The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 06, 1895, Page 12, Image 12

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Highest of all in Learning Power. Late U. S. Govt Report
Ray S. Deubler, fireman on the Mont
rose road, met with a narrow eacap
from death yesterday while on duty.
Juit as hla train was passing- the engine
house he put his head out of the cab
window ami looked ibackward. when
he struck against a ox car standing
on a siding. Fortunately they were
running slow and only a severe acalp
wound resulted. Had the train been
making good speed he doubtless would
have bees killed.
Miss Carrie Leigh ton la home fresh
from Uie Catsklll regions.
The electric train Indicators work
very nicely and are a handy and use
ful Innovation. The system should be
enlarged so as to Include the postofflee
and court house.
Rev. George Hlne Is home from his
vacation among the New York atate
hills, locking hale and hearty.
A local dealer tlgures out that a man
can be clothed now from top to toe for
about $2.23. He Itemizes It thusly: Cap.
6 cenU; suit of underwear, 40 cents;
hlrt. 19 cents; overalls. 35 cents; Jack
et, 35 cents; socks. 5 cents; shoes. 75
cents; necktie. 5 cents. Suspenders and
a 3-oent handkerchief will be thrown In,
- and a man stands dressed from head
to foot In new clean clothes for eigh
teen shillings.
W. E. Bullock visited Montrose
friends Wednesday and Thursday.
The Junior Epworth league will hold
a social on Wednesday evening. July 17.
Harvesters are growling about the
catchy weather.
The Methodist young people at Union
Hill have organized an Epworth league,
with the following otHcers: President,
Fred M. Swetland; tlrst vice-president,
Edwin Sutton; second vice-president,
Airs. 'Maurice June; third vice-president,
illss Minnie Swetland; fourth vice
president. Miss Edith Wlntamute; sec
retary. Miss Angle Wir.tamute; treas
urer, Mrs. Alfred Harford.
Theodore Borden, salesman at Marks'
clothing house, with his wife, will start
Monday for a two weeks' trip to Wilkes
Barre and Philadelphia.
John Barth received word yesterday
that his daughter, Mrs. C. W. Hoffa, of
Weatherly, was dangerously 111 of
heart disease. Me and iMrs. Barth left
on the night express for that place.
The Baptists cleared $23 at their festi
val. Rev. Cooney, rector of St. Peter's
church, went to New York to meet his
sister from England, who was expected
to arrive on he Teutonic last night.
.Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Hennlng, of Me
ioopany township, celebrated their
golden wedding Thursday. Nine chil
dren have been iborn to them, all of
whom are living, and all were present
on that occasion, besides Innumerable
The town ouncll have appointed a
committee to make a contract for put
ting an Iron bridge over Swall Brook at
the Turnpike street crossing.
The Tritons and the Wllkes-Barre
Young Men's Christian Association
team will play 'ball on the home grounds
this afternoon.
Rev. O. W. Hatch was struck In the
side by a flying rocket Thursday night
and slightly Injured.
Something like 10,000 foreigners con
gregated here yesterday to do honor to
the American eagle, and according to
the condition of the bird at sundown he
will soon 'be an Inmate of the Keeley
cure. From the time of the arrival of
the Hallstead Cornet 'band, at 8 a. m.,
till early next morning, every moment
was full of pleasure. The ball gam
between the home elemnt and Nlchol
onltes was won by the visitors by the
core of .14 to 16. The Odd Fellows' pa
rade was an Interesting feature, while
the fantastics did the bloomers great
honor. The bicycle race was easily
won by Ed. Hawley and William 8ha
Cers "Old Patsy" scooped the .horse
race. The dance at the opera house In
the evening was crowded, and the dis
play of fireworks at the park won the
applause of the thousands who wit
nessed them. Not an accident more
serious than a black eye was recorded.
Why not treat with a physician to whom
you ean tell your troubles and will CURB
you 7 Why- send your m.n.y miles away
from home to some one you never saw,
'when you have the greatest Specialist
near you with whom you cast talk It ovsr
nd tie cured.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Bcranton,
by his new and speclflo methods and
remedies cures all the following: Impot
enoy. Lost Manhood, Varlooocele, donor
rhoa. Syphilis, Blood Poison, Nightly
Losses, Stricture, Seminal Weakness, Re
stores Lost Vitality, Lost Memory, Eradi
cates all the bad effects of "Self Abuse,"
Exceeslve Venery. Purines the Blood, Re
stores "Shrunken Parts" to their normal
site, Arrests decay and makes you a well
snd hearty man again. If you are nerv
ous, have a rapid Irritable heart, tired,
dull feeling In the mornings. Offensive
Breath, Constipation, pains back of neck
' and head, or any of the above diseases,
call and be examined. It will cost you
nothing and you may benefit largely by It,
Everything strictly secret and conflden-
tOFFICS HOURS-Dally I to .
Sundays, to 1
DR. REEVES-'tilMffXr
, Lace Mains,
Chenille Curtains,
Tapestry r Cartains,
Window Shades and
Wall Papers.
JUmetnber, ibis M a boaaAde Clearing . Cat
'Prtoe Hals to stake rooa for fall goods. .
Several car loads f 'barld have ar
rived at the tannery.
The New Mllford Base Ball club will
soon play a return game at 'Nicholson.
A new feed store Is nearly completed
on the old Corbln tannery site.
The poles twenty-four have arrived
for our new street lamps.
Archbald observed the Fourth of July
In old-fashluned style. In the morula
a grand parade was held. Thre was
an oration and the reading of the Dec
laration of Independence and two large
picnics gave the pleasure loving le
nient of our population ample amuse
ment. In the morning mass was cele
brated in St. Thomas' church by liev.
Dr. Lucas, after which all the Sunday
school children, the Catholic societies
and the Hore company formed in line
for parade. Preceded by thu East Side
band, the column marched down Lau
rel street to Wayne, thenee Main to
Sylvan park. On arriving there Kev.
T. J. Comerford mud a few remarks
and Introduced James F. Me Andrew
as presiding officer at the exercises,
which were to follow. Mr. Mi-Andrew
made a very eloquent and appropriate
address; the East Side iband played a
selection and P. A. Philbin read the
Declaration of Independence. Mr.
Powderly, the orator of the day, then
delivered an address, which, In elo
quence and lnte:?t. It would be diffi
cult to surpass. It was not of the
ppread-eagle type. It was an address
tilled with common sense and the
broadest and most liberal Americanism.
He was generous1 In praise of the found
ers of our government and severe In
condemnation of thoss who are blindly
endeavoring to subvert the principles
on which it Is founded. In every re
spect the address was remarkable, and
It was delivered In Mr. l'owderly's
characteristic style. At Its conclusion
three hearty cheers were "given for ths
orator. The remainder of the day was
ripent quietly, yet enjoyably. The pic
nic of St. Thomas' congregation and
of the Younj People's society of the
German church were both successful
and there was nothing to mar the pleas
ure of thor who attended them.
Charles Ready, of New York city, Is
vlstlng his parents, here.
A number of young people from this
vicinity journeyed to Campbell's Ledge
on the Fourth and enjoyed a good time.
Those present were: J. L. Brodhead,
H. L. Warner, William Winters. John
Dymond, Harry Doud, Bert Lewis,
Henry Kirk; Alex. Young and Alonzo
Ellis, of Forest City. The ladles were:
Miss Bessie Hinds. Blanche Tregallas,
Rose Warner, Ella Levan, Maggie
Lewis, Lizzie McMurtrle, Mary Gem
met. Bertha Russel, Agnes and Annie
Nlchol and Carrie Seberhine.
The latest reports from Atlantic City
are that Thomas Ellis, of Minooka ave
nue, is rapidly recovering his health.
W. R. Mamurs, one of our most pop
ular townsmen, celebrated the Fourth
by giving an elegant display of fire
works In the evening.
Epworth league will be held at the
Methodist Episcopal church on Satur
day evening at 7.30 p. m.
C. Mathewson is making many Im
provements on his mill property. The
mill Is being newly sided, and the mill
barn has been taken down, removed
and rebuilt in a more commodious style.
The buildings are to be nicely painted
and the premises to be put In a neat, at
tractive and substantial condition.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mason, of Dalton,
were active. co-workers with the fire
men at their Fourth of July festivities.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Proper entertained
thlr children, grandchildren and other
friends to the number of twenty the
The ladies of the Grand Army of the
Republic will hold a meeting at Grand
Army of the Republic hall this eve
ning at 7.30 to receive into the circle
several new members. Those who go
to Waverly this afternoon must be on
hand at 1 o'clock.
The employes of the Grassy Island
Delaware and Hudson breaker will be
paid this afternoon.
Mrs. G. A. Megargel has left to spend
the summer with relatives at Lake
The Methodist Episcopal church
cleared about $90 at their picnic on the
Mr. and Mrs. D. f. Taylor returned
home Wednesday, after an extensive
visit with their daughter, at Chicago.
T. V. Fenner, of Allentown, spent
Thursday wit O. L. Keller.
Miss Jennie Davis, of Wllkes-Barre,
is the guest of Bliss Lizzie Cairns, of
J. iM. Barrett, our popular Jeweler,
took hi the Scranton-Wilkes-Barre
game, at Wllkes-Barre, Thursday.
Miss Bonne, of Port Jervls, Is the
guest of Miss Ida Barnes.
Harvey Welch, wife and daughter
are visiting relatives at Blnghamton.
A large party of young people passed
the Fourth at Upper Woods Pond.
The Young1 People of Grace church
will give a social In the Sunday school
room on Tuesday evening.
Miss Mabel, Broad Is visiting friends
In Port Jervls.
William Alexander and Fred Weltzel,
of Carbondale, passed the Fourth In
Honesdale was very dull for Fourth
of July, nearly everyone who could
went out of town for the day. Farvlew
was the principal attraction. . Lake
Ariel and Port Jervls were also draw
ing cards. . .:.
Arthur Sprout Is visiting relatives at
A party was given In honor of the
Misses Turner ft the home of Miss
Oraoe Camp. A;very pleasant evening
was enjoyed by all.
Hunter Scott, Of Philadelphia,' Is vis
iting C. N. Warner.
Fourth of July was celebrated at
Heart Lake, New ' Mllford, Dlmock,
Rush and Franklin Forks, tout Old
Montrose was a atlll as Sunday all
day. .; '' -:'
Mrs. Eugene Stevens, ' while riding
Wednesday evening, had the misfor
tune to be throws from her horse break
Ing Iter ankle bone. The horse was
frightened by music from the band.
The farewell reception last Tuesday
evening to Dr. Henry Jessup and family
wfU be remembered by all. . The family
will sail fur Syria July 17. There were
twenty-eight Jessups present. '
Mr. Ueardslee. of Sprlngneld. is shak
ing hands with friends In town.
Miss Alice Coon, of Mountain Top, Is
visiting the family of her uncle, M. H.
A. E. Hobbs. M. M. Tufford and H. P.
Wilcox have taken a fishing trip into'
Wayne county.
Fred WeU-hel spent few days In
New York this week,
Mrs. F. F. Sprague, of Scranton. with
her son, Edward, spent Sunday with
Edward Lutxey. ,
Joseph Kevley Is now a citizen here
and Is located In the old Smith store
room, which has been remodeled Into a
Mrs. Joseph Zimmerman and son, Jo
seph, of Altimxiit. N. Y is Kpending a
few weeks with her sister, Mrs. N. 8.
Welcome Browning, of Scranlon,
called on friends here on Tuesday last.
Andrew Slw?er was summoned by
telegraph on '.Monday last to the bed
side of his sun, Charles, who was se
verely Injured by lifting. He was for a
time thought to be In a very critical
condition, but at this writing U on a
fair road to recovery.
William Austin, Clarence Rhodes, Eu
gene Edwards and others took In the
excursion to Ariel and report a line trip.
W. 'P. Coon, Alice Coon Samuel Sny
der and Kmma Coon, with others, spent
the Fourth at Lake Wlnola. 1
Charles Wilson and Howard Akerly
visited Bald Mount on the Fourth.
Howard K. Northup, of Struu!burK,
Is spending his vacation with his
ents. Fred Brown and Archibald Court
right took In the sights of the city and
Ariel and enjoyed their Fourth In high
Mrs. Daniel Swallow, of Waverly,
was a visitor at her son's, William II.
Swallow, over the Fourth.
iMrs. 'Phillips, of Hyde Park, spout
Thursday at the summer home of lier
son. Frank L. Phillips, here, returning
Mr. and Mrs. Allison Aldrlch spent
the Fourth with the parents of the lat
ter. Mr. and 'Mrs. Judson Wells.
Charles Crosaman and family, of the
Xorth End, called on the family of his
brother-in-law, John W. .Mullenlx, on
Mrs. A. D. Robinson, of Scranton, will
spend a few days with her relatives
here during the week.
H. L. Burdlrk and family, of Scran
ton. are visitors at Samuel Smith's.
The gatherings at the Baptist festi
val and the Patriotic Sons of America's
picnic bid fair to (be a great success In
the morning, but the threatening
weather greatly reduced the numbers
In attendance; but those participating
did their best to make it pleasant, and
much enjoyment was had. Upon the
whole the day was a success. The ex
ercises In the evening, however, were
summarily closed iby the rain.
The reception as before announced,
and given at iStonehurst on Tuesday
evening last by Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
E. 'Stone In honor of their son, Watson
H. Stone, and bride, Fanny R.Stone, nee
Sherman, was largely attended. The
presents were numerous and very fine,
and consisted of rocking chairs, table
linen In abundance, towels, doileys,
knives of various kinds, napkin rings,
a full dinner and tea set of dishes, a
chamber set. griddle, syrup cup, books,
cash, and other useful articles. Those
present on this highly enjoyable occa
sion were Mr. and iMrs. F. H. Parsons,
of Waverly; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Milroy,
Mr. and Mrs. George A. 'Sherman, Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Stone, 'Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. 'Davis, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stone, Mr.
and Mrs. E. J, Sione, Mr. and Mrs. E.
A. 'Myers, (Mr. and Mrs. George P.
Myers, Mr. and .Mrs. A. G. Twining,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Atherton, "Mr. and
iMrs. F. H. Moore, IMr. and Mrs. Merit
Mead, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Coult, Mr. and
Mrs. Lester' Van Campen, Mr. and 'Mrs.
J. W. fMcrshon, IMr. and Mrs. G. W.
Beemer, .Mrs. Nelson Sherman, Mrs.
Louise Tyler, Miss Corine Uelsecker,
Miss Kate Thompson, Mixs Blanche
Kennedy, Miss Grace A. Davis, Miss
Grace Myers, IMIss Mamie Myers, ,Mlss
Jeele Mead, iMIks Ruth Sherman, Miss
Flora Tinkham, Miss P. D. Rplph, Mrs.
J. C. .Mahoney, Miss Ida 'Sherman, John
Perry, Mrs. E. H. Reed, W. Norton
Sherman, Herman Cole. Ilofoert Will
iams, B. F. Tinkham, George Sherman,
Jr., R. B. Sherman, A. B. Cowles, Dr.
B. F. Evans, P. B. Stone. IMany re
grets of Invited guests were received,
which also extended congratulations
and best wishes for the prosperity of
the happy couple. The party dispersed
at a midnight hour.
Pile! Piles! Itching Pile.
Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching
and' stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tumors
form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be
coming very sore. Swanyn's Ointment
stops the Itching and bleeding, heals ul
ceration, and In most cases removes the
tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for de
cent!. Dr. Swayne at Son, Philadelphia.
The Baptist fair and festival which
was held In Ihe Odd Fellows' hall tihe
afternoon and evening of July 4 was a
grand success, financially and other
wise. The different booths were hand
somely decorated with fancy articles of
every discrlptlon. Refreshments of
all kinds were served during the after
noon and evening. The gypsy camp of
Hip Disease
Results from a scrofulous and Impure
condition of the blood, and It Is cured by
Hood's Baraaptrllla
the great blood pu
rifier. The father
or a Philadelphia
girl writes this:
" Wegsveliood's
Bariapartlla to our
little girl, who had
symptoms of hip
disease. She could
not put her foot
down on the floor
when we com
menced giving her the medicine, but in a
abort time ahe was . able to get oil the
couch and to reach her playthings. Since
then the has steadily Improved, thanks to
Hood's BarsaparlUs, and . her general
health to all that could be desired.
When any of the other children are not
well we give them
Hood'o Garoaparllla
and we earnestly recommend It to others."
B. BniY, 90S Richmond St., Philadelphia.
Hood's nil
Mr bay, wt to take
urisefMt. gtuau.
fortune tellers afforded much attrac
tion during the fair.
Stanley Gaines, of Dun more, spent
Wednesday and Thursday In town with
hla mother. . ,
Frank Varco, of Hoadleys, was' 4a
town Thursday afte-noon.
Agnes O'Connell, of Honesdale, called
on frtenda'in town Thursday.
Miss Orra. Rolllaon. of Natlch. Pike
county, spent the latter part of this
week here with her father.
Charles F-reethy, of Scranton, was in
town the Fourth, calling on friends.
James Kavanaugh, of Boston. Mass.,
Is here, spending a vacation with his
Gus Hensel, went to Port Jervls the
Fourth to witness the parade and cele
bration at thut place.
Thomas CavanaiiKh, of Mongaup, N.
Y.. epent the Fourth In town with his
brxther, Martin Cavanaugh.
Rev. J. 11. Judge, of the St Phllome
nla's church, held a picnic at the Maen
nerchor' park. July i, at 10.45 o'clock
a. m. Line cf march was formed oppo
slt Standard Opera House, and the
Eddy Cornet band lend the parade. In
which many members of the Catholic
Mutual Henevoli nt association and An
cient Order of HJbernlans took part,
and paraded through the principal
steels, and later to the picnic ground.
On account of the Inclement weathsr
on the evening of the Fourth the dls
pHy of ft-oworks about town was not
wlint It might have been, although
some balloons were seen In the heavens
at the Eddy In the early part of the
If the llnhy Is rutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has be-tn
used for over Fifty Years by Millions of
Mothers for their Children while Teetliinu,
with Perfect Suceess. It Soothes iho
Child, Softens the Uuins, Allays all Pain;
Cares Wind Colic, anil Is the best
for Diarrhoea. Bold by IJruKRlats In ev
ery part of the world, lio sure and ask for
"Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," neil
take no other kind. Twcnty-tlve cents a
bottle. "
Y. P. S. C. K. nnd l.pworth League.
Topic cards for the next six months
printed In rood style at low prices. If you
contemplate an excursion or fetival this
summer, it will pay you to consult us
about print Ing posters, circulars, tickets,
etc. The Tribune.
230 Lackawanna Ava, Scranton,
The Holder of the
Ticket will please
call for it.
230 Lackawanna Ave.
1. 230
The ill health of Manager Goodman will cause The
Empire Dry Goods Co. to go out of business alto
gether. The stock (will be closed out until everything
is sold. ' Sale begins Saturday, July 6, at 10 a. m.
Two days the store will be closed to mark every item in
store in plain figures. The people of Scranton never
had such an opportunity to buy a staple, clean stock at
your cwn prices, and almost anything and everything in
the household line. It would be too expensive for us to
go into details as to what the stock consists of, Every-
1 body knows the line of goods we carry, and it, is only a
question of how long the stock willilast at such sacrifice
, prices. Building must be vacant by September i, and
every kind of goods must be closed, cost or below cost,
or at any rate.- - Remember. Saturday, 10 o'clock at
the old stand, Qoodman's Cut Price Store, 516
; Lackawanna Avenue. ' ao Salesladies wanted.
We Will Gore or Reftnd tbe
Catarrh, Fistula In Ano, Boptnre,
Hydrocele and Plies.
From the Herald of Health.
We deal honorably, frankly and fairly
with you and It costs you nothing to con
sult us. There are some llneusca which
at certain times no inun IIvIiik can cure.
Hut there are u diseases which cannot
be benellted and life prolunKeil with the
right kind of treatment. Dr. Smith has
evtr muife It a life loiitf rule to be honest
w:th his patients. If he says he can cure
your trouble he will accomplish it. When
Invalids 4inr thede cheerthK words, "I can
cure you;" that is If they know him, hop)
spriiiKs Into new being wMhln the:r
breasts and from thut very Instant a
ehantre takes plui e whiWi, as a rule, brings
them back to physical as well as mental
health and vlKor. It Is this new birth of
hope, and confidence In Dr. Smith, an ab
solute fulth in his powers and an absolute
belief in his methoils which has led hosts
of patients to remark, "Well, doctor, I feel
a hundred ier cent. bettr for Just having
hud this talk with you." And there is a
psyeoloKlcal reuson for this statement
which is much deeper than any one would
suppose. When a patient loses ronflilence
In a doctor, no mutter how skilled he may
be, that doctor's usefulness ceases. The
absolute belief of a patient that lu' has at
lust fount! a doctor who can cure him is
worth more to the doctor than all the
medkluus he. Is acquainted with. Dr.
Smith und stuff are permanently loc ated In
Herunton, I'a. Their parlors at present are
at No. 312 Wyomlnn avenue. They may
lie consulted absolutely free of I'hurg
from 9 to D dally except Sunday. They will
remain In Bcranton permanently. Should
they move their ofnes In the near future
notice will be given In all of the daily pa
pers. DUPONT'S
Manufuctared at the Wapwallopen Mills, Le
seine county, P., und t Wu
mingtou, Delaware,
General Agent for the Wyoming Distrust.
!18 WYOMING AVE, Scranton, Pa,
Third National Bank Building.
TIT08. FORDT Uttoton. Pa.
JoHN B. SMITH ft HON, Plymouth. Pa,
K. W. MULMUAN, Wilkes Bsrre, P..
Agents for the Kepauno l;neoucal
stay's High SzploslTss.
The Acknowledged Expert Is
Horseshoeing and Dentistry,
Is Now Permanently Located
on West Lackawanna Ave.,
Near the Bridge.
The Finest in the City.
The latest Improved furnish
lng and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs,
223 Wyoming Ava. '
Stocks. Bonds,
nought and sold on New York
Exchange and Chicago Board
of Trade, either for cosh or oo
O. duB. DIMniCK,
41a Spruce Street.
Telephone 5002.
Of all kinds, manufactured at short
notice, at TIlC TiibtlllC OlllC.
Ws e3
of goods in our Upholstery department, which our
ever-increasing trade demands, there is always at this
season of the year a quantity of short lengths of all
s grades of goods suitable for Draperies and Furniture
Covering, which we are ciosing out to make room for
Fall Goods, at one-half the regular price, including
Cotton Damask, Silk Damask, Genoise Silk, Light
weight Drapery Silk, all 50 inches wide, ,
5oc. to $5.oo Per Yard.
4 Patterns 85c, Now 65c.
7 Patterns 75c, Now 55c.
10 Patterns 60c., Now 50c.
8 Patterns 55c, Now 45c.
ilknlene 1 25 Patterns 14c, Now 9c
feilKoleneJ 9 Patterns 15c., Now 10c
Nottingham, Irish Point, Tambour and Brussels, X
and 2 pair lots, at cost price. Japanese Porch Shades
Just received another shipment; sizes 6x6, 8x8, 10x12.
406 and 408 Laokawonna Avo.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilors.
Oeseral Offlc: 5CRANT0N, PJU
41 Economy's ' Seml-arifiual
Odd and End Sales begins Hon
day, July 8. Sec our show windows
daily for something at a give-away-price.
Economy Furniture Co.,
225 and 227: Wyoming Avenue
Our Liberal Credit System will
continue in. operation during these
sales ' . ',; ,.' :
Sale to continue 24 days.
By noting thUi ul.
. ' ' A
. V