The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 06, 1895, Page 9, Image 9
THE SCBAXTOX TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1895. Facts., of -'Interest To Women Readers.. Symposium of Information, Partly Grave, Partly Gossipy and . Partly Gay. Woman's status In ancient civiliza tion has been entertainingly explained by Mrs. Sara Tork Stevenson In a lec ture recently delivered in Philadelphia. From the Times' excellent report ot that lecture e extract the following ; parag-raphs: "In ancient Babylonia, as Is vhuvn by the contract tablets pre served to us, woman was before the mercantile law the equal of man. She could testify (n court and took part In legal transactions. She could own and bequeath property and could enter Into a contract. It would seem that In early times she may In other ways have oc cupied a higher position than she did after the Semites overran the valley. Generally, however. In the historical documents she plays a subordinate, as It were, an unofficial role. Among the Semitic races marriage was an eminent ly 'business-like transaction. The dow ry is always carefully mentioned. It must be returned In case of divorce, which was recognized by the Babyloni an as well as by the Egyptian law. In ordinary rases man was the recognized master of his own household. He owned his family, the members of which could undertake nothing without his sanc tion. No marriage was valid without the father's consent laughtera were, as It were, sold under contract. The Semitic marriage has been aptly com pared to a transaction in which the wo man 1 hired to the man." Taking; up the question of woman's position among- he Hebrews the lec turer said. woman's testimony, accord ing to Josepbus, wa9 considered un worthy of credence and was not ad mitted to court. Polygamy was almost unlimited. Four legitimate wives were admitted by interpreters of the Mosaic law, as well as later by the Koran. while hardly any restriction was brought on divorce. Renan regards the Semitic woman of patriarchal times as occupying a far more dignified posi tion than she later did. The Inaugura tion of harem Bfe would mark, accord ing to him, the second period and the debasement ot women. "Among the Hindoos the legislator ILanu- put an end to marriage by sale," the lecturer continued. "Only one legitimate wife was recognized by Jilm. But although he wished woman no harm, and even forbade heif being hurt, Ms respect for her was slim. "Women. he says, "have for their share the love of. their bed, and o( their seati (I. e. laziness), of adorn ment (1. ;e.,' vanity), sensuality, wrath, evil Inclinations, perverseness. Let hupbands watch them with vigilance. Day and night they should be kept In . dependence. .Young and old they, should ever, even in their own, house, follow their own," will.' Elsewhere he says of woman "she Is falseness itself.' " A JtXY XH'-.OHT: The post sings in glowing rapture pent While the white clouds In airy grace unfurl "Now is ttm Winter of our discontent , Made glorious Summer by the Summer girl! " . .' Judge. - Taking-up the condition of the wife In the early Indo-European family, a more worthy one resting upon the rec ognition by the husband of certain rights more or less Ignored by the poly- . famous people of Asia, 'Mrs. Stevenson said that the women of Homer seem to be Inspired by a higher condition than those of a later period. The posi tion of women from the time of Homer -to the Persian war varied among the different Greek communities. The lit erary career of Sappho, of Corinna and of Telesllla and others seem to point to her freedom In the sixth century, B. C but by the middle of the fifth cen tury the restriction of the liberty of the free-born citizen women, which had be gun some time earlier, attained to Its full development In Northern Greece and in the Ionia communities. The wife now lived In the gyneceum. She 'might eat with her husband when alone, but she never appeared before his friends. Only old women were al lowed to walk out without comment and even they must have attendants. In the Graeco-Roman epoch woman became much freer and the family life became far . closer. Matrimonial Joys became a favorite nterary theme. In the Dorian settlements the status of woman before the law was far higher than In the Ionian communities. At Sparta woman had a favored position. Girls were brought up on an equal foot ing with boys. In the state she wield ed an Influence to a great extent equal to that of the tnen. Not only could Spartan women inherit property, but Aristotle states that two-fifths of the soli of Laconla-was held . by women, whereas the Average proportion of the real estate held by women in Philadel phia In 1893 seetris only to be something like one-fiffh. In the old Roman law, the free woman, the legitimate wife, seems to have been regarded an the mater families, in honor the equal of her husband. The nuTlage tie was a sacred one In early Rome. The prin- . ciple of monogamy was firmly rooted. '; It Is only after the revolt of the piebe- vUnsIn setting up.alonslde of the old sacred law a civil code uniform In Its dealing with alt that woman lost much of her position. . Notwithstand ing legal discrimination against her, however, the Roman matron seems to have claimed and substantially won no mall degree of respect. Tradition in forms us that to her ,we owe the street courtesy, which causes. a, man. to step aside, and give' way to woman. .''i I , AND THEN: , . At midnight In his guarded tent The Turk was dreaming of the hour When Greece, her knee in-suppllanoe bent,' ' . . Would tremble at his power. And In his-dreams the foeman fell , Before his blade's fell stroke, And everything had come his way And then, the baby woke. . -Detroit Tribune. ' . ... . -t . Sirs. Stevenson then turned to an ex haustive and critical discussion of the conditlan-of Abe Egyptian woman in an tiquity, which was the main section of i Mf paper. One of the most remark fble signs ot the high degree of ethical development reached, by the ancient ...Egyptians was the position occupied V; among them b women. There Is ev- 7 ery reason to betleve that the Egyptian. ! woman was from earliest times treated, under the law, as man' equal. It is .'wot alone M a mother daughter, sls ,. er or wlfethat woman took rank. In ' . "''Egypt, bui(i"'ae'A woman. At no time , ';'.fBd nowhere eta hs the legal equality . Vrwomawbteh so broadly and so un- S romlsincly ; recognise as ' ta . t " t-ni .Womats absolute liberty, legal equality and her control over the household was in striking con trast with her condition under the Greek and Roman law. Marriage in Egypt was a frea act on the part of both contracting parties and based on love. Polygamy was practiced but fidel ity was recommended. Inifldellty was punished as severely In the guilty (nan as in the married woman whose love he had won. One of Egypt's great sages warned men against flirting 2,500 B. C. Woman In Egypt was free to ln 'herlt, to contract, to endow, to admin ister. She used these privileges to her own advantage on equal terms with men In making agreements. "It may be broadly given as the fundamental basis of the Egyptian law," said Mrs. Stevenson, "that the wife was the legal equal ot the hu-'buncl, the daughter the legal, equal of the son, the sister 'the legal equal of ithe brother." A NEW LITANY: In bifurcated skirts they shriek and storm; Their taste for garb grotesque is quite omnivorous; From all reformers who would thus re form We do most humbly pray "Good Lord, deliver us!" San Francisco News Letter. In the course of a strong plea for more economical housekeeping, a writer In one ot the household magazines points out that the two chief articles ot food which are most commonly wasted are bread and fat. Few ot our cooks recognize the value of either of it'.Vsv, although the French cooks know the value of the former, under Its more Imposing name of chapelure. In plain English this Is stale bread dried in the oven and broken down, or nearly pul verized, by being rolled with a heavy stone bottle; not on any account with the rolling pin that Is used for pastry, becauiae the hard crusts Indent the wooden rolling pins, and even scratch the marble ones, and this Is apt to make the pastry heavy. These crumbs should be assorted and kept In bottles, brown and white bread (separately, and coarse and fine crumbs also separately, and they are then ready for use when need ed. The preparation Is an easy matte when the cook gets Into the habit of collecting .them to dry In the oven over night, and any leisure moment can be spent In pulverizing and sifting the crumbs. They are used In many ways for fried fish, for hams, for puddings. It Is a vexation to prepare crumbs ev ery time they are needed; while, If bot tles of chapelure are at hand, of various degrees of fineness, the dishes that re quire crumbs can be prepared at very short notice. e TWO OLD MAIDSr They live In a house so cozy and nice. With flowrs and birds and cats, but no mice. Two old maids! One has had lovers and romances many. The other says frankly she's never had any. Honest old maids I They believe In calling a spade a spade. And reolce la the time-honored title, Old Maid. Mice old maids! They' bo useful and happy, 10 what does it matter If they hear not the end-ot-the-century chatter? Quiet Old maids I They say they prefer to marital strife Their own Independent and feminine life. Truthful old maids I Long life to these cheerful, contented old girls! They heed not how swiftly the universe whirls. Peaceful old maids! Exchange. see An amusing example of Queen Vic toria's precocious wit is going the rounds of the English press. It ap pears that while but a mere child she used to delight George IV. by her quaint remarks. One day, when staying at the royal lodge, the king entered the draw ing room leading his niece by the hand. The band was stationed as usual In the adjoining conservatory. "Now, Victo ria," said his majesty, "the band Is In the next room and shall play any tune you please; what shall it be?" "Oh, uncle," replied the princess, with great readiness, "I should like 'God Save the King better than anything else." The little princess at that time; It must be remembered, was but once removed In the line of succession. A MODERN DIALOGUE: 8he If I should take my pen In hand To write whole realms on Woman's wrongs. To libel men, like Sarah Grand, " .Or scribble naughty song; If I should don my brother's . coat, And skirts not much below the knee; i If I should claim ths right to ' to vote, Would you, be true to met He 1 swear Dear Jack I I swear my heart Would love that girl, per haps an hour! She (rising) You Thank you, slrl We two will part! - Your rlngl Consider our Engagement t- Solid as the sunt . Ton shake your head?. I'll . tell you how. My constant heart can love but one, - ,i H V' " a The girl that you are now! : f , - -.; .-, i u ' ""-Truth. ' HEALTH HINTS: ' For the relief of perspiring hands wash them with alcohol and water, equal parts of each. When dry rub with a powder composed of sallcylle add, thirty grains, and precipitated chalk, one ounce. Use several times dally for three or four weeks. To Remove Freckles. Wash the face and hands .In buttermilk or sour milk every night on going to bed permit the milk to dry on the skin without wiping; wear loose kid gloves to bed; always wear a vett and gloves when out of doors. , To Remove Tartar from the Teeth. Get some powdered pumice, a match stick and vinegar; Dip the sharpened end of the stick Into the vinegar, then Into the pum ice and very gently rub on the tartar. After the tartar is removed brush the teeth after mealsand at bedtime, and thoroughly rinse ths teeth and mouth with' a mixture of creolln drops of oreolln to a glass of water. .' To Reduos nesh, Abstsln from M soups, broths, chocolate, butter, sacchar- rlne material, pastry and any fatty or dl-1 rectly fat forming foods. Meat may be taken, but It should be lean, and vegeta bles and fruit way be taken. Wines must be light and cold water the best drink. The old remedy of exercising must be adopted. It need not be great at first. If one has been unaccustomed to use his legs for some time, although not abso lutely Incapable of doing so, he may com mence by walking 200 yards, either In the bouse or out of doors, although the latter Is preferable. This particular should be rwaUd dally, being Increased every time fifty yards. Exercise the muscles by use of dumb bells, walking up and down stairs, and, In tact, by taking all possible exer cise A tepid bath should be taken every day, followed by a good rubbing with a coarse towel. Seeds and fruits are unquestionably the most highly elaborated products of the vegetable kingdom. Vegetables are much coarser In character and much less per fectly elaborated. Nearly all vegotablcs contuln a large amount of woody matter, which requires the action of very powerful digestive Juices and of strong muscular ac tion on the part of the digestive orguus to reduce them to a fluid state, and to ivx tract from them the comparatively small amount ot nourishment which they contain, To a much less degree Is this the case with fruits and grains, while in the case of fruit we llnd food substances more nearly prepared for assimilation and In a form' more easily attacked by the digestive organs ot mun than uny other. It follows, therefore, that persons with weak stomachs should prefer fruits to cereals and cereals to vegetables, - To Purify the Breath. The freshest of fresh egga and lemon Juice, sugar, almond oil and rose water, mixed with the utmost cure and cleanliness, stirred and benten for hours upon hours, smelling dullcutely, as It a rose had been dipped Into It some ttnc should make a tempting cosmetic to create beauty or to restore It to itself. We all feel the charm of "balmy breath Ithat doth almost persuade Justice to sheath her sword," and this bottle of clear red liquid, with a few drops poured Into a glass of water, will so purify the breuth and all within the ltis that one neJd not mind how closely the hearer's attention hangs upon them. The same liquid Is sovereign for dyspepsia, and reduces the interior to an amiable state very quickly. Ladies' Every Saturday. BEFORE MARRIAGE: Mr. Ktchman You have a handsome young mun named De Ribbon In your em ploy, I understand. He Is engaged to my daughter, and I'd like you to do me a favor. Merchant Certainly, my old friend. Want him advanced, eh? "No. I want him kept Just where he Is until my daughter gets tired waiting for him to be able to marry." "Urn how long will that be?" "About six weeks." New York Weekly. "Darling," said the soulful young man, "sometimes when I fall to thinking of what a wondrous Joy there Is In possessing your love I feel that the gods may bo led to wreak some injury on me In sheer envy." "See here, young man," remarked the practical girl, "if you think I am a hoo doo the beet thing you can do Is to quit me while there Is yet time." Philadelphia Times. "I hear that you are engaged to a girl with an ideal. You are likely to And that sort of girl pretty hard to get along with." "Oh, I guess I am all right. You see, I am the ideal." Cincinnati Tribune, Old Gentleman Do you think, sir, that you are able to support my daughter without continually hovering on the verge of bankruptcy? Suitor Oh, yes, sir; I am sure I can. Old Gentleman Well, that's more than I can do. Take her and be happy. Lon don Tld-Blts. Maud That stupid fellow proposed to me last night. He ought to have known before hand that I would refuse him. MariePerhaps he dld.-Brooklyn Life. HOUSEHOLD SUGGESTIONS: Turnips boiled like beets, with their Jackets on, are of better flavor and less watery. A small bit of sugar added while the vegetable Is boiling corrects the bitter ness often found In them. To clean knives without soiling the hands use a good-sized piece of cork, which can be manipulated on the knife, and In a little while It will have all the brightness and cleanliness desired. Water alone can be used in cooking any of the cereals, but they are found to be much richer and finer flavored If half water and half milk la used. A great deal of stirring makes them starchy, therefore, they should be Invariably cooked In a double boiler. If a last spring hat saw a little wear and can be made Into a smart shape (which Is easy to do, considering how ev ery low-crowned, shape Is worn), then fix It over. Wipe the straw olt thoroughly with a damp cloth dipped In kerosene, noticing carefully that every particle of dust is removed. Place another damp cloth over it and press it lightly with a hot Iron. , At the towel counters In the Urge shops are now sold scrub cloths ot loosely woven hemp, excellent for mattings and oilcloths. Cotton dust cloths of yellow cotton flannel are also purchaseablo nowadays. These are better than even than the muek-valued chamois skin, which thoy considerably resemble. An admirable dust cloth Is one of the large gray squares of bandanna cloth, whioh a few of the large shops keep for occasional purchase by a dusky "aunty" or "marm" who still uses the plantation headdress. The best kind of a laundry apron Is made of rubber cloth or of blue or brown denim. The former Is to be preferred, because it protects the dress the best against a wetting. Some one suggested a desirable out-of-doi r wrap for (he house wtrker not long r.go, to he made large and loose In Jacket shape with very big sleeves and hood attached. This can be slipped over the dress whon there are windows to wash, lotna to be ?uing on the line, or any otner out-or-door service to be done In oold or chilly weather. see AFTER MARRIAGE: Hackett (furiously) Do you know, I've married a young woman through a matri monial agency which claimed her to e a countess, whereas I find she ta only a cook! Backet (Interestedly) A cook? You lucky aogi juage. "Look me In the face, sir." He raised hls'eyes timorously until they were directed to her countenance. "Now, sir, deny If you dare, that you married me for my money." "It must have been your money," he faltered. Detroit Tribune. A day or two after Me marriage Bar. rlcolettl met his friend Oelsomlnl on the English promenade at Nice. "What! You here?" "Yes: I am on my wadding tour," -"And your wife?" "She has stayed at Milan to mind the house," II Carllno. Jaspar Caesar and his wife are con stantly quarreling. Jumpuppe Yes, they have different 'the ories as to what each should do to make the other happy. Boston Post. "Doctor," cried the distracted woman, "I gave my husband (ho wrong Medicine, and-hedledl" . "TerrHrte, terrible!" "Yes, yesi I shall never forgive myself, Ho bad only $1,000 insurance en hit life, and he was going to Increase It on Wednes day !" Atlanta Constitution. - - SELECTED RECIPES: Rico and Turnip Tops. Wash one pound of the latter and two ounces of the former, place the greeus In boiling water well salted, and boll quickly one-half hour or until tender; drain from the water and drain very dry, turn onto a board and chop finely. Boll the two ounces of rice twenty minutes, drutn and stand by the lira a few minutes to absorb the moluture; mix rice and greens together with one ounce of butter, pepper and salt to taste, and a tublespoonful ot milk; stir over the Are until quite hot. Pile high on a hot dish, sprinkle grated cheese over top, and garnish with croutons of fried bread; or. If intended for breakfust, the mixture may be served on a round ot buttered toast. Curried Rice. Roll one-half pound of rice in the usual manner, and let It dry a little before the tire. Tuke one-half pint ot stock. If you have It. Chop an onion (small) and a bit of apple very finely, fry these In one ounce ot butter, add two tea epoonfuls curry powder, a pinch of salt, one-half teaspoonful flour; when these are well mixed, stir In the. stock and let It boll. In ths meantime mix enough to mato sauce with the rice to make It a pinkish color, then add It to the curry sauce, and serve In a mound on a hot dish. It may be garnished with a hard boiled egg cut Into eight pieces. Itlce and Tomatoes. Boll one-half pound rice as before, only place In the wa ter un onion stuck with four cloves, a bunch of herbs, a blade of mace, some peppercorns, two bay leaves, and a bit each of turnip, carrot and celery. When rice Is tender remove the vegetables and spices, and let It drain and dry before the lire. Cut an onion in slices as thinly as possible, and fry until tender In a llttlo butter; mix this with the rice, together with a part of a tin of tomatoes mashed up and made hot. If liked, sprinkle the dish also with grated cheese. If not hot enough It must be returned to the sauce pan and stirred over the lire after the to matoes are In. IMee and lied Haricots. Rice and red haricots mnko a very substantial dish, or the white haricots can be used If preferred, take one-half pint of them and soak In cold water over night, drain oft the water, place In a saucepan with plenty of cold water, and boll them gently three hours. Now add two onions peeled and cut in rings, and three ounces well washed rice, boll another twenty minutes to cook the rice, druln and add two ounces butter, pepper and suit to taste, and serve very hot. Pasty. Cut tip into small pieces two pounds of beef or game. Put a large piece of butter into the stewpan, add a minced onion and the meat, salt, pepper, a few teaspoonfuls of soup, and leava the whole to stew a little. When 'It Is cool ugaln add tho whites and yolks of three eggs and put the whole on the paste, which should be rolled out ready to recelvo It. Then tuke half a dozen hard-boiled eggs, cut them Into small pieces and place them on the meat. Cover the pasty, brush it over with the white of egg and bake. Raspberry Pudding. Put a pound of fresh or bottled raspberries Into a small pie dish and let them stand In the oven until they are quite hot, whon they must be taken out. Beat up a teacupful of good, thick, sour cream with two eggs, one tablespoonful of flour and one spoon ful of white moist sugar. When this Is all well beaten together, pour over the rasp berries and buke the pudding In a very slow oven tilt It Is firm. It should be of a light brown color. Seed Cake. Beat one pound of sugar and one pound of butter to a cream, add twelve eggs, one at a time, beating each egg Into the mixture very thoroughly; then mix in gently one pound sifted and dried flour, one-half pound of orange peel, one pound of citron peel, and one-half pound of blanched almonds. These three latter In gredients should be cut Into small pieces previously. Stir as little as possible. Bake two hours in a moderate oven. Fish Pasty. Make a round of good puff pasto the size of a large plato; on half of this put a layer of boiled rice which has had two ounces of butter mixed with It and is seasoned with pepper and salt; on tho rice put a thick layer of boiled fish, care fully taking out all the bones first. On the fish place hard boiled eggs chopped small, sprinkle a little popper and salt over these, fold the other half of the paste over this, pressing the edges well together. Brush over the top with some beaten egg and strew bread crumbs over It, then bake It till It Is a good brown color. Omelet. A nice omelet Is made) from flvo eggs, one cup of milk, one tablespoonful of butter, and one tablespoonful of flour. Melt the butter, beat the yolks of tho eggs and add the milk, a little salt and the flour; beat the whites and lastly (see that the butter Is melted, but not browned, as that would spoil the omelet), pour In spider and cook on top of stove until near ly, done, then set In oven to brown. Take out with a pancake turner on a warm plate.Serve as soon as done If you wish them prime. Grated Cheese. Grated cheese mixed with about half its weight of fine bread crumbs, and sufficient egg to form a con sistency, dropped in small cakes into boiling butter, and fried on both sides. makce a nice llttlo savory. The cakes must be served very hot, piled up high on a napkin. Ladles' Every Saturday, SOCIAL PLEASANTRIES: "Know Colonel Trotter? Well, I should hope sol He Usod to be an old flame of mine, said Mrs. Norrls. "Humph! why didn't you marry him, then?" snorted her husband. Mrs. Norrls smiled one of her sweet. womanly smiles. "Bccauso I was looking ror something easier," sho observed, elm ply. Puck. Freddy I told Mr. Lovemani that you said you were going to kiss him next time he came to the house. Maud You horrid boy. What did ho say? Freddy Said he wouldn't believe It till he had tit from your own lips. Truth. Willie What does a still, small voice menn, papa? Wlllkd's Father That's what any one Hears, W illie, when they hove done wrong. WHIIe But when you've done wrong the voice you hear Isn't still and small. New York Herald. "I object, my dear, to your asking that woman' to dinner. Sbe'sl the greatest gossip in town," said Mr. Perkins. "I know that, John, but wo can't Invite the reporters, and I don't know how else to get an account of our dinner In the papers," replied Mrs. P. Harper's Bazar, LOVELY WOMAN: Ot the new-fashioned woman there's much being said Of her wanting to vote and a' that. And of her desire to wear man's attire. His coat, and his vest and a' that. And a' that and a' that. She may wear trousers, and a' that! She may even ride a horse astride But a woman's a woman for a' that Bee yonder damsel passing by She's up to date and a' that. She wears a man's hat, likewise his cra vat. His shirt and collar and a that And a' that and a' that. His suspenders and cuffs and a' that But do what sho can to Imitate man A woman's a woman for a' that.. - i The modern maid, her form arrayed In sweater and bloomers and a' that Rides a "bike" exsctly like Her brother does and a' that Bhe may wear bloomers for iklrta and a' that Wear men's collars and shirts and a' that May wear vesta If she will, but the faot IWMtnsstllt A woman's a woman for a that , Where Freedom Is A Word Ueknowo. Novel Observations and. Experiences of a Recent Traveler in the Turkish Empire. Written for The Tribune. l .The first introduction one has to the customs of a country la at the custom house Itself. The heart of the most ardent Protectionist fails him during such an ordeal, and woe to any one who boa contraband articles. The late Income tax was scarcely as inquisitorial an that law which gives license to the overturning of a carefully packed trunk, locked with difficulty by the combined efforts of the luggage man, the bell-boy and the owner. Every country has its own tariff list, but Turkey can boast ot the longest. Preyed upon by all the powers of Eur ope for the interest on an enormous dt'M; with an income far below her lia bilities, Turkey taxes the stranger who enters her gate mercilessly, and the Is very careful and exacting, for to France he must jmy tho duty on every piece of silk, every gramme of tobacco that cornea t or goes out; to England ehe .must yield enjough of custom-gleaned wool-tax to go toward the balance of tho interent debt; to Austria this; to Germany that. Beside all this she has granted the stationing of postal centers for each of these gov ernments in Constantinople; the char ter to the Imperial Ottoman bank; the Regie, and the steamboat Monoioly. Vlfat wonder is it, then, that her officials search with closest scrutiny or since they know of the widespread accounts of their rlfjor will at times accept a votive offering to be careful and not disturb Kffendl'R clothes, liigid Censorship of Books. One thing Is, however, never over looked. That Is a book. Every book Is scrutinized as to title, binding, pic tures and if It contains so much as one word, one deep-seated and covert refer ence detrimental to his imperial majes ty's kingdom, or the religion, that book is veized or the word, idea, sentence, page or chapter la at once and forever obliterated. This Is true not only coming Into the country, but also going out. Atlases and maps are especially ex amined. I had two atlases, and seven maps in one trunk; these and two in the other will forever beat the trace of the Turkish censor. The maps mutilated were those of Asia Minor. Strange, Is It not, that Glnm & Co. and Mr. Gardner did not know that there was, is and never shall be any Armenia? They could learn from those of their atlases which have been through the censor's hand here that euch is the case. For wher ever the above word occurs the knife has either furrowed the country or changed the typography by making numerous square or oblong basins In the endeavor to obliterate any trace of such a people. An Inspired Inspection. Illustrations of the profound InBlght, the wonderful power of analysis which really reaches divination of these cen sors are numberless. On one occasion a publishing house sent copies of one of the best works on chemistry for distrib ution and sale. In due time they ar rived at the customs. Tho censor, falcon-eyed, turned the pages. Sud denly his eye was attracted by' the formula II 2 O. He paused, he stopped smoking and no doubt he trembled as the awful truth begam to dawn upon him. "What treason Is this? Has Rloham med made me the guardian of the lit erature of his realm for nought? May the shadow of God on earth the usual mode of address to the Sultan never grow less! My keen eye, my massive brain have not been trained in vain. The Galours should come to me to learn stealth and craftiness." And thereupon he analyzes the formula in the following manner: He means his Imperial majesty Abdul Ilnmld II. O means, he Is nought In other words the pearl of the east, the dewdrop of the morning, the guardian of the faithful, Is nought. No doubt ho draws his breath with difficulty as he thinks of the terrible consequences of letting such a truth through. Immediately the executor la brought In and the book no longer shows a trace of such a horrible suggestion, but a blank appears to blot out each and every similar statement. So the books arrive at their destina tion weighing much below normal be 'cause after a few copies had been care fully expurgated It used up the time and his effendlshlp could not work, and smoke, and drink coffee at the same time. It was quicker to tear a whole page out. It was a wise thought. It was done. Oh for such keen Insight! Zeus, nay, even prying Juno could no detect and Interpret such occult signs. But tho eennora at the customs are far sur passed by their brothers, the censors ot the press. , Mutiling the Press. Every printed paper or slip must have had permission to appear from one of this bureau or the editor Is severely punished. The office there of these men is to read tho proof of every column of every newspaper or circular printed In Constantinople and to cut out any nml every word or sentence which they think too suggestive, and they do most effectually tamper with editorials, ar ticles and telegrams. The editor of a paper In Constanti nople has hard time to get a success ful issue of his paper out. All the editorials, Articles and telegrams must be ready, set up and a proof taken when the censor calls at the office, and a large assortment of harmless articles must be on hand to All all spaces left after the terrible butchery of the cen sor. His effendlshlp arrives and takes tho proof sheet and reads each article. Every thing which is forbidden or which tie may Interpret as some un safe word or clause Is cros&ed out In blue pencil. If en article is satisfac tory the censor signs It and the correc tions are made and spaces filled up. If, however, anything In a paper comes out and seems to bear a revolu tionary word or Idea to any one of the bureau, notice is -sent to the edi tor that "'because of disobedience to rules your paper is suspended Indefi nitely." Then the proprietor must go and beg and beseech for. permission to tart tils paper Again. Sometimes fines and imprisonment are also imposed. Fate of Luekless Translator. A story is told of a man who began the translation of a novel In one of the Turkish paper. While working In his office one day, and only partly through with till task, he was startled by tho appearance ot an officer with a com mand that ho was wanted at tho palace. Ho btgred leavt to say good4y to bin wife and little ones but he was hurried off with all the witnesses of bis work, lexicons, manuscript and nover, In a carriage to the palace. There he was taken before the sultan himself who asked: "Are you the man who is translating this novel?" Receiving a trembling affirmative. His Majesty or dered that he be kept In the palace and every effort put forth to finish the translation as he was anxious to know- how the tale ended. Words which are expeolally forbid den are those which express "freedom," "happiness," "revolution." Positives are eradicated sometimes, comparatives occur to some extent but superlatives never. The word "star" is never allowed nor are any astronomical works or ar ticles permitted because they treat of stars, while there is and can be only one star and that Is "Yildtz," the resi dence of Ills Imperial Majesty, .and that must never be mentioned. t Murad, meaning, "desire," Is never allowed 03 It is or was the name of the brother whom Abdul Hamid II deposed and of whom nothing is known, al though there Is a palace on the west shore of the liosphorus always under a double guard, where It is reported the unfortunate brother is kept, a royal prisoner. How Telegrsms are Watched. An Instance of the limitations on tele grams can be illustrated in the news of the aBasslnatlon of President Car not. The papers were only allowed, to print a corrected telegram, and all that appeared was the despatch: "Presi dent Carnot died suddenly and unex pectedly." No account, no reasons were given. The following are some of the sub stitutions for words: "Persecution" never occurs, but in Its place "difficul ties;" "reformation" becomes "public affairs," and "democracy" appears as "domestic life." A very careful writer and a very fre quent writer for the papers told me, In conversation, of the manner in which some of his articles had been curtailed and changed. At one time he gave an account of the destruction of a hotel In' Switzer land, by a landslide, and spoke ot the What is -. -v Castorla is Dr. fiamoel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castorla relieves teething troubles, cares constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cat toria is the Children! Panacea the Mother's Friends ) i- Castoria. "Cactarla Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers hare repeatedly told meat Its good effect upon their children." Da, 0. O. Osooon, Lowell,lUsa Cairtoria Is the bert remMy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castorla in stead of the various quack nostrums which ore destroying their lorcd ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup sod other hurtful gents down their throats, thereby sending Ihem to pnmature graTes.M Da. t. T. KmcnsLOB, Conway, Ark. Tha Centaur Cosapamy, TI If EVA M. HETZEL'S Superior Face Bleach, Posltlrelj Removes ill Facial Blemlsbsi 8 TmiTS No more Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Tilaok heads, Liver Spots, Pimples and Ballow Complexions If ladies- will use my (Su perior Facr Bleach. Not a cosmetic, but a medicine which arts directly on the skin, removing ail discoloration, an one of the greatest purifying agents for the complex. Ion In existence. A perfectly clear and spotless complexion can be obtained In every Instance by Its use. Price, 11.00 per bottle. For sale at B. M. Hetsel's Hair dressing and Manicure Parlors, 830 Lack awanna ave. Mall orders filled promptly. . '3 A . w shortness of the warning of death. He added: ''Man cannot be sure of his life." The censor was very wroth and struck the sentence out Immediately, assuring him It was treason- to suggest such a thing under the ."Guard and Protector ot the Faithful." . During the trouble In gypt every mention of the trouble or country was forbidden, and at this time the samo writer was printing an article on vege tation as affected by climatic change, and spoke of the influence of the "hot wind which blew across the Mediter ranean from Africa," and which went even as far as Switzerland. The cen sor blue-penciled that sentience and conveyed a warning in his gesture. Uymnologists Have Difficulties. Great difficulty Is experienced In edit ing hymns or translating hymns. The translation of "Onward Christian Sol diers" almost caused a panic, and was immediately called the "Revolutionary Hymn." . Another office of this bureau la to forbid or stop the entrance of any newspapers or periodicals which con tain any article which gives any ac count of any troubles here. The representatives of the govern ment, at the different capitals, send on word that the London Mall or The (Nineteenth Century or some other pa per has an article on "The Armenian Question" or "The Press in Turkey." Word is accordingly sent to the -m-bassy that all the papers of such a date and issue must be stopped, and the British postmaster at ftalata is also informed of the Interdict Nothing, however, is done about the hundred and one other papers of the same day which have bad the same news, and so In they come and the Turks, wise In their own conceit, thinks how effectu ally they have stopped all news. I cannot resist, in closing thle article, telling a story of an instance which oc curred shortly ago. As our minister was retiring one night, bis kavas ap peared, saying that one of the chamber lains of the palace must see him im mediately. The Judge sent word that It was late and after business hours and he would ask to let the matter rest till morning, but the attendant ap peared himself and said he must have an answer to the question which he bore from the Sultan (himself. Our minister finally agreed to hear him. The chamberlain raid: "His imperial majesty would like to know the names of the few American newspapers that are 'making euch a row about the Ar menians end In their behalf, in order that he may stop them." The answer he received was terse and to the point: "Good Lord, tell hin there are 200,000 of them." Viator. Providence, June 20. Castoria. " Caitaria b so well adapted to chudrtm thai I recommend It as superior to any proscription known to me," H. A. Aacsxa, IT. D 111 So, Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. T. " Onr physicians In ths children's depart ment have spoken highly ot their experi ence In tbetr outside practice with Cistoria, and although we only have among out medical supplies what is known as regulat products, yet we are tree to confess that the merits ot Castoria has won ui to look wlta fever upon it. UxrrsD Hosnrifc avo Dispxssirt, Bostoa, Hail Atxsa C Sam, Pro., array Street, Hew York City. WYOMING AVE, SCRANT0N. STEMWIY I SOU DECKER BROTHERS MUNICH I BI.CK STULTZ I HUES and Others PIANOS Also a large stock ot arstelass ORGANS fcUSICAL JIERCHANDLSB, MUSIC. ETC can, w aesa. EM OIL 1 HICttlJ ca , OILS.. VINEGAR N. A, HULBERT S IV STORE CIDER. CPPIOI AND WAREHOUSE, MlTOHlKSaiDlAN VtKZZT PX. W. C01.UNO, M'tfrV V