TUB SCBANTON TRIBTOE-MONDAY MORNING. JULY 8, 1893. 0 HORTON'5 BULLETIN. Bicycles. Tricycles. Velocipedes. Boys' Buckboards. Boys' Express Wagons. Boys' Wheelbarrows. Babies' Double-horse Rockers Dolls' Perambulators. Children's Coaches. Krough Keigh and other Games. Very Interesting Prices, at NORTON'S, 322 Lackawanna Avanua. GOOD BREAD USE THE Snoi-Jtiite FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go. PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wool worth are in Portland. Me. John T. Porter spent yesterday In Wil mington. Del. Edward Fitzputrick. of Pittston. -v.ua In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. George Fa'.rchlld returned , Saturday from Lake Winola. Mis. Edith Amsdon. or Philadelphia, is visiting friends at Hallstiad place. Mrs. 3. C. Moyer. of Kingston, is visiting Mrs. Will Bel Us, of Adams avenue. Professor Fred H. Cr'.ger, of Wood's Business college. Is in New York city. James A. McAnulty Is at Clifton Spring, at th bedside of his brother, who Is seri ously 111. Miss Anna R. Williams, of Tenth street. Is entertaining Miss Marguerite Mason, of Brooklyn. X. Y. M. F. McCann. M. T. Howley. John Man ley. Frank Lenard and Joha Collins spent ( yesterday In Plttston. Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Lillian Weed and Miss Jioak. of Adams avenue, visited friends in Peekvtlle yesterday. Deputy Clerk of the Courts Emll Bonn lias registered as a student at law In the eface of Attorney E. C. Newcomb. J. M. Walker was on Saturday admitted to practice la the courts of Lackawanna county on motion of Attorney M. W. Lowry. THE TIN KANK. peaking of banks, I'm bound to say That a bank of tin is far the best. And I know of one that has stood for years In a pleasant home away out west. It has stood for years on the mantleplece. Between the clock and the Wedgewood plate. A wonderful bank, as you'll concede When you've heard the things I'll now ' relate. This bank was made of McKlnley tin. Well soldered up at sides and back; But It didn't resemble tin at all, For they'd painted It over an iron black. And that it really was a bank 'Twas an easy thing to see and say. For above the door In gorgeous red Appeared the letters, B-A-N-K! This bank had been so well devised And wrought so cunningly that when Tou put your money In at the hole It couldn't get out of that hole again! Somewhere about that stanch, snug thing A secret spring was hid away. But where It was or how It worked Excuse me, please, but I will not say. Thither, with dimpled cheeks aglow. ACame pretty children oftentimes, Mnd, standing up on a stool or cha'.r, 'Put In their divers pence and dimes. Once Uncle Hank name home from town After a cycle of grand aveats. And put In a round, blue, Ivory thing , He said was good for 60 cents! The bank went clinkety-cllnkety-cllnk. And larger grew the precious sum Which grandma said she hoped would prove A gracious boon to heathendom. But there were those I call no names' Who did not fancy any plan That did not In somewise Involve The candy and banana man. Listen: Once when the wind went "Yoooooooo!" And the raven croaked In the tangled tarn When, with a wall, the screech-owl flew . Out of her lair In the haunted barn There came three burglars down the road Three burglars skilled In arts of sin. And they cried: "What's this? Aha! Oh!" And straightway tackled the bank of tin. They burgted from half-past ten p. m., Till the village bell struck four o'clock: They hunted and searched and guessed and tried -But the little tin bank would not un lock! They couldn't discover the secret spring! Bo, when the barn-yard rooster crowed, They up with their tools and stole away WKh the bitter remark that they'd be blowed! Next morning came a sweet-faced child : And reached her dimpled hand to take A nickel to send to the heathen poor And a nickel to spend for her stomach's sake. Bha pressed the hidden, secret spring, And lo! the bank new open then . With a cheery creak that seemed to say; : "i;m glad to see you; come again!" If you were I, and If I were you, . What would we keep our money in? : In a downtown bank of British stoel Or an at-home bank of McKlnley tin? Soma want silver and some want gold, ' . But the little tin bank that wants the two, Aad la ran on the double-atandard plan . Why, that la the bank for me and you. : BugtM field. In ChloBsTO Record. A Foe to Dyspepsia DAY LI THE CITY CHURCHES I Corier Stoat of Lithuanian Catkolic Cfcarch Laid at Providence. AS PRECEDED BY A PARADE Rev. Walter Qulncy Scott, D. It.. Filled Pulpit at First Presbyterian Church. Fred Whitiomorc's Conveutloa Report at Elm Park Church. Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Hara at 3 o'clock yesterday laid the corner stone of ft Joseph's Lithuanian church on North Otalu avenue, the must noteworthy tea ture of the ct-remoiilos being that It Is the first Lithuanian church in the city. The pastor of the consignation I Rev. Michael IVza. who, with Itev. P, J. Mo- i.M.inus. of St. Paul's. Given KUIko; Rev. X. J. McXlu ius and Kev. W. P. O'Donn.'ll. of Holy Itovnry church. North Hntl: Kev. J. J. H. Fwley an J Rev. M. J. IMiliane. of the cathedral, as sisted the bishop- Previous to the corner stone laying several Polish and Lithuanian civic and church societies from the city and county a:iJ Luzerne county assembled nnd formed In line for the parade. There were jtvset: also many Polish priests from other places. Attired In uniform, the members of the societies presented a line appear ance and marched from the central city to the North Kml. The clergy occupied carriages at the head of Che proce.'sMon. The Excelsior Cornet band discoursed flr.e music leading the societies', and among tlw various societies in line oth er bands of mulc were Interspersed. The emblems of each society and the American flag were carried aloft side by side In the ranks. The parade was a most imposing spectacle. Ranks were broken on i!he street op posite the church, and after an opening prayer the prooesslon of the right rever end bishop and priests around the foun dation began. Two thousand people were present. After the ceremonies of the corner stone laying were over, ithe basement of the church was blessed. The congre gation will worship ia the basement un til the church is completed. To the zeal and co::taney of Father Peia Is due In a large measure the success of the un dertaking of erecting ithe church. Next Sunday the new Hungarian Catholic church on Cupouse avenue, near Gibson street, will be dedicated. OPEN-AIR MEETING. Conducted by the Y. M. C. A. at Nay Aug Park. A novel means far reachlnsr the masses was begun yesterday afternoon by the Young 'Men's Christian associa tion through an open air gospel meet ing In Nay Aug park. It was the first of a series of opoa air Sunday gather ings, and the fact that probably 1.300 persons were attracted by stirring music and speaking was considered to portend success for the movement. Gospel hymn books were distributed among the throng, which kneluded boys and girls, worklngmen out for a day In the open, tired mothers with hruods of little ones, tough young men and others of eachi sex whose appearance evi denced comfortable circumstances. Many of these joined In the singing of the association glee club, led by Tallie Morgan. An earnest, practical talk was delivered by George G. Many, the general secretary of the association. A large platform Is to be erected to accommodate the singers and speakers at future meetings, which seem des tined to be a successful method of Christian workers for reaching thou sands who are not regular church goers. SUCCESS AND MISFORTUNE. Sermons by Rev. Dr. Scott at First Pres byterian Chnrch. The congregations that attended tlw services at the First Presbyterian church yesterday momiog and evening listened to two splendid sermons, deliv ered by Rev. Dr. Walter Qulncy Scott', late principal of Phillip's academy. His text in the morning was a part of Ro mans, xll, 2: "Renewing of the Mind." He dealt with the mineral, vegetable and animal world and traced the prog ress of each. He raid 'that men learn more from defeat and misfortune than from success. Success in life makes men narrow, selfish, bigoted, while misfortune and sorrow broadens life and tests the character of each one. Such was the central theme of the ser mon, and all agreed that It was one of the strongest ever heard In that church. In the evening 'Dr. Scott's subject was the first part of the Lord's prayer, "Our Father, which art in. heaven." The dis course was on the greatness of the God head. WILL NOT AGAIN APPLY. Professor Carter Will Retire from Organ of Film Park Chnrch Sept. I. It was learned yesterday that Oorre B. Carter would not he the organist at Elm Park church after Sept. 1, the date upon which hi present year expires. It was said also that .Mr. Carter had placed a letter In the hands of John T. Porter, chalrmam of the music commit tee of Elm Park church, stating that he would not apply for the position for the coming year. Owing to Mr. Por ter's absence from th city, he being In Wilmington, Del., this report could not be cor.flrmed. Mr. Carter Is at present enjoying a two weeks' vacation, which he Is spend ing in New York city. It was Just be fore his departure that he placed the letter In "Mr. Porter's hands. . AN INSPIRING GATHERING. Heeont Chattanooga Convention IX- scrined By Fred Whlttemore. At the Kim P.-irfc chnri-li Inaf nltrfct Fred Whlttemore gave an Interesting talk on the recent Epworth league con vention at Chattanooga, Tenn., to which he was a dlwrnte. It wua at. tended by 13,000 Epworth leaguers, and Mr. wnittemore said it was one of the most inspiring (rattler Intra that he ever attended. During the evening En worth ion songs were sune by the Epworth league chorus of the church, under the direc tion of Mr. Whlttemore. LILY LAKE CAMP MEETING. Cond acted by the Salratloa Army at That Plats. The Salvation Army held a camp meeting; at Lily Lake yesterday, which was attended by many of the people of the country-side, in sxddttton "to the members of the army who went from this city. The day wan taken up wVth periodical sons; and prayer services, and no amusements that would tend to violate nctlxy of 4 he lord's Day were permUtvd. RELIGIOUS TOPICS. A. V. Bower preached last evening; In the Washburn Street Presbyterian church. Rev. Vr. I. C. Hughes preached at the Jackson Street Itaptlat church yes terday morning and evening. The Sunday school of the Ureen RWge Presbyterian church will conduct an excursion to Lake Ariel next Wednca day. The fourth Sunday after Trinity was observed by the congregation and pas tor. Hector M. H. Mill, of the St. David's tihurvh. Itev. lr. V. If. Pearce returned from Ocean Grove Saturday, where his fam ily Is summering, to conduct the ser vices at Kim Park church yesterday. Professor Haydn Kvana will till the p. sltlnn of orgmlst at "the First Pres byterian church during this month. Miss ltU'hmoml being away on her va cation. Kev. I C. Floyd l on his annual va cation. Yesterday morning his pulpit was tilled by Rev. K. 1. Doty, of (he Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church, and In the evening by Rev. E. It. Uvl. The Ladles' Aid socl.-ty of the As bury Methodist Kplscopal church will bold an Ice cream festival on the lawn tf Mrs. E. H. Reynolds, of Sanderson avenue, this evening. Itev. K. 1. lVty Is doing great work at the Hampton Street Methodist Kpls cnpal church. Mr. Doty's name Is very frequently confounded with Mr. Dony, of Sunday cloning fame. A quartette composed of Mrs. Joseph O'Brien. Mr Airred Connell. Richard Thomas mid Alfred Wooler sang In the Klin Park church yceterday at the morning and evening service. The Young Ladles' Mission circle of the Dunmore. Presbyterian church will hold anotitdiiormeetliiK at NiayAug Park on Thursday afternoon. Instead of their regular monthly meeting. In the North Main Avenue Clvltian church the psstor. Rev. D. M. Kinter, exchanged pulpits wlith Rev. C. W. Har vey, of Plymouth. The congregation of the Christian church enjoyed two In teresting sermons. In the sermon by Rev. Foster U. Gift In the Young Men's Christian as sociation rooms last evening, before the congregation of the Grace Lutheran church, the speaker dealt with the Christian's relation to our country. Rev. Hrander Matthews, of Harvard university, preach: J two interesting sermons In the Puritan Congregational church, and the choir of thirty voices under the direction of Chorister Reese Watklns rendered some excellent mu sic. Hon. John O. Woolley, of Chicago, will address a mass meeting of Chris tians of all denominations ut Mountain Park on Aug. 5. It Is expected that 10.000 people will be prerent. as Mr. Woolley Is known as one of th great est Christian orators In the nation. Rev. E. R. Lewis waa In great de mand yesterday. In the morning he preached at the Hampton Street Meth odist Episcopal church, In th evening at the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church, and at 7 o'clock Mr. Lewis filled the pulpit of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. John Davles, pastor of the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian church, New York, who Is spending part of his vacation with relatives In Dunmore, occupied the pulpit In the Presbyterian church last night and gave a very in teresting addres,talting his text from "The Sermon Upon the Mount." Rev. Dr. C. E. Robinson preached yesterday morning and evening. On July lu he will leave the city on his vacation and 'his pulpit will be filled by the following: July 21, Dr. G. Parsons Nichols, Blntrhamton. N. Y., July 23, Dr. Rufus S. Green. F.lmlra; Aug. 4. Mr. Henry W. Luce, Scranton; Aus. 11-18. Rev. James Anderson, Leroy, N. J.; Aug. 25, Rev. James Eels, N. J.; Sept. 1, Mr. Henry W. Luce. In the Providence Methodist Episco pal church the paxtor. Rev. Mr. Edgar, In the morning, delivered his third dis course on the Lord's prayer, his text being "Thy Kingdom Come." In the evening there was some spnclal music by the choir, and a solo by Miss Smith, which was excellent. The pastor made a short address on "Ood So Loved the World That He Gave His Only Uegot ten Son." John lil, 16. In the Providence Presbyterian church yesterday Rev. William Dun ning preached from tho text "Art thnu He that should com';, and do we look for?" Matthew xl, 3. His sermon was very interesting and Instructive. In the evening preached a very Inter esting sermon on the text "I have set the Lord always before me, because He Is at my right hand; He shall not be moved," Psalm xvl, 8. The choir rene dered some excellent music. In the North Main Avenue Baptlot church the sacrament of the Lord's supper was observed In the morning. and three new members were added to the church. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Wat kins, delivered an Interesting address on "Christ's Poverty the Source of Our Enrichment." At the song servkce, In the evening, the choir rendered several selections of beautiful mnlc, the two anthems, "Welcome Pilgrims" and "Praia Ye the Ixrd," and the solo by ATI De Graw, "There Is a Oreen Hill Fur) Away" (Gounod) and the two quar tfttos, were of a high degree of ex cellence. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. It Is a Mistake to Snppoe They Are Syn onymous Terms. Writing to the Cleveland World con cerning his impressions of a recent visit to Ireland, Elbert Hubbard says: "There Is a theory to the effect that the Universal Mother In giving out happiness bestows on each and all an equal portion that the bggar, trudging along the stony rond. Is as happy ss the king who rides by In his carrlnite. This Is a very old belief, and It has been held by many learned men. From the time I first heard It, It appeared to me as truth. Yet recently my fnllh hns been shaken: for not long ago In New York I climbed the mnrblo steps of a splen did mansion and was admitted by a ser vant In livery, who carried my card on a sliver tray to his master. This master had a son In the Keeley Institute, a daugh ter In her grave, and a wife who shrunk from his presence. Mis heart was as lonely as a winter night at sea. Fate had sent him a conch man, a butler, a gardener and a footman, but she took his happi ness and passed It through a hole In the thatch Into a mud-plastered cottage In Ireland where, each night, six rosy chil dren soundly slept In one straw bed, "In that cottage I stayed two days. There was a stone floor and bare white washed walls, but there was a rose bush climbing over the door, and within health and sunny temper that made mirth with a meal of herbs, and there was tenderness touched to poetry the prose of dally du ties. 'But happiness Is possible even In a palace," said Marcus Aurollua; but this remark . was t mad seventeen hundred years ago." Printing for Orooers. Circulars, cards, booklets, letter heads, eta printed so well at The Tribune of. flee that they will aell foods for you. KEWS CF TEE SUBURBS latercstiag Meeting of the Lacks' waina School board Promised. CAUSE OP THE DIPPERCNCB Events of the Hay as Gathered on the South Side of the City, In the North End. Uansaore andMlnooka. Quite aa lively a time has been going on at the meotlugs or the Lackawanna townehlp achoolboard within the past two weeks was nut Iced when the no torious deadlock on organisation exist ed or Ave meetings. The scene is the same now. except that the bune of con tention Is on letting out a contract for supplying the schools with maps of the continents. Morgan, LVloCrlndlu and HlggliiH are arrayed against Loverlng. King at id Davis. The bitterness, the outgrowth of the compromise organisation, has a good deal to do with the Inability to con sider the map contract Impartially. The board will meet this evening at No. 3 school; perhaps the deadlock may bo broken or It may go on, so that the schools will be 'without maps alto gether. Funeral of Stephen Rudolph. All that was mortal of Stephen Ru dolph, of Fifth avenue, was laid In the grave Saturday morning In the Twen tieth Ward German Catholic cemetery, As he was one of the best known cril xens of the South Side his funeral was attended by all the prominent people of the place. A high mass of requiem was celebrated at St. Mary's German Catho lic church on. River street. Although he was an old man, yet his vigor and activity kept him amoms; the front ranks of Industrious citizens, and in his death the South Side sustained a serious loss. Shorter Paragraphs. At the Hickory Street German Pres byterian church the evening service has been discontinued until the first Sun day of September. Mountain Lake was visited yester day by at least 2,000 persons; a street railway to this refreshing spot is prom ised for next summer. Closed cars were run on the South Side mid Mooslc lines yesterday be cause the machinery of the summer cars needs repairing. The North Stvet mill has resumed operations this morning, and will go on running a double teurn, barring acci dents, for the coming three months. Com ad Schroeder has been awarded the contract of the erection of the addi tion to the Sanquoit Silk mill; the brick work Is to be completed In ninety days. Rev. Father Green announced yester day that until further notice Is given the masses in St. Joseph's church, Ml nooka, will be at 7 and 10 o'clock, In stead of at 8 and 10.30. Rev. J. L. Race, pastor of Cedar Ave nue Methodist Episcopal church, and family are away on a visit for the bene fit of Rev. Mr. Race's health. Mr. Parsons conducted the services yester day at the church. The pastor and family will return Thursday. NORTH END. A. R. Hollenbuck Is camping at Lake Winola. Mrs. Catherine Hopkins Is erecting a house on Cayuga street. Mrs. J. L. Medway and daughter are vIsitHng In Wayne county. Misses Bessie and Julia Henwood re turned Saturday from Glenwood. Mrs. W. B. Christmas, of North Main avenue. Is visiting at Lake Ariel. Miss Ella Cobb, of Dickson avenue, Is spending a few days at Lake Winola. Mr. amd Mrs. G. O. Mahey, of Sander eon avenue, have returned from Mil ton, Pa. iMIss Frances Wlnton, of North Main avenue, will leave today for Shelter Island. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gillespie, of Oak street, left Saturday for a short visit at Honesdale. Miss Rose Hart, of Blnghamton, Is visiting with Mrs. J. J. Varley, of Dela ware street. Miss Margaret Moram, of West Mar ket street, Is visiting with friends at Wellsvllle, N. Y. L. Stonier has commenced work In his new planing mill at Ferdinand street and Church avenue. The Green Ridge Presbyterian Sun day school will run its annaal excursion to Lake Ariel on Wednesday. Miss Blanche Wood, of Honesdale, Is visiting with 'Miss May Mason, of San derson avenue. Joseph Foster and . wife left Friday for "Mladletown. N. Y where they will spend part of their vacation. W. C. Thompson, of Sanderson ave nue, will move Into the old bicycle club house on Wyoming avenue this week. The steamer Berlin, which 'Rev. Mr. Guild sailed In for Europe, arrived at QiieenEtown Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. William Dunning, of Gllberts vllle, N. Y., preached two very Interest ing sermons In the Providence Presby terian church yesterday. Rev. A. F. Ferris, formerly of the Puritan Congregational church, West Market street, amd Miss Rev. Jeannette Olmstead, of Gustavus, O., were Joined In wedlock at the home of IDrs. W. L. and E. L. Gilchrist, Ashtabula, O., on June 13, by Rev. S. B. Hershey. MINOOKA. The remains of an Infant child of ARE YOU DEAF? DON'T YOU WAK" T HRA? T-." "wuf Will help yon If you no, II Is a recent wlentMo Invention to as sist the besring of any one not CORN daaf. W ban In the ear It Is Invisible, and does not ciim the slight t discomfort. It Is to the Mr whst glannie are to the tye. so ear spectacle. An experianend Aurlst will be at the Wyo ming llnust , Horsnton, on July L , 8, 4, 6 and S. from a. ro. to 6 p, m where toey can ba testtd Frea of Charge. THE AURAPHONE CO., 71 8 Metropolitan Bldi, Madison Square New York. Wall Paper Styles and colorings are very fine this season. Cet us fix you up' a sample room with nice Gilt Paper, $5.' Jr. Hint Jerry Donavan were Interred In Ml- nooka Catholic cemetery Saturday. The school board will meet this eve ning. The Greenwood No. 1 colliery will be Idle today. Miss Katie Ly'nett. of Avoca, visited Ml nook a friends yesterday. Thomas O'Brien, of Avoca. circulated among Ml nook friends yesterday. The Cuckoos and the liluea will cross bats at Greenwood grounds this after noon. The'Mlnookas did not play yesterday; the Hustlers failed to put In an ap pearance. iMkta Maggie Durkln. of Plainsvllle, visited Miss Mary JefTeia, of Da via street, yesterday. DUNMORE. Mrs. C. X. Dodge, of Honesdale, la pending a few days with relatives on William street. MIks Jennie Osborne, of WUkes Barre, Is Uui guest of Mrs. A. D. Black Iraton, of Elm street. 41 ips Yo"t, of Shenandoah, Is spend ing some time with her cousin. Miss Ruby Yost, of South Hlukely Btreet. D. G. Hosar Is tearing down the ruins of his house, on lllakely Htrent, which was destroyed by lire over a year ago. Rev. John lavle and family, of New York city, are the guests of Mrs. Da vies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mof fat t, of Elm street. Allss Inea Ivey, of Shoemaker avenue, will represent the Presbyterian church society at the Christian Endeavor con vention to be held In Boston this week. Itlanohe and Florence Search, of WUkes-llarre, who have been upending the past few duys at the home of A. C. Smith, on Elm street, will return home today. The Junior Christian Endeavor soci ety of the Preabyterlan church will hold no meetings during the montlin of July and August, the next mentlng- be ing held the tlrst Sunday In September. Tine Iullen' Aid society of the Pres byterian church will meet at the home of Mrs. W. R. Teeter, on Elm street, Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A large attendance Is di'Sired, as no more meetings will 'be iicld during hat weather. By the overturning of a carriage, Domlnk'k Corcoran and two ladiea were thrown violently to the ground ut the Corners Saturday afternoon about A o'clock. Fortunately, the horse did not run, or some one might have been seriously Injured. At the regular weekly meeting of the Iiyal legion Saturday night a very In teresting programme of recitations, musical selections, andla one-act drama entitled "Two Gentlemen In a Had Fix," were given, which was highly appreciated by the large crowd in at tendance. James Doud, a brakeman on the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad, had a narrrow escape from death on Satur day. He was thrown from the top of a box car, falling between the cars, but retained his presence of mind enough to draw his legs out of the way, or they would .have been crushed. He received a dislocated hip, and was considera bly bruised. RAILROAD NOTES. The Delaware and Hudson Canal company Saturday paid Its employes at the Grassy Island mines at Olyphant and the Delaware and Mill Creek shafts at Mill Creek. James Doud, a conductor on the Erie and Wyoming railroad, was dangerous ly hurt by falling between the cars of his train Saturday afternoon. He was removed to his home, In Dunmore. Oscar Blackmore was held In $300 ball Saturday for further hearing on the charge of breaking Into a leln ware and Hudeon freight car In Green Ridge last fall and stealing a quantity of potatoes. A party of forty Elks went to Atlan tic City yesterday morning over the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad to attend the annual meeting of the grand lodge. Their headquarters will be at Hoteil Brunswick. The Delaware and Hudson railroad hae arranged to run an excursion 4 rain to Boston for the convenience of those wishing to attend the International con vention of the Christian Endeavor so cieties, which will be held thore this week. The fare for the round trip will be 19.35. GRIEF AS A DISEASE. It Onght, Says This Medical Authority, to be Treated as Such. A medical authority says that grief Is a disease, and must be treated as such. It cannot be 'ignored, neither can it bo con soled away. It must be accepted nnd al lowed to wear Itself out. As a rule, read justment comes slowly. Sorrow, grief and the emotion caused by all great misfor tunes chould be regarded as ukln to acute Infectious tllseoees, which they resemble In result; and later, as convalescence from such diseases. In this class of lUnera, se clusion, rest, sleep, appropriate food, fresh air, sunshine and Interests Mist tnx neither mind nor body are required. After ex- ' The crowds passing, in and out our doors? Our competitors only (rave us a few months lu Hcranton. Now tbey are goinu; to let us atny right along. REX FORD'S. 213 LICKIW1NNI (VENUE. To Close Out BEFORE THE 20TH. 25 PIECES Ol shopworn Turkish Pieces, Divana, Chain and I'lutforni Rockers In the Muslin to he covered In Figured Corduroy. Will close them out at 28 per cent, ot list price. J. L BENTON Adams av The Scranton Training School Y For Kindergarteners, SCRANTON, PA. Thaaerend year of the Scranton Training Behool for KlndergarteatM will open Septem ber It. IMA. Diplomas will ba awarded June IT, 1N6. tor olranlars and other aartloulars adaren MISS KATHARINE H. CLARK, RIADINQ, MASS. treme sorrow the nervous system needs, above everything, complete rest. The poison of grief Is more than a name. To urge work, study, travel, the vain search for amusements. Is both useless and dangerous. For a time the whole or ganism Is overthrown and temporary se clusion is imperative for proper readjust ment. Recent medical observations show tlvut the physical results of depressing emotions are similar to those caused by bodily accidents, fatigue, chill, partial starvation and loss of blood. Birds, moles and dogs, which apparnntly died In con sequence of rapture and from conditions that correspond In human being to acute nostalgia and "broken heart," were exam ined after death as to the condition of their Internal organs. It was found that th nutrition of the tissues had been Inter fered with, and the substance proper of the various vital organs had undurgone the same kind of degeneration as that brought about by pliuHphorus or tho germs of Infectious disease. Ills areatli In Kvldenco. From the Iioston Transcript. There Is mauy an amluliltt young gen tleman who flatters himself that ho Is a devil of a fellow simply because he goes about with a cloven breath. A U001 APPETITE an4 refreshing sleep at this season Indicate a condition of bodily health. These are given by Hood's Hursupurlllu. It makes pure blood am good health follows. HOOD'S 1'ILLH are purely vegetable, harmless, effective, ro riot pain or gripe. 11 Mb III! That meritorious coods are one of the first requisites of success in business. You will also admit we have been successful. It has only been by giving our customers the best goods at the lowest prices at which goods can be sold. We are proud of our success. You should be, also. If you have Scranton's interest at heart there is only one way to make the city prosperous; that is, by patroniz ing such institutions as are a credit to the city; who give you better values than you get abroad. Call and sec our line of Tea, Dinner nnd Toilet Sets, Lamps, Cut Clans, Silverware. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 134 WYOMING tVEKlE. Ladies' Oxfords, $2.00 The Razor Toe that tits feet comfortably. IT 'DOES NOT PINCH. Brown Glace Kid. Tan (ilucc Kid, Chocolate Glace Kid, Hlack Glace Kid. AH sizes All widths. Complete line at $2 the pair. Wc also have in addition to the above complete lines of Common Sense, Opera Toe and Piccadilly Toe Oxfords at $1.50, '2.(HI, $2.50. U laUUIIUUIlt 410 Spruce Street. JAMES & KELLY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALM ERS. Late of Pittsburg. First-Class Livery in Connection. 205 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON. TAR GUM Cures Colds, Lays Out I.nGrlppc, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELMEN DORF, Elmira, N. Y., and for sale by the trade generally. MEGARGEL & CON NELL, Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pi JOHN L HANGI, ENGRAVER, OFFICE AND SHOP Sit Laek. Ay. and Sto wrt' Art 8tor. Photo Eogrit Ing (or Clrcalirs, Bosks, Citi lOttUM, Hewipiptrs. Half-Tone and Una Work. ODD FELLOWS. Muoot, P. Ok B. of A., O. A. B 8. ot V.. 0. V. A. It., In fMt all lod(sa and octettes Inttndinir to rnn eKcnnions can bar tlia bast printing In taa ottr at lowast prleta by calling at Taa Taiauaa Job Ospart- BMBt. . L'OnilFC VJflTEB-PBBPF BflOqiTO Tnnninm nnnnirnn MimnviTnnn- 1 mi lull hi 1 mm 1. vi Combining all Spring Overcoat and possess ins water-proof qualities. ALL. NEW SPRING STY IN AT MARTIN&DELAI I THE :. FRSH1 308 Lackawanna Avenue. Owing to the lrre increase of business duriujr tha months mid lo hIiow our appreciation of same, we havi elded to give our numerous customers tue balanca or tin lowing Bilicles ut tue astonishing low prices iu order to out the entir.- Hues MILLINERY. Trimmed Huilors blttck, lilue and brown, 25c now Trim Died Bailors, lilueU, blue and browD, 60c -now 2&C And endlesM variety of MILLINERY of all kinds at great reduction MUST BE SOLD. WHILE SHOPPING Don't forget to look at our S9c. Ladies' Waist. It will do your eyes (:ood to see ourSilc. LudioV Walnt. Our 75c. Valt in stripes cannot be duplicated for tl.00. To close our 75c. While Lawn Waist at 48. Tic. w II buy an elegaut Lawn Waist, nicely trimmed, worth tl.OH. , Will left.a few White Parasols which we aieofIVriDKatl8e. The Le-t and cheapest -0 inch Sun Umbrella lu the city, fast black, for JSc. lis! Iff! VICTOR LEADS ALL We ure receiving a few daily, and are prepared to furnish Vie tors, Gendrons, Envoys, Fleet, wings. Relay Special, Relay Road ters, Crowns. Lii.MiNnms: all new in both Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wheels. WE HAVE STILL SOME BARGAINS III SECOMMIAM) WHEELS Call and Examine. 34 LACK. AVE-, SCRANTON, PA. N. A. WERT'S WYOMING AVE, SCRANTOrJ. STEMWAY t SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH I BACK STULTZ ft BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-cloaa ORGANS MUSICAL nERCHANDISB, MUSIC, ETC DITTO not CO, tSwSSSt? TateLatUM1 Hell) rranch Doala Kid Bat. tarn Bant detiwed f mm njrwaere la the U-JUaa receipt or Veen, mmrnf uran, or IVmuI Mote fer M. Kqtiale frr way UM beota old la eU retail stare for tlH. W raaae this beet euraerree, therefor we faar II any one M no eansnea 1 will refund the Bioaey or tend another pair. Opera 1 to i aad salt mm ruMT ml wUIJU aea, Uustraled ISHOECoraiiS:' ROOF TUNING AND SOLDERING AH dona away with by th use of HARTS MAN'S PATENT PAINT, Which consist of Inaradlenta well-known to all. It can ba applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwollnga, which will firevent absolutely any ommbllna, crack na or breaking of the brick. It will out laat tinning of any kind by many year, and it's coat does not exceed one-fifth thai of the cost of tinning. Ia sold by the Job or pound. Contracta takon by ANTONIO UABTMAKN. UT Btroa It 1 1 I.. I"-1 diul SV i0 J Joe IN OUR NEW lal iiuiumiiiuu the requisites off a fins Hnrs. Curtis ft Wheeler are recognized aa the leading manufacturer ot Ladies' Hne Footwear intDiaconctrr. Their Shoos poaieaa superior monts over nearly all others. Tbey are beautiful in design, (rraoefnl In appear ance end posiKM the Rlore-flttinff qualities aa much sought after in dress shoes- We rail your particular attention to our complete line i.f Oxford Ties in black and fnov leathers ia any style ot last and in all widths from A to KK. We Invite a comparison with other niton1 shoes at the same prices. unavsioi mi (LIMITED.) CORNER LACKft. AND JEFFERS01 A.'B. WELSBAGH LIGHT Sptciillj Adapted lor Reading ud Sating. , Conaumpa three (8) feet of gaa pet hour and gives an efficiency of tlxtf (00) candles, Having at least 33 per cant over tb ordinary Tip Burners. Call and See It. T CONNELL CO.. 434 LACKAWANNA MSXIlt flanufacturera' Agents. Standard Instruments ta avary aaaM aj m.. . .11.ii m Pianoa. BzcMtloaal la holding their erlgtaal Me YOMC WAMHOUi KX Vtfta avaaua. ; ' -. ; E.CaR.CKEnCaCQ . na jmUm A Maw ; 1 as T-7 1 a a 1 IBDI- A If JD 1 Pure lis H) lit r twit ' '. I