The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 02, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Vli; Cltv people will give vent to
.ly r patriotism July 4 by a clam bake
Jickler 3 Glen.
fill P. yUlllnKS, cashier of .the Second
ttonal l-ank at Wllkrs-Uarre, with
wife and baby, will spend a couplii
Of Wreka with his parents here.
the Christian Endeavor society of
the Presbyterian church will send Ml
' Chfda to Boston as delegate to the In-
' teratlonal convention next week. Miss
yj!9 Snoolt Messrs. Albert Northrop.
Hly lwls and Arthur liakhvin will
all attend.
, Charlie Swisher is now doins clerical
work in his father's otllee. who Is dis
trict passenger aRent for the Jersey
Central road at Scranton. Charlie Is
A young man of considerable talent and
, will naturally work his way up In the
railroad business. If he continues In l:.
That portion of the Harvey's Lake
railroad which passes throuKh this
county was turned over by the Albert
Lewis Lumber and Manufactures
. company to the Loyalsock Kallroad
company a few days since. The papers
were filed and recorded at the court
bouse Saturday and show that the com
plete right of way was given over to
the latter company. Doubtles the same
transfer has been made all along the
About a mile above Tunkhannock. In
the Susquehanna river, is a pictures
que little Island, with here and there
clamp of trees growing, that would
make delightful outing place If the
Undergrowth were cut away and a few
eats, tables and swings erected. With
steamer on the river now to make
frequent excursions at low prices, such
place could be made profitable with
but little outlay of money. It would
be well for some of the local capitalists
to Investigate the matter.
The Evangelical people at Pardwell
church postponed their Children's Day
services until next Sabbath, on account
f rain, which prevented having them
last Sunday, evening.
Luther Freeman and James London
dispatched porcupine In the woods at
. Shupp Hill day or two since.
C J. Reed4Jame from Florida for a
fcrtef visit.,' He Is lookine after a bie
recently purchased down there.
quite enthusiastic over the south
a place for northern capitalists to In-
J. R. Miller dropped in from Okla
homa yesterday morning for a day or
two. being tn the east for a hasty
business trip. He will go to New York
city before his return.
From letters received by influential
Republicans throughout the county
from Senator Is evident that
that doughty warrior is carefully for
tifying himself for the fight at th
fuming state convention. His letters
are brief, and merely state that he
would be grateful for any aid the re
cipient might bestow In case of a con
test over the state chairmanship. He
bones the delegation from this county
VrlU be friendly to him, and would be
VimimI k fiwAt them a. dav or two In
tdvaace of the convention. It Is un
derstood that the local leaders In poll
, tics favor Quay, but H appears to be
the general sentiment in the county
- that the Beaver politician will go down
this fall. His abilities as a politician
are recognized, and are decidedly more
conspicuous in that line than in filling
bis office In the United States senate.
However, there would be no fight
gainst him did he not dictate so freely
In state affairs. When he undertakes
to make all the appointments, control
the legislation and assume the duties
of chief executive without having been
SJSCJ14 the office, he is extending his
mid oftVfu!ness altogether too far.
Rufus P.jKorthrop will be delegate to
the convention from this county, but
' It is not Tft given out hat his predl-
. Hcttona are.
1 . Mrs. E. B. Benjamin, of Scranton, Is
) jrisltmg friends here.
The heavy Montrose engine spread
the rails again on the upward trip yes
terday morning, and the train was de
layed two hours in consequence.
' Mrs. Ebeveser Evans and children re
turned to FMtston yesterday, accom
panied by Mrs. Evans' sister. Miss
Sarah Davis, of Lynn.
- The death of Allen F. Furman, aged
U socuiied at the home of his son-ln-
Why not tssat wtth a physician to whom
Mtt eaa tell your troubles sad will CURS
why j miiI year money miles away
I hem t ssaas one you never saw,
vrtnn rott have tbs greatest Specialist
Iwr job wtth whom you oaa talk It over
so ew . , . ..
Vt. wseves, ra ipruw ui.
ty hie mw
method and
wlnv Imnnl.
1MB Vlil wm IMS . w. . - . ... , -
Igott Manhood, Vaiiecocale, Oonor-
all the following:
py pa i us sural rot, . i r 1 1 1 1 j
III 1 1 1 TTVKIIVIl, I "
.z.' . . w .1 1
: sstss an ty bad eg
SWISS SU iry b,.-- (ha rtlnnrl Urn.
Maraa ''khrunkea Parts" to their normal
-taAratsdecay and makes you a w-U
SUT wrtv maa again. If you are norv-
"JTS m "rapid Irritable heart, l'd,
fZltas III the mornings, Offei.slve
!lh fastlpatkin, pains back of neck
an lEoranyH o? the abos diseases,
JTii i5rir examined. It will cost you
tVlen?risybenent Inrgoly by It,
' vrrum HOTTR-isiir t to i
- SO, 413 Sprsce Htrsst,
' Celiac 4ar ocw Hoe of Spring
iC JUlcftJie'jataitdwisns
i Mi eclxlip, Md oar prices
' toirtr tti guy. other bouse in
t Ct trr for goods of the tame
k 7 ii-lpttoo lad quality.
i C locked and will acll
ii zt one-half the rej-
c i t iteedtbo room.
law, C. It. Burgess, Sunday evening.
The funeral will be held at the house nt
3 p. in. today, and Interment made at
E. D. Caryl, of S.-rantcn. coal Inspec
tor for the Hillside Coal and Iron com-,
pany, was In Forest Oity yesterday.
"LonR Tom" PlmukUun, Cuilion
dale's released pitcher, whiled away the
time Monday In this through.
A ihallenge. WV, V.w members of
the Starlight Has liall club, of Forest
City, challenge, the ISrowns, Jr., of Uly
phuut, to a f ball oil July 14.
Answer thiviwh The Tribune. John
Fallon, captain; lu. KelUUcr. man
ager. Lawyer L. 1 WtJeman, of Seraiiton.
was ln.itossl... tally eiiK-iKed lit Forest
City ytsterday.
Miss Mouther, of l':.Un'..!.ile, is visit
Ins her parents. Mi. u:.J Mr, U. W.
I'rofessor K. l. lv.iiil. of the Jer
myn graded si-hools. was in the bor
ough on business Monday.
The republican's Forest City pencil
shaver mul.' an eii.lniul fair propo
sitian. ye ierd.iy marniiiK, when he
Rta.eJ :h:U he wvuUl "iut his shouUler
to tht w lee'." as a member of the
board of traJ. if The Tribune repre
senta;ive here woutd da the sine.
Thai's the way t talk, faamy, and
we're with you. If we can't resurroet
that baaid of tiade that It will have to
be dea ler ;han the late lamented Julius
Cear and don't yeu forget It,
1'F.tlimul! You and I may have been
at fault in not coming to the front be
fore. Who knaws?
Following i: t;u revised programme
of Hie F.-ur.h of July celebration to be
held by Forest City cour.cll. No. DoO,
Junior Order of I'nlted American Me
chaaios. and Washington camp. No. 661,
ratrioti.' Order Sons of America, at
Forest City. Pa.: Orand parade at 9.30
a. n:.: Vat lir.e of maroh will proceed up
Mali street to the Clifford breaker;
ther.oe cour.termarch to Hl!lsld Coal
anJ lre:i company railway crossing,
thtaee back to Pundaff street, thence
up Dur.daff street to the fohool house,
where rhe flag will be pre. en ted. The
exercises will b? opened witu prayer
by Rev. P. 15. Kennedy. The presenta
Uor. iJdress will be made by F. J. Os
good and the flag will be accepted by
J. M. Brown, on behalf of, the school
board. Sirging. "The Star Spangled
Banner." by the choir, after which the
procession will march to the picnic
grounds on South Main street, where
dinner will be served at 12 m. An ad
dress by Uev. J. G. Evars Will then be
given and speaking by t!ae children will
follow. At 2 p. m. ai oration will be
delivered by Rev. G. B. Stone, and Im
mediately afterward there will be fn
open air concert by the United choir.
The fuslleers will appear at 3 p. m. ar.d
a speech by Hon. Snodgrass Finkie-
i feather, of Xorth Carolina, will be the
next feature. A piauorm aance win
commence at 6 p. m. J. G. Wescott Is
officer of the day.
Langstaff Hose company and Key
stone Cornet band have made extensive
preparations for celebrating Independ
ence Day. The Inviting shad.'d and
cool grounds of Keystone academy,
with the varied and interesting pro
gramme for the day, should have suffi
cient attractiveness to warrant the
boys a large patronage, the weather
being favorable.
E. W. Kemmerer returned Friday
evening from Middle town. Conn., where
he bn attending the commence-mi-r.t
ex.vroUeg cf Werleyan university.
Mr. K-rr.mcr?r will entf.T Wesleyan
next fill tor a. 4-year course of studio.
The Ladies' circle. No. 104, Grand
A' my of th Republic, of this place,
will gi to VVaverly next Saturday after
noon to hold a Joint mating with Clr
cl" No. 97 and participate in the pres
entation by the Hickory Grove Ceme
tery association of a burial plot to
Wavirly circle, No. 97. AH members
of the circle who wish conveyance, ar
rangements for the rime having been
made a: 25 cents each, rhould report to
the prfsldsnt, Mrs. Loul! Howe Cap
well. Conveyance will leave here at
1 p. m. AM comrades are InvlU 1 to ac
company the circle.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Levi I.lnlley is dangerously ill of dlph-th-Ma.
Churl: Hunt and Miss Allle Bliss at
tfndtd th3 WHrriag? of Miss Jennk!
Tiffany to Clarsnce Setley, of Kltet
vllle, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ilynlls ahd
daughier. Mabel, visited He v. and Mrs.
Charts Kmbrey, at FI jt-tvllle, Thuis
day. I'rofessor C. M. Walti-s' nr-w hr.iie Is
nearing nomplntWn and Is om of the
flnt on Klver street.
JTrs. Ir. Miller and children are vis
iting friends at (SouldMborn.
Our contractors have built a summer
cottage for Dr. J. A. liell'-r, ut Lake
Aliout 1W Joined the O.ld Fellows
excursion to tha Parlor Clly last Thurs
day. A compsny of street hawkers in town
Saturday evening furnlshid ofntdulve
evidence th2 there wera few mvn with
out a quart. r or half-dollar In their
pockets, and the electrical Influence
of the hawkers' cage drew tho coins
Mies! Piles! Itching Piles.
Symptoms Moisture.; Intense Itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. Jf allowed to continue tumors
form, which often bleed and ulcorato, bo
coming very sore. Swanys's Ointment
tops the Itching and bleeding, heals ul
ceration, and In most cases removes the
tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for m
cents. Dr. Rwayno tt Bon, Philadelphia.
MIps Booz, of Philadelphia, and Miss
Haiivns, of Wllkes-Barre, spent Friday
and Saturday. With 'their friends, Mr.
Edward Lutsey's family. '-' -
Miss Coon, of Mountain Top, visited
har seminary chum, Miss Llezie Frace,
last week. ', ' ' 1
Mr. C. P. Ofathews and family are now
here for the summer. Maple Croft now
has l:s full quota of (occupants.
Camp No. 418, of Patrlotlo Sons of
America, will ihold a basket picnic In
Nlchol's Grove, assisted by four other
nearby camps of the same order. A
good . time Is expected. Amusements
will be afforded those participating In
the afternoon and the orator of the day
la A. J. Colborn, who Is to occupy the
evening hour. All are welcome to this
booming vicinity.' . 1 .
Charles Sears, the ' agreeable coal
agent at our station, la confined to his
home by sickness, and IV. B. Duggan,
of Kingsbury, now occupies his office.
Miss Cons is spending a short time
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Or
lando Chapman.
Ernest Bund, of Hartford Soldiers'
school. Is spending vacation at the home
of Oils father. U. V. Bond.
A reception is to be tendered to the
lately wedded pair, V. H. Stone and
Fanny H. Sherman, at the home of the
former's parents ad Stonehurst on Tues
day evei.lng at 8:30 p. m.
The Fourtih of July will be celebrated
here in old-fashioned style. In the
morning a grand street parade will be
held. In which nearly every society In
town will participate. After travers
ing the principal streets the paraders
will assemble In Sylvan park, where a
gr.tiul musical programme will be ob
served. Hon. T. V. IVwderly will de
liver an address on the significance of
the day. tho declaration of Independ
ence will be read ami Itev. T. J. Comer
ford will deliver an adilresf. These ex
erelses over the pl.-nlo of St. Thomas'
congregation will begin, rropar.iilur.s
viave bivn made for the entertainment
i f a very largo crowd. Since there will
be .no more mjoyablo picnic In this
neighborhood on that day It Is antici
pated tint there will be an enormous
urowd present. There Is every Indica
tion that the picnic will be a great tuc
ee .
The funeral of the late John White,
of the Fust Side, took place on Satur
day morning. Services over the re
mains were liield by I!ev. lr. l.uens.
The remains were Interred In the Catho
lic cemetery. The pall-bearers were
Ihomus Munley. Anthony Neary. Ed
ward McDonnell, 'Martin Oummlngs,
William Puffy and John Lyons. Mr.
White Is survived by his wife and two
children. Mm WUItum Mellale mini
James F. White, of Wayne street.
Misses Katie uiul Lizzie Loughran, of
Sorunton, spent Sunday with the Misses
QuInnuR, of Laurel street.
Mrs. Patrick Oerrlty, an old and es
teemed resident of till borough, died
at :w home of her daughter, Mrs. John
J. McH'Ue. on Friday, after a long ill
ness. She Is survived by her husband
and w.e daughter. Her funeral took
place on Sunday afternoon. Services
were held In St. Thomas' church and In
terment was nude In the Catholic ceme
tery. The Tour.g People's society of the
Herman Lutheran church will hold a
picnic at Daly's crossing on Tlaursday.
There will be refreshments, games and
diversions of various kinds to contri
bute to the pleasure of those who at
tend. Miss Cella Nallln, of Mlnooka, Is vl-
ltlrig friends here.
Kev. John Loughran. who was or
dained at Baltimore about two weeks
ago. celebrated high mass In St.
Thomas' church on Sunday. Father
Loughran was born and raised here,
and his presence on thl- occasion was
gratifying to his many friends.
Children's Day at the Baptist churcti
Sunday. A fine programme has been
Miss Ethel Williams and her brother,
Alden, are home from Bloomsburg.
Mr. Blakslee, the passenger agent
on the Montrose railroad, was In. town
Friday on business.
Willard Bunnell Is home for the sum
mer vacation from Bucknell university.
Miss Brown, of Hopbottom, wa vis
iting friends In town this week.
Miss Grace Sm!:h. a teacher In the
Orphan ic'hool, of Hartford, Is home.
Mr. Spence, engineer on the Lacka
wanna ar.J Moniiroee, Is back at his
place, after a trip to- Buffalo.
Frank Chandler Is shaking hands
with friends around town.
The local telephone company Is erect
ing poles and will have the wires on In
a short time.
Oeorge Baldwin, editor of the Tunk
hannock Republican, spent Saturday
In town speaking to old acquaintances.
Mrs. IM. A, Munger visited friends at
Franklin Forks la 1 week.
J. M. Jeffers spent the week at Hop
bottom. Mrs. Arthur Harris and daughter, of
Montclalr, N. J., are visiting S. B.
Kogfrs, on Lake avenue.
M'?ses Bessie and Millie Turner, of
K.lmlrn, era spending a few days at the
home of their friend, MIsb Grace Camp.
Kev. Mr. Hulley, who was elected to
take the place made vacant by the res
ignation of Kv. T. A. Hughes, occupied
the l.aptist pulpit Sunday morning. In
the fvenlng a very pretty programme
was a'ven, it being Children's Day.
If tho lluby Is Culling Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has btn
ur.ed for ovor Klfty Years by Millions of
Mothers for their Children whllo Toothing,
with Perfect Success. It Soothes Die
Child, Softens the Gums, Allays alt Pain;
Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. Hold by Druggists In ev
ery part of th world. He sure and ask for
"Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Hyrup," and
lake no other kind. Twetity-flvs cents s
OLY phant
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Paddcn left Sat
urday for an extended visit at White
The Kaniblers, of Justus, came down
to play the Host buds, of this place, Sat
urday, but were no match for tho home
'.earn nnd were defeated by a score of
12 to IS.
Mles Theresa Sweeny, Mary Cuslck,
and Cecilia Schrader, of Scranton, at
tended the commencement exercises at
this place, Friday evening.
Miss Mary Tracy, of Pittnton, Is visit
ing with Miss Mary Grady on Scotch
Street. -
Thomai and Eddie Burke, of Provi
dence, are visiting In town.
Tho Suburban Wheelmen held their
flrrt "smok?r" on Friday evening. It
was an enjoyable affair.
The Catholic Mutual Total Absti
nence and Benevolent society will de
bate tonight on .the question of which
Is the better to mankind, "Steam En
gines or Newspapers."
C. A. Hall Is at Buffalo.
A few of cur clttsens went on the ex
cursion to New York city on Saturday.
They re'.urned Monday morning. ,
John Pedro, who titabbed Andrew
Lewey, a fellow-countryman, Thursday
evening', was released on Friday. He
paid a line of $10 for fighting. The
otlwr Hungarians who took part In the
fight will be dealt with later. Lewey If
on the road to recovery.
C. W. Bankes spent Sunday In Mon
trose. .'.' : "
Communion services wilt be held In
tkt Presbyterian church on Sunday
morninj. . v, ,
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Benton spent
Sunday 'at the home of the ' ratter's
parents In Forest City.
George Lencley returned from a
three weeks' visit at Nineveh, N.
yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Jennie Oliver 'has returned to
her home, . In Plttston, from a visit
with her grandparents In this city.
Monroe Tyler, of Fo, v; city, was a
visitor In this city yef.t nlay morning.
IS. M. Peck surprl-U thj members of
the Korean Baptist Sunday school at
the close of the school on Sunday after
noon by handing In his resignation as
superintendent! which position he has
tilled for the past thlrtwn years. As
slHtomt Superintendent W. F. Nye will
take hlrt place.
Mrs William Itlvennurg hns returned
to her homo In this city from a visit
with hwr daughter. Mrs. Haydn Kvans,
in Scranton.
On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Mary
Duffy, 'f MuiiJtllold, llert tho Kmer
gt-ney hoHpltul. Uecfuscd wus tilt years
of age. Funeral was held yesterday
afternoon. The iN-iimlns were Interred
In the Jermyn CutholU oemetery.
Morris l'.o l. s call d on SeraiUon
fiientts on Sunday.
Yesterday nfieinimi nt 3 o'clock nt
St. ItMi' convent the ceremony of the
prirt"esiloii and reception I'tito the F.mter-
hood of til Immaculate II -net of Mary
was performed, lit. Itev. Bishop Will
lain D'll iu. of Scranton, ollleialed mul
was assisted by Itev. T. F. Coffey, of
this city. The chapel of the convent
where the ceremmiy took plaeo was
beautifully decorated for the occasion
with cut Mowers nnd presented a h ind
some appiir.ince. TIh' cer-mony wus
ImpreKslve nnd beautiful. The follow
Ing young Indies received the white
veil: Miss Mary Nailer, of ArclilKiliI
Pa., to known In religion as Hliiti-r
Mary Itonuventure; Miss Catherine
Qulnn, of rittcton. Pn., whose religious
mime Is Sister .Mry Andrew: Ms
Ann Watklnson, of Maueh Chunk, Pu.,
to ln known as Sister .M.'iry Presenta
tion; M'.s Mnry Qulnivm, of Archbald,
In religion Sister Mary Patrick. Th:
novices who received the Mack veil and
pronounced their holy vows are: Slsler
Mary Dosltheus, of 1'lMnton, Pa.: SItor
Mary Thomas, of West Scnii'ton, Pa.;
Slvter Mary Alneoque, of Parrons, Pa.;
Sister Mnry Anastasla, of FrDndsvllle,
Pn.; Sirter Mary Kdiia. of County
Slltro, Ireland; Sister Mary Mildred, of
Scranton, Pa. Th? following clergy
men from out of town wore in attend
ance: Itev. M. J. McManus, of Provl
donee; Thomas Rea, of Sugnr Notch
Uev. Murphy, of Olyphant, Itev, Coro
ner, of Forest City; Itev. Qulan, of
Scranton; Kev. Loughnn, of Scranton
Uev. F.iR-an, of Great Bend, and Rev.
Fitzgerald, of St. Paul. Minn.
Many of the residents of this place
were surprised to learn of the death of
John Davis, of Brook street. He was
enjoying good health until Saturday
evening when he complained of not
feeling well, and on Sunday morning
he died. He was the son of John Davis,
who was a respected citizen of this
place a few years ago, being superln
tendent of the Consolidated colliery of
the Hillside Coal and Iron company. He
leaves a wife nnd four children.
The Moosic Anthracites challenge the
Dashers of Mudtown to a game of ball
on Suly 6, to be played on the Moosic
grounds at 3.30 sharp, John Deans,
The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres
byterian church will hold a picnic In
Riverside park the Fourth of July. Lot
everybody assist the ladies In their
Rev. J. C. Tenant preached an ex
cellent sermon to his congregation In
the Mithodlst Episcopal church on Sun
day morning.
Mrs. James Kennedy, of Brook street.
Is confined to the house by serious Ill
Mrs. Sylvester Corby has returned
from Klmhurst, where she has been vis
iting among friends.
Prayer meeting will be held at the
Methodist Episcopal church tonight at
7.30 p. m.
The annual excursion and picnic of
tho Methodist Sunday school will take
place July 16.
Teachers' examinations for Scott,
Greenfield, Archbnld and Jermyn will
be held In the high school building,
Jermyn, July 6.
The Hickory bnse ball club, of Jer
myn, and the Young Americas, of Car
bondale, will play a game at Alumni
park Tuesday afternoon.
The ladies of the Methodist Episcopal
church will hold an Ice cream festival
July 4.
The real estate and personal property
of Mrs. David Davles will be sold nt ad
ministrator's sale ut 0 a. m July r.
Htv. A. C. Howells, of St. James'
Episcopal church, preached a memorial
sermon Sunday evening In remcmber
anco of Itobblu Nicholson, taking for
his text, 'To Die Is Gain."
The port office has been moved to a
more central location, corner of II nnd
Main streets.
Tho funeral of Henry Hall, who died
In Peck vllle Sunday, will take place ut
2 p. m. Wednesday. Aurora Lodge, R21,
Free and Accepted iMnsons, will have
charge. They meet at thc.hnll at 1
o'clock. Interment will be In Hose Hill
Dr. S. D. Davis tra unacted business
In Scranton yesterday..
V. P. 8. C. 11. nntl I'lpworth l.engnc.
Topic cards fur tho nxt six hlonths
printed In good style at low prices. If you
contemplate an excursion or festival this
summer. It will pay you to consult us
about printing pusturs, circulars, tUkols,
etc. The Tribune.
Know Hood's Cured
Because It Made Pure Blood.
"1 was all run down and could not sleep
at night on account of the continuous
and severe pslna
through my body.
I had also stom
ach troubles and
catarrh. After
taking Hood's
Barsapsrllla a
short time I com-
prove, and after
uniug tnroe poi-
tics In all, my
complaint en
tirely loft me. I now have an appetite,
sleep woll and tm free from all stomach
trouble. I know Hood's Sarssparilla hut
cured mo, and I cheerfully recommend its
use by all woman who tro run down and
need a building up medicine." Miss
Alicb Wbay, W. Brldgowater, Pa.
Hood's Garsaparilla
It the only True tilood Purifier pfoml
neatly in tho publlo eye today.
Unnrl'a Dillo r""r,iiTttua
t VV W f 1 1 w
enylatSwti Dmaix
Hard Lines of a Yobmr Uomaa Who
Mopes With tho Hired Maa.
Crown Point. Ind.. July 1. Miss Edith
Gant, a charming young woman of IS,
who has been living: with her uncle,
Henry llrown, near Shelby, Is In- Jail
here, the result of an elopement. She Is
the victim of a cowardly lover and a
broken-down freight train, the latter
fact explaining why the couple did not
reach this pluce in time to get married
before the angry uncle appeared and
put a stop to further proceedings. Early
yesterday morning Miss Gant and the
hired man eloped. As they were with
out funds Miss Uant took $.100 from her
uncle's trousers' pocket while he slept.
The couple then boarded a freight train
which broke down near Lowell, delay
ing them four hours, during which time
the uncle discovered his toss and swore
out warrants for both of them for lar-
cry. The hired mini uiigullautly de
serted Miss Uant and cannot be found.
She was placed In Jail here and her
uncle vows she must take the conse
quence. Miss Hunt will be tried for
l.'ireetiy at the July term of court.
Meinhcrs of tho U'yutt tiaiig UoniiJvJ I'p
in I lie l.luvs Moiintulns.
Wichita, Kan., July 1. The female
bandits. Mm, Delle Black and Mrs.
J.'iinl" Freeman, mi'inlieiM of the Zip
Wyiitt bund of outlaws, have been cap
treil In the Gl.iHs mountains, In th
Wck-iern part of the Cherokee strip, and
are now lodged In the Guthrie u. T.)
Jail. For a year past the band of des
peradoes, led by Zip Wyatt, an outlaw
guilty of a dozen murders, have delled
the I'nlted Stutes marshal's force of
deputies, a.i well as sheriffs' posses of
ilinVreiit counties, llelle Black Is the
wife of a meui'ier of the Wyatt tin ml.
Mrs. Freeman la the wife of Mutt Free
man, who formerly resided here. She
eloped with Zip Wyatt about a year
Are Living In Seclusion.
Fan Francisco, July 1. Lord and Lady
Sholto Douglass are living at Alumed:i,
Incognito, at u family boarding hous.
Tin y Intend to remain in seclusion In
(lellnitely. FIRE CRACKER
Bo's, remember only a
few more days are left to
take a chance on that bi
cycle in our window. So
if you need a suit for the
Fourth now is your time
to get it. At the same
time try your luck at a
chance for the wheel. A
ticket given with thep ur
chase of every Boy's Suit.
sale we will dispose of
our Summer Goods re
gardless of profit.
Llfrht WViRlit Mr-n.s
Knits, nctiinl value (3.U0;
Sale l'riee
All Wool Men's Fulls,
actual value $10.fJO; tSulu
Black Dress Suits, ac
tual vnluo fU.OU; rnilo
Hoys Hulls, 4-15 years,
net mil value $L',50; Hale
Hoys' Press Hulls, ne
lll'il valtio fl.00; Hula
Knee rants, 2 pair for..
. 230 Lackawanna Aye.
The ill health of Manager Goodtuan will cause The
Empire Dry Goods Co. to go out of business alto
gether. The stock will be closed out until everything
is sold. Sale begins Saturday, July 6, at 10 a. m.
Two days the store will be closed to mark every item in
store in plain figures. The people of Seranton never
had such au opportunity to buy a staple, clean stock at
your own prices, and almost anything and everything in
the household line. It would be too expensive for us to
go into details as to what the stock consists of. Every
body knows the line of goods we carry, and it is only a
question of how long the stock will last at such sacrifice
prices. t Buildiug must e vacant by September i, and
every kind of goods muf t be closed, cost or below cost,
or at any rate. - Remdmber, ' Saturday, xo o'clock at
the old stand, Goodtnan's Cut Price Store, 516
Uickawpnna Avenue.
Mr. Ed wards. Kidgcway Saddealy Irisap
pcarm Together with the Tcrribla faia
lie llaa fr.ipericaocd from helatica for
tea Past Sevea Years.
Dr. Smith and staff, the magnetic phy-
lean at SIX Wyomlnc avenue. Srranton.
Pa., cured him of sciatica and lunt before
m niyMterlou duiaieurfcnve he called on
them and (old them he wu tolnr to I'ltts-
ton. In., and handed them the following
fieranton. June 1. lf&EL
Dr. P. H. Smith and Htaflf, 312 Wyoming
venue. Bemnton. fa.
Iuar iMctora If In the yeara to come a
lentimony rvirardinir a cure uoon one that
Is truly graUful will be of any value what
ever to you, accept this letter as a tok.-n
from one who derived more benefit from
youandyourniethodof treament than ever
before. Having been altlicted with sciatica.
in its worst form for a period of seven yrurs
anu nuvuiK coimulteil phyHlelun after phy
sleiun without finding even temporary re
lief, I feel It my duty as a man to uru
claim thn glad tldiiuts fur und near, fur
ine beiietlt of my fellow sufferers, und at
the nunm time let the public In K'nerul
miow mai mey nave In tlielr mhlxt Dr.
Hnillh and hi 11 IT, ptiyKlelunn who cure jll
forms of ehionlc illHea.ies and who trMit
IIiohh who take treatment of them hon
orably. They did me more kuoiI tluin all
the doctors I ever eoliKiilted. and I know
from perxonul olii rviition while wa'l.n
in uieir ulllee for ll -u.lin.'iit that tliey nut
only Kive a correct leneril!on of dlHeuse
uiui innt, too, without unking a iin u on,
mid when they arc not eoiillili.-nt of mnkuiK
a permuiieiit cure lliey tell the erson
what llii y Ihlnk. 1 hnvn heard them tine
mid ukuIii Kay to a slek person, I do not
think our treatment would cure you and
we ilcrl!iie to treat yuu. If, however, you
desire tt olid liiHint w- will do fill we can
lur you. hut It Is with the iiiiderHtaiidliii.'
that we treat you only promlKlng to do all
wn can ror yon, nothing more. When
mey are .-on iiin-n r or a cure they niy so
out and out. When I went to tli-m somi!
two mouths BKO I had been suffering the
lormenis or the l n tj Tor the paxl seven
years from srinll-a In my rlnht hip ami
li'K. I had Kpi-iit hiindi'i;ls of dollars on
doctors without any leu lit whatever.
Thi y lold mu It would ri 'i'iire much pa
lii nee on my part and If I ponMemcd It they
felt eonlhl nt they could l.elp nie. With
thin iinder:larlliig I eomm-need treat
ment and friiin the llrst In atment I began
tu Impiove and have kept on doing so f roin
the tlrst and today I am u well man, and
To to I'lttxbiirg tonight to make a contract
to liiilld n coal i lmte and another contract
to not up machinery to th umount of
ill."!"). Ho yon can all kch how well 1 am.
After k ven years of idleni.Hs I resume la
bor as a contractor. Sincerely,
Kd. H. Rldgeway.
Pr. Sm:ih and stnff are iwrformlng many
strange i'iirH In Hrranton. Their fee ar
less than one-third of what they will be
twenty days from now. Now Is the time
to i!.t bargains. Do not wait until you
will be obllred to pay full rates. Times
are hard. Make a dollar while you can.
When they have a certain number of pa
tients you can only be treated by special
appointment. Dr. Smith Is prepared to
irlve you any amount of proof of his ability
as a physician, surgeon and maxm-tlc
henlcr. Consultation fre from 9 to 5
dally except Sunday. No. 312 Wyoming
avenue, Scranton, I 'a.
Manufactured at th Wtpvalloppa Mills, La
lerfie connty, Ta., and at VJ
mington, L'elanare,
General Agent for the Wyoming District.
t18 WYOMING AVE, Scranton, Pa,
Third National Bank Building.
THriS. FORD, l lttston. P.
JOHN B. SMITH & t-ON. Plymontli. Pa
E. W. MUi.LIUAN. Wilkex Harre, Pn.
Agents for the l!"piuio Chsmicai Oom
(Aay 's Illgb Ssplosives.
The Acknow ledged Expert Id
Horseshoeing nnd Dentistry,
Is Now Permanently Located
on West I.ackuwumiu Ave.,
Near the Bridge.
The Finest In the City.
The latest improved furnish
lags and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs.
223 Wyoming Ava.
Stocks, Bonds,
and Grain,
Bought ami "old nn New York
Exchange mul ChloRfro Hoard
of Trade, either for cash or oo
G. duB. DIMniCK,
41a Spruce Street.
Telephone 6002.
20 Salesladies wanted.
Special Sale
S es
of goods in our Upholstery department, which our
ever-increasing trade demands, there is always at this
season of the year a quantity of short lengths of all
grades of goods suitable for Draperies and Furniture
Covering, which we are ciosing out to make room for
Kali Goods, at one-half the regular price, including
Cotton Damask, Silk Damask, Genoise Silk, Light
weight Draper- Silk, all 50 inches wide,
5oc. to $5.oo Per Yard.
4 Patterns 85c, Now 65c.
7 Patterns 75c, Now 55c.
10 Patterns 60c., Now 50c.
8 Patterns 55c. Now ,i5c.
ckftpn 25 Patterns 14c, Now 9c.
bilkolene J 0 Patterns 15cj Now 10c
Nottingham. Irish Point. Tambour and Brussels. At
and 2 pair lots, at cost price. Japanese Porch Shades---Just
received another shipment; sizes 6x6, 8x8, 10x12.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilersf
OcDcrai Offka: SCRANTON, PA.
Our services are free. We don't charge anj'thing
for showing goods. We're so proud of the stock
we like to show it off. It's your business to buy
or not just as your own good sense dictates We
are glad, to have you look glad to have your
t .
: 1
Did our business grow to its present proportions
knowledge of the business good goods and
low prices have done it in conjunction with
into the store will see
the evidence of this.
. 333 and 337 .
Wyoming Avenue.
, " .';-.. i,;,'