The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 08, 1895, Image 1

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Boys' Shirt waists to the front.
Why, we can hardly tell, unless it
is due to the fact that we were too
busy with goods that figured Into
more money.
-ell Them
Freely In fact, our stock runs up
into thousands of dozens, and there
' is not a good make or a prominent
style of boys' waist on the market
that we do not carry.
Leads all others as a common sense,
' dressy-looking waist. We have it
In Whites, Printed materials, etc.
Tou can get the same style else
where, but you cannot get such a
large line to select from, and you
cannot get them at the figures we
Is the old reliable standby, and for
practical thrift and true economy,
there's nothing on the market today
to surpass it.
We have It in all sizes, qualities
and materials, and prices for a
food, fast color Cambric begin at
Is not half told yet, but why pro
long it further?
If wt can get you to understand
that we carry two or three ordinary
stocks of shirt waists for boys, and
ell them at a big percentage lower
than all competitors, we have ac
' compUshed all we desire.
' Common prudence and good sound
sens od your part will do the rest.
Yet We
Missouri and Kansas Swept by a
flood unci Tornmlo.
An Area of 200 Square Miles Affected by
kainand W in J - Many Fields
of Grain H ere IH.
St. Louis. Sin., July 7. Thursdny
morning t-U-Kt':idiU- roports bi-r;in to
arrive in this olty of rains at western
points. These reports grew In number
Kriifciy anil covered u large territory In
dicating that the eastern water filed of
the Koi-ky Mountains, from the Ne
braska and Iowa lines to Texas, was
sw pt by a storm. Friday nlnht the
severest blow came. Reports of loss of
life and destruction of property came
with every telegram, and the down
pour which was at rlrt regarded as a
Westing, grew Into a wave of devasta
tion. Fields of grain that promised the
most bountiful yield In many ytura are
today swept bare- of vegetation. In
several Instances the seas of rain were
abetted In Choir work of destruction by
tornadoes. It Is too early yet to sum up
the loss, but the total must be appal
ling, and those to whom the angry ele
ments spared life have little left to sus
tain It.
The stories of the storm are so sim
ilar that a statistical summary is all
there Is left to tell.
The storm's focus embraced an area
of iOO square miles with 'the southwest
ern corner of .Missouri as the center.
The greatest lows of life Is reported
from Winona. Mo., where eleven corpses
have been found, with as many more
missing. At Baxter Springs In western
Kansas, five were killed and eleven se
riously Injured by a cyclone that ac
companied the storm. One was drowned
at Columbus and two at Ottawa, Kan
sas. At Van Buren, Arkansas, a wo
man and her child were drowned.
A Family Disappears.
A family of five were encamped an
the banks of Fish cretk Vn i;he Indian
territory. Yesterday nothing of them
nor their belongings was found except
a part of their wagon on a pile of drift
wood. At Thomasvllle. Mo., where the rain
fall was four Ir.ches in oce hour, five
lives were lost. .
L'neor.firmed reports are received as
ito loss of life as follows: Three at Fay
etteville. Ark.; one at Paoli. Kan.; one
at Richards. Kan., and six of a hunting
party In the Indian territory. This
gives a known and probable loss of
forty-three lives. This total will be in
creased when the receding waters per
mit a thorough search.
The above summaries gives only a
fraction of loss in property. The
greatest burden falls upon the farmers,
as the season Is too far spent to plant
new crops, and suffering must surely
follow in. the storm's wake. Details of
individual suffering and experiences re
call the horrors of tthe Johnstown dis
aster. Storms KNewhcre.
Chicago, July ".With little warning
of its terrific death-dealing force and
destructive character, a wind and rain
storm, such as Chicago has not seen
for years, broke upon the city about
5.30 o'clock this afternoon.
The complete result will not be known
until tomorrow, but it is kr.ow-in for a
certainty tonight that two lives were
lost on Lake Michigan by the capsizing
of boats.
Topeka, Kan., July 7. A htavy wind
and rain tornado struck the little town
of Canton late this afternoon and near
ly demolished It. A score of people
were Injured by flying timber. A num
ber of farmhouses that lay in the path
of the storm were destroyed, and great
damage was done to crops. '
Lake Geneva, Wis., July 7. Six per
sons were drowned by the sudden cap
sizing of a pleasure boat on Lake Gene
va this afternoon. A furious tornado
struck the town at 4.39. Buildings were
unroofed, trees uprooted and several
buildings moved from their founda
tions. A few minutes before the storm
broke, ithe steam launch Dispatch was
chartered by Father Hogan and Miss
Hogan, of Harvard, Ills., and a man
thought to be Dr. Franz, his wife and
child. A heavy nea. struck the little
craft and It suddenly went down with
Its six occupants. The body of Miss
Hogan has been recovered.
The )ncen Will Havs Nothing to Say on
Proroguing parliament.
London, July 7. -Parliament will be
prorogued on July 24. There will be no
queen's speech.
The Marquis of Salisbury, In the
house of lords, replied to ithe speech
which Lord Hosebery recently delivered
before the Eighty club, and in which
he attacked the house of lords. The
premier traversed Lord IRosebery's
statement that the house of lords had
legislative preponderance. On ithe con
trary, he asserted, the house of lords
had no share in. the votes by which
governments were displaced nor in the
provision of funds for the public ser
vices. Continuing, the Marquis of Salisbury
asked what the lords had done to In
duce Lord Rosebery to submit a pro
posal which had not been heard within
parliament for 250 years. The house of
lords merely rejected the evicted ten
ants' bill, which h asserted, was Im
practicable In the shape presented.
Mrs. Callahan, of Nowbiirg, Discovers a
Now and F.ffeetlvo Itnrglar Alarm.
Jfewburg, N. T., July 7. Mrs. M. L,
Callahan, who conducts a boarding
house In this city, adopted a novel and
effective plan to get rid of a burglar
ii&t night.1 A thief entered her house,
ait No,, 4' Washington place, by forcing
open a rear window with a, "Jimmy."
He ransacked bureau drawers, and had
Ithe contents piled up on the floor. '
V .li. II . It, . n ...... 1. .... ...1 I... AL
UM IB. LtllKIMU VT irClim Iff 1117
nolae. She arose and looked in
her room and saiw the
was unarmed, but soo
pon." Mrs. Callah
the hall and pickeV
Urge -dinner bell'
, mttu, arlih -alt'
room wJiere the thief was. He became
paralyzed, and Jumjied out of the open
window, a distance of fifteen feet. He
and a man he had left on guard in the
yurd then tied. The thli-f took nothing
but two pocket books, which, he dropped
In the yard, lie left his "Jimmy" be
Alubnma lHipullMs Wont to I'nite with
I he Kcruhtieunt.
Birmingham, Ala., July 7. A call has
been issued by Chairman Adams, of the
People's party for a meeting In Bir
mingham July "4. it lit understood the
plan is to arrange' for a fusion with
the Republicans and the opening of the
approaching spring campaign. A plat
form ignoring the money question. It Is
said, will be prepared and only state
issues will ! considered.
Atlanta. Sa.. July 7. About fifty
people nsseniliU-d In 'the county court
house here last nlsht in .response to a
call Issued by the silver leaders to
select delegates to the free silver con
vention to be belli at Cirlllln on July
IS. Thlrty-itwo delegates to the Urlttln
gathering were selected.
Joe -alius Sails with His Family on a
Fishing llont- Kef uses to lion r J a Pig
Ship-After Twenty-One Days of Hard
ship, the Plucky Sailor Refuses to Toko
Passage on Another llont. but Fioats on
to tils Destination.
New York. July ".The steamer
I'gyptlan Prince arrived ut quarantine
this morning from Santos. Itlo Janeiro,
and other South American ports, and
was detained by Health Officer lKty for
Steamer Bellarden. from Santos and
Rio Janeiro, which arrived at quaran
tine this morning, was also detained for
t!v usual cleansing and disinfection.
On Friday last the lookout of the Bel
larden reported a small sailing craft
dead ahead. On approaching the little
vessel It was seen tha t she was unman
ageable and had four occupants a
man, a woman, a boy of 7 years and an
Infant. All were in a very weak condi
tion. Joe Pallas, a native of Bermuda, em
barked on board of his vessel, the
Kosie. a small fishing boat about 20
fe?t long, not exceeding four tons bur
den, to change his residence from one
part of the Island of Bermuda to an
other. He took on board all his house
hold effects, his wife and boy and nurs
ing infant. After embarking the little
vessel was blown off her course, and,
after twenty-one days of hardship and
privation, the Bellarden appeared. Mr.
Dallas said that his provisions had been
exhausted for many days, but they had
only been out of water for forty-eight
Captain Davidson urged Dallas to
come on board the Bellardon with his
family, offering to tow the Rosle to
New York, but Dallas refused, saying
that the Rosle contained all he had In
the world, and that he thought he
would get along all right. They were
supplied with provisions and water
from the stores of the Bellarden and
given the course for Bermuda. The
Bellarden then proceeded on her voy
age, leaving the plucky Bermudlan to
again face the perils of the ocean When
the Bellarden parted from the Rosle.
she was about 100 miles southeast of
Capes of Delaware.
The Thirty-first Annual Conclnvo at At
lantic rltv.
Atlantic City, N. J.. July 7. The thirty-first
con-clove of the United Order
of Elks will begin its session hore on
Tuesday. One of the Important sub
jects me convention Is to consider will
be the settlement of it.he controversy
at preserrtixltlng In the order. Meade
Detweik-r, who was elected grand ex
alted ruler by the Jamestown faction
at Buffalo some time ago, is here, It Is
understood, to offer a proposition of
peace for the settlement of the differ
ence of the order.
Grand Kxalted Ruler E. S. Hay, of
Washington, expects that there will be
at least 10,000 In attendance during the
Hawaiian Are Alarmed at the Increase
of Japanese Residents.
Tacoma, Wash., July 7. The Morning
Union has received private advices
from Honolulu to the effect that ex
Queen Lllioukalnnl and her following
are plotting to form n alliance with
Japan by hen marriage to a Japanese
count. The Japanese have 30,000 resl
dents on the I Hand, and with this new
alliance, it is claimed the Hawalln re
public could be overthrown.
The officials of the republic are
alarmed at the number of Japanese
and have recently brought in two ship
loads of Italians, numbering 1,600, from
the Azores.
Mrs. Gllkennn IHcs.
Bristol, Pa.,, July 7. Mrs. Helen Ollke
son, wife of Republican State Chairman F.
B. Uilkeson, died today after an Illness of
two months from nervous prostration.
Mrs. (lllk.son was born here In 1818 and
leaves two children.
George Clymer Dvud.
Reading. Pa., July 7. George K. Cly
mer, aged 6T yewrs, brother of the late
Congressman Hlester Clymer, and at one
time prominently Identified with the Iron
business, died hers today from the effects
of a sunstroke.
Another llnhy Cleveland.
Buzxard's Hay, July 7. At Gray Gables,
the quiet and picturesque summer home
of President Cleveland, at 4.30 this after
noon, a little girl was born unto Mrs.
Our Mexican minister. General Ran
som, has so Improved in health that he
will not resign.
Colonel William Wlnthrop, assistant
Judge advocate general of the army, will
be retired on Aug. 3. .
The new Portuguese minister to Wash
ington, Benor. de Bagulra Thadieu, says
his country Is now In a flourishing condi
tion. Attorney General Harmon expects to
carry to the supreme court the govern
ment's suit to recover' $15,000,009 from the
land Btanford estate.
asletant Secretary of the Navy Mc-
to declined to testify against Com
ber Ide on Admiral Meade's charges,
at of bis official position, .
She Talks L'orcscrvedly of Her Dam
iiye Suit.
The Pretty Nurse Claims That She lies
Been Uronnly Misrepreneated-She
Kays Thai Dr. Palen W rote
Love Letters.
Huntingdon. Pa.. July 4. Miss Mar
garet May Thompson of this city, who
bus Instituted legal proceedings agulust
Dr. Gilbert J. Palen, of Philadelphia,
a nei-hi w of the lute Jay Gould, for
broach of promise of marriage, claim
ing 15,000 damages. Is now at her par
ents' home, here, and today spoke un
reservedly of her case. Miss Thomp
son, who has Just entered upon her
twenty-lirwt year, Is a professional
nurse and enjoys the highest public es
teem here for tier charming personality.
"In the Hint place." said the pretty
nurse, "Dr. Palen did not attend me
professionally when 1 was 111 In Phila
delphia, as he has said ho did. Ir.
Palen was deeply interesay In my re
covery, and to my father tie Said that
we were engaged to be married, but
that he did not want his father to learn
of our engagement until after his
"When I wasatihome, here. In March
last. Dr. Palen wrote to me, saying
that he was coining to see me; and on
March 8 lie did com?. My parents, be
ing aware of his coming and knowing
of our marriage engagement, naturally
accorded him a very hearty weloome.
'p to this time he had not told mo of
his relationship to the Gould family,
nor of his financial standing. These
facts, had I known of them, would have
had no influence whatever on me In
Inducing me to give him a favorable
answer to his proposal.
Doctor ttrofu l.ottcrs.
"After my return home for a brief
rest from my duties at the Philadel
phia Lying-in charity. I received almost
dully letters from Dr. Palen, each ex
pressive of the warmest sentiments.
"The tenor of my letter, which was
written to Dr. Palen after his marriage,
a brief extract of which his lawyer has
made public, has been grossly misrep
resented. "Aflter his marriage I wrote to him,
asking that he return my picture, and
Ironically congratulated him on his
marriage. 1 intended this expression
of felicity to be accepted In the light of
sarcasm, pure and simple, and in no
sense as Indicative of my heart's honest
desire. 'Dr. Palen has basely deceived
Miss Thompson said the understand
ing between the doctor and herself
was thRt Immediately after he had com
pleted his studies abroad, 'they were to
be married.
Miss Thompson left tonight for Phila
delphia. -
Progress of the Project-Nearly 12,000
Families .Move from Indiana.
Indianapolis, July 7. P. H. Fitzger
ald, of this city, will start next week
for Georgia, when he will begin the pur
chase of lands for his old soldiers'
colony near Tifton. He says the colony
company, of which he Is general man
ager and treasurer, haBaf.lready re
ceived from shareholders $125,000, with
which the purchase of lands will be
begun. The capital of the company
will amount to $500,000. The amount al
ready on hand, It is expected, will be
largely augmented by the receipts of
next Monday. Mr. Fitzgerald says the
titles to the lands to be purchased have
all been examined and the deeds pre
pared for delivery upon his trip to
Georgia next Week.
Kx-Govemor Northen, of Georgia, Is
acting as agent for the sellers, and Is
also a shareholder In the colony asso
ciation, and has arranged with the sell
ers to be in Abbeyvllle, Ga., ready to
perfect the deal for the land. The
funds In hand will not purchase all of
the land the association expects to nc
quire, but with It the purchase will be
begun. The buying and selling will be
gin in the center of the tract, and the
subsequent purchases will 'be made
along the edge of the tract acquired.
Fitzgerald says that 11.700 heads of
families, representing 65,000 persons,
are Interested In the colonization
scheme. The olid Drew farm, on which
Jefferson Davis was captured, lies three
and a half mile southwert of the col
ony. Mr. Fitzgerald says It Is the In
tention to purchase this farm.
Lawless Italians In Jcffersonvllle May
et Mnnoy to Leave.
Jeffersonvllle, Ind., July 7. The Ital
ian laborers at Rockporl, Ind., are still
rioting. Yesterday they were piling
brush under the bridges and trestles
to burn ithem. Father Urundt, of St.
Henry's, has" partially quieted them by
promising them transportation to Chi
cago, and the citizens have petitioned
the county commissioners to make an
allowance of JG00, the amount necessary
to transport them.
The sheriff and citizen deputies are
rtll I on guard, ready to fire at any mo
ment. Should the county .refuse the
Italians transportation, serious trouble
Is sure to follow. The railroad con
tractors, who owe them money, have
fled. It looks as If the Chicago, Indian
apolis and Rockport road would not be
A Seaside Hotel Man Finds It Like en Lie
phnnt on His Hands.
Atlantic City, N. J., July 1. The
flaxen-haired baby of Mrs. Mabel
Ruellf, the young woman who was ar
rested yesterday a she stepped from
the ferry house In Philadelphia upon
a charge of passing worthless checks
among business men there, Is causing
William Hood, proprietor of the Penn
hurst .hotel, uneasiness of mind. Mrs.
RoeUfs child was left at the hotel while
she left there for a visit to Philadel
phia, Intending; to return In time for
upper the following afternoon, when
he was detained.
Upon learning of Mrs. Roelirs arrest,
Mr. Hood was distressed. He reported
the baby's presence to Chief of Police
BlOriage, xpeotittf that . toe would
take charge, but that official declined
custodianship. He next telegraphed to
Huerlntendent of Police Linden, of
I'hlludflphta, to help htm, but the reply
was discouraging and threw Mr. Hood
Into a sta'te of nervousness. The wires
tonight have been hot with message
to friends of .Mrs. Roellf, but all seem
disinclined ito come ito the rescue of Mr.
Hood. The baby Is receiving the best
of rare. On Monday an appeal will lie
made to Mis. Roellf's guardian, who
ha charge of her estate, which is tied
up in litigation and is said to be val
ued at 10.000.
Governor Orders That State Work Mast
io to I'nion Contractors.
Springfield. 111., July 7. At the lnnt
meeting of the board of trustees of the
Southern Illinois Asylum for the In
sane of Anna, III., to open bid for the
erection of the main 'building, which
was burned last winter, Governor Alt
geld told the trustees and bidders that
when the contract was let It must go
only to contractors who would employ
none but union labor.
The 'trustees awarded the contract to
James U. Diver Sc. Co., of Chester, III.,
and Keokuk, la., better known as the
Youngstown Bridge company of
Youngstown. O., fir,J14,800. The low
est bid was Anderson Bros.', of St.
Louis. Mo., for $143,000. but 1t failed to
agree to employ only union labor.
An American Cltlien Put to Death With
out Formalities of a Trial for Crlrao of
Which Mo Was Accused.
Phoenix, Arizona, July 7. Albert
Trlbolet returned yesterday from
Fronteras, Mexico, where he has been
to Investigate the shooting of his broth
er, Robert, June 26. Trlbolet was taken
from prison wherein he toad been In
carcerated on the charge of complicity
In the murder of Stage Driver Moreno,
two weeks before, and without the for
malities of a trial was Stat to death by
Mexican soldiers. No relatives or
friends were allowed to be with him
during his brief confinement, though
the prisoner vainly attempted to show
his Innocence and that he -was in his
Meld at home on the day of the rob
bery. ,
Ills brother met with scant courtesy
at the hands of the Mexican authori
ties and was informed by Captain Men
des, who had been both Judge and exe
cutioner, that Robert had been shot
because a horse ridden by one of the
robbers had upon it the Trlbolet
Deceased was an American citizen,
and his death leaves his large family
almost destitute. His brother will ap
peal to the state department at Wash
ington for redress.
Choc taws Ask the Clerk of the House's
Firm to Get Out.
South McAlester. I. T. Jnlv 7
George S. Good and James Kerr, clerk
or tne nouse or representatives at
Washington, composing the firm Good
& Co., have been declared intruders by
Indian Agent Wisdom and ordered
from Wie Choctaw Nation in five days,
and in tttie event of the failure tt nv
loyalty to the Choutaw Nation for
gooas snipped in and sold. Good & Co.
are railroad contractors, and have had
the contract of building the extension
of the Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulk
They are charged with Introducing
and selling merchandise to citizens and
non-citizens, and refusing to puy roy
alty of 1 per cent, as required by
United States law.
A Light Crop Is Ucpnrted In the I'nltcd
CanJoJrie. N. Y., July 7. The Hay
Trade Journal, with reports from nil
parts of the United Staites and Canada,
today says that all states east of the
Mississippi and north of the Ohio will
not produce 50 per cent, of an average
In the province of Quebec nnd east
ern Ontario indication; promise a full
crop. England has a short yield, and
that country has buyers In Canada
now, and will divert the supply which
would naturally come to the Statu
from that country.
Mnric Hod No Evidence.
Ban Franclsce. July 7. Judge Troutt has
denied the application of MhHo Riirroughs,
the actress, for a divorce, from her hus
band, Louis Massen. Miss Uurroughs al
leged livtlilellty as the reason for her suit,
but the Judge decided that she had not
produced sutllclent evidence.
Tho Knot Cnpsined.
City tstand, N. Y., July 7.-Arthtir Korff,
an architect, of MorrlsanJa, was drowned
here today by the capsizing of a email
boat. His fiancee. Miss Julia Andrea, who
accompanied him, was taken from the
water unconscious, but was resuscitated.
Quiet In Strlko Region.
Charleston, W. Va July 7. Governor
McCorkle has been In receipt of several
messages from the strike region today, all
of which state that everything is quiet,
and that there Is no probability of trouble
at present.
The steamer Merrlmac, loaded with llvo
stock, has gone ashore on Isle Roude, op
posite Montreal.
For robbing a farmer of II. M0, Theodore
Puckett, a negro, was lynched at Pela
hachla Station, Miss.
The skeleton of a man Inclosed In a cage
of Iron bars was unearthed by workmen
In Fredericksburg, Va.
The Newfoundland legislature has been
prorogued, tho governor agreeing to sJI
bills passed except the reduction of sal
aries. The Minnesota supreme court has de-
ddVd that Kristlan Kortgard, the wrecker
of the Stato- Rank of Minnesota, must
serve his term In prison.
Two electric cars crashed Into each
other at Columbus, O., and, Miss Sarah
Richardson will die of her Injuries. A
number of other passengers were hurt.
John Case and three Pool brothers have
been arrested at Canyonvllle, Ore., for
the robbery of the Southern Pacific ex
press at the mouth of Cow Creek Canyon.
The circling of a great mass of sea gulls
over a particular spot In Ixmg Island
Bound led to the discovery of the body of
the 10-year-old son of Captain James P.
Smith, of New London, who was drowned
a week ago.
At All Hotels One Was Obliged to Eat
, Hearty.
No Attempt Wan Made to Bluff at the
Law llowery Was Practicably
Ucscrted Miaistore Lxtol
the Crussdo.
New York, July 7. This city today
hud somewhat the upiieurance of a
Maine Prohibition town. There were
less saloons doing business than on
luHt Sunday. President Roosevelt had
convinced the saloonkeepers that there
would be no "bluff" In enforcing the
law, so most of them declOi-dmot to take
any nances. A few, however, kept
open today, but as im last Sunday, they
would not admit anyone unknown to
them. Heretofore, on Sundays, In the
ho-tel cafes small plutes of cheese and
crackers were placed on every table,
and any one who presented a respect
able appearance could take a seat, uud
by eutlng or pretending to eat some of
the cheese or crackers, could get what
ever they called for to drink. This
was changed today at all of 'the hotels.
Patrons were handed a menu and re
quired to order something to eat before
anything to drink was served to them.
The famous "tenderloin" district was
no exception to -the "dryness" prevail
ing in other parts of the city, and the
Howery was practically deserted.
In many churches today the ministers
delivered sermons extolling the cru
sade against the opening of saloouis on
Deputy Sheriff's Discovery of n .Msn on
the Roof.
Cleveland, Ohio, July 7. A daring at
tempt at Jail delivery was made here at
12.45 this murning. At that hour Deputy
Sheriff Mi-Mullen and Jailor Patterson
left the Jail for lunch. The Jail is sit
uated on-the corner of the public square
and Temple alley. As theofllcers emerged
from the Jail door Patterson hap
pened to glance toward the roof of the
annex and saw a man standing on the
roof. "What do you want there?" de
manded Deputy MoMullcn of the
The man ducked his head, ns If ex
pecting a ehot from the offlcers. His
actions betrayed his character and Just
at the time the above query was pro
pounded, another man jumped from the
shadow of the annex and started on a
run. Taking in the situation the offi
cers opened lire on the fleeing man, but
the darkness shielded him and he made
his escape. Going to the roof of the an
nex, McMullen and Patterson found a
rope and a complete set of Jail break
ing tools which, but for the timely dis
covery, would have been effective in
opening the windows In the main jail
building, near that portion where the
three notorious Chicago diamond
thieves Kd Carney, Francis Emerson
and James Malone are confined. The
man discovered on the roof also made
his escape.
Democratic State Convention Has De
clared in I svorof Mcl.snrln.
Jacksonv Mls July 7. Several coun
ties held primary elections or mass
meetings yesterday to select delegates
to th Democratic sta'te convention,
which meets In this city Aug. 7. All of
them, so far its Jieard from, have de
clared Senator A. J. AleLaurin the
ehalce for governor.
The unanimity with which the sev
eral counties have endorsed Senator
McLaurln for governor show that the
silver craze still rages. The "sound
money" candidates for governor Hnd
United Slates si na tor, II. G. MciAbee,
of Vlcksburg, and Governor Stone, of
this city, respectively, have not se
cured a delegate eo far. and the hand
writing on the wall Is to Hie effect that
they will n.rt. State questions, and
home nffalrs have not been thought of
or discussed during the canvass, but
every candidate, from constable up,
has) been forced to declare his opinion
on the great question of finance.
Prohibition Mate Turns Out tho Snake
Story of the Season.
Topeka, Kan.. July 7.-J. V. (Miller,
a farmer of Harvey county, ha lost
eight cows during" the past six weeks
as tho result of the strange freaks f
bull strokes. iMr. Miller was at a los
to account for this ptaiteof affairs, and
after he had lost eight cows he spent
a day with, the animals to watch devel
opments. He was rewarded with the
strangyst Right he had ever witnessed.
A mounter bull make, eight feet in
length, appeared In the pasture, nnd
raMniff Itself to the udder of the cnw.
grasped the teat with Its mouth and
sucked out the milk. When It had sat
isfied Ms) hunger it dropped off. .Mr.
Miller killed tlvls arid five other large
bull snakes which he found in bis pas
ture, and since that itlinc his cows have
not been troubled.
Ore Running IOO Ounces to Ton Found
In Concepelon Mine.
Mexico City, July 7. A great silver
strike Is announced from the famous
Concepelon mine, In tho state of San
Luis Potosl, Rich ore land, giving nn
average of 160 ounces to the ton, has
been encountered at a depth of 1,000
feet. This mine has In a single year
yielded over $:tl.000.000.
Another rich ellver ore body has been
truck at the Vllladama mines. In
Uuevo Leon, the property of a Philadel
phia company.
Poor Man Near Duluth Strikes a Fortuno
While Digging n Well.
Duluth, Minn., July 7. Joseph Bou
chare, a poor market gardener living on
the old Hermantown rond, seven miles
from Duluth, was so poor that he tiurd
ly knew where tho next meal was com
ing from. Today he Is a rich man, with
gold in plenty. Bouchare was digging
k well on his place the other morning,
bewailing his hard fate the while, when
ddenly his pick struck a vein of sold
ore so rich that the precious metal
could be extracted with a knife.
An examination has been made of the
property by competent mining experts,
and the vein Is announced one of the
richest ever opened In this state.
An Italian Murderer Finds Refuge ia a
Allentown, Pa., July 7. The coroner's
Jury in the case of Vlncenzo Vlt'.ro,
who was shot and killed last night by
Vlto t'ortesl, found a verdict holding
Cortesl for murder. Uruno Sopollni,
who was shot In the face by Cortesl in
effecting IiIh capture, has prosecuted
him for assault and ba-ttery with in
tent to kill. Five of their companions
are In Jail as wltneBtg.
Cortel would have been lynched by
the murdered man's brother and his
companions had not their employer re
slraiiied them. As it was he was se
verely cuffed and kicked before being
landed In prison.
Whllo F.ndcavorlng to F.mpty a Revolver
In Order to Prevent Accident, Cussie
Connell Kills Mrs. Kelly.
Special to the Scranton Tribune., July 7. Mrs. Catherine Kel
ley, who for tome years h is lived with
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Kate Kelley, on
Correll Htrett, was Instantly killed to
day by a bullit fi-orn a revolver In the
hand of Caissle Oonnell. who lives
wV.h hi-r widowed mother, Mrs. Jamea
Connell, No. 74 the same street. The
accident occurred In tlv" early hours
of the morning whu the Connell fam
ily, wi'th the- exception of Cusslo and a
younger brother, were attending early
mass. Mis. Kelley was preparing her
self to go to church whi-n she met her
oVath. Oish-le's 18-yt ar-old hi other was
the post-'essor of a 2'J-calib:-e revolver,
which h-? had l.rt on a table on retl-Ing
Saturday might. Casie, who was up
early, found th- gun, and on. examina
tion ascertained that It was loaded, and
fearing lest some accident Fhould occur
by his hand, thought she would fire off
the remaining cartridges. She Flopped
on the back porch an j fired the pistol
at the fence. Tho first bullot struck
the fnce, but at the s-cond shot the
revolver was raised and the bullett
strmk Mrs. Kelley In the left breast,
near the htuit, as sh? was leaving an
out building, which was at least l"i0
feet distance from the porch on which
the' Council girl was standing. The
womin was removed to the house and
tlv? girl gave h.?rf?lf to Constable Pen
der, who took her to Wllkrs-Barre un
til further investigation could be made.
The girl's mo;her and sister, who are
prostrated with grief, were very close
friends to the murdered woman and
her slater. CAssie is employed as a
winder In the Luzerne Knlttlnir mill.
Were. Pi-rtfton, and was much thought
of by her many acquaintances as a
kind, (thoughtful and industrious girl.
The dad trtiman moved here some
time f!nce from Dunmore and took up
ber residence with her sIMer-in-law,
Mrs. Kate Kelley. widow of James Kel
ley. The women's names being tho
fame 1. due to their having been mar
ried to brothers. The murdered woman
la survived by three daughters and one
son. Deputy Coroner Gibbons em
paneled a Jury. The body was viewed
by them, and nn Inquest will be held
tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock.
San Francisco Pnnk Searching for t'.to
Uenuino Kato Welch.
Sah Francisco, July 7. Kate Welch,
an Inmate of the asylum at Heno, Jfev.,
ha $10,201 deposited in the Hlbernla
l.'ivnk in this city, which has remained
uncalled for for twenity-one years. In
ilhe meantime the hank officials have
traced every woman of that name on
the Pacific coast, and several eastern
states, only to find the real owner of
the tiny fortune in a f.vble old woman
of shattered Intellect conlined in n state
A popsible h'ir has also been found
in a man named John lluekley, of St.
Tuls, who to be her son. It is
believed that Buckley may be able to
establish Ms kinship.
Fate of Two Vonng Men W ho Were Over
taken at Rnehcllc.
Mount Vernon, X. Y.,.July 7. Two
unknown young men were struck at
Hast New Rociielle last night by an
express train on the New York. New
Haven and Hartford railroad. One died
almost Instantly and the other died
shortly after.
There Is no clue to the Identity of
tho former, but a letter was found In
the pocket of the latter addressed to
William Ferguson, Paterson, N. J. The
letter was evidently from the man's
sister. Hoth men were dressed In light
colored summer suits and wore straw
Ex-tiovcrnnrof Idaho Takes l.nndannm
with F.frcetivo Itcsiilts.
San Luis Obispo, Cnl., July 7. Ex
Governor Stevenson, of Idaho, commit
ted suicide yesterday by taking lauda
num. Governor Stevenson arrived at
Pnlrso Springs June 5. He was afflict
ed with Fcla.tlta and was In a helpless
condition, hut had been gradually Im
proving, and lately was getting able
lo walK a little.
He was expented to entirely recover,
lie did not have .tvls room for the laRt
three days and appeared very despond
ent. Frnnkie Drops n Plum.
Philadelphia, July 7. Frank Willing
Leach, real estate deputy sheriff, sprung a
surprise today by restgnlng his W.000 a
year ofllce. Mr. Leach in his leitter of
resignation gave as his reason forW-eslgn-Ing
thnt he was a follower of Senator Quay
ami I that, as the sheriff was not In sym
pathy with Mr. Quay, ho considered it his
duty to rcelgn.
Missing llos DlscovcreJ.
Fort Scott, Kan.,' July 7.-T!ie five miss
Ing boys who went fishing on Thursday
afternoon, were found yesterday by
searching pnrtles and brought home un
harmed. They were water bound on an
Island between two Hooded creeks for two
days and two nights.
For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; followed
by showers Monday night. . ,
Special Sale
Our reputation p
Scotch Ginghams t
questioned ana it Is
known fact that for
ity and assortmen
stock cannot be ma
this side of New Yor:
As we never care to
over goods from one se
to another, we will
the balance cf our st
about 150 pieces, att 1
per yard.
7 his is an opportunity
buy the genuine article
a price generally asked i
aomesxic makes sola t
Scotch and French good:
30 pjeces tine Clan Pla;
Silk Ginghams, specially1
suitable tor waists " anj
children's wear and abso
lutely fasi colors.
About 35 DressPatternr,
extra choice, lace strip;
and printed brocade Trilby
Silks, ail light ground ani
27 Inches wide; 12 yards
to a pattern; have bVen
55c, Price to close, 39c.
per yard or $4,68 a Drt&j
A very nttractivcRne c?
fine Irish Dimities, FreiictT
Corded Piques and Organ"
dies, White Persian Lawn.-,
and White and Cdoretl
Dotted Swisses.
French Linen Batiste in
natural color with em
broideries to'match.
- - - 1
Agent for Charles A.
Scr.jeren & Co.'s
The Very Best.
313 Spruce St., Scranton.' '
Sale Begins Today.
A beautiful line of E: .
gagement and We i-
ding Rings. Also a
fine line of ' 4
v In Sterling Silver,
Dorf Jinger's Cut Qfcss,
and Porcelain C'!:r
w. j. Weir
r 4os spy
V '1
. Vt
'-' I,t- :