$ - -V. THE SCBAXTOX TRrBTTNTS WEDKT58DAT MORNING. JULY 10, 1893. 0(ip Neighbors Douto the Ualley, Wallace THE c V lll J " i. WILKES-BflRRE. The Tribuae has opened a branch of He at No. n. Lanlng buUdinsr. Publio Square, Wllk-Barre, tor tho transaction of .business. Tne publishers. rropoa to end tho circulation of The Tribune In Wilkes-Barre and) (unrounding towns, ' and to that end will present a very com- lete department of Luserne county news, 'or aucooaa la thla undertaking depemt enee la placed solely upon tho superiority of Tho Tribune a a purvtyor of all tne mwi of tho day domestic, foreign, loc'ii. commercial aad financial. Tho funeral in terests of tho poopla of Wllkee-Hnrre ami the Wyoming- valley will have in The Trib une an earnest advocate, editorially 1 otherwise. It Is the purpose of the pt llshere to Issue a newspaper as valuable to the femoral public as the metropolitan dallies, and deliver It to the pcopl throughout northeastern Pennsylvania from three to five hour earlier than the Philadelphia and New York purer tan reach them. . COUNCIL MEETS. ? -A Lot of Baalaeas Transacted at tho July , Meeting. At the regular July mcetinir of the city council last evening there wore present Messrs. McQourty. Catna, Wrteht. Carpenter. Boyle. French, WlrkendalL Rentlehuber. Myers, Smith. Baur. "Welles, R. W. Williams and Harvey, president. After calling to order by Mr. Harvey, the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read, and business was tra;i3a.'ted as follows: The finance committee submitted an ordinance reducing the city and s'nl: lng fund taxes from twenty mill to eighteen mills, providing for the pay ment of $12,505, a portion of one year's . Interest on the city bonds and paying ' S7.125 toward the interest on the funic 1 debt of the city. The ordinance passe J on first reading. The fire department committee of fered the following resolutions: Time Henry Shepp be appointed drlvor Xo. 7 liosa cart, vice Jacob Fritz, re signed; that the devirtment be au thorized to purchase a hose wa?ou for a sum not to exceed $350; that Mart'n Gotthold be appointed a member of Hook and Ladder company. No. 6. Tuo resolutions were adopted as road. Ths law. and ordinance committee submitted an ordinance granting Fiin nie Tu Marks permission to erect the building at the corner of the square and South Hain street. The ordinance was pawed on first reading. The police committee recommended that Officer Edward Fallon be fined 320 for being found asleep on his beat: that Officer James Nesbltt be find 130 for three charges, not being on beat, Intoxicated white on duty and not answering roll call. The resolutions were adopted as read. " The printing committee reported bids from the Record and Times, and ac cepted the bid of the Record. The Newsdealer was designated as the pa per in which the additional advertising is to be done. The report was adopted. . Tho public property committee re ported' that a new lockup would cost $30,000. and the financial condition of the city would not warrant the ex penditure of such a sum. The commit tee therefor reported tint Lawrence I aiyrs, wn ( .T 11 fln thu' Myers, who had purchased the oid dveOered the city the use of thittio!kwlng conditions: First, that the ! fy postpone lis claims against him for, ths balance of purchase money, u'tttll Airil 1. 180S: that the city pay all taxes, pay him $23 for repairs, make all necessary repairs to the property, d liTeryto him April 1. ISM. free from all liens and charges; pay him Interest on $1,443.75 from May 5. UK, to April 1, 18W. . The committee recommended that the proposition be accepted, to which council agr?. " The 'street committee submitted an ordinance closing up Dam place from the r;rese-!K termicus to ths tracks of the Mew Jersey Central R'tilroad com pany. The ordinance passed three read ings. She rules being suspended at the request of Mr. Kirker.dail and Jlr. Reutlehuber. The street committee also submitted an ordinance directing the paving with vitrified brick and curbing of Cinder ella street to Ash street, and Ash street from Cinderella street to Main and fix ing the grade. The ordinance passed three readings. The same committee submitted the following report: On petition of L. Gibbons for damages to property on Prospect street. In the mesative; on resolution Instructing the Lehigh Val ley Railroad company to repair bridge over Scott street The company Is in structed to erect safety oftConyngham Avenue, where the railroad crosses the street; that the street committee to ad vertise for propoaIs for paving with sheet asphalt Northampton street from Main street to Lehigh Valley railroad' . tracks; that the property owners on - Scott street, between Laurel and Conycgham, be directed to lay flag- . stone sidewalks; that the street com ; m'.ttee be directed to have the house of Mrs. Mary MoCarty, on an alley in the Sixth ward, 'raised t0 the street grade; on- acoepting Hillard street as a public highway of the city, In the negative. Resolutions were offered as follows: Mr. Bauer: That a surface drain be constructed on Stanton street; between North Empire and Haitle; that a public , sawer be constructed on Hasle street, fc st wean Dana, and Stanton; that a pub lic sw?r be constructed on Grant street .between South and Lehigh. Mr. - Flaherty: 'That public sewers be con structed, on Maple street, between , Franklin and Main: and on Kulp ave nue, between Franklin and Main. Mr. Fteneh:. That sidewalks be laid on , High 'street, " between Stanton and Blackman streets; that a naptha lamp be placed on Blackman street, naar the . city line. Mr. Smith: That the pro- , prJety of amending Motion 2 of the city ordinance entitled' Police, so as to pro- . vide for the appointment of a chief, - BeTeatnt and the patrolmen, be referred to the law and ordinance and police committee and , city attorney. (Mr. Rrtlehuber: That a gas lamp be lo- cefed on Barney street, between Wood arid Lockhart streets. . Warrants aggregating $22,220.97, in payment of city expense, were ordered - drawn. ; Council then adjourned. ' Sqnsssad MtaeMhWs. , ':';''' J"oii Greenfield, Jr., f Wyoming, was badly squeesed between two cars at o ths Alakby mine . yesterday. His In vtirisa at serious, tint not necessarily : fitui.-, , - . r"'0 "'to fcvloense. - :' frIailUoDoiafmM, the old nan accused'' of a eeefpt aassailt m little ft-yearl vea u ss South ; Wllhee-Barr lati r"erly afternoan, was riven a And ? - -Eg before the mayor yesterday " "end ciseiHuwea from cuabod , - t ! v't fctm was of th 1 ( ..-t c 1 beyond ehowln r f r M l tsareseed the Hi- Some of the best citizens of the town testified in his behalf, end be keenly felt the disgrace heaped upon him. The charge was preposterous In the ex treme and was made without the slight' est evidence to warrant It. IN POLICE CIRCLES. Chief Brieia Reports ths Work of His Men liurinc June. At the regular meeting of the city council last evening Chief ot rouce Brlggs made his report of work done by the police in June, as follows: Arrests 1SS: males, HJ; females, 16; married. 6: single, 103; minors, 11. The nation alities of the arrested ones were as fol lows: American. 97: colored, 15: Eng lish. 1; Germans, 13: Irish. 17; ItalUn, 1; Polish. Si: Polish Jews, 4; Scotch, 1: Swedish. 1: Welsh 3. The offenses ' committed were: As rault eril battery, 59: assisted home drunk. 10; building without permit, 1; nuifance. S: committed to jail, 30; drunk. 29; drunk and disorderly, 12? disorderly, 21: disorderly house, 1; de sertion. 2: diifchnrsinfr firearms, 2; fast driving. 2: flffMir;;. 15: frequenting bawdy houses, 2; Interfering with offi cers, 3; Indecent language, 5; exposure, 1; larceny, 9: lost children restored, 11: ran"cioi:s mischief, 2; open Sunday. 1; U'wdu.'fs. 1: resisting cfileer, 2; robbery, 1; so'.!!:,? impure food, 2; eliootlng to kill. 1; trespass, 1: threats, 2; vugrar.'ts, 43. There were nine fl.-cs extinguished withoi't alarm, and five that required the services of the department. Amount of stolen property restored, $26.27; taken from person and restored, $310.37. .MR. DICK ROBBED. Kciridenca of Iloston Store Proprietor Is KansauVed by Burglars. The iKirrarceton residence of Alcx-a-ier Dick, of tha Boston store, was broken into at 9 o'clock yesterday tr.ornlnit and thoroughly ransacked. Two m-n were noticed prowling about t:o yard duvlr.g the morning, axil at 9 o'elok neighbors noticed them coming out of th house. The men were dressed In black suits and wore white shirts. An aUrm was given and Mr. Dodd, of the Bo:oa store, partner of Mr. Dick, ser.t for. Mr. Dodd arrived at 10 o'clock ar.d found that the whole house had beer.- ransacked, drawers and ev erything were pulled out and things were strewn about the floors. It cannot be ascertained what has been stolen until the Dick family re turn from Atlantic city. The burglars secured a entraroe by forcing in the door of the laundry. THREATS IN COURT. Arthur Sajre Was Saucy and Was Placed I'nder Heavy Hall. Authur Sayre, formerly a boarder at the La Pierre hotel, on North Main strest, this city, was before the mayor yesterday mornine charged with lir ceny, defrauding a boarding-house keeper, and making; threats. Ha wa very saucy in court, and threatened, be fore the mayor, to get square with the prosecutor. He was required to give $100 bail for larceny and for defraud ing boarding-housekeenr. and Ir.rm f,-.- threats. He was unable to furnish the hall required and went to Jail. . City Finances for June. The report of Citv Treasurer Tiumi. was filed last evening with, the city council. It Is as follows: General ac count, receipts. $123.27: dlahnracTnont. $U.05i.S6; due treasurer, $8,321.71. Ceme tery account, receipts, mZi disburse ments, $36.92; balance. $.2l. Tnrw. account, receipts, $133; disbursements, $3,2..-0. Sinking fund, due treasurer, o.ouo.ai; Que City, I16,98924. BRIEF NOTES. The fire at 2 o'clock vesterdsv mnm. lng was cauid by a bunch nf nnr.nl. decing rags in an old freezer In an lee cream parlor on Hazle street. No damage was done. James O. Blake, formerly hookkeorwr in the Miners' Savines bank, has re signed and will go Into the rfeal estate and insurance business with W. F. Tebbetw, of Nantlcoke. The firm wlli have offices In Wilkes-Barre, and Nan tlcoke. Watson Toittn, of this rttv. will take his running horse. Bella and Flor- ence I, to Northumberland today to run them- against two Binghamton horses for $100 a side. Major W. O. Coolbautrh went to Mount Gretna yesterday to make the final arrangements for the Ninth's an nual camp there. The boys leave for camp on July 18. Dr. Young, vice-president of the State Ijenta' society, left yesterday to at tend the meeting of this organization at Kagleemere. The Traction, company will open Its Du.'yea line this morning. The new line will necessitate no change In the Pittston cars from Wilkes-Barre. George Gaines, the well-known dray man, will give his celebrated lecturo or: "Marriage" at Zlon African Meth odist Epl"Tal church this evening. John Barberup, of Miner's Mills, was a? rested yesterday and committed to J.ill for trying to defraud his creditors by selling his goods and preparing to leave the town. The Oratorio society will run their ex cursion 1o Mountain Park this even ing. A good musical programme has been nrranrjed. Now that Jim Norrls has come back, clothed and in Ms right mtnd, Mr. Boyd, of the ?ews-Dealer, offers him all the space he can consume in telling what he knows about the court house con tract. As the time draws near for the dele gate elect'r.ns, more candidates for office are appearing. Deputy Sheriff ny WKESSOfV WHITE Henry Brenntr has given It out that he is a candidate for the Democratic aoav (nation fr.r sheriff. Senator Quay left thla city at 14 o'clock yesterday morning for Phila delphia. Clothesline thieves are striking terror to the hearts of the housekeepers of Edwardsvllle and Larksvllle. . Brennan & Wuid's team ran away yesterday and en rd up in a cellar that te being dug. The driver escaped by Jumpimr. The hi: res were uninjured. Paddy Burke, of Plains, says he will light neddy" Connolly to a finish, .'f the hitter si cVircs. and wants him to nut at the Sxt-bargo hotel tomorrow evening, to complete arrangements. Edward Kapson, who ran away from home lur.t tooday, has been found by Ma father in Ihlladtlphla and brought lorn. Charley Traver'a new paper. All The News, came out yesterday for the first time. It Is a, spicy paper and con tains some interesting reading for Traver's old enemy, Colonel Orr. The lightning in yesterday's storm ret fire to a barn at Honey Pot, owned by Charles Dletrick. The building was burned to the ground and a number of cows injured by the falling timbers. Frank Brlggs, the painter hurt by th fall of a ladder on Monday, is in bad shape and a consultation of physi cians decided that amputation of the left foot, which is badly crushed, may be necessary. Captain DeWMt. of the Humane so ciety, has had two severe convulsions, and another one. It L thought, will prove fatal. Olin Spencer, of the Bennett farm dairy, died yesterday morning after a severe lllnees of two weeks. The f untral of Charles M. Labor took place yesterday afternoon at the house, with interment In Hollenback cemetery. The handsome new office car of Su perintendent Alexander Mitchell, ar rived in this city yesterday. It Is one of the finest cars on wheels. The funeral of George Mulhearn. re cently killed on th railroad at Jersey City, took place Trom St. Mary's church yesterday morning, with a re quiem mass. Rev. Father Broderlck being celebrant AVOCA. Miss Aa Webster Is visiting friends In Bichmondale. (Miss Jennie Newlln returned home yesterday after spending a week with friends Im Plains. .Mrs. Frank Sanders amd children, who have been visiting for the ast few months In this place, left Monday for Ouray. Colo. They were accompanied by her father-ln-law. Henry Sanders, who In.tends to reside 'there perman ently. Miss Mame Kearney 19 visiting friends in Pittston. A cable message from William Law announces his safe arrival on the other side of the water. The contract for the erection of P. F. Dever's building, on Malm street, ha been awarded to Davis Bros,, of Scran ton. Fred Flock, of Newark, N. J., and. Miss Emma Read, of Blalrstown, N. J are the guests of Mrs. M. A, Flock. The contract f6r furnishing refresh ments at the Langcllffe and Mooslc Presbyterian Sunday schools excursion to Lake Ariel, on July 26, has been awarded to Langdoni & George. Mies Agnes Morahan , is visiting friends ln Pittston. Miss Uresa Kelfer, of Dupont, is visit ing friends In Plains. Charles Ready, of New York city, and Miss B. McDonald, of Archbald, are guests of MIes Ella O'Malley. J. J. Keegan left today for Plymouth, to accept a position as coal Inspector for the Plymouth Coal and Iron com pany. Clarence and Lisle Holllster have re turned home after a two weeks' trip on their wheels. TAYLOR. Miss May Morris left yesterday for a week's stay at Lake WInola. A trolley party, consisting of Missel Maggie Whlteford, Jennie and Rebecca Davis, Bertha Rees and Messrs. Wil liam Davis, Oliver Williams and Wll lard Atherton, enjoyed a ride to Provi dence last evening, and spent the eve ning at Miss Mame Thomas'. An Ice cream and cake social will be held at the Welsh Baptist church this evening. Editor Moran, of 'the Herald, who has been in New York for several days past, has returned home. A regular business meeting of the Christian Endeavor society of the Methodist Episcopal church was held last evening and in conjunction with It an interesting literary and musical pro gramme was furnished. , A dance was held in Taylor ball last evening. Suit has been brought against ths borough and the Traction company by property holders residing on South Main street for alleged damages to their properties, oaused by the recent grading done. The papers were filed In Prothonotary Pryor's office by Wit son & Zimmerman, attorneys. The complainants are: James Shea, An thony Lydon, Dr. J. 8. Porteut, John J. Price, William D. Phillips. Casper Weible, William P. Evans and Robert Moore. Theopolls Davla and Jane Lewis left yesterday morning for a trip to Wales. A number of Providence people will also sail on the same steamer. WYOMING, Among those ifrom here who Joined the excursionists to Boston were H. D. Laycock, Dr. and Mrs, A. C. Shoe maker, , Mrs. Frank Hughes, of Scranton, and her sister, Mrs. Ellen Weldon, of Rail way, N. J are the guests of Mrs, Martha Chapln, of Wyoming avenue. Harry A. Dally, of Wilkes-Barre, was a caller In town last evening. Miss Hellen Broad and Mrs. J, W. Fox, of Wilkes-Barre, were callers here yesterday. Miss Mary Cook, of Bloomsburg, la visiting her uncle, C. W. Stiff, onj Monu ment avenue. Colonel H. A. Laycock It at Lake Bhawanese, the guest of bis son Harry, who Is camping there. J. M. Stark was visitor to Pittston yesterday. Miss Julia Emlgh, of West Pittston, palled on friends here yesterday, , . John Drake, sr., while working en his new bouse on Fourth etreet Monday afternoon, fell from the building and was seriously Injured. The cottages at the Wyoming Camp grounds are dally being oooupied. No cooler nook; no purer Atmospheres no healthier surrounding, visit Wyoming Oamp; tarry there if you wish to be oool, htaitby and happy, u ...... i.. PITTSTON. rThe Ptttstoa effloe of the Scranton Tribune naa been opened by 11. W. Cruser. agent, at No. I Williams street, where con tribution of news, complaints of non-delivery, orders for Job work of all deaerlp tlona, should be addressed and regular subscriptions received. Advertising and subscription rates cheerfully submitted.) A second survey has been made by the Erie and Wyoming Valley Railroad company as to the route that would be most advisable from the foot of No. 2 plane to their main line on Broad street hill. The new line will be run from the Broad etreet station, near Cork Lane, down through the ravine, known as Tunnel street, connecting with the branch from No. T Junction, at the freight house on Broad street. The proposed new depot will be erected near the opening of No. I shaft. The proposed changes will bring the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad nearer and much more convenient to the peo ple of Pltston, as all trains will be run over the new line Instead of backing in from No. 7 Junction, as they now do. Harry Sax and Barney Mooney were arraigned before Burgess Bennett, of the West Side, yesterday afternoon. The charges preferred against SU were drunkeness and disorderly conduct, and using obscene language on the streets of the borough, to which he entered a plea of not guilty. By statements of Chief of Police Williams and Constable Smith, he was found guilty. A fine of $5 and costs, $2, was imposed, which he was not able to pay, so was given five days in which to meditate. Mooney hails from Hughestown, and pleaded guilty of drunkenness, of which he was charged. He was fined $1 and costs, $2; being unable to pay he was given three days in the borough lockup In which to repent. The charge of cruelty to ani mals will probably be brought against them later. The museum of anatomy, for men only, will be opened this evening at 7.30, at No. 37 South Main street. It Is one of the finest exhibitions of Its kind (wax figures) ever exhibited here. Admission, 15 cents to all parts. A free outside attraction each day. Open dally from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Boys under 16 years of age not admitted. Miss Cora Palmer, of Northumber land. Is the guest of Mrs. W. E. Snyder, on Philadelphia street. The cheapest excursion! of the season will be that of the Washington lodge, 491, Patriotic Order 8ons of America, of West Side, to Farvlew Monday, July 29. Train leaves Lehigh Valley station, Water street, at 8 a. m. Round trip ticket, 75c, children, 40c. From Avooa and Intermediate points, 70c, children, 33c. Connect with D. ft H. at Wilkes Barre. George Phillips, of the Electric City, was a visitor In this city yesterday. F. H. Stephens, of Wilkes-Barre, was In town on business yesterday. The excursion of the Christian. En deavorere to the Boston convention left yesterday morning over the Le high Valley railroad. The following from this place accompanied the excur sion J. C. Manning, Herbert H. Bush, Bessie Stairbach, Jennie McMath. Nell Dobble, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Craw ford, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Daniels, Rev. D. M. George, Alice Qulnn Elvira Daniels, Mrs. Will Price, Mrs. Cather ine Anthony, B. J. Evans and Frank Coward. The excursionists will arrive In Boston at 9 o'clock this morning. Pittston champions took a game from the Tritons at Tunkhannock yesterday afternoon. Ten Innings were neces sary, as Pittston made a few wild throws In the first Inning. Pittston was victorious by a score of 8 to 7. .Manager Feeney's team is playing ball, and will be qualified1 to enter the State ague next season.. Plymouth and West Pittston teams of the Trt-County.league will cross bats at Exeter Fair grounds this afternoon. On Saturday evening last C. Rv Will iams, the enterprising Insurance agent, of this city, was united In marriage to Miss Fanny Manning, of Mlllville, Co lumbia county. The ceremony was pertormed by Rev. H. C. Monroe, at his home In Mlllvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Will iams returned to this city Monday. Notices have been posted in con spicuous places about the borough of West Pittston, cautioning bicyclists against disobeying the borough ordin ances. Pittston Business Dlreetorv. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBINO CALL on Wright ft Co., 97 South Main street. A new range for sale or sxohange; also second-hand household goods, bought or sold. A METEOROLOGICAL DOG. The mysterious prescience which some animals seem to have of changes in weath er conditions Is sometimes put at the ser vice of man. Bentley Whitman, a Kansas farmer, was greatly aided In his profes sion, says the New Tork Recorder, by a meteorological dog, a cross of collie and setter. Benjy that's the dog had only three legs and was blind of one eye, but he was dearly loved. For twenty hours preceding a rainstorm Benjy carried Ms tall curled between his legs. When the weather is "set fair," the tall curled over his back Jauntily, and ,f there was reason to apprehend high winds or storm, he used to wag his tall exoltedly and lay near the door of the cyolone cellar, whin ing. Some miscreant, having a grade against Whitman, one night cut oft the dog's eloquent tall. Benjy was over whelmed with grief, and after a month of repining, during which time a number of disastrous weather changes came unher alded, finding that he could no longer be of service, Benjy deliberately committed iiloide by knocking a bottle of bootleg whisky off the table and lapping it up from the floor as it escaped from the broken bottle. Public Sal. N OTIC IB HEHKBY GIVEN THAT there Will be exnosed is nubile alt ai we armiration room in e eonrt nous in tne oity of Horanton, on Monday, Jqljr 16, 1HUJ, at 10 o'eloab a. m., the following property of the Olrpbanl Trust eompsny, vis: Four first mertgase bonds of the Olyphent Water company, of $M each, bearing per cent. Interest, No, at, ai. It and W: two first mortgage bonds of ths Oonnamers' Water eompsny, of Montrose. Pa., of Uf eanh, bear las 4 per sent. Interest, Noe. 6$ and Mi. . f Sue bonis will at sold for essh to the highest bidder. JOHN P, KKLLT. Assignee of the OlysBsnt Treat Oo. Boarders) Wanted. WANTRO BOARDRRS, BY MRS. WIT TICII, oa a (arm near Lake Ariel. Ad dress MRS. JOHN WITTIOH, Ariel. Pa. Rooms Wanted. WA K T KD-rU KN I H 1 0 ROOM, f RO N T, Wyoming or Asanas area too block. W. R. If. Tribune onve, Maclleol..., IADlsMfCNckMtsr IsfjlnV hmmfim LEADER Our new store, at 124-126 Wyoming avenue, formerly occupied by Gorman's Grand Depot, and which will be known as THE LEADER, will be opened to the public next Saturday morning, July 13. We have purchased the en tire stock of Mr. Gorman, and while that would be considered plenty for an ordinary dry goods store, it was not near large enough nor varied enough for THE LEADER. We went to New York, and as it was practically the end of the dry goods season there all the stores taking stock and not doing any more busi ness the jobbers and manu facturers were glad enough to sell us an immense stock at a good deal lower figure than even the largest of the large New York stores got their stock for earlier in the season. We got these goods so cheap, in fact, that in almost every instance we can afford to sell goods for less money than the average firm bought theirs for a couple of months earlier. We are going to do our best to give the people of Scranton and vicinity a really first-class dry goods, fancy goods and millinery establishment our bnsiness experience has all been with the large New York houses, and we propose to transact our business upon broad-guaged Metropolitan principles. Politeness is a great thing in the dry goods business in fact the people demand it and must have it, and will not patronize a store whose em ployes are not obliging and painstaking, Our employes will be found to be highly effi cient and polite we. will not have any who are not. Any one who visits our store, whether as customers or mere ly to look around and see what kind of a store we have, will be assured of marked at tention on the part of every one of our employes. This is a point we will insist on. In short, we are' going to have a strictly modern dry goods store, with new goods, new methods, new ideas and painstaking with all our cus tomers. In consequence of the late ness ot the season our mil linery stock will not be complete until fall. What ever stock of summer mil linery wc now have on hand will be sold at 25 cents on the dollar. Our new store, THE LEADER, will be opened to the public on next Saturday morning, July 13. ' The general public is cor dially invited to attend and inspect our mammoth stock. LEBECK &C0RIN 124-126 t- . , WYOMING AVENUE ' SCRANTDj PA We offer for a few days our entire stock of Ladies fine SHIRT WAISTS former prices of which have been $2, $a.5o and $3, AT THIS IS AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. We also offer, to close out, about twenty-five Ladies High-class Silk Waists former prices were from $7.50 to $15 at HALF PRICE. r t m Hade of the very latest wash materials, correct .In style, fit and workmanship, at attractive prices. 4 CONNOLLY & WALLACE, Gil A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS C06T THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOB, IN AD VA NCR. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHAUGK WILL BB LE98 THAN 26 C12NT8. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. l)UOTTcKETAOE X nuin cun loam t a fine pos tion by ad ilressiiiif WILLIAM U. I'LATl, 73U Elm strMt, Caniclm, N. J. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN eyery town to solicit stock subscrip tion,; a tnonoimty; biir money fur agents; uo cujiitnl rp(uirI. EDWAKDU. FISH CO., Borden Block, Chicago, 111. OALE8MEN - RESIDENT SALESMEN (J whiiUmI, acquainted with the local uud nearby druri and tfrocury trade, to handle our line ot liltili rrailv clears. Address, giriuir refiTHncfs, J. EDWARD COWLES Co., 143 Chambers tret, N. Y. Help Wantad Females, WANTED-M1DDLE AGED WOMAN AS cnok in hot 'l ; suitable salarv. Address, with rofereucea, Box 10o. Plymouth, Pa. w ANTED-GJRLS TO (EARN DRESS- m ikiuj. MRS. TRIPP, if Adams ave- W ANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENEB- ' vt'.o falwomin to reprosnt na, Guaranteed f!i a dny without inti-rferiuff with other duties. Ht al'tlif il occupation. Write for particular, inclminir stamp. Mango Chem ical Company, No. 72 John street. New York. Wanted To Rent OFKICSS IN COMMONWEALTH BU1LD inir; one anite. 4 rooms, 2 vaults; throe suites. 2 rooms, with vault in each; pngaeasinn Auuuxt 1. Inquire room, W and '20, Common wealth iluildiUK. WANTED-BY JULY 4, AN OFFICE AND two rooms (or light housr-keeping; un furnished; answer soon, atatinu terms. DR. E 7.1EOLEK BOWER. Delta, York County, Pa, For Rent. 1.H'RXIKHE! COTTAUE AT OCEAN ' Ornvc. .lulr. Auaust and September. (125. CLARK. Florist. OFFICES TO LET, DESK ROOM TO LF.T and Awmhly Hall to let. D. B. REP LOGLE, 408 Spruce street. I.OR RENT A LARGE, 4-STORY BUILD J1 ingatUl Krankliu avenue; suitable for wholenalo business. CARSON A DAVIES, Scranton. 170R RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST X Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, aear 11X2 Luzerne, Hydo Park. OR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL sultablo for lodire rooms, JOHN JEK- MYN, 110 Wyoming nvenue. For Sal. I?OR HALE THE ELEGANT RESIDENCE, 1 739 Jefferson nvenue; all improvements; full lot at coot. Call at premises. I?OR BALE-NEW HOUSEHOLD GOODS, miinlll lot Inquire fcr Van Auker, Bee mer's restaurant. Franklin avenue, Call to day. rpUK HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS OF 1 for their property on tli went aidn of Adams avenue, between Pine and Gibson streets, consisting of five forty-foot lots, mak ing a frnntaae of two hundred feet on Adams avenue by onn hundred and fifty feet In depth. Improve 1. with a large throo story frame house, I'rloo, Ihirtv thousand dollars. KZliA H. RIPPLE, WILLIAM T. SMITH. HENRY A. KNAPP, Advisory Committee. Increase of Indebtedness. Orrics or tub Coi.lisiit Enoinf.hi Co . I Julys, IH. f IIIEP.EBY CERTIFY THAT THIt FOL lt.wliw resolution was adopted at a meet Ins of the bosrd of directors of this company, held on tho Dill day of July, 1MI5: ReRolred, That a meeting ot the stockhold ers of the Colliery Engineer noinpsny be called to convene at tho gnuoral office of the eoin- Psny, I'nnl Exchango, Scranton, Pa, on the !th dny of September, to take action on ap proval or disapproval nf thn proposed Increase of the indebt1r.e of snld company from nothing to HIUM, and that tho secretary be and Is hereby directed to give notice thereof as required by law. Attest: R. J. FORTKR, Secretary. Orphans' Court Sal. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE ESTATE Or David P. Thomas, deceased. By virtue of an order ot the Orphans' court of Lackawanna county there will be exposed to public- sale at the arbitration room, in the eotirt house, at Scranton, Pa., on Saturday, July 27th, 1M. at in a. m : All those two certain lota, pieces or parcels of land situate in the Second ward of the city of Scranton, eounty of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: The first thereof situate on the corner of Church avenue and Oa street, and Is bounded on the nortucajtt by lands of Thomas Will lams, en the southeast by Church avenue, on the northwoxt by lands of the estate of Joseph Gllleapin, and ou ths southwest by Oak street. Doing about 67 (eet la fronton said Church avenue, about 63 leet in width In rear and 1:15 feet (n depth, more or less. Coal and minerals reserved with U right to mlns and remove the same. All improved, with a two story single frame dwelling house, a barn and outbuildings there on. Ths second tltereof situate on ths corner of Church avenue and West Market street, and Is bounded on tho northeasterly side bv Weal Market street, about 00 feet; on the north westerly side by Church avenue, about 71 feet; southeasterly by lands of William Moors, about 76 feet, and southwesterly by lands now or lets ot Jatnoe McGeunls, whose upper or northeasterly 11ns Is the foot of the retaining wall now wholly erected upon the above de scribed Int. Coal and minerals resorved, with the right to mine and remove tho fame. All improved, with a two story brick dwell ing houso and outbuildings thereon. Terms of sale One-fourth of the purchase money down on day of sale and the balance ou Bonflrmatlon of ssie and delivery of deed, , . MEIBION P. THOMAS, Administratrix. w, oatiibd TnoEAi, Attorney. , July a. WW. IS1.50 w c nave a targe- nnc 01 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, !!! REASONABLE CHARGES. TRY US. THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO., uIim60, Special Notices. TOTICE-'ON ANDTermTyiTI i-i will make a monthly tour of tho follow ing places giving freo p;n air advertising ex hibitions wi;h the stereopliwu: Tavlorville, Hyde I'ark, Provideuoe, Dickson Olynbaiit, P'ckvllle, Archbald, Jermyn. Exhibitions given on Wednesday and Friday of each week during the mouth, the rates for adver tising are lu per month. Addrees E. U. Call, Tribune office, city. itqiHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." A You want this relic. Contain all of Frank Lilies famous old War Pictures, show ing the forces In actual battle, sketched on the spot. Two volume., 2, uuu pictures. Bold on easy monthly payment-.. Delivered by ex press complete, all cbarsee prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY. C22 Adams Ave.. Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA sinea, etc, bound or rebound at Tug TRtnu.Nii omce. uick work. Reasonable prices. agents Wanted. AGENTS HIXDE'8 PATENT UNITE R sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out heat), and "Pyr Pointed''Hair Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box Uri. New York. WANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our line, no toddling. Sa'arr, $75 per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, 63W, Boston, Masa legal. t'XECCTOKS' NOT1CB ESTATE OF 4 John Ransom, lato of the township of Covington, in the county of Lscka wanna and state of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters tes tamentary of the last will and testament of the said John Ransom, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons hav ing olaims and demands against the estate of the s.irl decedent are requested to prssent them to the undersigned for payment, and those who are indebted thereto will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. H. F. WARDELL, HARBISON RANSOM, Executors, DalevUle, Pa JOHN F. SCRAGG, e Attorney for the r'state. Situation Wanted. SITUATION WANTED FOB WASHING aad ironing to do at home. Call or ad dress 3H N. Sumner avc, Hyde Park. C1TUATION WANTKD BY AI BUTCHER l7 as peddler, sausage maker or tend market Address BUTCHER. liKU Church ave. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG roan, lw yerrs of age: is willing to work at most anything; fair penman; can furnish good references. M. G., Tribune. 'OU.G LADY DESIRES POSiTION AT almost anything; is a good housekeeper and well educated. Address C J., Scranton postomYe. YOUNG MAN, WELL RECOMMENDED, iV wishes position as hostler, or general re pair mnn on wood or iron; has had experi ence; first-class habits. Address Box 23, Cl.trk'a Summit, Pa. 7 'EDA POSITION BY AN EXPERI encod bookkeeper; AI references. Ad dross Lock Box city. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. O. EDOAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 618 Spruce street. Scrisnton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY. 206 PENN AVE.: 1 to 3 P. M.; call 2062. DIs. of women, obstretrica and and all dla. of chll. DR. A. J. CONNELL, OFFICE 501 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Francke's drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine et. Office hours: 10.80 to 12 n, m. and t to 4. and (.30 to 7.80 p. m. Sun day, 2 to I p. m. DR. W. B. ALLEN, HI North Washington avenue, VrTc. L. FREY, PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; office, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, G29 Vine street. DR. L. M. OATE8. 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours. 8 to w a. m., 1.80 to I and 7 to p. m. Residence 809 Madi son avenue. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crown work. Office, Ki Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH. SURGEON DflNTIST, No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. 8TKATTON. OFFlChl COAL Ex change. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR 511 LACKA- wanna avenue, sornnton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. . Seeds. O. R. CLARK A CO.. BKEDBMHN AND Nurserymen; store 14D Washington ave nue; green house, Uf0 North Main ave nue) store telephoe 781. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re- quest, upens Bopiemuer iu. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and Bohool, 118 Adams N avenue, opens Sept. 10. Kindergarten lu per term. EACH Lawyers. WARREN A KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue. Scran . mill 1- iESSUPS HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealth Building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSL'P. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP. ja PATTERSON & WILCOX, ATTOR. tieya and Counsellors at Law; o dices I and ( Library building , Scranton. Pa, ROBWELL H. PATTERSON. vwui-iA.M A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAMJ. HAND. Attorneys tmd Counsellors, Common wealth building. P.ooms 19, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT. . I m n TiAnn, r. . -. .. , , ' , I. - "vu.m w, vvai c&uaiiKe. ocran ton. Pa. JA M E3 W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY. at-Law, rooms O, 64 and Common, wealihjiulidlng. SAMUEL w7eDQA R, ATTORNEY-AT-' Law. OiTlce. J17 Spruce St., Scranton. Pa, L. A WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawana ave.. Scranton, Pa. LRIE TOWN6END, ATTORNEY AT Law. Dime Bank Eullding, Scranton. Money to loan in large sums at i per cent. C. R. PITCHER! ATTORNEY-AT law, Commonwealth building, Scran ton, Po. CCOMEOYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 401 ' opruce eireet. B. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyoming ave., akranton. Pa, JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g. Scranton. 3. M. C. RANCK. 1SS WYOMING AVE. Architects; EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 24, 23 and 26, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICB rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWISHANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce st cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN A MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, 126 Washington avenue. Scranton. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Loans. THE REPUBLIC 8AVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money . on easier terms and pay you better en Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callander. Dims Bank building. Miscellaneous. BAITER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Uulbart's music store. MEOARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton. Po- - FRANK P. BROWN A COa WHOLE sale dealers in Wood v. are. Cordage and Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 18 and 20. Williams Building, opposite postofDce. Agent for the Hex Flra Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK ltn avenue. Rates reasonable. : P. ZIEGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. LAW. passenger depot. Conducted oa the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, -New York. Rates, 83.M per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLE, Proprietor. Pioneer of the hotel cen ter in New York city.' Noted for Its superb loca tion, superior rooms and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any flrst-class hotel In the world. Facing Central Park, 58th anil Nth stfl., Plasa Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown cars, and the crosstown cars at 58th St., which latter In tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal station 6th ave. L road within half a block. Absolutely - Fireproof. American and European plans. Drinking; water and Ice used la vaporised and f rosen on tho premises, and certified aa to purity by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. THE WINDSOR HOTEL NEW YORK. (Occupying an entire block on Fifth Arsons between 46th and 47th 8te) . HIWK 1 WETHERBEE, PROPRIETORS. The American and Europe Plans. Rooms with Board, , $4.00 and upward per day. - Rooms without Board, $1.00 and upward par day. The outline and service snsaifasssa.. 1 Ths Latest and Most Approved Sanltar ' . Plumbing. Newly deorrated and return la bed. Five Minutes' Walk frdm Uraad Central sWaUoa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers