The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 24, 1895, Page 2, Image 2
o THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MON DAT MORNING. JUNE 24, 1S95. Oil? Neighbors WILKES'BRRRL tTlie Tribune has oppr.ed a branch o' fiee at No. 29. Laning building, Publlo Square, Wllkes-Barre. for the transaction of business. The publishers propose to extend the circulation of The Tribune in Wllkes-Barre and surrounding towns, and to that end will present a very com plete department of Lu.erne counly news. For Buceess in this undertaking depend ence is placed solely upon the superiority of The Tribune as a purveyor of all the nowe of the day domestic, foreign, local, commercial and financial. Tho general in terests of the people of WHltes-Barre arid the Wyoming; valley will have In Tho Trib une an earnest advocate, editorially and otherwise. It is the purpose of the pub lishers to Issue a newspaper us valuable to the oeneral publlo as the metropolitan dailies, and deliver It to the people throughout northeastern Pennsylvania fiom three to live hours earlier than the Hillf.dtjlbhin and New York pupei can rtech them.l THE PRICE JL'RY Ol'T. Tuc Scnsationnl Fading of the Case. Prohnbly a Cunvictiun. On Saturday morning court mum No. 1 was crowded to the tloor.s to licit' the ending of the sensational tiraiul 1V11 tral case. The case Is one of tin' raciest ever tried In thl court, nn J Judiro Lynch was frequently obliged t' order and linally to threaten to have the court room cleared If tin- untimely applause und laughter were nut stopped. The attorney rousted eai-h other's witnesses and added In no m:ill measure to the enjoyment c' .lie c:vwd. The defense, opened by Mr. Sr.-'u. et forth tiiut air. Price did not know tiiat woineu of the class ineiitloiiei Were running to his house, but -Mrs. Klt;W .luoede, the prosecutrix, told hurt isiteil the Urunil i?ehtrl. and to:;' disreputable people In the hulls-'. Si: described how on another .. luii she flve.'i wine which was Sr.!x. t'i'e scave the uauic vt sevnal wi II knuti'u people In at.d lout tii e!: who were there at the time. rfe;:.l other girls of the same :rtu-e b-f till ! they freituented the hotel In wilh, men. Some of these women are the nuost degraded aad ii'itorloii-s i lass In this part of th? stu.v. As.iln tliei were younger Kil ls, i ot more than 10 to Sit years old. who had visited the lum. for Immoral purpose.!. '.Mayor; was also on the um! and he e.tvc th hotel a bad name. The defense then put about twenty- five well-known men on the stand, who r.vore that, so far as they knew. Price was a good, respectable man. and con ducted a proper business. The names of these witnesses were Lewis Tisch. lg. Freeman, Sonneborn, the Jeweler; John McUulgan, Dan Shannon. Dr. Eu Irene Butler. Sheriff Whit taker. K. Mar vi:i. O. R. Stock. C. R. Reaves, Patrick Foy, and others who spoke In high liraise of Price and his hotel. The arguments of the attorneys were brief and in plain language. District Attorney Fell did not spare Price, but denounced him vigorously, as kc-tliig a place where none but the vilest per sons of the community would go. Dur ing the part of the argument where lr. Fell denounced Price, the litter's R ife broke down and Wept bitterly. For the defense , John Shea referred to the witnesses who had ctlited Price "with running- an orderly house, and "roasted" Mayor Nichols vigorously. He asked the Jury to uis;haie Price and put the costs cn the iiyr. Judge Lynch's charge v.M:i brief and Impartial, simply statins the law and a brief epitome of ttie te:-ti rwny. Court waited after supivr until 9.30 o'clock, and as the Jury had not then ome In. the verdict will not be rendered until this raoniiny. ABOUT STREET CLEANING. WllkeslSnrrcans Have Nothing to Com plain of on Hint Score. There are people in Wllkes-Barre who compluln about the condition of the paved streets. They are mostly people who do not visit other cities that have asphalted streets, and therefore do not know how little cau?e there Is for com plaint at home. They do not appre ciate the blessings they enjoy. As a matter of fact, there Is not another city In Pennsylvania, whose paved trepts ore as methodically or ns thor oughly cleaned as are those of Wilkes Eanre. Visitors from other and less favored cities note and remark this fact constantly. There are times when the streets are In bad condition, but never when the weather Is such as to permit them to be cleaned. No, Wiikes-Bar-neans have little cause tocomplaln about ttie cleaning of the paved streets. They are habitually as free from dirt of all hinds as can reasonably be expected. They are kept in a clsaner condition than the streets of any other city In the state. . BETTER CAR SERVICE. - Changes in Rnhnlng Schedules. Made to Facilitate Travel. Beginning today, June 14, the Scott street line will have two cars Instead of one as at present. Oar will leave each end cf the line at 0:1G a. m., and every fifteen minutes thereafter until 10:45. Rumlay from 8 o'clock a. m. until 10 p in. An extra service will be furnished for , Ilc.nover park during the summer months beginning at 12 :H8 p. m. and ev ery, twenty . minutes thereafter until 0:"i0 p. m. Cars to run to the park only. By this arrangement parties de siring to go 'to Hanover park can go every ten minutes, the regular Nantl coke cars leaving on the even hour, twenty and forty minutes after. Han over park cars leaving on the ten, thirty and fifty mlnut.v? after the hour. This m'hedule will go into, effect Monday, June 24, 181)5. THE MURDER CASES. The Suspected Rclek Murderers' Trlula Postponed Until Pull. On Saturday District Attorney Fell decided not to call the cases of murder against James Fisher, John Robinson and Michael Kearney, who are in Jail -.charged 'With the murder of Barney Keicky until next ' September. The e-afels were down for tria-l "todav hut Mr. Fell 'is not ready to proceed, and 'therefore decided not to call them. It Is f.ild Jhat William Gillespie, attorney for Robinson, Is endeavoring to have Ma client tried In Lackawanna county, but leading lawyers think he will have to be tried in Luzerne, as Die crime of wlit eh he Is suspected was committed In JVilkes-Barre. ' .'. ' Illegal .Shooting. The Lusserne Sportsmen's club la do ing good work In the Interests of Ufrlf ltnate sport, and Warden Campbell has Just taught Charles Van Lewran, of I'll tfi ton, that It Is well at times to obey theH law. Some time agon Van Lew run . shot a doe rabbit with a Ut ter of young ones. It was on' a Sunday afternoon that this icutrage against upoit was committed, and when Mr. Campbell, who is warden of the gun club, heard of the affair he hnd Van Lewran arrested. 'Btiutre Ehret, before whom ho was tried, fined Van Lewran to for killing the rabbit nnd costs. Mr. Campbell has his eye on tho fish dynamiters and on otau- trans gressors against sport, and there will be some surprises in store for these peo ple before ldn rOLITK'AL POINTS. On the surface there nro no Indica tions hero as yet of the Quay and antl Quay battle for supremacy In the Re publican patty In Pennsylvania. It Is kiuwn. howevtr. tint the great Repub lican leader, who hai always had a 6tiong following hei-e. U in communica tion with his local lieutenants und u re nte; them to look after his interests In th. selection of thi oVleyateS to the scute convention.. Luzerne will have nine delegates in the i, and as the more uctive worker In most of th.- six lc;;lMl.i;ive d'xtrlct. uiv devote. I to Sitiuior wy tli.".v is n, .1 imirfi doubt ihat a majority or th:- d.'iegatc will cliiiul in with thdd leader. The Di'n-i.K'ratu are varn.rtly h.'pliii? that a red- h it. denn t a'.;:!::: co;:'s.:.t viH pn-RU-. Die t IVc-jl'i of which will lie f.'lt In loial poK::.'?, but thro- 11 !!' cau.'e for aiiir-!icr.I'.rT sucli r?sult. THe nu'.av.s of !.!:;e.'l" Itef.iblic i.iiJ arc r. A j'.i.'t J t t vry i nu-ij i::tci -te l in t!w tii: ..itencl Qiiay-ll if Mi'C ".Mir.?," and . to thi:t tliiio the Repi!l-il:.m pnp'r.i ht;e hav? given r.o lr.i!. .u!cti on whl-'M f'!i they w'M l e f, und tn th.- corIi:s array. If th.' party pur'-'i'S v.-.'i' to cii bsi't J army the Republican masses would se. :i ti-.l-.e uldes a!s. I kiverncr Hast- :i r lijj many warm rilev.di and n l r.. !'; lure end t; 1. bo: Improbable ll ! ihy mey yet turn !u und make i t;xiit for I'ae delt .i! s lM fjlu.- of th.' a.'.einbly di-tl'icts. If the p!. ninelit 11. iabli an. wli w.-ut to " liarri-sburtr a x.-- -Ic jsro : i uri;v tli govenii'r oi nii- point JuO;e Hire tile Su;..-I !-r .'Kfl b, Wcle to est-rt th-. 1- 'lv ' tiley c. 'i'lil srlve Seiiat. r U -tay's fri.-mW vi'y'. nm.-.utit of truiM;-. .';vPblly In tb- i"!:l. Second a'i'J Third 1 s;iulative di:-tr;.t.-'. wiilih will have six of the nli:.' d-leiatej. They may conclude li;: 1; i worth while to show tho governor thai th- spirit of "mlpiJ clty" exists In Lu::erne. Tile only two active candidates for th? ix.stniastershlp of Wlll-Barr up !o this time, are Kditor Logei t, of Uic Evening Lead -Jr.. ur.-l TL'nac Llvlniistoii. Both are nui.'ly circulating petilioiH and scccplng up si:iatur.-s. Postmas ter Landiiusiter'j term itlll has nearly a year to run, tud it is unJerstood that i: effort will be m- de to bring about ids lerr.&Va). but tin two aspir ants named propoij to h.we tvcrytlting In readiness to move otj Landmejier'iJ work a sicoi as hi four yeirs have, expired. There will probably be oilier candidates, but It is not known that any ctlurs are actively at work. Mr. Bcgert's brother was appointed pest master during Cleveland's first term, and when he died his widow succeeded him. She served during the greater part of President Harrison's term, which account for Jlr. Landmesser being till In office. Either Mr. Eo gert or Mr. Livingston would man age the postofflce in a Lusltie33-llke way. Tho fact that the county commission era have not appointed a new chief clerk leads to the Inference that when James M. Norria returns, If lie shall be restored to health, he will be per mitted to resume his former place. The commissioners are not saying any thing on 'th subject, but they are doubtless willing to forgive and forget If their old chief clerk shall, when in his right mind, retract his charge .that he and one of ths commi?.loners took bribe money from Architect Meyers. It Is said that Hon. Henry W. Tal mer Is willing to goao the state conven tion as one of the delegates from the Wllkes-Barre district. If he shall re ceive a call. Senator Quay could prob ably not count upon receiving much active assistance from Delegate I'al mer. The principal county office to be filled In Luzerne this year Is that of sheriff, and there will be the liveliest kind of a contest for the Republican nomination. Not les3 than a dozen aspirants will appear before the convention. Th? suggestion made some time ago by a local paper thit portions of Luzerne which it Is proposed to Incor porate In ithe new county of Quay should not present candidates for office In th eld county, nor even seek repre sentation In the? nominating conven tions, does not nvet with any favor. The lower end Republicans declire their purpose to tske a full hand In Lu zerne politics until the new county nhall he erected, and may even ask for places on the ticket, the same as heretofore. A Cocking Main. A cocking main between Kingston and Plymouth took place yesterday at the I'lne Tree, near No. 3 mine, a favor ite West Side sporting ground. The stake was T5 a side. The first battle was won by Kingston, the second by Plymouth and the third and purse by Kingston. Several outside battles were fought, and about 300 people were pres ent and witnessed the battles. Thrown from n Train, Robert Hughes, a young man from Forest City, was fatally nurt on Satur day morning by 'being thrown from a Jersey Central railroad train near Mill Creek. He was going to Mountain park with a party of picnickers, and was standing on the rear platform. When Salt greater fliui ttie ecpiMnM tlM nf all nthn .ktp nil complrxlon hmim. S"ltl throughout ibn wffla. Brltlih dpoli Nrwufry, London. PoTrin Dftuu 4 Cum. tour., Salt ftos, Burnm, U. S. THE SECRET OF BEAUTY Dou)d the tho train, going at a high rate of speed, rounded the sharp curve near tho creek, ha lost his balance and was thrown to the ground with great violence, rolling nearly seventy feet after he struck. The crew of a freight train ran to his assistance, and he was brought to this city In an ambulance and taken to the hospital, i:a was unconscious when ihe reached this city and bleeding profusely from the mouth and nose; his left arm was broken and his skull fractured. Hushes was taken at once to the city hospital, but died late Saturday night. The remains were taken to Forest City yesterday. FATAL STABBING AFFRAY. Two Young r-Invonlnnsliet Hurt In a Pay Pny Scrliuinaitc, What will terminate probably In a fatal stabbing aliruy ucenrred at Welsh 11111 on Saturday. The men who were stabbed were Martin Kokonlgla und !!lcve J'orach, two young Slavonians, who are about IS years old each, und tin- men who did the cutting were John Kotch und (leorte llublnu, two fellow countrymen, but Were much older. - All lour had been iiuariellng vicious ly, an.l Ihe men who did the slabbing claim that it was Jotio in ki If-ilefenue, ami that Hie boys threatened their lives Willi big rocks Willi which they were assaulted. 1 :ot li Hablna and votoh were given it hearing und then committed to Jail to await the reitilt of the Injuries tlipy Indicted. lalloO for Wirc-llcntinc Jwhn Smart, one of tho wltucsrcj In the Ci.Miul I'entisl can?, was arrested and lo !;.J up on Saturday night, charged with wife beating. After John had left the stand lie Rot drunk and then wont home and tbused and beat his wife shamefully. Mayo: Nichols yesterday sent him to Jail in ilti'anlt of bail for ecu it. WIKSOXAL. M. litid Mrs. Walter tliiloa have iettuiieil from Hit if wedding tour. J-; iiullard will not .spend much time this seauiti at his suii'.mer cottage ut L K-h Mien, Sit-quciianna county. C. V". Bixby and 'family moved to their (lien Smnrnl: cottage on Saturday, where? they will remain until autumn. lr.s:fc!i lyce, or the United States navy. Is the guest of Lieutenant Rlch t:rd Kturdevant, at the residence, of Or. Si. E. Sturdevant, of this city. PLY MOUTH. Hif ecomrany No. 1 will take care of No. :;'s district until such time as hose can be provided for the latter. Captain Wolf announces that today only a Si-cent fare will be charged to Butzlack's landing. All people wishing to attend the opening of the Hanover Park theater should avail themselves of the reduced rates. At the last meeting of the Philoma theans Literary society the question, "Kesolved, that all railroads and tele graph lines should be owned by the government." Negative, Jones, P.eese, Freeman; affirmative. Close, Jenkins and Armstrong. After one hour of heated discussion the debate was awarded to the affirmative side. Thomas R. Tho.nas spent Sunday as the guest of numerous friends at Nantl coke. Owen Williams, an old and respected resident of this place, died at his home on Main street early Saturday morn ing, at the age of 57 years, of miners' asthma. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terment will be made in Ashley ceme tery. The entertainment and concert which will be held at the People's theater this evening for the 'benefit of John W. Thomas, promises to be a grand suc cess. Only the best local talent that can be secured will participate. The family of Alfred West, of Eng land, have arrived In town. Miss Urace Dunstan, a student at Bloomsburg Normal school, Is home on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Joreph B. Connor, of Sayre. Pa., are visiting friends and rela tives In town. Rev. Dr. Griffin, of Klnghamton, cor responding secretary of the Preachers' Aid society of the Wyoming conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, oc cupied the pulpit of the First Methodist church of this place yesterday morning and evening. He presented the work of his society In a clear and forcible man ner, both morning and evening, before large audiences, and created a good Im pression. Two large collections were taken up to help along the good work which this society la doing. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gensll and son, Hugo, spent Sunday with relatives in Wilkes-Barre. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Severson will leave on Tuesday for Chattanooga, Tenn., to attend the Kpworth league convention, which meets In that city, Dr. Severson will represent the Wyo ming conference league and Mrs. Sever son will represent the league of the First Methodist Episcopal church of this town. , Hev. Mr. 'Netherton, of Forty Fort. will oncimy tho pulpit of the MethodiBt Episcopal church next Sunday morn ing. Misses Quick, of Hazlcton, are being entertained by Miss Alice Maher. Frank Hershberger, of the county seat. Is the guest of numerous friends In town. Mlsa Estalla Smith, of Berwick, Is being entertained by friends and rela tives in town. Harry Jones and George Williams, of WeBt Plttston, circulated among friends In town last evening. Sterling Hendershott and Seph. Reese will enter the West End wheel men's races at West lde park tomor row afternoon. old Forge, Miss Ina Hltchner, of West Plttston, was tho guest of Miss Jennie .Drake this week. The Presbyterian Sunday school held their annual plcnlo on Friday, and a very enjoyable time was had by all. . All meitnbers of Qlenwood lodge, Knights of .Pythias, are requested to be present on Tuesday evening. iMIbb Ella Drake was a visitor to Seranton on Thursday! Mrs. F. ltepp left on Friday for a few days' visit in Blnghamton, N, Y. J. Pafford, of Nicholson. Is visiting lils daughter, Mrs. E. Drake, . P.'s. C, E. and F.pworthLeaguo. Toplo cards for the nuct six months printed In good style at low prices. If you contemplate an excursion or festival this summer, it will pay you to consult us about printing posters, circulars, tickets, etc. The Tribune. . - Ualley. PITTST0N. FTha Plttufnn nfllna nf lha Hpmnton Tribune has been opened by H. W. Cruser, agent, at No. S Williams street, where con tr.but.on of news, complaints of non-do-llvery, orders for Job work of all descrip tions, should bo addressed and regular subscriptions received. Advertising und subscription rates cheerfully submitted. A large and sympathetic concourse of peoplo attended the obsequies of the late John P. Green nt the family home on La Grange street Saturday after noon. The Sons of St. George and Knights of Honor, of which Mr. Green was a prominent member, were In at tendance to show their respect for their deceased brother. Rev. N. O. Parke conducted the services at the Welsh Baptist church und delivered an ad dress, taking for his text I Corinthians, III, 11: "For other foundation cun no man have than that Is laid, which Is Jesu Christ." The clergyman who as sisted in the service were Rev. Thomus W. Swan, Rev. S. Ross McClenients. Kev. William Jenkins and Rev. Mr. Morgan. Mr. (Ireen was an upright and much respected citizen, und In his demise- the community will suffer n great los. The remains were Interred at Plttston cemetery. The pall-bearers were Henry Martin, Alex. McMillan, Robert Smiles, John Harnes, George Howard and Thomas Young. The Plttston and Seranton Street Railway company run their cars as far as the Lehigh Valley crossing, Smith vllle, Friday, and will continue to run to that point, cars leaving every half hours, cars will be run to the end of tho line, so far as completed, as soon as the trestle ran be built over the L'ela waie und Hudson and Lehigh Valley railroad. Tlie annual commencement exercises of St. John's academy will te held this ui'ternooii ut ii.iiO at the parochial school building. Those who will be tendered the honors of the academy this year are M;-vs Mary Gllroy, 1011a . Burke, Clara Ormsby, Mury McAndrewa. Tillie 1!. Mooney. Anna T. Joyce und Lizzie L. Murphy. Bishop O'Hara, his health permitting, will be present und address the children. Mrs. G. F. Anthony and daughter spent Sunday with friends at Seranton. Miss Viola Swartwood, of Montgom ery street, visited 'friends at Wllkes Barre yesterday. For second-hand household goods, call on Wright & Co., 97 South Main street. Goods exchanged, bought or sold. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Oleimon and children left Saturday morning to spend a few weeks at Atlantic City. Seranton Tri-County League team failed to make their appearance on the field ut the fair grounds Saturday. The game was arranged between Seranton and West Plttston clubs, and on the non-appearance of the Seranton team the game went 'by default to the West Plttston club. Score, 9 to 0. Tho picnic of the Black Diamond Hook and Ladder compana, at Oregon grove, was largely attended. The Will iam Connell Hose company, of Seran ton, was present. The parade of the Darktown brigade afforded much amusement for the bystanders. While Simon Skollskl was engaged In chopping ties at Duryea, Saturday, his axe slipped from the handle and striking one of his wrrlsts inflicted a deep gosh. The. wounded ninn was brought to the hospital In this city for treatment. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured in 3 Days. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind says "My wife had Inflammatory Rheumatlani In every muscle and Joint, her sufferlnc was terrible and her body and face were swollen almost beyond recognition; had been In bed for Blx weeks and hod 'eight physicians but received no benefit unti nho tried the II YSTICCCRB FOR RHEU MATISM. It gave Immediate relief and she was able to walk about In three days I am sure It saved her life." Sold by Carl Lorens. Druggist, 416 Lackawanna ave nue, Seranton. TUNKHANNOCK. Mrs. J. D. Larkln, wife of a promi nent soap manufacturer at Buffalo, N. Y was taken violently Insane on Le high Valley train No. 1, near Falls, this county, Friday afternoon, while return ing to her home from a visit down coountry. Dr. J. W. Denlson, of this place, was telegraphed to and on the ar rival of the train boarded It and accom panied the patient to Buffalo. She was wildly delirious, and could only be made treatable by the fl.-ee use of opiates. Her son was with her and the friends at homo were apprised of the mother's condition, and met the party at the station with everything possible for her comfort. Christian science Is said to have unbalanced her mind. Rev. James Ralney, Laceyville's pop ular and talented Baptist preacher, is a born Irishman, and contemplates re turning to the old sod fur a visit shortly. The ladles of his church will make him a farewell party on Thursday evening next. Mrs. Ralney is a daughter of the late Pcnderson Miller, of this place. Cooley Kintner, a young lad who has been at the Sayre hospital for a long time because of an injury to his hip, Is home again, but hobbling about on crutches. His stay up there was ap parently productive of little good, and it Is feared that he will never recover. By the recent readjustment of the salaries of presidential postmasters, Tunkhannock gets a raise of $100. This will give Postmaster Lee f 1,600. per year for a Job that was considered a snap at the old figures. He li to be congrat ulated. The foundation for H. F. Metcalf's elegant new residence is completed and the superstructure will be begun at once. The residence of Charles Tre nrayne Is in the hands 'of the plaster masons. A heavy downpour of rain Friday evening caused the attendance at the lecture of Volney B. Cushlng, at the court house, to be very sllmly attended. The lecture was good, however, and confirmed the favorable opinion of the speaker In the minds of those who had heard him previously. It Is expected that today's proceedings In the Judicial investigation will wind up the matter for the present In this county and that the commission will adjourn to meet in Laporte. Another session may be held here later on to pick up the odds and ends. The attor neys were still ploughing through the mire when Saturday' session ad journed at an eacly hour to allow peo ple to get home before Sunday. The fresh evidences of corruption struck every hour during; tho trial still excite interest and surprise, and public senti ment has undergone a radical change. Instead of growling now aboyt the cost people are anxious to see the (natter probed to the bottom, let it cost what it may. It Is hardly worth, while to , mention that the contestants have no hope any longer of winning the case, Miss Mufl'y Avery, who has ,been teaching in one of the city school ai Syracuse, N. Y., returned homo Sat urday. Judge Rice, though acting only in a semi-official capacity during his stay In Tunkhannock, litis impressed our poople very favorably by his Judicial bearing and evident ability. Socially, he Is a very pleasant and courteous gentleman to meet, also. With due re spect to Lackawanna's (Choice, If Judge Rice should be appointed to a place In the Appellate court there would be no dissatisfaction expressed here. Sheriff Knapp was dispatched to Phil adelphla Saturday night with an at tachment for a witness in the Judicial contest who had ignored his subpoena Miss Gertie Resslgue, daughter of Editor Charles Resslgue, of the Susque hanna Transcript. Is visiting Dr. A. B, Woodward's people. Some fine flagging; stone, destined for the city markets, has been brought down lWun the Lemon quarries of late and transferred ut this mtatlon. Mis. S. W. ii visiting friends at Auburn, N. Y. ltii"! It. Gurey, whose death from upoph.xy occurred lute Filduy nlBht, was bulled yesterday. The was held at the residence on Wyoming uav Hue ut '1 . ni., Kev. .1. 1!. Davis, of Camplown, a funnel' pastor, cotiduct- IliK the services, ale was mbout ti: years of u?e mid leaves u family. Professor J. 1. lireldlnger and wile, of Mansfield Normal school, are spend liiK their summer vacation hero. V O C . Jamt-s Campbell, wife and family, of t'lirbonuale, ars kuim of Mrs. Thomas Webster. Mr. und Mrs. John Snyder have r.'- turiwd home after spending a month with relatives In Trucksvllle. Charles Hc:;l?y, of Chicago, has ar rived in town. He will reside for tin future with hi i broth?r, Mark. Sydney Luckey, or Port Jervls, calkd on his son, Howard Luckey, on Thurs day. Mr. ur.d Mi-B. V.. C. Kclluin returned home on Thursday, after upending a few wicks with lik'iuis In Susquehan na county. Mrs. D. Sanders and duuuhle'-, Ve lora. vU.'teJ fi lends In West Plttston, yesterday. MiiS . O'Hrlen Is vklting friends In Seranton. George Dixon, a citudeut of St. Mary's Ecmlnary, Bulliniore; Alike Whalcu and Mike, Munley, tf Toronto, returned home yesterday to spend their vaca tion. Friday evening, Rev. I,. C. Murdoch, of "V Ilkes-Uarre, delivered an eloquent sermon ut the Methodist Episcopal church to the tiK'inbjrs of the Epworth league und their guerts. Rev. Mnr dock telciteil brlelly on the commence ment, of their labors und the obstacles placed In tha way of their succet's, un til new it had, by its spirit, its enthu siasm und the results achieved, won for Itself th' appreciation, fellowship and the sympathy of all ood people. After th 9 address, refreshmeuls were served by ahe members of the league, and many pledged of assistance were given. Miss Mams Glbbtna, of Seranton, Is the guest of Miss Ella Gibbons, uf Main strHt. Miss Mame Keltic, of Otsego. N. Y., is the guest of Mias Lizzie Eughehall. MINOOKA. Anthony Gallagher, of Plttston, circu lated among friends here Sunday. P. J. Kelly, a student at St. Michael's college, Toronto. Can., is spending his vacation with his parents on Main street. W. J. Buckley, M. F. Judfje, John Kearney, James Boland and Richard O'Donnell will represent the St. Joseph Tolal Abstinence and Benevolent so ciety at the West Side quarterly con vention. The northern portion of the town was enlivened Saturday evening by a few drunken brawls. P. J. Sheerainr, of Hyde Park, visited Mlnooka friends yesterday. IMPORTED JOKES. Prom Tld-Eits. An old admiral, well known for his pow ers of exaggeration, was describing a voy age at supper one night, "While cruising In the Paciflo," said he, "we passed an island which was positively red with lobsters." "But," said one of the guests, smlllnc, Incredulously, "lobsters are not red until boiled." "Of course not," replied the undaunted admiral, "but this was a volcanic island with boiling springs'." 1 "I don't know what you ever saw In me to admire," the fair one remarked de murely. And he answered, "Oh, well, you knew, sweet one, a fellow who Is anything doesn't look for mere beauty In a girl; It's " And now those two heart; that beat as one are doing separate thumps. He has returned her soiled glove and a lace hand kerchief, and the prize lock from her fringe. And she has returned everything except the diamond brooch, which nhu keeps oa u souvenir of their shuttered love. ' Friend (after tea Your little wifo Is a bi'illluntly humlsome woman. I ohould think you'll be Jealous of her. Host (confidentially) To tell you the truth, Slmpklns, I um. I never Invite anybody here that uny sane woman would take a fancy to. One of the candidates at the recent school board election bad occasion, In the course of a speech, to refer to the flogging of children. Borne folks, nowadays, he said, objected to beating youngsters at all, but ha agreed with tho truth conveyed In that saying of thi wise mun, "Spare the rod and spoil the child." "I suppose I was no worse thnn other boys," he went on to say, "but I know I had some flogging myself, ana I believe It did me good. Now. on one occasion I was flogged for telling the truth!" "it cured you, sir!" said a voice from the back. . A bright youth undergoing examina tion for admission to one of the govern ment departments found himself confront ed with the question: "What is the distance from the earth to the sun?" Not knowing the exact distunco of miles, he wrote in reply: "I am unable to state accurately, but I don't believe the sun Is near enough to Interfere with the proper performance of my duties if I get this clerkship." He passed his examination. "It is a standing rule In my church," said one clergyman to another, "for the sexton to wake up any man that he sees asleep." ... "I think," replied the other, "that it would be better for the sexton, whenever a man (roes to sleep under your preach ing, to wake you up I" . First . Philanthropist What have you been doing for the past five or six year? Bfccori.l Philanthropist I have been col lecting money to assist poor people to emigrate to America. What have you been doing? Connolly COTTON DRESS STUFFS We have put "Closing Out" prices on many lines of Wash Dress Fabrics, and we propose to conduct a Special Sale of these goods for the next two weeks. It will pay you to be on hand. For instance : LOT NO. 1 New Price Ac. a yard, comprises Batistes, Lawns, Challies, etc., in new and choice designs ; former prices were from 6c. to ioc. LOT NO. 2 New Price, sc. Here you will find French Plisse that were ioc; 32 inch Percales, formerly 8c; Printed Organdies worth ioc, etc. LOT NO. 3 New Price, ioc. Corded Jaconets, were 20c; Dimities, regular 15c. quality; Asiatic Zephyrs, formerly 15c. LOT NO. 4Uuder tllis heading we offer a large purchase of German Plisse. These goods have been sold by many houses all season at 25c. Our Sale Price i2l.c. a yard. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, OIF 1$ L it b A WORD. WANTS OP ALL, K1HDH COST THAT MUCH, WHEN 1JA1U 1'OU, IN AU VANf.'R AV1IHN A BOOK ACVOUVr IS MAUK, NO f'liAUIR WILT, l!B LEW THAN' CKNTH. THI3 KI'I.K AP PLIES TO SMALL WA.N'T ADS. KX-CL'l-T (SITUATIONS WANTED. WHICH AHE INSERTED vnZli. Kelp Wanted Male. pHOTOTK'KLT AOIiNTfc AND t'K.Tl'KE -fi hjl'u cna l"urn f a l;f y-f .tioa by ud ilreii;i WILLIAM ii. l'LAi'i', T4t Elm struct, Cnniiluii, N. J. n WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN l-1 cvt'ry town to wjlirit fitook B.iUirr tioas; a monopoly liii? nuini-y lor Haunts; iiu ciijiul rciuiirud. KIAVAUD C. FiSII 4j l.'O., Lsuriii'ii Jiiock, Cliicuo. ill. oal&mT-TnL it 'Hioi-:Sf salksmen iJ wiinfU, acnuiiititod with Ih'j lwul mid tio:ir!iy (ryj unit uroory traJ.i, t ) baiiiii9 our lino of liiyli B!"i(!o ci'Ri'rt. At'lrtt;.i, ivlui' toierunpm, .1. EUVAKD UOWLKd U Ca, 113 Cl:uniU'rH utroul, N. V. Halo Wanted Females. TfiLs'"TO LEaHn' iTANTTD-liiiiLS TO .EAHX L-KESS- VV m kin JlliS. TKIPi', i-H Adama avo- Vy ANTED 1MAIEDIATELY-TWO ENEit V V cetro fak'swomen to ro;-es nt uh. Cluir.nitMjil S'i n day without ir.t. witli otlit-r utitiL'i. ili-aitlif .1 ornujiat'oii. Writo (or particulars, iiicloin? stamp. Munio Cliem icul Juiiip:ii:y, No. 72 John utrt-et. New York, Wanted To Rent. WANTEt) BY JULY 4. AN OFFICE AND V tw rooiPB for li:lit hous'-lu-epini;; tin furniyl'.tHl; nnr.nor Moon, stating tonus. DK. E Z1EULEH BOWER, Delta, York County, Pa. Fcr Rent. OFFICES TO I LT, DESK KOoil TO LET mid ABfinlily Hall to let. D. B. HEP LOOMS, m Syrii' e street. Ult liENT-A LAOOE, 4-KTOKY CUILD 1. in? at 1X1 Krai.klin awnne: suitubln for wholesale business. CA.KSON & DAVIE3, tM-rnntoii. TOR MENT FURNISHED AND UN FUR- liiuhed rooms at .V-O Lackawanna avonu-i. 1,-OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST 1 Lackawanna avonu?. Adilres 1 HOMAS L EVANS, near li.W Luzerue, Hyde I'arlr. ?okhen iCnYcfX Yll'KN l&H edTi alX J suitfUilo for lod-e rooms. JOHN JEli IIYN, Hit Wyomiiitf ovenuo. For Sale. f." M COBB ARRIVED THIS MOKN1NO I with a now rerload of liorss. weight from 1,(XU to l.tXHI; can be soon at &J4 Raymond Court. T)Ol)KRKIIARDI.SABI!0VN GK PIN'U. J. It) hands liilili. bound, k:u.l mid f"arlcsso( all objt-ctH; a llrt-claKs roadster, with speed, 1 have driven limi a full mile in 2 and qunr tora iu ii "ecciids. Who want, him forSlTo? J. W. HOUkER, ,M. D., Taylor. Pa. Agents Wanted. HAVE THE BI ST AGENTS' RTICLE A. OH Pliriu. reuu pusuii lur i ii-uin- n, Nothintr 1'U it. Credit to ull worthy. V anted bv everybody; no frniul: permanent growing business lor honest people. THEO. NOliL, Cnoloirisr, L'hic.'ik'o 111. GENTS-HIIv"DF,S PATENT UNiVK.I! iV sal Hair Curlers nnd Wnvers fust-d with out heat), nnd "l'yr Iointed"Hair Pin". Lib eral commission. Free sainplo and full par ticulars. Address V. V. Box -liM, New York. ANT D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO hnndle our line, no neddliuz. Salare. t'tH per month and expenses paid to all. Onnds entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 6XS Hi tun, Mass, Special Notieei. LARGE STOCK OF GOLli WATCHES at rudiiced prieos. We have. Rot a big slock, too bis in fact, of watches. Rood watches, which wo nre willing; to ll nt very dose tlitiires, barely cost, to reduce, at Mer cereau ei Connell's. MOTICF.-ON AND AFTER MAY I, I ll wi 1 mako a monthly tour of tho follow intr places iririiiir ireo up ill air advertising ex hibitions wi h the. Btereoptionn: Taylorvlile, Hydo I'ark, Providence, Dickson olvnhant, Piokville, Arcliba'd, Jonuyn. Exhibitions given cn Wednesday and Friday of each week during the month, the rates for adver tis nit nr. blh per nio illi. Address K. II. Call, Tribune ofilce, city. "riT'llE IN OUR CIVIL WAH." .L You want this relic. Contains nil of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pietui t-s.sliow-ink- the folds 'n actuul battle, sketeued on the spot. Two volumes. S.ftiO pictures, cold on easy monthly pjymoiit'. Delivered by ax press complete, all ol-arses prepaid. Address P. O. WOODY, tea Adam. Ave., Seranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA slnes, eta, bound or rebound at, Tub Thiuu.n'H cilice. (Julck work, heaaouabls prices. Tlt.dt riMluntlivnntit T'va been oollectillir money to assist Uicin back ukuIii. Jlurd to Pleas Pupa My dausliter tell me, Hlr, tiiut you kissed hep forcibly last nlKht. Whut liuvo you to say for yourself? Harry I'm mir nobody neBiets the oo currence mors thuil I do. Fapui and duughtur together SIrl A writer In a maunitliie says tho "earth would be heuted more than a hundred and ninety thousand degrees by belnir sud denly stopped-that Is. it would ut once become more than sixty times as not as melted Iron. Any man who, knowing thes facts,' attempts to stop the earth ought to bo severely deult with. 'Here's another one of those millionaire plumber Jokes in the paper," said Crltlcus. Did you ever Bee a rich piumoer, hicks i" "Never." said Illcks. "All the plumbers I've seen have been very poor plumbers. Still, a fellow may be u poor plumber and yet be a rich mun." 'Tom, whom did you say our friend Lawley married?" "Well, he married IW.OW. 1 forgot Her other name." & Wallace EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, REASONABLE CHARGES, TRY US. 3 II SCRSNTOH BEDDING CO .1 Real estate. oijkTiTxdSoSe iZ us eb b eT i Iiir built on Columbia avenue; I ut still tneio are some very desirable li.ts left t low prices. A. FKOTHINOHAM. Executors' Not ce. STATE nolfNn aYdLEy! VE I j ceased, late of Seranton, Lackawanna county. Paa. Letters testamentary upon the above, named es atu having been granted to the under s:Kned. a 1 persons haviu chiuis or demands aKaiu-t tho said estate will present thuiu for payment, and those indebted thereto will pieas make immediat3 payment to HEN ti W. P LMER, Wilkas-Barre, Pa. LEMUEL A MEK AN, Seranton, Pa. JOHN T. RICHARDS, Seranton, Pa. Executor. p STATE OF JACOB BUSH, DECEASED, .El jHiu oi me sorougu or iayior, iacxa wanna county, Pa. Letters testamentary upou the above named estate htving been p-ranted to the under signed, ail persons having claims or demands against tue said estate w:ll present them for payment, and tb -89 indebted thereto will pleas - make immediat payment to JOHN W. BUSH. Taylor. Pa.. Executor. Situations Wanted. A YOUNG MAN, II G1STEHED N THIS V state as qualifUd asuittant. ag. 0 years, et'ailv and trinitrate, will kindly recoive word from anyone. Address care ii. G., Duryea, Pa. young man of experience V w- uid like a po ition in dry goods or sboe store. Can Rive good re erenres. Address with full particulars, boxilKI, Montrose, Pa. A YOUNG MAN. SINGLE. WOULD LIKE work'nf any kind: understands horses. Address J. H.. Hlu Adams avenue, WANTED - A CHANCE TO LEARN ' hardware business by young man of excsllcnt character and steady habits: strong and healtby: refereu es: Address "HARD WARE," iribnne office, city. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG O lady as bookkeeper or casbisr, or would accept a position as grncory clerk. Would work out of city. Excellent penman. Ad dress "Experienced," VIA Lackawanna ave. pENERALLY EXPERIENCED CLERK V.T in uillllnerv or dry goods would like position for 4th of July trade. Can furnish good recommendation from last employer. CLERK. careTribune. WANTED - BY A YVUNU LADY A position for bookkeeping and type writing, understands a little shorthand, speaks a number of languages. Address G, m. Tribune. UrOMAN WITH CONSIDERABLE EXPE rience, would like place as manaein; housekeeper at stunner resort. Address " V IDO W, ' care Tribune. ANTKD Api)SlTIONBY f vnced bookkeeper; Al references. Ad dress Lock Box -UT, city. Medical. LADIES Chichester' English Pennyroyal Pais (iMunosd tfrmdi, nro the Best. ''. R'1'"1'1; T.So no cSbtr. S.u.1 4c .uitif I-r pMUcouri. " R.IW-C f uj...," i itts by Return Mail.,, l'ff' Chichester chemlcaTte.. Phlladi., Pa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. L"nTbr edoar dranA8rkm6ved to GIG Spruce street, Seranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court Houso Square.) DR. KAY, 206 PENN AVE.: 1 to 8 P. M. ; call iU62. Vis. of women, obstretrlce and und ull dls. of chil. ph. a7j.connell, oefice-iioi WnshliiHTton avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Fruncke's drug stroe. Residence, 72 Vine st. Office hours: 10.30 to 12 n, in. and 2 to 4. nnd 0.30 to 7.30 p. in. Sun day, 2 to 3 p. ni. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 612 North Washlngtoa avenue. LR. C. L. KREY, PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of tho Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat: office, 122 Wyoming ve. Resi dence. B29 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES. 12S WASHINGTON avenue. Otnce houis. 8 to a. m.. 1...0 to 3 and 7 to p. in. Residence AS Madl moii avenue. Architects. ednvXrd Ti. davis, architect. Rooms 21. 115 and 2ii, Cominonwealth building, acrunton. eTl. w-altkr. ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS-HANCOCK, JR.. ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce t..or. Wash, ave., Seranton. BROWN A MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, I'M Washington avenue, BeiMiilon. Louns. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on eusier terms and pay you better on investment than uny other association. Call on S.1 N. Callender, Dime Bank building. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTKL, 615 LACKAWANNA avenue, Seranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Seeds. G. R. CLARK CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave. nue; green house. 1-50 North Main ave nue: store telephoe 7S2. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO,, JONES BROS. 209 XAtr UPHOLSTERED 6o2 and 604 , 1 Lack Ave,, Co;. Adams, Lsiwycrs. JESSUPH & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealth buildup, Waehinpton avenue. W. H. JE8SUP. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. WILLARD. WARREN & KNAPP, AT. torneyg and Counsellors at Law, He. publican building, Washington av. nue. Seranton, Pa. PATTERSON WILCOX. ATTOR tieys and Counsellors at Law: offices I and 8 Library building , Seranton. Pa. HOSVVFXL H. PATTERSON. n iui.l;u a. niu.UA. ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19. JO and 21. w- F. BOYLE. ATTORN EY-A T-L A W, Nos. IS and . Burr building, Washing ton avenue. FRANKf. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room 6, Coal Exchange, Seran ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY. at-Law, rooms 63, 64 and 6o, Common- wealthj)uildln-. SA-MUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT- -" '"'ce. on ispruce St.. Seranton, Pa. U.V WATRES- AfTORNEY-AT-LAW. i -.aeaawana ave., beranton, ia. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building, Seranton. Money to loan in large sums at i per cent. C R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building, Seran ton, Pa. C. COMEGYS, 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. r.EPLOQLE. ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 4u Spruce street. B;FV.. KH-LA.M. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW." 120 yomlng ave.. Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 43 Commonwealth bld'g, Seranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 13S WYOMING AVE.- Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crowu work. Office, si Washington avenue. C. C. I.AUBACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STKATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Seranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for co II Re or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at ie Quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BU ELI- MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGAR ten and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pu pils received ut all times. Next term will open April 8. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'S music store. MKGAKGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 13u Washington ave.. Scran ton, Fa. FRANK P- BROWN CO., WHOLE sain dealers in Woodware. Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lnckawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT AC t'ountant and auditor. Rooms 16 and 20. Williams Building, opposite postotlice. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. Hotels and Kestuurants. THE ELK-CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EGLER, Proprietor. SCRAN TON II Ol' S E. N E A R D., L ft wT passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. U'eill'IIIVflTl'D WriTlTT. Cor! Sixteenth St. und Irving Place. V, Vot-lt- Rates. $.1.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plant. I'.. . ananu-, Proprietor. Pioneer of the hotel cen ter in New Y'ork city. Noted for lis superb loca tion auiMipiiir rooms and excellent cuisine service. The Standard, Hotel for giving MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any tlrst-class hotel In 1.1 lnt.,,1 Pul-lt III Ami llie lvunu. A' uviub t,,.. . ---' 6!lh kts., Plana Square and Fifth avenue; reacnea uy uny upiown i.-am, - n crosstown cars at D8th t which latter In tersect ail surface and elevated roads; terminal station 6th aw. L road within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. . -t.... i I.', ad n .ilan. llrliiklnu- Ailiei lean u ...n i.,.. - water and ice used is vaporised and frozen on the premises, anu cennieu u m piu-njr by Prof. Chandler. K. A. HAMMOND. THE WINDSOR HOTEL NEW YORK. (Occupying an entire block on Fifth Avenus, between 46th and 47th Sts.) HAWK t WETHERBEE, PROPRIETORS. The American and European Plans,. . Rooms with Board, $4.00 and upwards per day. Rooms without Board, ' $1.50 and upward per day. The cuisine and service unsurpassed. The Latest and Most Approved Sanitary Plumbing. Newly deo. rated and refurnished. - Five Minutes' Walk from Grand Central Station. I. -