THE SCBANTON TBIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOBNINO. JULY K. 1898. to av HpRTOH'5 BULLETIN. Bicycles. Tricycles. Velocipedes. Boys' Buckboards. Boys' Express Wagons. Boys' Wheelbarrows. Babies' Double-horse Rockers Dolls' Perambulators. Children's Coaches. Krough Keigh and other Games. Very Interesting Prices, at NORTON'S, 322 Lackawanna Avanua. A Foe to Dyspopsia i : QOOD BREAD USE THE MttMo And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY ThoVostonMillCo. PERSONAL. C D. Slinpton left yesterday for New Tok city. M. B. Jadwin, of Carbondaie, was here' yesterday. m Ida Watrous, of Dunmore, It In adelphla. Mi C. Blakely. of Nicholson. wa In the It yesterday. mes Howe, of Great Bend, was In n yesterday. Hiss MamLe Fuhrman. of Lackawanna nue, ts tn Bath, X. Y. t 'ynfl-ld Husan, of Washington. D. C. is siting friends In this city. rs. E. Friend and family, of Adams av nue. leave today for Lake ArleL J ihn Burke, of Burke Bros., contractors, UK irned last nlrht from New Tork. 11 iss Laura Gaylord. of Cleveland. Is vls- tttnlr Miss Luella Williams, of Jefferson velue. mAss Eva M. Brown, of School of Mines, Mm ICS city Saturday to vis: menus at FaotoryTllle. W. O. Parke and T. H. Watklns. who re tn Europe, will sail for home on July f on thf fteamer St. Louts. Mlf Bessie Brown and Frank Dan Jo. both! I Bcranton, will be married this evenl I In the bride's home on Madison John elher. of Masalllon. O.. employed in the (lass business of that city, called on friends here yesterday on his way to his borne tn Hawley. Rev. Warren O. Partridge, of the Penn io.mi. Ranrlst rhnpnh will riallVAF tvn lectures In Buffalo this week on "The In fluence of the Conscience of Life." R. H. Mlnnis. stage carpenter at the Frothtflgham theater, will leave on Mon day next for Toledo, O., where he will su perintend the building of the stage of the sow Valentine theater In that city. MR. CASEY. THE INVENTOR. Ho Was arrested for Striking His Wlfa with a Crotch. James H. Casey, who recently at tained notoriety a the patentee of a atreet car fender, was arrested early . yesterday morning on a charge of wife testing and locked In the West Side poll-; station. l&43 o'clock Mrs. Casey, with her jk covered with blood from a painful scalp wound, approached Lieutenant Williams and said her husband had truck her with his crutch. The lieutenant, accompanied by Pa trolman Baul, arrested Casey In his home on South 'Main avenue. Tn yes terday's police court the Inventor was committed to Jail In default of $500 ball. TWO ACCIDENTS AT BRIDGE. A Water Carrier and a Spectator Receive - Might Injnrlea. Two accident occurred yesterday at gfia new Linden street bridge. One of the water carriers fell twenty feet, ac companied by a barrel, but fortunate ly landed on his feet on a pile of Iron. Asld from a few bruises the lad was uninjured. ' A fuldie wire, which held In place a larg de rrlck pole, broke and In Its fall an 01 ilooker was cut upon- the head. The imp -ovlso shanty was struck, the rooj receiving alight damage. The first (pan of the bridge Is in place and work nasi been- begun on the central span. The) majonry on the easterly side is about completed. MAI TRAINS PROVIDED. Cria am yomlng Offlelsls Will Give ftervlce On the Fourth. f ralm over, tha Erie and Wyoming railroad for Lake Ariel on the Sheridan iMonumsit (association excursion July 4 will leaya this city aa follows: At 6.05 a. m., 7 1 td.. S.20 a. m., .1B a. m., a. m., U05 L in., 11.60 a, m.. and 1.45 p. m.t 2.t p. m. Trains returning will leave Ltke Ariel as follows: At 12.20 m., 145 p. m., 1.81 9. m., lio p. m., t p. m, S.45 p. m 6.45 p. m.. 8. p. m.. 1.41 p and p. m. A good time and plenty to eat. L A. WV Rational Meet at asbary Park. For the masting of the League of American Wheelmen at Asbury Park July t to IS. the Central Railroad of New Jersey have made a rata of fare and a third for the round trip. By hls arrangements wheelmen can purchase a single trip ticket to Asbury Park on July 4 to 13 inclusive, and ob tain a oertlflcate from the ticket agent Which will entitle the purchaser to a re , turn ticket to one-third rate good to latum until July IT lncludra, - KEWS OF TEE SUZURBS Plaa Raisiig at Ko! 37 Sckool. Soatk Side, 01 lWpcv!ence Da;. PARADE AND SPEECH-MAKING OreaaUatlooa That Will Be la Line-la-tcrestlng Badget fro a the North Ead of the CUv-Happcnlngs of the Day ia Duaaaora. SOUTH SIDE. Independence Day will be celebrated In erpecUl manner by the members of Moltke castle, Xo. 268. Knights of the Oolden Eagle, with a flag raising at Xo. 37 school In the Nineteenth ward. All the patriotic and civil societies of the South Side will assemble on Cedar ave nue at the corner of Willow street at 9.30 o'clock, and they will form Into line for a short parade through the principal streets, thence to the school houre. The flag and pole have been procured through the efforts of the members of Moltke castle, ami it Is the Intention to carry out the exercise in line style. An invitation 'has been accepted by the board of control, and several directors are expected to be preiwnt. No. 3? school hai recently been built and Is situated on Moltke avenue, be yond the Erie and Wyoming; Valley tracks. The flag raising will take place Immediately following the parade, which will start precisely at 10 o'clock. The societies will rest on Cedar avenue between Willow ar.d River streets, fac ing Willow street, and the school chil dren of Nos. 10. 30 and 37 buildings will form on Prospect avenue, between lieech and Maple streets, facing Beech. Mr. .Mohr V ill B Graad .Marshal. Henry Mohr will be the grand mar shal of the parade and the marshals of societies will report to him; his aides will be John Woelkers and Henry Weber. There will be a cannon sta tioned on the hillside above the school and Its first report will be heard at 9.30. notifying all societies to prepare to form: at 9.45 the second report will be the signal to form and prepare to march and. at 10 o'clock the final report will be given, and at which the societies will march. The line of march will be from Cedar avenue to Willow street, to Prospect avenue, to Beech I'treet, where the school children will Join the ranks and take the lead, from thei?ce to Meadow avenue, to Maple street, to No. 37 school. The presentation speech will be made by John Oray, and the address of acceptance by Superintendent Phillips or President George B. Carson, of the board of control. The societies that will parade and the position they will oc cupy Is as follows: Camp No. 430. drum corps. Camp No. 430, Patriotic Order Sone of America. Delegation of other camps, Patriotic Order Sons of America. . Freiligrath lodge. No. 2S, Harlgarl. Scranton Athletic club. Arbelter Verein. Uermania Unterstutzungs Verein. Scranton Saengerrunde. Columbia quartette. West Side band. Krleger Verein. Auguste Castle, No. 3S8, Knights of Golden Eagle. Delegation of other castles Knights of Golden Eagle. Moltke Castle, No. !6S. Knights of Golden Eagle. Shorter Paragraphs. John Stanley, of Plttston avenue, left yesterday for Boston on a two weeks visit. Electric City council, Royul Ar canum, met at Fruehan's hall in regu lar session last evening. Frank Butler, of Dover, N. J., ha9 been engaged as bookkeeper at the Meadow Brook silk mill, vice George Pyle, who has entered the grocery busi ness on South Washington avenue. The funeral of the late John George Miller will take place this morning from ths family residence, on Beech street; "high mass of requiem will be celebrated at St. Mary's German Cath olic church, and Interment will be made In the Twentieth Ward cemetery. John J. Gordon Is temporarily filling the position of South Side correspond ent of th Truth in place of Thomas A. Danohoe, who Is affected with a sprained ankle. DUNMORE. Prayer meeting In the Presbyterian church tonight at 7.45. Dr. Harry Beyea, of Philadelphia. Is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beyea. of Smith street. Leonard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Redding, of Dudley street. Is quite sick. Fred Ehrgood, of the United States navy. Is visiting his parents on Dud ley street. Mrs. L. R. Fowler, of Cherry street. Is spending some time with friends at Mohawk. N. T. William Brunnlng, driver for Allen's grocery store, leaves today for a two weeks' vacation at Lake Wlnola. The side of Maloney's market afford ed much amusement to a large number of people last night a magic lantern exhibition being the attraction. The regular meeting of the council was held In the borough building last night with President Haggerty In the chair and Members Welsh, Payton, Ward and McAllister present. Mr. Mc Allister reported that the Greenville bridge had been fixed and would rec ommend the council to view It. The recommendation was adopted. Mr. Walsh recommended that a pipe be put In across Grove street to carry off part of the water which now runs down Wll Ham streets. Messrs. Walsh and Pay ton reported that In testing the fire hydrants they found Butler street, be tween Burke and Chestnut streets, in very poor condition. It was moved that the street be graded and sidewalks and gutters, the secretary be Instructed ed to notify property owners abutting on the stream between Apple and Chestnut streets, to meet the council at the borough building Saturday night to make some arrangement for abating the nuisance. Chairman Haggerty re ported an investigation of the lire alarm systems of Plttston and Kingston, which was accepted, and after some parleying the council was formed Into a committee of the whole to Investigate ARE YOU DEAFY DONT YPU WAP' 0 MCA spgfl Win help yon If yos do. It is a resent srieatlfle invenf ion to as sist the bearing of any one set BORN deaf, whon In the ear It is la visible, and does not cause the sligbtist discomfort. It Is to the ear what glasses sr. to the eye. aa ear spectacle An sxperienesd Aarist win be at tbs Wyo ming Boose, Bcranton, oa July 1,11.41 and e, from 9 am. to 1 p. , wears tbey osa be lesssa r rea or unarge. . THE AURAPHONE CO 71S Metropolhsn Bida, Msdisoa square, , wewtora. the bid of the Game well Fire Alarm system. A short session of the commit tee was held, and after the adjourn ment of .the same considerable discus sion was Indulged in. which finally re sulted In a motion being passed to the effect that the secretary be instructed to communicate with the Oaynord com pany, of Louisville, Ky., in regard to their alarm system, and as soon as an answer Is received notify the president who shall call a meeting to decide upon a Are alarm system. A communication was received from the Traction, com pany to the effect that their tracks would be planked and switches moved as soon as possible. Street commis sioner's report for June worky showed an expenditure of 1959. NORTH END. Misses Kate and Anna Olenn, of Benett street, and Misses Kate and Anna Corless, of Ranne street, spent yesterday at Chin chilla. Miss Lizzie Ttllon, of Honesdale, is vis iting Mrs. Minor Curr, of Dickson ave nue. Miss Daisy Stevens, of Wllkes-Uarre, Is vUttlng Mrs. C. H. Scharar. Charles Keese, of North Main avenue, who works at the Cayuga breaker, had a severe accident on Monday afternoon. Mr. Keese was driving along Main avenue when the bit of one of th horses broke, which scared it very much, and they started to run at a raild gait and Mr. Keese Jumped out, bruising his face quite severjly. John Ulenn, of Ttenett street, who has been employed by the Delaware, Lacka- wanr-a und Western railroad for nearly a lifetime, has Just hud a picture of himself. wifo and twelve children taken on the veranda of his pleasant resilience. (.1 .'orge Cooper, of Orlitln's drug store, Is taking his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Frits and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Klnter will leave today for Mt. Pleusunt, where they will spend July 4. r. A. O'Malley, of Cuslck avenue, who had both of his legs cut off on the Dela ware, Lackawanna and V .-stern railroad at Binghamton about a month ago, and who has been receiving treatment at the H'.nhumton hospital, was brought to his home yesterday afternoon and his friends will be pleas.-d to know that he is Improv ing. Mrs. Minor Carr. of Dickson avenue, will leave today for Atlantic City. Thomas Uwynne's Sunduy school class of the Puritun Congregational church will hold a lawn social on the church lawn tonight. The pastor of the Primitive Methodist church has organized a r?nlor Wesley league with about thlrty-tlve members. The following officers have been elected: Presld.-nt, George Slowther; vice presi dent, Thomas Indian: recording secretary. Bellt rtghtson: corresponding secretary, Mrs. 8. Powell: treasurer, Duvld Jones: organist. Bella Fldium. They will b-gln their religious services on Sundajr, July 7, at S.13, to be led by the president. subject. "What lias Christianity Done for Our Country?" The business meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 10. BUILDING PERMITS- OF JIXE. Those to Whom They Wero Issued by In spector John Nelson. Building Inspector John Nelson Is sued the following permits during the month of June! Louis Conrad, single dwelling, Colum bia avenue. First ward. John Vipond. single dwelling, Throop street. First ward. John Vipond. extension to dwelling. Throop street, First ward. Albert Slmms, single dwelling. North Main avenue. Second ward. Mrs. T. D. Lewis, single dwelling, North Main avenue. Second ward. Mrs. Timothy Moon, double dwelling, Green street. Second ward. F. D. Bevan, extension to dwelling. Main avenue, Fourth ward. David B. Evans, double dwelling, Swetland street. Fourth ward. Mrs. Mary Calpln, single dwelling, Fourth atreet, Slwth ward. Thomas Jifklns, extension to hotel, brick, Penn avenue, Eighth ward. Mrs. Hannah Moses, extension to store, brick, Lackawanna avenue. Ninth ward. R. W. Palmer, hot houses, etc., Reich ter stroet, Tenth ward. F. W. Sanborn, barn, Penn avenue, Thirteenth wnrd. F. W. Sanborn, double dwelling, Penn avenue. Thirteenth ward. Michael Larkln, double dwelling, West Lackawanna avenue. Fourteenth ward. John V. Reersi-ms, single dwelling, Meridian street. Fifteenth ward. Joseph Ansley & Son, boiler house, brick, Meridian strett, Fifth ward. Thomas May, single dwelling, Jack son street, Fifth wa-d. E. H. Belden. single dwelling. Harri son avenue. Seventeenth ward. William Urobson. single dwelling, Plttston avenue, Twentieth ward. Joseph Alnsly, Jr., barn, North Main avenue. Twenty-first ward. Henry Lee, single dwelling, Charles street. First ward. Mart MoDonald, single dwelling. Prospect avenue. Twentieth ward. P. F. McDonald, single dwelling, Prospect avenue, Twentieth ward. Martin Gaughan. single dwelling, Irv ing avenue. Twentieth ward. Peter Welrh, single dwelling, Breck street. Twentieth ward. Mary Boland. single dwelling. Pros pect avenue. Twentieth ward. Edward Wllllnms, double dwelling, Larch street. Thirteenth ward. Patrick Oolden. single dwelling, Hampton street, Fifteenth word. Steve Gavin, extension to dwelling, Stone avenue, TwelMh ward. John J. Ruane, single dwelling, Blair avenue. Second ward. J. Hour and O. Rempf. extension to dwelling, Cedar avenue. Eleventh ward. 1 John Feeney. extension to dwelling, Maple atreet. Nineteenth ward. H. H. Bnrschel, double dwelling, Elm street. Fifteenth ward. S. G. Klmbele, extension to dwelling, Humpton street. Fifteenth wnrd. Ira D. Newton, single dwelling, Re becra avenue. Fourth ward. Michael O'Boyle, single dwelling, Prospect avenue, Twentieth ward. James Murray, exitenslnn tn dwelling, Beach street. Nineteenth ward. T. A. Ruddv, double dwelling, Mon roe avenue. Ninth ward. The estimated cunt Is JC3.000. ABOUT COMPANY D. What the Philadelphia Inqnlror lias to Hay Concerning It. Outside of Philadelphia the best regi ment of the Pennsylvania National Guard Is the Thirteenth, of Scranton, and D company Is undoubtedly the bet company of ttie regiment. One feature of Its history Is rather remarkable, Its commanders for four consecutive terms having been mining engineers all In the employ of the Hillside Coal and Iron company of Scranton, an Erie railroad coal department corporation. President Hlnes was the flrrt captain from the office, and when he resigned W. A. May, the present superintendent of the company, was elected to the va cancy. Montrose Barnard, probably the handsomest man In the National Guard, chief engineer of the Hillside company, followed Captain May, and when he was selected to command a battalion Tremont Btokee, an assistant engineer, was elected company com mander. As First Sergeant Inglls, of D, belongs to the same coal corporation, It looks as though a fifth captain Is eventually assured from that office. Philadelphia Inquirer. . . TCOSE DSIC CROSSINGS Jadgc Glister Has Made Kaowa His Piaal Dccisiua ia the Natter. MUST TUXXEL IX 0XB PLACB At MoosU Station Eleetrle Road Can Cms at Grade-Trsotloa Officials Are Satisfied-Work Bogam oa Jessap Road-The Taylor Cxteasloa. Judge Gunster yesterday made known what decision he has arrived at in reference to the cruising at Mooslc, where the line , of the Scranton and Plttston Traction company and the Delaware and Hudson railroad tracks meet at right angles. The court will allow the street car company to cross the railroad tracks at grade at the Mooslc station, but the street cars must go under the railroad track. at the sec ond crossing on Spring atreet. A Tribune reporter interviewed the officials of the street car company and learned that the action of t'iie court, as far aa the second crossing la concerned, is entirely satisfactory, and without de lay the contract will tie let to tunnel the rullroad tracks and go under them. This crossing. Judge Gunster declared, would be too dangerous to cross at grade, as there Is a wide curve right be low It, and there would be no telling when a passenger train might come wheeling along at a high rate of speed and Uafil Into a street car tilled with passengers. The question was asked of one of the street car officials If the action of Judge Gunster in regard to the second cross ing would be appealed to the supreme court, and he suld positively no; if the court Is of the opinion, that It would be unsafe to cross at that point at grade, the rt reet car company does not want to aim at doing anything which will be agaltist the safety of Its passengers and is entirely willing to abide by the de cision and bore a tunnel. It will not be a dilllcult matter to do by any means, as the approaches on both sides of the railroad tracks tire Inclined. Crossing Not So Dangerous. The Mooslo depot cros-lng Is .not so dangerous, as the trains either north or south bound near it under full control and up and down they can be seen com ing In time to prevent an accident. There are three other crossings be tween Mooslc and Plttston and the mat ter Is pending in the Luzerne county courts, and it Is expected that a settle ment will be reached soon. The Trac tion company will be satisfied with the decision of the court In these cases, too; but does not expect that any Impossible conditions will be Imposed. Nut any of these three crossings In Luzerne county are very dangerous to cross at grade, and the expectation is that the court will dissolve the injunctions restrain ing the street car company from going across. With the exception of the five cross ings and about 3.000 feet of track along William street, Plttston, the line is built from Scranton to the Lehigh Val ley station on Water street In that city. Judge Gu-nster 'has not filed his opin ion yet, but when he does the street car company will proceed at once to lay the .vioosic station crossing and begin on the tunnel at the second one. An electric road will be In operation between Scranton and Jessup by the middle of September. The company that will own and conduct It Is the Lackawanna Tradtlcn cumpany, ex Congressman Lemuel Amerman, presi dent. The contract of building the roaa nas Deen let to Joseph Page, a brother of Contractor P. S. Page, and he placed a gang of men at work yes terday In Throop borough. Matters Sot Yet Decided. Mr. Amerman was aeen yesterday arternoon at his office In the Coal Ex change. He said It has not been decid ed yet whether the street cars will run through from Jessup to Scranton, or whether the passengers shall be trans ferred to the cars of the Scranton Trac tion company on the Green Ridge Peo ple's line. The Jessup road will run down through Throop borough and connect at the present terminus of the People's line. However, It may be arranged so that the cars will use the People's tracks and run through to Lackawanna avenue without change. Another mat ter that has not been definitely settled Is whether a power house shall be built near Olyphant, or motive power rented from the Scranton Traotlon company, These are matters that will be satisfac torily settled at the proper time; suffice It to say that It is the aim of the com pany to give good and regular service to Its patrons along the proposed line. By the end of the week the track will be laid as far as Rendham on the' Tay lor extension, and it will be kept Up steadily until It Is laid to Duryea to connect with the line built to that point from Plttston along the back road. The workmen yesterday had fin ished the extension as far as the lower portion of the borough and heretofore at different points patches of track have been put down, RAILROAD NOTES. Secretary Pearsall and Engineer John R. Troch leave today for a trip through the state of Maine. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western will pay today at the Oxford, Dodge, Sloan and Hampton mines. The Railroad Toung Men's Christian Ai'Soclatlon Base Ball club were de featcd by School No. 9 yesterday. The score was 10 to 4 In favor of School 9. VERY GOOD TIME To gat yours. We don't overestimate when we say we sell more Hllerwr than sny two Arms In Baranton, and so we ought. Rogers' Triple Teaspoons, I for $1.00 Rogers' Triple Tablespoons, for 2,00 Rogers' Triple Porks, (for 2. OO Rogers' Triple Knives, t f or 2.00 REXFORD'S, 28 UCMWMNft AVENUE. Wall Paper Styles and colorings are very fine this season. Let us fix you up a sample room with nice Gilt Paper, $5. mm, laekiiasBt Amse, MR. JONES IS A LAY BROTHER. Made bis Profession as a Member of . Brotherhood of Qood Shepherd. A ceremony of peculiar Interest was witnessed In St. Luke's Episcopal church yesterday morning when Frank O. Jones, of this city, made his profes sion as a member of the Brotherhood of the Good Shepherd. Rt. Rev. N. 8. Rulison, bishop of central Pennsylva nia, conducted the service. In which Rev. Rogers Israel, rector of St. Luke, and Rev. M. H. Mill, of St. David'is, participated. Previous to this cere mony, nine adults were confirmed. The services closed with the celebration of holy communion. Mr. Jones Is an employe In the Jersey Ccmtral Railroad company offices and founded the Good Shepherd brother hood, whose rules Involve vows of pov erty, chastity and obedience for three years, none of the brotherhood vows of the Episcopal church being perpetual. The discipline Is subject to the ap proval of the bishop of the diocese. Mr. Jones will for the present labor in this vicinity. THREE DIVORCES GRANTED. Ia Eaeh Case It Was Auked on the Ground of Desertion. Three decrees In divorce were handed down In court yesterday, desertion be ing In each case the ground on which the divorces were asked. Walter Lewis was granted an absolute divorce from Mary Ann Lewis, to whom he was mar ried on April 2, 182. After living to gether for eome time, Mrs. Lewis de serted her husband and has remained away from him ever since. The tame statement of facts appUe to the case of Rees J. Thomas against Ann Thomas. They were married Sept. 12, ma. Mury Franek Morris was granted a divorce from George Nathan Morris. They were married March 14. 1.8S0. Some tlmo afterward her husbomd Joined the ranks of the deserters and still re mains with them. Mrs. Morris now re sides at Wallsvllle, Lacka w anna coun ty. Hotel License Transferred. The following hotel licenses were transferred by the court yesterday: That of John J. Morris, of the Flrat Ward. Scranton. to Jnhn T. I.nnnnv that of John D. Edwards, First ward, Archbald, to John Bosovitz; that of Ludwig Billske, of the Third ward of Dickson Cltv borouirh. t and Sylvester Jankowskl. Record In the Bezck Case. A certified copy of the record In the Bezek case Is being made by Deputy Clerk of the Court Bomn. It will be presented to the board of pardons by the attorneys of the condemned man on July 16. DID TOU EVER think that you cannot have good health without pure blood? Health comes bv the nao nf Hn1. a..- saparllla, because it makes the blood pure. HOOD'S PILLS have won high praise for their prompt and efficient yet easy ac tion. Printing forGroecrs. Circulars, cards, booklets, letter heads, etc., printed so well at The Tribune of fice that they will sell goods for you. Pillsbury's Flour Mills have a capacity of 17.600 barrels a day. C REMEMBERlhere are hundreds of brands of White Lead (so called) on the market that are not White Lead, composed largely of Barytes and other cheap materials. But the number of brands of genuine Strictly Pure . White Lead b limited. The following brands are standard "Old Dutch" process, and just as good as they were when you or your lather were boys : "Atlantic." "Beymer-Bauman," "Jewett." "Darls-Cbambers." "lahneitock," " Armstrong a; UcKelTy." Foa Colors. National Lend Co.'t Pure White Lad Tinting Colon, a one-pound can to a ij-pound keg of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching hades, and Insures the best paint that it is possible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book on Mints and color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollar. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. The Scranton Training School For Kindergarteners, SCRANTON, PA. The second year of the Bcranton Training School for Kindergarteners will open Septem ber 18. 1MM. Diplomas will be awarded Jane 17, 1800. for circulars and other particulars address MISS KATHARINE II. CLARK, READING, MASS. SECURITY, CONVENIENCE, PRIVACY. THE Safe-Deposit Vaults ' OF THE 404 Lackawanna Ave., OFFER exceptional facilities for the safe keeping of Securities, Boxes of all sizes and prices. Large, light and airy rooms for the tine and convenience of cus tomers. Entrance only through the Bank. ELECTRIC, VAPOR AND OWeo from I a. m. to 0 p. m. at the Green Ridge Sanitarium, 720 Marion 8t., Green Ridge. For Ladlss Bqfforing from K'rrons Diseases, Catarrhal and Rheunatlo Complaints ipeclal altuntloa Is girep. MISS A. I. JORDAN, (wradaats'of ths Boston Hospital Training loaool for Kara), Superintendent W D C E I U D N T D N G I E L N R A G S P & S r t EES S A I E S L N E V T T E S S R WEICHEL & MILLAR, China Hall 134 WYOMING AVENUE. Ladies' Oxfords, $2.00 , The Razor Toe that fits feet comfortably. IT DOES NOT PINCH. Brown Glace Kid. Tan (ilucc Kid, Chocolate Glace Kid. Black Glace Kid. All sizes All widths. Complete Hue at $2 the pair. We also have in addition to the above complete lines of Common Sense. Opera Toe and Piccadilly Toe Oxfords at $1.50. $2.00. $2.50. i 410 Spruce Street. JAMES & KELLY sssssa. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. Late of Pittsburg. First-Class Livery in Connection. 205 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTOH TAR CUM Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippe. Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELMEN DORF. Elmira, N. Y., and for sale by the trade generally. MEGARGEL & CON NELL, Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pi ODD FELLOWS. Masons. P. O. H. ot A.. O. A. R B. of 7., O. U. A. It., in fact all lodges and societies Intending to ran excursions can bare tlie best printing in tho city at lowest prions by calltug at Tan TniBUBB Job Depart meat. SCHANK KOEHLER THE "WHITE STAR" A first-class up-to-date wheel at a popular price; equal in all respects to any $75 Cycle that is made. 28-inch wheels, Morgan & Wright tires, P. & M. senii-racer saddle rat trap pedals; weight 26 pounds; made honestly for service, to be so!d on its merits. Why pay $100 or $75 for a wheel with a famous name, obtained by very costly advertisingjn periodicals and prize races, when you can get just as good a one tor practical use for , $50 SPOT CASH, OR $60 ON TIME. SEE IT AT WATER-PROOF V MODI Combining all the requisites of tint Spring Overcoat and possess ins water-proof qualities. ALL. NEW SPRING STYLES IN AT MARTI N&DELANY' THE FASHION 308 Lackawanna Avenue. Owing to ti e large iucreaxe of business during the past months and to siiow our appreciation of same, we have de elded to ive our numerous customers tba balance of the fol lowing articles at the astonishing low price in order to close out the entin lines MILLINERY. Trimmed Puilora, black, blue and brown, 23o. now 18c Trimmed Sailors, black, blue and brown, 60c now 25c And endlem variety of MILLINERY of all kinds at great reduction MUST BE SOLD. WHILE SHOPPING Don't forget to look at our 39c. Ladies' Vit. It will do your eyes coed to see our oOe. Ladies' Waist Our Toe. VaWt iu stripes cannot be duplicated for 51.00 To close our Toe. White Lawn Waist at 482. Tic. w.ll buy an elegant Lawn Waist, nicely trimmed, worth 1.00. Still left.a few White Parasols which we aieofferloe at 98c The best and cheapest 20 -inch Sun Umbrella In the city, last biacK. lor Ubc. FOURTH OF JULY 1 1895. Parties wanting FIREWORKS will consult their best interests by examining our prices. We are agents for Painc's (Columbian Fair and Manhattan Beach Fireworks. We carry a full line in store and arc prepared to furnish any sized display on short notice. We have the Paper Balloons with and without the celebrated firework attachments, Crackers, American and Chinese Firework Xovcltics of all kinds, Rockets, Mines, Saucissons, Aerolites, In. dian Jugglery, Parachutes. Tour. Xillions, and all kinds of Flags in wool hunting, fast color muslin and silk, Flag Poles, Holders, etc. J.D. i 3IUICK1. tVE-, SCOTOI, PA. nrrm mob co.. tac'o. riiti,i,oe. BEST s)l.ftO allOIS IX THIS WOULD. -A ittUmr Mrf.i it a dollar ftnui " -ThlsladlM' ttallct French ltoneoUk KM Vat. I aelrreral I rt. nywnrm i ins u.n., neetpt ot unn, Honey urarr, cr I'mmI Not tor 1130. KqnaU erery T tlM boon tnU Is sit rrUtl stnm tor S2.W. We this toot ounclTM, tbtrcfor. w. fuirr- aitrr mm ju9 n. mr. 11 any on. h ro Muianra will nrtuid tb bom r send another pair. Optra To. or I'osiuen renot rtdths I', 1 If. B fiS. lee 1 to i end ktlf itte. SmdvovrMt; mill l Illuii 'utr'..4 Ot. logQS FDCX Cotter Shoe S!ltS:' gftctai ttrwH ta leaun. v 1 I (Ti atfl'df'A Me 1 nyimmmzL 1 I W HWJfc-'s NORTON'S, 322 Lackawanna Av IN OUR NEW vsr I t I Mcssra Curtis it Wbasier are raeoenizad aa the leading; maanfactnrsrs of Lsdiec Flaa Footwrar in thii country. Their 8boss posMsa superior merits orer nearly all others. Tfe.r are beautiful la deshra, graceful lu appear, an oe sod poesuei to giore-flttlaf qaalirJM s qaauoas ei t W. rail mucn sought after in areas anoee- vour particular attention to oar complete! of oxford Ties in slack ana faacr I rleatjrft any sty Is of last and ia all widths f 4ms A a 1. 1.' m W inTlte a comparison with otLer ssakats shoes at the same price. V jmiiiiimiti uiuii LIMITED.! CORNER LICKt UD JEFFERSH tVEl JOHN L HANGI, ENGRAVER, OFFICE AND SHOP 3 1 1 Lack. At. and Stewart's Art Mora. Photo EngriTlcj or Circulars, Books, Citf logaes, Hiwsptptn. Kair-Tonei and Una Work. BICYCLE.
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