The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 29, 1895, Page 12, Image 12
12 mE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY a. JUNE 20, 1893. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE NEWS OF OUR NEIGHBORS CARBONDALE. H. U. IIa.ll, of Garfield avenue, will upend Sunday with. Mi family, who are vliMMnff friends and relatives in l'ltts ton. Anna WIIphx, of Nineveh, N. Y., la the euest of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Lews ley, of Ills-h street. Miss Llbble Rerrymnn, of I'ltti-'ton. Is the Kuest of Carboivdule relatives on Seventh-avenue. Sirs. James Foster died suddenly nt Jier home, 14 South Church Rtree-t, Thursday evening. The cause of her sudden death l attributed to henrt failure. Deceased was born In Pratts ville. Green county, New York, sixty four years bro. She had been a resl doi'Jt of Carbondale forty-two years. She Is survived by her husband and two soiiB, George A. and Charles I. Whltlnjr, of this city; two sisters and three brothers, who are Mrs. E. II. Tecker and Mrs. David Jones, of Glen Flails; John Traphagen, of California; George, of Florence. N. Y and I'ut mim, of Kingston, N. Y.; two grand children, Eva M. Whiting, who reside" with tier grandirent In this city, and Guy Sanborn Whiting, who resides In Scrunton. Funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon' from the home on South Church street. Delaware and Hudson Yardmaster John Copelund is on a visit to New York city. Mr. and Sirs. Jackson, of Park street, Ere visiting Scran ton friends. The funeral of the late John Martin, Who died Wednesday night In 'the Al bany hospital, was held in this city yesterday morning at 9.30 o'clock. A requiem high ma was celebrated over the remains In St. Rose church, and the body was interred Ih St. Hose cemetery. Among those from out of town who at- WEAK, NERVOUS MEN. Why not trtat with a physician to whom you can tell your troubles and will CURIO you? Why send your money miles away from homo to some one you never saw, when you have tho greatest Specialist near you with whom you can talk It over end be cured. Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scranton, by his new and specific methods and remedies cures all the following: Impot enoy. Lost Manhood, Varlococele, Gonor rhoea, Syphilis, Blood Poison, Nightly Losses, Stricture, Seminal Weakness. He stores Lost Vitality, Lost Memory, Eradi cates all the bad effects of "Self Abuse," Excessive Venery, Purities tho Blood, Re stores "Shrunken Parts" to their normal size. Arrests decay and makes you a well and hearty man again. If you are nerv ous, have a rapid irritable heart, tired, dull feeling In the mornings. Offensive Breath. Constipation, pains back of neck and head, or any of the above diseases, call and be examined. It will cost you nothing and you may benefit largely by it. Everything strictly secret and confiden tial. OFFICE HOURS Dally to 9. Sundays, 10 to 4. nD DrClTQ No. 412 Spruce Streot, SCUANlO.N, PA. CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of tlie latest designs and colorings, and our prices lower than any other bouse in the trade, for goods of the same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS We are overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. J. Scott Inglis 439 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Great MarkDown Retiring Sa: We have gone through the entire stock and made the lastand final cut in prices Everything at cost and less than cost Saturdays June 29s Positively last day of sale, Do not de lay, as you may not have another oppor tunity in a lifetime. Gorman's Grand Depot tended were nine members of . the Urotherhood, of Oneonta, N. Y., of which organization the deceased was a member, and Mrs. O'lirlen, John and James O'Hrlen, Mis? Ma'.'hcws and Sirs. James O'Hrloif, of Oneomla, N. Y. WAV ERLY, I. F. Hitter, of Rlnghamton, was a caller here last Wednesday. Mrs. Ui-acc George, of Chicago, will spind the summer here with her father, A. J. S.nllh. Mrs. Louisa P. Smith and daughter, Edith, of Oleiiburn, have returned from a visit to Holy Land. lien Green anil daughter, Mildred, have returned from n visit to Mr. and Mrs. Astlur Fell, at Wllkes-Harre. Fresh home-made bread, cakes, and pies every day at -Martin tiold's "Lit tle DelinonUo." The Waverly school library will be open one day every two weeks during the summer, commencing next Wednes day, July 5. Ml:' Sophia Mahuney is librarian. Children's Day will be celebrated nt the linptlst ihurch next Sunday even ing. Appropriate exercises will be held. Kev. A. lie! gen Itrowe will preach in the morning at 10.;!0. Fire works for the Fourth of July at the "Little Delmonlcu." Arthur D. han entertained the Wa verly Iiaptlst f lunch choir nt his home Wednesday evening. Hoth vocal and Instrumental music by the choir helped to make the evening a must pleasant one. loo cream and strawberries formed n pait of the refreshments served. The f allowing members of the choir were pieaeii't: Misses May Browe, Stella llalley, Grace Stone, Blanche Kennedy, Jennie Challis, Huth Perry, Estella Sillier, Sl-aud Sillier. Louisa Feehley, Ida Miller and Emma Pass; nnd Frnnk Bailey, E. S. Calkins, Sam Hall. Harry Miller, Edward Hall. Harry Kennedy, Tom Hall, George Da Vis. Andrew Smith and John S. Perry. The wedding of Sliss TIattle J. Cobb, of Greenfield, to Frederick M. Vnll took place nt the home of the bride last Wednesday ever.'lng. Rev. Bundlck, of Clifford, performed the ceremony. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers, water lilies predominating. A large number of relatives and friends were present to witness the ceremony and wish them long life and happiness. Leslie Tyler is filling SIlss Leavla Slershon's position, at tho postoffice dur ing her visit to her sister, Sirs. Nellie Llnderman, at Troy, Pa., for two months. Ice cream every day at Slartln Bold's "Little Delmonlco." George Davis left Friday to attend the Moody school, at Northlleld. Mass. Sirs. T. W. Yost, of Philadelphia, is the guest of Sir. and Sirs. Sterling Bed ford. Herbert Todd, of Atlantic Highlands. N. J., is visiting the family of Sir. and Sirs. George H. Davis. Rev. John Wlntch will hold the usual services at the Free Methodist church tomorrow. The ladles of Waverly Methodist church will hold an Ice cream nnd strawberry festival at the band room on the Fourth of July. CLARK'S GREEN, This vicinity has been highly favored by copious showers, and we are no longer living in fear of drought, which seemed to threaten us. Crops are look ing fine, and our prospects are bright. William S. Frace has been drawn as juror for the supreme court, to be con vened at Erie in July. Floyd Young has left for a visit to his parents, who reside at Salamanca, N. Y. A party consisting of J. B. Davis and wife, Sliss Lucia Brlgham, Sliss Angle Brigham. Miss Hattie Smith, SIlss Carrie Smith, Sliss Clara Smith, at tended the nuptlcal knot tying of Sliss Slina Wells, daughter of our esteemed townsman, Judson Wells, on Wednes day evening, at the residence of the bride's uncle, John Saunders, on Sev enth street, Scranton. The ladles of the Clark's Green Bap tist church will hold a Fourth o July dinner and festival In tho election rooms on Thursday afternoon and evening. . Mm. ' Henry Steele, of Nicholson called on fiienda here on Wednesday last. . TUN KM AM NOCK. Montrose car No. 4, which Buffered pnnial demolition in the recent smash- up near Sprlngville, has returned from the repair shops in good trim. It now wears a dress of durk paint to corre spond with the coaches on the Lehigh Volley road. An intoxocated female attracted con siderable attention yesterday In a vain attempt to walk tho narrow gauge railroad track. She explained to some sympathetic bystanders that "the heat ulways affected her that way. The .Montrose Sentinel gets a scoop on the reporters and newspapers down this way when It says that "wholesale arrests for bribery In connection with last fall's election In Wyoming county are being made." The Sentinel antici pates. If anything of the kind ever oc curs, It will be later on. ' Professor F. Stanley SteMilns will npend his vacation at Cambridge, Slass., and other New England towns. The new time schedule on the Slon trose road takes effect today. North bound trains will leave ns follows: 0.45 a. m., S.HO a. m., and 2.M) p. m. On Slonday and Thursday of each week a special train will h ave for Lake Carey at 7 a. in., and on Wednesday nnd Sat urday at 7.45 p. m., returning Imme diately after arrival th .'re. Sirs. G. F. Kutz has returned from a visit to Wyoming friends. Miss Susie Fox, of Ashley, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Tremayne. J. L. S-'tone, of Hav.leton. tax agent for the Lehigh Valley road, was here y -Bti rday to protest against the levy ing of taxes upon the station nt Falls. The building is occupied ns n dwelling by th? telegraph operator nnd the as sessor could see no good reason why It should not be assesred, same as other residences. But three applicants for permanent certificates appeared before tho exam ining committee yesterd iv. They were Professor W. SI. Wood, Slisi Aggie 011 marfin and JSllss Frances Williams. The department of public instruction at Harrlsburg will pass upon their ap plications after reviewing the result of the examination. Worthy Jnyne and Miss .Tosle Pollner, of Eaton, were married at Wilkes-Barre June 25. Rev. Thomas Owen, of Port Crnne. N. Y., is exiweted to preach at (he Baptist church Sunday morning. He was for merly stationed nt Centermorelnr.d, this county. Rev. (',. W. Hatch, who is filling the pulpit regularly during th" absence of Rev. George Hlno, will preach to the young people In the morning. M'nstc Itnsket News. The Presbyterians will hold, a "na tional service" Sunday evening, In which the laymen will assist. The ci der crop will be short the coming fall. East Lemonltes wl'l Indulge In n fes tival July 4. Nicholson t iys a 2l-mlll school tax. Today will be n red letter day with the Farmers' Alliance men at South Eaton. Besides a convention, D. C. DeWItt will lecture on finance. Postmaster Leo Is breaking In a bicy cle. A borough pound Is being con structed. A '"telephone line to con nect this place and Eatonville Is a pro ject for the near future. The "juddl cal"contcst Is the way an unsophisti cated resident speaks of It. Laceyvllle wants "a cooler for drunks." HONESDALE. Among those from Honesdale who attended the bicycle races nt Carbon dale, Thursday, were: Dr. R. Burns, Dr. Edward Burns, Dr. C. R. Brady. O. T. Chambers, W. E. Bennett, William Hayward. Burt Quinnly, Frank Doney, Wyman Kimble, Frank Hobbs, Benja min Gardner, jr., J. T. Brady and son, Samuel rnd William Katz, Julius Mull, A. A. Dittiick, William liracey. P. W. Gardner, William Birdsall, William Watts. J. N. C. Bader, George .Smith a:id Otto Schueller. Rev. P.obers Israel and wife, G. L. Dickson and wife, SIlss Halglit, Dr. II. H. Troop and Walter M. Dickson iv.:no over to Honesdule In the company's private car yesterday. Rev. E. J. Bn.ldsley, of Carbondale, was a caller In town Friday. Prothtinotary George A. Smith re turned home yesterday from a week's excursion on the ocean. Slelvin Dunlay, of Brooklyn, arrived nt Honesdale yesterday, having made the journey on his wheel. "Peg Wofting'ton" was given at the O ! Opera Hcupe last evening by local tal ent bvfore a large house. The play was well rendered. J. T. McDonnld, of Carbondale, reg istered at the Allen House yesterday. SIlss Edith Orerley, of Scranton," Is vlstlng Honesdale friends. Francis J. Cannlvau and Edward G. Jieifl;lnn rctuiwd ,hoine from school this week. Sirs. Caroline Cooper returned home yesterday after a visit with friends at Nicholson and Fnotoryville. Slortlmer Harris, of New York, Is visiting tho Sllsses Fucrth. PECKVILLE. Warnhpa tribe, Improved Order of Rid Men. will attend divine service In a body at the Presbyterian church to morrow evening. All members of sis ter lodge are invited to be present. O. L. Keller canie home yesterday from Sfroudsburg State Normal -huu1. Frank W. Day, of Wilkes-Burro, was a caller In town yesterday. Uive feus' j will beheld at the Method ist Episcopal church Sunday morning, commencing at 1).:!0. Preai'ii.lng by Rev. S. C. Slmpklns will follow. Subject: "The Gospel the Puwer'of God." 1 n tile evening Presiding Elder Thorpe will preach, after which sacrament of the L.ird's Supper will be administered. Joseph Croup, who has been spending a fi w days with relatives at Salem, re tmir.iid home yes'l'eivl-ay. The Methodist congregation will 'have na all d.iy celebration at White's grove on the Fourth. A dinner and supper will lieserved on tone lawn 'adjoining the Presbyterian church, under tin an pices' of vhe Young People's and Ladies' Aid societies, on July 4. - NICHOLSON. sriss Clara Wilcox has returned home alter an ribstnee of several months. .Miss Edna Frond nnd Belt Hliikley were married In I'.liigliamton, June 27. Joseph and Guv osterhout have re turned to their home, in Providence, after a short visit with friends. A ini ty of our youi-g people start for Lake Vi'inola Monday, to camp. Today Is the last day to save C per cent discount on your tax. The Men. Ison Base Ball club will crops bats with New Milfonl team, July 4. A large crowd gatlvred nt the Opera House last evi ning to hear tho last temperance lecture given by C. J. Hall. A large number of our young gentle men signed the pledge. - PRICEBURG. sr. J. Barrett, of Carbondale, was a caller In town yesterday. Jacob Weil. mil, Albert Cleave nnd Thomas AVellmn left yesterday for South Caanan on a fishing trip. If the llahy Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup has bein used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes ,lio Child, Softens the Gums, Allays nil Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In ev ery part of the world. Be sure and ask fer ".Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup," nnl take no other kind. Twenty-live cents h bottle. A Needless Expense. Wife I think It Is dreadful that young Burklns should put an enemy Into his mouth to steal nway his brains. Husband Yes, and quite, unnecessary. New York Herald, Printiiii; for Cioccrs. Circulars, cards, booklets, letter heads, etc., printed so well at The Tribune of lieu that they will sell goods for you. li tho Foundation of tho Wonderful Cures by bod's parilla That is Why thu cures by Hood's Siiraiarill:t tire Celtics. That is Why Hood's Sursirparilla cures tho severest cases of Scrofula, Salt Itlictini and oilier blood diseases. That is Why it overcomes That Tired l''eclinr, stienj;lliciis the nerves, gives energy in place of exhaustion. That is Why Hie testimonials for Hood's Sarsaimrilla are solid facts, and will stand the closest investigation. That is Why the sales of Hood's Sursuparilla have increased year after year, while other preparations of less merit have come, held a little tem porary favor, mid tire heard of no more. That is Why Hood's S.irsaparilla requires the largest Laboratory in tho workL That is Why Hood's SarsaparilSa Bs the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in tho public eyo today. Ba sure to get Hood's nnd only Hood's. THE An Red Blood i I Has cleaned out one manufacturer; nil of his Purculc Shirts, in different styles, very attractive in patterns; will make Oi PRICE OH fill, 35c. EACH. You can find in the lot Shirts that arc retailed nt $1.00 else where. We shall give you a chance on them; now is your chance to buy them, when you need Shirts to chunge so often. REMEM BER THE l'R ICE, 33 CENTS. Another opportunity-Oiir 25 cent Shirt and Drawcri, in Djlbriun und Ribbed, arc the lead crs In this city and any other. Only a few cases left; better be on time before they are. closed. EMPIRE DRY GOODS COMPANY, CjCDMiTJ CUT P.ltCE IT IS FALSE Bright's Disease cf the Kid neys,Cau Be Positively and Periuauently CuredIf You Will Ouly Consult Dr. F. B. SMITH And Staff, at 312 Wnoming Avenue, You Can Find Speedy Relief. Bright's disease of the kidneys has been a puzzle nnd a study to the medleul pro fession for years, and with but little If any hopes of ever performing uny wonderful cures. They have traveled on and on In the sumo old rut milil they have com pletely iluHpalred, nnd they will Invuiiably say, "It cannot b cured." Scores uml scores of men and women die annually from this dread disease ufter having been told there was no help for them. THIS IS FA I, SKI 'I'll K UK IS HKLP. If you will only avail yourself of the opportunity Villi CAN FIND A SI'IOKDY AND PKU MA.N'KNT KIOCOVI'IUY BY l.'oNSt'LT l.Nll DR. F. II. SMITH AND STAFF AT m WYOMING AVHNL'E, the most emi nent and tburoiiMhly educated physicians living. Tho followliur very Interesting case speaks for Itself: Mr. Henry K. Avery, who I.sli l.s on Providence road, consulted Dr. Smith nnd staff some three weeks uko, suffering from one of the worst acute curies of Bright's disease the doctor,! ever saw. He was bloated frnin the crown of his head to ihe soles of his feet. Hi,i urine was so loaded with nlbiinii n that In hulling It btciimc solid. All hopes of re covery bud been ubumloneil anil It would have been only a matter of a few days when death tvuiild hiive put an end to his sufferings. As above stated he begun treatment some three weeks aim and. strange ns It may seem, todav he Is con valescent, every trace of albumen having 11 11 nis urine and the bloating tins rapidly u:xujieart 11. Are you nick or ailing.' It so, ilnlft lit lilelllilice overenlne iron. I Jildmuent, but consult Dr. Sinllh FUKK OF I'liAUllB out of mere curiosity If nothing else mid INVKSTHIATH III .MKT1IOI) 1.11.' IIKALl.Vtl. He Invites In- vestigutiun. Ofllce hours D a. in. to 5 p. daily. TIME IS MERE lioys, remcmoer only a few more days are left to take a chance on that bi cycle in our window. So if you need a suit for the Fourth now is your time to get it. At the same iinie try your nick: at a chance for the wheel. A ticket given with the pur chase oi every Loy s Suit Now sroine on. At this sale we will dispose of our bummer Goods re gardless of profit. I HI . Ill Light Weight Mnn.s fl ir I Suits, tietutil vuluo $8.00; j lh 1 Sale l'riee O'fl I J All Wool Men's Suits, Ap nctuul vuluo J10.00; fculo H Jjjj ' R h Illitek Dress Knits, ae- mm ! ttml value JU.Ol); Sitlo hi l'riee Of 1 1 J : ; Hoys' Suits, 4-1") years, Al rip nctuul value fL'.oO; Hale j j Hoys' Dress Suits, s.u- Al flP li;t.. !:...!:!!! 2.03 Kneo Tants, 2 pair for 25 C THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Aye. SIGN OF THE BELL 5 STD.1E, OLD STAU Special Sale .... of : Ejj i i,wmssBSr 1 5 ; rata CuM ' mtyj ; : ? i ; ww ww w wrwv vw Oil OF 008 IMMENSE VARIETY of goods' in our Upholstery department, which our ever-increasing trade demands, there is always at this season of the year a quantity of short lengths of all grades of goods suitable for Draperies and Furniture Covering, which we are closing out to make room for Fall Goods, at one-half the regular price, including Cotton Damask, vSilk Damask, Geuoise Silk, Light weight Drapery Silk, all 50 inches wide, 5oc. to $5.oo Per Yard. CHINA AND JAPANESE SILKS 4 Patterns 85c, Now 65c. 7 Patterns 75c, Now 55c. 10 Patterns 60c, Now 50c. . 8 Patterns 55c, Now 45c. " 9ilkn!onP I Patterns 14c, Now 0c. f Patterns 15c, Now 10c LACE CURTAINS Nottingham Irish Point, Tambour and Brussels, 1 and 2 pair lots, at cost price. Japanese Porch Shades Just received another shipment; sizes 6x6, 8x8, 10x12. 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. LIKE A CHURCH Our services are free. We don't charge anything for showing goods. We're so proud of the stock we like to show it off. ' It's your business to buy or not just as your own good sense dictates We are glad to - have you look-glad to have your opinion. I . NOT CHANCE Did our business grow to its present proportions knowledge of the- business good goods and low prices have done it in conjunction with CONOMY'S . , 1.. .11 . E ASY WAY TO PAY into the store will see ECONOMY EMM 1 GO. myuu"y wuu Wi" WA"W the evidence of this. FURNITURE CO., 225 and 227 Wyoming Avenue.