The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 29, 1895, Page 2, Image 2
THE SCH ANTON TRIBUNE -S AT tl RDAT MORNING. JUNE 29, 1895. OOP Neighbors Douto the Valley; waiiace Connolly WILKES-BflRRE. fThft Trlhuna ham ononed a branch of' flee at No. 29, Lanlng building, -Public Square, Wllkes-Barre, for the transaction of business. The publishers propose to extend the circulation or me irioune m Wilkes-Barre and surrounding towns, and to that end will present a very com' pleto department of Luzerne county news, vnf iio(tis in ihi iimleriiikln- depend ence la placed solely upon the superiority of The Tribune as a purveyor of all the dews of the day domestic, foreign, iucm commercial and financial. The general 1,1 terests of the people of Wilkes-Hunt" am the Wyoming valley will have In The Trib une an earnest advocate, editorially uti ithu.rlMu lr la fh nui-nos of the pull Usher to Issue a newspaper us valuable to the general public as the metropolitan dallies, and ilellver It to the people throughout northeustem Pennsylvania from three to live hour earlier Ihmi Ihe riillndelphln and New York papers can reach them. J RICE'S ACCEPTANCE. The New Superior Court Judge (iocs to llarrlshurg. Judge Wee wan to have pimst'd thiuugii this cP.y, on his way to Harrls- burtr. yeeitorday morning, nnl tle Biaphed AssUtant District Attorney H. A. Fuller that he would arrive on the LehlBh Valley train from La lnW, where he has been sitting on the con text eil Judgeship i'UJe, yesterday morn ing. .Mr. Fuller urrnnged with the I'enitisylvanla l!lclals ito hold the 10. 1j traltt to Harrl.iburg until the Judge KOt In, which .they agreed to !. Jmlgv Jtiee. however, did not know if thl ar rangement, utul left the Valley tualn ut lfenne-tt's :at loci ami took the Lvla ware, Lackawanna. uuU Western for Harris-burs;. There -is a growing- seirtiment among the members vif Llie bar l:J favor of I.y man If. Bennett us Judge Klco's suc cessor. Mr. Bennett la peculiarly fitted for 'this position, und was the Republi can nominee Uffaliist Judge I,yiuJli.some ago. Whether .Mr. Dennett wvukl accept or .not, 1 rut krrmvn, hut It U certain that he would grace the bench and would till the p.isrtlon w ith credit und dignity. Like Judge Wee, Mr. Bennett la no politician, und would nvt have uy thing to do with any po litical schemes to bring about his iiV Ifolntmewt. But thU appointment should It be- made, would be ratified by the Republican convention, and again sanctioned by t'he people at the polls next .November. . There are a number of other men spokeini of. In thin connection, unions; them being H. A. Fuller. H. W. Palmer, 'Alexander Faro ham and Frank Whea 'torn It is not thought that Mr. Farn ham or Mr. Palmer would take the ap polntmerit If offered to them. Mr. Farn- liam could readily lud a numina itlon for Judge by going before either of -the conventions that have beeu held since ISM, but both '.lines Jits declined In very positive term to allow his name to be used. Both lie anil Mr. Palmer have practices of such size thai consid erable pecuniary sacrifice would be in volved by accepting such art appoint ment. Mr. Wlie&ton, of 'the firm of Wheaton Darling & Woodward, is the most prominently spoken of among the younger lawyers. Mr. Wheaton has never been vromlrnt in politics, but it is from 'his own choice, and should the Kovernor see fit to let Judge Rice's po sFtion be given to a representative of the young-r attorneys, he could find rjo better man than Mr. Wheaton. All the gentlemen whore names have been suggested for the position are men of remarkable talent and ability, and who have been recognized among their fellow members of the bar a9 men well versed In the technique and practice of the law. There "has been no step taken yet in the matter, and probably the governor will not make the first move. It has been said that It is possible that the governor will wait until after the parties have held their conversions be fore submitting- the appointment, which could asily be done, as court will ad journ ' next week until September. Tiiere Is no bar in the State that has on array of brilliant lawyers equal to the Lyzerne county bar, and the eleotIon, when made, will be a -man satisfactory to both parties. Sam Kee'i Funeral. The funeral of Sam Kee, from St. Mary's church yesterday, marked a strange event, as he is the first China man in thlfl city who died a Catholic, and so far as Is known, the first to be hurled with Christian ceremony. A re quiem mass wa celebrated by Father O'Kourke, who also preached a brief and fitting' funeral sermon. The pall Viparers were James A. Keating, Hugh Sharpe, Frank Murphy nnd William Uoughery and Interment was made in Hanover cemetery. The deceased was born of Catholic parents and had always been a regular attendant at St. Mary's during the twenty-nine years of his residence In this city. He leaves an estate valued at about For Illegal Selling. "Yankee" Tlg-he and August Miller, two saloon-keepers on Fast Market street, appeared before 'Squire Thomas last evening, charged with Illegal liquor selling. The prosecutor, John Mc Cuigan, did not appear, however, and the two defendants were discharged. Hurt at Nnntlcokc. Frank Matemblowskl, a Hungarian miner In No. shaft, at Nantteoke, had his lea; broken yesterday at noon by a fall of coal.'" He was taken to his home In Nantlooke and his injuries treated. ... - ' Silk Mill at Duryea. It Is said that a, syndicate has been farmed for the purpose of building a large silk mill, at Duryea. They have asked the refusal of a certain portion of this land to -build the mill on. Sol. INSTANT RELIEF for all afflicted with TORTURING SKINDISEASES . in .a Single Application of ticiira CenctTBA Works Woxders, and its cares ef torturing humors are simply marvellous. Sold throughout the world. British depot: Kw v, i, King Edwrd-t., London. PorniDiuo Chsm. Co., Sola Props., Boston, U.S.A. Hlrseh, of this city, has taken $10,000 worth of stock In the project In order to offer an 'inducement to the syndicate to build the silk plant at the above place. This will certainly be a good thing for Duryea, as it will give em ployment to a large number of unem ployed girls and bays. CRIMINAL COURT. Matters of Varied Interests Disposed of Ycstordiiy, In the case of Michael Mlnnlck nnd John Soloronls against Andrew Butcher und John Jlurtish for felonious wound ing und ututault tind battery, the jury found Andrew Butcher guilty and John llui-tisli not guilty In both cases. The two cases of Albert AVulker ami James Meeliau ugnlnst Himoii Levltsky und i'eter J)reckcmovlcli for uggrevnt ed assault ulld buttery, the defendants were found not guilty In both cases, the ili'fondnnta to pay two-thirds the costs, and Walker, the prosecutor, one- third. In one case, and Meehan, the l-rocictor, to pay one-third and the de fendants two-thirds In the other case, The case of Harry lludden against Frank Munroe and A. P. Cole for ag gravated assault and battery was on yesterduy afternoon before Judge Al bright. Attorneys H. R. Jones and T. D. Shea re for the prosecution, and At torney Martin for the defense. The tw oases of C. M. Davis against Antonio Zawatzkl were continued ov lug to Illness of the defendant. All four cases of Clorlnda Curren against H. 1. Iowery and Ueorge bowery for larceny were continued un til the next term. Assistant District Attorney Jones yesterday afternoon notilled witnesses that all cases down for trial by Jury for this week's criminal court was post IKini'd and no more will be tried at this session ufter the one now on trial Is disposed of. The surety cases will be tried as usunl today. Mine i:iimlncrs' Meeting. The board of mine Inspectors' examln ers held a meeting In President I,a wall's offlee on Wednesday, to deter mine the rating to be allowed each question In the examinations for mine inspectors. They will proceed to ex amine the answers on. Friday, July 3, whlchwlll take a week ut least. The answers are now In the hands of the clerk of the courts. There were seven applicants for the positions which embraces the Third, Fourth und Fifth districts. The board will select the three which in their opinion are best fitted for the positions and forward the names to Governor Hastings for his approval. A .Minister's Picnic. Tile Methodist ministers of Wllkes- Barre and Scranton vicinity, with their families, will unite In a basket picnic at Hanover Park nevt Monday, July 1. Kadi family will provide Its own ae freshmen ts. The party will leave the square on electric car, Nanticftke line, at about 9.::o a. m. A splendid programme has been arranged. Addresses by Dr. Kill gore, of Wilkes-Barre. and Rev. Chaf fee, of Set an ton. will be given. There will be music by the Wyoming confer ence trio and others. A Valise Recovered. On Monday, a valise was stolen from a deaf mute at the Lehigh Valley de pot, and the thief escaped. Last even ing the valise was found at Ryman's lumber yard under a pile of lumber. Most of the contents were recovered, the thief having taken very little In the ransacking; he gave the satchel. She May Die. Mrs. Samuel Lehman, who, it will be remembered, -was shot by her husband some time ago, has taken a very bad turn, and It is feared that she may die. Her condition last night was very criti cal, and Dr. Petty has gave fears for the outcome. killed Uctwcen Cars. Barney Sudoskl, a Polander employed as an outside hand about the Lehigh Valley Coal company's Exeter colliery, was caught between two cars yesterday morning, and squeezed to death. He was 28 years of age and leaves a wife, but no children. llUIEF NOTES. The new city directory has Just been Issued and It is very complete. It has be-e-n decided to fly flags from all the schools in Wllkes-Barre town ship. The Vulcan Iron works have declared a 3 per cent, dividend, payable after July 1. The theater at. Hanover park has proved quite an addition, to the amuse ments of that place. On Wednesday-evening, July 10, the Oratorio society will hold a moonlight picnic at Mountain park. The sportsmen are making extensive preparations for their big- shoot on July 4, at West Side Park. John II. Lamb, one of the most popu lar young- men of the city, Is rejoicing over the birth of a son. Henry German has bought the Grand Central hotel of Fred II. Price, and will take possession In a few days. Dr. Outhrle has returned from Phil adelphia, where he was called- by the Illness of thie little son of his brother, Dr. Clinton Outhrle. B. Oppenhelmer, the Fast Market street clothier, was kicked yesterday by a horse he had Just purchased, and was quite badly hurt. The new Plymouth bridge 'will be thrown open today for general traffic. Dr. Blehl's carriage was the first one to cross the new structure. Marrls Marrls, one of the oldest resi dents of Nantlcoke, died yesterday at the home of his stepson, Evan T. Wil liams, at the age of CO years. The ladles of the Derr Memorial church held a well attended social last evening, and realized quite a good-sized sum of money for the church. John Finn was instantly killed a few days ..ago at Miners Mills by being struck by a. trip of cars in the Pins Kldge mines. The animal convention of the Grand National Curling. association of Ameri ca will be held at.Plltston on July 8, Instead of July 11,.' as was orlglnully agreed unon. The Cambro-Americon society ran a well attended- and greatly enjoyed moonlight excursion down the river to Nantlcoke and buck last evening on the steamer Wllkes-Barre. It Is now found that the West End wheelmen "will not come out financially wrong with their races, as was at first feared. There were 2,810 paid admis sions to the two days' races. Samuel Nanklvel, supervisor of Plains township, has been arrested and put under -ball on the chairge of em bezzling and destroying some valuable papers belonging to the township, PLYMOUTH. The funeral of the Infant child of David Thomas took place yesterday afternoon. Interment was made in Shawnee cemetery. The famous Plymouth team and the Millers. from Miner's Mills will cross bats at the Garrison Driving park this afternoon, The young man who struck the driver boy in the Nottingham mine on Thurs day and for whom a warrant was is sued on Friday, evaded arrest and the officers ate still after him. Mrs, D. 11. Morgan, who has been visiting her mother, at Danville, for the past week, has returned home. Miss Olliu Moon, of 'Carbondule, and Miss Corrle Dowey, of Wilkes- Barre, are being entertained by friends in town. Mrs. Miner Nesbltt and daughter, of Rolling Prairie, Ind., und Mr. und iMrs. John Shupp, of Laportte City, lnd., are visiting Peter Schupp. John Schupp and Mrs. Nesbltt are brother and sister of I'eter Schupp. The following Janitors have been ap pointed for the coming; year In the va rious school buildings: Centrul school, Arthur Ives; Willow street school, W. F. Andrews; Vine street school, John Staeey. Miss Nellie Lee has for her guest Miss Nellie O'Hara, of Shenandoah. Rev. Netherton, of Forty Fort, will occupy the pulpit at the First Method ist Episcopal church tomorrow iliorn- lng There will be no services In the evening. Miss Lizzie Manning, of Nantlcoke, Is the guest of friends on Welsh Hill I, A. West left for the metropolis last evening, where he will spend a few duys, the guest of his mother. The Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent's church left yesterduy for the Mountain House on vacation. Miss Surah Cuvanaugh. of Toledo, O, formerly of this pluce, Is visiting old friends In town. Miss Lou Alden Is entertaining Harry Oyer, of Buffalo, N. Y. Professor- Llewellyn Phillips and brother, David, have left for Chicago, where they will spend the summer months. Mrs. William Donnelly is seriously ill at her home. William Richards, who has been via King friends at Dagman's Ferry for the past few weeks, 'has returned home. His sister, Mrs. Owen D. Jones, is se riously ill at the above "place. WYOMING, Mr. and IMis. Steuben Church, of Spring brook, were visiting in town this week. Mrs. J. W. Patten and her daughter Lydla, Mis. Newman Brundage, of Wilkes-Barre, Mrs. Henry Vansooy, of Kingston, and Mrs. James Laws and Mrs. S. B. !ax were guests of Mrs. B. O. Dodson Friday. James Blackman and Miss Julia Bennett, of Pringlesvllle, are visiting Rev. Ready today. Rev. Ready -was at Wammy Friday. William Spear is home from Mans field on a vacation. Mrs. George Kutz, of Tunkhannock, and Mrs. Amos Pool, of Forty Fort, were entertained by Mrs. A'bram Rink- er Friday. Mrs. Charles Vaughan, of Tunkhan nock, Is visiting in town. Peter Mltchel and his sister Clara, of Shlckshlnny, were calling on friends Friday. John Oats, after his long Illness, re sumed work at Mount Lookout Tues day. Miss Mame Buckley Is visiting friends at Wilkes-Barre. Robert Uainett has been quite 111 from swallowing cherry pits. Union services will be held In the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday evening. Rev. F. A. Dony, of Scranton, will prearh. Mrs. J. O. Harrower Is visiting friends at Elkvllle. Mrs. Margarett White Is visiting In Michigan. , Mrs. Hannah A. Sutllff, of Blooming- dale, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. K. W. Sarnlsh. Mr. and Mrs. George Lyman, Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. Iyman's mother, enjoyed a trip to Bald Mountain on Tuesday. Ernest Shultz, of Luzerne, was a caller of John Lloyd's last evening. Olen Lyman, of Plttston, called on friends here last evening. MINOOKA, John McVarfcih, who left home a few mor.chs ago, has returned. The Mlnookers will cross bats with the Eurekag on Burke's grounds. June 30. The Lackawanna township schools clo-ied yesterday. Teachers, Misses Nallln, Gibbons; Coninell, Langan and Eagan, tendered their pupils an out ing at Minooka grove, which was thor oughly enjoyed by all present. Re freshments consisting of ice cream, cake, lemonade, etc., were served at intervals. The townfthlp school teachers re ceived their pay Thursday. James Powell, of the Stroudsburg Normal sc'hool, has returned home to spend ithe vacation. The article appearing in The Tribune Thursday to the effect -tha-t Joseph Gallagher toad enlisted in the United States navy was erroneous. Mr. Galla gher returned home yesterday. Michael Coyne, who accompain-led him, ihas- en listed In the service of Uncle Sam. OLD FORQE, , William Drake and sister Ella are Visiting their brother at West Point. The -Sons of Temperance of Duryea attended the services at the Brick church In a body on Sunday, and Rev. E. L. Santee delivered a very Une ser mon. Professor L. B. Brodhead attended the commencement exercises at the Bloomsburg Normal school this week. Mrs. a. K. Drake and Mrs. T. J. Stewart were visitors to Soranton on Friday. Charles Evans has purchased the store formerly run -by John F. Dills, A very -pleasant evening was spent by the members of Glen wood lodge. Knights of Pythias, at their hall- on Tuesday evening, when the following officer were elected: C. C, John Mas lln, V. C, E. C. Kellum; M. at A., Wil liam Lugg; M. of E., Harry Stevens; M. of F S. Brodhead, Jr.; K. of R. and H., James Morgan. , Piles! Piles! Itehlng Piles. HvmntnmiMUfllRtuM Inlkna. Hntiln and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, wnicn vuan wievu mid Ulcerate, DC- Mtmln. Bnra Dni a nxim'm fli ... stops the Honing and bleeding, heals ul ceration, and In most cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for M cents. Dr. Bwayne ft Son, Philadelphia. PITTST0N. N. The Plttston offlee of the Btranton Tribune has been opened by H. W. Cruser, Kem, ai io. b Williams street, where cun trlbutlon of news, complaints of non-delivery, orders for tnh wnt-lc uf all descrip tions, should be addressed and regular subscriptions received. AUvertlylng and subsvripiiuti rates cheerfully submitted. j A very pretty wedding- took place Thursday evening. In which .1. Jinny Dampmnn was unltird to Miss Nellie Richardson, und George Roberts to Miss Jennie Richardson. The cercnm nks were performed by Rev. Dr Parke ut Ills home. The newly wedded couples were tendered a' reception ut their home, on Warren street. The brides ore daughters of Mr. und Mrs, John Richardson, of 29 l-'icitlilnn'iai" street. Mr. iJainpniun und Mr. Hoi, erts are both highly respected young men of the place. The former Is u faithful employe of the Lehigh Valley Rallroud company. A l'oUinder named Harney Soduskl, employed ns outside hand lit the Ex:Mer shaft, was Instantly killed yesterday morning. He was caught between th" breaker and a moving gondola car and squeezed to death, lie was about 21 years old, and lived with his wife on Damon street. The most Interesting game of base tall of the season will be played this afternoon ut the fair grounds, be tween the West riltston and Wllkes Barre teams. .Manager George Dewey, of West Plttston, has engaged a. strong team, und Is confident of success. Should Wllkes-Uarre fall to appear, the East und West Side teams will piny. Mrs. Eugene llealey, who bus been III at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. B. Shlffer. on HIver street, Is uble to again enjoy the brlnlit open air. For necond-hund household goods, call on Wright A Co., D7 Soutli Main street. Goods exchanged, bought or sold. Rev. S. J. Arthur, of the Luzerne Avenue Baptist church, will address the men's meeting at the Young Men's Christian association Sunday after noon. Subject, "The Making of the Man." The choir of the AVater Street Baptist church will furnish the music. John Morgan, of Avoca, and ftliss Jennie Craft, of Maltby, were married at the bride's home on Wednesday even ing by Rev. Air. Jones. They will reside In Plttston. Miss Maggie Kearney, principal of Welsh Hill school, und one of Pitts ton's leading vocalists, was a Scranton visitor yesterday. Ed. Rutledge, who lias been making his home In Scranton for some months past, has made arrangements to take up his residence In West Plttston after July 1. John J. Polles. formerly of Plttston, but now living in Brooklyn, N. V has invented a safety gate for railroad crossings which he has patented nnd which Is llkley to strongly commend it self to railroad companies. Mr. Polles Is endeavoring to enlist some of Pitts ton's capitalists In this Invention, and a number uf our moneyed men will prob ably assist In placing It on the mar ket. E. W. Davis, a miner at the Clear Springs colliery, was severely Injured by a fall of rock, yesterday morning. Davis Is a married man. Though "his Injuries aire of a very serious nature It Is hoped I hey will not prove fatal. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE LACK awanna School Dlstrlot for the year end ing June 1, 1S5: Whole number of schools '.'I Number of months taught 1" Male teachers employed 5 Female teachers employed Ill Average salaries of mnles per month. ...$;() Average salaries of females per nion..$r.'.ro No. of femule scholars attending No. of male scholars attending Bui Whole number In attendance l,l!i;0 Average dally attendance of scholars.... "2) Average percentage of attendance. ...79 1-3 Cost of each pupil per month Number of mills levied for school pur poses 1." Number of mills levied for building pur poses C Amount levied for school pur poses )13,DG1,G0I Amount levied for building pur poses t'.O.Ol Total amount levied J18.DU0.M1 TAX COLLECTORS ACCOUNT. To amount of duplicate $18.510.1 " Rebate on Bellevue tax Z.IOS.M Exonerations sa.i.S Return to commissioners 201.7:1 Abatements HI. Ill Rebate on tax paid within CO days.. Cml.uo Tax collector's commission 411. Ul Amount paid treasurer 13,913.89 TREASURER'S ACCOUNT. Received from slate appropria- Ion $ CSr.9.91 Balance on hunil from lust year.. 91. CO Received from collector, Including tuxes of all kind 1.1.913.S9 From loans since lost year ltl.OOO.OU From county treasurer for seated und unseated lands 378.r.7 Total receipts 33,211.03 EXPENDITURES. Building and furnishing houses... SH.14I.G1 Rent, repairing, etc 09L'.C"i Janitor's fees and teachers' salar- arles. Including night school and Institute 12.071.7r. School text books 870.00 School supplies, other than books 002. W Fuel and contingencies 2,318.10 Fees of treasurer 0711.91 Balury of secretary smi.oo Debt and Interest paid C09.W Other expenses, including attor ney s fees, froltuge and other Incidentals , 4ftf..7n Cash on hand S.SL'1.73 Total $33,211.03 Estimated value of school prup- erty PHILIP HOACH, President. PATRICK HIUOINS, Secretary. Examined and approved this 20th day of June, 1B9S. MICHAEL G. CUSICK. PATRICK J. FOLEY. MICHAEL HOQAN. Auditors. Attest: PATRICK J. MULKF.RIN, It Township Clerk. Boarding. DEL1GHTKUL LOt'ATION FOR HUMMER; good rooms aud good board. 0(1 WwiliiuK- on sve. I stray. CvrRAYEr-MoL DARK RED COW O with white f.ica. Finder will nlesno re turn to .lumen Phillip 14-11 Dickson avenve. lo Lease. rpo LEASE FOR ATKRM OK YUARS. A I colliery In the Wyoming (Pennsylvania) rurlon. Thecnlllerv h fully euulmn'il for im- InedlMe operations. Address 1'. U. box. No 691, Hssleton, Pa. Real Estate. LOTS ON BKBT AVK VUEH, ' IVE blocks from court bUKe, t-,000 upwards. W. Gibson Jones, 311 Hpruoo. OUR SILK Printed Habutai Silks. Their actual worth is from 75c. to $1.00 per yard. Our former sale price was 37c, but they go now at We have added many new patterns to the assortment, and you are bound to concede that ours is the cheapest Silk Sale ever inaugurated. CONNOLLY A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS fOST THAT MI.'CH, WHEN PAID KOK, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT 1H MAD II, No f'HAKOK WILL HE LlOfiri THAN 2ft CENTS. 'I'll I H RULE AC PLIEH TO SMALL WANT AD.S, EX CEPT SITCATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. yANTKD MAN to manaok, branch olllco; Hilary fl 0O.I a ynur; SOOO cash nnd eforence r- ipnred: commercial refer kcjs uniLsie u. Audreys 121 Uuluiuuii ave,, Johns own, Pa, ' WANTED -A OOOl) LIVE MATTrtTTN" truducaln Kcrantim the Lcotemiiht imi give nor: n rood chance for tlio right man. Wrens BUFFALO UAS-HAVINU Co., Le tiny, . i. yA' TED -ACCURATE YOUN'U MAN V an assintaut Itojk-kesper. Address, tatlnsc vxperinneu anu ealurv exp cted, X. Y. ' 'lillmn-a olll e. UT A N TE D-BOYTOWOR KIN BOW LIN? alley; sternly work. KltKD WAKNKE, 115 North .Main avenue, Hyde Park. IJ1IOTO TICKET AGENTS AND 11C 1'L'RE I men c:in learn of a line poa.tion by nil liTsxine WILLIAM II. l'LAl'f, VM Elm itroet, Camden, N. J. l'ANTF.D - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN M every town lo holicit Htoek Hiibscrip tiouv a monopoly; W money lor ageuts; no ajiitul required. EDWARD U. FISH A CO., . onlen Block, Chicago. HI. . ' ALESMEN - Rt-KIDENT SALESMEN - wunt.d, aeiunintud with the local and nearby druir and grocery trade, to handle our ilne of liltth fmul" cik-ara. Address, giving leferenc-s, .1. F.OWAKD COWLES a C'J.. HJ ClianiberHstrout, N. V. Helo Wanted Females. i XANTED - A tilllL TO LEAD A BLI D V L'ii l. (lodp.iv. luuuire fruin 1 to 1 p ni. at SOS bprnee street ANTED Jill IDLE-All ED WOMAN AS ook In hot"l: tmitalile. tialm-v. Address. with references. Box IDils. Plyuio ith. Pn. H7ANTF.D-UIHLS TO LEARN DRESS VV lu.kiut:. WHS. TRIPP, 4oi Adams uve- nr.o. U7 A N T F. D I M M hill ATE L Y T WO F.N ER uetie aieKWoiuen to rflDres -nt us. Guaranteed $0n dny without int.-rferinf with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, iuclosini; stamp. Mango Chenv ii-al Company, No. "i John street. Now York. Wanted To Rent. U'ANTED-BY .IL LY 4. AN OFFICE AND two rooms for light housekeeping: un furnished; answer won. stating- torms, DR. V ZIEOLER BOWER, Delia, York County, Pu. For Rent. ranceil for bonrdlng and I tiginv, M bed rooms, parlor, dining, kitn en; a 1 in uew re pair; uv.-r nuruiuK .iiiua hum. TXiR HENT-li-ROOM Hol'SF; OOODCON " dition, furnace, gas, bath, 118 Vine stre -t. Apply L. M. HOKTON, Commonwealth B'ldtf FFH.ES TO LET. DESK KOuM TO LET nnd Assembly Hall to let. D. B. REP- LOOLE. w Spruce street t tt-V.O A I AD1L- A UTlUV UlTlf fl. 1 (.... I'M Vm.,blin n ., ..a a.ilfnltla f.i wholesMlo business. CARSON DAVIEti, rM-raiiiiHi, L'OR RENT-SIX ROOM HCH'HE ON WEST I Lnclciiwanna nvenuu. Atli'ress 1 HOMAS E. EVANS, oear IIUS Luierno, Hyde Par. iOR KENT NICELY H'HXISHED 1IALL I suitablo for lodiro rooms. JOHN JEK- MYN, 1IU Wyoming uvoniie. For Sale. 'OR 8AI.K-NEW HOUSEHOLD HOODS. . sinalll lot. lminlre for Van Anker, Boo- iut's restaurant, Franklin nveuuo. Call to cliiy. fOlt SALE- -fS WILL BUY ONE OF THE J1 best, siimi it inockiuii birds iu (he city. 1-toFrnukliu avonne. rrilK HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS OF- J. fer their urouertv on th west sido ot Ailanm avenue, between Pine and Gibson streets, coiilllng of live forty foot lots, innk ing a frontagu of two hundred fcetou Adams avenue by one hundred, aud llfty feet ill depth, improve I. with a largo threo story frame house, Pi tee, thirty thousand dollara. r.,A M. itiri'i.r, WILLIAM T. SMITH. JIENKY A. KNAPP. Advisory Comiutttre. Agents Wanted. pENKKAL AtlENTS WANTED-SELL 1 1 Ing new at tleles to denier: exclusive ter eomoi-tithin. no caiiitnl renuired: -.IHIt" luoper cent, prollt Columbia Chemical Co., Oil Dearborn st , Chicago, HI. A015NT8 WANTED FOR LA1K1EST LINE Aluminum Novelties, Har Uouds, Table ware, in America. Profits Immense. Stenly work. One agent sent 1-7 reorders. Delivered free. Sample 10c. Illustrated catalogue free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., itlj Broadway, New York. IHAVK THE BEST AURNTS' ARTICLE on earth. Send postal for particulars. Nothing Ilk it. Credit to nil worthy. Wnuted by everybody; no fraud: permanent growing l.,.(o.. t.,r lionsst tmonlii. 'I'HKIl. Nllt-.l.. Oeologisr, Chicago. III. B 1(1 PROFITS MADE" IN SKLI.1NO OUR Fi ntt Evaniirators and Cook Move Driers. Good tellers: k g discounts; s bonansi for I'gintK. Address A Ml", Kh; AN M'F'O CO., v ayiieauoro. ra., "ox iu. ONE INTELI.IOUNT MAN OK LADY wnuted In each town tnreorosellt us With something t nt sells on sight: ngunts making tm weekly, P. W. Zl KOI. Lit & CO.. Box i"iU, Philadl(ila, I a. WANTED ACTIVE PERSON TO TAKB A iieiinKiient nosltion: IT- n week from start, (live partieulors. SHEPP & CO., Box 7BS, Phllauelpnia, J'a, AGENTS HINDES PATENT UNIVER Bnl Hnie (-nrlers nnrt aver fns 'd with out lleatl, and "Pyr Puliited"Hair Plus. Lib eral commissions. Free sampiu nnd full par ticular. Address 1 , o. Box ion. jnow York. ANT lV"l ACTIVE SALESMEN TO bnnrllo out' line, no neddilng. Salarv. 17.1 per mouth and expenses puid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, WOti, Boston, Mass. in m SALE- is the GREATEST ON RECORD. & WALLACE, EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, o 0 REASONABLE, CHARGES, TRY OS, TIE Slim BEDDING CO Special Notices. 'E DON'T WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS, but men of ability : $'f i to ?Vj mouth to himiers: state and general agents; salary and co mission. Chemical Fire Extinguisher Co., Racine, is. A'OTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1, I xi wl 1 make a monthly tour of the follow ing places giving free op n air advertising ex hibitions wi u 'he stereop'icoii: 'i'avlorville, Hyde t'ark. Providence. Dicksoi Olvphant, Piekvllle, Arrliba'd, Jermyn. Exhibitions given on Wednesday and Frldav of each week during the month, the rates' for adver tis nt; are Slo per inoatk. Adlress E. H. Csll, Tribune office, city. "rPHE SOLDIErIn OUR CIVIL WAH." 1 Y on want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's f.-imousold War Pictures show. lug the forces n actual battle, sketcued on the spot. Two volumes, li,0OU pictures. Sold on easy monthly p.ivmenf. Delivered by ex press complete, all c! or.-es prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, Ci! Adann Ave.. Scranton, Pa, BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA zinus, etc., bound or rebound at Thb TntvuNB ofljee. (julck work. Keasoaabis prices. Proposals. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE C? ceived at thooflice of th Secretary of the Scranton Board of C n rol till 7.S0o'clock Mon day cvciiiug, July S, lilli, fox he heating and Ventilation an' sauitarv system of the pro- Iioscd twelve room pub.ic school buildinff. to im known as No. 10, an-i to no locitd on the easterly a de of Chestnut street, Fourteenth ward, of the rity of Scranton, in accordance witli plan anil'Fperiflcatioija in the hands of E:own & Morris, arcliltects. Scranton, Pa. .Me. henicsl ventilation is required iid flushed closet system to bo used. Tho sum of lioi in cash or certified chfclt is to be Inclose'! with each (roposal, wlnch-sam sball le forfeited to tuescuocl district in case of refusal or omis sion on the purt of the bidder to whom the c -infract shall lie awsrded to execute contract wlihiu ten days after the awarding of the same. The In aid reserves the right to reject auv or all bids. By order of the "cranton B ard of Control, EUGENE D FELLOWS, Secretary, nton. Pa., Juno 27. 18S5. Sera Situation Wanted. "m?ATlONWATED-F i and Ironing; wasltl gs taken home. also. C.i'l or L. B., &ii N. Sumner avouue Scranton, Piu '"you ng' mTjTspe'a K I N GA ND WRIT- iV ing FrencU and English, wishes fosilion in any kind of business as sal"siran or agent with small wages nnd commission; box IS, post olilce; refereiices given. YOUNG MAN, R. GISTEHED iN THIS state as qualified assistant, age i9) years, st-ady and temiwrate, wili kindly receive word froiu anyone. Address care U. P., Mcrnnton, P. O. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG O lady as bookkeeper or catiler, or would accept a position as grocery clerk. Would work out of city. Excellent penman. Ad dress "Experienced," UHI Lackawanna avo. U 'ANTED -A POSITION BY AN EXPERl enced bookkue;ier; Al references. Ad dress Lock Box ;tC, city. Medical. L Amies. Chichester's English Pennyroyal PH! nunji. nre the Best. "''i"';,1; T.k ftoollifl. iwtt.l 4... ,utr, '- 'tUi-iilr. Rlkf tt uii." I- iirtis i Return Mail.,. ik' Chichester ClieuicaT Co., I'hllaUa., i'a. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Summer Law-Lectures (twelve week lv I t'tli year oi continuance. Begin '.'Uti June, IMij. end isrh August. Are of signal use 1st. To students who design to study t this or or other Law-School; 2nd. To those who pro- propose to read prlvatu-y; anu, .iu, lo prac titioners who have not had the ndvanlage of svstemntlo iustruction. For circular apply (P. o. University of Yn.. CharlottesvilleAa.) to JOHN B. MIN'oR, Prof. Com and Stat Law PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians und Surgeons. DFt7o7 KDUAR DKAN "HAS IrESIOVKD to 010 Spruce street. Scranton. Pa. (Just opposite Court Houxo Square.) lilt." 14 A Y S08PE N N AVE.: 1 to S P. M.; cull 11002. DIs. of women, obstrutrlce and and ull dls. of chll. iR. A J. ' CONNELL, oVfICE t Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Frnncke's druir stroe. Residence, Tii Vine et, Ofllce hours: 10.30 to 12 n. m. and 2 to 4. iu id ti.30 lo 7.30 p. ill. Sun day, 2 to V p. in. , DR. W. B. ALLEN, tli North Washlnctoa avenue. I) H. C. L. FREY PRACTICK LIMITED diseases of the F.v-e. Kur, Nose und Throat oltlce, 122 W yoming ave. Resi dence, 02 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES. 123 WASHINGTON avenue. Ottlce hours, t to 9 u. m., 1.30 to 3 und 7 to 3 p. m. Residence 303 Madi son avenue. Architects.- EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Rooms 24, 2a una -U, vollillioiiweiuui building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE reur of outi wuBiungton avenue. j LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT, 4H5 Spruce St., cor. w aan. ave., acranion. BROWN & MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, 12U wasningion avenue, Scranton. Loans. L THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Cullender, Dime Bank building. 20.ou 1 6o2 and 604 ij Lacka. Ave., Cor. Adams. Lawyers. iESSUPS & HAND. ATTORNEYS-AND Counsellors ot law, Commonwealth building;, Washington avenue. Horace k.' hand, w. h. jessup, jr. YVILLAHD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT. torneys and Counsellors at Law, Re publican building, Washington aVw nue. Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX. ATTOR. neys und Counsellors ut Law; offices and 6 Library building , Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL H. PATTERSON'. ' VHL.L.1A.M A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors. Common wealth building. Rooms IU, a) and 21. W. F. BOYLE, ATTOr.NEY-AT-LAW. ....... -v -J, WU.IUlllg, lTa.llAJ ton avenue. FRANK TT OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room fj. Coal ExchanKe, Scruii ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-ot-Law, rooms w. W and 0J, Common wealth building. SAMUEL WEbaARATTORNEY-AT" Law. Office. 317 Spruce St., Scranton. Pa. L. A. WATRES, A TTORNEY'-AT-LAW. 413 Lackawana ave.. Scranton, pa. TRIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law,-Dime 'Caf - o.iiwfuir. ' I5crnn(n. - Money to loan In large sums at G per cent. C. R. PITCHER, law. Commonwealth ton, Pu. ATTOKNEY-AT bunding, Scran- C. COMEGYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B.'p.EPLdoLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on reul estate security. 40J Spruce street. B. F" KILLAM. ATTOiVXE V7aT-LA V 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. II. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY AT law. 4i Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. J. M. C. RAN'CK. 138 WYOMING AVbT Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TA FT. PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crown work. Ofllce, i'Zj Washington avenue. C." C. I .A U B A C H . S U RG EON DENTIST? No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON. chati ge. OFFICE COAL E.- Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re uuest. Opens September 10. KEY. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER II. BUELL MISS WORCESTER'S KIXDERGAR ten and School. 412 Adam avenue. Pu pil received nt ull times. Next terra will open April 4. .Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIO FOR balls, picnic, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Huuer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. i MEOAROEB BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton. Pu. FRANK P. DROWN CO.. HOLK sale dealers In Woodware. Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 Wert Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20. William Building, opposite poalollic. Agent for tlio Rex Kir Extinguisher. Seeds. G. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 14u Washington ave nue; green house, l".'-0 North Main ave nue; more telephoe 7S2. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. Kl'ETTEL. REAR Gil LACKA- wmitia u venue. Scranton, Pa niunuiae turer of Wire Screens. ' Hotels und Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 nnd 127 FRANK 1 1 tt avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTOTHOl'ski NEAR"D., L. k W." passenger depot. Conducted on the European plun. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. und Irving Plsoe, New York. Rates, $3.M per day and upward. (Ameri can plan). H. N. ANARLE, Proprietor. Pioneer of the hotel cen ter in New Y'ork city. Noted for It superb locu tion, smierlor room and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving MORK TALUK l-'OK THE PRICE than any tirst-cliisa hctel In the world. Facing Central Park, With and Wth sis., Pluxa Square and Fifth avuiiue; reuched by any uptown car, and the rrosstown cats at Wth St., which latter in tersect ull surface und elevated road; terminal station (ith live. I, road within hulf a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plun. DrlnkiiiK water nnd Ice uaed 1 valorised and frozen on the premise, and certified as to purity by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. UPHOLSTERED, ..... k