The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 26, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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j stocks AM) i:pxa.
Now Torlt. June 24. The Steele mar
ket today was tlrm oml hlKliur. The
only roally weak Bv-tn were N-jw Eng
land, Chicago Oaa and TtninnBee Coal
and Iron. New Kiiglund, after open
ing at 63, broke to DO, rollh'il to fil, and
closed at 4!), the lowest of the day.
The disposition to Bell Is explained by
the fact that the Vanderbllt Interests
are credited with the purchase of a
controlling Intercut. Chicago Gas was
sold freely throughout the day, owlnu
to the veto of the Lowenthal frontage
bill by Governor AUgeM. The Btoek
opened 71 and, after rallying to 72Vi.
dropped to TOia'l. I" th ' remnlndrr
of the list advances of '4 to were re
corded, nifillllers and J'uclll-.- Mall
cored the lurg.'Bt gain. Speculation
closed firm in tone wl'li prlets any
where from to IV, higher than the
close yesterday. Nrw Kim-land and
Chicago Gas were the exceptions and
scored low of per cent. Total
Bales were 227.000 shiuvs.
The ratine of today's iw-Ves for the ac
tive stocks ot the New York stork mar
ket arc p;ven below. The iiiotatlnn:t un
furnished The Trltiene by li. ilu II 1mi
miek. manager for William Allen Ai
Co.. f,toek brokers, 412 Spruce struct,
Surittiton. . ,
Op n- 11 ign- low- iu-
Am. Tobacco Co U2Ti
' Am. Biiuar Ite'K Co.ll.)
Ateh.. To. & S. Ko... M1
10 Si
'.i1.' -i
Cnn. South.
Ches. & Ohio
Chlcaso Gas
Chic. Sc X. W
Chic. U. & Q
C. C. C. & St. L. .
Chip.. .Mil. & St.
. 7 1 Si
Chic, H. I. & I
Delaware & Hud."!..121"i .
1).. L. Ai W
llst. C. V....
Gen. Kleetrlc...
Lake Shore
Louis. & Nash
Manhattan Kle.
.... 2'i
.... 7N
115 "
81 'i
.. 3C,
.. 53
... !"i
... b
Olleh. Central
Mo. Pacific
Nat. ConUiKe
Nat. Leail
N. J. Central
N. Y. A: N. K
x. y.. L. K. & w...
N. Y., S. & W
N. Y.. S. & W.. IT.
Nor. Pacilic
Nor. Pac'.llc, Pr....
Ont. & West
raeide Mull
Phil. & K'.ad
17' 3
Bouthern 11. li.'.!'.!'.!. II1!
Why not treat with a phystctan to whom
you can tell your troubles ami v.ill CCUIJ
you? Why send your nior.-y inlles away
from homo to some one you never saw,
when you have the nrcatst Specialist
near you with whom you can talk !t over
and be cured.
Pr. Reeves. 412 Spruce street. Seranton,
by his new and specific methods and
remedies cures all th following: impot
ncy. Lost Manhood. Variococele. tionor
rhoea. Syphilis. Blood Poison. Nightly
Losses. Stricture, Seminal Weakness, lie
stores Lost Vitality. Lost Memory, Eradi
cates all the bad effects of "Scif Abuss,"
Excessive Venery, Pur'tles the Blood. He
ctores "Shrunken Parts'" to their normal
size. Arrests decay and maltes you a well
and hearty man again. If you are nerv
ous, have a rapid Irritable heart, tired,
dull feellns In the moraine. Offensive
Breath. Constipation, pains bark of neck
and head, or any of the above diseases,
call and be examined. It will cost you
nothing and you may benefit largely by it.
Everything strictly secret and confiden
tial. OFFICE HOURS Dally 9 to 9.
Sundays, 10 to 4.
;o. 412 Pprnco street.
Examine our new line of Spring
Goods. All of the latest designs
and colorings, and our prices
- lower than any other house in
the trade, for goods of the same
of every description and quality.
We are overstocked and will sell
at prices about one-half the reg
ular price, as we need the room.
J. Scott Inglis
Will continue only five days longer.
Saturday, June 29th, positively last day of
the sale. -
Choice goods at your own price.
. .
Stock must be closed out.
No reasonable offer refused.
Gorman's Grand Depot
Tenn., C. & I......... 894 NH S8ft 8814
Tex. Pacific 13'4 13 lav. 134
Wabash 8 H 8
Wubuah, Vr 'ani 20H 20 20
Went. Union II2'4 KtVt , 2
IT. H. Leather 18i 1N' 17'. '
V. 8. Leather, IT.... i W4 KH 93i
Open- HirIi- Low- Clos
WHKAT. lug. est. est. Ini?.
July t9i 7Pi tHH4 H
Beptimber 71' 73',-a 71 73,4
July 2I)',4 2(114 2t?
Biotcmlier 2U' 27 2(i' B
July 47 4SH 4"H 4i
Beitcnib.r 4S;, 48H 48!4
July 6.fi2 C.C7 6..12 6.57
Septumher 6.75 6.80 6.72 6.77
July 11. 00 12.25 11.90 12.22
September 12.20 12.02 12.20 12.60
Seranton Hoard of Trade i:chnneo Quo-
tatlcins All (Quotations lluscd on fur
of lot).
nimo Hep. i D!s. Hank
Flint National Bank
Ureeti Itldtfo Lumber Co
Lai kawaimu Lumber Co
Lueku. Trust Ar Hate I )ip. Co...
Bn anion Savings I tank
S.'ianlini Lure Curtulii Cu
'I' hi i'. I National Hank
Tliuron Coal Land Co
Hi iaiiton Axle Works....
Serantoii Class 4'o
National lloriiiK A Krlllliii; 'o.
Hi'iaiitoii Jar H Stopper Ci
D.cksuti .Manuf:ietiirliiu Co....
Laeka. i' MiMitlse H. It
Spriiik' Htuult Water Co
K.lmliutst lioulevurd Co
Autliraclte Land & Imp. Co....
Berunlon Traction Co
Ki'onuniy Steam Heat A: Power
Madison Avenue Improvement
Srianton tiiu.'s Co
ltushbruuk Coal Co., Ci
H-Tnntin Axle Works. 0
Siranton Pass. Kailu'uy ilrst
moitKan" li's, due HO)
People's St. Itallw.iy, first
ir.orti;aite ti's. due 19IS
People's St. Hallway, second
murtKaue 0's, due U'-l
The Silver Mnikct.
New York. June 25. Par silver In Lon
don 1-bi lower at SO 3-lCd. per ounce. The
commereliil price for bar sliver In this
ma: ki t Is quutid at tWye. and Mexican dol
lars r,t r:!c.
The steamship St. Louis will take out
425,000 ounces of silver, shipped by Mens.
Handy A llannnn, 200,iX: Zimmerman &
Forshuy. 75.'.V. and J. & W. Suligman, 150,
t) ounces.
The .Mercnr.'.lle Safe Deposit company
holds 3HI.S2I ounces of silver bullion,
nculnst which 331 certificates are outstand
ing, consisting of 31 brown and 297 green.
New York ITudiice Market.
Nsw York. June 25. Flour Dull and
weak. Wheat Firmer: No. 2 red store
and elevator. 75a75t4C. : nlloat, 70l4a76'sc;
f. o. b., I'JaTT'ic: ungraded red, U9u77o.;
No. 1 northern. 7:(c: options closed tlrm
at PjiUc. over yesterday; June, 75iic;
July, 7.Vtc: Align;, 75V.: September,
7tl'S(C. ; Oitober. TTe. : December, 7s:1rC.
Corn Firmer; No. 2, 62sc. elevator; e3"a
54c. atloat; options closed tlrm: July, 53c;
AuBUt--;. 51c; September, 54Hc. Oats
Firmer: options quiet, firm; June, 29V-I
July. 2S'..,c; September, SJ'jC.; spot prlcs,
No. 2. ja'-ja.H.'c; No. 2 white, 33;a33V-: No.
2 Chlcaao. 30VM No. 3, 29c; No. 3 white,
33c; mixed western. 3ea32c; white do. and
whitu state. 34a 10c He 'f Dull, steady,
unchanged. Provisions Quiet, steady, un
changed. Lard Quiet, stronger; western
steam, W.72'2; city, tO.05a6.15: option sales,
none; refined, llrm: continent, $7.05; South
America, $7.40; compound, 5a5s;c. Butter
Steady; state dairy, lbU'c; do. cream
cry. 17'ialSc ; western dairy, 9al4c. ; do.
creamery, 12alSc. : do. factory". 8al2'i.c. ; El
gins, ISc. ; Imitation creamery. llaPic.
Cheese Firmer; state large, Sa7?;c; do.
fancy, 7'2aSc. ; do. small, G'saS'ie. Eggs
Firm; state and Pennsylvania, 13al4c;
western fresh, Hjal2C.; do. per case,
The Grocery .Market.
New Tork. June 25. Business in raw
sugar is practically at a standstill and the
! quoted values should beconsidsred more or
I less nominal at 3 5-l'!c for 96 test centri
i frugals, 2Tc. for 89 test muscovado and
I 2e. for 89 test molasses sugar.
i Tho T.nmlnn aiirrni mnrlrl la nnlaf n nrt
unchanged for cane, Java quoted at Us.
6d. and fair refining at its. 9d. Beet ruled
Arm and dearer, with June quoted at 9s.
6d. and July at 9s. 7'-;d.
The demand for refined sugar Is more
active and the market rules steady with
prices unchanged and quoted on the basis
of 4 7-P'.alrsc for Kranulated.
Thtre la very little demand for Invoices
of Drazil coffee and values are more or
less nom.nal at ir.i',air,'ie. for Rio No. 7
spot and 14al4'4c. for Ilio No. 8 spot. Mild
coffee In barely nteady and not very active.
Molas-vs an! syrups and rlco are steady
but quiet.
Toledo Grnln Market.
Toledo, O.. June 25. Wheat Receipts,
21,031 hurheis; shipments, 7.000 bushels;
market dull; No. 2 red, cash, 74c; July,
74'ic; August, 71c; September, 7414c j De
cember, Ka. Corn Receipts, 6,489 bush-
els; shipments, 1,000 bushols; market dull;
No. 2 mixed, September, Wo.; No. 8 yel
low, cash, 49c.- Oats lterolpts, 2,018 bush
els; No. 2 mixed, July, 28o.; September,
28c. Clover Seed Market weak; October,
$5.65. Prime Timothy August, $2.16.
Phllndolphln Tallow Market.
Philadelphia, June 25.-Tallow Is weak
and dull. We quote: City, prime, In hints,
ic; country, prime, In bbls, 4c.; do.
dark, In bbls, 4a44c; cukes, 4Vic; grease,
3c. ,
OH Market.
PlttBburg, June 25. Oil opened and high
est, 170; lowest and closed, 160.
Over 85 per cent.' of the bread winners
In this country are males; a little less than
15 per cent, are females.
Over one-half the population of Rhode
In this country are males; a little Iubs than
nectleut Is employed In the mills.
The experiments of the Pennsylvania
railroad with sixty feet steel rails have
shown greut advantage over shorter rails.
The New York Central carried 4,273.000
bushels of groin Into New York in May
as compared with 1,741,000 bushels In May,
There were 8.106,861 kegs (100 pounds) of
cut und wire nails produced In the United
States last year, of which Pennsylvania
produced 1,111,931 kegs.
The puddlcrs of tho Potts Brothers Iron
company at Pottstown have been notltled
of an Increase In their wages of from $2.25
per ton to $2.50. The change will go Into
effect on July 8.
The Huntingdon and Broad Top rail
road's coal tonnage for the week ended
June 22. 1S95: Total for week, 13.377; In
crease, 37,077. Total for year to date, 998,
552; Increase, 315,419.
For the first tlmo In the history of
Cleveland wheat has been brought from
thceast forgrlnding. Onocompuny brought
125.000 bushels from IiufTalo which had
been designed for export to Europe.
The Olnsgow Iron company has given
notice that It will start Its pudle mills
at Pottstown In full on July 8, after un
Idleness of about six months. The mill
gives employment to over 100 hands.
The International Railway congress will
be opened In London to-day. The Penn
sylvania Railroad will be represented by
Vice President Thomson and the Lehigh
Valloy by Vice President Hartshorne.
Lake Ontario yielded 33 per cent, less
fish last year than during the previous
yeur. The yield of herring was very poor,
especially near Niagara, where the water
is polluted by sewerage from Buffalo and
refuse from the Niagara mills.
The 300 workmen employed at the Dela
ware Rolling mill of Hughes & Patterson,
No. 800 Richmond street, Philadelphia,
have been made glad by the posting of a
notice to the effect that a 10 per cent. In
crease In their wages will go Into effect
on July 1.
On July 1 the Rending Railroad company
will, for the fifth successive time, default
In the payment of the semi-annual Interest
on the general mortgage bonds, and tho
accumulation of back Interest owing to
the holderB of these bonds will then
amount to nearly $5,000,000.
The Pennsylvania railroad reports that
the quantity of coal and coke originating
on and carried over Its lines east of Pitts
burg and Erie for the year thus far has
been 9.999,329 Ions, compared with 6,151.259
tons In the corresponding period of 1894,
an Increase of 3,840.070 tons, of which
7.457.C.S8 tons were coal, an Increase of
2,490,255 tons, and 2,541,641 tons coke, an
Increase of 1,343,815 tons. '
The owners of the North Lebanon Fur
naces have notified their employes of a
10 per cent. Increase of wages, to go Into
effect July 1. The East Lebanon Iron
company has notified the employes of tho
puddle and rolling mil1 that an advance
of 10 per cent, will be made, dating from
today. In all about 600 men are affected.
The West End Rolling Mill has announced
a raise of 10 per cent., to begin July 1.
The slope at the Williams colliery near
Mt. Lafee In Schuylkill county, has now
been sunk a distance of 1,500 feet, and It Is
soon expected to reach the basin. The ac
tive shipment of coal will not be com
menced until the basin Is reached. Tho
coal cut In the airway and slope Is prepared
for market in a temporary breaker. It Is
expected the colliery will be a productive
one and will give employment to a large
number of men and boys.
The father of young Burden, who mar
ried Miss Sloane, gave the 1,500 employes
of the Burden Iron Works a banquet In
honor of his son's marluge. In his speech
to the men Mr. Burden said that twenty
seven years before his father had given
the men and a banquet in honor of his (the
speaker's) marriuge, and now he wished
to do the same for his son. A dispatch
was sent to the men from the bridal
couple, who were visiting George Van
derbilt's place near Asheville, and they
in turn sent a telegram of congratulation
to the honey-mooners.
The women of Tacoma, Wash., are en
gaged In a very active crusade In favor
of "home Industries." They have formed
a league whose members pledge them-
selves to give preference always to arti
cles manufactured 4n Tacoma or pro
duced In the State, and to labor to bring
others to these principles. The women are
working In the matter with astonishing
vigor, and have succeeded In booming lo
cal trade to a notable extent. One feature
of tho crusude Is a badge worn by the
members of the Home Industry league,
and another In the printing of a list of
home-manufactured urticles, which Is sup
plied to every household in the town.
According to the latest reports upon tho
coal Industry, England Is the lurgest pro
ducer In the world, her output during 1891
been 188,277,525 tons. This was mined by
705,244 persons. The United Slates comes
second In tho list with 164,000.000 tons.
Germany produced during the same year
about 73,000,000 tons, exclusive or lignite.
The other coal producing countries mine
practically the same amount from year to
yeur, as follows: Austrla-IIungury, 10,700,
000 tons; France and Russia, 6,250,000 tons
each; Australasia, 4.000.000; Japan, 3.250,
000; Nova Bcotla, 2,250,000; Spain, 1,30il,(KK);
British Columbia, l,2(M,uoo; Italy. 8O0.OUO;
Sweden, 200,000. The consumption of coal
per head of population Is lowest In Aus
tria, whero It Is only one-sixth ton per an
num, und highest In Croat Britain, where
ench person averages throe and three
tenths 'tons each year. In the United
States the average Is 2'i tons each year.
E. Andrews, of Ilinghnmtun, was a
culler hero lust Monday.
Andrew J. Stone, of Colorado, Is here
visiting relatives and friends.
Hev. D. N. Vail has returned from n
trip to Shuhula dlen ami New York
A team of horses belonging to George
E. Stevenson ran away one day Inst
week. One of them broke Its leg and it
was necessary to kill the animal.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Godfrey, of Scran
ton, ppernt Stmdny with Mn and Mrs.
J. H. Hopkins.
A. H. Kit l lor, of Lafayette college, Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Bliss,
Miss KtPlln, daughter of Mr. and
Mirs. Frank Halle', who has been at
tending Keystone academy, Is home
during vacation.
Misses Augusta and Elizabeth Merrill
and brotheir, Hubert, 'of Seranton, are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. W. L. Tlrcnnnn, wf Green Grove,
was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. N. C.
Mackey last Saturday.
Mlra Musette Appley has returned to
herihome at Coehecton, York state, after
a pleasant visit with Miss Laura Mer
Bhon. In the assault and battery case of
Kromer vs. Tu'inbull. both of Dalton,
before Justice of the Peace N. Douglass
Smith, the Jury failed to agree, and
were discharged.
Ice cream at Martin Hold's "Little
The Literary society of the Epworth
League' held a very enjoyable session
at the Methodist Episcopal church last
Monday evening to a very appreciative
audience. The programme, consisting
of recitations, songs and charades, was
faithfully carried out. All acquitted
themselves creditably.
Attorney A. D. Dean has Invited the
eholr of the Baptist church lo spend
this evening at his elegant home to en
Joy the luxuries of Ice oream and straw
berries. The Children's Day services held In
the Methodist Episcopal church last
Sunday were of a highly Interesting na
ture, and the children acquitted them
selves very creditably. Tim "Golden
Gate" was a beautiful and n tlstlc
sight. The church was profusely dec
orated with natural flowers. The guar
dian amd assistant guardian were rep
resented by Miss Ina Henjnmin and
Bertha Bold. The pilgrims, (represent
ing obedience, sincerity, humanity, love,
endeavor and self-surrender, were
taken by Hubert Mackey, Edith Ben
jamin, George Sherman, Llzzlo John
son, Cati Helph and Anna May Dean,
Miss Leavia Mwshon accompanied the
singing on the organ.
wIER IV1 Y lJ.
George Dyer and H. W. Morrison left
yesterday for Birmingham, Ala., where
they will make their future home.
Miss Gertie Vail Is home from Mans
field Normal school for the summer va
cation. John Hoggarth, tho leader of the
Temperance band, left last evening
for New York. He sails for England on
the steamer Germanic tomorrow.
. Miss Jessie Winter Is enjoying the
country air at Mill City, Wyoming
Mlws Dana Ilympr Is nt Mlllersvllle,
Lancaster county, attending the com
mencement exercises at 'the Normal
John B. Orlfliths, of Wcsleynn univer
sity, and Frank Stocker, of Yale, are
home for the summer vacation.
Ilobert Nicholson, who was so se
riously Injured In No. 1 shaft, Is In
the Emergency hospital In a very pre
cocious condition.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sampson, of Prlce
burg, were among the many visitors In
town on Sunday.
John Williams Ih home from Mans
tleld State Normal school.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Berry, of Provi
dence, spent Sunday with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Berry.
Children's Day was observed In the
Methodist Episcopal and Baptist
churhes Sunday and attracted large
Miss Grace Barber Is visiting with
parents at Wllkes-Harre.
The Ladles' Aid sochtty and the
Young People's society and the choir of
the Methodist church will have a festi
val at White's Grove on July 4.
If the lliihy Is Cutting Teeth,
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup tins bom
used for over Fifty Years by Millions of
Mothers for their Children whllo Toothing,
with Perfect Sueross. It Boothes the
Child, Softens the Gums. Allays nil Pain;
Cures Wind Colic, and Is tho best remcly
for Diarrhoea. Bold by Druggists In ev
ery part of the world. He sure and ask for
"Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," nnd
tnke no other kind. Twenty-five cents
Mrs. B. Bchermerhorn and Miss
Mame Baker leave itoday for h two
weeks' visit ait New York and Bridge
port, Conn.
The meet of the Carhondale Wheel
men will not lack for fnBt riders, but
Banger and Sims, in class H, are barred
out, having been suspended for thirty
days from all track racing. It Is quite
probable that Tyler will Join the pro
fessionals. From ft recent examination
of the Carbondale (track It promises to
be very fast and, will give tho men
ample opportunity for showing their
C. E. Smith in suffering with a dislo
cated shoulder, the unfortunate result
of a runaway, Monday.
A bicycle path Is being constructed
down the center of Main street. That
Is. we should Judge an, as It 1b con
structed of broken stones.
On Sunday evening at the cloe of the
Christian Endeavor prayer meeting oc
curred the election of officers and com
mittees to serve during the next six
mon'tha.. The result was as. follows:
PrtSldent, W. D. Frank; vice-president,
Mrs. Grant Nicholson; recording secre
tary. Miss Anna Dunslan; treasurer,
Miss Sadie Lewis; organist. Miss May
L. Avery; corresponding secretary, W.
E. Bennett; lookout committee, Charles
D, Bulley, Miss .Annie Evans, Mrs. It.
J. Hoe), Mlsg Mae Halilock, Mr. Haven
stein; prayer meeting committee, W. F.
Nye. 'Dr. V. J. Lowery, Irwin Stone,
William Breeee, Mrs. A. S. Lewsley;
Sunday school committee, A. S. Lews
ley, Mis Lucy Joalln, Miss Lulu Phil
Hps, K. W. Nye, F. Wilson; missionary
committee, Miss Canrle Geary, 11. K.
Hull, William Smith, George Whitfield,
Miss Sarah Davis, Miss ilhtgenla Smith;
social committee, Mr?.. Grant Nicholson,
Krniik Snedekar, Miss C.nrrle Geary,
MIssiMary J. Evans, Mrs. James Smith;
music committee, May L. Avery, Miss
Ella Purdy, Freeman Tallman, Miss
Allle Price. Ml-fl Nettle Uurdlck; Junior
work, Miss Cora Estabrook, superin
tendent; Miss May Belle Fuller, Miss
Amy Klnbaek, iMlss Edith Hawkins,
Miss Wadle Lewis; flower committee,
Florence Colwell, Miss Jennie Fluewel
lyn, Mrs. Irwin Stone, Miss Minnie Tall
man, Miss Catharine Williams.
On Friday of this week at our neigh
boring town, Jer.-nyn, will be held a
rally of the .'Baptist Young People's
union of Ablngton association. It will
occur In tho Jermyn Baptist church.
Sessions will be held In the afternoon
nnd evening. Several from this city ex
pect! tn attend.
Miss Mamie Murrln, of Seventh ave
nue, attended the commencement exer
cises of Nazareth academy in Hochester.
Seventeen members of the Curbondalc
Cycle club were In Wllkes-Harre yes
terday and took part in the big parade
prior to the opening of the race meet In
that city.
Last evening about 5 o'clock, as the
Anthracite hotel bus was going down
Main street the horse shied at a pass
ing street car nnd ran Into a horse amd
carriage In front of Cramer's photo
graph gallery belonging to Mr. MeCabe,
of Canaan street. Both horses were
stopped nnd no serious damage done.
Yesterday morning, .shortly after 5
o'clock, occurred the death of Mrs. S. F.
Carpenter, wife of the business man
ager of the Herald, after a week's Ill
ness. Deceased was nearly 31 years of
age nnd was the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. IT. M. Derby, of Afton. Mr.
and Mrs. Carpenter became residents of
Carbondale In the spring of 18S8. Her
hushnnd and two children survive her,
Arthur, aged 6 years, s.nd a babe one
week old. The body will be taken on
Thursday morning to Afton, N. Y.
Harry .Lister, of Washington street,
will leave today to visit his brother, Al
fred, In Philadelphia.
F. A. Brown and family are enjoying
the breezes at Ocean Grove.
This morning at St. Rose church will
occur tho marriage of Miss Annie Kelly,
of South Main street, to Michael Walsh,
formerly a resident of this city, but now
of New York city. The couple will be
attended by Miss Maggie Morrison, of
South Main street, and Joseph Young,
of New York city. Rev. T. F. Coffey
will perform the ceremony.
Miss Ida Mitchell, of Seranton, Is vis
iting .Mrs. George Kellow, of Park
Miss Nettle Bayley, of Salem avenue,
Is the guet of her cousin, Miss Myrtle
Bayley, at Green Ridge.
Printing for Grocers.
Circulars, cards, booklets, letter heads,
etc., printed bo well at The Trlbuno of
fice that they will sell goods for you.
Is Your
Blood Pure
If it is, you will bo strong, vigor
ous, full of life and ambition; you
will have a good appetite and good
digestion; your slec) will bo sound
and refreshing; your nerves will be
strong; you will linvo little need to
fear disease in any form.
ilut bow few can say tbnt their
blood is pure! I low many people
tiro suffering tluily from the conse
quences of impure blood, scrofula, salt
rlicuni, rheumatism, catarrh, nervous
ness, elerplcsKiiess, headache, und
Tired Feeling
Hood's Sursapurilhi purifies, vitalizes
and enriches the blood. Therefore,
it is tho medicine for you.
It will givo you pure, rich, red
blood und strong nerves.
It Will overcome tlmt tired feeling,
erento an uppetite, givo refreshing,
sleep nnd innku you strong.
Is not this just what you wnnt?
Then take 1 nod's Sursiipurilhi. It
Is tho best building up medicine.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently In tho public, eyo today.
Hood's Pills ffiZ 'SWEET
Has cleaned out one manufacturer; all of his Percale Shirts, in
different styles, very uttructlve
You can find in the lot
where. We shall give you a chance on them; now is your chance
to buy them, wlien you need Shirts to change ho often. KEMEM
1JER THE l'RICE, 35 CENTS. Another opportunity Our 25
cent Shirt and Drawers, in Balbrlggan und Ribbed, are the lead
ers in this city and any other. Only a few cases left; better be
on time before they are closed.
And Staff, the Greatest and
Best Magnetic Physi
cian Living.
312 Wyoming Ave., Seranton, Pa.
The following Is an ofllclab report of
eases now under treutment and conva
lescent for the week endiiiK Saturday, June
'12, 1XU5: Nervous prom ration, li; rheuma
tism, 6; dropsy of the knee-joint, 2; dys
pepsia, II; nasal cntunh, 7; femule weak
ness, It; discuses of Ihu bludder und kid
neys, 8; HrlKht's dlseuse, li; diabetes, !;
lumbago, 5; caneer, 3; Koltre, 2; stricture,
D; mlnurs' asthma, (I: catarrhal bron
chitis, 2.
OKI filial simorcitY.
SurBleul operations successfully per
formed: Hemorrhoids or piles, &; lacera
tion of the perineum, 3; fibroid tumors
cured by luejins of electrolosls, i; hydro
cele, 8; varicocele, 0: stone III the bladder.
2. Ur. Smith will, In the near future, plaeo
in his Institute one of the most complete
sets of electrical, ifulvanic. magnetic and
sialic appiirlus now In use. By meunj of
thesn uppuratuB u II forms of chronic dis
eases that have hitherto been pronounced
lucuruiiio will lie speeJily restored to
thi lr former health. Tho doctor Is now
completion an apparatus termed a VI-
uroini-ier ror the cure of Ueutiiess. In
addition to his cures by means of nwit-
neiism ur. Smith will Introduce into his
Heriinton instltuto cverv scienllllc method
of heullnif known to tile medical profes
NUNK AS A HLTttiKON: and as a ohvsl-
clnn, hiivinit been professor of Materia
Metllca In one of the leading; collems for
a period of llvu years, IiIh knowledge of
me action or medicines on the human sys
tem is unlioiindlnir. If you nro suffering
from any form of a chronic disease don't
let prejudice overcome trood Judument,
but consult him out of mere curiosity If
nothltiR else, and Investliiute his method.
Consultations free from 9 a. m. to 0 p. m.
dully except Sunday.
In the history of Seranton
lias Clothing been ottered as
low as at present.
who likes to improve his ap
pearance ? If so, yon can't
afford to lose sight of the rare
bargains offered at
We continue the sale of
Men's Black, Blue nnd
Light Color, Cheviot
Suits at....
Men's Mack Clny Di
n tin n u) Suits lu Hack nud
Men's All-Wool Punts
In Choice Cheviots and
Boys' Suits, 4-15 years
Serviceable Wool Buits ...
Blue nnd Black Dress
230 Lackawanna Ave.
I. CI.
in patterns; will make
ALL, 35c. EACH.
Shirts that are retailed at $1.00 else-
Special Sale
6 -;
baa es .yTf fStT' 11
it mm
of goods in our Upholstery department, which our
ever-increasing trade demands,- there is always at this
season of the year a quantity of short lengths of all
grades of goods suitable for Draperies and Furniture
Covering, which we are ciosing out to make room for
Fall Goods, at one-half the regular price, including
Cotton Damask, Silk Damask, Genoise Silk, Light
weight Drapery Silk, all 50 inches wide,
5oc. to $S.oo Per Yard.
4 Patterns 85c, Now 65c.
7 Patterns 75c, Now 55c.
10 Patterns 6ocM Now 50c.
8 Patterns 55c, Now 45c.
qiikniw 1 25 Patterns 14c, Now 9c.
biikoienej 9 patterns 15c., Now 10c.
Nottingham, Irish Point, Tambour and Brussels, 1
and 2 pair lots, at cost price. Japanese Porch Shades
Just received another shipment; sizes 6x6, 8x8, 10x12.
Mini Ini g
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers
General Olfke: SCRANTON, PA.
Furnishing That
Room Today ?
"Haven't got the necessary cash ?" don't need It ! Exmomy'i here to
take care of you-tell us of your requirements we'll talk it over If you'w
honest-your promlra to pay will satisfy us We've kicked the traces long ago
of "stralght-laced cash buslness-Our corner-stone is planted on a more lib
oral foundation.
All the Credit
You Want!
"At Lowest
Cash Prices'
Mattings 10c. to 35 cents a yard.
Baby Carriages $4.90 to $30.00.
Bedroom Suits $11.00 and up.
Ingrain Carpets 35 cents to 75 cents a yard.
LAST WEEK for Premies
$50.00, $75.00 and
PA., Manufacturers ot
on $10.00, $20,00, $30. 00
$100.00 Purchases.