. ' - f . t . -. 'v, - , - . . .w,- . '.- : : . EIGHT TAGES G4 COLUMNS. SCKAXTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1895. TWO CENTS A C Never had as much "olid value purchasing power since muney was coined, as It ha In this year of grace at the close of the 'At 19c We hav today placed on our table-s 75 pieces of the hiphest grade of Imported Dimities which we guar antee have not hitherto been offered at less than 25 cents. The coloring and designs are ex quisite, and possess ti a-.piarked degree that dainty delicacy hlch Is characteristic of everything In French Printed Fabrics. At 19 cents These new French Dimities are the best Wash Hoods value that we have ever ottered so arly In the season. At 19c An odd lot of twenty-five- of thirty pieces of the , Very Best This la just about half the cost of Importation. True, the range of patterns is not as complete as It was a couple of weeks ago, but there's not a. bad shade or denlgn In the lot, and at 19 cents they're imply given way. la a low price for a high class Shirt "Waist. , We've got a few dozens of this season's make that we'll let go at this figure.' They're clean value for 9th Iiprtei Swire Sis 50c, $1.00 i ' J ' - . ' QUE OF A WINTER NIGHT John Muddy Confesses Huving Mur dered His Wife. HEK BODY UXDCK THE HOUSE After More Than Two Years tho In fective Start I pun tho Murderer's Track -Story of the rhn.o and Capture. Toledo, O.. Jun. .TO. John K. Mundy, who was u..;k . d of havins murdertxl hi wife In thU city. vs cu;tutvd ut hi hoin.. In St. Loul. by Chief Uult and lvt.-ctlve Xleliter. and wan brought h'iv tiKlay and lucked up In llc? In ii!iu:ir:oi-. lie has mad," a full confVs.-'.in of the horrible affair. Th body of .Mrs. Mundy was found ur.'lcr . heurv In 'this r' y, whore lt hud lain foi two joars. Th authorities tlr.-'t rearvhed JVtrott, where It was le.trr. d Mundy h.ul ginc. but he had K'tt there-, and. on Information that he had g.wve to St. I.oui-4. th;-y wev.'t there. In t".. Louis tho dettx-tlvos lost n tSte In grKtnjTtfi 'th-. n.ldivss j;ive:i In the d!rtot.-iy. Yh- n th-jy came to the house th.'X w.tv ntt vln doomed to d'.s appolr.i:mei!. Tlfre win no sut-h man living th-.r. Hut the woman wh; came to :he door ."aid that Mumly had moved three treo.ts aRo, and th th night he had gun to live In Or.tnd avt-nue. After a careful searvh of that lot.- fi:ret Muhdy's house wua Kcated a: N'. 3:'M. A woman cam? to the ilwrrho sail she was the wif of Mundy. Sh said h-r husband was working at th Siuth Side ho'il. in tlu priK-essi of civuftrnc tii n The ToUhIo and St. Louts oillcers ha'.fa brt'f conference, nnd It was de cided thait Chief Dotectlve Desmond and two of his men should go to the ho tel and take Mundy In. VtnnJ"s Arrest. This was tbne without delay, and sxn th'? prls.mfr was In Chb'f Harri gan's private otlioo, in the Font' Courts prison. He was as paie as d-jath and chock like an aspen leaf. He did not know why he was arretted, but his Sulky ci it'rl.'nce emild rv t b con trulltd. Chief Desmond put Mundy on th.? rack. For two hours h- lab.nvd with the doss-Hi prisoner without a word of confession. He told plausible storiu, and could n. t h? tripped or c. jc!ed. At lay: Dtsmond trave up the Job In dit-sust and ordered the prisoner locked up. Mundy wa out In double Irons, and in company with the Toledo officers boarded last evening a train out of St. Lciuis. Mile after mile Mundy and the watchful officers of the law rode In a d-'Uble seat in silence. Not a word wts rpoken. Mundy began to twist and siiulim. His lips were pressed tiirhtly together, his ha-Ji trembled anil his whole frame shook with suppressed emotion. He was abou: ready to col-lap-ij. Chief Raitz turr.el, slappd him suddenly on the knee, nnd ?ald, wlrh Icy dirtinctness: "Mundy, you miht as well tell what you know about this matter. I have enough evidence to hang you, but if you '.ell the truth with out any falsehood." It will bo all the bet ter for you In the end." Mundy weakened t4hly as the chif spoke. The strain rl Ibeen too grfit for his nerves. Littl Iy little he told the story of the awfS feed. Confesses trw rime. "Yes, I killtd her," ?ald the prisoner, chokinr; with emotion. "The deed was done In January, ISO;!. 'Vyelld not live happily tegi-th?r and she had '.Tie ar ersted ar.d flntd In police court the monMi bf-fone. I was angry and had been drlnklns. The devil himself mut have bef;n In me that awful night. The children had all gone to bed. We had words and I knocked her down. I thought she wa? d;ad, she lay still and dil not breathe. "Then the df.mon Rot Into mo. I choked her until s'ae got blank In the far-e. I knew she was dead, but I was will crazy. I took the butt end of a butcher knife thit had a metal handle and was sharp at the end, and Jabbed It Into her neck. That Is what made the hole there. I M n it use a revolver. ' "Then I wrapped her up In a rug, thrust her body Into a clo-rt and locker the door. I kept It there two days, an l did not know whit to do with It. I told the children tha't their mother had run way. We had three children two boys by my first wife and 3-year-old t Irl by this one. I "The second night I took up a cleat tcross the closet door, sawed the floor nnd purhed her body under the. house, tho ground was frozen. A Joist pre teKied tho body from slitting right, so t got ft rope, tied her hands together, got under the house myself and dragged ttie corpse six feet away from the hide III the floor. Then I nailed the clent down again over tho saw marks, so they could not bo deteoted from the In side. The next morning I sent the chll-ib-pn to my brother-in-law, a man named Marker, w'ho was gate tender In tie Detroit depot. I put them In care 0 the conductor. "The next day, which was Hnturday, 1 (went to Detroit, myself, and have not hvn tm Toledo since. I told relatives In Detroit that Utile had desertod me, nnd thkt I had broken up housekeeping. To others I told different stories, and an tlnte wore on I began to feel safe. A ye si ago I moved to St. Ivuls, where I tia been since. The woman you saw at rny house In Orand avenue Is my niece." ' . The Mnrdcrod Womnn, The murdered woman was formerly Miss Llllle Morrison, and lived with her widowed mother In Tecumseh. Mich. Site was about. 22 years old at the time she was so foully murdered, and had been married to Mundy three years. Lizzie Mundy, the woman with whom he was living In St. Louis, Is a yrninf niece of Mundy. Her name Is Lizzie Mundy, and he took her with him when he first went to Detroit. They have been living together ever since, and a baby was born a short time aero. She knows nothing of, the murder as yet. FROM TOWPAT11 TO PRISON. Youthful New York llurglcrs Warmly Ro cetved In Little rolls. Little. Falls, N. T., June SO. James Hennessey, ged 18; Thomas Riley, 16, nd Thomas, Ryan, 21, all of New York ty, and John PJnoskle, aged 16, of mstordam, were arrested in an old shed on the Erie towpath, one mile ea t of this city, a'. S.30 o'clock this morning. They had In their (Kwsesslon two boxes containing sewing machine tois and thread which had been stolen from a sealed car ftanding on 'the. New York Central -track?. They were adjudged guilty this after noon, and II it. m Sivy and Ryan were sent 'to the Albany penitentiary fur six months each. Kilty to the Herkimer county jail for six months, and lino skle for four months. - - - - - PUIISIDI.M'S SALARY SHORT, A IH-'ficlt of One Cent Promptly Made (ooJ on Its PUcoM-ry. Washington, June SO. A warrant for one (1) cei.t In favor of drover Cleve l.n.d, president of 'the I'nlted States, was forwarded today from the treasury to Oray (bibles, Mass. This rum was found to be due the pri sldi-nt as salary upon the adjustment of Ills account for the llscal year. The president's pi-lary account I stu'ted monthly by Thomas llot.vmb, auditor of the treasury for the state ib-partmeit. From there the account Is t:ent to the warrant division, examined and ItWiiiUled by the chler of the divi sion. AitinK Secretary Wyke then sIkiis it, and Acting Comptroller Row er.' cir:lilis to Its correctness. The warrtu-t i co r.pleted by United States Tivas-urcr, Morgsn directing 'the dis bursing oficer of the white house to pay the mid mentioned In the warrant, and his ut.ount with the treasury Is credited with the amount lu 'the war rant on Itsjiresvnt.'U'.on to the treasury. The present's salary Is t'.O.iVJO a year, paid (monthly, and the monthly warrant is r $I,1:I16.C6 2-3. or Jt.lfiO 2-3 ea 'h mon',. It was found that one third of a cint for this month had been overlooked u drawing the warrants, and the conf-sent today Is the result of the correct all ling up of the account. lH)V.LI.t(;i:i) MKN'S C.I.IK. New Organization of Wilmington, Dc!., Starts Off with Twenty .Members. Wilmington, Did., June 30. A How legged Men's club was formed In this city tonight. It starts out with twenty metnlters. The organization Is the out growth of mi accidental meetltiHt of half a dozen men, whose legs are bowed, ut the bakery of Frederick Hock, corner of Linden and Adams streets, one week ago tonight. The coincidence (Impressed them so stronifly that a club was suggested by Mr. Hock. A t.-ar was at once effecti kiraty orK.mlzatlon and notices were sent to all how-leg til men In town to join them tonight Fredetkk Hock, tht chief promoter of the organization, is i native of Wurt ember?, Uormany, wiere he was born In 1S.V1. When he w t 16 years old he participated In an abiletic contest in which only bow-legg.ll men were con testants. It was the recollection of this occasion that suggestAl to him the or ganization of the club month the club will exhibition. n this cUy. N-'xt Slve an atUIui.u TRAIN IN TiM: LAKE. l ocomotive nnd I'lftccdCnrs Hacked Into I ake Krlo at kclliv's IstunU. Smdusky, O., June in. A locomotive and diet en ears loaded with Btono went to ;b" bottom of Laka Krle at Kelley's Island yesterday. TM fireman Jumped find fvwaiied uninjured, but the- engi neer, Louis H. Cover,' was seriously If net fatally burned. The aecblent oc curred on h? Ktone t cks, which are comn'tted by a railroad with the big stone rjuarries. The cats were load:d, and ns thr-y were nsc.ndlng the steep Incliaa the ej.gliu .-r lost control of his engine, nnd the entire train backed Into the lake and th train hands. In Jumping, were seriously Injured. The train lies In about thirty-five fwt of water and will be lais-ed. i AN OFFH ,VL ORGAN. Snm I'lillllrs "III uhllsh n Newspaper foi Nntlonnl Utiniihllcnn l.cnguo. Kt. l'aul, Minn. June 30. Secretary M. J. Dowllng, of the Republican Na tlonal league, le newspapi r to be organ of the It strengbthen the ves that a weekly nown as the official ;ue would grently gnntsatlon and has given his npprovn Republican Leagu and support to The Leader, which Is to be S't-irled In NevJ York In October by Sam A. Phillips. well-known north mnn. western newspaper The (flump In Minnesota memb league. backed strongly by of the Republican THREE MliS iMAN(iLEI. Intoxlcntcd llnninrlnns Struck and Killed hy a I ilili Vnllay Trnln. Raston. Pa.. Jiie 30. At 1 o'clock this morning tin crow of a Lehigh Valley freight tra n found the remains of three men on he track at Green's lirldge, near Phil pMhurg, N. J. They were recognized i i the bodies of t'hrce Hungarians emi -yed at tho Alpha Cement works, ait Vhltaker, N. J. The men were se n walking nlong the trn.-ks from PhllipKtiurg Intoxicated, and had been warned to get oft tho track about, two hotiis before they were found dead. Tliclr- bodies were budly mutilated. I DURANT MURDER CASE. Tho Prosecution U Winded with Im portant livldcnco. Fan Francisco, Jne 30. Tho police are Klvlmr conslderhbln time to the preparation of the ijurant murder case for trial. The Intlriattoti Is given out that the detectives kre holding a grt-at deal of Important evidence In the back ground. Intending to overwhelm the de fense with the unexpected testimony at the trial. i It Is understood Hist Durant's aitdor noys have atrandoned the notion of ask ing for a change of venue. ItlARY ELLEN AS A SYRIAN. She Adopts an Oriental Costtimo When Hiding a lllcyclo. Wichita, Kas., June 30. Something of a sennatlon was caused In thl city yesterday by Mrs. Ellen Lnase appear ing on the main thoroughfaro of the city rbllng a bicycle and elaborately dressed In a Syrian costume, Including large trowaers buckled. 1 In an Interview she sold she abom inated bloomers and thought the Syrian costume tho proper thing. "Bicycle riding," she says, "Is the next thins to having wings.". ; NATURAL CAS EXPLOSION Accident at the Edison riant la ChIcaio. BKAYEKY OP AN EXGIXEEK Although Itadly Injured lid Crawls Through Six Inches of Scalding Water and Turns (iff the (ius. Prevent ing Further Trouble. Chicago. June 30. Im1 night an ox pltslou of natural gas took place un der the boit.-rs at the Chlcugo Kdlson plant, lu the rear of the big Newberry library. The englm-er and II reman were l-adly injured, one boiler wrecked, nnd all those living north of the river using Incandescent lights were left In duknoHK. The miracle of It all Is the oscape of the big library building and its valuable collection of bix5ks. If the explosion had occurred when the big double doors of th-j holler room were closed at the oaat. a part of the library would have been blown to pieces. As it was, the heroism of Knglnoer Jenkins In turning off the g'.is from -the main saved further wreckage and perhaps iin Immense Iofs of life, for u largi crowd was attracted to the scene by the llrtt explosion. His bravery In t rawllng twenty feet through six Inches of scalding water, along a dark sub way tilled with blinding, Br-uldlng Hieum nlone stayed a second explosion of natural gas that was fillling his big boiler room ready for -another deadly work. The loss Is small. NEW YORK WAS DRY. Saloon-keepers close Their Itoors I'pon a I hirst v populace. New York, June 30. Today was a particularly "dry" Sunday In this city. Tho saloon-keepers generally kept their places dosed. In a few Instances the Fide doors were open, bift In order to gain admittance, a person had to be very well known to the semtlncls on duly. The reports In the famous "Ten detloln" were closed ns tight as ti drum, and In some of the hotels a drink could only be obtained by tho who were well known. I'p to a late hour this evening only one excise arreat had been made. The result of the strict enforcement of the excise laws, according to some who are well posted, will be the In troduction Into this city of tho "speak easles" well known In other cities where the excise laws are even more stringent than they are here. DEMAND DEIt'S RELEASE. knights of l.nhor ill Act In I'ntson to Tlint KnU Within Slxtv Days. Washington, June 30. Oeneral Mas ter Workman L. P. Sovereign of the knights of .Labor reached Washington this morning with his secretary, and went to the new hfadquarteis of the order, fronting the Capitol grounds. Alluding to the Incarceration of Eu gene V. Debs, Sir. Sovereign said: "Within sixty days every member of the Knights of Labor In the United States will be called upon to devote one day to the simultaneous expression of a vigorous protest against the Imprison ment of Debs, and for a demand for his release. Debs was convicted with out evidence, wlithout a jury trial, and In violation of the constitution of the United States, but I do not believe that ex-en wlt'h these facts before him drover Cleveland will grant Debs a pardon." HE EXECUTED (iLTTEAU. Robert Strong, tho Washington Jailer Hies of Old ago. Washington, June 30. Robert Strong, familiarly known as "Colonel Hob Strong," who executed (5ui';eau, the assassin of President (larfleld, died In thin city yesterday of Infirmities inci dent to old age, being close upon his eightieth year. He had liee-n an oflkdal of the district Jail nearly thirty years, and during that period executed eighteen crimi nals, the last one only a year ago, when his nerves seemed as steady as If not slralneil by the wear and tear of ;ven-ty-nlne years of life. SHOT HIS It AH Y SISTER. Child Probably Mortally Wounded Whllo at IMnv. Yfrk, Pa., June 30. The 8-yoar-old grandson of County Commissioner Cun ningham secured a gun and cartridge during tho absence of his parents and plnyrully poinKd the loaded weapon at his t-year-old sister. ft was discharged, the charge enter Ing the chin of the little girl. Her lower Jhw was shuttered, her face was terri bly lacerated and several fingers of the left hand were shot off. The child will probably di-j. STARRED NEAR THE HEART. John lllldehrnnd Collides with an Italian's knife. Lancaster, Pa., June 30. John IliKle brand, a young man of this city, was probably falully t'iabbed at an early hour thlB morning by Frank Casldo, an Italian, who was Intoxicated and re sented some remarks made by Hllde brand and a party of friends. Casldo was nrrested and locked up. dllldelirand's Injury consists of a terrible cut nenr the heart and his con dition Is very precarious. KILLED WITH A HALL HAT. Tho Identity of tho Murdered Man in t'ouht. Washington, June 30. In an alterca tion about a woman at Carlln Sprlnc, Va., a few miles from this city, Lewis Horry struck another man over the head with a base ball bat, with fatal results. The Identity of the murdered man has not been positively established, but he II believed to have been James Newsom, of Memphis, Tenn., an old employe at the capltol building here. HELD Ul FOR COUNTERFEIT. Peddler Gerard (Jets Rid of s Had Rill and Whips I P Ills Mors. Lake Grove, L. I., Juno 30. Luther Gerard, a tlsh peddler, was held up this morning by two men while driving in a lonely road near Holbrook. Al though he had a sjnaj) boy with him In his wagon, he did not think It worth while to resist, so he handed over to the men a one dollar counterfeit bill which somebody passed on him long ago. Tho robbers then let him drive on. Shortly afterward the men began fir ing upon him. He gave the boy a small revolver nnd told him to return the lire, The lad did so, while Gerard whipped his horse to a run. There was a chase for a while, but (Jerard linally dis tanced his pursuers and came galloping Into the village with several bullet holes In the body of his wagon. A MAN OF PLUCK. Iktth l.cgs broken, but llo Calmly Smoked a Ctgnr. Norrlstown, Pa., June 20. An exhibi tion of wonderful nerve was.glvcn hero by John Letitbun. He hud Imth legs broken by a qutrry cave-in at (V I Irion's, ConBhuhoclten. Ho was brought to the hospital here, u distance of four miles. Ij'iithan astonished the umbuliinee surgeon by calmly smoking a cigur dur ing tho trip. t shootixgYkstival nanguriitinn Ceremonies at the Opening of the KcliiietJcnhutiJiit New York. Xi'w York, June 3d. The inaugura tion ceremonies of the first shooting fes tival of the National Sehuct7enhund of the United States of America com menced this morning, from which hour until 7 p. m. tho quiet surroundings of the- SchutKcn park, at (Hernial.-, I.,. I., re-er-lKnd with the nttack of powder nnd the ping of the bullets. From usidy tiiiM-ning until about 11 a. m. rain f.drf st: adlly, but t this hour the nun caniL- out. The threatening aspect of tin.' weather militated graKly against the tittendunce In tho morning and ear ly afternoon, but when tile wea.ther looked rettled tlu crowds commenced tj rrlve, and fully X.OiM piople were scattered through the park. 4 Herniate Mik Is about twenty mlnutcj' ride Iroin Long Island City, and Is a place of great natural beauty, with un urea of uU-ut thirty acres. Tomorrow the Sehuetzi'nfest will bo formally opened, today's shooting be ing for general prizes open to all com ers. Tlie parade starts at 9 o'clock and will be participated in by -all the local and visiting rille clubs, ad the Cerinan veteran soldiers, the Turners and sing ing societies of New York. Hrouklyn arid New Jersey and m'any of the Volktv fest organisation. At Union Square (ovetnor Morton, Mayor Stiw.g and o'.her honorary 'aieniiliei'S of the society will review the parade. UKi ROW THREATENED. War Is l.iuMo to Occur in Tacoma on tho fourth. Tacoma, Wnsh, June 30. Indications point to an old-fashioned Oriingvm-.'n's light here on the Fourth of July. The celebration committee has been arrang ing for several weeks past for the blg rtot -vl,tmion In the northwest, in cluding a procession two miles long. Hibernians and other Irish societies ure taking a deep interest, having contrib uted money and written communica tions saying they would display no Hag save the Stars and Stripes. The Amer ican Protective association refuses to march with the Hibernians nnd have decided to parade and celebrate all by themselves. While the big pirado will be In tho afternoon, the American Protective as pjclatlon parade takes place In tho morning. Tli.-y promlfo to turn out 4,000 men. The Hibernians and citizens who are getting up the general cele bration nre Indignant. The feeling Is running high. TKACiEDY IN A CHURCH. An earnest Worker Shoots Herself Through tho llcnrt. Ttlchmond, Vn., Juno "0. A std nnd startling ttagedy occurred hero this afternoon while the lnsthymn of the ser vice, "Awake My Soul, Stretch Kvery Nerve," was being sung at Dr. 1 logos, the Second Presbyterian church. A s harp repot t was heard ns If coming from the rear of the building. Two of the church oillcers went out nnd In the infant class room found Miss Minnie Wilkinson, a lady about 3a years o.f age stretched dead upon the floor. She had shot herself through the heart with a pistol. Miss Wilkinson was an earnest work er In the church and was greatly be loved by the congregation. Recently she had been suffering from melan cholia, and had told friends that she did not wish to live. KILLED HYAN INSIIOOT. Fatal Result of a Scrub llaso Hall (iinnc. Philadelphia, Juno RO. William C. Dewees, a young paper .hanger, was one of a party of men who were playing a rcrub gnme of base ball yesterday. Dewees wna nl tho bat facing the pitching of a policeman naim-d McDon ald, wdien a speedy Inshoot fitruck him on the head, felling him unconscious to the ground. Dewees was taken to the hospital, where he died today from hemorrhage of the brain caused by the blow from the ball. SAT DOWN HY THE TRACK. Two Men Pall Asleep and Aro Struck by a Trnln. Media, Da June 30. John Helns nnd Henry Lnndy sat down beside the track of the Pennsylvania railroad, near Chester Heights, oarly this morning and fell asleep. A trnln came along and rtruck them, killing Helns Instant ly nnd fatally InJtrVIng Lnndy. Ileitis lived hi 1'hllndclphla nnd Lnn dy at Chester Height, and both were young men. SUICIDE AFTER FAILURE. A School Girl Ends Her l.lfo lie cause Slio Could Not Graduate Chicago, June 30. pcrauso nhe failed to pass the final examinations for grad uation, Minnie Lynch, aged 19, commit ted suicide by taking carbolic acid. She wns a pupil of the Luke high school and expected to graduate this week. Ilrldgo Cost Ono Hundred Lives. Jefferson vllle, Ind., June SO. Three hun dred exp-rt track layers yesterday com pleted the connection and laid tho track of the Rig Four bridge between hare and Louisville. The work wns begun Nov. 10, M. The bridge cost $2,0UO,UOQ and not less than 100 Uvea. AWFUL DEATH Cf TWO B Buried in the Dcliris of a Burning Huililinii. WORCESTER'S MORNING TIRE Mnttrcss factory llitrned-Tho Chief I n ginccr of tho I lie Deportment Among tho Injured -Other Victims of the lllno. Worcester, Mars., Jun 30. A second alarm was sound' d at 5 o'clock tills morning for a lire In the three story fiumo building, 10 Hrackctt court. k--u-pled att a rug shop nnd mattress fac tory by the Hubley Manufacturing and Supply company. Hose No. 4 was lit work on tho third floor when the build ing collapsed ami the entire company was carried to the lirt Moor, a distance i.f thirty feet. Lieutenant John J. lloyle and Hoso man William F. litigant were killed on l biiiifd in the debris. The Injured In clude Ih'puty Chief Knglneer George II. Coleman, Captain W. N. Avery, John P. Casey, Fivil H. l!a.tsford. Captain K. N. Sweet. II. II. Ham, Fred W. ilar cunib and Lieutenant W. II. Chad wick. The fire Iofs will amount to JS.000 to $10,000. MORE UOI.D DISCOVERED. Prospectors Kcported to llovo Struck It Itich In Wyoming. Douglays, Wyo., June 30. After two weeks1 of fecr.-t prospecting a party headed byein old Colorado prospector of twenty years' experience has dls'-ov-ered gold twelve miles from this plane. When the news leaked out it caused an excitement which has heretofore b-en unknown in th! vicinity. It Is ertlmai; ed that over 100 claims were staked out today. Reports brought In are that th- min eral location of th? recent find are Identical like Crlpply Creek. An aiy sh iwn gold In more than paying quan t'iM"S and the ore Increases In value as the shaft doep-ns. HTI ATHW AT tlCA. Home (iovcrnmcnt Intends to Wlpo the Insurgents Off tho Karth When the Kaiuy Season Is Over. Washington, Juno 30. It Is now three days since the report of the capture of the insurgent general Maceo was first made public ami. no one in Washington, not even the Spanish minister. Is able to confirm the story. It Is looked upon In diplomatic quarters as erroneous. Mlnlrtor lie Lome himself ' says that had there been any truth in the report he would have been advised of it be fore this. Latest advices from Spain Indicate that the home government Intend deal ing with the insurrection In Cuba with an Iron hand an roon ns the rainy sea son Is fit an end. That will be early in September. Just now the conditions prevent active military operations, and no effort will be made to attack the insurgents seriously until the weather changes. DIXON AND l'LIMMER. They Will .Fight for the Featherweight hnmplonsliip. New York. June 30. That George Dixon, of Hoston, and Hilly Pllmmer, from Birmingham, l')ng., will fight at Dallas, Tex., for the featherweight rhaimpionsihlp anil a purse of J7.r.i0 dur ing the week that Corliett and Fitz slmmons decide their match, Is now ptviitlcnlly assured. Joe Vendlg, who was chiefly instru mental In bringing Corbet t nnd Fitz-sim-mons together, has been working hard reonntly to bring Pllmmer nnd the little colored champion to nn ngree nicnt regarding the weight at which they shall light. The boys have been a..:xlous for i-oine years to meet in the ring nnd settle the question of superior ity, but a difference of opinion regard ing weight has rendered all efforts to make a nmteh futile. Pllmmer has held that they should fight at ll'i pounds, while Dixon has ci intended that the fighting weight should he at lis pounds. CRITICISED STRIKES. Rrnnd Master Sergeant Hoes Not Approve of tho Course of the A. K. 1 rtlngham-ton. N. Y.. June 30. A trl state ( invention of the llrotherhood of Locomotive Firemen was held hero to day. Now York, Pennsylvania nnd New Jersey were represented. The principal object of the convocation was tocntplify the new system of initiation. In the evening F. P. Sargent, grand mantcr of the order spoke in the opera house, lie criticised the recent action of the American Hallway union, which was responsible for so many sympa thetic strikes. He paid striking em ployes want money not sympathy. He would take recourse to strikes reluct antly only as a last resort and then he would continue them to the branch and locality where the grievance ex isted. He said sympathetic strikes were responsible for endless misery, hardship nnd suffering which would be obviated by keeping at work those members of th. llrotherhood not Imme diately Interested. VICTORIA IN 7i)OD SPIRITS. Sho Hid Not Concent Her Pleasure When Sho Heard of Uosehcry's Hownfall. London, June 30. The cabinet crisis tfi.is seemed to improve the queen's health and renew her activity and energy. Slve Is surprisingly vigorous In seeing tho ministers nnd discussing the new appointments. It Is said that she amassed her entourage by the uncon cealed pleasure he manifested nt re ceiving the dbpalch announcing' the resignation of the Hosobery govern ment. Her majesty Immediately wired the news to ex-Kmpress Frederick and to the crar. The queen Is aware that tho Prince of Wales made a wager with the czar a while ago that tho Itosebery government would outlast the month of June. ENDEAVORERS AT PITTSIiURG Interesting Services nt tho Closo of the convontlnn, Pittsburg, Pa,, Juno 30. The, Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of the Methodist Protestant church held special services in the different churches of Pittsburg and Allegheny. There was a small attendance this afternoon at the convention to listen to tlw reading of 5-mlnute puiwrs. Ono of the Intervfrtlng papers read was "The Hoy Question," by Hev. Henry N. llecker. of Syracuse, N. Y. He Frtld the thing to do was to organ ize the boys and teach them to pay what they oke- to God. The way to do that was to harness these boys In this great work of the Christian Kndeavor Juniors. Thus they will be saved nil the slums of the streets nnd acquit themselves nobly. The convention closed tonight with song service and several addresses. DR. BmiAXAVS FATE. Preparations ftir His I. xcciitlon Already .Made, nnd His Sentence Will Probably lie Curried Out Today. Sing Sing, N. Y., June 30. The preparations for thfj execution of Dr. Luchanan, the wife murderer, are all completed and the persoru Invited to attend as witnesses are expected to reach here early tomorrow morning. They will be kept wlihiii call until the warden receives positive directions from the attorney gcm-rul as to his duty in tlie premiers. If he Is .notified rhat the papers s rved by Buchanan's attorneys d i not constitute a siuy. the execution will take place with the leant possible delay; If othorwlrse, of course, it will he delayed until a furtherde termination of tho case can be ob tained. The lnlene mental excitement which has undergone in the past f-w days has made h great Chans'? In Dr. Iiu ciianan. He was unable to sleep lavt night and today he has been In a condi tion bordering on frenzy. Ot-arlon-aily he falls into a dose from sheer ex haustion, only to awnk" with ti start in a few mom'-tits. His wife slept In the pris;;n last nij;ht and visited the condemned man at 3 o'clock this morn ing, remaining with him until (J o'clock tonight, In case of" jVf adverse decision to- morrow tuortiing it is the preeent In'.en- lion of the warden to execute the pen- tenceat once, nnd Ir. Iluchanan will probably know his fate but nn hour or tw- tiefore he must meet it. Mis. Jtuchanan left for lihlnecliff to night to make a final appeal to the gov ernor for execution clemency tomorrow morning. - LEAGUE CONFERENCE. Chattanooga Turns Her Churches Over to the Visitors. Chattanooga, Tenn., June 30. The lant day of the internnti 'nal conference of the Kpwort-h leagu? was consecrated by S'rman ami song. Every church and chupe from river to mountain and for milc.t Into the suburbs and even to Chicamaugua Park, in Georgia, was surrendered to the leaguers, and such a grand anthem of praise nnd exhorta tion was n-'vrr heard' before In the Chattanooga aVlley. Local divines en Joyed a. rest day and became lay mem bers for the nonce. Kven th" dance hall of the Lookout Mountain Inn was used for services. Anelaborate "watch night" service was held tonight In the assembly tent where standing room was at a premi um. The watch night service was con darted by r.istuip H.U K. Hargrave, D. D. This meeting closes tho most success ful rcllirimis gathering of a single so cl ty. perhaps, ever hold on the Ameri can continent. IRON TRADE ROOMING. Advance In Wngcs of Workers nt Youngs town. Pittsburg, r.-t.. Juno "0. The indica tions now nre that there will be no in terruption In the Iron Industry the com ing summer. The iron manufacturers and the Amalgamated assiclatIon of llcalswill meet tills week nnd will. In all probability, divide on a sonic sim ilar to the one Agreed noon between the Iron manufacturers of the Mahon ing and Slienango Yalbys, and the as sociation last week. Since the settlement at Youngstown bar Iron has boon advanced one and one-tenths cents per pound, which makes tho puddling rate $4.25 per ton. The chances are favorable for another one nnd one-tenth cents advance, which will make the puddling rate 40 or 50 higher thanthe rate lixed nt Cleveland. The non-union a well as the .pnlon mills In this district will pay this rate. UPSET THE BOAT. Moll in Mason nnd Isnne Adrian Are lirovncd In the Allegheny. Pittsburg, Pa.. June 30. Mollle Ma son nnd Isaac Adrian were drowned In the Allegheny river, near Itrilllant Sta tion, last night. Harry Mason, the husband of the woman, is locked up In Jail charged with murder, for itisettlng the boat in which hl wife and Adrian fill out of ami lost their lives. The three persons mentioned and a young man named Harbor were crossing the river on their return from a picnic. Mason and his wife, who had been drinking and quarrelling during the day, kept U up In the skiff. Tho iboat was stopped and Harbor threatened to hit Mason with an Oar if he did not ylt down. In taking his seat Mason threw his leg over the boa! and upset It. Mrs. Mason nnd Adrian were drowned. The other two swam aehore. ----- - - - I'scupo of William Patterson. Carlisle, Pa,, June 80. The notorious Witllnm Patterson, of Shlppcnsburg, who wns In the Cumberland county Jail on the charge of larceny, escaped this afternoon by sonllng the wall from the inside and dropping twenty-five feet to the street. Ho wns unhurt by the fall and Is still St large. . - Ills l ire at Chicago. Chicago. June 30. Fire In tho Commer cial Traders' building nt Madison and Prnnklln streets early this morning caused a loss of tlfiO.ono. lnu-lmj Its progress two person were Injured, but not seriously. Most of the losses are partly covered by Insurance. WliA'l7lEiTRKKRT. For eastern Pennsylvania, showers. - i Hcrnld's I'orcenst. New York, July 1. Herald's weather forecast: Fair, slightly warmer weather will prevail today. On Tuesday . fair, warmer or, more sultry weather, and on Wednesday fair' to partly cloudy, sultry weather. Special Sale of SCOTCH ' : GDNGHAH. Our rermtatJoii on Scotdi Ginghams' is questioned and it is a known fact that for ity and assort me stock cannot be this side of New Y A c lira navaii t j-w rrvuvrvi mie Wkntv over goods from one season.. A. A. 1 41 rn L to anoiiier, we win oner the balance of our stock, about 250 pieces, at 39c. per yard. :iY '.: This is an opportunity to buy the genuine article at a price generally asked for domestic makes sold as Scotch and French roods. 10 pieces fine Clan Plaid Silk Ginghams, specially suitable tor waists and children's wear and abso- 1 1' lutely fast color. . ; ; About 35 Dress Patterns, extra choice, lace stflf ana printed brocade Tnlt Silks, all light ground an 27 inches wide; 12 yari to a 'pattern; have bet 5fc. Price to close, 39 Pattern. - -. .. ! J A very attractive linr fine Irish Dimities, Fre Corded P!cjues.and Orgpv dies, 'White Persian Lawjs and White, and Colored Dotted Swisses.- ; ' 7 French Linen Batiste m.k' natural color with",, em J I-iir-.5H!i-!a in ma4rll ' 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AY&ilXL E A. MGSBURY; ; ' Agent for Charles A;, bchicren x Co.'s The Very Best. 313 Spruce St., Scrantoa. THE, Glorious!,'" - OUK COUX'lUY'B- GREATEST IIOLUUf.? Th. pood poo7ls of North.nrters Pf vnnia will relobrsia aa old fnaliioDM F iu our . .; New Fashion Shoes.! : -V IN AND lit WYOMING AVE,' 9 "'; eceiyn A beautiful Ifc; gagement Iff" dingJRings fine line cf In Dorfiinge and Po at .5-? - BeltMji JMSt K i - v';' A. '.n-'-r. y- v