THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1J39.1. 1 Pure and "Sure." Always makes wholesome food. The best that Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. 16 BARGAINS IN SHOES RUSSET SHOES AT COST AT THE OMMONWEALTH SHOE STORE Washington Avenue. UR WAGONS CALL Resularly in all jurta of the city. llav. we mimed your Drop poiUl. ACKAWANNA THE LAUNDRY. 308 Hnn Ave. A. 11. WAR MAN. 3 .GRAND GALA WEEK i ef&Me I 4TH JULY WEEK mmi, mi i, th. Be.utiful Comic Optra. AMOR IT A EVERY NIGHT 8.4S O'CLOCK la tL. Pavilion Opera Uouto. SPECIAL FUTURES: SANSONI, Female Hercules. ED. S. PEARL, Wire Performer. KENYON, The Equilibrist. EVERT NIGHT t O'CLOCK SHARP Id th. Curriculum (Circui Ring). LTH OF JULY IflLEDONIflN GAMES Scranton Caledonian Club Picnic Scottish Games and Bagpipers Two Balloon Ascensions Lawrence Band Dancing. Dansing. mi iodr SHADES MADE OF CAMBRIC It Docs Not Fade. It Docs Not Crack. WILLIAMS&McAMLTY 07 WT0IIN6 IVE.1JE. city mm. Farvlew in the resort to which the Scran- Yon will conduct an excursion bn July 18. I .The commission of Thomas A. Ilendrlrk a postmaster of Jermyn ho arrived and Mr. Hendrlok will take charge of the post- bfllce today. I A roof garden social Is being talked about in Young Men's Christian as.ocla. lion circle.. The affair will be held on the A meetings of th. Sheridan Monument asioclatton will be held this evening in Senator Vauahan'i office to make the ,.1nal fnr Ihi ......... tn Lake Ariel on July Fourth. The ladle Will meet in the board of trade room The exchanrea ul h Mcrantnn Pterin Jnouse lain week were: June 21. 1112 ou oi Is JJune 25. $1G5.U7.W; June IX, I140.4M.D2; June 2 i ut,i.b3; June 28. IU7.G70.79; June , . cieat-tmcs for the month. . tMtA- olearltm tnr k. a,.-!, f SO, 1S9(, tl.C33.Z70.U. . ( Anthony Valentine and Anthony Pea. tint. Kalian., vpm r.lna,l rmm .t,. 'vf rn penitentiary Saturday. The men were "fronvleted In this county of robbing clothe, line end ,were enti-Tu.ed to eighteen month' Imprisonment In the penitentiary. The Work of raising the addition to the Commonwealth building; to the heigth of (he atala -building 1 in progres... A committee of the pant chancellor, of he Knlrhte of Pythias of 4hl city met leturday. evening In Dr. Ounneir office for the purpoee of drawing up law. for Toverning the Past Chancellor' aesorla ton, recently organised In thin city. The idrtaablMty of Inviting the Pennsylvania iraad lodge to meet here in August, isws, it Which meeting Or, Dunnell will be eed grand chancellor of the order, wax "7?. " ; 4-' Vek. Care of Vonr Eyes Vur eye. wilt take car of you. . Tf re troubled with' headache or nerv- go to Dr. Shlmaerg and have your raealned free. ,W have reduced wet la thai city. Nickel apes. t t VMi gUV from Si to I. M A money can buy. CRAIG KES1GXE0. Did Not Want to Be tiio cause of Attack on Collector Grant Herring. Deputy CY 1'ector of Internal Revenue William Craig reilgnid hi posltloo on Saturday ctterruon ani It was forth with accepted by his superior officer. Collector tirant He: ring. The latter stated in an interview that kictlon :' Craig wa i alugetlttr unsolldtrj. It has caused mui-h gosa'.p among the pulitician of both partip. and U takm a.4 an index that 4'ulunel V. J. Kltxalin iiinns liasi liurl.'d the hatchet and imoktd the pipe of peaiv, that Craig Is th? burnt offering to propitiate the Bids. Mr. Herring said that Craig gave ns his reason ft r Ptfiipltt-K down and out. Colon-.'! ritzsiminontt' pet-Distent on slaught on th.- collector for retaining him In olilce: father than see 'the col on"! -throtiirh th columns of the Sun day News uft.dl Mr. Herring oil c t.iui'.t of him, Craiit tliuugbt it wits due him as a man of l'i:.r to look for un ci her Jt.b. John KLtzsimmon. publisher of the News, sous'ht an ele;tlon last February to the oillo of aldtrman of the Kthth ward, which he had been uv.polnted by then Governor l'attlson to 1111 instead of C. M. rtsignej. V. s. Millar, the K.'puhllcan isti.lldate, waa elected and shortly afterward an d'toilal In the Ntws churgeil Craig with soliciting money to work in John Fltzslm nions" interest. The subsequent physi cal eniMuntwrs. once at the Meruit ten House uttd aguln n Spruce street, be twejn Colonel Fttaslmmons and Craig are too fresh in memory's puge to re quire rehashing. The News up its battering ram against Craig aiul eventually Included Herrlni; l- li-i taijret and ehe result Is titat It has forced Mr. Craig to resign. The man who will succeed Craig has rot yet Iwn decided upon, but he will be a Scranton Democrat. Collector Herring. William Francis Harrl:y and S. T. MeCormiek. of Wlll lamsport. a brother of the present at torney general, will .ii! Wednesday on the steamship New Yoik for Kurope. They Intend to remain ocros the her ring por.J until September. In vhe meantime Chief Deputy S. R Fausliold will be tn charge of 'the reve nu oilloe and he will make a temporary appointment until the collector' re turn. Craig locate! in Scranton several year ugo and was first noticed publicly wlte.ri appjintcd deputy under the shrievalty of ex-Sheriff Robinson. He cor.tlnud under ex-."herlff Fa hey mull the poftlon he has now resigned was tendere.1 to him. JONES L1KKU THE JEWELRY. So Took Possession of That Owned by cllle Hush and It a. Arrested. XellleDush. of Wllkes-Barre, paid th town a visit Friday night and with (jcorge Jones, a gilded Dunmore youth, peregrinated around by gaslight. When she came to her senses Saturday morn ing her pocket-book was gone, and two rings had been torn from hr fingers. Her money and her rings, she claimed, Inventoried at itx In addition to this he laid vlolcitt hands on her. and her lily-white fingers were painfully lac' erated. She swore out a warrant before Alder man Millar and Constable Jeff Roesl' w.iit looking for the defendant. He found him in th? "Hary," on Perm ave. nue. Jones refused to be arrested and resisted all the way along. C. Q. Car man and Clerk Jordan had to carry Jones Into th alderman's ofHce. For this trouble Jones was fined JJj, and was re'iulred to furnish ball for lar ceny and $:IW for assault and battery. Me could not do this and wa com mitten to the county Jail. But his father appealed yesterday and qualified as his bondsman and was released. W ILL NEED TO EXPLAIN. Butcher Pierce Will II. v. a Hearing Be Tor. I nited States Commissioner. Walter Pierce, who wa.. irrHitui ur. ly Saturday morning for .hovi queer in fcmmi Jones' resort, im t jtrv awanna avenu, will be .given a hearing vy i mifi Mtaies Commbrsloner A. J. t'olborn. Jr., ithle mornlmt at lu uVTrfv He pof ted 1500 in cash wkth Altlerman Amur to appear today. W hrn. arrested he hjd three ui,iot..n. half-dollar coins ami a "split" 5-dolIar bill, Ui.idea $.W In legal tender, In hut possession. Ills place of business was nut open Saturday ami the rx,iif ir,'. ed a varmint. They Relieve tho t he has left the city. If he antx ars at th trial ti;day. some eerktus (lisalnmirea u-hii.h at present, are withheld, are said to be ready for presentment against him. MR. HALL'S SI DDES DEATH. He Expired on the Porch of the Wilson noi.i ! reenviiie. Harry Hall, clerk at the Wllnr.n tin. t". Peckvllle. droDDfd r1ral vjiiio standing on- the porch of ith hotel yes. a ruay amernoon. e fell over the rail ing .to thealdewalk. and when nn life was extlnrit, Apoplexy Is presumed io nave oe.-n me cause or death. Mr. Ifall Wal V.flM flf naa an,1 ..... married. For a number of years he had net n a great urfer?r from rheumatism. Hv was on of the bent-known hotel men In the valley. REV. GEORGE LUCAS BOOK. It n ill Be Hevlewcd In the Saturday I.ane or in. irtDtiae. Th? Tribune has. received from nv George J. Lucatt. of Arcihbald a nm.u ,.r hisbcokon "Agnosticism and Religion," wnicn ne read during his examination the flrst and standard doctorate In the. ology at 'ihe Catthollc university In Washington. It will he reviewed In the Sa'turtlay edition of The Tribune. The book will be on eale ait Norton1. and Carroll' tomorrow for 11.5!.. jl copy of the examination moitter, print ed In pamphUa form, goes with each DOOK. NEW OFFICERS CHOSEN. They Will Have Charge of Seranton C tie, Jlo. 137 a. o. K.of M. 0. Scranton castle. No. 137. Anelent nr. der Knight of the Mystic Chain, met tn regular session in their hall, 421 Lackawanna avenue, Friday evening, June 28, and elected the following: offl- rers for lite ensuing year: 1'uat commander, Alexander Weight man: sir commander. Edward R. Cnn. ley; vice-commander, George - Fenne; first lieutenant, Edward Detolng; re cording acribe, Jama Wllllamon, re. elected; assistant recording; acrlbe, William Welchel; financial scribe. Mark H. Kpruks, re-elected; treasurer, Thorn us H. Spruks, re-elected; chief of start. Char lea I'elrce; a chief of ataff. Charlc Lein; inside guard, Isaac T. Davis; outride guard, John Acker; organist, John T. Richardson, re-elected; prop erty iran, Jacob Zlngle; trustee, elgh ten ttinntha, Edward It. Conley; trus tee, twelve nvmiths, William F. Fenne; trnt"e; six m nths, George Hahn; rep resentative to select castle. James Will iamson; alternate, Mark W. Anderson. The aclect castle of Pennsylvania will convene In Wllke-Barre on Sept. 10, 11, fand 13. 1S& All castle In Lackawan na county are making preparation to take in the afternoon, of the fir t day vf the session, Tuesday, Sept. lu. FOURTH AT LAKE ARIEL. The Programme That Has Been Prepared for I hat Iay. Thursday's exourslon to Lake Ariel will surpass anything In the line of fct'.lval events of recent years. LPreparatlons for the transportation of r-i,ria. Illt,uaai!l4 riSU!Vt 41Ue Ueetl made ai.d the morning trains will leave the Kile and Wyoming Valley iUit at 6.05, i.OO. 8.20., 9M. 10.05. 1I.&0. In the afternoon train will leave Scran ton at 1.15 and a.J3. Trains will return from the lukeut 13.20, 1.15, 2.U0, 3.10, 4.03, 6.t5, 6.45. 8.00. S.41, S.25. Thus It will be eer that there will be no crowding to get to the grounds, nor any to return. The active workers will be on hand lu the morning, selling 'tickets ut the depot; the table waiters and those connected with the manage ment of the picnic will go to the ground early and have everything In readlntfris for the crowd later on. The programme of games will begin at 9 o'clock, the opening number being a game of b; ball between the Morn ing tikirles, of Dun more, and the Gtireku. of 'l.he North for a puree of $lu and the championship of Lacka wanna county, James Mvtiulmiess will be implre. A game of hand ball will next he played r a ptine .f J5 between nery anfl Ollroy, of Dunmore, on one side, ai d McDonald and Donahoe, of the West Side, on the other. John W. McLean will be the referee. Then there will be hammer throwing, first prize, $J; second, 2; hop, etep and leap for a prlie of J2; sack race, two prize, fi and $2; fat nun's race of 100 yards, prize, a silk umbrella; dancing, Irish jig, prizes, $3 and 2; and the las'i: will be a tug of war between teams selected from the North and South mills of the I.a.kawaiKii Iron and Steel company. The literary programme will begin In the afternoon. Attorney A. J. Colborn, Jr., will declaim the "Declara'ilon of In dependence;" Attorney T. V. Powderly will deliver ar oration on "American Patriotism;" arid "Sheridan's Ride" will be recited by Bmerston D. Owen, of The Tribune. TESTIMONY iOXflJCTlXG. Witnesses Saw th Death of Mrs. John John Mora a in a Different Light. Much conflicting' testimony upon the death of Mrs. John Moian, who was killed by a trolley car In Minooka Wednesday night, , waa given before Coroner Kelley an4 Jury in the court house Saturday tilgh t. The evidence of oi class of witnesses indicated ithat "the Traction company employes were blani-less and that the car was running at a slow rate of speed; other -testimony wan to thv ef feet that 'the car w running ait fnjm Ave to ten miles an hour, that the bell was no.t ringing atal that the unfor tunate woman was pu.ihed along the ground from eighteet to lifty feet after the car struck her down. After two hours were consumed in hearing testi mony th? Jury adjourned until tomor row tilght at 8 o'cleck. About a Bcore of witnesses were ex amined, among there being Charles F. Ward, aalestnan in Christian's furnish ing gcxicls store, and W. I. Shea, pas senger on ithe car; Motorman. Foley and Conductor lioylan, John Mo-ran. the dead -woman's husband, ami three or her children .two sons and a duutrli tsr, ithe later lelnff with her mother when the accident happened, and sev era.1 eyewitnenses. LIEUTENANT AND CAPTAIN. D tcs Fixed for Election by Acting Coloml Mattes. Lieutenant Colonel C. C. Mattes, act Ing commumler f th Thirteenth reg. Iment, has. .Issu.i orders for holding electlona of military officers on the- fol lowing dates: Election of flrst lieuten ant of Company l. Vacancy caused by the expiration ot (lie term of First Lleu- tenaM R. M. 8trtton; election will he h.-ld on Friday, July 12, at 8 p. in., lit Company D headquarters. Major Montrose liarnaiil will conduct the election. Election of ciptaln, Company O, caused by the rtMlgnatlou of ('apuln W. D. B. Alirtey, lo be held on Monday, July 1, at 8 p. In., at the company's headquarters In tlontrose. Private Ja cob Kelfer, company ft, memlwr of the stretcher corps, h)is been relieved from further duty In the capacity and Is re turned to the poiik. Private George C. Merriman has beta appointed to fill the vacancy. F.venlng Coni.rt at Y. M. C. A. Conrad's orchestra gave a free con cert Saturday evening In the Young Men' Christian association building. The affair wa liberally patronized that the association management has decided to hold frte concerts during the entire summer, it Baturda "evening's concert the orchestra rendered a de lightful programme, assisted -by Miss Clara Long, Mrs. Conrad, L. It. Cush man, Llewellyn Joties and William Stanton. Ice cream and cake were sold for the benefit of the bus ball club. Th following ladle assisted In the dis tribution: Misses Mabel Musser, Marlon Musser, Emma Bralth, Edith Smith, Grace J, Pettlgrew, Lour NeBell, Gertrude Rice and Ada Doty, Miot Away four Digit. Helmet Kenney, of Uouldsboro, wa fouling with hi shut gun Saturday afternoon and has his left hand resting on the muzzle of the firelock. The charge went off accidentally and iter forated his four fingers so that they had to be amputated. He was taken to ihe Moses Taylor hospital and the opera tion performed on him. The young man I 19 year of age. Important Notice. New firm will soon open at 124 and '120 Wyoming avenue. Store now closed on account of stock taking. Keep your eye on this store, they will have something of Interest to suy to you, . . ftu.Mt Hhoe ut reduced prices at the Commonwealth Shoe Store, Washington avenue. MARRIED. L DAVIS-POURTRICIHT.-Al tho i brlde' home In Taylor, Juna tn, vm, by)R?v. F. A. King, Thomaa Jl vl to Mis Mar tha A, CourtrHrhL ivloiiJ'a, . FIERCE BATTLE HI JESSUP One Mm Killed and Three Wounded in a Serious Manner. ALL KINDS OP WEAPONS USED It I Probable That One of th InJuied Men Will Dlo-ll I a llrother of th. Murdered Man-Storle Are Conflletinf. Pierce yll or men, the shriek of a woman, followed by the report or a re volver and the groan or injured men awoke the peopl of the village of Js up. In WiMun borough, yesterday af ternoon at 5.50 to the realization that a desperate battle was being fought in their inld?t. The scene of the conflict won the Diouse of Angelo Carzlnto. on the Back road, and while the .battle lasted a re volver, two razors and a claup knife and u stiletto seem to have been used with desperate effect. Mike Dentarko, agi-d 37, married, was stabbed through the base of the heart and died almost inetantly. He leaves a wife and one child. Nicholas Dcmarko, brother of 'the murdered matt, 23 years of age and ingle, was shot through the right arm above the elbow and slashed across the right shoulder and over the left nipple. His wounds iare of a dangerous nature, and he suffered greatly from loss of blood. Di Slckler, who was called to attend the wounded 'men, doe. not WiL-ik Nicholas can recover. Paat-on Parretto wa cut from the top of the 'head to the left ear. The wound Is un ugly one and bled pro fusely. He has another cut acron the client, where the breast bone saved hi life, and a third on the left thigh, which Is laid open for a distance of Uhree Incite.1). John Corello suffers from a wound In the right ehouUler. which Dr. Slckler says U a knife wound. Corello Insists that he was shot. He suffers great pain from the wound. Four Men Arrested. Immediately after the battle Burgess Sheridan went before Justice of ths Peace M. F. Kelly and swore out war rants for the arrest of Angelo CurzlMo, Pascon Parreitto, John Corello, Domln lck Dernao.'Charlefi Warder and P?ter Purette on a charge of murder. The first-named four were airrested, but WardVer and Parol te Bitcceedtd in mak ing 'their escape and started In the di rection of Olypltant, where they live. Coronor Kelley wa notified and went to Wlntoit last night, where he empun- eled the following Jury: T. C. Mtlvin, P. F. Griffin, T. V. McDermott, John Ward. P. F. Godfrey and John Lan- gau. After viewing the body the coro ner adjourned to the office of Justice of the Peace Kelly, where the testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Carzlnto, Dorn-' Inlck Dernao and Pascon Parretto was heard. With the exception of Carzln to, none of these could make themselves understood with uny degree of certain ty in English and there was no trust worthy Interpreter available. The pot-oner adjourned the Inquest until 3 o'clock this afternoon, when a post mortem will be held on th? dead man which Is expected to reveal ctrts other than the one which caused death as well as pistol shot wounds. All of the participants tell different stories of the occurrence, but so far as could be ascertained last night the following Is a true statement of the facts: Cause of the I'npleasantnom. Carzlnto, In whose hous the trouble occurred, Uvea on Hack road and keeps boarders, one of whom is Pascon Par retto, a cousin of Mrs. Ccrzlnto, That lady's husband Is Jealous of Parretto, alleging that he pays her too much at tention. The Carzlntoes were married lust January. The husband on Bun days and after his daily labor shaves some of hi countrymen. Yesterday morning he performed that service for several of them and during the afternoon the men whose name huve been mentioned above assembled as his house. Five of them were from the vicinity of Naples and the others. from southern Italy. A dlsput arose and Pascon Parret'to ran upstairs to his room and obtained his stiletto, a long, desperate looking weapon. When he again appeared on the first floor of the house hostilities were re. umed In earnest. Carislnto put Mike Demurko out of the side door and waa treating Parretto the lame way when the latter stabbed and killed Demarko, who fell dead' at Carzlnto' feet. Nicholas Demarko rushed , to his brother' defense, armed with a clasp knife, which he ran Into Parretto' breast. In the meantime two blows from Parretto' weapon laid the shoul der and breast of Nicholas open and he fell bleeding profusely. Warder Had a Mevolv.r. Charles Warder, wha waa armed with a revolver, aeem not to have been Idle during thl time. One shot from hi weapon, entered the arm of Nicholas Demarko, and Corello nay that when he wa forced Irfto a chair by Carzlnto and told to keep quiet. Warder de liberately came up and shot him In the shoulder. Parretto denies doing the killing, and ays the wounds he suffered were In flicted by Angelo Carzlnto and Dom lnlck Dernao, who had razor, and Nicholas Demasko, -who iwas armed with a knife. He positively denies that he had a stiletto, and Mrs. Carzlnto cor ro borates him on thait point, Carzlnto, on the other hand, indig nantly denies that he had a razor or used one, but could not find language to be emphatlo enough In saying that Parrettowentupstalrswheni tho trouble begun, got bit stiletto and used It, Mrs, Oaninto, K would aeem, Is endeavor ing to shield her cousin. From the In formation now at hand It does not seem thut Peter Farette had an active part in tho slashing. Carzlnto, who to the most Intelligent of the party and the beat able to use the English language, served two years In the Danncmora penitentiary for criminally assultlng a woman In New York state. He seems determined to fasten at least the greater part of the reaponslbllty for the murder on Pascon Parretto, who is a alngle man, 24 ytar of age. Corello is a widower. Dernao May Tell the story. Domlnlck Dernao 1 a stolid individ ual, who supports Carzlnto' story that ParetUo had a stiletto. It 1 probable that, through an interpreter, he will -tell the whole story of th trouble to day. County Detective Leyshon, accom panied by Deputy Sheriff Ferber, wen to Jessup last evening, and after the hearing brought the four men arrested to thl city and lodged them In the sta tion house for the night. Paretto and Corello complained of great pain from their wounds. The house where the buttle occurred 4s a small two-story frame building, and after the cutting it resembled a slaughter lioiwe mure than a dwelling. There was blood everywhere, the floor of the dining room being covered by a large pool of the crimson fluid. County Detective Leyvhon has the clasp knife of Nicholas Demarko, which is covered wllh blood. The point of the Urgent blade la gone, evidently ihuvlng 1ceu broken during the fight. He has also a case which Curzlnto identities a the covering of ParreDto'n tilet,to. The weapon itself could not be found last night. A razor was also found In t'lie house, which Carzlnto says is tils property. It does not look as. If it had a part In the hostilities. CAVENE Y'S GREENBACK. Thought It Wa Worth More Than II Was Allowed for It. On Saturday Alderman Wright Issued a warrajit for James Kelly, the proprie tor of a 'hotel on Von Storch avenue, Green Rixlge, on a charge of keeping a gaimlhlLng house preferred by Kdward Caveney. It appears that on June 4 Mr. Cave ney and several friends were In Mr. Kelly's They played cards and drank, and presently when Mr. Caveney went to pay his score he handed Mr. Kelly what the latter asserts was u. SI bill. Mr. Caveney said It was a S5 bill and demanded change accordingly, which was refused, the hotelkeeper ex plaining that he received only $1. The matter elumberedtintll Saturday, when Mr. Caveney had a warrant is sued. 'Later In the day the 'parties got together and came to an understand ing, and the charge will be withdrawal today. The statements that Mr. Kel ly's pluce was on Capouse avenue and that he kept money given him In trust, which were made by a ooritainporary, were altogether Incorrect. THREE OF A KIND. Anecdotes Men, with a Dash of Humor in I'noh One. From the Philadelphia Record. Sir Robert Teel, speaking of Lord FJdon, remarked that "even his fallings Ita n to vli'tue'a side;" upon which a gentleman observed his lordship's fall ings resembled the 'leaning tower of Pisa, Which, despite long Inclination, hud never gone over, A Portuguese artificer, who was sus pected of free-thinking, waa at ithe point of death. A Jesuit who came to confess him, holding a crufllx before his eyes, said: "Behold the God whom you have so much offended. Do you recollect Him now?" "Alas! yes, father," replied the dying man; "It wats I .who made him." A youth to fortune and to fame un known sent Dumas the manuscript of u new play, asking the great dramatist to become his collaborateur. Dumas was for a moment petrified, then he seized his pen and replied: "How dure you, sir, propose to yoke together a hoi ae and an mm'!" The author, by re tutu of post. vrJ:e: "How dare you, sir, call me a horde'."' Dumas, by next mail: "Send ine your play, my friend." Fell and Itroko Her l eg. Mrs. Mary Fannon, of Bellevue, wns carrying a bucket of water up a (light of stairs Saturday afternoon at her home In Itellevue, when she slipped and fell, breaking her light leg. Mrs. Fan non was titken to the Lackawanna hos pital fur treatment. Stole a Twenty Hollar Dill. A 120 hill was stolen from the cash box of A. W. J Uriah's bicycle F tore on Bprure street Saturday. Itootblncks are suspected of having taken the money while the proprietor was in the basement. Hit Ordered th Iron Hhipp.d. City Engineer Phillip has sent an order to the Phoenix Hrldge company to ship the , Iron work for the new Roaring Brook bridge at once. He want to huve work begun in a few days. Lehigh Valley Railroad, A delightful trip to the Rockies can b made cheaply by taking advantage of spe cial low rate via Lehigh Valley Rout to Denver, Col, on account of National Educational association meeting July 6 to 12. Ticket sold July 3 to 5. Inclusive, good for return until July 15, with exten sion of limit to August SI, If desired, af fording ample time for side trips to Colo rado Bprlngs, Manltou, Pike' Peak, etc. City ticket office, 309 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Pa. A Satisfactory tlargaln. At Churoh-Tlrtd Child-Mamma, how mttoh did you put In the collection? Mother A quarter, my dear. Tired Child Well, this preacher give an awful lot for the money. Pittsburg Hull. tin. Rough on lllmsolf. Invalid Doctor, I should not fear death, but I am o afraid of being burled alive. Physician You need have no fear of that with m attending you, New York Week ly. ' To Onr Cn.tomer, The demand for Pocono sc. cigars Is In creasing o fast that order are necessar ily somewhat delayed order before you are entirely out and hav. a little patience. W. nr. Increasing the output dally. UARNEY, BROWN CO. Those two or three teeth you've lost can be replaced without plate at Dr. A T. Wh.aton'. Once, ' ill Lackawanna avenus. FIRE ntSJRE CHEAP Wilson Bill His Reduced the Price of Them Fifty Per Cent. GETTING READY FOR FOURTH A Seranton Deal.r In Pstrlotie Ammuni tion Assert That th gum of $25,000 Will Be Expended to Properly Cele brate th Fourth In Seranton. A Tribune reporter called on local dealer in fireworks Saturday with a view to finding out what opportunity will this year bw offered to "Young America" to explode hi patriotic exu beratlon on the Fourth of July. The discovery made was that all Indication are far a noisy on Independence Day as has been witnessed up to date, if not the nolsest. Mr. Williams, of Lackawanna ave nue, a large dealer, said that the com ing Fourth will bet crackerjuck for the price of the toy explosives ha declined 60 per cent., owing to the reduction In tariff by the Wilson bill, consequently twice ns much nolwe can be made for the sume amount of money. There have been no radical changes In Ihe manufacture of the common fire cracker over that of last year. There are different kinds of fire-crackers now adays, more than there used to be. The old kind was hardly loud enough for the modern small boy. To satisfy him dealers are putting on the market a brand known to the world as dynamite. They make so mu-h noise that it Im generally supposed they contain a dan gerous explosive. The change has Come because they are pucked tighter. Tho Torpedo I Popular. The one tityle of fireworks for which there is the most demand is the festive torpedo, which the xtnall boy delights to stand behind a corner with and throw ut the "copper" as he passes swinging his Luton. This yeur, they ure rolled lit tin foil und wrapped tighter and they make a louder noise when they explode. They will retail at r, and 10 cents a package. The toy pistol will not be seen very- much this year as the popular outburst of feeling against it seems to have killed it before It had a chance to do any more killing on its own part. Of course there will be cap pistols on the market which are made In imitation of the regular revolvers und which shoot caps alone. The caps, too, are rather formidable affairs und maVje a noise that Is not to be despised. If It Is commonly believed that only the small boy Is concerned In this busi ness on the Fourth let it be Immediate ly dispelled. Men, the book Bays, are but children of a larger growth, and a few hours on the streets will soon con vince that after dark 75 per cent, of the fire crackers are set off by boys who huve left the glamor of youth far be hind them. Woe to the unlucky cur that allows the boys to fasten a tin can to Its tall: woe be the drowsy toper that goes to sleep In the hallway from the effect of too much liquid lightning. Amount of Money That Uocs I p In Smoke. Mr. Williams stated that nr less than $25,000 Worth of explosives will be UBed this Fourth In Scranton. That mean?, according to the drop In prices, that there will be Just twice as much got and therefore twice the noise. The common pack of fire-crackers lias dropped to 3 cents 'from S and is very much larger. Then there are single rockets that cost us much as J25o. But one pa triotic family can hold Its end up well enough by an outlay of tiO. This will give the older members a chance to sit on the piazza and touch off a half dozen rockets, a dozen or more Roman candles, as many soln wheels, para chute rockets, while the boy may amuse themselves making the dog, cats and street gamins move. "We are beginning to have a large sale," said the fireworks man to the reporter, "and we expert that the a.tles by the time the Fourth is over will be almost unprecedented. I do not know whether it Is patriotism or Just love of noise but the ubiquitous small boy has evidently been saving up his pennies more carefully than ever before with the fond assurance that he can have a great deal more fun for a great deal lesa money. The stock In Scranton's stores Is kept divided and notices are conspicuous foi bid. ling smoking. A Pleasant Piano for tho Rick. Miss A. K. Jordan, graduate of the Bos ton City Hospital Training School for Nurses, has opened a sanitarium at 720 Marlon street, where she will receive per sons suffering from, nervous diseases, ca turrh and rheumatic affections. Special features connected with the aatitturlunt are electric, medicated and vapor baths, also massage treatments which are given to ludles only on week days from 8 a. m. to 6 p. in. Kvery effort has been made to make the sanitarium a pleasaut home for those that need rest, and the best of care is assured all that come. Y. P. S. C. t. Convention, Boston, Macs. For the above occaelon tickets may be purchased via the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western railroad at rate of one way fure for the round trip, tickets good going July 8 to 11, Inclusive, good to return at any time until July 31. Bear In mind you have a choice of diverse routt. and thnt the "Lackawanna" gets you there two hours quicker than any other line. Do Not Try to Suffer with your eyes. If your glasses do not (It you, go to Dr. Shlmberg and have eye. ex amined free. We have reduced price. lowest In the city. Nickel spectacles, SI to 82.50; gold from 84 to Vi. 80S Bprure. Piano for Sale. A high grade 7 1-3 octave piano. Beauti ful mahogany case, repeating action and all modern Improvements, No better piano made. Will ba sold very chtap. For particular address Box 227. Buy th Weber and get th best. At Guernsey Bros. ARE YOU DEAF? DONT YOU WANT TO HEART TMI AMRAPHONC Will help yen If ron do, II la a recent sclent I flo Inv.ntioa to as sist the baarins of anr on. not HORN deaf. V hen in th. .ar It i. Invisible, and doe. not ranee the slight Hit dleroiafort. Itl.totb.ear what glaiaos sr. to the y. an ear spectacle. An exp.rl.ncBd Anrlst will be at the Wyo ming Houm, Beranton, on July 1, A t, 4, 6 and A, from a. m. to A p. n., wbar. ts.y can b tetted Froo of Charge. THE AURAPHONE CO,, TIS Metropolitan Bldf, Madison Bqusrs, Mew York. BEST SETS Of M M Iseladlnf tit poJnltu xtrMttoff wjia vj mi uaurnir bow r S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., FOR FOURTH OF JULY Bananas Oranges Lemons 1 Watermelons Peanuts Candy, Cakes Ginger Snaps Hams, Bologna Cigars Wit have niuJc preparations to supply all the I ottt tli of July Mo nies and Excursion from Scranton and nearby towns with the above Koods at inside wholesale rate. THE SCRANTON CASH STORE F. P. PRICE. Agent This article is invaluable as a FRUIT PRESS, and ee . ftAfln 7- press it has t no equal. It I leaves the po I tatoes as light as a ( feather and i white as 1 Sim PRICE 45 CENTS C. S. WOOLWORTK SI9 HCKAWtNKi I.VENUE. Green and Cold Stora Frsnt P. Hatter, Shirt Maker AND. Men's Outfitter. 4(2 SPRUCE STREET, sCRMT0H,a 20SLACMWMN1 ML TNE CfLIMATIft ire at Pmw.I lb stM fnM aa Fnnirrea t; Wtrroems OSpesMOriumBus Monu'mtnt, SOB Washington Av.S3rant0n.Pa. WOOIiWOBTiTS 1 J. LAWRENCE STELLE, REMOVED TO 303 SPRUCE STREET, SCRANTCI PIAlSAlttf From the same flntaliu Shoot Music, Muolc Folios and Small Musical Instrument? atGroatly Rcduoc J t V MSMl The last of our Leg-, horn Hats; $2.00 and x $2.50 Hats sold for -1 l,C Come early to secure one. Trimmed Hats, - . Jq 20 dozen Lawn Baby Caps, SILK WAISTS. Closing out the bal ance of our Silk S j 9 11 nr Waists SILK SKIRTS. The balance of Silk!1 7.98 bkirts at S3k Creponne Skirts at tlNQ . Formerly $25.00. If you have furs repaired now will storage them , free of charge during the summer. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. HE1T TDAHE DIKE BIHL Blue Serge Coats and Vests for , $5.00. Whit Duck Pants for $1.00. (LMkrs. Hdtsra& FurnisrWa : Let vour Wagons,' Carts or, Farming Implements look shabby or fall to pieces for the want of a coat 01 HHII.'kJ 1 utn.'iini uhim 1 uiiiu.ii imuwii 1 nuii ' VI. hn,- ..... avuw. JVM. ' j w".rr;j it some rainy day and make' I--,, ill,. ...... It is a practical paint, mada . especially for this purpose.' : Samnle card and nrlees at : 'A ' . M UCXAWANM AVENUE. ' Bl HUTS AT - onn'o MUOICg DEALUH, makers as keret:r:n in 1.. 't