The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 08, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Horriiian & r.looro
120 Wyoming Ave.
Washington Avenue.
Refnlarlr is all parts of the city. Hm
weiiiiaeedyoal Drop postal.
308 Penn Ave. A. B. TCAkMAX.
It Docs Not Fade.
It Does 'ot Crack.
The funeral of the late Stephen Rudolph
largely attended from his home on
fifth avenue Saturday.
The interesting artlcla In Saturday's
-itrane headed "Looktns; Backward." was
copied from the Honesdale Citizen, but
credit was accidentally omitted, far which
'we express regret.
The Scranton Clearing House association
(reqorts the following result of the x
iftuutges for tha week: Monday, ;
. Tuesday. $150,331.15; Wednesday. $134,170.18;
Jt. "ay, $130,370.40; Saturday, $99,471.42; to-
, tal lor tha week, $852,323.62. Clearing for
,weelc ended July 7, ISM, $649,941.92.. or an
ixcess of $2,383.30 for tha similar week the
pres vear.
Cot Prises.
Ladles t Waists, worth 50, cut to 39c. ' worth 25. cut to 19c
Cemlsettes. worth 15, cut to 9c.
White Parasol, worth $1.73. cut to $1.23.
I tent's Outing 8hlrts, worth 23, cut to 19c.
Fancy Dress Olnghams. worth 10, cut to
Jaconat 'Lawns, worth 8. cut to 5c.
Fancy Chollles. worth 8. cut to 4c
Yard Wide Sheeting, worth 7, cut to 5c.
Fancy Taffetas Silk, worth 75, cut to 47 j.
All Wool Dress Goods at half price.
Largs assortment of Ladles' Fine Shirt
Waists at reduced prlots.
Ska Saed Tsars When Arrsigntd Bsfors
Aldsrssaa Millar Saturday.
Sanson!, the strong woman who was
tngaged for Laurel Hill park to show
tha rlsltors how easy It Is to bend iron
bars across her arm, and has been on
he bills as the female Hercules, to
gether with Edwin H. Pearl, the wire
rope performer, were arrested before
Alderman Millar Saturday afternoon
for having on Friday night threatened
to make mincemeat out of Manager
He alleges that they went to his rsl-
- deuce at a late hour, got infuriated
) ' when told to come around at a season
1 ': able hour, and threatened to break In
i the door and windows, causing his wife
' to become attacked with hemorrhages,
i Sansonl cried and begged toe-fore the
alderman, fearing that her action
' would send her to Jail. She put forth
In extenuation that she came to Scran
ton without a cent, and worried so
much about the fear of not getting her
alary that she went to his house to de
mand It. Herself and Pearl' admitted
they cherished ho design of murdering
lalne, amd the alderman bound them
In the sum of 1300 to keep the peace,
letting them go on their own recognizance.
Cosstsrfelt Money Found tiy Msn En
gsged at ths Arlington Hotel.
Grimes & Flannery, proprietor of the
'artlnvtnn at Snnv.. alT-oat an4 TranU.
In avenues, had a few men at work one
At uii wppk ciraninor nut s. nannn a
in Nci m iuuiiu ii, ill'- pcrn . hc
uia man w-i. uwii-ufii.i .uu m
slf dozen one-dolrar counterfeit coins.
J very poor workmennhip, not execut
ed sklUful enough to fool the most un
wary. For that reason, likely, they
were thrown In this place, and con
itdered to be gone for good.
The coin were turned over to United
viiuwins uv a ciue wnicn may jrau 10
mportant developements, as the coins
M fit that namA WArVmfliuihln m Ihiu
Watson) A Zlmsssrmsa Claim to llavs
Been nanuses' fey Another Xewspsper.
Another libel suit with the amount
of damages claimed as $25,000 was In
stituted Saturday In the prothonotary's
office by Attorneys Watson 4V Zimmer
man, plaintiffs, against the Carbondale
Advance and Jermyn Advocate, a
Weekly edition of ths Carbondale Lead
er, of iwhlch the proprietors are Charles
t!. Lathrops, E. D. Lath-rope and W. W.
Lath rope.
.' This paper published an account of
tha alleged arrest of the plaintiffs for
. barratry and maintenance. The ar
ticle on which the suit Is based was
published In last weeks' Issue of ths
weekly.,- .
- lOo. ninasrs.
Go to Milter's Hotel, corner Penn and
fproce, and' try thalr 10c, dinners.
I'NULTT. In flcranton, July 8, 1896, Mrs.
Osetlla McNulty. at tha' noma of her
son-in-law, Miches! J. Fad dan, 1$ flllex
, strut, asad n years. Interment Tues
; JaOstoa,
His Arrival Was Not Expected Uatll
This Moraiarj.
Walked from tho Depot to ths Uotsl
Whers lie Informally Received
Last Night -RIsM-Bower sad
Secretary with Mm.
United States Senator 01. 8. Quay, ac
companied by his secretary, Y. F.
Wright, and chief right bower. Ser-geant-at-Arms
J. R. Harrah, of the
state senate. Is at the Wyoming house,
where he arrived quietly and unherald
ed at an early hour last evening.
His visit had been anticipated, but he
was not expected until this monnlng.
which may account for the absence of
Senator Quay's Scranton friends when
that distinguished person alighted from
the 6.45 train at nhe Jersey Central
depot, lie walked to tho hotel, where
he was greeted by two of his local lieu
tenants. Major T. F. Penman and City
Treasurer Keese O. Brooks. Last night
he received Informally a number of
callers and later was closeted for an
hour or more with several visitors who
aro looking after his stte organization
fences In this region. Today calls of a
more formal nature will be made and a
ffcial and more Important conference
will be held.
As the senator, preceded by Sergeant
Harrah and followed by Secretary
WrlRht. alighted from tha train, he
seemed o betray a sense of pleasure
rather than annoyance at the absence
of his Scranton political friends. He
glanced cursorily at a trio of reporters,
one of whom he knew and saluted with
a hurried handshake and then passed
through the depot and up the steps
Into the street. He did not suggest the
need of a carriage, but. piloted by Ser
geant Harrah, who was here in his
chiefs Interests a week ago, walked
across 'the Lackawanna avenue bridge
and direct to the Wyoming house.
One Man Knew lllm.
Pfulnly and carelessly dressed In a
lightweight sack suit of dark brown
color, a black bow tie and a straw hat,
and without a cane or valise, ho at
tracted no especial attention and was
apparently unknown to the throng
which passed along Lackawanna ave
nue, exempting on person whose iden
tity could not be ascertained. This in
dividual was middle-aged, black mous
tached and plainly but respectably
dressed. He accosted Senator Quay
near Penn avenue where there was a
brief conversation and then the party
continued lt3 walk to the hotel.
Secretary Wright first registered the
names of Mr. Quay and Sergeant Har
rah. as hailing from "Beaver," and then
attached his own name and "Washing
ton." To Mr. Quay was assigned two
connecting rooms on the first floor and
a room each to the two accompanying
him. As the party turned from the reg
ister Major Penman and Mr. Brooks
entered the corridor front the street.
The former and Mr. Quay exchanged
salutations, after which Mr. Brooks
was introduced.
Aftr net more than a minute's con
versation Mr. Quay remarked that he
would meet with his friends in the eve
ning. He then went to his room.
From 8 until nearly 10 o'clock it be
came known tha t the senator wa3 In the
city and a number of well-known Re
publicans called and in each case their
cards were answered by a request to
"come up."
To a Tribune reporter Senator Quay
said lie had not been In Scranton since
the riots of 1S77, when he was here with
Governor Hartranft. While he waj not
personally acquainted with the re
sources and attractiveness of the city,
he remarked, he knew of Its rapid
strlds In wealth, advantages and
Would Not Tslk Politics.
To reporters and friends he would not
talk concerning the present factional
Quay-Hastings fight, which has caused
his presence here; to reporters he ex
pressed himself firmly on this point,
while among his visitors he evaded or
turned any conversation which might
have led to a discussion, of the matter.
Probably this lafternoon Mr. Quay
will return to Wllkes-Barre. Ho may
go as far north as Susquehanna county,
which has two delegates yet to elect,
and is expected to look after Monroe
county, where one delegate Is yet to be
named. He propose to return to Phil
adelphia during the latter part of the
Misconception of ths .New Ordor at Moses
Taylor Hospital.
On. Saturday last notices were post
ed about the city announcing that here
after the Moses Taylor hospital will be
open to all patients with the exception
of those affected with contagious dis
eases. Heretofore the benefits of the Institution-
were confined to sick or Injured
employee) of the Delaware, Lackawan
na and Western Railroad company and
the Lackawanna Iron and Steel com
pany. Not even the wives or children
of the beneficiaries would be received
at the hospital or given outside attend
ance by the hospital corps, as ft was
against the decrees of the charter.
Now, however, the Institution Is open
to all. Patients will be received a-nd
treated at rates varying from $7 to $30
a week, according to the accommoda
tions desired. This attendance in
cludes board, medicines and all such
A false Impression was given out
by some of the Sunday papers that the
new order of things would place Jrhe
hospital on the same footing with char
ity Institutions. This Is not the case.
Or. Leet stated yesterday that It was
he who had suggested the new plan to
the directors and one of his principal
reasons for so doing was his belief that
thereby the hospital could be made self
Or Ssnd Bask the Letters or Anything
That Is Usual In Sneh Cases.
Y keeps a boarding house at Tenth and
Hampton streets, and William Blaks Is
one of her boarders. 'Mrs. Fisher has
that fascination about her which Is
valuable to some widows, and which In
this case brought as a lover to her feet
the star boarder, William Blake.
This Williams was wont to have cus
tard pie and rice pudding for dessert,
while his fellow boarders had to satisfy
themselves with prunes and apple
sauce, and It was hinted about among
the other occupants of tha house that
William - never had any troubla In
tamdlng-oCf the boarding missis.
When, a few weeks ago, William
found himself eating stewed apples and
prunes with the common boarders he
began to suspect that ha was losing bis
grip, and when shortly afterwards It
was actually tntlmated to him that his
board bill was due, he became satisfied
that something was amiss, and after
keeping his eyes wide open for a day
or two learned that another boarder
was occupying ths position of star.
His Jealousy could not stand this, so
he left for other parts, but returned
soon after when Mrs. Fisher, tiring of
her new star boarder, sent after Will
iam to come back and occupy the best
William returned and everything
went smoothly until Saturday night,
whom Mrs. Fisher again showed the
fickleness of her nature by going to a
picnic with another boarder. When
she returned Blake met her, and after
putting his rival to flight took his
boarding mistress sweetheart Into the
house and beat her unmercifully.
Her cries for help awoke the midnight
stillness and Ottlcer John Thomas, who
happened to be nigh, soon rescued her
and placed Blake under arrest. His
new method of dealing with a fickle
sweetheart will receive the attention of
Alderman Millar today.
Detective Frank Agll's Pepoiitloa Read
Before the Three Judges.
From Friday tho argument for a new
trial In the Ieonnrdt Rosa case was
continued until Saturday morning. At
torney Janus J. H. Hamilton spoke of
the contradictory evidence of the prin
cipal witnesses for the commonwealth,
sod ho criticised the charge of Judge
Edwards to the Jury.
Mr. Hamilton produced the deposi
tion of Detective Frank Aglt. whose
testimony at the trial, as well as his
efforts beforehand, had, In fact, all to
do with tlw conviction of Rosa. The
detective swore thai he did not use
any undue influence, but that tho pri
soner of his own volition confessed to
the murder, informing Agll where to
find the revolver that was used.
In his deposition Agll confesses that
he did rot -tell all he knew; that he sup
pressed evidence which would favor
Rosa. On the witness stand he said
he used no uc.due Influence; In his depo
sition he avers that he reached Rosa's
good graces through the medium of a
pint of whisky. On the stand he did
not tell that Rosa said Laulsso first at
tacked him with a scissors and that the
shooting was done In self-defense. He
admits this In the deposition, as was
announced In Saturday's Tribune that
he would. Attorney John G. McAskle's
argument was arrayed against the ar
gument of District Attorney Jones to
the Jury.
The argument of iMr. Jones on the
part of the commonwealth was a com
prehensive and careful review of the
mala features of the crime, the trial
and the argument for a new trial.
Reports from the county Jail are that
Boschlno and Rosa are very much wor
ried over the murder a week ago at
Jessup; they have expressed grave
fears 'that It will militate against their
chances for a new trial. Bezek devotes
the most of his time reading religious
books and praying. He Is settling him
self for the end, having given up hope
of escape from the gallows.
Wilt Be Given for ths Members of
Stranded Opera Company.
A benefit has been arranged to take
place on Thursday night at the Froth
Ingham theater for the late Laurel Hill
Park Opera company, many of whom
are left absolutely penniless In this
The benefit Is to be held under the
ausplcles of the Elks, the Caledonians,
J. T. Waitkins, Mrs. James Heckel, Pro
fessor T. J. Davles and Professor Rich
ard F. Lindsay. Mr. Frothlngham has
donated his theater and the following
local talent their services: The Mrs.
Heckel Female party, the Lyric Glee
club, Messrs. Coyne and Rankin, Mrs.
Hughes-Brundage, Mrs. Mary Jane
Boston-WHIIams, Misses Sullivan,
Sailer and Reynolds, J. T. Watkins,
Silas Rossar. Larry Ketrlck, Thomas
Beynon, R. T. Thomas, Alfred Wooler,
T. R. Baxter, Professor Richard F.
Lindsay, and Harry Scarborough, the
tenor of the stranded company. Other
members of the company will render
opera selections.
Tickets are obtainable at the Froth
lngham, and from members of the com
pany and also from H. Scarborough,
St. Charles hotel.
Poor Board Decided That Thsy Csnnot
Help There.
At the Instigation of Poor Director
John Gibbons the poor board convened
Saturday evening to take action on the
application of the members of the
stranded Laurel Hill Park Opera com
pany for transportation to their homes.
An appeal had bn made to Mr. Gib
bons, but he declined to take any sieps
In the matter without ths sanction of
the board. Mr. Williams was the only
one absent from the meeting.
The question of using the publlo
funds for the purpose of sending tho
unfortunate singers to their homes did
not meet with favor. Mr. Gibbons
pleaded to send the female members
off; but the decision reached was to
offer them free board at the Hlllsldo
Home until the clouds pass away and
they can get money from home.
Sixteen of the Opera company, ten of
whom are girls, yet remain, the others
have been helped by the board of Asso
ciated charities and the Lodge of Elks.
A benefit to raise funds will be given at
tho Frothlngham theater Thursday
Christian Kndeavorers of tlis City Will
Assemble at Grace r.hnroh.
In Young Men's Christian association
parlors Saturday evening a meeting of
the committee appointed by the Chris
tian Endeavor City union to arrange
for holding a mass meeting, was heM
and It was decided that at Grace ohurch
on July $0 tha mass meeting will be
held. Rev. W. H. Stubbleblne, of Cal
vary Reformed church, will preside.
Rev. Mr. Boll, of the West Side, will
give an address on the work accom
plished at the Erie convention; J. C.
Manning, president of the Trl-county
union, will give the principal report on
the proceedings of the Boston conven
What Christ Voa Schilling claims for
Ills New Idas.
Christ Von Schilling, a graduate of
the pyrotechlnlo school at Berlin, who
Is now a resident of this city, has In
vented a faucet which Is said to be an
Improvement on anything now In use.
It obstructs the pressure of gas aris
ing from porter and other breverages
of a similar nature and prevents the
bursting of tha button of spigots and
the consequent leakage.
Plllsbury's floor Mills turn capacity
sf nOt barrels a day. .
Caused a Lively Debate at the Area
bald Diocesan Convention.
Tilt Between Mr. Burka and Mr. Judge.
Addresses That Wero Delivered to
ths Delegates Names of tha
New Officers Solceted.
The quarterly convention of societies
forming the First district of the Catho
lic Total Abstinence union of the dio
cese of Scranton was held In, Father
Mathew Opera house, at Archbald, yes
terday afternoon.
Delegates from nearly every society
In the district were present Besides
these were many who are prominently
Identified with the temperance move
inn't. Conspicuous among them were
Mr. O'llara, of Parsons, president of
the Diocesan union; iM. T. Burke, of
Carbondale; Editor James F. Judge, of
Smvuton; Dr. Connor, of Scranton, and
ex-Mayor John Kelly, of Carbondalo.
Mr. Loft us, vice-president of the First
district, presided. Tho convention was
opened with prayer by Hev. T. J. Oom
erford, pastor of St. Thomas' church of
Arohhuld, who also mude a brief ad
dress of welcome to 'I he delegates.
He expressed a hope that their de
liberations would be productive of good
to the total ubstlneiice movement. He
told them to waste no 'time In talking
of the evil effects of Intemperance, be
cause Its baneful Influence was well
enough admitted to make discussion of
that subject unnecessary. It is not
talk that accomplishes, he said; It Is
organization well directed and union
for a common purpose. He cautioned
the delegates against the expression of
radical views and urged them to seek
In their deliberations the golden mean
that combines conviction with charily.
President O'llnra's Remarks.
President O'Hara followed with a
fervent plea for individual effort In the
cause of total abstinence. A little per
sonal effort, properly directed, he said,
can sometimes accomplish a great deal,
and good example Is always more po
tent than five speeches. The delegates,
he continued, should do their best as
Individuals to help along the cause and
by giving good example show 'the bene
ficent results that flow from the virtue
of temperwnce.
IMIss Mary C. iRarrett, of Carbondalo,
eloquently" told of the ruin that Intem
perance had wrought and 'the wonder
ful amount of good that had come to the
world since the birth of the total ab
stinence movement. She pleaded for
greater Interest In temperance work
and dircted her remarks particularly
to the ladles, who have heretofore been
Indifferent to Us merits. She held that
in this work woman should work in
harmony with "those who are seeking
to Improve her condition.
Dr. Connor, of Scranton, told of the
injurious effects of over-Indulgence in
alcoholic Fi'lmulnnts on tho human sys
tem and produced a formidable lot of
Btaitlftics and opinions to support his
theories. John Kelly, of Carbondale,
and Vice-President Timothy McCoy, of
Hyde Park, also made brief addresses
calculated to encourage the delegates.
The speechmaklng over the creden
tials of the delegates were considered
and the following were reported pres
ent: Delegates In Attendance.
St. Rose's Ladles', Carbondale Mrs.
Ellen Kelly. Mrs. E. J. (McHale, Misses
Sarah Mooney, Kaitie Casey, Maggie
St. Aloyslus, Jermyn John Mehan,
Frank 'McOaffery, John. Merrick, Pat
rick Mulhearn, Thomas Tallet.
St. Patrick's, Carbondale Thomas
Cummlngs, M. J. McDonald, Nicholas
Murtagh, Patrick Walsh.
St. James, Peckville H. V. Lawler,
P. V. Donnelly, J. J. iMcAndrew, J. F.
Loftus, B. 10. Fagan.
Knights of Father Mathew, Arch
bald W. R. Gllroy, T. J. Clark, T. J.
Klelty, W. F. Murphy, James F. Mc
Andrew. St. Jamps' Ladles', Jesrup Tillle
Munley, NeIHe MoGurl, Maggie Byrne,
Maggie Gallagher, Ella Donnelly.
Pioneer, Father Mathew, Carbondalo
Anthony Banks, John Kelly, Henry
Kennedy, James Lcnnady, Thomas
Vice-President Loftus made an. en
couraging report of the progress of the
district since Its last convention. Mr.
Burke, of Carbondale, spoke of the ad
vlsalblUty of holding lectures and en
tertainments to keep up active Interest
In th work of the societies, and sug
gested that the matter be discussed ait
this session. The matter was tempo
rarily laid aside.
Mr. Judge, of Scranton, who was not
a delegate, created a lively time by
asking the convention to consider the
following resolution;
Mr. Judge's Resolution.
Resolved, That we 'heartily concur
with and heartily endorse the action
recently taken by the Pittsburg Total
Abrtlnence union, foil lt efforts to sup
press .the manufacture of beer by the
Uenedritlne Order of Christian Broth
ers of Western Pennsylvania, and that
the co-operation of the bishop of said
dlorcse be asked to suppress the un
holy traffic which Is a disgrace and
scandal to the Catholic church.
Mr. Campbell, of Cairbondale, intro
duced the resolution, and Mr. Burke,
with equal promptness, rose to oppose
It. He tatd that the order to which the
resolution was referred was a great In
stitution devoted to education. It was
not engaged In the sale of beer. Before
considering the resolution he snld the
convention, should be sure of Its
ground and not condemn something It
knew nothing about. It was a matUr
for the hierarchy and the societies of
Pittsburg diocese to consider, and was
entirely out of place anywhere else.
Mr. O'Hara spoke In similar strain.
The resolution, he said, was one of a
character that invariably creates dis
sension and rarely accomplishes any
thing good. He believed the matter
should be left with the societies of the
diocese In which the Institution Is lo
cated. tla scored Mr. Bnrke.
Mr. Kelly, while commending the seal
of Mr. Judge, thought likewise, and Mr.
McCaffrey believed that if the delegates
would confine their attention to home
they would find more than enough to
do. Mr. Judge defended his resolution,
and was particularly severe on Mr.
Burke, who accused him of having In
troduced tho resolution for sensational
Mr. Judge held It to be tha duty of
ths convention to protest, but found
few of tha same opinion, for the resolu
tion was lost by an almost unanimous
Mr. McCoy advocated the holding of
literary and social sessions by the so
cieties of ths district and thought much
good would come from them. Hs ex
pressed a belief that If these sessions
wars mora frequent membership would
be Increased and there would toe fewer
young men attracted to tha saloons.
Mr. MoCaffrey was also of opinion
that entertainments would do much
good, and he suggested that on the eve
ning of each quarterly convention a
lecture be given under tha ausplcles of
the society, entertaining tha conven
tion. Ha also offered a resolution pro
viding a per capita tax be levied to
pay tha expenses of such lecture. This
motion was declared unconstitutional.
New Officers Klccted.
Tha following officers were then
elected for the ensuing year: Vice
president. J. F. Loftus, Jessup; secre
tary, John Mulraney, Carbondale;
treasurer, P. M. Campbell, Carbondale;
trustees. W. F. Malloy, Carbondale;
Andrew Pldgeon, Carbondale. Carbon
dale was also selected as the place for
the next convention, which will be held
on tha first 8unday In October.
lias (Jivea No Ona Authority to Kay Us
llss Preferred Charges.
A Tribune man sought an Interview
with William J. Burke yesterday re
garding the rumors afloat and the
statements and surmises of some of
the local papers to the effect that he
had been to Washington recently and
had there made charges of Incompeten
cy and the like agaliut his former em
ployer, ex-Senutor Grant Herring, In
ternal revenue collector for this dlf'trU'.t.
Mr. liurke, when asked if he would
make a plain statement of the case
and set the publlo aright as to the
truth or falsity of th rumors thought
a long while, and then remarked that
he preferred not to talk about the mart
ter at all. However, h flmlly decided
to make a statement and this lathe glut
of his guarded utterances:
"I was In Washington twice on busi
ness of a personal nature, I admit, but
no one has had the authority from me
to rjy th'at this business had nny con
nection with Mr. Herring's affairs or
that whlltjln Washington I, Incidentally
or cith'srwlse, preferred charges against
This was all Mr. Burke- could be In
duced to impart at present. ,
An Insane Woman with a Destructive
Msnla Arrested in the Nick of Time.
Word was received at the central po
lice station Saturday night that a wo
man named Sarah Whaley. residing at
217 Railroad street,' had suddenly be
come Insane and was acting in a very
violent manner. The patrol wagon
with three oflicers was dispatched
thither, and upon arriving Mrs. Wha
ley was found to have piled all her
furniture In one room and was about
to hurl a lighted kerosene lamp into the
She became very calm at the appear
ance of the officers and willingly ac
companied them, speaking of them as
her deliverers. She was examined yes
terday by Dr. Paine, who pronounced
her Insane. An official examination by
two doctors will be made tomorrow
with a view of sending her to the Hill
side home. She Is a widow and had
lived alone for a number of years. She
was for some time past thought to be
queer by the neighbors, but not until
Saturday last, when she was seen
grovelling in the street, kislng the
ground and singing at the top of her
voice, was she deemed Insane.
She would, most likely, have des
troyed the house and herself had not
the officers arrived in the nick of time.
Remains Will Be Tskon to Plttston To
morrow for Interment.
Mrs. Cecilia MoNulty, aged 60 years,
died Saturday at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Michael McFadden,,of
Sllex street. In the Seventh ward. Mrs.
MoNulty was born In County Sllgo, Ire
land, and at an early age came to this
country, living In Plttston. for nearly
forty years.
The last years of her life were spent
with her daughter In this city. Beside
Mrs. iMcFadden, another daughter,
Miss Mary Ann McNulty, survives her.
The funeral will take place tomorrow
morning. The remains will be conveyed
to Plttston for Interment on the 11.20
a. m. Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western train.
Matron at County Jail Will Enter I'pon
llor Duties.
Mrs. Cora M. Johnston, recently ap
pointed matron of the county Jail, who
will have Immediate supervision over
the female malefactors Incarcerated,
will enter upon, the duties of her posi
tion today. She will have charge of
the laundry department.
An Important function that will be
performed by her which has heretofore
been neglected, will be searching the
women who come In on visiting day,
IMany a flask of whisky has bean,
smuggled to the prisoners In the folds
of the visitors' dresses.
It Will Begin on Next Thursday and Con
tlnne Ton Dmv.
Ttev. L. Shelhorn and George D.
Moore, who have Just completed a
series of successful meetings at West
Philadelphia, after having returned
from an. evangelistic tour through the
South and West Indies, will conduct a
camp meeting lro a large gospel tent at
the Sibley, da Old Forge, for ten days,
beginning July 11.
The men who work In the mines are
especially Invited to attend.
July 9, 18, and August 6, 14, snd 2fl, 1809.
Twenty-four Hours at Atoerlcs'a Great
est Wonder.
The New York, Ontario and Western
Railway will sell tickets on above dates to
Niagara Falls and return for 17.25.
Passengers will leave on train No. S (Pa
cific Express), returning on train No, 6 the
second day, thus giving twenty-four hours
at ths Falls.
A more delightful trip cannot be taken,
and all who embrace this opportunity will
not regret It.
Pullman and Wagner Sleeping Cars run
through to ths Falls, without chsnge, ths
charge for a double berth being $2 In each
Reclining Shalr Cars, seats free, will
also run through to Niagara Falls without
For further particulars apply to the
nearest station agsnt, or to J. C. Ander
son, general passenger agent, H Beaver
street, New York. 1
Hook and Ladder Picnic
On July 16 tha annual picnic of tha
Hook and Ladder company will be held
alt Wahler'a Grove, afternoon and even
ing. Music will be furnished by Bauer's
band. . .
Piano for Sals.
A high grade 7 1-1 octave piano. Beauti
ful mahogany case, repeating action and
all modern Improvements. No better
Kno mads. Will be sold very cheap,
r particulars address Box tZl. .
Buy tha Weber
and get ths best At Querassy Bros.
John Gibbons Says He In Nat Circal
ting Oae Agalaat Mr. Vandllag.
That Is Mr. Gibbons' Bellof-Chsrscter-lies
tho Postmsstsfs Lsngasge as
an Insult to Every Christian
Mas sad Womaa la tha City.
What action the Sheridan Monument
association will take on tha answer
Postmaster Frank Vandllng made to
John Gibbons and F. L. Wormser, who
waited on him with tickets for sale for
the Fourth of July excursion, Is a gen
eral tuple of conversation. It Is as
sured by prominent members of the as
sociation that a "hotstuff" resolution
will be passed and forwarded to Post
master General William L. Wilson and
President Cleveland.
There will he a meeting Wednesday
evening. It was noised around that
Mr. Gibbons was actively engaged yes
terday securing signers to a petition
asking for Vamlllng's removal, but he
denied that story. To a Tribune re
porter he spoke as follows last eve
ning: "No, I am not going around with a
petition, but there will likely be some
thing done by the association. Vand
ling's language is an Insult to every
ChrlHttrin man and woman In the city,
and such a man Is not fit to be post
master." Another gentleman prominently con
nected with the business of the associa
tion, said that a letter had been sent
to William F. Harrlty, but Harrlty Is
across the Atlantic at present.
Restored to Its Owner a Pocketbook
Which Contained 47S.
Mrs. Oliver Phillips, a passenger on
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
train No. 7 yesterday morning, while
en route from New York to the west
lost her pocketbook, containing $473,
and her railroad tickets, between this
cl.ty and Blnghamton. She discovered
her loss when she arrived at the latter
city, and recollecting that she had It
near on open window during the trip
from Scranton thought it possible that
It might have dropped out of the win
A telegram was sent out by the Blng
hamton railroad officials notifying the
station agents to Instruct the track
walkers to look for the missing purse.
MrB. Phillips' being without money to
proceed, started Immediately for her
home in New York, taking train No. 6,
which arrives In this city at 5.30 in th
morning. Imagine her pleasant sur
prise upon arriving at Factoryville to
learn that her money had been found
near Dalton and was awaiting her
there. She recovered the porketbook
and resumed her Journey, but not with
out liberally rewarding the honest
track-walker who found It.
The pocketbook was lost some time
after midnight, and before daybreak, or
In about three hours and a half s time.
It was bark In the possession of its
owner, although the only clue to its
whereabouts was that It had been lost
somewhere In a territory sixty-two
miles in length.
Lsst Ssd Rites Conducted Yesterday at
the Family Residence.
Hundreds of sorrowing friends called
yesterday afternoon at the Morris res
idence, Washington avenue and Vine
street, to pay their last respects to the
memory of Abram Morris, whose sad
death In the prime of life was such
shock to his many friends In this city.
Rabbi Feuerllcht conducted the funeral
services according to the Jewish ritual
and preached the funeral sermon.
The floral offerings were many and
very handsome. The pall-bearers and
flower-bearers were Charles Bernstein,
Isaac Brown, Charles Wormser, Joseph
Loewenberg, Samuel Kramer, Levy
Kramer, William Moses and Slg
Brandt. Interment was made in the
Jewish cemetery, at Dunmore.
He Strains a Tendon of His Leg and Is
Temporarily Lamed, .
Superintendent Garrett Bogart,of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
railroad, strained a tendon of Ms leg by
making a misstep while coming down
stairs dn the Scranton station Satur
day evening.
He was convoyed to his home, where
an examination showed that t.he acci
dent waS not very serious. It Is thought
that he will not long be confined to his
home on account of the acoident.
The Body of an L'nknown Mas Found In
a Wheat Field. S
Fort Wayne, Ind., July 7. In the mid
dle of a wheat field, fifteen miles east
of this city, on the Ohio and Indiana
state lttu?, the decomposed remains of
an unknown man were found yester
day. By Its slda was a club, one end
of which was bespattered with blood.
The head had been pounded to a pulp,
and about the body were evidences of
a terrible struggle. The body Is that
of a middle-aged man, fairly well
A New Entsrprlse,
Mr. H. D, Bwarts, the well-known lum
berman wing-shot, has opened up a store
at 222 Spruce street, where he will carry a
full line of guns, rifles, revolvers, sporting
goods, ammunition of all kinds, clay
pigeon traps, live pigeon trsps, targets
snd hand loaded shot gun shells. Mr.
Bwarts Intends to make a specialty of
hand loaded shells and will guarantee
every one of them to be perfect.
In ordering shells loaded, whether by
mall or by telephone, please state how you
want them loaded or give him the name or
make of gun and gauge and what kind of
game you want to use them for snd he will
guarantee ths shells to be all right. In
connection with his store Mr. Bwarts will
have a repair shop, which will be under
the management of Mr, F. A. Tlsdale, a
man with several years' experience In re
pairing and making guns, bicycles and all
kinds of difficult work. Mr. Bwarts has
taken the agency for the new L. C. Smith
gun, which Is one of the finest made guns
on the market. These guns can now be
seen at his store.
Those two or three teeth you've lost
can be replaced without plates at Dr. B.
T. Wheaton's. Office, 121 Lackawanna
avenue. '
BEST M 0! Hill. M
Uctadisg ths palolees estraettaf at
teeth by as entirety new preessa .
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
F. P. PRICE, Agent
This article
is invalcable
as a FRUIT
as a potato
press it has
no equal, it
leaves the po
tatoes as
light as a
feather and
as white as
Cresn and Gold Store Frsni
Tea thirst his bmnglit that mnlo to water.
It was no use for him to kirk this time: he
was drtvrn to drink and drink hi mast. Rut
even water wasn't more irrd-istibly tempting
to that mnle itJck of shirts is to iriuo
awake buyers,
CONRAD Lackawanna A?a.
Given from I a. m. t 6 p. m. at the
Green Ridge Sanitarium,
720 Marlon St., Green Ridge.
For Ladles Suffering from Nervous Disensoa
Catarrhal and Kueunatlo Complaint special
attention is given.
S Graduate of tho Boston Hospital Training
lohool for Nurses). Superintendent
tst at twist tnttrn
WmsWISm'i OsstsilttuatbuJ Mum aunt,
Mtt Wtthlncen Av. erantn,P.
Line of
To make room for the immense stock
of FURS which we are making.
iu uuz. oujs donors, lot u:a
25 Dol ladies' Sailers, 19c, Lei
10 Dol Untrtemed Hats. 2k EkV
5 Doz. Trimmsd Hats, 9Sc EkS
inn Dlerats nf DiMinn E atS-T
20 Dol Infants' Lawn tt'Ca
The balance of otr ti f0
Silk Waists for 1 ,35
Silk and Velvet $) QQ
Capes, - - .JJ
I lot of Fancy Em- $4 QQ
broidered Capes, , jjQ
Come "early to secure some
of these bargains.
138 Wyoming Ave.
Blue Serge
Coats and Vests
Duck Pants
Cites. fumisficra
Shirt Maker
. at".. A t '
Safe-Deposit Vaults
404 Lackawanna Ave.,
keeping of Securities. , ?
Boxes of all sizes and prices. . .
Lare, light and airy rooms f or -tho
use and convenience of cus
Entrance only through the Bank. v-
... - . t