9: ,'.- -. .4A at -, ' THE RCBANTON TRIBUNE TUE9DAT IVf ORNINGr. JULY 2. 1895. WILKES-Bfig"'1-' (1 u branch ef im Id tv. rnMlp riv u.-rta&cvoN proia-e t The Trunin .u fT!)J Tribune r s. c. fee" No. fs fiun,.-3 extend the clrci:'. r.iuud'ni; lows, a lit a very com- ad to Ihit -A "V't Diets dcr.:f ifYien- r 1 :"n oc.u.t'.y ti -v in'ertttkirg d-pciid-"on the sum r'orty For aui.f..'n th kirveyor or all mo sttc. foreign, loctl. "vs 01 me "'TTnmerrlttl s Srcrests of thi Mh W'vnm I m i ornc, nl. The general in- s-Ijnrre ami 'ii T!rTrib- une an earnest - j w...... i:ioria!lv (in ! otherwise. It a of the pub lishers to lssne a newspaper n valuable to the general pvbl'o a the nvtropo.us'i d.Vlies. and deliver It to the people throughout tnrtheastern Pennsylvsti:a t-t.ni three to five hours earlir than the .Philadelphia anj New York paper can &ca :hm.) ; JUDGE RICE RESIGNS. 1 i . liis Modest Kulreincnt from th lletwh He Hn Graced So Well . After thirteen years of nuvt honor nJle service a president Judire if the I.merne county courts. Judire Kice yes terday retired from Its Judicial uutle-. At 10.15 he came on the bench and haul ed down several papers t th? clerk. He; then returned to the bar.tlk' fur few minutes, leaving Judge Lynch on the. bench. An attorney appnxtchod hlni to argue a esse, but was ttikl that the Judge, had resigned. 3tt.Ue lilce then tinlshed up his work end arratttred II the business of the ofiiee of ;:-vldent Judge and at 11.30 stepped Irctj liie co'tit room and handed ull the papers to Court Crier Barnes to give t. the pr. thonotary. His formal resignation was ent to Frank Reeder. secretary of t!'e commonwealth, at Harrisburj yestet- d jy.: , ' following correspondence ex plains itself: " ' WUkes-Carre. June 2S, 1. Hon. Charles R. Itle. IVar Sir: The members of the I.p serne 1ar rejoice wlih the people nt It iff In your promotion tJ the ben:i of the superior court of Pennsylvania. In attestation of their high personal re gard for you.' and to give expression to their felicitations, they have re solved to Invite you to become thir truest at a reception end dinner to be given In your honor. Will I; please you to designate the time when it will be convenient for you to meet the bar at the Wyoming Valley hotel in the manner proposed? '-'' Very sincerely yours. John T. Lenah-tn. Joseph D. Coons, Oeorg D. Ferris. Ralph H. Wadham. Sidney R. Miner, committee. , Judge Riot's Answer. - Wilkes-Barre. Julv 1 Messrs-.. John T. Lenahan.- Joseph D. fat. George S. Ferris. Ralph H. adhams and Sidney R, Miner. Gentlemen: Your esteemed favor of une 18, Inviting; me to become the guest of the Luserne bar at a reception and dinner to be given at such time us hall be designated by me. has been handed to me. In reply I wish to ex press my grateful appreciation of the honor conferred by your Invitation, and of the good will that you have on this and many other occasions so generous ly fnaoUested. It will give me great pleasure to accept your Invitation. If agreeable. 1) would, designate Wednesday evening next as the time. I remain yours verv trulv A OnAraMd Mam Stops a Rsnanay Turn aad Mves a rhiiJ. -Between and 10 o'cioek yterday mortB! OaJlaad Brc-s.' bis; delivery wagva. was standing In front of their factory, on South Washington, and men we- at work loading- K with goods for delivery. In the wag jn a little boy 11 years of age named Charles Llmbur ger, son of one. of -the factory em ployes, was sitting on th seal. The horse beeamo frightened at some thins; and dashed away up the street. An electric car wa3 coming uovrn. ana tfce horse J ran to or.? sUe of the street, pulling the wagxn up again t the curb bakply. but not upsetting it, and th little rVlkiw hung on to the seat and yelled fyr help at the top of his voice. The street was lined with people, but none ot them tad the courage to stop the team. ' When the team neared Market street, the boy's shouts of terror attracted many people to the scene, although only - one saaa had the courage to stop the runaways. TMs was Charles Hoy, a Jkockster with only one arm. He was on Ifartli Washington street, and when the (nun reached a point opposite the recldenc of STartrus Smith, he ran out, elsed the check rein, and hung on With all Ms strength. The bio- horses dragged Mm off his feet, and along the - ground, fcut he hung on to thm brave ly ant fievrr relaxed his grip until he Had succeeded Id Stopping the-'frigbt-ened , , smimsla. A crowd gathered upound and helped oat the boy, who Was ttsoroMgbbrfrlchteived by his wikl ride. Hoy was the hero of the hour. His act was one of remarkable bravery, and the feat t stopping a team of ruaoway horses with only one arm is nne that well deserves to be commended tad appreciated by the whole commun ity, as well s the parents of the boy. The horses and wagon were unhurt. HIS FOOT CRUSHED. A ajragarbra Rasj Dowa fey sn EIcrlo Car Wear Cdwsrdsvllls. White walking- alone the trolley car "tracks- between Edwardsville and Plymouth yesterday afternoon, Lewis Comstock, Polandsr, was struck and bracked bneath the wheels of an elec tric oar and his foot so badly crushed that amputation was necessary. The plao. Whore the accident oc curred w&s n. htavy grade, and al fhongh the rootorman did all In his power to stop the ear, M was Impoasi hle od the outcome of the affair re Hett no dlscradlt on 'the port of the mm in charfft. The Injured man was take on the car to the hospital, where the operation was performed. tCI?3 TO jCOME HERE. A fisgl Has U)L'-Pta-V amd Ws Get Oar OM Skori'Mop Again. ' trink Eonner, Waikfts-Barre's) - oW r lortatop two seasons ago, will soon be ern ln thh sity again, -swearing a Wimea-Bsm uniform. This will give c.o crin-t great Joy, for no mors popu lr f yw t;.an Conner ever stepped on , 1 -T xm diamond. , ' ' rs hag purchased his re- ' W r!y jreattrday morning he vtJt this city. There Is a ty Cr tt'fc will be here In I t if I " wth Beranton, Ii, l n, receive a bis re- .jt t:issr l, uer, was hurt by ' k' i.e. 1 shaft at Nntl- tx' Ek injuries : -t? j.:: ,i :r to No. I shaft pdgbbops of the Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre Coal company, had his leg badly bruised by belmr catisht between two cars yea- tI'.t:iy iiuiriilii;;. I'ltrfik J. o.iKaitlier. of M.ti--i-'s M ills, nlr-r in th- ittu RiJ;;o oal cflliery. 'n (.liily er'-shed .1 '1! rf c' v.J. Ii Willi yj. Aii,- . ., :!!'. i ii iv. it.n !;.! a:d : i:e l. g u:airuttl ty Drg. tiiUr,ip and U.irlon. li.j ;c tovery Is dcubiful. A IMON MEE'lING Sjrnnton and ilkra-ltnrre V.cthojists Meet nt llnnovrr lnrV, A union meeting of the Wilkea-Barre an3 Scncton Methodist Episcopal church was held at Hanover park yes terday. The meeting was called to or der by Rev. J. F. Williams, of Lurerne. the vlee-prtildeiit of the Wilkes-Barre preaoaers-organisation. Singing. "What n Friend We Have In Jesus." followed. The prtsidrRt. Kv. L. t'. Murdo.-k. took th chair nd all Joined in singing; "At th t'li.ns." Scriptural passages were re. ileil ly Hevs. J. !'. Williams, 11. Ml.t:ts. I.. 1.. Sprague an t J. LewK Tiien t."g.-t!ier. the brethren ami their wives reelted the llrst psalm, ltev. J. F. Warner, of this city, led In prayer. Rev. A. 1 Chaffee was Introduced anil addressed the meeting;, giving a review of !!. Mudge's bock on "Sanvtlflcatlon" and ivncluillr.g with a personal Illustra tion as t the culture of rosos and Uie desire to increase them when success fully we raise a few so we will desire to Increase Christian graces a honest ly we culture the o:;es we have. Revs. M. C. MoPerniott and L. I.. Sprague followed with supplementary remarks. The conference trio. Revs. J. It. Sum- i. W. R Westlake and J. C. Leacock. sans "The Land of Cloudless Pay;" they were followed by Mrs. Rev. J. Jf. I. ie and RiV. Noble?, of Corea. On :i:o:ioi of A. F. Chaffee, the secretary pro. tern, was Instructed to tender the sympathy of the ministers to Rev. Mr. Furey on the loss of his wife's father. T;-.o trio then sanir again. nd thf t-.-rarton ministers took up their usual collection, ar. 1 after the song the meet ing adjourned. T'ne following were rreent: From Scranton Revs. G. T. Trice and wife. A. F. Chaffee and wife. R. Hiorns ar.d w'fe. F. P. Doty and wife. J. C. Leacoek nml wife. J. R. Wagner and wife, William Cochrane and wife. F. A. K'.rs and wife. K. L. San tee and wife, and Dorsey. From Wtlkes-Barre aid vicinity Revs. I.. C. Murdock. wife and family, J. K. Peck and daughter. J. T. Sweet, wife and family, H. C. McPermott, wife, family and nephew. L. L. Sprague ari wife, J. W. Webb and wife, J. F. Wllliami, J. B. Sumner, wife and fami ly. J. W. Wileox.. Askant: N. Reasoner. V. B. Westlake and wife, J. F. AVarner and wife. J. Madl'on and wife, J. S. Lewis, J. N. Lee and wif..-, N. Callender and wife. Erunges, Stewart and W. Nobles and wife, of Core.t. AN EXPENSIVE TIME. It Costs an Out-of-Town Citizen $65 to See the Elephant. T act flifnriv ntht a. resident of one of the neighboring towns camto j Wilkes-Earre to sp.nd the evening aivT see the elephant. He saw It before he got through, but It cost him more than he liked to pay to see the big animal. Ey some mischance the man from out of town fell In with a bad crowd at Lizzie Jones' place, on South Fell street. He spent part of the night with a gentleman of color, Gabriel Anty, who Is a white washer by occupation. Yesterday morning the visitor to our city found himself short Just $53. He couldn't stand that and Imme diately had recourse to the law to re cover his cash. He procured a war rant from Alderman Thomas end Con stable Evans was sent on the case. In the afternoon, assisted by ex-Alderman Rooney, Anty was corralled In one of his haunts. Before 'Squire Thomas he had a hear ing, but previously he was searched, but no mony was found. The prosecu tor being swom, told of his travels on Saturday night; of how he became well "aaturaited" and then went to Ll2Zie Jones' with two companions and met Anty. Sunday morning his money was gone. Anty refused to be sworn and was committed to Jail. A Will Filed. The will of John P. Creen, late of Pitiaton, was died for probate yester day In the register's office, Th will leaves everything to his widow as long us she- livs and does n'A re-marry, in event of either the property is to be divided between the thr ee sons, Lin coln A. flreen, John C. Greun and Thom as C. Ureen. The property Is valued at U,V)9. -Mary Oreen, the wife, and Lincoln Green, a son, are named an executors. . BRIEF NOTES. Court has closed until September, with the exception of one day, July 29. The Second National bank has added $10,000 to Its surplus, making the total $205,000. .' The annual picnic of thn Central Methodist Episcopal church will be held at Mountain park today. The Malt club entertained Judge Rice and several out of town guests at an Informal meeting last Saturday. The A. P. F. quartette, whose moon light picnlo has been twice postponed by bad weather, will hold It tonight, If the elements permit. William Jacobs, the 12-year-old boy who fell from a cherry tree last week, died after much suffering on Sunday night. He was hurt internally by his fall. Charles 1L Knitter, of this city, died suddenly of heart disease on Sunday. He woe a member of the Grand Army A WARM BATH 1 WITH CDTICURA SOAP And a single application of CUT1CURA, the treat skin cure, will afford Instant re lief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, economical, and permanent cure of the most distressing of itching, burn ing, bleeding, scaly, and crusted skin and scalp diseases, after physicians, hospitals, and all else fall. MdtkfeatheatUMWstM. Brhitk tawtt !!. .sasv, f. King Kdar4M. Loodos FonsaDavO Ci Caw. Coat., sab Ftosa- BsUsa, V. 8. A. - - v i IT. X) Douto the of the Republic, who will attend the funeral. Mrs. A. L. Winchester, mother of By ron 0. Winchester, of this city, died i; ill- h.mie of h-r il.uiirhter Mrs. M. i:, Sj. -tikman, at Woodbury, M. J., lest m.l av. The nac-vsniefit ef con 'rmatlon will be n'm'nlstcn d to seventy persons by n;:hop O'llara. In the Qerm.in Catho lic church, of Luzerne borough, this i morning. Some miscreant tried to wreck one of the Traction company's oars on the track last Sunduy night. The obstruc tion wa discovered Just In time to pre vent a horrible catastrophe. Florist Fancourt. ot the West Side, hns placed In his hot houses a number of hydraulic automatic ventilators, which regulate tlie temperature of the consei vatory to any degree desired. The Luzerne County Medical society will meet this evening lit their rooms, In the liollenbaek bulldiiiK. and dis cuss "Headaches from Optical De tects." The essayist of the evening will be lr. Mattaek. Rev. Fat lit r Salle, son of Jacob Salle, of this city, celebrated hU Drst mass since his ordination is a priest In St. Nicholas" church on Sunduy. He was tendered a reception at Concordia hall In the evening. The liberal management of the Bos ton store has decided to close on Friday for a half holiday, regardless of what the other merchants may do In the mat ter. The blsr Arm will not be any the loser by their liberal policy. PERSONAL. Colonel J. S. Laclur was able to sit up yesterday for a short time. Miss Sadie Kaiser, the well-known and popular young soprano of this city, has tn?t with creat success in the London concert. Judge Woodward has pone to La porte to continue the hearing In the contested electron case, which was be ing conducted by Judge Rice at the time of his appointment to the Superior bench. James A. Hlgglns, formerly of this city, but for some time past of New York, has be?n made manager of the Postal Telegraph In this city In place of his brother, Ambrose Hlggins, who will take a law course. INFATUATED WITH A THIEF. Wichita Woman Mortgages Her Hus band's Effects to lcfend Him. Wichita. Kan., July 1. Mrs. John A. Shults, of this city, has become infat uated with Albert "Whlttaker, a no torious cattle thief now serving a two years' sentence, and It has Just come to the knowledge of her husband that she has given a chattel mortgage on his personal property for the purpose of raising money to defend the prisoner. Whittaker won the affections of Mrs. Shults the moment she saw him several months ago. She could talk of nothing else but the man, and her husband be coming Interested In the case, visited Whlttaker at the Jail. To his surprise he found the prisoner dressed In his (Shults') own clothing, which had been given to Whlttaker by Mrs. Shults. When Shults learned today that his wife had given a chattel mortgage on his personal property for the purpose stated, he bought her a ticket for Lyons, Kan., where her parents reside, and has filed suit for divorce. DEED OF A BRAVE FIREMAN. James Whceland Saves a Child at the Risk of His Own Life. Freeport, III., July 1. James Wheel and, a locomotive fireman, residing In Freeport, saved a child from death on the Illinois Central tracks at Red Oak, near here, this morning. The 4-year-old child of Mrs. Lewis McClaln, of Red Oak, was playing In "he middle of the track when an Illinois Central pas senger train rounded a curve and swept aown upon the little one, nil uncon scious of Its danger. Engineer Will iam Smith reversed the engine and ap plied the brakes, but the speed of tho train was checked but little. Fireman Wheeland sprang from the cab, climbed over the boiler, down on the pilot, and, reaching forward wltti one hand while he held on with the other, grasped the little one as the train thundered over the spot. It was a perilous deed and the child was restored unharmed to its mother's arms. BOUND TO WEAR BLOOMERS. Famsls Rlcyclists of Cadillac Ask the Police to Protect Them. Cadillac, Mich., July 1. A few weeks ago four or five ladles appeared upon the streets In bloomer costumes, and such a storm of rldiculo arose that they never afterward repeated the experi ment. Lately a meeting of the fair devotees of the wheel was held, when It was unanimously decided to adopt bloomers, in spite of Mme. Grundy's protest, and to appear so attired in the bicycle parade July 4. It was further determined to ask police protection against the hoodlums who, on the oc casion of their first appearance, kept up a constant howl of derision and in several Instances resorted to personal attacks. There. Is every reason to be lieve there will be a good sized riot If the reformers are interfered with on their next appearance. PLATE GLASS XO OBSTACLE. Indianapolis Cyclist Rnns Ills Wheel Through a Ssloon Window. Indianapolis, July 1. Grant Hacker, employed by the gas company to cut off street connections In case of fir, while answering an alarm tonight lost control of his bicycle and dashed full speed through the plate-glass front of Chnpln A (lore' saloon near Monument place. He landed headlong In the mid dle of the saloon, tho bicycle following him, while heavy fragments of glass fell In every direction. Neither Hacker nor the machine was seriously dam aged, the pneumatic tires escaping with out a puncture. ' BIG WORKS WILL BE CLOSED. Serious Accident la the Illinois Steal Company's Plsnt. Jollet, 111., July L The breaking ot the connecting rod shaft of the big engine in the billet department of the Illinois Steel company will close down almost the entire plant for two weeks. The break occurred without warning, but no one was Injured. The conver ter will also be closed down, as it would not pay to continue running and have to pile up the Ingots. " How to Care all Skis Diseases." Simply apply "Swayne's ointment" No internal medicine required. Cures tet ter, ecsema, Itch, all eruptions on the fact, hands, nose eto leaving the skin clear, whits and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne's Ointment. Valley. PITTSTON. IThe Pttston office of the Seranton Tribune hni been opened by H. W. Cruser, atrtni. at !o. & Wltrums street, where con- 'r hnt'on of rews. i'oii'r'iOif- non-rte-!!very, ordn for luh wovk of all elesenp. t.ons, should I.d addressed and ri-sula'' bi;hscrIpt'ona received. Advertising and subscription rates chaerfully submitted. 1 A mass meeting will be held at Armory hall this evening to advance the candidacy of Oeorgc Ferris, at suc cessor to Judge Rice. All who are in terested In the nromotlon of our towns. man should make it known by their presence. The property holders on Broad, Pul ton and William streets and the Scran ton and Plttfton Suburban Railway company are still unabls to arrange matter to the satisfaction of the prop erty holders. Th- eomounv tuv. . pressed a willingness to lay the girder rail and pave on IJioad street, which the citizens of that street appreciate, but owing to the relations of the co operation of the citizens or Wllllum and Fulton fleets In the street railway mutter thev feel that it woul.l ha mi Injustice to the people ot the above mentioned streets, to ugree to such an arrangement. They propose to hold to the stand thev have itlraiv In lion John M. Tyson, physical director of the loung Men's Christian association, has resigned his position, and has gone to Chautauqua, where he will spend the summer attending Anderson's School of Physlchil Culture. On September X he will go to Bradford. Pa., to become physical director of the Bradford asso ciation, of which E. J. Crowe)), former ly of this city, is general secretary. On Saturday court appointed Attor ney C. P. Bohan, M. A. Wynne and B. D. Coons to Inquire Into the propriety of creating a new election district In Marcy township. There are already three districts lit the township, but cer tain portions are removed quite a dis tance from the polling places. E. W. Uaylord. editor of the Leroys vllle Times, Is the guest of his uncle. R. E. Bennett, of Lambert street. Forest Hatfield, who has been con fined to his home with neuralgia of the heart, is able to attend to his duties again. Hon. J. C. Harvey, of Hurveysvllle, representative of the second legislative district, was a visitor In this city yes terday. According to statements of the Phila delphia Press, Hugh Jennings, formerly of Avoca, who Is filling the position as shortstop for Baltimore this season, has a very creditable batting and field ing average, standing higher than any other National league shortstop. Jen nings has many friends in this city who have their eye constantly on his movements and are willing to stake any amount on his success. Charles Coward, who has been pro moted to the position on the Gazette made vacant by the rerfj.-.atlon of Thomas 3. Loftus, Is a young man of great promise and thoroughly experi enced In newspaper work. One of the features of the picnic to be held at Everharfs Island tomorrow by Division 20, Ancient Order of Hibern ians, will be a fat men's race. Alder man P. H. MeDonuld. Councilman John Connell and Conductor William Doug herty are already entered. A great game of ball la in anticipa tion by the Plttston twlrlers for tomor row morning. Plttston and West Pitts ton teams will cross bats at the Fair grounds. John Mecurlns, a Polish laborer, 46 years old. employed at the Barnum shaft, was severely Injured yesterday afternoon by a premature blast. His left hand was crushed and his body otherwise contused. His home is In Plttston. Martin Donnelly, miner, 26 years old, and his laborer, Joseph Krohel, aged 27, were very seriously injured by a fall of rock at Mount Lookout yesterday after noon at 4 o'clock. They were taken to the hospital. Donnelly is Injured about the head and Krohel is hurt Internally. Arrangements have been made for races at the Fair grounds tomorrow afternoon. The races are divided into three classes, 2.21, 2.27 and gentlemen's road race. These are the first events that have taken place on the new track and much Interest Is being shown. For second-hand household goods, call on Wright St Co., 7 South Main street. Goods exchanged, bought or sold. PLYMOUTH. Lackawanna tribe, U0, Improved Or der of Red Men, will run their annual excursion to Mountain park tomorrow. The funeral of the young iron of Jdhn Barry, who was drowned while swim ming on Saturday, took place yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment, was made In Welsh Hill cemetery. Miss Ma. Andrews Is entertaining Misses Bessie Boland and Mary Jones, of Bloomsburg. Mrs, William Woolner, who has been 111 for the past week, Is convalescent. Miss Julia iMclIale, who has been vis iting her sister, Mrs. Andrew Murphy, at Arohbald, for the past fortnight, has returned (home. Reese Jenkins, an apprentice at Lee Bros.' hardware store, who was badly burned by a lighted paper Satur day last, Is Improving nicely. , Theresa, the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William P. .Perse, Is lying serious ly III at her home on Church street.' I At the last regular meeting of Plym outh lodge, No. 201, Knights of Pythla, the following officers were elected for a term of six monffiis C. C, W. H. Spare; V. C, David Prltchard; M. of A.. James Derwin; P., James Moore; M. of W George W. Kern; K. of R. and 8., John Hicks; M. of F., D. O. Eartley; M. ot E., Frank M. Ives; trustee, Charles Hoover; representative to grand lodge, 8. C. Ward. Miss Lillie Williams, of Berwick, is the guest of friends and relatives in town. The following programme will be rendered at the next meeting; of the Phllomathean Literary society, to be held oh Friday evening, July t: Debate, "Resolved, That the president and senators should be elected by popular No matter wTist the disstts is or h tsny doctor have faiisd to care you, t oar druggist for a lo-oent Vial of one Muoyon's Curss, and if yon are not ber filed your money will be refunded. Th. Company putt np A cure tor every dizea vote." Affirmative, Messrs. 'William; McDonough and Armstrong; negative, Richards, 'Boyle and Kuschke; Im promptu, Regan; essay on the' Import ance of the Keil canal, W. Jenkins; paper on Mohamet, Harry Freeman. Rev. James Moore, pastor of the Sec ond Primitive - Methodist church, on Framklln street, waa taken seriously 111 at this home today after drinking a Urge quantity ot Ice water. He was reported much better last evening. Byron Robblns, one of the most popu lar young men of thl place, has Just completed ..:'? of 'If- flr.est corpses on the Huntington Vu'Mey camp ground. St. Vk. cent's congregation will ihold their annual picnic In the Orchard on July 4. TAYLOR. Miss Anna Tldd spent yesterday In Hyde Park. On Thursday afternoon and evening the Modoc Base Ball club will hold a grand picnic at Weber's park. Mrs. George Hatfield Is visiting rela tives and friends In Loveland, Susuue hunna county. A grulid union meeting of Christian Endeavor societies will be held ut the Congregational church in Feltzvllle this evening. The wucletles from the Methodist episcopal and the Congrega tional clniivhes of Union Street will take part In the programme. These bo cletl are requested to meet ut the home of Morgan PhllllpH, on Pond street, at 7 p. m., and will then go over to Feltzvllle In a body. MIhs Hannah Jenkins, of Hyde l'urk, was a visitor here last evening. Mrs. H. J. Daniels is visiting rela tives in Dun more. The Electrics and Batsmnshers will play a game of ball on the school grounds on Fourth of July morning ot 9 o'clock. The grounds have been re cently rolled, plowed and a new back stop placed In position, end us these two 'teams alwuys fight hard for su premacy, a good game can bo expected. The Methodist Episcopal Sunday school will hold their regular Fourth of July plctutc In Atherton's grove on Thuiaday. Mr. and .Mrs. J. B. Wlnslow are spending a few weeltB at Lake Und'.-r-wood. WYOMING, Misses Cora and Altheda Lloyd were visiting friends In Plttsrton Friday. Messrs. Carpenter a nd Mathuson, and Mlsees Philips end Nichols were enter tained at the home of Miss Cora Lloyd on Saturday evening. Miss Mary Batholomew, of Catasa qua, 1m visiting her brother, David, here this week, ailsa Altheda Lloyd spent Sunday with friends in Plymouth. Bertha, Edith and Arthur Wilson, who have ben, for the past Bixteeen months, at the Soldiers' Orphans' school, at Chester Springs, are spend ing their vacation with their sister, Mrs. William Dawson. WISE AND OTHERWISE. The art of being Ignorant gracefully I? very sadly neglected, these days. In tlie Tlmcs-Herald Mary Abbott tells two or three amusing Instances of this. Two t r three years ago. she writes, two authors who were reading from their own works In public, were coming to supper, after their performance, and I remember feeling a little anxiety as to the literary Btanitlmr of one of tho guests. In order to avoid hurting his feelings directly, I munag.?'! to mako pointed allusions to the works of the gentlemen who were coming, uml was met with perfect nonchalance and sangfroid. He said airily at last goaded to madness, and I don't wonder: "1 am afraid It seems like Ignorance not to have read your books, Mr. Oh, no. not Ignorance," the author reassured him, smilingly. "Well, at any rate, It's bliss." the unabashed youth retorted, lost in shame, and baited to frenzy. How dif ferent this from the assumption of the young sailor, who, when asked if he know the Dardanelles, exclaimed: "Know the Dardanelles? Why, I've kissed 'em many a time." GOT THE DROP FIRST: Salvation Army cxhorter (solemnly! "My friend, aro yon prepared to die?" Alkali Ike (drawing his revolver! "Throw up your hands! 1 might have chucked a little suthln' into that hat If you had asked me civilly, but yer can't skeer me Into con trlbutln'!" Truth. When Henry M. Stanley vlflted Chicago a few years ugo as n distinguished trav eler, he-was, for him, much Impressed with the sparkling effervescence of a lady who sat next htm at d.nner one. night, nn.l paid her (for hlml marked attention. That Is to say, he did not turn his back upon her, nor tell her to cat her dinner. The reason for the gentlemen's fancy, he af terward explained (In part! by saying that she did not mention Africa. A Chicago man, by the way, who afterward made things (informal by asking the great African explorer If he had ever been abroad, does not seem to have made the tame tender Impression; but that Is prob ably as the Times-Herald suggests, be cause there is no accounting for tastes. ' GENIUS ON THE COW: A new poet hns arisen In the west and ho writes verses like these: "I never saw a purplo cow, I never hope to e one. But I can tell you anyhow, I'd rather ?e than bo one." It Is related of a certain French general who died recently that he had a very de voted servant to whom, though really kind, he was somewhat rough In speech. In the Crimean war tho general wns wounded so badly that one of his legs had to be amputated, and during the opera tion, which had to be performed without ether, the man. Jenn Baptists, stood by and howled, while the general submitted quietly. "What are you howling for?" the general presently called. "Oh, my master, I cannot endure that you should lose your leg!" "Who wants you to en dure It7 Can't you seo that you will bene fit by H7" "What does monsieur mean?" "Why, you blockhead, you'll only have to black one boot ofter this!" Youth's Com panion, WIT AND WISDOM: The next thing you know there will be n demand for a woman's edition of the pock. etbook, and then there's going to be trouble. Chicago Tribune. If a. woman eats what she wants to wear and a man what he wants to eat, there's no reason why they shouldn't llvo together and be happy. New York Re- carder. - to- The young lady who mado 700 words out of "conservatory" last autumn has run away from home. Her mother wnntod her to make three loaves of bread out of Sour. New York World. . . When a man's clothes are too looso there are two ways of remedying the evil. One Is to take them back to the tailor. Another is to get nsw boarding house. Philadelphia Record. Thought Thv Were Bats, "Please, mum, what is thlm?" she was the new housemaid from Castlo Garden and she stood In a brown study before a picture ef Raphael's chorubs. The mis tress explained ana mm, mv aiorji now Raphael same to put ther.t in the picture. "Sure, mum! Is it so? Weill wall! Maria said thlm was twins, and thought thlm was hats." G onroolly OUR SILK Printed Habutai Silks. Their actual worth Is from 75c. to $1.00 per yard. Our former sale price was 37c.f but they go now at We have added many new patterns to the assortment, and you are bound to concede that ours is the cheapest Silk Sale ever inaugurated. CONNOLLY & IT A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS rQST THAT MUf'H. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHKN A HOOK. ACCOUNT IS MAUK, NO CHARGE WILL BK LESS THAN ffi CENTS. THIS Ilt'LE AH PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, KX CMI'T SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSKItTED FUEE. Help Wanted Male. entry hookk ep'ir by n a'.ufuctiirmg ivt'rorii. A.lilroB, Hiving r. furenct-s, ' 11A.V lFACTL'i KK," XriliU.ii) oiiici-. VANTKIWA- CAT IXLT MAKE It AND h.rd wood lln nhcr. J. L. liE.TON, 111 Adams aveuu '. CAATED-A OOOD live man to in troducIn ifcr.tr. t .D tlie kvouomist gaa gov nor: a rood clianrv for tlio right man. ..lures HlFKALO OAS-SAVINU CO, La lloy, N. Y. yATKii - acclh 'rE$ovxii i ak V as asstataut bok ke?r. A'ldre, tilting expiTion. e anu salary exp cted, X. Y, Z.. Tilljuna otll e. J1IOTO TK'KETA7iEXT.S "aN'DPIC I'UKE men can prn . f a Cue mm tion bv ad vessiwr WILLIAM U. fLAil', 7iJ Elm .tuiot, Caniiiru. N. J. T ANTED WELL-KNOWN MAN IN evtrv town to solicit stock aulscriD tioni; a monopoly: big money for neents: no niiital required. tu Attu u. t iaa s tu., worUun Block, Chio:t?o. ill. JALESM EN Hi-SIDENT SALESMEN wanted, aeiiiuii'itt'l with ths local xnd nsnrby drug and grocery trail, to haudle cur line of hlgli gra.ln r ears. Address, giving raloreimi-a, J. EDWAHD t'OWLEi Co., lU Cnamliers Mtrou-t, N. Y'. HelD Wanted Females. U ANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AS conk in hi.fl: n tnl.lo salary. Addrets, .vith references, Uo Wi'wl. Plymo th, Pa -ANTED-UIRLS TO LEARN DRESS- V m kin. MRS. TKIPP, 4Ht Adams ava- 1 ANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO F.NER- vet e na.eswoiuHn to reprea nt u. Ounrantwd Jtrn dy without )r,t-rferiu(r with itlur (lntiFH. Health! I opcupntion. Writ fur particulars, mclonine s:nmp. Maniro Cheai I al Company. No "2 John atret. New York. Wanted To Rent. U'AXTED-BY JCI.Y 4. AN OFEIt'E AND twi romrs for llsht lions hoi-pinc: un furnished; answor oon. t4ti;iw terma. Dlt. E ZIEULEK BOWER. Delta, York County, Pa. For Rent. iK KENT A MCELY H ' XISHUU I front room on tiro4 ll.", I IT I Indon 8t. RAKE CH NCE TO KENT 4 FLOORS AK ramred for bo:.rd ti? and I dgin; 'JO bed rooms, pnrlnr. dinintf. kite en: a I iu ucw re pair; ov r HardinR'a China turn fO K It f7n T-tlR0b M 1 1 l"BE : OOODCOH V ditlon, furnace, pis, bat'i, 418 Vine atre 't Apply L. M. HOuTOX, Commonwealth B'ldg 0"FFTcEft) t Efnrk KOM TOLFT ..nd Assembly Hall to let. D. B. RKP OGLE, i Sprn e street. 70H RENT- A LARGE. 4-STORY BCILD I injr at LCI f rai.kiln avenue; auitnblo tor wholesale business. CAUSON & DAYIES,, rsnt.m. . I. OK REN T-SIX 110031 Hol'SE ON WEST I Lackawanna avonu"-. Address '! HOMAS E. EVANS, aear H: Luurne, Hyde Park. 7 OR R EX T N I C FLY FURNISHED HALL 1 suitan:.. for lodxe rooms, JOHN JE;i M'N, lit) Wyomi- eventi For Sale OH HAl.E -THF EI.EOANT RESIDENCE, T.it) ,!cfl.rsun nveuue; nil Improvements; full lot nt eost. Call nt premisns. noil HALE-NEW HOUSEHOLD GOODS. smnllllot. I n .in mini f.-r Van Anker. Res- mcr'a rrstaurant. Franklin avonue. Call to- cl .y. MIK HOME FOR TIIF. FRIENDLESS UP- !er tlinr proin rty on til west aiuo or Adam avenue, boiwven Pino and O.bson -treats. roii-istl"a- of five forty foot lota mak init a frontage of two hundred foetou Adams avenue by une hundred ami fifty feet lu depth, imiTovel. with n laruo three story frame housu, i'llce, thirte thousand d. 'liars. EZRA II. RHTI.K, WILLIAM T. SMITH. HENRY A. KNAII Ad visory Committee. Real Estate. TOTS ON UK3T AVE I'EH, 1VF. d blocks from court h use, J2.4UU upwards. W. Gibson Jones. Ill I Hnrmv-. Boarding 1) ELIOHTFUL LOO MN FOR SUMMER: goo I rooms and ft oa board. W4 Washing ton SV Proposals. CI-ALE" IKOPOHALS WILL BE KE 1? eel veil at the nfli of tho noeretary of I ha 8crniiti.il Uliurd of On roHill T.UIo'clovk Mon day eventnu, July S. IS9V, for lie heating and Ventilation an snnltary system of the pro posed twslvo room public school building, to be known as No. Ill, an t to na looted 011 the easterly a do of CHestuut street, Fourteenth ward, of tho city of Seranton, In aecordanos with plans ami spvclUcntioiis tn tlio hands of Brown ft Morris, arenltocts, Seranton, I'a. Mechanical ventilation is reiiulrod and Hushed chant system tn b" used, lbs sum of 115 in cash or certified check is to be Inclosed with each proposal, t Inch sum shall 1 forfeited to tho aclio . I district in cass of refusal or oaiis sionontho part of tho bidder to whom the contract shall be awarded to execute contract tilthtn ten dava after the awnrdini of ths same. The heard reserves the right to reject auv or au mils. By order of the ersnton B srd of Control, EUGENE D FELLOWtt, Secretary. Seranton, l'a June Si, I8W. Agenta Wanted. AGENTS-HINDE'fi PATENT UN1VKR sal Ha.fr Curlers anil Wavera fus with out heat), and "Pyr Polnted"Halr Plus. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and fnll par ticulars. Auarrss r. u. tx.x to& nsw ior. w AMT D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO baadla our line, ao tieddlina. Salarv, 174 per mouth and expanses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply iulckly. P.O. Box,&Wt, & SALE IS THE GREATEST ON RECORD. WALLACE, FURNITURE t EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, REASONABLE CHARGES. TRY US. BEDDING Special Notices. rpOCL- SE OUT B?Fr'THT'ijtiTHS5 1 pieces of shop worn Turkish piecea, di vans, chairs and platform r- cters In the musli'i to 'o covered in fl cured corduroy. Will close them oat at :& percent, of list pried. J. L. BENTON, 331 Adams avooue. VOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1, I H wi 1 maito a monthly tour of tha follow ins plaeea ifivioit free .p -n air advertlsine ex hibitions wi h -ha stcrwp-lcon: TavlorriUs, Hyde -ark. Providence, bickto Olyuhant, P.ckville, Archba d, Jermyn. Exhibitions civen tn Wednesday and Friday of each week during tba month, the rates for advr tin n are tin per month. Addreas E. H. Cull, Tribune office, citv. "rPHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAt." 1 Y'on want this relic. Contains all of rranx Leslies i..mouso;d war Ptctureaahow Ins ttie forces n actual battle, sketcasd on the spot Two vohuaea, !i,UJU pictures. eold on easy monthly payment'. Deliverd br ex press complete, all c sr. es j. repaid. Address . . v. ,.wuii, A'.aiiis Ave., acrsn'oo. ra. BLANK LOOKS. P.iMPULtTS. MAGA zities, etc., bound or rebound at Tut TntBLNB oHiea. Quick work. Keaaouabls prices. Stockholders Meeting. T?rn??a?nTDTn5? fpUF. ANNUAL M tTI.G F THF -I atockholders of the Seranton Lace Cur tain Manufacturing company fo the lection cf officers r.d transaction of such other busi ness as n ay corns befrre the ming, will , held at thdofticaof the cotup' nv. in the fac tory, oa Tuew ay. Julv Itlth. lS, at 2.30 p. m. .1. M -v EM MERER. I resident Attest: Jso. f-nsawoon. secretsrv. Auction - ale. A UCTION SALE OF SHOW CASES.. COUN Jl ters, shelvina'. dravers, eombinatinn gas and electric fixture, bottles, etc., at Phelps' Prue Store, corner Wvnmina avenue and Spruce street, Monday afternoon, July 8. at 3 O -!0"ll. fetrayed or Stolen sjTRAY'ED Oil STOLEN FROM MY PRf M- )J tsei on Tnesdsy nlaht. a dark fed cow. smn'l horns four years o d. A suitable re ward will lie given for h r return. Address joii.h 1-hil.i ir s Old f or e,Ka. stray. 4JTRAYED TO THE PREMISES OP M O -ch arts 4i0 8. V aahington avenue, red cow srhit udder, crooked horus. Owner cau have a. me by paying expenses. Situstlons Wanted. SITUATION WANTED-BY A WIDOW, O with a child 4 yenrs old, as bonse.eepsr; good references. K.3 Nor h Main av-. SITUATION WAN ED-BY A WOMAN TO i no washing, s 'running or can ng - mess, ddress A. C M South Main ava. Clll'ATI'N WANTED BY A WF.LL O rrommo ided man as fireman, janitor, wat.hman. cardener or m .n around the house; permanent p sit ion preferred. Address U. W. A., No. 3fd, Dunmore. Pa., Postothct SITUATION WANTED - BY A BOY 1.1 C? years old; experience In grocery store, driving or clerking. Address J. J. L.. 1U17 Han. p: on st, 4ITCATio"wliNfED-YT6uXi MAN i would represent a good house: am thor otighly acquainted with tlie country; experi ence, seven years' constant travoi. Address D. 6., General Delivery, city. jTtuation WANTttii p"h wjlsbTno i and ironlni; waahi rs taken home. also. Ca 1 or addr as L. B., SJt N. Sumner avonue Seranton, l a. ouMAN speamxg and writ- iV Ing French and English, wishes position in any ki"d of business na ml aman or agent with small wages and ooamlasiou; box Impost office: refere ices iven. WANTED AP.IS1TI- N BY AS E.YI ERl V enced bookkaeM'r; Al references. Ad dress lck Box -7, city. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physiciuusl and Surgeons. DR. G. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 616 Spruce street, tjcrimion, pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, 206 PENN AVE.: 1 to P. M.t rail SU&2. Dis. of Women, obstretrlce and and all dla. of chll. DR. A. J. CONNELL. OVFKE 501 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Franeke's drug stroe. Hesldence, 723 Vine St. Office hours: 10.SU to 12 A. in. and 3 to 4. and 4.30 to 7.90 p. m. Bun day, 3 to 1 p. m. DR. W. KL ALLSUr, U North Washlngtaa avenue. DH. C. L. FREY, PHACTICB5 LIMITED dtaenses of the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat: office, 123 Wyoming ava. Resi dence, 629 Vine street. PR L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, I to I a. m., 1.80 to I and T to t p. nt. Residence 308 Madl Ron avenue. Architects. wnwAnto B' cavis: ARCHITECT, Commonwealth Rooms 24. 2f and building, Boranton. SO. E. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT. OFFICB rear of CUS Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT. 43& Bprucest.f cor. Wash, aye., Boranton, BROWN ft MORRI8, ARCHITECTS, Price building, 1M Washington avenue, Seranton. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better oa Investment than any other association. Call oa B. N. Callander, Dime Bank building. Wallace o!; UPHOLSTERED. 6o2 and 604 tf Lack hit, Cor. Ada Lawyers. JESSUPB ft HAND, ATTORNEYS A -.uuuBeuors at jaw, commonwe building. Washing-ton avenue. v H .ir.sairp HORACE E. HAN W. tt. JESSUP. J XX TT T t Df. tf a T3T5CVT a w a tit torneys and Courtttellortt at Law. T.IlV.tlr.n n l..M,l lw. 11- -V. ; f Al TERSON & WILCOX, ATTO rfte:i,s,nd Counsellors at Law; ollices "'"i s C'-IOIHUII ru, HOSV ELL, H. PATTEKSON, n Ji-i-IA.M A. WILCOX. ALFP.Ed'haND, WILLIAM J. HAS: Attorneys and Counsellors, Comtno -j.-. sunmiig j-wuiiib ii, m ana ii. W. F BOTLE. ATTORNEY-AT-LA Nos. 19 and Burr buiia.ng, WubUil tvu s ctiUC, FRANK T fiVPt.I tti.dvpv T' - --"-'"t - ..,..,.,-1 M Law. Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scraa (Ull, MTT, JA M Efi W OA v enpr. , -r -c.-. ti x-1--v . , . . v ' . , , . . . ' i AAA WI.. C I ai-Law, rooms ta, t and 6S, Common un uuiiaing. fi A M T " F T . W rriC.it. Ttt r.a xTt-v T i-aw. oince, a, bpruco at., Seranton, P L. A WATRES. A fTORNEY-AT-LA s- ijLcaawana ave., Seranton, Pa. UR1E TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY, ITORNEY. ding. ScrA Sums at i Law, Dime Bank Bulldi aonty to loan In large ceni. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY. law, Commonwealth bulldlns. Scrarl ion, ra. C. COMEGYS. S21 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. FSEPLOGLE. ATTORNEY" LOAN! negotiated on real estate security. 4ljj Bpruce street. B. F. KILL A.M. ATTORNEY-AT-LAVi 120Wyoming uve.. Soranton.JPa JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY A law, 4j Commonwealth bld'g, Seranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 138 WYOMING AVE.- Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAll Bridge and Crown work. Office, S ashington avenue. C. C. LAUEACH. SURGEON DENTIa I No. lb Y yoming avenue. R. M. STKATTON, OFFICE COAL E:f. change. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWAN N.. Seranton. Pa., prepares boys and glrlls for coilge or Dustiness; inorousnis. trains young children. Catalogu at isl- Quest, oper.s eptemuer tv. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTiiK ii. BtliLU MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTENS." and school. 41- Auams avenue, opeuii Sept. 10. Kindergarten IIP per term. .Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOlb bulls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed ollllfS aim concert suia luniieiieu. rvw terms address H. J. Bauer, conductor. .? t..,Ttt av-nn... i.VMr UnllwrllS music more. megargei:"brothers. printers' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twin. Warehouse, 130 Washington av.. Scran, ton. l a. Ji'KA. K. 1'. nrsv.'VV. .V K.KJ., ). nub&i . .... .- . . , I ' I T t snle dealers in vt ooawore, coraage sus oil Cloth, ?JA West Lackawanna av. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Hooma 1 and 2ft, Williums Building, opposite postotllc. Agent for tho Rex Fire Extinguisher Seeds. Q. R. CLARK & CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1ST.0 North Main ave nue; store telephoe 7H2. . . TeilS. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR 611 LACKA wanna avenue, Seranton, Pa., manufao turer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. W. pasaenger depot.' Conducted on ths European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prepi WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New YorttJ Rates, 13.50 per day and upwards. (Amsri can plan). E. N. ANABLE, Proprietor. Pioneer of the hotel en ter in New York city Noted for Its superb loo a- tton, superior rooms and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving MORIS VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any tlrst-olasa hotel In ..- , J -J tatlr Sak me woriu, rnima wn. Mth su., Plasa Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown care, anu ine erosstown cars at nth st., which latter in tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal station tth ave; L road within half a block. Aosoitiieiy rireproor. American and European plans. Drinking water and Ice used Is vaporised and frossa on the premises, and certified as to purity by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. 4 .... ' ' : 6 '., ' - '. . ' ' ''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers