The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 06, 1895, Page 6, Image 6
1 6 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY HORNING JULY 6, .1895. ,1 THE TOLD OF SOCIETY Dlaaer Gies br Colonel H. M. Boles in Hoaor of Judge E. N. WHUrd. PERSONS WHO ATTENDED IT Party of Elks Will Leave Tomorrow Morn ing for Atlantis City to Attend the Meeting of the Grand Lodge-Movements of Well-known Persona. One of the Jnost elaborate private dinners ever given in this city was erved at the residence of Colonel II. M. Holes, on Clay avenue. It was given in honor of the appointment of Judtre E. N. Wlllard to a position on the bench of the new Superior court, and was at tended by the following:- JudRe K. N. AVIUurd. Judite O. E. Jtloe. of Wllk.-s-iBarre: Judge . "W. Archbald, Judge II. M. Kdwards, ex-Juilse HI. A. Knapp. Rev; S. C. Logan. 1. 1.. OSev. C. K. Robinson, D. !.. Colonel K. II. ltlpple, Major Kvervtt Warren. Henry ISelln, Jr.. W. R Ulaltstead. Charles H. Welles, A. D. Holbvud. C. iD. Simiwon. Freder ick Fuller and E. L. Fuller. CA. rarty of Elks from Scranton lodge Will leave here to attend the grand lodgf meeting at Atlantic City on Sun day morning at,.!.'., going via. New Tork over the .Delaware. Lackawanna and Western railroad In a special Pull man palace car. There will be thirty live or forty In the party. Mr. and "Mrs. Frank Jermyn this year continued their annual custom of giv In a Fourth of July house party at their summer home at Cileuburn. There were present Pr. U. I.. W'entz. of iDrif ton; Miss Torrey,. of Honesdale, and the Misses GrtHin. the Misses Jermyn, Miss Dale, K. lR. Chase. W. W. Whar ton. George It. Mair. U. U. Jermyn, V. il. Jermyn and E. it. Jermyn. PERSONAL MENTION: The Cambria Daily Leader of June 12 ays: "It whs an excellent Idea of the proprietor of tho Aiptlla to run such a pleasant trip as was an-aiged'on Friday afternoon, and it was exceedingly gratifying- to see. so large a number availing themsedves of the opportunity of gt-ttltig a good view of the. Scat weather Lightship. The company included William tlrltllih, a Scranton Journalist, who formerly resided in Newport, Monmouthshire. He ex pressed himself as being highly pleased with the manner in which the Aqulla con ducted herself, and predicted for it a pros perous Svuson. Several bundles of papers were handed to the crew of the lightship, Including some current numbers of the Scranton Tribune, and the men warmly re turned their thanks." A "trolley" party was given at Hotel Terrace Tuesday evening by Attorney W. D. Boyer to the following of hU friends: Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Ware. .Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Kingsbury. Mm. K. H. Jermyn, Miss llatthBWS. Miss Flo .Matthews, Miss Jer myn. Miss Susan Jermyn. Miss Dale. Miss Phelps, Mis Coleman. Miss Clara Rey nolds, bss Durham. Miss Torrey. of Or ange, X. J., the Misses Reynolds, of Wash ington, D. C. and Messrs. Chase, Warton, Hunt, Kingsbury, Moir, Williams, Dun ham, Brooks, Lynd, Boyer and Griffin. The party rode to Peckville In an open car and enjoyed a banquet at the Terrace on returning. After the banquet, dancing was enjoyed until midnight. Rev. D. J. Maofrtddrick. S. J., of George town college, was tho guest of Rev. Dr. Lucas, of Archbald. yesterday." Rev. Father MacGoldrtck has withdrawn from tha Jesuit order and will hereafter labor In the Scranton diocese. He Is one of the brightest men of his scholarly order and will be a valuable acquisition to Bishop O'Hara's workers. Adjutant W. S. Millar, Chaplain, S. C. Logan, D.D., Lieutenant Colonel L. F. aiattes, Quarteirmaater W. J. Tracey, In epctor of Rifle Practice William H. Jes aup, Jr., and Major Claude C. Conkllng re ceived their commissions from the state department yesterday. Miss Dora Carly, formerly state- secre tary of the Young Women's Christian as sociation of Kansas, but at present con nected with the association of Omaha, Neb., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hlnes, of the West Side. Mr. and Mrs, Charlra Stelnley, of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., returned home after a week's visit among relatives on the South Bide. They spent the Fourth with Dr. and Mrs. A. J, Kolb, of Cedar avenue. Select Councilman Victor H. Lauer, of (he Twenty-first ward, wan on Monday as signed as a regular mallcarrler with a route on the South Side. Mr. Lauer iaen argetlo and attentive to duty. Mrs. Angelina Sykes, of plttston ave nue, waa wedded Thursday morning to Conrad Reiahstlner by the Rev. August Lenge, paxtor of th Hickory street Gor man Presbyterian church. Miss Anna Broodbent, of Bromley ave nue, and Miss Rachel Jones, of Lafayette street, left on the evening of the Fourth for California on a two months' visit with friend there. Walter K. Clearwater, of Pear street, and Miss MlnnJe Tltleborg, of Plttston avenue, who were married 6n Tuesday, are spending their honeymoon at Atlantic City. J. W. Sullivan, of Pittsburg, grand sec retary of the Catholic Mutual Benefit as sociation, accompanied' by his wife and daughter, are at the St. Charles. Oeorge M. Ilallstead has Joined his fam ily at Spring Lake, N. J., and with them will go to Philadelphia, and after a short toy there, to Atlantic City. Mrs. X A. Price and Mrs. Collins and children have gone to Castile, In the Oerwssee valley, where they will join Miss Helen Price for the summer. Professor M. J. Ketrlck, of Prospect ave nue, principal of No. 10 school, Is In at tendance" ' at the national convention of teachers at Denver. Major Ghent, of the stale hanking de partment, was inthe city during the week looking into the condition of our local sav ings Institutions. Mrs. Mathilda Williamson, of Newark, N. J., has returned home after a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Sllkhorn, of Jackson street John T. Richards waa In, Virginia In the middle of the week on business connected with his southern lumber Interests and the Handley estate. Frank Butler, .of.' Dover, N.-J., has ac cepted the position of head bookkeeper at the Meadow Brook Silk company's mill on Cedar avenue, , . John Wert, of Newark, N. J., Is visiting his parents on'Blakely street, Dunmore, and Incidentally', has called upon relatives In Scranton, ( . .. t , ' . Mr. and Mm. P.'.' Casey left for New Tork Thursday afternoon and they will sail this morning for Europe on a tour of nix weeks, . . ' Mrs. H. C. Sanderson, Mrs. I. F. Me gargle and -Miss Grace Norton sail today for Germany, where they will spend three months, i F. W. Robinson and J. T. Lewis, of New Tork, ' who are touring Pennsylvania on wheels, stopped yesterday at the Valloy House. , " , , Mrs. Charles Chamberlain, of Kingston, N. T., was visiting her slater, Mrs. D. R. Nlcotl, of Green Ridge street, during the weak. Mr. and Mm. P. I. Casey wfUVtart Mon iMf, M European trip. They will spend the summer In France and the fall la Italy. Miss Ida Watrous. of Dunmore, la la Philadelphia, and Intends to spend a few weeks at the seashore before returning. Mrs. IS. H. Pratt, Miss Kitty Pratt and Miss Florence Richmond left yesterday to spend a month at the Thousand Islands. Mrs. John Williams, of Oakland. Cal ls visiting at the home of her nephew, H. T. Kradahaw. of South QarneU avenue. Mrs. A. L. Francois returned borne yes terday from Northumberland, In which pluca ahe spent a week with friends. Dr. . and Mrs. John Burnett have re turned from a pleasant trip to Saratoga, the Thousand Islands and Montreal. Edward O'Malley. of West Market street, left yesterduy for Colorado, where he in tends to remain during tho summer. John II. Reynolds, of South Main ave nue, has been appointed brigade barber for the encumpment at Mt. Uretnu. J'rofessor Barnard Prlein, of Taylor ave nue, has left for I'aterson, N. J where he Intends to make his future horn Miss Lumlherg. of Trenton, who has been visiting Miss Hunt, of Jefferson ave nue, ret m in d honu Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. I Fuller, the Misses Winton und the Misses Jermyn will spend the summer on Shelter Island. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stover have re turned from their wedding trip and taken residence) on Lafayette street. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Ilium Colvln, of Hylvanlo, llrudfurd county, were guests of F. White, of 1'age court, during ithe we k: Ex-I.leutennnt Governor Watres, Mrs. Watres and their son, Iteybuiu, departed on .Monday for Nantucket. Congiessumn-at-l.irge Galusha A. Grow, of Susquehanna, was In tho city on the eve of tho Fourth of July. William J. Smith. George J. Miller and V. S. Whlttak -r, of Hom-sdule, spent the Fourth of July In this city. Attorney and Mrs. K. II. House, of Green Ridge, will leave today for a trip through the New England states. John Jermyn was so far recovered from his recent illness as to spend a few hours in his office yesterday. Attorney K. R. Scarle, of Susquehanna county, nephew, of Judge Seai le, waa a visitor here yesterday. Mrs. E. Friend and family, of Adams ave nue, have taken up their summer resi deiico at Lake Ariel. Frank H. Steele and daughter, Mamie, will leave for New Hampshire in the latter part of next week. J. H. Brooks was present at a house party of Princeton '95 men In Rochester, during the we.-k. Miss Margaret Iryor, of Vermont, Is vis iting hvr sister, Mrs. Fred Lehr, of San derson avenue. Miss Grace G. Warner, of Green Ridge, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. 8. Robison, cf Wllloughby, O. Miss Ida M. Barker, of Buffalo. N. Y.. Is visiting Miss Anna R. Buck, 331 Madison avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Buell have gone to Nova Scotia to spend the ensuing six weeks. If. H. Fordham, a leading business man of Montrose, was a visitor here yesterday. Miss Mollle Jordan, of Jackson street, is in Philadelphia on a visit to her aunt. Miss Tenant and Mrs. Reuben Brown, of Moscow, are in the city visiting friends. Miss Annie McGulness and Miss Mary O'Brien are visiting in Wllkes-Barre. Charles McDonald, of Honesdale, was visiting Scranton friends yesterday. E. E. Southworth is visiting at his moth er's home In Susquehanna county. Miss Bessie Hen wood, of the North End, enjoyed the Fourth at Glenwood. George Sturgea and II. R. Lathrope left on Wednesday for Connecticut. William Miller, of Stroudsburg, Is visit ing his father on Breck street. Miss Judd, of New York city, U visiting Miss Simpson, of Olive street. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Thomas, of New York, are visiting In Scranton. Register of Wills W. 8. Hopkins will leave for New York tomorrow. Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas C. Foster, of New Haven, are at Hotel Terrace. W. W. Phillips Is spending Sunday with his family at Preston Park. John Manley, of Plttston avenue, Is vis iting friends In Boston. D. E. Ielaney spent the Fourth with his family at Asbury Park. F. S. Godfrey, of the Valley House, Is visiting In Philadelphia. Miss Bessie Morgan, of Luzerne street, is visiting at Moscow. . . . Police Officer BidV-k is spending his vaca tion in Binghamtoh. Rev. D. B. Drlacoll, of Nicholson, was In Scranton yesterday. Rev. Richard Walsh, of Moscow, was In the city yesterday. Congressman J. A. Scranton starts for Europe today. ... Miss Minnie Shoemaker Is visiting at Conklin. MALI-STEAD. Mra. William Mardcantle Is visiting friends In Scranton. She will leave here next week for her home In the south. Mm. A. M. Wood, of Washington, D. C, will arrive here July 10, to spend the summer. Mrs. B. F. iBernsteln vlstied friends In Carbondale on Monday. Lleutemant R. V. Edwards, of the Eighth National Guards of New York, Is vlBltlna; his ulster, iMrs. B. F. Bern stein, on Main street Mr. William Thornton, of 127 W. Market Street, Explains How and Why He Did It. From the Elmlra Gazette. Old age has many Inflrmltlos, none of which are more prevalent than kidney dis orders. Have ymi ever noticed how the old people complain of backache, lame back, and general listlesnness? And there are many other symptoms of which they do not speak, such as bloating of the limbs, painful and infrequent urination or excess iveness of the urinary discharge. Most people think they are too old to And relief and cure, but this Is not so. No better ev idence than the following, which comes from an Elmlravcltlzen, who has been cured of L. very severe, case at 77 years of age. Mr. William Thornton, of 127 West Market street, speaks of his case In this way: "I am 77 years old. I have been afflicted with that dreadful complaint (kidney disease) for over ten years, mak ing my old age a burden. I waa so bad as to be forced to carry a belt at all times, and, when my suffering became beyond endurance, I would put on the belt, draw ing It tightly around me and buckle It, thus bringing an extreme pressure over the kidneys; this, undoubtedly, forced the urine out, a function which the kidneys themselves had became too' diseased to perform. My condition I put down to a strain 1 received. I. began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. I was much surprised, as the ailment was so severe and so long standing, while I had tried many remedies without any relief whatever. The pain I have experienced at times from straining In my efforts to discharge the urine was simply awful. I have done away with the use of my leather belt, and the pain has all gone, and I recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to all afflicted with kidney and urinary disorders." -. i , -. r , For sale by all dealers, or lent by mall on receipt of price "by1 Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sol agents for ttw V. a THREW AWAY THE BELT HEARD CI WQGS CF O A Chaptfr Upoi Mislc ui Maslciati Generally. MISS SADIE KAISER'S SUCCESS Oar Correspondent Honored by London Musicians Pleasing Reeitals of the Week-Mr. Wooler's Mew Song-Sharps and Flats. The many Tribune readers who have come to know and admire Miss Sadie Kaiser through her charming letters from London that have appeared from time to time In our columns, will be pleased to learn that she has already achieved success as a vocalist In Eng land's greut musical center. The prin cipal of the Royal Academy of Music, where Miss Sadie Kaiser la studying, paid that lady a very high compliment when he selected her out of a class of 2tH to sing the soprano solo at the stu dent's chamber concert on June 18. None but the cleverest and most distin guished pupils are allowed to appear at these concerts, to which all mu-, sical London Is only too glad to attend, paying highly for tho privilege. As It Is rarely that any but the old students are selected for these affairs, tho fact that Miss Kaiser was chosen although she has scarcely finished her first year Is proof that she Is held In high esteem by the faculty. The audience was ex tremely critical, us It always Is at an lloyal Academy of Music concert, but Miss Kaiser's number was received with great favor, many of tho audience personally complimenting her. The next evening Miss Kaiser sang at a re ception given by the lord mayor of l.omlon In the Mansion Mouse. All fashionable London waa there, and Miss Kaiser was very kindly received. She sang three numbers. Von Stutz man's "Vainka's Song," Bernbtrg's "Nymphs and Fauns" and "In Merry Maytlme," In- German. Each number was heartily applauded. Lady Rennls personally complimented her work and showed her over the mansion, a priv ilege accorded to only a favored few. Miss Kurser has also been chosen to sing at the fortnightly concerts of the Royal Academy, where only those es pecially qualified are permitted to par ticipate. All this seems to Indi cate that this clever little lady Is forging well to the front In London, and that her excep tional talents are being recognized In the higher musical circles of that city. II II II One ut the most delightful social events waa the piano recital given by the younger members of Miss Marie deLong's music clam, to about forty of their friends Wednesday evening at Miss deLong'a residence on South Main avenue. The participants were: Mines Bessie Spelcher, Edna Sax, Gertie Loo mis, Nettle IHavles, Masters Everett deLong. Allen Bauer, Arthur Summer hill and Archie Sax, assisted by little Miss Anna Speicher, who delghted her audience by three numbers In vocal music "Kissing Papa Through the Telephone," "Now I Lay Me" and "Humphty Dumpty." The pupils played well and show careful training and much ability on the part of their teach er. After the exercises refreshments were served. , II II II The Lawrence hand and orchestra Is among the musical organizations In the front rank In northeastern Pennsylva nia. The Lawrence band Includes thlrty-flve pieces, and the excellent work of the organization has been commented upon everywhere. Members of the or chestra have accompanied the vocalists at the operatic productions at Laurel Hill park the past two weeks, and the organization on the Fourth supplied music at Laurel Hill, Lake Ariel and Mount Pocono. Professor Lawrence has the contract for furnishing the music at the Frothlngham, and the or chestra, greatly Improved, will be heard at that beautiful theatet next season. II II II The recital given by Miss Annie Will iams and here pianoforte pupils at her home on Tenth street last Tuesday evening, was one of the enjoyable events of the week. The solos by Mrs. Metzgar, contralto, were greatly ad mired, as were the efforts of Miss Will iams and pupils. II II II Alfred Wooler, solo tenor of Elm Park church quartette choir, has) composed a new song entitled "Sweet Little Mary," which Is said to contain ele ments that are almost certain to make it popular. The song will 4e copy righted In this country and In England before being placed on the market. II II II The celebrated Ladles' Welsh choir that won celebrity at the World's fair, will make another tour of America this summer. The choir under the manage ment of Benjamin Prltchard has been booked for the Frothlngham on Oct. 15. II II II Miss Florence Richmond, the well known accompanist and organist at the First Presbyterian church, 1s spending a month's vacation at the Thousand Islands. II II II (Miss Belle (Morrow, of Capouse ave nue, will give a piano forte recital at Mr. Southwouth's studio on iMonday evening next. . , II II II SHARPS AND FLATS: Alice Shaw Is In Hungary. ' -. Beethoven waa a great reader. Walter Damrosch Is at Augusta,' Me. Eugene Ysaye's correct name Is said to be Isaiah. . Lillian Russell Is summering at Great Meek, Li. I. "Evangeline" will follow "14M" at Man hattan Beach. Pauline Lucca Is summering at Omun- den, near Vienna. Theodore Thomas will give concerts In New York in March, 18M. . Aubrey Bouclcault will appear to a new comic opera next season. Siegfried Wagner recently conducted an other Wagner concert In London. Richard Oenee, the composer and 11 brettlst, Is dead. His best known opera was "wanon." ' Adolph Brodsky has become conductor of the orchestra of the Royal Manchester college or music. Arthur Nlklsch, of Budapest has been engaged to conduct the philharmonic con certs In Berlin next season. - The first opera was composed by Perl and Caccinl In 15(7. It was called "Daphne." The music has been lost. Tom Karl to teaching this summer In Vineyard Haven, Mass. Carl Zerrahn Is in Berlin. Theodora Thomas Is hi Eu rope, l ; ' Praeger's book, "Wagner as I Knew Him," which was withdrawn last winter, Is to-be) republished under certain oondl Mens and restrictions. r . . ' All London has been whistling, singing and bumming "Oh I Vnole John I" for the last five or six weeks, and tha song has Just reached New Tork. It was written by FeHx McPlennoa. the author of "CenV radea," and la dupscating the hit that song made across the waters.. Edwin Stevens. Laura Joyce Bell and Marie Millard will sing In the new Egyp tian comic opera, "The Sphinx." soon to be produced at thai Casino, New York. Thomas Q. Seabrooke has decided to give up comlo opera. He will art next season in a new comedy wrMten by Leander Rich ardson and Paul M. Potter. His wile, Delia Crox, will not travel with him. John Sebastian Bach's bones have been discovered and measured at Leipzig. He waa burled In the Thomas Klrcholf 1J years ago, but within this century a street waa built through the graveyard and many of the graves. Including his, were obliterated. Mme. Pattl Is remarkable not only as the greatest living vocalist, but as the best paid woman worker In the world. She has frequently received SS.W0 a night for a per formance. Mine. Melba'a fee, whether for concert or opera. Is tl.tHM. Mme. Fames and Mme. Nordlca received each $700 for their operatic performances during the season Just past. The latter's Invariable fee for aluglng In concert or oratorio Is SUM. Two loading German pianists of the day have been Indulging in lively squabble lately. Through rival Influences both have been appointed oiteratlo conductors at Weimar. D' Albert claims to be llrst con ductor, and Stavenhugen is willing to con cede that point, but he claims that "artis tically" he ranks as high as D'Albert, which the latter denies. STOLE HIS THUNDER. The other day Chauneey M. Dcpew was riding along in a sleeper, when the train came to a stop at Cornell university. There was a big crowd outside and the station platform waa lined with yelling college boys. "Speech! speech! apeech!" they yelled. Chauneey smiled. He was used to great ovations, but this was more than he ex pected. He waited modestly for a few minutes for the cries to subside. The yells grew louder. Chauneey got up, put on his best smile and buttoned up hie coat. He did not know that one of the faculty of Cornell was going off on the train and was being given a rousing send-off by the college. Depew appeared upon the platform bow ing and smiling In every direction. "Young men of Cornell," he began, in Ms best voice, "you do me the distinguished honor " A great cheer went up. Some of the boys recognized him. They yelled louder. Depew continued his speech and gained tho attention of the crowd. He thunked them profusely for their reception, gave them some advice and retired. Just at this Juncture the train drew out. The depart ing college professor walked Inside and glared at Depew. He is now writing a treatise on "Nerve." CONVENTION CALLS. Second Legislative District. The Republicans of the Second legisla tive district will assemble in convention in the arbitration rooms, at tho court house, Scranton, Pa., on Tuesday, July, 10. HUG, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing two delegates to tha Republican state convention to meet at Harrlsburg, Pa., August, 2!i, 1K& Election for delegates to this convention will be held at the regular polling places on Saturday, July 13, between the hours of 5 and 7 o'clock p. m. Election districts are entitled to representation as follows: No. Delegates. Seventh ward, First dis 1 Seventh ward. Second dis 1 Seventh ward, Third dis 1 Eighth ward, First dis J Eighth ward, Second dis 2 Ninth ward. First dis 3 Ninth ward. Second dis.., 2 Ninth ward. Third dis 2 Tenth ward 2 Eleventh, ward, First dis 2 Eleventh ward, Second dis 2 Eleventh ward. Third dis 1 Twelfth ward, First dis 1 Twelfth ward. Second dis 1 Thirteenth ward. First dis 2 Thirteenth ward. Second dis 3 Thirteenth ward. Third dis 2 Sixteenth ward, First dis 2 Sixteenth ward, Second dis 2 Seventeenth ward, First dis 3 Seventeenth ward, Second dis 4 Nineteenth ward. First dis 2 Nineteenth ward. Second dis 1 Nineteenth ward, Third dis 1 Nineteenth ward, Fourth dis 1 Twentieth ward, First dis 1 Twentieth ward. Second dis 2 Twentieth ward. Third dis 1 Vigilance committee will please take duo notice and govern themselves accordingly. W. S. MILLAR, Chairman. EMIL BONN, Secretary. Fourth legislative District. . The Republicans of the Fourth legisla tive district will assemble In convention in Odd Fellows' hall, Dunmore, on Sat urday, the 13th day of July, at 4 o'clock p. m., 1896, for the purpose of electing two delegates to the Republican state conven tion to meet at Harrlsburg on August 28, Election for delegates to this convention will be held at the regular polling places on Friday, July 12, between the hours of 6 and 7 p. m. Election districts are en titled to representation as follows: Archbald No. Delegates. First ward, First dis 2 First ward, Second dis 1 Second ward 1 Third ward 1 Blakely First ward 2 Second ward 2 Third ward 2 Carbondale township Northwest district 1 Northeast district 1 Carbondale city First ward. First dis 4 First ward, Third dis 1 8econd ward, First dis 1 Second ward, Second dis 1 Second ward. Third dis 1 Third ward. First dis 1 Third ward, Becond dis 2 Third ward. Third dis 1 Third ward. Fourth dis 2 Fourth ward, First dis 1 Fourth ward, Second dis 1 Fifth ward, First dis I Fifth ward. Second dis 1 Sixth ward. First dis 3 ' Dk-kson City 2 Dunmore First ward, First dis I First ward. Second dis 1 Second ward, First dis 1 . Second ward. Second dis , 1 Becond ward, Becond dis 1 Third ward, First dis 1 Third ward, Becond dis 1 Third ward, Third dis 1 Fourth ward 1 Fifth ward 1 Sixth ward. First dis 2 Sixth ward, Second die 3 Elmhurst borough 1 Fell township First district 1 Second district 1 Third district 1 Jefferson township 1 Jermyn borough First ward t Second ward 3 Third ward 1 May field borough I Olyphant First ward I Second ward I Third ward.. 1 Roaring Brook township 1 Throop borough 1 Winton borough First district 1. Second dlstrlot 1 , Vigilance committee will pleas take due notloe and govern theoisslvea accordingly K. A. JONES, Chairman. SAMUEL D. JONES, Seoretary. . TEE Vi'uLB CF EOSIhESS STOCKS ASM BONDS. New Tork. July (.Chicago Oas was the one weak spot of the stock market today. There was a continuous out pouring of long stock, which enabled the bear to continue their raids and establish a lower range of prices. The stock sold down to 69 shortly after the opening. After rising to 14 In sympathy with the general market. It dropped to C9a60H. net loss for the day of about a point. The weakness of Chicago Gas waa in marked contrast to the strength of the general market, which improved slowly but steadily from the opening to the close of busi ness. The grangers were the special favorites and advanced H to 1 per cent., leaving off at about the top. The bullish temper of speculation was brought out strongly by the fact that the weakness of Chicago Oas had no Influence on the other Industrials, which were equally as strong as the railways. Sugar advanced 2 to 112, Distillers 1H to 22. The rise In the last named was due to advices that Judge Showalter had entered the de cree for the Judicial sale of the com pany's property to the reorganization companjr. Among the specialties were Colorado Fuel and Iron, which roBe 2H to The Vandei'bllt stocks were quoted ex-dlvldend today. Speculation left ofT strong in tone. Net changes show advances of 14 to y, per cent., Rock Island leading. In the Industrials the advance was equal to 'a'JVs per cent., Sugar leading. Chicago Gas fell . In the Inactive list Colorado Fuel preferred rose 3 to 03. Total sales were 20.1.280 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket arc given below. Tha quotatltns are furnished The Tribune by . du B Dim nilck. manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 413 Spruce street, Scranton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ing. Am. Tobacco Co WiVt 1H74 1124 H'4 Am. Sugar He'g Co.lUD'A H2'4 10 1117 Ati-h.. To. & S. Fe... 'i Vk W4 I'hH. A Ohio !'4 22d 21 22 Chicago Gas Wti Vl M Chic. & N. W WH W'4 fhic, H. g Hi uli M'4 s1 I' I'. C. A St. L iii'i 4Vi 4o4. Chic, Mil. & St. P... 674 "i 8S Chic, k. i. a- r iivii ritt imt -n Delaware A- Hud 131 131 131 131 D L. ft W 1C1V4 11 l'il 11 Dlst. & C. F 21V. 22Vi 21 22', Gen. Electric 304 3i 364 SW. Iks Shore 147 T4 ' Louis. & Nash M UV4 f4 Manhattan Ele 113 113 113 113 Mo. Pacltlc 31 32 i 32 N. J. Central 102 l2i 10U4 Ul N. V. Central W1'4 101'i 1U1V4 lVWt N. V. & N. E 4H W4 U) N. Y., L. E. & W 10i 1K UV, N. Y., S. & W W4 Mi Mi M N. Y., 8. & W., Pr... 29 2Wi 2 23. Nor. Pacific 44 4 4',4 K Nor. Pacific, Pr 17 17 17 17 Ont. & West 1774 1 17 II Pacific Mail 29 2T4 29 ' Phil. & Head 18 19 18 111 Southern R. R 14 14 14 14 Tenn.. C. & 1 39 89 89 89 Tex. Pacific 13 13 13 13 t'nlon Pacific 12 13 12 13 Wabash, Pr 19 20 19 20 West, Union 91 91 91 91 I'. N. leather 19 20 19 20 U. S. Leather, Pr.... 93 9i 93 94 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- Clos WHEAT. Ing. est. est. ing. September 71 72 70 70 December 73 73 72 72 OATS. September 24 21 24 24 May 27 28 27 27 CORN. September 4C 46 4u 45 December 38 38 37 27 May 87 88 37 87 MKU. September 6.7 6.70 6.62 6.62 PORK. September 12.43 12.4S 12.10 12.20 Seranton Board of Trsde Exchange Quo tations-AII Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. . Bid. Ask Dime Dep. A Dis. Bank 125 First National Bank 600 Oreen Ridge Lumber Co 110 Lackawanna Lumber Co 110 Lacka. Trust A Safe Dep. Co ISO Scranton Havings Hank 200 .. Scranton Lace Curtain Co 0 Third National Bank 8D0 .. Thuron Coal Land Co lift Scranton Axle Works 80 Scranton Glass Co 65 National Boring A Drilling Co 90 Scranton Jar A Stopper Co 25 Dickson Manufacturing Co 80 Lacka. A Montrose R. R 100 Spring Krook Water Co 90 Elmhurst Boulevard Co loo Anthracite Land A Imp. Co 60 BONDS. Scranton Traction Co 95 Economy Steam Heat & Power Co 100 Madison Avenue Improvement .... 105 Scranton Glass Co 100 Rushbrook Coal Co., 6 100 Scranton Axle Works, 6 90 Scranton Pass, Railway first mortgage 6 s, due 1920 110 .. People's St. Railway, first mortgage t's, due 1918 110 .. People's St. Railway, second mortgage 6's, due 1921 110 .. Scranton Wholesale. Fruit and Produce. Dried apples, per lb., 6a6c.; evaporated apples, 7a8c.; Cali fornia prunes, 6a8c; English currants, 2a8c.; tayer raisins, Sl.60al.70i muscatels, 4a5c. per lb., tl.00al.25 per box; new Valen- nlna fcljafiile. tier lb. Beans Marrow-fats, $2.60 per bushel; mediums, 32.25. Peas Oreen, 31.10al.lB per bushel; split, 32.50a2.60; lentels, 5a8c. per lb. Potatoes 45c. per bushel; new, $3.00 to 33.26 per bbl. Onions Bermudas, crates, $1.75; Egyp tian, 32.40 to Uj50; domestic, per basket, II.MMl.WI. Butter lealtc. per lb. Cheese 6a9e. per lb. r Eggs-14al4c. Meats Hams, 10c; small hams, lWc; skinned hams, llc; California hams, 7c.; shoulders, tc; bellies, 7c; smoked breakfast bacon, 10c, Smoked Beef-Outsldes, 12c. : sets, 13c. Insldes and knuckles, 16c; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb cans, 32.40 dozen. Pork-Mess, 114.00; short cut, 316.00. Lard Leaf, In tierces, at 8c; In tubs, ic: 10-lb palls, (Vic. per pound: 6-lb palls, (c. pe lb.; 3-lb. palls, (c. per lb.; com pound larJ, tierces, 6c; tubs, Qe.; 10-lb. palls, 7c. per lb.; 6-lb. palls, 7c. per lb.; 3-lb. palls, 7c. per lb. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel, 14. 6084.76; Ohio and Indiana amber, at 84.26; Graham, $4.25; Rye flour at 34.60, Feed Mixed, per cwt., $1.16. Grain-Corn, 66c. ; oats, 36 to 42c. per bushel. Rye Straw Per ton, 2l2alS. Hay-$li.C0al6. New York Prod ace Market. New Tork, July $. Flour Dull, weak. Wheat Spot market dull, easier; No. t red store and elevator, 73c; afloat, 74c; No. 1 northern, 79c.: options closed steady at c. below Wednesday; July, 73o.; Au gust, 78c.i September, 74c; October, 74c. December, 76c. Corn Spots more active, easier; No. 3, 4a50c. elevator; 60a61c, afloat; options closed weak at c. below Wednesday; July, 4!c.i August, 49c; September, 60c. Oats-Spots fairly active, firmer; bpAtonr dull, 'Arm, un changed; July, ITVo.; September, 33c. spot prices. No. 3, 2ta23a.t No. 3 white, 83o.; No. 8 Chicago, 2sa28c; No. 3, 37c; No. whRo, 32c. mhuw western, tVaSOo.; white do., Sla37o.i whrte state, 31a37e, Provisions Unchanged. Lard Dull, about steady. Butter Quiet, fancy about steady stata dealry, Ual7o. do. creamery, 17a I3c.i western dairy, talto.i do. creamery, UaUe.t do. factory, talto.) HHglns, .lo.; Imitation creamery, llaUo. Cheese Quiet. easy; state large, 6aSc; do. fancy, 7a ic.; do. small. 7atc; part skims, 2a 6o.; fun akims. HaSo. Sggs Steady. fairly active; state and Pennsylvania, ua I4c.; wiatern fresh, 13al3c.; do. per-case, 11.75a. 60. Toledo Grata Market. Toledo, O., July 6. Wheat-Receipts. .. too bushels; shipments, 7.009 bushels; mar ket easy; No. 3 red. cash, 72c.; August, 72c; September, 72c; No. 3 red, cash, 68c.; August, 67c. Corn Receipts, 3.000 bushels; shipments, 2,000 bushels; market quiet; No. 3 mixed, cash, 47c; No. 3 do., 4Cc; No. 3 yellow, 47c. Oats Receipts, 3.000 bushels; market dull; No. 2 mixed, September, 25c. Clover Seed Market dull; October, 35.70. Chicago Live Stoek. Union Stock Yards, III., July 6,-Cattle- Receipts, 11,000 head; market weak and 10a 16c. lower; common to extra steers. Sir 6; Blockers and feeders, 32.60a4; cows and bulls, Il.60a3.80; calves. t2.35u&.20; Texans, 32.16al.60. Hogs Receipts, 18,000 head; market firm and 10c. higher; heavy pack ing and shipping lots, 35a5.35; common to choice mixed, $4.76a5.25; choice assorted, 155.20; light, $4.80o5.Ui; pigs, 33.70a4.75. Sheep Receipts, 6,000 head; market Arm and lUulSc. higher; Inferior to choice, $1.75a 4.20; lambs, 82.60a0. Oil Market. Pittsburg, July 6. The oil market opened and highest, 150; lowest, 145; closed, 145. Oil City, July 6. Oil opened ahd highest, 160; lowest and closed, 146. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, July 6. Tallow Is steady and quiet. We quote: City, prime, in hhds, 4c; country, prime, In bbls, 4c; do. dark. In bbls, 3a4c; cakes, 4c; grease, 3c. IXDI'STBIAL TOPIC'S. Edward Smith, who hat been outslda superintendent for the Lehigh Valley Coal company at the Exeter colliery, has been transferred to the Malt by colliery, where he was formerly In charge. Mr. Smith has been succeeded by John B. Keeler, of Maltby, who entered on the duties of his new position Monday. Information from reliable source says that an excellent vein of coal has been dis covered on the Jeddo tract of G. B. Markle sc Co., near Jeddo. According to the re port three veins have been pierced by the diamond drills, one of them being forty feet in thickness. The development of these veins means much for that region. WELSH JOTTINGS. Cranogwen, preacher, lecturer and lltter- ateuse. Is said to be about to publish the hitherto unpublished works of Islwyn. The Rev. Rees J. Jones, M. A., Bron Iestyn, Aberdare ,haa Just Issued a neat lit tle Sunday school hymn book for the use of the Unitarian denomination. Rev. E. W. Davles (Hebron), Ton, has been appointed president of the Rhondda Valley Cymrodorlon society, and Tom Da vles Is this year again to till the post of honorable secretary. Stanley and the Rev. D. Herber Evans were playmates together on the banks of the Cych and the slopes of the Frennl Fawr. At any rate both are now said to be natives of the neighborhood of New-castle-Emlyn. Among those who essayed their skill In the spinning competition by ladles at the Home Art and Industries association's ex hibition, opened at the Albert hall last week, was Mrs. Crawshay, of Cyfarthfa. She wore a Welsh peasant's costume. The Earl of Jersey Is the residuary le gatee under the will of the late Mrs. A. T. Hall, of Lowndes square, London, the value of whose personality Is 106.213. The sum of 120,000 is bequeathed to St. George's hospital in memory of the testatrix's late husband. Major Hall. Dr. Mlhangel ap lwan, son of Professor Michael D. Jones, Bala, has arrived In the Principality on a visit from the Welsh Colony at Patagonia. He intends spend ing a few weeks in Wales, and will then return to the -colony which his father worked so hard In establishing. The Rev. David Williams, B. A., curate of Holy Trinity, Swansea, who has Just accepted from the crown th? living of St. John's, Clydach, was a theological exhi bitioner of Hatfield Hall, Durham; a prize man and licentiate in theology (second class) in 1888, and B. A. in 1892, The value of the living Is 1235. The marriage took place at Llangen delrne church, Carmarthenshire, on the 12th Inst., of George Rice Pryse, fifth son of Sir Pryse Pryse, Bart., of Gogerddan, and Geraldlne Mabel Abadam. second daughter of the late Conrade Mldd'eton Abadam, of Mlddleton Hall, Carmarthen shire, and Mrs. Rudman, The Norton, Tenby. Gilmores Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies. If yon are suffering from weakness; and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down; Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood. It promotes digestion, enriches the blood and gives tasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scranton. I I Do You DESIRE to Make MONEY Oar Plans or Operation ASSURE Absoluts Safety of Investment Dividends Payable Monthly. Principles of LIFE INSURANCE and BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Superseded. $10 i I Caa be mads with safety. Will con- I .Um MAeanabla naraoa that thla U.mO I Is a truthful statement. The long-looked-for business re vival is at nana, nverr inaicv tlon In the financial world slgnl fltten advance In values. Prior to May 1 prices of everything were BUSINESS BOOI. at or neiow we coat of nroduo- tlon. WIU vou loin the Droceealon and reap the beaelt of thla booml Baanonslbls. ) Will establish these facta ' . t by referring to some of tne Safe, f leading Banks and 'trust Conservative. J Companies of ear city. mm a 1 Our past saootm jnstmes oi n Matlna- that wa feel as ZO EST Cvub in stating that we feel as- ) snrea Of oar iuhj iw vmw ... -...Ik monthly dividend of per C3r bwiillL J otorsaorsonaUinvestmeato IIVDO 1 Uyonwsattomaksmoney.aU we 11 ICS I sakuiforyeatolnvaaUaaUournew TIG1TE -ril'X sured of oar ability to pay a monthly dividend of per rnU Parttenlars sent free on applloa- m. epiaseaiaiiiae ewwu, Co-cpiraUie !ni!: Ajs'i. SIS Drkeni St, Chios., III. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. ' Lchich and nuaqueuuna DiTiatoui - - Anthracite coal uswl aacluslvely, insur Ihf daSjAiliMas and cjomXorl. 'UStti TAHLfc 1M KKftCf JUNE J. 1S9J. Trains leavs Scranton for rittston. yllks-Barra, etc.. at 1.US, 11.90 a.m. Va. i.U), 3.U5. 6.00, Mu p. m. Uundayi. .ud a. m., 1.00. t it, 1.10 p. m. Por Atlantic City. S.20 a.m. For Naw York, Newark and Elltabatb, l.iM (express) a. m., (txpreag wuti Hui let parlor car), S.QS (express) p.m. Bun day, 2.11 p. m. Train leaving- 1.22 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 6.21 p. m. and New Tork 45 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown. Bethle. hem, Kaston and Philadelphia, 1.20 a.m., 1.23, 3.05, 6.W (except Philadelphia) p. m, Sunday, 116 p.m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, ate., at For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg. via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1.23, 6.00 p. ui. Sunday, 115 p.m. Kor f'oitKVille, 8.20 a. m.. 1.?J p. rr. Returning leave New Tork. foot of Lib erty street, North river, at 9.10 (express) a.m., l.lo, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Uuffet parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.W a.m. . v Philadelphia, Readlnar Terminal. t.M a.m., 100 and 130 p.m. Sunday S.3f Through tickets to all points at lowest ratee may be had on application In ad vanes to the Ucket agent at the ntatlon. H. I. BALDWIN. J. H. OLHAUHEN. C."ZV- A'eBt May 11, 1895. Train leaves Btranton for Philadelphia, and New York via D. M. R. R. at 7 45 a. m., 12.0S, l 20, 1 M and 11.38 p. m., via L . L. sc W. R. R., .(, 11.20 a. m., and 1 M p. m. LeaveScranton for Plttston and Wilkes Barre, via 1., L. & W. R. K .oo, h.Os, a. m.. 1.60. 6.U7, 1 02 p. m. Leave Boranton for White Haven, Ha fleton, PuttHVllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and I'otlavllle bran h.-ii, via K. ic W. V. R. Jt., 40 a.m., via . If. R. R. at 7.46 a. ni., 12 06, 1.20. 2 38, 4.00 p. m.. via. V.. U 4 W. K. R. 6.00, t.OH, 11.20 a. m.. 1.30, 3.60 p. m. Leave Bcranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading. Harrlsburg and all Intermediate points via U. ft H. R. R., 7.46 a.m., 1 :,(;. 1 20, 2.K, 4 00, 11.3H p. m., via L L. 4 W. lb R . 6.00. II. US, 11.20 a. in., 1.30 p. tn. Leave Branton for Tunkhannock. To- wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Ueneva and till Intermediate nolnta via D. & H. H. K.. k Ah a.m., 12.05 and 11.35 p.m., via V., L. & W. tt. n., ., .w a.m., j.w p.m. Leave Scranton for Rochi-nter, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and nil riointH west via L. 4 H. R. R., 8 45 a.m.. 2.06, 16, 11.3k p.m., via D., L. 4 W. R. K. and Plttston Junction, 8.08, k.66 a.m., l.M, 160 p.m., via E. 4 W. V. K. R., 3 41 p.m. For Elmlra and the went via Salamum-a, via D. 4 H. R. K., 8.45 a.m., 12.05. 6.05 p.m.. via V., L. 4 W. R. K., 8.08, 56 a.m., Vi and 6.07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. 4 IS. Junction or Wllkes-Uarre and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. KOM.TN H. WILBUR. Gen. Bupt. CHAB.S.LKE.Gen.Pasa. Agt., Phila.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, At. Uca Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday. June 24. 1696. Trains leave scranton us follows: Ex press for New York and all points Eu. t, 1.40, 2.50, 6.15, 8.00 and D.55 a.m.; 12.55 aria :,.ll p.m. Exprefts for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the south, 6.15, 6.00 and 155 a.m., 12.55 and 3.34 p.m. WaBhlnBton and way tatlong, 8.55 p.m. Tobyhurina accommodation, 0.10 p.m. ExpreKa for Blnghumton, Owegu, El mlra. Cornlnc. Bath. lanville. Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a.m., and 1:1 p.m., making close connections at Buf falo to all points la the West , Norlhwe-it and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a.m. Plnchnmton and way stations, 12.37 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p. m. end 6.10 p. m.. Binghamton and Elmlra Express, C.0J p.m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Osweso I'tica and Richfield Springs, 2.35 a.m. and 1.14 p.m. Ithaca, 2 35 and Bath 9 a.m. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland, Pittston, Wllkes Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Lan vllle, making close connections at North umberland for Wllliamsport, Harrlebuig. Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and intermediate sta tions, G 00, 0.55 a.m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p.m. Nantlcoke and intermediate stations. 8.0S and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8 52 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches ca all express trains For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office. 328 Lackawanna avenue; or depot ticket office. delattam: and hudson rail ROAD. Cemmanelne- Monday, day, July 30, all trains will arrive at new Lack awanna revenue station sta follows: Trains will leave Scran ton station for Carbondale ana in termediate points at 130, 6.46. 7.06. 125 and 10.10 a.m., lilt, UX 166, i.16. tla, V&, lis Vor Farview, Way-mart and Hbnesdals at 7 136 and 111 a.m.,lZ00, 130 and 11 For Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack, and Montreal at 145 a.m. and 110 p.m. For Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate , Ints at 7.4a, 146, t.38 and 1146 a.m., 13.06, IS, 4.00. Ik. 10S, lit and 11.33 p.m. Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondale and Intermediate point at 7.40, 10. 134 and 10. 4 a.m., 1100. 1 1",1.34 let. 4.64, 6.65, 7.46, 1. 11 and 11.33 p.m. From Hoaasdaie, Waymart and Far view at Mt am.. 1100, .17, 140. 6.55 an i 1.46 p.m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etx at .64 and 11.31 p.m. - From wuaea.BOTre ana lnierrneumi'y nts at lie, 8 04, io n ana ii.m a.m., 1.1-4 6A 1.10, vus, f.zu, .w ass p.m. Eric and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York and Intermediate points on the Erie rail road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. Also tor Honesdale, Hawley and local points ut 7.00, 8.40 a. m. and S.24 p. m. All the above are through trains to and from Honesdale. Train for I.ake Ariel 6.10 p. m. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 6.33 a. m. and 3 45 p. m. CRA1TON WITlalOlf. In KMt, May IBth, 1805. North aennd. stonta Bound. Oa.O3j(01 9 9'n8 sOlvnaSflt) Station mi (Trains Bally, Kx- cepi piunqay, ) p sir Arrive Lcavei A 10 Ml 7 96 n. 1. Frantnn s 7 4J IM 110 10 4ffl Tlffl .... West 4nd street! 10 Wh TW weenawken r n'.r u Arrive Leave! lr" K 6V 6l 1161 Bancook Junction T.i 11 11 8 88 31 l M I 6 108 It 34 0i Hancock Starlight Preston Park Como Poyntell Belmont Pleasant Mt Vnlondale for set city Carbondale White Bridge Mayneld Jermyn -Archibald Winton PeckvUls Olypbait Pltksoa Throop providence Park Place soranton tlOhlDM 601 DM 4 6 II 18 M a;::: 4 47 18 14 4 Ml OH ... 66 .... MM) tUISM . 6s .... inr a 4 Ml 1 411 a at 4 04, II Ml tlSl M'faaj fUM 13 ....IfDM llssl 01 1711887116 8 sefiiM0.a jn 160 81 1 do 146 4M186I 161 43 II 64 M 161 II 1M 817 I4WIIII 4S1IIW IN Mi 1 04) a 01 64 107 lot 61 1 in 4 10 OM 1 14 1 14 oi'ri 17 sv Leave Arrivel All trains run lallr exoeot auadav. t iigsulettiiMtraUiBtoponarnal sr pas. angers, 1 riecure rates via Ontario a Western before purchaalpf ucktti and eav Honey. Bay ina MlBgtTitfreaiwtbe West, , T ; , T. ntfftis, BIT,' f mai arMtoa?Vaf .- - w il 864 14311 II 8 60 1881107 144 1861106 841 ft 31 II 06 1 88 18011 tm 684 ft 87(1067 in 8 84 10 69 a r li It a ;:l IV-