The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 08, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tim CCRA27T02T TKIB 011 E-MONDAY MORNING, JULY 8. 1893.
. fthtf Hi Ww Puk
Baai OMifMqr.
ew Task
Ttiarae ""In. task &
W.W. MVIS. " Moot.
W. VOUNOS, ml M.M-.
m Nanfiici at Kitunoa. .. as
the WWiM Jnunwl Ihr dver
trdltim lu Mvtkrcstwra rwuiAylv
1IML Kwnift
ami Krery
1 Saturday,
M Mm. with An A toil
mm weu-Kslttd lllrcal-
N, JULY 8, 1893.
IP. Gllkeson. of the Kc-
t S4I committee. ha Issued a
(fade convention to meet at
bdnesday, Aug. S3, at 11
A. mJor the nomination of one
loState treasurer, itx cancll-
r iMris of the Superior court,
th transaction of such other
as say b presented. In this
don tan representation of the
Altera counties will be as follows:
JMord S
rbon 2
ca wanna. First district Z
awanna. Second district.... 2
ckawanna. Third district 1
awanna. Fourth district.... 2
erne. First district J
userne. Second district J
Muerne, Third district 2
kuserne. Fourth district.... 1
Lucerne. Fifth rilntrirt 1
- I Lucerne, Sixth district 1
! Monro 1
'-) Pike ; 1
Schuylkill. First district 2
? Schuylkill, Second district 1
Schuylkill. Third district 1
Schuylkill. Fourth district .1
Susquehanna 2
Wayne 1
Wyoming Jt i
Tji total number ofynel'eate will be 2S!,
which the aboye-tountlea will supply 31.
Bftlers Begin Business.
In Saturday's Truth appeared a card
signed toy M. H. Dale and C. W. West
pfahl and setting- forth that "at the
earnest solicitation of many Republi
can favorable to the leadership of
Senator Quay, and belleur that a
large majority, of the ReLfaUcans of
th Second Legislative district prefer
tilt leadership," they "have consented
to stand for delegates to the Republi
can state convent! from said leglsla-
ilveaSIfrWP' They pledge themselves
"unreservedly for the (nomination of
Judge! E. N. Wlllard" and agree to "do
everythlnf to honorably aid his candi
dacy.' It does not need a very profound
scrutiny to discover the ridiculous In
consistency of such a double-barreled
pledge. Messrs. Dal and Westpfahl,
by potting; Quay's name first In their
volunteered oath of allegiance, clearly
make his Interests paramount to the In
. terests of Lackawanna's own home
. candidacy. They ere for Wlllard "un-
. reservedly," wKh the one reservation
that Wlllard must go with them, and
not they with Wlllard. This Is a fine
Indorsement, surely; and one of which
i - Bt. Wtllard's friends have a right to
feel suspicious.
- But suppose Quay, as now appears
certain, will not own the next state
convention T Suppose the friends of the
; ' eidtnlnlatratlon are In the majority?
.Where would this leave Judge Wlllard?
An unconditional appointment to a
J state office, when everything was poll tl-f-
tally harmonious, Is one thing; but a
. - convention nomination, made In the
- keat and turmoil of factional strife. Is
quit another. Could Wlllard hope for
recognition from the Hastings people If,
fter Mm administration's framk and
open appotntmemt of him, the men who
.-' : xMW pledge themselves to "do every
'," ' - thing to honorably aid his candidacy"
Should go to Harrlsburg and there stab
' th Hastings administration In the
tack? 7
It Is within the right of any man to
' tstplr to any office. . We do not quar
' rl with (Messrs. Dale mi Westpfahl
i ' : for wishing to go as delegates to the
, 'August convention. We would hot
question their right to 'be Quay candl-
. " ' dates, fairly and manfully. But we do
question- th moral decency of their
;- bra sen attempt to Juggle vlth Judge
'' ., WfHard"S chamces of a nomination Aug.
It by making bis candidacy subsidiary
to the personal necessities of Senator
, Quay; and w call upon the real friends
t of Mr. Wlllard, whether In sympathy
f with Senator Quay or not, to put the
V seal of tir mpnatle disapproval on
' '' Mtlp f.an4-kws affort at political
t'J kleanry .". : ' "
5t. Lidw' JMsaiir Mom.
X'& TWs week a committee of the Men's
; v : Oulld of St. Luke's church will, It 1s
: . : anoounosd, tend out number of cir
: I' , nlar icttsra to th tartness and profes
; ; Hohal taoa'ct th dty rsquestlnr their
ctaae t tb tnalntnanc of St.
'.; LcU rntmmtr tioase for convalescent
; woumi and blldra located at Lake
' tMA. Tha koma la now occupied to the
''""tacit at to Httlted capacity, but by
: ; iJUf id Jia capacity , could
-' "J t Alatf4 witti corresponding
:;. C, coarltyj .benevolent
il .zl jC surlns fopr. -.
;: "- i -.V at Oi (rtliandd and
'C 'J'l'tttr, WWoh draw
tfr r VWi simply aeeks
. . 1" i a-J waak; ars
too well known to the readers of The
Tribune to Justify extended eulogy. We
have repeatedly explained them. All
that ought now to be necessary to se
cure a proper response Is merely to set
forth the home's needs. There is no
Scrantonlan, rich or poor, Cathollo,
Protestant, Jew or Gentile, who Is not
under personal obligation to St. Luke's
home for the work that It has done In
this community, and who ought not to
be glad to make some practical effort
to testify to that debt.
Attempted Political Bribery.
A glittering bait Is held out in the
Washington correspondenceof the Dem
ocratic Philadelphia Times to undecid
ed Republicans to get down on the
Quay side of tho factional fence. After
explaining the potent Influences of a
United States senator In the distribu
tion of federal patronage, it dangles
these possiblo plums in front of the
eyca of its politically hungry Republi
can readers, carefully arraying them In
the most attractive tabular form:
There nro two d'jiuty coUorton, at
J2.C00 enrh SI.OM
Two deputy collectors at Sl.SOO each. 8.W0
One d.'puty collector, at Jl.ftD
Two deputy ccllec-turs, nt J1.70O oaoh S.400
Two deputy collector, nt Sl.fc'OO each 8.(0
Four deputy collectors at $1,500 each $.W
Eleven deputy coll-ctors nt JlNuO
eaeh 1S.00O
Four deputy collectorn, nt f 1,300 pnch 5,200
Thirteen deputy coliectors, at t,'M
each 11,200
Twenty-three deputy collectors, at
SI, ICO each 23.103
In audii.on to th? n'mve, there have b?en
placed under th? rlvil service classification
by the present aili;i!:i,strat;oa a number of
otHc.'S which cok'A be withdrawn from tho
civil service protection, if there should ho
a It. publican administration, viz.:
Jaritors 2nd assistants acsresatlnir. 83.100
b.xty-four sioi'ekeepcrs nr.d causers,
nt J! per day, nveiajrlng 51,300 each
per ar.nuni 83,200
Forty-f iitr storekeepers and RauKers,
at $3 and JioOp. r day, avcraslng
i,uo each jgoo
There are al-o scventy-n!no gaii.Tcrs who
receive fees for their scrvlcs; and the ng-
rref etc i-eee ;its or this class cannot now
be calculated.
Rut this Is not all. Among the sub
sidiary po??:blt:;l?s held out to Repub
licans willing to trade principle for pelf
!i cii?s 250 presidential postmasters. In
cluding rhradelphta's Jfi.000 offlcc,
Soranton's J3.200 and Wtlkes-Barre's
W.100 berth. Th.n there are 4,700 fourth
c:.as3 ouiees wmca it insinuates are
owned by Senator Quay in fee simple,
besido 230 berths In tho Philadelphia
mint. ir?veral Jl.500 to $1,500 deputy
ships, Ur.l'tcJ States mar?halsh!ps,
and other diplomatic trusts which a Re
publican presldant would elmply heap
Into ths Junior senator's lap, especially
If h'.3 party, at a Btat conver-itton, hid
Just disciplined him with 'a vote of cen
sure. The aggregate Is a tempting one; but
why is tha Democratic Philadelphia
Times so much concerned in th? prem
ises; and what president is likely to
consult a senator from Pennsylvania,
who Is not sustained by his own party?
Fortunaiely those who are making the
present fight for fair play In etate
polities are not making It for a consid
eration, and therefora are not to be
bought off, either by cash In hand or
castles In the air.
Concerning Hospitals.
As a partial recompense for the re
cent curtailment of the Btate's appro
priation to Lackawanna hospital comes
the gratifying announcement that by
special arrangement with the nan
agers of Moses Taylor hospital the hith
erto closed doors of that magnificent
institution will hereafter swing Inward
to the slok and injured of the city for
whom suitabla accommodation cannot
be found elsewhere. It Is explained
that preference will always be given to
employes of tha Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western company and the Lacka-wai.-.iia
Iron and 'Steel company, as was
Intended by tha hospital's founder; and
that private wards will also be at thn
dlspol of persons desiring to pay J.10
a week for tholr use; but tha,t beyond
these re&ervatlons, which will not cover
one-half the horpltal's facilities, the
general puhlls will bo cordially wel
come, at a comparatively moderate
It Is scarcely necessary to say that
this announcement will elicit wide
spread appreciation. For years the
ppectaclo of this rplendid Institution
Ftandlng almost Idle because of a con
dition In Its endowment made In Ignor
ance of the grta.t growth to which
Scranton 'has slnoe attained has been a
subject of criticism, all the keener In
view of the apparent Impossibility of
securing from the state sufficient
money to make Lackawanna hospital
what It manifestly should be. To bo
euro, this critlc!?m has been at tlmps
unju3t to the directors of the large
institution, who have felt impelled by
fiduciary con.ilderatlons to closely obey
the wishes of its founder. But It has
been an entirely natural criticism, for
the partial removal of which the di
rectors are now to be congratulated.
Unfortunately, however, this opening
of new hospital accommodations rests
on courtesy rather than on legal right;
which fact should stimulate friends of
the Lackawanna hospltalln their efforts
to makeup from private sources the sum
for extensions, new equipment and ex
tra maintenance denied by tho last leg
islature. A city so large as Scranton
ought never to be partly dependent for
the proper care of Its sick and Injured
on a private hospital. It ought to have
such an abundance of free hospital fa
cilities of Its own as would suffice to
meet any emergency. Anything less
than this amounts to a serious reflec
tion on the community In which the
deficiency Is not promptly supplied.
It Is creditable to the people of Hasle
ton if, as Is asserted, there has, since
the recent burning of the governor In
effigy, been a reaction of publlo senti
ment In this enlightened age and state
th community that wants to grow in
population end influonc mutt avoid
such ebullitions of mob ignorance and
passion, which Invariably Incite dis
Negligence's Logical Off print.
The Blttenbender murder, Saturday,
In Mantlcoke, Is logical result of th
slip-shod non-enforcement of law and
order which has for years tnado Lu
cerne county notorious throughout th
United States. It is simply one link
in a chain of coM-blooded aMasatoa
tlons which finds no parallel In com
munities that bend every energy to
ward a proper reiga of decency and
Since Jan. 1, 1893, murders in Luserne
county have been counted by the score.
The majority of them, it ts true, have
been committed in tho lower end,
within the area that recently desired,
partly for this reason, to be erected
Into a separate county. But the effect
of the paralysis of the machinery of the
law In one spot Is not confined to that
spot alone, but by a quick process of
radiation 'spreads to the remotest cor
ner. We therefore claim tho chances
are that this latent bold homicide would
not have occurred had there been, In
all parts of Luzerne county, a general
belief In the ability of the regularly con
etltuted officials of the county to ferret
out th? doer of a crime and bring him
to a stern accounting.
We scarcely naed say that w do
not allude to this subject with any
wish to court comparisons. The Inter
ests of the entire anthracite region of
tha whole state, In fact are one In the
matter of a prompt, vigilant and un
sparing vindication of law and Justice.
The shame of Luserne is the shame of
Lackawanna, of Pennsylvania. It Is In
the hope of spurring toward Its para
mount duty thai bet ter influences which,
when aroused, are supreme in every
community that wo present as a fair
fruit of past negligence the gory spec
tacle of an esteemed and prominent
citizen wantonly shot down, in mid
day, by a creature who has mistaken
liberty for license, and official derelic
tion for public approval of assassina
tion and anarchy.
In view of all the circumstances it
would be a gracious thing to do should
the people of Scranton show, by attend
ing In large numbers the benefit per
formance of comic opera' in the Froth
Ingham theater next Thursday night,
that they do not sanction the kind of
methods which has made it necessary
for these stranded opera slneers to ap
peal to the public for help.
It Is hardly probable that in a fight
for the determination whether Penn
sylvania shall be ruled by Its duly elect
ed state officials or by a self-appointed
"power behind the throne," the person
ality of B. F. Gllkeson can be made to
play much of a part. His participa
tion as a factor is wholly incidental
ac unimportant.
The fact Is worth noting that within.
a few days Scranton, in addition to its
numerous other points of pre-eminence,
will be the home of the largest silk mill
In the world. Keep an eye on Scranton,
if you want soon, to see big progress.
The Quay programme In this county,
as revealed to date, seems to say to
Judge Wlllard: "We are for you, if
Quay will let us be for you; but If not,
we are for Quay first, last and all the
time, and you can go to Halifax!"
One good result of the raising of the
antl-Wtllard standard In this county If
that it will teach our distinguished fel
low townsman who his real friends are.
In the eyes of the Quay rule-or-ruin
brigade In this county the Watres pre
cedent of 1890 was all right then, but
now it "doesn't count."
Politics apart, ficrarnton today gladly
welcomes Senator Quay and trusts that
ho will think enough of us to call again,
when having no axe to grind.
Governor Hastings calls his share of
the present battle a "struggle for fair
play in Pennsylvania politics," and that
seems to be Just what It Is.
The question now before the Republicans
of Pennsylvania, as the Philadelphia Press
well explains, Is whether they "are to
condemn and paralyse their own chosen
administration at tho very beginning of
Its term. Is there a fair-minded man
among them, is there a lover of fair play,
who does not feel In his heart of hearts
that Governor Hastings would engage In
no contest except as 'he Is compelled by a
sense of self-respect and public duty? To
defeat and humiliate him Is to stifle all
Independence of Judgment and to reduce
the whole party to mere servility. Sena
tor Quay has been most unhappily misled
In his present attitude. His truest and
wisest friends throughout the state have
admonished h.!m against this mistake.
Thoso who were his strength and his
support In 1888 and who were at his back
In the tariff tight have earnestly appealed
to him not to allow himself to be swayed
by the petty band of pitiful malcontents
whose arrogant assumptions were so of
fensive at Harrlsburg and whose per
nicious Influence blights all upon whom
falls Its fatal spell. Hundreds of veteran
Republicans who ar far truer friends of
Senator Quay than these parvenu mar
plots find themselves unable to go with
him on this issue. It is th best friendship
to want to save him from these mis
chievous wreckers. Let him take counsel
of his own better Judgment and abandon
the contest which has been opened with
out reason,"
"Tho campaign of lerlator Quay for the
control of the Republican organisation
in Pennsylvania is handicapped," ob
serves the Phlladolp-hla Bulletin, "with th
load which he is carrying In. the person of
his colleague in the United Stat senate.
The fact that Senator Cameron's political
fortunes are Involved in the struggle of
Quay for the maintenance of his leader
ship, has gone At to weaken Quay In
popular favor and to strengthen the revolt
against htm. If Senator Cameron wore
to come before the people directly a a can
didate for re-election as against any Re
publican of character and ability, them
could be no question that he would be em
phatically rejected. His three previous
lections hav been brought about by the
manipulation of legislative candidates
chiefly through the assistance of Mr. Quay
and Invariably against th protests of the
best alemsnta of th party. Today he ts
weaker in his following and in popular
respect than ha has vor beta in bis ca-
rr. and any faction whloh aoospts him
as lu candidate, la th senatorial canvas
should ra a swaATcaruig burden which will
Inevitably bear It down. Senator Quay's
fight for th leadership Is desperate
enough under aay circumstances, but It
will b a bopelea on If n shall continue
to carry Cameron In tha f o of th over
whelming opposition against him."
Tfe Phltedetphla Inquirer does act speak
th truth when H say: -x week ago th
Scraaton Tribune waa calling upon Chair
man Oilkeson to resign either th office of
tat chairman or th offic of bank com
missioner. The governor then appointed
Mr. Wlllard, of Scranton, to a seat on th
Appellate court bench. Judg Wlllard's
son-nlaw. Major Winn, ts on of th
owner of th Scranton Tribune, and Th
Tribune has promptly reversed Itself."
This paper believes today and says today,
with as much emphasis as ever, that th
offices of state chairman and banking
commissioner are Incompatible; and that
no man should bold both at on time.
If Mr. Gllkeson doe not aeon set this
Impropriety, be should be set sslde, and
another man chosen a th administra
tion's representative. He, In any event.
Is a mare Incident of th great struggle
which has temporarily tossed him to the
surface; The Tribune Is for the adminis
tration, resardless of Oilkeaon, for rea
sons that affect th very foundations of
government by t h people and that promise
soon to deuldtf whether Pennsylvania Is to
remain a commonwealth or become tho
personal property of one of Its senators.
The fact that Senator 'iuay has felt com
pelled to make a personal button-holing
tour of the state in his own behalf an ut
terly unprecedented course, we believe, for
a United States senator to pursue Is gen
erally regarded as equivalent to a con
fession of weakness. Indeed, it Is by
many rewarded aa exceedingly odd that lie
should not perceive the political disad
vantages of such an admission now while
so many delegates are yt "on the fence."
Says the Hyde 'Wrk"courler-Progress,
Representative Farr's paper: "Thomas
Phillips, of South Main avenue, has been
selected by Judge Wlllard to be a candi
date for delegate to the state convention.
Mr. Phillips has the confidence and respect
of all who know him, and his selection Is
regarded as a wise and Judicious one."
Trouble Is said to be developing In Craw
ford county for Senator Andrews, and he
has been compelled temporarily to aban
don Quay's cause In order to fix his own
R. P. Northrop," of Tunkhannock, Wy
oming county's delegate to the state con
vention, has assured Governor Hastings
that he will support Gllkeson.
Erie county will present 8. A. Davenport
at the Republican state convention as a
candidate for Superior court Judge.
The Phoenlxvllle Dally Republican has
come out for Hastings and Gllkeson.
It Is now said that Lancaster's ten dele
gates will go tor Quay In a body.
Daily Horoscope Drawn by AJaeehus, Ths
Tribune Astrologer.
Astrolabe cast: 4.18 a. m for Monday,
July 8, 1895.
Moon rises (.38 a. m.
A child born on this day will wonder If
ex-Mayor Fellows and Wade Finn talked
politics in their Interview of yesterday.
One year ago today mercury dropped CO
degrees. Political temperature will doubt
less be lowered accordingly this year on
tha departure of our red-hot congressman.
Every dog has bis day. This is trua In
politics, and there are numerous "bark
ers" In this vicinity who will wear a
muzxle later on.
AJaeehus Advice.
To Quay delegates: Bear in mind that
early frosts are predicted this season.
To Major Penman: Better put an as
bestos lining in Unci Joe's hat before
trying It on.
Algernon Simon Peter Smith
Was such a modest man, i,
That all his neighbors soon agree ,
To put him undrtr bin.
He talked about his modesty;
Till every one grew tired,
And loneed to see bis Ike eton
All nicely clesned and w roJ,
Whatever Algernon might do,
He'd deprecate at once;
"Now, I don't think It's much, do you?"
He d say. "The veriest dunce
Could do as well, I'm sure, and though
I do the beet I can,
I never undue credit take
I'm such a modes man." j&
Tet all the time the hypocrite '
Was proud as proud could be f
Of what he'd done, as every ona
Could very clearly see. ,
And so he got disliked by all
The folks upon his street, J '
For undue modesty Is quit
As bad as self-conceit.
Bomervllle Jou.aal.
Hill &
131 AND 133
The Best of Them
All lath
Porch Chairs and Rockers,
Fins Reed Chairs vtA Rockers,
A Few Baby Carriages Left it Cost
Cedar Chests, Moth Proof; In
Three Sizes.
Hill &
Tea Is wand ssOy la a WKBErl
OaII and sm ttaAst Pianos, an! seas tast.
oad-baad Plana bar taksala ssaaaag
Sceond Legislative District. -
Th Republicans of the Second legists
Uv district will assemble In convention
la th arbitration rooms, at the court
bouse, teranton, Pa., on Tuesday, July, 10,
1896, at t o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
sleeting two delegates to the Republican
stat convention to meet at Harrlsburg,
Pa.. August. 28, 1S35.
Election for delegates to this convention
Will be held at the regular polling places
on Saturday, July U, between the hours of
I and T o'clock p. m. Election districts
are entitled to representation as follows:
Mo. Delegates.
Seventh ward, First dis 1
Seventh ward. Second dis 1
Seventh ward, Third dis 1
Eighth ward, First dis t
Eighth ward. Second dis 1
Ninth ward. First dis S
Ninth ward, Second dis Z
Ninth ward. Third dis 7
Tenth ward 2 '
Eleventh, ward, First dis 2
Eleventh ward. Second dis t
Eleventh ward, Third dis 1
Twelfth ward, First dis 1
Twelfth ward. Second dis 1
Thirteenth ward. First dis 2
Thirteenth ward, Becond dis S
Thirteenth ward, Third dla 2
Sixteenth ward. First dla 2
Sixteenth ward, Second dis 2
Seventeenth ward. First dis S
Seventeenth ward, Second dis 4
Nineteenth ward. First dis 2
Nineteenth ward, Becond dis 1
Nineteenth ward, Third dla 1
Nineteenth ward, Fourth dis 1
Twentieth ward. First dis 1
Twentieth ward. Second dis 2
Twentieth ward. Third dla , 1
Vigilance committee will please take due
notice and govern themselves accordingly,
W. S. MILLAR, Chairman.
EMIL BONN, Secretary.
Fourth l.cslslstlvo District.
The Republicans of the Fourth legisla
tive district will OftHemblo In convention
In Odd Fellows' hall, Dunmore, on Sat
urday, tho 131 h day of July, at 4 o'clock p.
m., 1893, for the purpose of electing two
delegates to the Republican state conven
tion to meet at Harrlsburg on August 28,
Election for delegates to this convention
will be held at the regular polling places
on Friday, July 12, between the hours of
6 and 7 p. m. Election districts are en
titled to representation as follows:
Archbald No. Delegates,
First ward, First dis 2
First ward, Becond dis 1
Becond ward 1
Third ward 1
First ward.....' 3
Second ward 2
Third ward 2
Carbondale township
Northwest district 1
Northeast district 1
Carbondale city
First ward, First dla 4
First ward, Third dis 1
Second ward. First dis 1
Becond ward, Becond dis 1
Becond ward, Third dis 1
Third ward. First dis 1
Third ward. Second dis 2
Third ward, Third dis 1
Third ward, Fourth dis 2
Fourth ward, First dis 1
Fourth ward. Second dis 1
Fifth ward, First dis 3
Fifth ward. Second dis 1
Sixth ward, First dis 2
Dickson City 2
First ward, First dis 2
First ward, Second dis 1
Becond ward, First dis 1
Becond ward, Second dis 1
Becond ward. Second dis 1
Third ward, First din 1
Third ward, Second dis 1
Third ward. Third dis 1
Fourth ward 1
Fifth ward 1
Sixth ward, First dis 2
Sixth word, Becond dis 2
Elmhurst borough 1
Fell township
First district 1
Second district 1
Third district 1
Jefferson township 1
Jermyn borough
First ward 2
Second ward , 2
Third ward 1
Mayfleld borough 2
First ward 2
Becond ward 2
Third ward 1
Roaring Brook township 1
Throop borough 1
Wlnton borough
First district 1
Second district 1
Vigilance committee will please take due
notice and govern themselves accordingly.
E. A. JONES, Chairman.
SAMUEL D. JONES, Bocretary.
'LI Off
Clarence M. Florey, the
sfiorting goods dealer of Wyo
ming avenue, has devised a
scheme to keep the bovs in
terested in the matter of base
ball. With every ten cent
ball or bat he will now give a
fine cap and belt, which are
uniform. Among the hustlers
; Florey.
Clearing Sale . .
All Summer Goods have been greatly reduced in price, in
accordance with our semi-annual custom. Every one of our
23 departments has more or less of hot weather stuff, that we
aim to dispose of during the month of July regardless of cost
or value.
Ten years of truthful advertising in this city is the strong
est argument that we can advance in behalf of this important
Having inaugurated the largest sale of Men's All
Wool Summer suits at lower prices (quality consid
ered) than was ever offered before in this city, and
as the demand still continues lively for them, we
will manage to keep up a good assortment at the
popular prices of
I IE in
by drawing from grades that .have sold as high as
Eighteen Dollars. Though alone in the field, we
promise to satisfy all comers till July 10th.
IIIL UnilllLllUf
Buy the latest style ?
It don't cost any more.
It is just as serviceable.
It is far more beautiful.
The latest style in Bedroom Furniture
Is the Curly Birch ; it is a
Beautiful Wood; takes a high polish;
Is strong and stays well in place.
It can be seen at HULL & CO.'S
New Furniture Store on Washington avenue,
Next to the Presbyterian Church.
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc,
Dr. Pcal'o Pennyroyal Pllla
IMiAt. (MW..-lw "7
ras hv john H. PHELPS. Pharmacist eon Wyomlna Avoni and
apruss) strati asranisn rm
square dealing clothiers
I 0(L
12 Commoni iiltn
11 Bid' J, Scranton, Pa.
Blank Books,
Offico Supplies,
And Baftplias,
States el EsjTtrss,
Frog Legs, Lobsters, ,
Large, Medium and
Little Ned Clams
and Oysters.
Set teeth, 15.10: best set. ft; for gtM esM
and teeth without plates, called orown and
brtdro work, call for prices and refer,
cum TONALOIA, for extractlnc test
without pain. Mo ether. Mo gas.
differs very little from what It does st any
other time. Whjrt Well as to oar Bsrdws re.
rooeur ueranse it coman oe any Diner.
However, thettbsnffnstscool things for in
ternsl appUcAtions sad some ertioles ot Hard
were lend themnelvee forcibly to this tdes.
Prom tbe humble ice-pick to the ellimportaat
lee cream fraeser. we isjd all the articles and
specialties for "qalok eooliog opsratioas" sa '
weu as lor aesnuf purposes.
t- 'i
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