The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 09, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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'X&iUlmk?tmttLKA U.S. Govt Report
Boasoa of 1805 Fairly I nJer ttojr-Soran-
tonlaas Who Spent Sua Jut Thor.
pseioj to the Scranton Tribune.
Laks Winola,' July S. The season at
Iake "Winola has to-gun and many
Bcrantonlans, Wllkes-Barreans. and
those from neighboring towns are
valllng'themselves of the enjoyments
of this beautiful lake. At the hotel are
goodly number of guests, and most
11 h Wilkea-Barre and Scranton cot
tages are being occupied by their own
era.. Oa the Scranton rlJ the follow
ing are aafely housed: At the Wlleox
cottage, Aliases Wilcox. -of Nicholson;
Andrew Walker. .Nicholson, and Miss
Grace Humphrey, New York. At the
'an Boucl," Attorney J. Alton Davis
end family, Mrs. M. M. Davis, P. Whit
Bey Davis, and W. Rowland Davles,
of Wyoming. K th "Tydvll" cottaee,
B. O. Morgan and family. At the
"Odgewood." H. B. Eynon and family.
, Professor David Owens, Misses Mabel
Swltser and laihi Deppen. At the
Morse cottage, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Morse.
At the Winola Uouho.
The following registered at the Win
ola, House Sunday: O. H. Beemer and
rife. W. A. Beemer and wife. Cleonce
J. Barrowman, Perclval Waters, Stew
art, Besacker. H. W. Relnhart, J. A.
fWettltag, James Cadawgan, IX J.
Reese, Mrs. James W. Reese. Walter
'Reese, William H. Hughes. M. T. Mil
ler, C. W. Bertlne. C. Brennan, A. B.
Swart s, Frank Caatsbery. a. N. Camp
bell. A. Rydor, W. H. Pierce and wife.
X P. Tenner and -wife. F. N. Flske
and wlfs, of Scran ton; So-phla Thels,
Kittle Tbels, Jacob Thels, T. R. Maltlce,
iwlfs and . daughter, George Brown,
rfcfe and child.- of Wilkes-Barre; L.
'Woodward. Lancaster; Mrs. D. Jones.
Johnstown;- Miss Jennie LaFrance.
s Wyoming; Howard D. Trlnim. Falls,
and Paul Bohen and. wife, of Ptttston.
Locals aad Person U.
Mr. and (Mrs. Ttank Shedd, of Scran
ton, were seen upon the lake yester
day. Samuel Lewis, formerly of Scranton.
ts visiting here.
Miss Louise Johnson, of Scranton.
will be the guest of Miss Anna Mor
' gan today.
"Albert Ellas, of the firm of Clear
water & Ellas, the -well-known Scran
ton electricians. Is at the James cot
tage for a few days.
Dr. W. A. Paine and family moved
Into their domicile for the summer,
, yesterday.
Dr. Heller, of Faotoryvllle, will soon
occupy nls new cottage, situated on the
- Scranton side.
D. P. Ellas and family, of Lincoln
venue, are at the "Windvllla."
MIm TnltA Van Diicuin rwf TCFiinlrl VH.
K. T.. Is sojourning here.'
Miss Louise Shonne. o? Brooklyn, Is
B -pynilng hgr jUBunei'acatlon at tne
"Wlndvllla cottage.
lit.. Beam made a trip to Scranton
, It would be well If the constable
" -would have his eye on the Sunday pool
playing. Six days a week ought to be
enough for the players to keep In prac
tice. .
In a short time a good fire hose com
pany will be organized. P. J. Judge Is
leaving no atone unturned to get the
organisation In good shape.
The Keg Fund announce their picnic
Cor July 19. It Is a most deserving and
useful institution and the picnic
Should be a success.
Miss Matt, of Clifford, was a guest
Of her uncle, H. N. (Mott, during the
latter part of last week.
, ' August Marx, of Dun more, called on
friends here on Saturday last.
J. W Rhodes and family spent sev
eral days of last week among friends
In Wyoming county, returning on
- .Wednesday evening.
Ifrvand Mrs. W. II. Swallow enter-
WIIN UICIIUB IO iycnnni r-1 1 i " 1 r llic
., AfM v a T t i 1 1
Mrs. Joseph Zimmerman, of Alt!
Mount, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Good, Mr.
' and Mrs. O. H. Nichols, Miss Nellie
- Mr. H. N. Paitrtck has just completed
Why net treat with a physlolan to whom
m can tell your troubles and will CURB
. V09JT Wny HOU jdw mouny inun
tram home U some one you never saw,
arboa yoa bavs the graatost Specialist
Mar you with whom you can talk it over
and tie eared. .
Dr. Reeves, 111 Spruce street. Scranton,
lym wis new and specific methods and
rajnooaiow uui wm mi iiwu """',- ' i
mney. Lost Manhood, Vaiiococele, Oonor-
. BfynUH, wnu"i
. . . ' m i ii r 1. - n
- storesLost Vitality, Lost Memory, EraJI--ettes
all the bad effects of "Self Abuse,"
- Xxoesstve Venery. Purlfloa the Blood, Re
. atores "Shrunken Parts" to their norirml
ArresU decay and mkes you a wn
and hearty man again. If you are nerv
ous, have a rapid Irritable heart, tired,
anil feeling in the morning!. Offensive
; Breath. Constipation, pains hank of neck
.nit bead, or any of the above dtHeawis,
Sll and bs examined. It will cut you
Snthlns sad yeu may benefit largely by It.
Iverythlng strictly secret nd conlldoo-
OFFICsl HOURS Dolly I to 9.
Sundays, to 1 -
' lm rrCVIO o. l sprsce street.
i i
CU Cloths, r
Ltca (Plains,
: -CtJi Curtains,
T:;::f Cortains, :
Ca:!:7ia:ifis and
n bonaBdei,ClarHig; Cat
w room lor fall too
. ;,t inglis
m. ft w
the thorough renewal of his lately pur
chared resilience.
Billy Lynch, or Sayre, and Clark Bliss
are visiting Dr. S. Lyn?h.
Miss Alice Coon returned to her home
In Mountain Top on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Oram, of Dover, N. J.,
are guest of their son-in-law. Frank
Mr;. M. H. Cook has been confined to
her bed for some day past.
Mr. and Mrs. Walters, of South Side.
fnt Sunday with hj parents of the
latter. Mr. and 'Mrs. A. J. Slimer.
Mr. Robtrl. of Lenoxvllle, called on
his'i--ln-l;iv, Edward Lutsey, on
SaluiJay lust.
Many of our townspeople were! at
tendants at Vile Salvation army comp
nv .t!s nt Lilly Like on Sunday.
Mii. Kdward'y, who has been
a cuiit.-.tit att'ii..laut on her mother,
Mrs. Lee. of WMkes-Ilarrc. for several
weeks past. Is hoin, fur a iihort time.
Tiav.'lers and nojout ners here alike
asreo tliut we ilioulj have better ac
co. in-KK'.iitloiis which only a new depot
could afford. This depc t docs certainly
look very much dilapidated ana In fact
ncsil.'ctcd. Lot us by all meaus have a
new one.
A very Interesting game of base ball
was played last Saturday afteruoou on
the tlat n.-ar the llawley Class works
between She high school team of Hones.
dale, and a pick-up nine of this place.
There was much excitement while the
game lasted, as With teams were evenly
matched and played cleverly through
out the entire game. The score was 9
and 13, in favor of tlve home team.
Umpire P. II. Kearney deserves credit
for the fair decisions he gave through
out the Kanie.
John Keleher held the lucky number
which won a hor?e at a rattle at J. F.
Soldier's hotel. Saturday evening. .
The funeral of the late James Mc
Andrew. aa.'d 80 years, who died at his
home at Lodttedale on the morning of
Ju'y 4. took place here last Saturday at
12 o'vlock, noon, at St. Phllomenla's
church. ar.J was attended by a large
concours of friends. Interment was
made in the Catholic cemetery.
iMr. Anna Powers, of Boston. Mass.,
is vipiting her mother on the hill.
Miss Winnie Haagerty, of Scranton,
is the guest of Miss Jennie MoAndrew,
on the hill.
iMIss Annie Keleivor, who has been
spending two weeks with friends at
Port Jervls. X. Y., returned home Sat
urday evening.
Annie and Nellie Rellly, of Dunmore,
are visiting their grandparents on the
aiiss Aggie Corbett, of Phllllpsburg,
N. J., Is visiting her mother on the
East Side.
Miss 'Ella Mangan. who has been
spendng two weeks in New York city
and Brooklyn, returned home Friday
Miss Mame Curran, of Boston, Mass.
is visiting her parents on the hill.
Miss Mame Jones, of Scranton, visit
ed her parents on the hill last week.
Miss Katie Oaughan, of Phllllpsburg.
X. J., la visiting herv parents on the
East Side.
Fred Gaines returned home last week
from Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y.,
where he has been taking a course of
studies during the past year.
Mrs. Pelltz and her daughter, Lucy,
are spending a few days at Scranton.
Miss Tillle Rnlllson is spending two
weeks Iwlth friends at 'Notch, Pike
Professor Southworth, of Scranton,
and Miss Nellie Daniels and Miss Lena
Palmer will give a piano recital at the
Methodist Episcopal church an Wednes
day evening, July 10, for the benefit of
the Epworth league piano fund, after
which Ice cream and refreshments will
be served. The price of admission will
be 10 and 20 cer.ts.
A party of young men spent the
Fourth camping at Fairvlew lake, and
report having a glorious time. The
party consisted of James and Fred
Stott, Fred Sands, William Lobb and
Oeorge Trtompson, of Hawley; and
John Stott, of Corning, N. Y. They re
turned home Friday evening, with the
exception of FreJ Stott and Fred Sands,
who remained until Saturday evening
with f'.ev. J. J. Rankin and family, who
are occupylr.g the clubhouse.
The 'Hawley Base Ball team will ga
to White Mills next Saturday, July 13,
where they will meet and play the
Amitys, of Honesdale, a game of ball
The g&me will be called at 2 o'clock
p. m.
O. L. Thorn of Newark. N. J., Is
here spending a two weeks' vacation
with his family. '' .
The Young Woman's Christian Tern
perance union will meet at the home of
Miss Emma Collum Friday evening,
July 13.
.Mrs. William Gregg and children are
visiting friends In Carbo.idale.
George Murray, of Port Jervls, N. Y.,
with his "Cat Bird," engine 633, is pull
ing Conductor Ed. McAndrew's crew
on the Erie.
Miss Bridget Gallagher, of New York
city. Is visiting her mother on the hill
Morris Millham, of Newark, O., Is
nere vieltlr.g hla parents on the East
The large party that rode out of town
Saturday afternoon with their hacks
and carriages elaborately decorated
with the national colors were the La
dles of the Grand Army of the Re
public and a few of the old boys In
blue, going to Waverly to .. visit the
Ladles of the Grand Army of the Re
public and attend the presenting by
Hickory Cemetery association of a deed
of a burial plot to Sargent George Fell
circle, No. 97, Ladles of the Grand
Army of the Republic. Mr. Palmer, of
the association, presented the deed In
a few well-Uhosen words. . R. H. Hul
gate. In behalf of the circle, received
it with appropriate remarks. Stirring
addresses were given by Revs. Browe
and Parsons, of fhe Waverly Baptist
and Methndlstjchurche. The visitors
report a royal reception and entertain
ment. At the close of the meeting Ice
cream and cake was served.
Langstaff , Hose company and Key
stone band feel very grateful to Daniel
Langstaff for his generous gift of 125
at the Fourth of - July festivities.
When the Hose compnny wa organised
and In. need of fund Mr. Langstaff
came to their aid with a $100 check. To
perpetuate the, memory of Mr. Lang
Staff and his valued . assistance the
f ,
Hose eompany adopted We aame for
taeir eevaatsatio. . . I-
The fall of a lighted hanging lamp
la the barber shoe of H. B. Reynolds
caused a sew minutes of excitement
Saturday evening. The Are was quick
ly extinguished. No damage to prop
erty. ..--.-.
Stephen Caswell and family earns
over from Oaroondale Saturday to visit
relatives and acquaintances here.
B. Stanton, of Saupp Hill passed
Sunday In town wKh his nephew. C.
E. Clark.
Several of our cltixene attended the
camp meeting of the Salvation Army
at Lily lake Sunday. .
iMIssea Dolly and Maud Thomas, or
Scranton, are spending the week with
the family of Charles Clark.
A lawn festival will be given by tne
Baptist church congregation next Fri
day evening, -"f
Ex-County Commissioner F. W. New
berry. Professor E. F. Cooke, principal
of iNantlcoke schools, and his family;
iMrs. F. B. Parks and daughter Edit.
and Mr. R. E. Pease, of Bloomsburg,
comprise a pleasant family party who
are occupying Mrs. Buck's cottage,
Eaglesmere,". at Lake Carey tnis
The Montrose (Republican says: John
Alden and wife, of Russell Hill. Wy
oming county, were guests at R. F.
Alden's the first of the week. "John"
Is the last one of the family of that
name, which has been continued from
generation to generation since the fa
mous "John Alden" of Puritan days.
Evening preaching services at the
Presbyterian church have been aban
doned for July and August. The Chris
tian Endeavor society will continue
their services as usual.
Mrs. Theodore Streeter returned
from Washington, D. C, Saturday
Kenneth Lelghton, of Chicago, is here
to spend the summer with his grand
fattier. Rev. N. Lelghton.
The Turnpike street bridge has been
torn out. to be replaced by an Iron one.
New abutments will have to be built,
and it will be some time before traffic
will resume its normal course there
Miss "Belle IBreckenrldgei of Blng-
hamton, N. Y., Is a guest of Rev. W. M
Hiller's people.
Professor R. N. Davis and family, of
Archbald, returned yesterday from a
visit to Lynn. ;'
A squad of carpenters were fitting up
a lot of old freight cars yesterday with
bunks, tables, etc., to be used by a
gang of Hur.s and Poles as boarding
quarters while faying the third rail on
the Montrose road. The foreigners, to
the number of forty or fifty, are expect
ed to arrive this morning.
Since strengthening their battery by
the addition of -Messrs. Clark and
Chamberlain, the Tritons are playing
good ball, and the tilt with toe Wilkes-
Barre Young Men's Christian assocla
tlon Saturday was as fine a game as
ever was played on the home grounds.
There was good fielding and good work
In the box on both sides, and though
the home team won by a score of to 5,
the game was well earned. The Pitts
ton team will be up today to try titles
with our boys, and another good game
la anticipated. The Tritons have raised
the admission fee. to the grounds to 15
The long-promised oil drilling opera
tions at Lovelton and Factoryvllle do
not yet materialize, and It Is not prob
able that they will do so this season.
There Is plenty of faith in the existence
of oil in this county, but few seem will'
Ing or able to show their faith by their
Samuel Smythe, Inventor and paten
tee of the well-known duplex stove
grate Phat bear hi name, wa here
yesterday. He Is a brother of Mr.
Ritner Rosengrant.
The Iron county bridge near T. G.
Walter's I nearly complete and the
painters began their work yesterday.
The bridge will not be of much service
for some time yet, however, on account
of the stone viaduct this side being yet
Incomplete. It will require ' several
weeks to finish the whole Job.
F. W. Newberry contemplates mak
Ing his home In Florida next winter.
Unless some unforeseen event trans
pires to qhange 'the complexion of
Vhlngs political In this state before July
28, Wyoming county will stand In line
with the administration at the Republi
can convention. Those known a
"ringleaders" are for Quay to a unit,
first, last and all the time, but so far
as limited observation shows, the rank
and file of the party are against the
dominant senator from Beaver. If R.
P. Northrop, -the delegate, vote for
Chairman Ullkeson, we believe he will
have the approval of nine-tenths of tils
party. '
A special train from the Baltimore
and Ohio road, bearing a large party
of Washlngtontan to Niagara Falls,
went north at 6 p. m. yesterday. It
contained seven coaches.
A 'new porch Is being, erected on th
H. W. Bardwell residence.
Mlrs Katie - Bloomer, of Scranton,
Is visiting her parents on the East
Side. ' . ,
Solicitors will call on you today
aid of the Cltisens' band picnic. Give
them a hearty welcome. The date of
the picnic Is July IS.
' The Ladles' Aid of St. James' Epis
copal church will hold a lawn social at
t'he residence of George McLaughlin,
Friday evening.
The new cylinders press purchased
by Editor Bound y wa shipped yester
day, and Is expected to arrive the last
of th week.
R. W. Rysner Is acting as station
agent at Wlnton during the absentia of
Agent Wedge, v- ;
The many friends of Emory West
lake will be pleated to learn that he has
been appointed to a lucrative position
under th Delaware and Hudson com
pany at Riund Lake, N. Y.
Professor Crowed, of Carbondale, and
Editor Boundy, of thJermyn Press,
will give a recital at Mooslo on Friday,
and one at New Mllford on Tuesday
evening nest. ;
- The Cltltemf band will give an open
air concert oBv Main street Wednesday
evening. ;,. .
Mr. A. 8. Badger returned yesterday
from a Visit wltti friend In Delhi,
N. Y.
James Levin and John MoGowan, of
this place, caHed I on Hyde Park
friend Sunday evening.
Michael Langgn, of Main street, re
turned1 home after spending a few day
with friend at Plymouth.
Jam WlUon Mid Josle Btewart. of
Dunmore, pent jtunday1 with friend in
town. ..v.- V s -1 -1. '' . .
John Loftui, pi Waverly, called oa
hi tster, Mrs. Patrick Revels, of Main
trtet, yettoriay-, , t N ' ,
': ,m..i..,v
l,Ci. .'.,.
Tne following party spent Sunday at
Crystal . lake: William ' HoUenback.
Dan Scurry. Harry F. Williams, Alex
ander Wyllle. Harry Carr' and Max
.Misses Lottie Ellis, Olaud Copeland
and Bessie Ellis will leave today for
Boston to attend the Christian En
deavor convention.
Miss Lucy Joalla will accompany
Mlas Mabel Edwards to the Adirondack
Late Saturday evening occurred the
death of Mrs. Lucy Cramer, wife of
Matthias Cramer, at her home on
Spencer street Deceased was born In
Monroe. Orange county. Oct. IS. 1847.
She is survived by iher husband and
nine children. iMrs. Frits Straub. of
Forest CKy; Fred A. Cramer, of Brook
lyn. N. Y.; Mrs. Edward Primer, and
Susie. Rhoda. Carrie. 'Mattle. Edith and
Burrell Cramer, of this city. Funeral
will be held this morning at 10 o'clock
ul the home, on 8encer street. Rev.
T. C. Jepson will conduct the servient.
Interment will be made In Brookslde
Messrs. Thomas K. Campbell and
Robert Maxwell, jr.. are In Atlantic
City on a two weeks' visit.
Phillip O. Felts has returned from his
vacation, which was spent In Millers-
ville and Gettysburg.
D. W. Humphrey and family spent
yesterday at Crystal lake.
Gtorg. H. iMlllcr. having filled his
eugacenient as munager of Anthracite
park, left yesterday tor the seaHhore,
to spend the heated term.
K. II. Stone, formerly of the firm ot
Stone Bros., on Salem avenue, opened
his new dairy In the Moon building,
pear No. 1 bridge, yesterday. Mr.
Stone has one of the mates t business
planes In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Tlngley spent
the Sabbath at Foster, Susquehanna
The motermen and conductors of the
Lackawanna Valley Rnpld Transit
company will hold a -picnic at Mc
Laughlin's West Side park, on Wed lies
day, July 17.
No preaching service will be held In
the Methodist churcih on next Sunday,
owing to the absence of the pastor from
the city.
Miss Carrie Dnvls, of Factoryvllle,
spent Sunday with her parents, in this
Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Jenkins have re
turned froth a three weeks' trip
through the New England states.
- Piles! Piles! It chine I'llcs.
Symptoms MolBture; intense itchln
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tumors
form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be
coming very sore. Swanye's Ointment
stops the Itching and bloedlnir, heals til
ceratlon, and In most casus removes the
tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for tx)
cents. Dr. Swayue & Son, l'htladulphta.
Andrew Thompson and wife and son
Augustus, and daughter, Rebecca, and
Mrs. R. N. Toney and daughter, Clara,
left yesterday for a western trip, their
destination being Yellowstone Park.
Augustus Gramba, of Newark, Is
spending a few days at his home here.
Joseph P. Chambers, of Glrard col
lege, Philadelphia, will spend his eight
weeks vacation with relatives at
An entertainment will be given In the
Sunday school room of Grace church
Scrofula Broke Out
On our boy when a bsby. We gave hire
much treatment without avail. Noticing
in the papers Hood' Sonapsrllla was rec
ommended for scrofula and blood diseasoi
ws gave it trial. We soon saw a change
for the better. He has taken four bottles
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and is now entirely well, hearty and free
from all scrofulous symptoms. I have
also taken three bottles for nervous head
ache and catarrh. It gave me great relief."
Mrs. T. M. Smith, Ituther Glen, Vs.
UaaDs Bill, ears ti.bttul eoo.Upv
nuvu 9 rma
tlon. Price It cents.
gjaT T a w ' w - V Wl-W44 )-
A rflflltllAtloM hiUM I. .. s . i. a .tm
- -- ....... , ... mi,, in jtfufi iuiiii "
tree, 'roe from mineral oi rliemletil coin-
B . ..n ""i-inuie cure ror ifniunew,
. alr-ralMng, DnnrirnlT, Thin or Delicate
Hair, Itnmi, Tetter, and nil dlwasee of the
Hnlr and Benlp. PiLM-CMsnrrt Shampoo fur
benntlfylng the Hair; a dollihtftu, eaol and
ren-Mhlng Shampoo eqnlnlte odor. All
purnhneers of the PAt.M-t'HRinT! Pskfasa
Tinss nre entitled to free truntmnnt of tlia
scalp, Hhnmnonlng and Halr-Dretalng, at any
of our Halr-Drwslng Parlors. .
"MMI Ml 1 TM
P. 8 Onr parlor are In ebarire of speclsl.
It on affeotlnm of the Hnlr anil Bcalo. All
advloafree. Write for circular.
, o wf tu.ving
oar Hair Dressers call ap.ia ttwtn can make
appointments by addressing
Sole Agents for Scranton.
restores vitality.
Made a
Well Man
of Me.
the above results la . 10 dare, it sett
kowertMllr and oalckly. Cure vara ill othtn fail
leans ata will renin their loot nunhood, an old
ken will NeoTor ttialr youthful Ttnor by ualn
BBYIVO. It quloklr and sorely rontons Morvouo
ksss. Us VIUUIt, Impouuor, MlfMIr KiutaUona,
Lost Power, foilta Mnaorr, WetUni Duwojim, and
all efoow of etU-sbwo or eseesitiia indlwmitlon,
enlofc sss one tor ptwtr. bnolnosi or mnnrtnto. II
o only nies or starting ot Ike seat of disease, but
la anas aeeve teals sad blood builder, brlns
lag bast the pink glow to eele eheekaanaro
tiering the Are ef youth. It ward off Ineanltr
and OaaaosiBtloB. Inolot oa kaTlni KK VI VO. so
staor. It can bo oarried la vest aooket, Br ane.ll,
eiMporpoekaSCortls tot NM with a poal
live written naraatee to ears 0 reload
lilt at easy. OueoJartree. aaanat
0Yl MtDICINI CO.. II Rlv f ft., CMIOMO. MA.
! f watthewt Mr Otaggltt
' wo .- .
U.Day. f-Tl
l. THI WHAT teth 4ay '
,. 't '
' "-.V ;
Oils evening. Ice cream and cake win
be served. All are invited. '
Miss Annie Sumner, of .Nantleoke, Is
visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .OiUlepiev of
Scranton, passed Sunday at Honesdale.
William 11. Sell Is home ' for a few
weeks' vacation.
Mrs. A. B. Dunsmore is visiting her
mother. Mrs. Henry Bali, on. East
iMtsa Llxxle Leiblg and friend, who
have been visiting Honesdale friends,
returned to Scranton yesterday.
The annual excursion of St. Patrick's
church will run to Farvlew on Aug. 8.
Miss Lucy Farrell returned home
from Wellsboro, Pa., last evening.
Miss Lizzie O'Horo. of Plttston, Is the
guest of Miss Mary Clancy, of Dunmore
The officers of the Catholic Young
Ladles' Temperance society attended a
meeting of the South tilde society, at
Scranton, last evening.
Miners Nellie Kelly and Julia Rafter,
of Hyde Park, passed Sunday with
friends in town.
Mrs. Frank Orchard and Miss Cora
Voyle, of Carbondale, are visiting their
mother on Lackawanna street.
Albert Jones, of Plymouth, Is spend
ing a few days In town.
If tho lluby Is Ciittltlg Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup has been
used for over Fifty Years by Millions of
Mothers for ttieir Children while Teething,
with Perfect Succeas. It Soothes I ho
Child, Softens tho Gums, Allays all Pain;
Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In ev
ery part of the world, lie sure and ask for
"Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup," and
titka no other kind. Twenty-live cents a
A Mutter of Law, Now.
First iJidy "I am going down town to
consult abomt a new hut."
Second I.mly "Milliner?"
First Lmly "No; lawyer." Detroit Trlh
V. P. S. C. I'., nnd Kpwortli League.
Topic cards for the next six months
printed In good style at low prices. If you
rontemplate on excursion or festival this
rummer. It will pay you to consult us
about prlntlmr poHtcrs, circulars, tickets,
etc. The Triliunu.
230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton.
The Holder of the
Ticket will please r
call for it.
230 Lackawanna Ave.
The ill health of Manager Goodman will cause The
Empire Dry Goods Co. to go out of business alto
gether. The stock will be closed out until everything
is sold. Sale begins Saturday, July 6, at 10 a. m.
Two days the store will be closed to mark every item in
store in plain figures. The people of Scranton never
had such an opportunity to buy a staple, clean stock at
your own prices, aud almost anything and everything in
the household line. It would be too expensive for us to
go into details as to what the stock consists of. Every
body knows the line of goods we carry, and it is only a
question of how long the stock will last at such sacrifice
prices. Building must be vacant by. September i," and
, every kind of goods must be closed, cost or below cost,
or at any rate. ' Remember, Saturday, 10 p'clock at
the old stand, Goodman's Cut Price Store, 516
Lackawanna Avenue., 20 Salesladies wanted.
, 5.V-"-' V
Will Core or Refund the
Catarrh, Fistula In Ano, Bupture,
Hydrocele and Piles.
From the Herald of Health.
We deal honorably, frankly and fairly
with you and It costs you nothing to con
sult us. There are some diseases which
at certain times no man IIvIiik can cure.
but there are no dlHeasea which cannot
be benefited and life prolonged with the
right kind of treatment. Dr. Smith has
ever mula It a life long rule to be honeut
with his patients. If he says he can cure
your trouble he will accomplish It. When
Invalids hear these cheering words, "I cull
cure you;" that Is If they know him, hop-
springs Into new being within their
brcants and from that very limtant a
change takes place which, as u rule, brings
them bark to physical as well as mental
health and vigor. It Is this new birth uf
hope and contl.lcni'B In Dr. Smith, an an
solute faith In hlx powers ami an utwoluto
belief In his methods which has led hosts
of patients to remark. "Well, doctor, I foci
a hundred per cent, better for Just having
hail this talk with you." And then; Is a
psycologlcal reason for th:s slutem 'nt
which ts much deeper than nny one would
suppose. When a putlent loses confidence
In a. doctor, no matter how skilled he may
lie, that doctor's usefulness censes. The
absoluto belief of a patient that he him ut
last found a doctor who can euro him is
worth more to tho doctor than all the
medicines he Is acquainted with. Dr.
Smith and staff are permanently located In
Scranton, Pa. Their parlors ut present are
at No. 312 Wyoming avenue. They may
be cnnnultel absolutely free of chars??
from S to S chilly except Sunday. They will
remain in Scranton permanently. Should
they move their olllce In tho near future,
notice will be given In all of the dally pa
Manufactured at the Wapwsllopcn Millm, La
(erne county, Pa., ami at Wil
mington, Dolaware,
General Agent for the Wyoming District.
Third National Bonk Building.
THOB. TOBDl HttMtnn. Pa.
JoHN' B 8M1TII ft HON, Plymouth, Pa
E. W. MULLIUAN, Wilkes hurre, Pa.
Agents for the Repauno Cueaical Uona-
(eays mgu MpiosiTea,
The Acknowledged Expert in
Horseshoeing and Dentistry,
is Now Permanently Located
on Went Lackawanna Ave.,
Near the Bridge.
The Finest In the City.
" The latest Improved furnish'
ings and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs.
223 Wyoming Ave.
Stocks, Bonds,
and Grain,
Bousht aud sold on New York
Exchange and Chicago Board
of Trade, either for cash or on
O. duB. DIMniCK,
41a Spruce Street.
Telephone 8002.
Of all kinds, manufactured at short
notice, at The Tribune Office.
' ' ': , 1 J,
p''""-' y"'" . .
SpepialSdle f
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3 OF
4 aSB.aeaaamea ".. asssssssssssssssssaaaa.....
l : 9 ;
I suit mra:
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of goods in our Upholstery department, which our
ever-increasing trade demands, there is always at this
season of the year a quantity of short lengths of all
grades of goods suitable for Draperies and Furniture
Covering, which we are dosing out to make room for
Fall Goods, at one-half the regular price, including
Cotton Damask, Silk Damask, Genoise Silk, Light
weight Drapery Silk, all 50 inches wide,
Soc. to $5.oo Per Yard.
4 Patterns 85c, Now 65c.
7 Patterns 75c, Now 55c.
10 Patterns 60c., Now 50c.
8 Patterns 55c, Now 45c.
qilkolcne 1 2r Patterns 14c, Now 9c.
bilkolene 9 patterns 15c., Now 10c.
Nottingham, Irish Point, Tambour and Brussels, I
and 2 pair lots, at cost price. Japanese Porch Shades
Just received another shipment; sizes 6x6, 8x8, 10x12.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Qenerat Office: SCRANTON, PA. .
Opcniug game called this morning at eight o'clock, with the
following pennant winners in the box:
Odd Pieces Parlor Furniture and
Gleanings from Carpet Department
Avariolyof uniqno shapes and covers are included in this
medley of Tetes, Wiudow, Arm and Reception Chairs, which
are jumbled into onr show wiudow, aud marked at prices that
look out of place even on
Just consider how some of those bare corners might be im
proved by the presence of a pretty odd Chair. Then drop
around aud see 'em. .
Among those ltouinanta. If you have a threadbare Carpet
take advantage of this opportunity to improve and protect it.
Just tho thing to cut up for Rugs.
On our windows tho next tweuty-four days, as all department! will
be invaded, aud bargains galore will be the result.
, 335 and 337
Wyoming Avenue. f
'A '
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