The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 06, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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r- '
. au aad Weekly. Ko SuixUy Edition
feellatad at Batutoa. r. by The Tribune Pub-
uamni (xinpany.
ew Talk OOoti TtlbuM Building. Funk a
t . mnoaauiiv. Pm a'i Mas.
c m. mpm. tmm.
W. W. DAVIS, Mwaeee.
St. W. VOUNQS. Aav. Mn'o
sstssss At m NRDiroi at snuinoa. ..
Prlntera' Ink," Ik reraeatod Journal for adw
UMr, raise Til rn TRict'iaa wthvbnl
edvenulnc medium in Kortneeema reoaajrivi
ale. Trtatare' iak" know.
Tmi Win I T TamcKa, lamed Krary Saturday,
OntteUie Twelve liaajdaonie Pan,
daare of ateare. Fk-neu. end Writ
au Akun-
ln. rr TUcm Wae Qaaaot T. ihm uailt
Tuapna. Um Weekly It UoeouraitnaXI ae Ik
Seat arala uolaf- O0I7 1 a Vear, m Adraate.
tu Tmni la ft Sale Hatlr at tta L. ana W.
Senator Quay's Visit.
' 11 the current report foe true that
Senator Quay contemplates making a
personal appeal, on AlonJay. to the
Republican of Lackawanna county for
aid la his present flsht, we trust that
hit friends will correctly represent to
him the etate of public, opinion in this
section of the commonwealth. He
should fce Informed that -while there Is
high admiration or his undoubted sifts
as a political leader, and strong loyalty
to the principle of party organization
within reasonable lines, this feeling
Joes set sancttoa arbitrary or unfair
prooedure ont his part; and is utterly
opposed to the utilization of the Re
publican party machinery In the work
lug out ef personal resentments or re
To ts more specific the senator
should fee notified that the honest Re
puhUcanlsm of this county views with
disfavor the attempt of any toan, how
ever astute or successful, to punish per
son! freedom or political opinion or to
asert an exclusive ownership of the
various departments of the state gov
ernment and of the municipal govern
ments of our leading cities. He should
tie told that while, as a representative
of Pennsylvania In the tJntted States
senate he Is entitled to the cordial sup
port of the party which elected him, he
Is not entitled to interfere in the poll
tics of Lackawanna county or any oth
er county, as he Is understood to have
tried to Interfere, on previous occasions
In the politics of Philadelphia: and es
pecially that loyalty to wise party
leadership is by no means synonymous
with servile acquiescence In personal
schemes having for their purpose the
prostitution of the gubernatorial office
and the humiliation of the state's chief
We ibelieve that !n the present In
stance, as upon several previous ones,
the senator has been ill-advised. Had
he cfcoaanto dbey the wishes of the peo
pTe In the matter of reapportionment;
had. be kept hands off the city govern
men of Philadelphia, for the conduct
of lefties the residents of that city are
alone responsible; and ha4 he been con
tent to-allow to Governor Hastings the
same freedom of official action which
he wernld have olaimed the right to ex
ercise If he "were himself the governor
C Penirsyhraaa'a, does anybody believe
that his leadership would trow be chal
lenged, or that the people of this com
monwealth would now be treated to
the peculiar spectacle of their junior
fjnited States senator making an anx
ious personal canvass for the state
chairmanship ef his party, hitherto ac
cord ad to him or to his friends without
e struggle?
We have said before, and we repeat
that Senator Quay Is the architect of
his own political misfortunes. Wise
counsel and prudent leadership would
have averted the dangers that now
threaten film. Is It too late for him to
learn this lesson voluntarily, or must
It he taught by the severer processes of
compulsory education 7
The Unspeakable Turk.
' The attention of our readers Is called
le "Viator's" communication on an
other page, narrating some of his ex
periences and observations In the land
ef the unqpeakalble Turk. The writer
of that letter makes out, without exag
geration or undue emphasis, a strong
ease against the present government of
the Turkish empire.
(Especially Interesting In his explana
tion of the sapient censorship of books
and papers exercised by the Porte. The
Instance cited In the case of the text
books on chemistry, which, were mu
tilated because the censor, or effendl,
did not understand the chemical symbol
for water as he probably did not under
stand the element itself and therefore
regarded It as a treasonable fling at the
reigning monarch, fairly Illustrates the
exalted knowledge and breadth of mind
enlisted In the government of the
Ottomani dominion. The average
American, reading of these things, Is
perplexed between pity for the igno
rance disclosed and natural resentment
at such a gross perversion of the right
ful functions of government.
At this particular time, with snore
than two score European and American
warships anchored off Constantinople
and Beirut, it Is possible that some of
the more glaring evils of Turkish mis
rule may fee temporarily kept In the
background. ' But the removal of these
stupe wlB undoubtedly be the signal for
a vigorous return to all the old-time
cruelties; until it must inevitably be
come civilisation's Imperative duty to
put an end to the whole vexatious farce
by forcible partition of the Ottoman em
pire and the joint exercise of a reforms'
tlve suzerainty.
Concerning T. F. Penman.
In yesterday's issue of the Scranton
Republican appears the following card
from T. F. Penman:
The Tribune editorial of Thursday re
ferrtng to me la evidently Intended to put
me in a false position of opposing the can
didacy of Judge Wlllard, and belittling the
Quay sentiment In this community. At
Mr. Wlllard's request I accompanied his
delegation to liorrlsburg to ask the kov
ernor for his appointment. Sinco then I
have been, and will continue to be, heartily
and unroHorvilly for his nomination; and
should I by any possibility have any lntlu
enoe with the Quay element In the state
convention, I shall take pleasure in using
It for Judge Wlllard's Interests. Hut I do
not concede the rlsht to The Tribune or
ny one else to choose for me the leader
of the party In the states I believe the
lartre majority of Republicans In this
county favor Scnntor Quey and If a free
11 ud untmmmellrd expresxlon is permitted,
they will nay so. No delrgntfs have been
"mt up"' by me, nor do I Intend to "set
up" any. Neliher have I any Influence to
drive out of th field any gentlemen who
wish to bo delegates. I have one vote In
the Second legislative district and I shall
take pleasure In casting it for delegates
who will represent Judire Wlllurd's and
Senator Quay's Interests In tho conven
The one statement In the foregoing
which we wish to be specially noted Is
the writer's assertion that "no dele
gates have been 'set up' by him, nor
does he Intend to 'Bet up any." "Who,
then. Is responsible for the presence In
the field of Quay candidates who, while
professing to be friendly to Judge Wll
ard, have not consulted either with him
or his friends, and who publicly say
thit they are for Quay first, last and all
the time, end for "Wlllard only Inci
dentally? If Major Penman la not set
ting up delegates, why did he secretly
ga to Carbondale Thursday night and,
from the parlor of the Anthracite hotel.
send out for a conference of Quay Re
publicans, to take steps to defeat the
Willard candidates for delegates in the
Fourth district? If the major is simply
a p&ssenger on board the antt-Willard
precession, why did Senator Quay put
a large sum of money, reported to be
$2,600, In his hands for use in "fixing
th::igs" in this county? We do not
wlnh to question his veracity, but if
what he says be true, we would like
to be enabled to lay before the Republl
can3 of this county en explanation of
these curious circumstances.
Now, as to the major's "not conced'
ing the right of The Tribune or any one
else to choose for him the leader of the
party In this state," we desire to remind
him that this paper does not assume to
do any such choosing. All that it does
assume to do is to request of the real
friends of Judge Wlllard that they will
not train with his active enemies, who
both Ignore his wishes in a fight which
Intimately concerns his political fu
ture, and to this act of Ingratitude try
to add the worse act of deception.
An Inconsistent Leader.
We are not aware that -the Carbon
dale Leader, which after the Scranton
Penman antl-Wlllard conference of
Thursday night In its city, eagerly re
turns to its self-appointed task of try
Ing to defeat the election of delegates
form the Fourth district personally
friendly and acceptable to Judge Wll
lard, raised objection five years ago
when Senator Watres, then a candi
date for the lieutenant-governorship
nomination. wa freely accorded the
complimentary privilege of selecting
his own delegates to the state conven
tion. The Leader thinks "the time may
come when the precedent whloh The
Tribune is now trying to establish will
orove a boomerang In its own camp.
That, dear ontemporary, Is our risk,
not youfs; besides, we are not trying
to establish a precedent. The preced
ent was established with the Leader's
cordial sanction In the case Just men
tioned. The sapient Leader continues: "We
do not object to Judge Wlllard's effort
to secure a place on the Republican
state ticket, but simply contend that It
would be more In consonance with
party usage, and more modest withal,
to appeal to the people for support In
stead of demanding that delegates se
lected by him before the primaries are
held should go." It Is kind In our con
temporary thus frankly to permit Mr.
Wlllard's candidacy to continue; and
for this It has our thanks. But when
it dissents to the proposition that as a
compliment to the one candidate before
the next state convention In whom
Lackawanna county Is directly Inter,
ested he phould be permitted to have a
friendly delegation at his back, It Ut
ters doctrine clearly "out of conson
ance with party usage," and therefore
condemned by Its own voice. If Judge
Wlllard had open opposition in this
county it would be another matter. But
with no local candidate running against
him for judge of the Superior Court,
why should there be this strange and
unnrecedented hesitancy In showing
him the same courtesy which was upon
similar occasion shown to Colonel
Watres? .
The Leader adds: "We are Opposed
to any such proceedings tootn and nail;
we must be, to be consistent. Whether
It affects Mr. Wlllard or any other In
dividual one way or another Is a matter
for the least consideration." We have
shown that to be consistent with Its
record In the Watres campaign It
should hot be "opposed to any such pro
ceeding." Hence, we must suppose
that Its Inconsistency springs from op
position to Judge Wlllard, whose
friends should govern themselves ac
cordingly. ,
The appearance of the editor of the
Scranton Republican as a champion of
antl-bossUm while' defending fenator
Quay, a man who would. If he could.
control every, nomination and appoint-
ment throughout the whole of Penn
sylvania, Is amusing, to say the least
But Is he so short-sighted as to think
that the self-respecting Republicans of
Lackawanna county do not recall the
time when, with overweening arro
gance, he set himself up as a boss ef
the most dictatorial and unscrupulous
type; and when no man in the county
dared to aspire to political preferment
without first buying his august con
sent? Talk about "liberty of expres
sion and action." When did J. A,
Scranton ever voluntarily recognise
such a thing?
If Major Penman -was not setting up
Quay delegates, why did he and Con
gressman Scranton go to Carbondale
under cover of Thursday night, and,
without Judge Wlllard's knowledge or
consent, and In opposition to selections
already announced by Judge Wlllard's
friends, try to get candidates to fight
Messrs. Thomas and Young? Does
Major Penman think that his thin pro
testations of friendliness tor the Judge's
candidacy before the next state conven
tlon are sufficient to mask his shrewd
ulterior purposes? The Republicans of
Lackawanna county are not thus easily
fooled not by a long shot!
According to Ilarrlsburg advices,
Senator Quay has Informed his sup
porters that he does not propose to op
pose the nomination of any of the Re
publicans appointed as Judges on the
Superior court at the Republican state
convention. This is quite different
from his hostile tone when, a tew days
ago, he Intimated that It he could have
his way Judge Wlckham, of Beaver,
would be tho only one nominated by
next month's convention. Mr. Quay Is
evidently beginning to realize that
Pennsylvania Is a pretty big state to be
carried around in his vest pocket.
A few days ago some of the papers In
Carbondale were greatly exercised be
cause "Scranton politicians" Tiad
"chosen delegates for them." What
have these able Journals to say con
cerning the later Scranton-Penman ef
fort to choose competing candidates for
election as delegates In the Fourth dis
trict? Is that particular brand of
"outside Interference" all right?
The editor of the Republican threat
ens, if his wishes are not regarded in
the present fight, to cause an upheaval
In the county and city organisation
This Is a fine bluff; but It does not
work. The Republicans of (Lackawan
na county have outgrown the time
when they regarded Mr. Scran tin's
mercenary Interests as superior to
party principle and party welfare.
If Major Penman is sincere In his
publicly expressed wish to further
Judge Wlllard's candidacy, let him quit
trying to set up anti-Wlllard delegates.
Nobody has clothed Penman with the
authority to cancel Mr. Wlllard's own
preferences In the mattsr of delegates,
The last city election returns will
show to what extent (Mr, Scranton has
been able to "cause an upheaval In the
city organisation."
Exchange please connect us with the
Hello! . j
Is that Mr. Vandllng?
It is.
How is the department?
It's all tight. The boys do not drink any
Can I Interest you In some stock-
Nay I nayt I am sorry, but I am putting
all my cash In the monument business Just
Who calls?
This Is Ira.
Aht How an you, Mr. Burns; and what
aro the prospects for rod apples next fall?
Tolerable, thank you, But I want to
give you some advice.
I want to warn you fellows against 100
much enterprise.
'You see, much of the so-called news
hereabouts is loaded to the brim.
Is that so? -
Yes. Beware of ambitious officials, and
do not announce too many attractions In
advance, or Charlie and I will be after you.
Heliol Am I on the long distance
Your voice- sounds far away.
Is thnt the leading organ of Lackawanna
Weil, I wanted to tell you that you need
not go to Europe. I've fixed It ud with the
old man and he'll come up and bring the
casn next weoa.
No one from this office contemplates a
trip to Europe.
Rht How? What do you mean?
This Is The Tribune speaking.
The Tribune! t thought-Hat Whal-Ill
lit. Il Mal-lll-.i.B-Wah!-!!l
Woughl -111
Heliol Exchange. What's the natter?
Why, the man at Fhlladelokla has had a
After an extended and accurate review
of the causae of the present fight, the
Wllkes-Barre Times correctly crystallises
the present Issue as follows: "Shall the
Republican party ef this great Republican
state be led around by the caprices of one
man like a bull with a ring In his nose?
Host assuredly they wnl not. The young
Republican manhood, the vigorous young
Americanism ef the state will repel and
rebuke such leadership. Nothing was ever
gained by sitting on the fence in any con
test In which Is baaarded a direct Interest
As a personal tribute to the governor, In
loyalty to our townsman, Judge Rloe, and
because It Is honest and right to do so, Hie
Republicans of Lttserne county should
stand bravely and unequivocally for the
support of Governor Hastings, He will
surely win as he ought and we should
share the viotery with him." .
Che aaU-WUlard element la Carbonaale,
In endeavoring to ereate the Impression
that Clerk of the Courts Thomas la an
active seeker for the delegates-hip do him
an Injuattce. The fact la that It waa only
after much persuasion on the part of Mr.
Wlllard's friends that Mr. Thomas con
sented to become a candidate. When he
11 rat came to Scranton, Mr. Wlllard be
frtanded him end It waa in the hope of be
ing able to In part repay thla kindness that
Mr.' Thomas consented. The friends of
Judge Wdlard In the Fourth district will
not be likely ta be deceived Into voting for
candidates hoatlle to his interests.
Of the 12.500 said to have been put In
Major Penman's hands by Senator Quay's
paymaster for th ostensible purpose of
Influencing the selection of Quay dele
gates, but no doubt actually to defeat
Judge Wlllard, It la reported that $1,000 haa
been apportioned to th- Fourth district
and only $250 to the First district, nut
will Quay's money win Lackawanna Re
publicanism from Its allegiance to its
home candidate and Us own manhood?
We suspect not
. "II II
Major Penman is perhaps nearer the
truth than ho realises When he say he
"has no Influence to drive out of the Held
any gentlemen who wish to be delegates."
Even though liberally supplied with the
Quay alnews of war, h will probably fall
In any attempt to use Larkawanna's
seven dek-guteg for personal purposes.
Quay may be aide to' buy some of the
small fry "leaders" of the Republican
party In this county; but It will, we sus
pect, be quite another story when Ills min
ions undt-rtuke to debauch the rank and
It Is regarded as probable that In defer
ence to Judge Rice -tho nlno delegate from
I.userne will support Qovernor Hustings.
Bight at leant are regarded as practically
cerium to te for Qllkson,
In the absence, of Editor-in-Chief Scran
ton on bis European tour It Is understood
that his political heavy part will lie taken
by Mr. Scranton's understudy, Major i'en-
Was It because the money was put In
Penman's hands and not In his own that
Scranton goes to Europe?
131 AND 133
The Best of Them
All Is the:
Porch Chairs and Rockers,
Fine Reed Chairs and Rockers,
A Few Baby Carriages Left at Cost.
Cedar Chests, Moth Proof, In
Three Sizes.
Hill &
131 MD 09
Clarence M. Florey, the
sporting goods dealer of Wyo
ming avenue, has devised a
scheme to keep the boys in
terested in the matter of base
ball. With every ten cent
ball or bat he will now give a
fine cap and belt, which are
uniform. Among the hustlers
is Mr. Florey.
Tees Is (esse eslrai the VVKBER
OaM aad ata ihaaa Plaaaa an4
fraaaS Pisses we Sara takes la esesssge
CEOf U3TE23, w?i4
soase aesee
rand id
Clearing Sale
All Summer Goods have been greatly reduced in price, in
accordance with our semi-annual custom. Every one of our
23 departments has more or less of hot weather stuff, that we
aim to dispose of during the month of July regardless of cost
or value.
Ten years of truthful advertising in this city is the strong
est argument that we can advance in behalf of this important
Having inaugurated the largest sale of Men's All
Wool Summer suits at lower prices (quality consid
ered) than was ever offered before in this city, and
as the demand still continues lively for them, we
will manage to keep up a good assortment at the
popular prices of
by drawing from grades that have sold as high as
Eighteen Dollars. Though alone in the field, we
promise to satisfy all comers till July 10th.
IllL 0 M Itl I L I! 0 f
Buy the latest style ?
It don't cost any more.
It is just as serviceable.
It is far more beautiful.
The latest style in Bedroom Furniturs
Is the Curly Birch ; it is a
Beautiful Wood; takes a high polish;
Is strong and stays well in place.
It can be seen at HULL & CO.'S
New Furniture Store on Washington avenue,
Next to the Presbyterian Church.
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc,
ill! I
the conn
rrj A jfoIfo R18T0IIB
I - iatfnanilf. Bnlaa TticM wd Ml tlfoe aukklf 'NMaiai. If "f J,1
J in.M m.H buttv. mitia. I in. tatSMai kaax lar ttm, wak
lit la 4 weeks. tniHASr'ifJS f)n
rui. auiiviH UAtwmaMtwm'
Feresle by JOHN H. PHELP& Phsrmaolet eori Wyemlni Avsnu an
Spraoe Street Boranton av
square dealing clothiers
i CO..
Blank Books,
Office Supplies.
Aad SoppUaa,
StatlMin and Esgrarsrs,
Frog Legs, Lobsters,
Large,- Medium and
Little Neck Clams
and Oysters,
flat teeth. IS.S0; boat sat, for cold ease
and teeth without plates, called crown sad
brides work, call for prlcea and refer
etices. TONALGIA, for extracting taetf
without pain. No ether. No ess.
dlffara little from what It does at at )
other time. Whyf Well as to our Hardware
mostly necaaae eoniaa-i do any iinm
Howerar. the 4th aaaseetaoool thlnts for in
ternal applications ana eome articles of Hard
ware lend thomaelrea forolNy to this Idea.
Prom tho humble Ice-plok to the all important
lee cream freeser. we keep all the artioieo ana
specialties for "qalok eooUit opiretlons" as
wall as lor statist purposes.
fisUs11,?: Its
'V.,. y