The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 29, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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Boys' Buckboards.
Boys' Express Wagons.
" Boys' Wheelbarrows.
Babies' Double-horse Rockers
Dolls' Perambulators.
Children's Coaches.
Krough Keigh and other
Very Interesting Prices,
322 Lackawanna Avenue.
A Foe to Dyspepsia
And Always Have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mil! Co,
Manner In Which Mr. Nuttcr'a Spectacle
Were Returned tu Him- Officer Charged
with I.xtorttiip, .Money-short lnra
graph of News.
Everybody on the South Side knows
Sir. Natter, the veteran hotel-keeper
of Alder street, who relishes a good Joke
as well as any one In the world, pro
vided, of course, that it's on the other
fellow. Thursday hj was engaged in
reading his favorite paper. The Trib
une, when I'hillip Robinson. Dr. Kolb
and a numb?r of others entered the
place. The paper and Mr. Natter's
glasses went on the table and he took
his station behind the bar to serve his
customers. When they departed the
spectacles went with them and Mr.
Natter searched for his eye assisters In
The Jokers went to Kaestner's and gut
a cigar box. filled It with saw dust and.
.lialUwulii niacin In ggntrr th-y
wrapped up the box carefully, using
colored twine for binding purposes.
Mr. Natter was Just after paying
Mayer & Son. of Philadelphia, a bill
of $250 and the box was lubeled com
pliments of Mayer & Son, of Philadel
phia, to Mr. Natter, of Scranton. Not
satisfied with this the Jokers obtained
a bottle, filled It with water and, en
closing it with tinfoil, put the same In
scription on It as on the box. Sum
moning a messenger boy the packages
were sent to Mr. Natter, one of the
Jokers being present to watch the re
ception they received. The bottle was
opened first, and after tasting Its con
tents, Mr. Natter declared that It must
be a new brand of whiskey. He was
sure he had tasted a slmlar liquor
sometime or other, but when or where
It was he was unable to decide. Of
one thing he was convinced, the liquor
was choice and rare. Then he opened
the box, found the spectacles and woke
up. It's as well not to mention the
episode to Mr. Natter at present. He
has an aversion to talking about It.
shorter Poragraphi.
A meeting of St. Irene's Temperance
society was held In St. John's church
hall lart evening.
Today the employes of the Lacka
wanna Iron and Steel company's north
and smith milts will picnic at Luke
arlel. Both mills will be Idle until
Monday morning.
The funeral of Mrs. John Moran, of
lllnooka, who was killed by a street
car Wednesday evening, will be held
thh afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment
will be made In Mlnooka Catholic ceme
tery. Barber John Bang, of Plttston ave
nue, has possession of a pocket-book
containing less than $.', which was
found near his shop a few days ago.
The owner can have It by proving his
Something New Large assortment
ladies' shirt waists at BO cents; ladles'
belts, sterling silver buckel, only Si.'
White parasols. Dresden handle, only
$1.25. New line Dresden ribbon.
Menrs & Hagen.
Thomas A. Donahoe, South Sldu cor
respondent of the Truth, sprained his
right ankle a few days ago and his foot
Is so swollen that he has not been able
to leave the house for three days, and
will be hindered from duly for per
haps that term longer.
The funeral of Mrs. Henry Kelper,
5 whose death was announced In The
(Trlbune yesterday, will take place this
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will be
conducted at the house by Rev. August
Lange, pastor of the Hickory Street
Iresbyterlan church, and Interment
will be made In Plttston avenue ceme
' tary.
Upeclal Officer Joneph,StrolI, of South
Wellington avenue, served a warrant
on Special Officer E. Weiss, of South
Seventh street yesterday, which was
lssud by Alderman Hore, of the
Eighteenth ward, at the Instance of Jo
seph 1 Bolander. Two weeks ago Bo
lander had two Arabian trinket ped
dlers arrested for assault and battery
and he was not able to substantiate the
charge, the defendants were dismissed
and the alderman ordered him to pay
the costs. Bolander claims that Special
Weiss extorted money from him In con
nection with the costs, and hence the
warrant. Weiss entered ball In his own
recognition to appear at court.
18-karat wedding rings at Turnquest'a,
06 Washington avenue.
The demand la still Increasing for l!tt)
Pocono Cigars;
June Has Justified Its Reputation us
the Month of" Hoses and Brides.
Many Society Pooplo llavo Ltft tho City
for the Summer Attorney W, S.
- Dlclil and Mrs. :., I'. Munncs
Murrled In New York City.
Weddings were 'the only soclul events
of the week, but there wus an ulmml
unce of 'thut foivwof social event. June
'has th Li year Justified Its reputation ns
the mnirVh of roses and brides. The
luMer had well-nigh exclusive posses
sion of the social world during tho
month, but duriivg the last week Wielr
gr.isp wuci particularly imnopoltitlo.
All other social functions re ru'th-
htttly crowded off the calent Uhut so
ciety might puy homage at i shrine
of the brides of June.
Oood feeling wns the uppermost sen
timent possessing nil the folks nt the
"eotiundriuu social," given III the In
terest of thf? nilHHlonury fund by Hie
King's Daughters und Huns nt 101m
Park church last evening. Mrs. W. II.
IVnnv, Miss Jessie H. ConfMl, Mrs.
Uleliard lllorns, Miss Jennie Andrews,
Miss Oenevl.'ve A. Hnzlett, Miss l'rn
ces Itnub. llt'V. ltlcluird Hiorns, It. Kr
nest (.'omegys. K. J. Trimmer, nud John
McOonni'll were watchful that each
one wus perfectly at ease nml enjoying
the amusement of the evening.
The conundrums were written on
cardboards, ornumented with daisies,
und the answers were In the minds of
only a few. so that If no correct gueBS
cunr. the couuutidrum would be solved
by tho knowing ones. A sample of the
merry Interrogatories was, "Why Is
copper th' most harmless of metals'.'"
"Because a cij.per Is a preserver of the
peace." "Why H the sun like a pan
cake?" "Because It rises in the (y)eiist
and sets behind the vest." While
these t'hlngs were going on refresh
ments, ice cream and cuke, were served
and th evening passed away very
pleasantly, u nice sum having been
realized for a worthy purpose.
A large i.liniberof society people have
deserted the city for Mie summer and
many others are maklngactlve prepara
tion i to follow their ex.iTnple.
Attorney W. S. Diehl an 1 Mrs. C. F.
M . 88. both of this city, were mar
ried on Thursday at 'Ihe home of the
bride's sister In New York by llev. Syl
vester Jones, of the Madison Avenue
Methodist Episcopal church.
James F. McDonnell and Miss Kiln Jor
dan, of Wuverly, Minn., arrived In Bcran
ton yesterday and will spend the summer
here. Mr. McDonnell Is among the prom
inent citiens of his part of the state. His
home, about titlfteen years ago, was In Mi
nooka, and he was a teacher In the Lack
awann township public schools; he went
west and In less than three years was
elected county superintendent of right
county, Minn. He married a daughter of
Congressman John C'ullen and biter be
came a partner with his father-in-law In
the shoe busineas. Mr. McDonnell will be
the guest of T. J. Plannery. his cousin,
of the Arlington House. Miss Jordan Is
a school teacher and will slay with her
cousin. Miss Ella F. Donahoe, of Stone
Dr. Will E. Keller Is spending a few
tr" with his parent, O. H.- Keller and
wife, of this place. Dr. Keller has re
signed his position as assistant to his
brother. Dr. H. M. Keller, superintend
ent of the Hazleton hospital, und In a
few days will leave for Scranton, where he
will begin private practice. Although
young in years he has spent two years in
the Presbyterian hospital, Philadelphia,
nearly a year at the liuzleton hospital and
some months visited Europe In search of
knowledge In his line. Huzleton Sentinel.
M. J. McGovern, of Penn nvenue, !s
about to take a trip across the ocean to
visit his mother In Ireland. In the twenty-five
years that he has been away from
his native land Mr. Mcdovern has earned
large measure of suceeHS, all of it de
served. He will sail on July lu and will he
absent one month, before returning, tak
ing a trip to Paris.
Captain Eugene D. Fellows, of Com
pany F, Thirteenth regiment, wns on
Tuesday evening re-elected for another
term of five years. It was a worthy recog
nition of Captain Fellows as n soldier und
citizen. He has been in the National
guard fifteen yearn and Is the senior can
tain of the regiment which gives his com
pany right of line.
Dr. F. D. Brewster reached home from
Denver, Col., Thursday, after being away
month attending to Dr. John U. Cool-
ldge, who was stricken there with typhoid
fever, but whose Illness has wan-il so
that he will be strong enough to Journey
home In two week.
Will F. Burke Is home visiting his par
ents. Sergeant anil Mrs. W., H. Burke, on
Jones street, Mr. Ilmke has Juki ended a
year's engagement with a successful wxt
ern comic opera company, of which he was
one of the leading members.
Superintendent Benjamin It. Hughes, of
the mines of the Iielawnre. Luekawnnna
and Western Railroad company, returned
Thursday from Ithode Island's seaside re
sorts, whither he hud been on a trip for
the benellt of his health.
Dr. and Mrs. John Burnett are at the
Thousand Islands on a pleasure trip,
which nv-un alao to include a visit to Mon
treal; and on their homeward bound Jour
ney they will stop at Saratoga's famous
watering place.
Edward Hughes, a student at Blooms-
burg State Normal school, Is home. Mr.
Hughes wus president of the Junior class
DO not be deceived.
The following brands of
White Lead are still made by the
"Old Dutch" process of slow cor
rosion. They are standard, and
always '
Strictly Pure
White Lead
The recommendation of
"Atlantic" 'Boymor-Banman,"
"Jswett," "DavlB-Chambera."
"Pahneitoc," Armstrong a kfcKelvy,'
to you by your merchant is an
evidence of his reliability, as he can
Bell you cheap ready-mixed paint9
and bogus White Lead and make a
larger profit. Many short-sighted
dealers do so.
For CoLoss.-Nntional Lead Co.'i Pure
White Lend Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to
a lypound keg or Lead und mix your own
paims. Suvta time and annoyance In matching
shades, and insures tils beat paint tliut it la
pwBible to put on wood.
Send us a pottal card and ret our book on
palnla and color-curd, free; It will probably
lava you a good many dollara. .
, NATIONAL LEn CO.. New York.
and delivered the address falling to that
position nt the commencement exercises.
Ezra H. Council gruduated from Yalo
college . Wednesday and returned homo
Thursday aceompunled by his parents, Mr,
nml Mrs. William Council, who were pres
ent lit tho commencement exorcises.
Professor J. (.', Lnnge was lit Middle
town, Conn,, this week, and attended the
tenth reunion of the class of 'SB of Wes
leyan university, from which Institution
he graduated lu thut year,
Miss Julia Meniilgun, of PI Us ton ave
nue, returned home yesterday from
Btioudsbiirg, uccompuulfd by her broth'r,
Frank, who graduated with honors from
the State Normal school,
John Jordan, of Wyoming avenue, i
turned home yesterday ui'ternoon from
Holy Cross college, Worcester, Muss
where he graduated with the degree of
Master of Arts,
llev. Ororgu K, (lulld, pastor of tin
Providence 1'resliyli.rlan church, Bailed
from New Yolk liarlior Wednesday for
Europe, und will enjoy two mouths uero-s
the briny-deep.
Walter Clearwaiter, a promising young
electrician of this city, and Miss Minnie
T.lleliciK. an estimable and rcuncd young
liuly of I'ltlston nvenue, will bo married
on July 2.
.Mrs. Jessie I. Council, of (lenet street
left ut the close of the school term for
llonesdiile to visit friends. She was
brought homo Thursday evening danger'
uiirtly III.
Vincent I. Donnelly, of New York, Is tho
guest of his forincr chiSHHiate, Walter (.or
man, of I'ciin avenue Mr. Donnelly Is a
student at St. .Mlchuel's college, Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry llener and family,
of l'lttston avenue, went to New York ut
midnight and will sail toiluy for ilnrmany
to remain lu the Fatherland permanently.
Today 1. M. Join s, T. 11. Jones and Poor
IMivelor Hanli'l Williams and his son
William, of the West Side, will sail from
New York for Europe,
lieuheii .Miiiwlltlclil left for Hot Springs,
Ark., to benefit his health;. h,s friends
will expectantly await cheeiiul news of
his rvciipcriuted vigor.
H. J. Anderson, vice president of tho
Lackawanna Trust and S.'iff liepuslt com
pany, Is enjoying a vacation In thu Ad
iiondaek inoiiutiiliiH.
Itcv. John LoiikIu'iiu, recently ordained
by Cardinal Cllilmns ut Baltimore, cele
brated his first mass ut St. Peter's i lilie
Ural last Sunday.
llev. J. L. ltace, pastor of the Cedar Ave
nue Methodist Episcopal church, Is fully
recovered from a recent dangerous ultacK
of typhoid fever.
Miss Christine Murphy has returned to
her home in Hawley alter spending a few
days with Miss .Mary Reunion, of La
fayette street.
.Mrs. A. II. Brown, of tlreen B'.dge stre.-t,
Inilimore, went to Lake Wlnula ycsteiiWy,
where she has engaged it cottage for the
Misses Maud Powers and Jessie Kellow,
of Cedar nvenue, are home on vacation
from the Eust Stroudsliuig State Normal
George M. Little, of the (Ireen Klilga
Iron works, was In New York and Phila
delphia during the week on business.
Miss Gertrude Freeman, of Bellevue
Heights, Is spending a vacation from
studies at Blouiusbiirg nt her home.
Mrs. T. D. Lewis and family, of North
Main avenue, have decided to spend the
summer months at Lake Winjl.i.
Miss Ella F. Donahoe, of Stone avenue,
and Miss Mary Malum, of Cedar avenue,
spent Thursday In Wllkes-Harre.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGurry, of Pltts
ton avenue, will sail on July .1 for Ireland
and they will be absent six weeks.
City Assessor H, D. Jones has con
valesced from his recent Illness, und IS
again able to be at his desk.
Judge E. N. Wlllard went to Harrl.sburg
yusterduy morning to attend the meeting
of the Superior court Judges.
llev. J. A. O'Hellly, rector of the cathe
dral, Is visiting nt the shrine of St. Ann
Beaupre, Montreal, Can.
Hurry Albright and son, of Utlca, N. Y
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Anderson,
of N'ofth Main avenue.
Miss Lizzie Hughes, of Wllkes-Karre, is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Tunstnll,
of North Main avenue.
Miss Adeiia Penwnrden, of Washburn
street, is enjoying a few weeks' vacation
in Wayne county.
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Imeldopf, of the
South Side, have returned fiom their wed
ding tour.
Miss Lou Manchester In visiting her
aunt, Mrs. Myron Dean, on Mudlson ave
nue. Ir. W. A. Paine, of the West Side, wns
in Iuncaster this wc-k visiting his mo
ther. General Manager J. It. Beeteni, of tho
Traction company, Is in New York city.
J. C. Cook, of the Philadelphia Press,
was a Scranton visitor on Wednesday.
Fred. Kmerich was In Philadelphia dur
ing the week on business and pleasure.
Ex-Judge Garrlek Harding, of Wilkes.
Burre, was In the elly yesterday.
Mrs. and Mrs. W, II. Holmes, of Hones
dale, were In the city yesterday,
Mrs. Garrett Smith, of Wilkes-Biirre, is
visiting friends In this city.
William Council is in Harrlsburg.
Mrs. AV. B. Christmas drove to W'av
erly yesterday.
Mrs. C. llenwond and children re
turned from lilenburn yesterday.
Miss M. Held, or Kings Park, 'L. I..
Is visiting with Mrs. II. U. Hurlbutt, of
Putnam street.
There will he a Bonimental service
at the Methodist Episcopal church to
morrow morning.
Miss Lizzie Hughes, of Wllkes-Bnrre,
Is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Tunstnll,
of North Main avenue.
In the Providence Presbyterian
church tomorrow Hev. Mr, Stiles will
preach at both services.
The Kpworth league of the Provi
dence Methodist EplBcopnl church rnn a
very enjoyable excursion to Lake
Shnwnnese yesterday.
IttrV. Mr, Klnter will preach In the
Christian church tomorrow morning on
"Duly and Heward for Church doing,"
and In the evening on "How to Preach
the Gospel.
Something Nw Large assortment
ladles' shirt waists nt Ml cents; ladles'
bells, sterling silver buckel, only 11.
White parasols, Diesden handle, only
$1.25. New line Dresden ribbon.
A gentleman and his son, of New
York city, passed through the North
Und yesterday on their wheels, they
rode all the wny from New York, anil
hnd been about four days on the road.
S!i per cent, discount on nil ladles' ster
ling sliver belts. Tunrcitest, 200 Wash
ington avenue,
A Plerisnnt Place for the Sick.
Miss A. 10. Jordan, graduate of tho Bos
ton City Hospital Training School fur
Nurses,, has opened a sanitarium at "HO
Marlon street, where she will receive per
sons suffering from nervous diseases, ca
tarrh and rheumatic nffectlona. Special
features connected with the sanitarium
are electric, medicated and vapor baths,
also massage treatments which are given
to ladles only on week days from 8 a. m. to
0 p. m. Every effort .has been made to
muko the sanitarium i. pleasant home for
those that need restand the beat of care
la assured all that ojime.
We will call 'for and deliver free . of
charge all clock and other heavy repair,
'Phone 2552, urnqueat. 205 Wash, ave.
Discovered in the Woods Two Miles
from His Arclibuld Home.
STPoscd That Ho Fell Over a Cliff Into
f tho Hnvlno Whcro Ilia Body Wns
lound -Was o Veteran of
tho Lata War.
Since May 21, John White, nn old
veteran, 04 years of age, of Archbnld,
lias been missing from home, und a
thorough Search kept up by his relu
tlveH for weeks failed to show whut be
came of him. Hut they gave him up
fo ' dead.
The mystery surrounding his disap
pearance was clouitvd ut noon yesterday
by the II mil UK of hlH dead body In the
woods about half a mile east of No. fj
mine of the Delaware and Hudson com
pany, und about two miles from his
The discovery was made ly Charles
Yarns, a M-yeur-olil boy who was pick
Ini," berrlin on the nioiinliiln. The buy
could not Identify the body but It
formed Driver Boss Nculon ut the DcH
vwitc and Hudson mine of what he had
seen. Mr. Nculon Informed Mr. VVIilt't's
Httt.sons, and after an extimlnatljii
tiny were Hatlslled that It was their
missing 'relative.
In l.ust Sinuo of Dccoiiiposltlnii.
The body wus so bndly decomposed
that it was Impossllilo to Identify him
except by his clothing. Thu head was
del tched and lay about three feet away
from tin body. It, presumably, having
bt en carried off by the crows which
abound In Hint part of the woods.
The llesli hud a Ho fallen off the
parts exposed to the ulr. The remains
wire Immediately taken In charge by
Undertaker Law and the coroner no
tified. The body was found In a ravine be
neulli a precipitous eiiiluankment, und
the suppiittltiun Is thut In strolling
through the wuods ho stumbled over It
und met bis death.
Verdict of the Coroner's Jury.
Coroner J. A. Kelley went up In the
afternoon Mid empaneled the following
Jury: Thomas G. Glldea, P. 10. Timlin,
Ji hn 11. Mclialc, T. V. Battle, Thomas
Law und Charles B. Kuton. Owing to
the condition of the remains It was Im
possible to decide how the man came to
h:s death, and the verdict of the Jury
was to that effect; but there were no
mtuks of violence on the skull.
He was the father of James White
and Mrs. William Mcllale. The funeral
will be held this morning with inter
ment In Arclibuld Catholic cemetery.
The usual services will be 'held In the
Baptist church tomorrow at the regu
lar hours.
Sunday cuhool o't 3 and preaching ser
vices at 4 o'clock tomorrow In St.
Mark's Episcopal church.
At the Metliodlst church tomorrow
the regular will be held at
'.'he usual hours of service.
Mr. ami Mrs. William Miller, of Brook
si'.reet, ure visiting frlor.ils and relutives
in Wllkes-Barre unii Muuch Chunk.
Services in the Presbyterian' church
tomorrow at the usual time. Preach
ing by the at 10.30 and 7.S0; Sun
day school at 12 m.; Junior Christian
Endeavor at 4 p. m.; Senior Endeavor
a t .).
Edward Mitteer was tendered a sur
prise party by his many friends at his
home on Clove svreet last .night. A
large number of young folks were pres
ent ami enjoyed the mar.'y games which
were played, after which refreshments
were served.
The funeruJ of the late William D.
Osterhout was held yesterday afternoon
from his late home on South Blakely
street at 2.30, Hev. O'Neill, of the Bap
tli t church, .having charge, assisted by
Itev. A. L. Urban, if 'the Episcopal
church. A quartette, composed of Mrs.
William Warfel, Miss Funny Haycock,
flTxl Owen Hlesecker and Joseph Jef
frey, njug very sweetly and tenderly
"Abide with Me," "Some Sweet Day,
Bye and Bye" and "Oood-Bye." The
pall-bearers were P. H. Dewild, Jacob
F.ronson, John Mooney, Carl MlnnJch,
James Evuni-1 and George Scliultz.
Those who bore the flowers to the ceme
tery were the oldest employes of the
deceiscd, William AVeldner, Thomas
Pnyin-e, Frank Dings and William Haus.
Floral contributions were made by the
followir. persons.; "(Jatev Ajar," from
his empl lyes; pillow, from his grand
Children; crescent bouquet, bouquet of
roses und sheaf of wheat, from the
family; anchor, Harry Winters, Sam
Snyder anil Funny Haycock; bouquet of
roses, T. T. Palmer; pillow, coivtractoiv,
bouquet of roses, Mrs. N. P. Osterhout.
Mr. Osterhout was a man loved by all,
ami a large concourse of friends fol
lowed the remulns 'to their last remtlng
place In Duntiuirii cemetery.
A d()OU APPKTITK und refreshing
sleep at this seuxon Indicate a condition
of bodily health. Those nre given by
Hood's Snisapiiiilln. It nmkeu pure blood
and good health follows.
TTrwIICia T1T.T.Q nni toirulv vcr,Ouli1i
harmless, effective, do not pain or gripe.
llfii-n vnni wnh.hpfl rennlrprl liv Turn.
quest, expert watchmaker, 205 Wash. ave.
AcknnwWdeirn bv nil smokers thut IhA !
Pocono Cigar Is King of Fives.
Plllnhnrv'n Flnur Mllla havA n. cnnnrltv
of 17,!U0 barrels a duy.
Your picture or any
picture ought to bo
framed before It la
soiled or torn. We
are frnmlng mora pic
tures than any nna in
the city. You bettor
, como, too.
Wall Paper
Styles and colorings are
very fine this season. ,
Let us fix you up a
sample room with nice
Gilt Paper, $5.
Lackawanna Avenue.
E v I U
D ; N G
R T &
El E S
China Hall
The Kazor Toe that fits fect
comfortably. IT DOES NOT
1'IXCH. Krown (ilacc Kid. Tan
(ilacu Kid, Chocolate Glace
Kid, lilack Glace Kid. All sizes
All widths. Complete line at
$2 the pair.
Wc also have in addition to
the above complete lines of
Common Sense, Opera Toe
and Piccadilly Toe Oxfords at
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50.
u 11 uu uuuiii
410 Spruce Street.
Lute of Pittsburg,
First-Class Livery in Connection.
Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippc,
Cures Incipient Consumption.
Manufactured by G. ELM EN
DOKF, l linira. N. Y.. and for sale
by the trade generally.
Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pa.
Maiions, P. a U. of A., U. A. R S. of V..
O. U. A. M., In fact all lodgca and aooletln
intending to run oxeiiraious can have tbo
bast prluttng In tho city at lowest prlota
by calling at Tut; TaiBi'Ma Job Depart
ment. $10.
$9. -; $15. $5..; '
".NORTON'S, 322 Lackawanna Ave.
Combining all the requisites of a fine
Spring Overcoat and possess
ing water-proof qualities.
308 Lackawanna Avenue.
Tbla b Ing a White Goods Seaaon wo bava without doubt tba flneat Una of
In the city. This ia ono of the bent dennrtmentaof ltd kind In town,
lijr offering auch valuoaaatbeaelt won't ba lone bofore it la the baat
An clegaut White Lawn Waist, 75c. value, for .... 48c
Hpt-cial for this sale Our 85c. Lawn Waist for 63c
Look at our Lnwn Waist, nlrely trimmed, fl.00 value, for..73c
Aalt to see our $1.25 Lawn Waist, a beauty, this sale 79
Don't iniH wjcing our 1.50 Waist, haadaomely trimmed
upeciul $1,19
In a beautiful line of styles, and In shapes lo suit all figuras, ia all Icea.
A beautiful line ranging from Use. upwards.
Parties wanting FIREWORKS
will consult their best interests by
examining our prices. We arc
agents for I'aine's Columbian Fair
and Manhattan licach Fireworks.
We curry a full line in store and
are prepared to furnish any sized
display on short notice.
We have the Paper Balloons
with und without the celebrated
firework attachments. Crackers,
American and Chinese Firework
Novelties of all kinds, Rockets,
Mines, Kaucissons, Aerolites, In
dian Jugglery, Parachutes, Tour
billions, and all kinds of Flags in
wool himtinii. fast color muslin
and silk, Flag Poles, Holders, etc.
PaTTKB nOR CO., Ine'p. Capital, fjl.00v.0afc
"A Jailor tartd It a dollar tanud."
TalelArilve' Bnlld Vnnch noacolatlildlt
(OB Boot daunrad tss an jrwtwra la the U.S.. oa
raeeiptoiiMa. moht urarr,
or Foal Mala ar
liqnal. amy war ska boot.
old la all retail
ti.MI. V. make this boot
oonehrea, therefore wa far-
sniri uie ju, acvM ma (Mir,
and It any on is aot SBUanrd
wa will rafnad the nxviey
aeod another pair. OgMra
a or uoaaiooa nsais,
widths C, r. K, at BR.
1 to a us Ban
wa will Jtt yaw.
Dqter Shoe CoTf
M mm I KL.:v sties
I lliallUI V
Measra. Cnrtia Wheeler are recognlxad aa
the leading manufacturers of Lad lea' Fine
Footwear inthia country. Their Shoes pootesa
superior merita orer nearly all othera. Tbay
aro beautiful In daeirn, graceful la appear
ance and pneauas the giore-ntting qualities aa
much eouirht after In drees shoea We (all
your particular attention to our complete Una
of Oxford Ties lu black and fancy leathers ia
any atyla of laat and in all widths from A to
We Invite a compariaon with other makers'
shoot at the tame prices.
311 Lack. Ay. and Stowart'a Art Star.
Photo Engraving for Circulars, Books, Call
logins, Htwipapen. ; r
Half-Tones and Una Wort. : '