, and then rolling
It. Some interesting cases are cited In
Wisconsin, where roads have been
made by uniting shavings with the
Tho Suceesof Gotham's Eleetrie I'nder
ground Railway Is Prophctlo of Transit
Changes Soon to Come.
The first practical electrical under
ground conduit railway in this country
la now In operation in New Tork city,
connected to the great cable-traction
system of the Metropolitan Traction
company. The public can now travel
from the Battery to One Hundred and
Forty-sixth street with one transfer,
from the caible car to the electric car,
at West One Hundred and Eighth
street. The underground electric sys
tem employed differs radically from all
other systems of electric underground
conduit railways both in the construc
tion of the conduit Itself and the method
of taking the current from the conduc
tors for the motors.
The introduction of this system uponi
the surface lines cf this city is the
result of the determination of the Met
ropolitan Traction company to give to
Now Tork a satisfactory electrical sys
tem of propulsion which would not be
the subject of that peculiar popular pre
judice which has acted to dobar It from
the (advantages of the overhead-troHey
system. Consideration of the question
resulted In the selection of a conduit
system designed and manufactured by
the General Electric company, and the
long stretch of road on Lenox avenue
was chosen as the scene of the experi
ment. Prepared for Emergencies.
In formulating the project the Trac
tion company proceeded upon the most
conservative lines, and determined to
reduce the consequences of failure to
the minimum of damage which would
Inevitably arlse from any stoppage in
the service. The 'plan therefore con
templated the construction of the line
as If for a caible road. In order that,
should the electrical system prove un
successful, the electrloal portion could
betaken out, and 'the cables ar,d pulleys
of a regular cable system Introduced
Into the conduit without loss of time
and at comparatively small expense.
The Lenox avenue line is a double
track road, starting at the car house at
One Hundred and Forty-sixth street
and running dlrectily south to One Hun
dred and Sixteenth street, into which It
turns and proceeds as far west as Man
hattan avenue. It turns here and runs
as far south ias OneHundredand Eighth
street, along which it Is carried to the
junction of that street and Columbus
avenue. The district which this line
will serve is at present somewhat
sparsely settled; but the facilities of
transit which It will afford will prob
ably result In the rapid development
of a new residence section for New
Torkers on both sides of the Harlem.
The power house Is located on One
Hundred and Forty-sixth street a few
yard'.? west of Lenox avenue. Steam Is
supplied from two Babcock & Wilcox
water-tube boilers to the horizontal
crops-compound horsepower Allls-Cor-llss
machines. To each of the engines
la coupled ai general electric 400 K.-W.
dynamo of standard construction, but
wound for 350 volts Instead of 000 vorts,
as Is the usual ractlce In railway work.
This machine Is placed between the
high and low pressure sides of the
From the generators the cables run to
the switchboard and thence to a subway
under the sidewalk on One Hundred and
Forty-sixth street, extending as far as
Lenox avenue, where they are Intro
duced into the five Inch Iron pipes run
ning parallel with the conduit. For the
present the line will be operated di
rectly from the power house, but feed
wires will probably be placed in tho
pipes and will be Joined to the con
ductor at the necessary point?, and the
line will then be divided up Into sec
tions. Simplicity Itself.
The construction of the underground
contact system Is simplicity itself. The
plough suspended from the car truck
pas'es through the slot In the center
of the track and presses against the
flat surfaces of two iron conductors
runr.iing the entire length of the con
duit. These conductors are placed each
three Inches on each tide away from
the center of the slot to avoid dele
terious effects of any dip which would
otherwise reach them, and are of chan
nel Iron four Inches deep and thirty
feet long. They are suspended from the
celling of the conduit by means of In
sulators devised for this especial pur
pose, and are at a depth of thirteen
Inches below the conduit slot. 'Each
conductor Is sufficiently rigid to require
suspension at the ends and centers, only.
The ends are located In the manholes
and hand holes are placed at the cen
ters, Inspection and repair are thus ren
dered comparatively easy.
A modification of this eyi'tem of sus
pension of the conductors Is Introduced
for a length of about one hundred
yards of single track on One Hundred
and Sixteenth street, between' Lenox
and Seventh avenue. A the manholes.
Instead of Insulators suspended from
the celling of the conduit, the conduc
tors are supported by a soapstone pillar,
provided with en iron cap furnished
with brackets, to which the conductor
are bolted, and continuous connection
Is secured by means of a band of flat
copper strips riveted to the webs. The
soapstone blocks are set In Iron bases
erected In the manholes.
In Caito of Aocldont. ..
Every twelfth mar.hole Is connected
with the power ' house by telephone.
Quick break electrki twitches are lo
cated at Intervals In these manholes, In
order that any section of the line may
be cut out in case of trouble or acci
dent. At the track switches each con
ductor is provided with a flaring nose
to facilitate the entrance of the plough
Into the conductors. The manholes lu
which the Insulators are placed are con
structed of brick with wails that rest
on concrete foundations. The floori are
laid with six inches of concrete and are
provided with drain for carrytrg off
water, wrtnoiis provision for drain
age no f yrom Water In the eon-
dult will. It Is believed, be experienced.
The conduit was built along the grade
of the street, but with sufficient pitch
to permit any water flowing Into the
conduit to find its way Into the man
holes, located every thirty feet, and
from thence Into the sewers.
The current does not return by means
of the rails as Is usually the case with
the overhead trolley. This Is a distinct
feature and advantage of the new sys
tem. Each conductor forms one side of
a working circuit. The current Is fed
Into the positive conductor and returns
over the other or negative conductor.
The current merely rises on one side of
the plough, passes through the control
lers Into the motors and after perform
ing its duty returns by the other side to
the opposite or negative conductor.
Essentially Novel Arranccmenta.
The plough or traveling contact ar
rangement Is also essentially novel. It
consists of two pieces of Iron, one on
each side of the plough, supported on
spring leaves, which cause them to press
outwardly agalnnt the two conductors.
The plough Is suspended from a longi
tudinal bar bolted to cross-beams set
upon the track, and 4s constructed of
two sheets of steel laid each one upon
a plate of fibre. The two sheets of fibre
are then brought together, enclosing
strip copper conductors connected at the
top to the motor cables, and at the
bottom riveted to two other pieces of
sheet steel. These run on each side of
the plough and serve as supports for
the hinges which carry the sliding con
tact pieces. A heavy sheet of fibre con
tinues downward and serves to sep
arate these contacts.
The motors employed are the standard
General Electric 800 machines, con
trolled by K2 controllers, and the cars
which are used on ' the line resemble
those used on the Broadway cable line.
They are lighted by nine Incandescent
lamps arranged In groups of three
This system seems to offer the best
solution yet discovered for electric
traction for city streets without Incur
ring any popular odium from what Is
called the trolley difficulty. It Is free
from the objectionable features charac
teristic of other methods attempted
elsewhere. Instead of a plough fitted
with wheels running under or over wires
strung in the conduit. Instead of any
of the other numerous and elaborate
expedients to secure a workable under
ground conduit electrical system, a Bur
prlsingly simple method of contact Is
adopted. This ne w system is cheap and
easy to install, can be kept In repair at
small cost, and can be Inspected without
The Introduction of this system In
New Tork, where the crying need for
rapid transit is almost equaled by the
determination not to admit the over
head trolley, Is only a start. Its satis
factory operation, safety and economy,
when compared with cable or horse
traction, will probably result In Its
general adoption upon the surface
roads, and another step toward real
rapid city transit will be made.
lie Is No Longer Regarded In Gotham a
Competent Art Critic.
Under the 'new order of things In New
Tork, writes the Gotham correspondent
of the Cleveland World, a great many
men are finding that they are not what
they used to be In matters of Importance
and Influence. Among these Is Anthony
Comstock, that Irrepressible hunter
after the immoral in art. Shocking to
relate, his mere word Is no longer to be
considered as conclusive evidence in
questions of the fitness of pictures to
adorn the walls of their owners. In
other words, the great Anthony baa
been Ignominlously "thrown down,"
amd by the excise board, where he used
to be considered an art authority.
Anthony stirred up the hornets' nest
by a raid on the saloon of his disting
uished fellow citizen, Steven Brodie.
There he found paintings to which he
had serious objections, and he forth
with posited off to the excise board and
demanded the revocation of Brodle's
lloense. To his horror. Commissioner
Woodman demanded that he produce
the offemdlng pictures before the board.
"I've seen them myself," paid Corn
stock, "and I tell you they are Immor
al. Is not my word enough?" "It Is
not," retorted the commissioner, "and,
furthermore, I take this opportunity to
tell you that I have a very poor opin
ion of your power to determine what Is
and what Is not Improper." That ended
the Interview, and Brodie still has his
The basin of Mr. Woodman's estimate
of Comstock's discrimination Is found
In the fact, as he afterward told me,
that the reformer came to him not long
ago with a similar complaint, bringing
the pictures In question, when the com
missioner found to his no small indig
nation that two of them were copies of
art works hanging In his own parlor,
where his wife and children could see
them at any time. That weakened his
confidence In Anthony, with the result
noted above. And there are excellent
citizens In New Tork wicked enough to
feel a liveily sense of satisfaction over
the matter.
Acordlng to the extremely truthful New
Tork Recorder, James Hudson, of Sknn-
eatcles, has a very knowing old horse
which loves him very dearly. James Is a
poor msn, and does not know Just how he
Is to manage the problem of llfo. The
other day he wbs out of work he is a
carter by occupation out of sorts and out
of spirits, and was lying flat on his bark
In the pasture where old Haldy was n'b-
bllng the scant grass. Presently the In
telligent animal came and nosed him until
he was compelled to get up. Then, gently
gripping his sleeve, Raldy led him away to
the middle of the field, where hn had
pa wed a deep hole under an old oak.
went down on his knees, and presently
drew forth, with a whinny of pleasure,
a broad golden coin, which he laid In
Hudson's lap. It was a Spanish doubloon
of very ancient mint. Hudson's gloom
vanished In a minute. Running to borrow
spade, he had presently unearthed a
strong box, heavy with gold. Old Rnlily,
unnb!e to lift the box with his teeth, had
gnawed a hole through the Iron-bound
cover and taken out a sample coin for his
master. With tears of gratitude stream
ing down his face, Hudson fell on Baldy's
neck and sobbed. He will never sell the
dear old horse. The value of tho treasure
is about $37,319.
"This won't do," said the general pas
senger agent, in annoyed tones to the mip
makr. "I want Chicago , moved down
hers half an Inch, so as to come on our
direct route to New Tork. Then take
Buffalo and put it a Utile further from the
You've got Detroit and New Tork on
different latitudes, and the Impression
that that Is correct won't help our road.
"And, man, take these two lines that
compete with na and make them twice as
crooked as that. Why, you've got one of
'em almost straight.
"'Yank Boston over a little to the west,
and put New York a little to the west, so
as to show psssengers that our Buffalo
division Is the shortest routs to Boston.
"When you've done all these things I've
said, you may print 10,000 copies but, say,
how long have you ben In the railroad buslr
nest, anyway?"
Gathered in the
World of Melody.
Quiet reigns In musical circles of the
city during the heated term and. In the
words of Solomon, there Is nothing
new under tha sun. The majority of
vocal and pianoforte Instructors of town
have practically closed their studios,
and the choir and tihorus leaders are, in
many Instances, seeking inspiration In
suburban retreats, where the songs of
the robin and bobolink are heard at
daybreak and the whippoorwIU sings
to the sleeping shadows at nightfall.
Many good things are promised in a
musical way, however, at the opening
of tihe winter season. The Lyric club,
undcr direction of Professor T. J. Da
vles, will be more active than ever In
adding laurels to their deserved repu
tation. The United choirs, under Pro
fessor John T. Wot kins, will be
strengthened for new victories; Profes
sor Richard Lindsay has several new
enterprises In view in the line of comic
opera by home talent, and the various
choir masters about-the city are already
on the lookout for novelties In church
music for Christmas and other special
occasions of festivity. The Symphony
orchestra, under the leadership of Pro
fessor Hemberger, will be reorganized
for active work In a few weeks, and
some excellent conceris will be glvn
during the winter. From present ap
pearances the coming musical season
will be one of the most enjoyable known
to the Electric City.
Miss Hortense Coyne, of Adams ave
nue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H.
Coyne, Is among the most promising
young sopranos of the city. Although
the fact is not generally known. Miss
Coyne's voice has developed to a
marked degree during tihe past few
months and has surprised her most
sanguine admirers. At a recent con
cert given at Visitation academy, Wash
ington, D. C, Miss Coyne's efforts were
highly appreciated and she received
favorable mention In the press of that
city. At the conclusion of her school
days at Washington it is probable that
Miss Coyne will complete her musical
studies at the New York or Boston con
servatories. II II II
OrganJst George B. Carter Is again In
the city, having returned from his two
weeks' vacation.
Professor Chance, the new organist
at the Second Presbyterian church, is
receiving instruction In New Tork, and
Is actively practicing preparatory to
assuming his new duties in October.
Professor Weedon, musical director at
the Second Presbyterian church, has
been enjoying a vacation at Preston
Pity the privations of the prima don
na! Here Is a story of dtfme. Patti,
Which may be appropriately enough re
called today. Once when she returned
from her dally drive, she was exceed
ingly thirsty, and asked IM. Nlcolini to
hive procured for her a glass of water.
Nlcolini was horrified. "What!" he
shrieked, 'iMa. mlgnonne1, you know
that you are going to sing tomorrow
night, and the water will chill your
blood. Oh, ir.o, I forbid water!" "Then
give me a taste of wine," pleaded the
thirsty Patti. "Wine!" roared Nlcolini,
"Ma mlgnonne, you are going to sing
tomorrow night, wnd you know that
wine will heat your blood. No, I can
not permit wlwe." 'Please cannot I
have something wet?" pleadod Patti
with parched Hps. Nlcolini pondered
long and deeply, and at length with his
own hands carefully prepared for the
great singer n. soothing draught of
The latest by Victor Herbert Is an
opera, "The Wizard of the Nile," which
on 30, will for the first time be pre
ented at Plttytmrg. The book is by
Harry B. Smith.
Nordlca Is 111.
Spusa Is writing a mnrrh.
Patti employes 100 servants.
Mancinnelll will not como to America
next season.
"Chatterton Is the name of Leon
cavallo's new opera.
The operatic version of Dumas' "Femme
de Claude" will not be given until the
Juan Valera's "Pepita Jlmlnez" has
been made Into an opera, the music by
Scnor Albenjz.
Lill Lehmann and her sister, who Is also
a vocalist, are expected In this country
in September.
Mme. Bembrlch, who has been engaged
by Messrs. Abbey and Grau for next sea
was originally a prodigy planiste and
Psderewskl's recent recital In London
brought $5,435 In ticket sales, the largest
amount ever taken in at one piano recital
in that city.
Atherton Brownell, editor of the Boston
Home Journal, Is writing a tragic opera.
The scene of the opera is laid In Marble
head, Mass.
Humperdlnck's new opera, "Tho Wolf
and the Seven Kids," Is about finished.
Tho libretto Is arranged by the composer's
sister, Frau Wette.
An opera railed "Tlz.mello, for which
Big. Manclnelll wrote the music, has been
produced recently with success at the
National Theatre In Rome.
Saint Baens has composed the lust two
acts for a grand opera, "Kredegonde,"
of which his friend, Ernest Gueraud. had
written the first two at the time of his
Frau Wagner Is busy completing for
next season the arrrangements to cele
brate the twentieth nnnlversury of tho
Inauguration of the Bayreuth Festspiel
haus. "Rhelngold," directed by Hans
Kk'hter. Is said to be the opera on the fes
tival day.
It Is stated by one who knows Paderew
skl Intimately that the length of his hnlr
Is always graduated according to the
countries he visits. In sober, classical
Germany his hair Is quite short; In
France a little longer; England Is treated
to a still further . display, while In
America the longest period Is reached.
It Is a fact that his hair In England Is
much shorter than It has ever appeared
In America.
The musical season of 1895-96 will not bo
lacking In pianists. Among others, Mnr
tlnus Bleveklng will come to this country
In the fall, and will probably make his
debut In New York. He Is a Hollander by
birth, coming from an old and aristocratic
family which dates Its ancestry back to
the fifteenth century. From his earliest
Infancy he displayed characteristics In
dicative of his future career, being a man
of magnetic temperament and striking
i The youngest prima donna In America,
and ' probably In the world, is Louise
Moore. Although but II years of age, Miss
Moore has appeared In more operas dur
ing the past season than, any anger on
Interesting Notes About Famous
Musicians at Home and Abroad.
the boards. Bhe has been on the stage
two years and has a repertoire of forty
operas. Miss Moore Is a pretty blonde.
and possesses a sweet voice, together with
actlug ability of no mean order. She has
had several offers for next season. Dra
matic Mirror.
Mme. Georglne von Jahuschofsky will
be Mesrs. Abbey and ' Grau's dramatic
prima donna for their German perform
ances at the Metropolitan Opera House
next season. She will sing Isolde, the
Bruenhlldes, Fldello, Elisabeth andOrtrud
In German, and also Alda, Valentine,
Donna Anna. Ortrud, the Counters In the
Noxze dl Figaro. Leonore in II Trovatore
and Michaela In Carmen In Italian. Mme.
von Januschofsky has not been heard In
this country for some time, having for the
last two years been dramatic prima donna
at the Imperial Opera House in Vienna.
It Is announced that during the past
year the London Missionary society's col
lections from Wales have increased by
over 14,000. -
George 'Meredith, the novelist, who
claims to be of Welsh descent, has of
fered a prize for the best essay on- Welsh
literature, to be competed for at the forth
coming eisteddfod at Llunelly.
It Is said that Valley of Aberdare, 150
years ago, wan so healthy that people
could not die there, and were obliged to
go to Merthyr when tired of living. This,
no doubt, accounts for the former place
having been populated yars before the
A traveler who visited Aberystwyth in
1737 described the town as a populous
place, enriched by the coals and lead which
vere found In Its neighborhood, but very
dirty, black and smoky, and he fancied
that the people looked as If they lived con
tinually In the coal or lead mines. What
would that traveler say it he could revisit
Aberystwyth now?
Frederic Griffith, the eminent flutist,
lea Welshman of whom Wales Is proud.
He Is making great strides In his profes
sion. On Wednesday night he gives an
Invitation flute recital at tho Royal Acad
emy of Music. A high-class programme is
arranged. Senor Manuel Gomez, the clar
lonettist, and Septimus Webbe, the
pianist, will take part In the performance.
A feature of tho programme is a sonata
for flute and pianoforte by Frederick the
Great, whose compos tlons were not In
tended for publicity. Frederick the Great,
like our Frederic, was a fine flutist.
A communication has been received from
D. Res, mayor of East London, (Cape
Colony), offering to become a guarantor
for fioo In connection with Llanelly na
tional eisteddfod, and promising to sail at
once for the old country to be present at
the event. Mr. Rees Is an old Llanelly
Gomcr John, Pontypridd, supplements
Cyrch a Chwta's quotations in "Welsh
Gossip" realliteratlon with the following
from Tennyson:
Whatever record leaps to light
He never shall be shamed.
Both in Evidence.
The bright, ambitious mercury 1
Is heated to a cherry red,
And the butter and the summer girl
Are beginning now to make a spread.
"Indianapolis Journal.
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Baaj'a mgh KspfesWe
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oe or uium.
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Oknlawa Bastaeae Wages ReMlrlns Bom
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