The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 22, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Life in London. ,
Miss Kaiser Describes an Excitiirig HHltary
Tournament in Royal Agricultural hall.
London, June 1. London is getting
more delightful every day, and Is Just
blossoming out Into almost bewilder
ing beauty. One would not know It for
the mim London that, In the winter
months. U dark, dull and dreary. We
are having a most beautiful spring,
after a winter, which, compared to our
winters at home, was mild In the ex
treme, although the people here did
make a great fuss over some rather
snappy weather, which we had for a
week or so once. I do not think that
their usual winter here can be very se
vere, on the whole, because they be
came positively frightened when the
Thames froxe over here this last season.
One thing I notice very much In
deed is the blrdB that they have over
In London. One would not think thnt
an Audobon society was at all a neces
sity in England, for the feathered song
sters are moat numerous, and their
songs and twitterings all the day long
make everything seem sort of light and
pretty and happy. We do not live far
from the heart of London only a penny
or tuppence fare from the Bank of
England, and over here these birds
wake me In the morning, singing away
as early as 4 and 5 o'clock. They make
me feel quite as If I were way out In
the country. There are hosts of them,
thrushes, robins, che-wlnks and others.
I have not heard a nightingale yet,
however, and am anxiously awaiting
that pleasure.
Sob Human Song Birds.
But there is almost quite as much
pleasure to be had nowadays In listen
Ins to the human song birds who are
now singing at the Royal Italian Opera
here, too, and I go to enjoy myself there
as often as possible. We heard Melba
in "Faust" last week, and in "Romeo
and Juliet" one evening this -week,
where) she (was simply charming. I
liked tier even more than I did in
"Faust," and tonight we are to hear
her again In "Rigoletto." We enjoyed
the second Rlchter concert this Mon
day also. It was magnificent, and I
am even more devoted to dear old Herr
Rlchter than I was before. There was
a Phil harmonic performance this week,
and I heard Mrs. Henschel again, like
wise a new violinist, a Hungarian, with
an Impossible name, and nice Mr. Ber
wick again at the piano In a time-worn
concerto of Beethoven's. Mrs. Hen
schel had on a perfectly irresistible
gown, all white satin and gold, looked
very lovely Indeed, and sang better
than she had when I heard her before.
The treat of the evening, however, was
a symphony by Dr. Hubert Parry,
which he conducted himself. It was
all very clever and very fine. I suppose,
but so long that we did not enjoy It.
Nasrullah Khan.
The little yellow prince is with us at
last, having arrived some days ago, and
the English, headed by their royal fam
ily and nobility, are making very much
of him. He is the second son of the
ameer of Afghanistan, as I think I
I told you before, and rejoices
in the black-coffee sounding name of
Xasrullah Khan, plus some more un
spellable names and titles. Dorchester
house In Park Lane, which they have
taken for him. Is now converted into
a veritable little eastern city, and
shelters a suite of no less than ninety
persons, all attached to this little Mo
hammedan. Arrangements had to be
made for the kilting of all their own
meat by themselves, and on the prem
ises, and several other odd Eastern
proceedings have to be held in the aris
tocratic! mansion In which he Is housed,
and for which the nation pays a rental
of over $5,000 a month, while he is on
his visit atrsk All the royalties are en
tertaining him in turns, and he has
already visited the queen, the prince
and Princess of Wales, and most of the
rest of 'em.
But Tira have had enough of him, I
think, and I will tell you about the
military tournament, to which I went
the other day with Miss Radical and a
f aw others. It is held every year by
tho army people, in the Royal Agricul
tural hall, the largest place under roof
In London, and Is a most exciting affair.
"We went early and succeeded In getting
!nt the shilling seats, which are the
Cheapest there, and we saw most easily
from our places, too.
Exoltlag Military Tournament.
The affair eoramenced with a contest
In sword outtlng, and four members of
Tout different crack mounted regiments
galloped in on their handsome charg
ers and rode round the ring in quite old
time style, ithen charged down the
hall at a whizzing pace, cutting off the
heads of dummy enemies as they flew
I -est. 8Mne of them missed of course,
as it la a very difficult feat, but some
flashed right and left as they rode by,
cutting off the beads of all the dummy
eneanies). Their horses were magnifi
cent areatures, and seemed quite as
proud of a difficult feat performed as
their soldier riders.
The next thing was a lemon cutting
contest, in which a row of lemons, five
r tlx feet apart, were hung up In a
straight line, and the mounted soldiers
rode through the arena again and at a
tweak-neck pace, trying to cut the lem
ons In two as they passed. One sol
dier did succeed in cutting each lemon
nicely In halves, as he sklrmlRhed past
them on his norting horse, and, of
courre, he received the prize.
Then there was a contest In tant-peg-frlng.
In which a mounted soldier rode
full tilt through the place, picking out
from the ground, where they -were firm
ly Imbedded, two tent pegs, with a long
" lance held In his hand. After that there
came an exhibition of military tactics
by a company of the Queen's Egyptian
i fcoldlery, brought over from (Jfalro to
take part In the tournament. They
were very fine, handsome black fel
lows, looking very cool and . supple In
their pure white uniforms and red
feszes. This feature was a great suc
cess, and was Indeed so Interesting that
the duke and duchess of York, who,
with nearly all of the rest of the Royal
family, were present, insisted on Its
repetition, for the sake of the duke of
Sale Coburg-Gotka, who came In later.
; Straggling Princes of tho Blood.
It may Interest you to know that
these aforementioned members of the
royal family came to the tournament
in Installments, so to speak, and for the
first half of the afternoon, while the
affair was going cn and everyone was
looklngat the maneuvers with baited
breath, all at once things would be in
terrupted by a blare of "God Save the
Queen." Of course, everything stopped,
people all got up and stood until the
band ceased its announcement of the
royal arrival, the soldiers to the arena
saluting at the same time, and the stir
In the royal box subsided. We would
then resume business, as it were, until,
just as things became interesting again,
"God Save the Queen" broke once more
upon cur ears. ' And so It kept on until
we heartily wished they would let off
coming or all come at once. And by
Ue time of the lust royal arrival, I was
Uo lazy to rise and stand, disregard
ing the Indignant poking of my shoul
der which one of the girls administered
to me for my disrespect. Beveral peo
ple In front also favored me with a
rather dark look or two, but that did
no worry me greatly, and as no more
royalties came after that, there was no
occuslun for the rising welcome.
One r.f the most Interesting contests
of the afternoon was that of the run
ning and jumping one for mounted reg
ulars. A number of hurdles, with and
without water on one or both sides of
them, were placet! about the arena, and
the soldiers raced in on their horses and
Jumped these In most exciting style,
some of 'them making ludicrous balks
of tt, while others, both horse and rider,
took them all . magnificently. There
were entered in this some of the First
(King's) Dragoon Ounrds and some of
the Eighth (King's Royal Irish) Hus
sars, all of them such splendid fellows
that It was a pleasure to watch them.
This was followed by a series of en
gagements between mounted lance and
dismounted bayonet, a very exciting
and scientific afTalr, as was also the one
between mounted swords and dis
mounted bayonets, both these fights
giving a very good idea of what often
happen In real and actual battle It
self. We then had a simply rousing
affair In the shape of a driving compe
tition by Royal Horse Artillery, and
a galloping one as well by the same
regiment. It was a splendid thing, and
the horses pulled the cannon and amu
nltlon about the arena, and through the
devious ways that had been arranged
In order to try their mettle In most
noisy and exciting style.
Grand Military Pageant.
This was followed by a grand his
torical military pageant by the two
swellest regiments In the army, the
King's Own Hussars and The Buffs,
who were dressed In the costumes of
British soldiery In all the different
times In the history of this country
since that of Charles I. The Cavaliers
were there, with their flowing curls and
big hats and lace ruffles, the Round
heads, quite a contrast to their prede
cessors, the soldiers of the Indian Mu
tiny, or rather soldiers of our time In
the army costume worn at the time of
the mutiny, and soldiers In the costume
of the army at the time of the Crimean
war, and so on down to our own times,
in which they came In on their horses.
In Just the costume they wear today,
and In which they were overwhelmed
with deafening applause, for they are
great favorites, these two regiments.
Ve next had a musical ride by the
Royal Horse guards, which was per
fectly lovely. Unlike the other num
bers of the afternoon, it did not repre
sent war, but was b pretty a dance,
danced in a stately minuet style by the
horses of tills regiment, as one could
ever wish to see, and the applause
these fine animals earned made them
even prouder than their masters.
Sample of Heal Army Life
Now came the last thing on the pro
gramme, the most Interesting and In
structive of all, in: the shape of an ex
act sample of real army life. This
commenced with the entrance of a
band of real Kaffirs Jumping about and
playing high jinks generally, at a camp
fire. Two of their band then brought
in some lost Englishmen, of whom they
Immediately took possession, and made
prisoner in their village up in some
rocks and shrubbery arranged In one
end of the hall. .Soon a regiment of
English soldiery arrive upon the scene
and proceed to pitch tents, cook meals,
wash, and behave Just as though they
were really In the field, after having
thrown up intrenchments and made a
camp fire. 'Now, one of the Kaffirs'
prisoners escaped and found his way
to the camp, told his story, and Im
mediately orders are Issued for the
storming of the village. Camp breaks
up In the twinkling of an eye, and a
forward march commences.
The Kaffirs, however, have discov
ered the escape of their prisoner and
are coming after him. The battle Is
the result. The cannon peal forth, the
soldiers Are away and kill the Kaffirs,
whom they drive back Into their vil
lage, which they then proceed to cap
ture by means of building a bridge
over a large creek which runs In front
of It and which they have to cross.
This Is most Interesting work Indeed,
and Is finished In five or ten minutes,
the soldiers all working up to their
waists In the water and like ones pos
sessed, too, till It Is done. The village
Is captured, the Kaffirs are almost all
killed or pretend to be, the ugly old
chief surrenders, and I suppose, con
sents to rule his people In the future
"under the protection of England."
Very Enjoyable Representation,
Thls was a most delightful battle,
and, from start to finish, showed the
life of a soldier and the science of war,,
to thousands of unenlightened people
like me, who learned a great deal from
It. I can not say too much for their
beautiful horses. It was a pleasure
and a delight -to watch these lovely
creatures, of whom there were over 100
taking part, and to see their Intelli
gently performed maneuvers. They
were most wonderfully trained, and,
with the ' handsome, splendid English
soldiers on their backs, the flower of
the British army, were a sight that I
am thankful, Indeed, to have seen, and
which I shall never forget. ...
I have suffered a sad bit .of experi
ence lately. I wore out alt my nice lit
tle American shoes, and had to buy a
pair of horrid English ones last week,
and they are such a tribulation to me
that I must warn you against them.
Never buy a pair of English shoes I
say this with an awful solemnity and
you will never know what it Is to be
perfectly miserable. I had been warned
against them, ton, so I thought I would
be careful and buy a nice easy pair,
and went to a shop where they make
"easy shoes for tender feet," and In
vested In a pair, wheh were the small
est they had, but much too large for
me. They are , also very thick and
heavy, though the usual shoe worn by
the English girl Is much . heavier, I
must own. At any rate, mine would
do nicely for a cowboy,' I think Instead
of for poor me, and It Is an added piece
of work now, to drag them about with
me, they are so clumsy. There Is no
fraud about an English shoe. They
are decidedly what they seem big,
thick, clumsy, unyielding and most
frightfully ugly, and never, under any
circumstances, are they made to look
smaller- than they really are, as our
manufacturers artfully design them.
You see a pair of shoes on a lady's foot;
It looks at you with a stolid thick black
look and says bluntly: "I'm calfskin.
I'm sixes, I am, and there's nd mistake
about It, either." And there isn't.
Sixes it is, or perhaps, sevens, never
fives, as a six shoe looks at home In
Oh, for a pair of American shoes
made by a man who can get No. 6
shoes to look like No. 6, and when shoes
fit, and are light and easy and pretty
as are ours at home. Hurrah for
America! . Sadie K. Kaiser.
Rev. John Davy Describes Somo Incidents
of His Journey Across tho Sen, to the
Land Which Ho Last Saw Throo Scoro
Tsars Ago.
Tollnrd Royal, Wiltshire, Eng., June
13. At precisely 1.40 a. m. on the morn
ing of Muy 22, eleven of us from Scran
ton boarded a Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western train for New York, and
although It was 150 "miles away, In
about five hours we were In Gotham.
Such fast traveling reminded me of the
great change that had taken place in
transportation since I rode from Green
wich Park to London bridge, sixty
years ago.. That was one of the first
railroads operated and was built upon
the old canal towpnth. A speed of
eight and one-half miles an hour was
attained, a little faster than a man
could walk or a dog trot, yet I will
never forget the great rejoicing there
was In London when that little railroad
successfully carried Its llrst train.
How great the contrast between those
slowly rolling wheels and the monster
Iron horses of today!
Arriving In New York we obtained
our first view of the American line
steamer, the New York, which was to
be our home for the succeeding days
and nights while buffeting the waves of
the turbulent Atlantic. Unconsciously
our thoughts turned to the wonderful
development of steam since the days
when Watts, Stephenson and Fulton
first toyed with It. In fancy we saw
the latter's slow-going little steamboat
ploughing Its way up the North river.
Verily, as Capernlcus said, after his
recantation about the revolution of the
earth, "It does move anyhow."
The Ocean Voyage
Having arranged our baggage on
board the "floating palace," and been
assigned the room In which we were to
sleep, at 11 a. m. tlhe New York backed
out of her dock and pointed her bow for
another continent. In moving down
the Narrows, passing by Staten Island
and along the Jersey coast, everything
looked beautiful. 'Nature was putting
on her June dress, but soon we were
out to sea and our glorious America,
"the mightiest nation on earth," the
home of the brave and the land of the
free, disappeared from our vision. As
the first evening on the water ap
proached and we were saying our even
ing prayer, we began to wonder
whether we could ride the waves of
Old Ocean 3,000 miles without offering
sacrifices to a cruel heathen god, Nep
tune, whom Homer, In his Illlad, rep
resents as coming, or Issuing from the
sea and at three strides crossing the
whole horizon; faster than bird can fly
and swifter than the greyhound racers,
or the mighty steamships can sail.
Being fairly out upon the ocean we
began to look around for social com
panionship. I was very fortunate. For
stateroom companions I had two gen
tlemen from Buffalo, one a contractor
and the other a dealer In lumber, going
on a pleasure trip to England, Ger
many, France and Switzerland. For a
deck chum I had a Norwegian, a One,
intelligent fellow, a wholesale druggist
from New York. On' the fourth day out
we saw a passenger steamer and a
man-of-war, but from that time our
voyage was monotonous until we
reached the British Channel, and then
we saw coasters, and Ashing smacks,
and merchantmen and three Ameri
can men-of-war lying there, to keep old
England quiet. If the lion should roar
the American bulldogs are there, ready
to show their teeth. At 7 p. m. on
Wednesday we were soon on land and
felt to thank iHIm who holdeth the
winds In His fist and the water In the
hollow of His hand.
Preached In an English Pulpit.
The next Sunday I preached twice In
an English pulpit. On Monday I de
livered an address at a Sabbath school
celebration, and next Sunday they
want me to preach In the woods at a
camp meeting, so they are laying out
plenty of work for the "boy" preacher.
Tho New York Is 6G0 feet long, 64
feet beam, and swims in 30 feet of
water. We had 1,000 passengers on
board and 400 belonging to the ship.
Her log across the ocean was, first day,
415 miles; second, 457; third, 402; fourth,
444; fifth, 432; sixth, 448; seventh, 412;
eigth, 80, which makes up the distance
of 3.150 miles between the two ports.
The village from which I write got
Its name from the fact that King John
once slept In it, while returning from
a hunting tour. You see how they stick
to royalty here. There Is an Episco
pal church In the vlllago, which was
built over 500 years ago.
John Davy.
Rsosons for Ills Suicide Discovered After
His Death.
Kokomo, Ind., June 21. Last winter
Mr. Overman, n. farmer near Windfall,
Tipton county, was found dead with a
pistol near him. No cause for suicide
was assigned. Recently a paper writ
ten by Mr. Overman was found In his
effects that explained the mystery.
Overman's letter pays that, twenty
years ago an Englishman came to his
house with 130,000 and tried to negoti
ate with him to go Into the ranch busi
ness In Colorado. He murdered the
Englishman, buried his body In a
marsh, took his money and burled It
on his farm. The place Is not desig
nated. This explains the hermit-like
life of Overman for these many years.
Officials Are ftimppolntod In the Amount
of Revenue Cnmlne In.
' Washington, June 21. The treasury
receipts from customs and Internal
revenue so far during Hie month of
June show no improvement over last
month, while the disbursements remain
practically the same. The receipts from
sugar ' Importations are surprisingly
low, and the expected large Increase
from whisky withdrawals ha not ma
terialized. For the first half of the pres
ent month the receipts from customs
amount to (0,224,725, and from Internal
revenue $3,197,085, making the total re
ceipts from customs for the eleven and
a half months of the fiscal year $146.
843.687, and from Internal revenue
sources J136.964.103. , ;
During the last five months the re
ceipts from customs have been, as fol-
. ;
lows: January, $17,361,916; February,
113,334,691; March, 114,929,729; April, 112,-
453,086; (May, $12,474,558; June, as eBtl
mated, $13,000,000. During the same
months the returns from Internal reve
nue sources have ibeen as follows: Janu
ary, $9,034,964; February, $3,860,460;
March, $9,854,977; April, $10,648,880; May,
$10,754,053; June, estimated, $11,000,000,
making the total receipts for the year
from customs $153,618,962, and from in
ternal revenue, $142,757,077. The pres
ent deficit of $48,400,950, however. Is like
ly to be reduced by cutting of expendi
tures to about $45,000,000 for the full
fiscal year.
General Flu John Porter Ably Defended
hy Major General John (iihhon.
In the course of an eloquent oration
delivered last Tuesday evening before
the Army of the Potomac reunion at
New London, Conn., Major General
John Gibbon, retired, made this pathetic
plea for Justice, at least In history's
record, to Fltz John Porter:
"There can be no suffering more hor
rible than that experienced by a brave
nnd faithful soldier who knows himself
falsely convicted of cowardice on the
fluid of battle, disobedience of orders
and treason. Now funcy, if you are
able, the tremendous load which Is
lifted from the shoulders of such nn In
nocent man, by the ablest military
minds of the country proclaiming that
after the most searching Investigation
It Is demonstrated beyond question that
the charges against him ere fame
"After all the long years of trial
through which he hud gone there re
mains soma great consolations to Fltz
John Porter. He has outlived his cal
umnies and has demonstrated to the
satisfaction of his countrymen and to
their representatives In congress his
entire Innocence of the charges against
him, and has done what few other men
have ever done under like circum
stances placed his case so clearly on
record thnt history can make no mis
take in regard to It. Had Fltz John
Porter been killed on the 30th of August,
1S62, whilst directing his corps in the
mostdcsperateassault the gallant Fifth
ever made, no whisper of the charges
afterwards raked up against him would
have been heard. The survlvorB of the
gallant Fifth corps have done what
lies In them to show their appreciation
of their commander and their sympa
thy with him In his herculean struggle
for not Justice, for that he can never
get, but for his proper place In history.
I earnestly urge It Is n duty we owe to
ourselves to endorse their action."
Aged Farmer Killed and Hidden In His
Ilarntiy Unknown Persons.
Erie, Kan., June 21. The body of
Farmer Peterson, a bachelor about 60
years of age, who lived alone, was
found by neighbors, hidden In the man
ger of his barn. The body was cov
ered with hay and old horse blankets
were thrown over the hay, as If to
cover up all traces of the crime.
The neighbors had missed seeing the
old man around for about a week, and,
becoming suspicious, went to his house.
They found It unlocked and no one ln
The condition of tn? furniture indi
cated that there had been a great
struggle, and the searchers went to
the barn, where they soon located the
man's body. The old man Is thought
to have had considerable money, some
of which he had Intended to Invest In
a few days, but none of It can be found.
There Is not the slightest clew to the
Identity of the murderer.
Oh, Popullsttc kicker, does your blood flow
uny quicker as you wreathe your face
In an eternal frown? You kick l'.ke
the devil who Is holding hitch revel,
and swear that monopoly is binding
you down.
You kick at old Grover the whole country
over, and pray for the passage of all
sound laws; you see In. the distance a
war of resistance, as you rally to the
standurd of the Sub-Treasury cause.
You kick at the banks like a parcel of
cranks, and cause them to tighten
their grip and thulr hold; then you
kick a little faster till to escape dis
aster each one must make his pay
ments In gold.
You kick at creation and nny other nation,
that you deem to be among those
who differ from you; but you want
with yonr frothing Just something
for nothing, and It causes you to act
as crazy as you do.
You provoke them to laughter, not know-
Ing what you're after, by eternally
kicking and raising a dust; but
wouldn't you be a sight, and In a bad
plight. If while you are kicking your
suspender should bust?
This world may be In danger, but you
cannot change her; she Is awfully set
nnd determined In her ways; tho best
wo can do when the sky Is not blue.
Is to look to the future for sunshiny
II. A. McEaehln, In tho Sun.
Of Giving Up the FightAn EI
mini Citizen's Last Resource
Proves a Success.
From tho Elmlra Gazette.
Do you know Mr. J. S. Boddcr,- of 214
South Main street 7 He tins been a business
man and permanent resident of Elmlra for
over twenty years. A man whose state
ment cannot be disputed. Well, Mr. Dod
der's case in a nutshell Is that ho has
been a sufferer from kidney disorders,
but doesn't suffer any more. We will let
him tell what has brought about the
change. Here Is how he spoke of his
case to our representative: "I have
nover been well since the closing of tho
war, where. In the service of my coun
try, I contracted kidney and bladder dis
orders. The complaint has gradually
been growing on me. I had sharp pains
in the small of my back, Just back of the
hips, and when they left It was only to
be followed by a dull, heavy pain which
remained continually. I could lie In but
ono or two positions in bed or the pain
would bo almost unbearable. I was
always very sore over the kidneys, and
the urine emitted a strong odor. At
times I felt existence a task. I tried
this, that and the other thing, to no
avail, and was on the verge of giving up
entirely when I saw Doan's Kidney Pills
advertised., I thought as a last reBort I
would give them a trial; they were
highly recommended, and I would use
just this one more remedy. I began
taking them, and I am very glad Indeed
to glvo my statement, that suffering
humanity may receive the same benefit
I havo. A few doses of Doan's Kidney
Pills satisfied mo they were helping me.
Now, the pain Is all gone, nnd I am en
tirely well this, after years of sickness.
My sleep at night Is good and refreshing.
I do not feel any more that tired feeling
I -used to on rising, all thanks due to
Doan's Kidney Pills." i
Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale by all
dealers. Price, 60 cents per box; six
boxes for $2.50. Ity mall on receipt of
price by Foster-Mllburn company, Buf
falo, N. Y., solo agents for United States.
. ' ' :' ' .
The Infidel and
The Minister; .
Interesting Views
Given At Plttston
Some' time ago the Rev. Thomas W.
Swan, pastor of the First Presbyterian
church, West PittHton, announced from
his pulpit that he had opened com
munication with persons of his ac
quaintance who are not Interested In
the religious work of any church, and
who denounce the Christians and their
A number of letters were received by
Mr. Swan upon which he discoursed
several successive Sundays. To one of
the most radical of these letters he
prepared an answer and read both
letter and answer to his congregation
on Sunday evening, June 2. Through
the enterprise of our Plttston repre
sentative The Tribune has been granted
permission to place before the public
these Interesting letters. The one de
nouncing the Christians and their Bible
and church, the other presenting the
value of the Christian religion and
proving the Bible to be an Inspired
work. ,
An Infidel's Letter.
Wcllsburg, W. Va., March 2j, 1893.
Dear Friend: Vour letter received. It
was quite a surprise, although it should
not havo been, because I know that men
of your profession are always ready to
condemn their fellow-men when they do
not believe as you do. When you make
such assertions you should not only be
ready for argument, but ready also to give
proof that you are right. To believe and
to know are very different. If the Jesus
Christ of the Testament ever lived He lied,
He stole, He called his fellow-men ugly
names becausa they did not believe what
He said.
Although I do not know that He claimed
to be God, He did say He was equal to
Ood. But no difference; He was arrested,
tried In the courts of His own country and
condemned to death. Am 1 to suppose or
believe that the officers of justice In His
own country knew nothing about Him and
bulleve you know all about Him? Yon
sent a part of one of His texts to me; If
you had read tho whole of it, and given it
a minute's thought, you never would hnve
sent the other to me. But there is nothing
strange in that. Your Jew God did the
same tricks. The pagan gods could not
have played any meaner tricks, and the
pngans had Just as much faith In their
Rods as you have In yours, and no doubt
derived as much consolation from their
prayers as you do. My men or leaders
know more about this universe, or crea
tion, than all the gods that ever existed.
I will quote briefly from a lady writer that
suits very well. I know you will not liko
this letter; but take warning; let men like
me alone; remember we have feelings as
well as you.
"The phrase Is cruel, misdirecting, un
just. As reverently us those who believe
thatthcBlbleisthe word of God Ipsisslmu
verba and the church of Christ the sole
ark of salvation, do we, who doubt of
both, worship the truth and stretch out
our hands to the light! If we think that
such religions as the world has hitherto
seen have been subjective and not given
from without sef-granted and not revealed
it is not because we are Indifferent to the
religious Idea, not because we want to get
rid of a restraining moral influence, nor
yet because we despise the consolutlons of
faith and the peace which follows prayer.
It Is simply because certain things In
tegral to those revelations cannot stand
the test of scientific truth, and fall to
pieces under the touch of reason. And
what Is this Joy, this exultation to which
Mr. Gladstone assigns so shameful a par
allelism? Is it In our sense of freedom,
through our deliverance from the cruel
superstitions wlch have overwhelmed
brave men with abject terror, reduced
feeble minds to Imbecility and Influenced
ardent ones to madness which have
ruined the happiness of multitudes, de
stroyed Innumerable lives and put Instru
ments of torture Into the hands of fanat
ics, wherewith to oppress their victims,
till the hell they preached was translated
to earth, and the devil they painted Is
embodied in their persons? Must we bury
that devil with the 'decencies of mourn
ing' and hang up wreaths of parsley and
crowns of immortelles on theclosed gates
of hell? Yet neither the one nor 'he
other is to be extricated from the correla
tive Ideas of God and heaven as given to
us by the Bible and the Christian churches.
What Is our exultation? To feel that wo
are men, surrounded by unfathomable
mysteries, but free from the fears which
desolate and degrade to feel that we can
look up to heaven unabashed If question
ingthat we are one with nature which
we do not yet understand, nnd not ruled
off to a destiny of eternal torment."
Now, my dear fellow, I expect to go out
to your brothers and my daughters In a
few days. Friendship Is what will take me
there.henee I will not say one word against
their Ideas. Instead of telling them that
they are all going to the devil when they
get down on their knees to pray, I will
conform to their ways not because I
think they are right, but If I cannot do as
they do, or rather submit to what they
do, It Is my duty to remain away. I would
not say one word to turn my children
not because I think they are right. I
know positively the whole thing Is a fraud,
but it Is preferred by the majority, nnd
my children will be better off to go along
easier In the current than to strike nut
as I have done. I hunted for a foundation
to build upon, and found quicksand that
would not benr the weight of reason.
Truth Is what I teach. I believe In It, and
do my level best to live up to It. If I com
mit a crime, I do not beg and pray for
anybody to suffer for me, hence I have no
use for your Jesus Christ after I nm dead.
If he wnnts to be my friend, now is the
Now, do not get mad nt me. According
to your own creed, God hnth foreordained
whatsoever comcth to pass, hence I am
not to blame It Is very good Scripture
doctrine. 1 have read your Bible and
know all about It, If It means what It says.
If it does not mean what tt says, I know
Just as much as you do, and thnt Is nothing
at all. But I do know that God's people
have always been one devil of a crowd,
that Is, the ruling or controllng part of
Best wishes. Yours, M, S. .
The Answer.
Plttston, Pa., May 31. 1893.
Yours of March 25 came duly to hand,
and, as you say of my letter, yours was
quite a surprise to me. I thought I had
made the earnest desires of my heart for
your welfnre stand out In that letter so
prominently that you could not miss it,
and yet I em afraid you did not see It, be
cause, at the beginning of your letter, you
use these words that seem to me to have
some bitterness in them:
"Mcp of your profession are always
ready to condemn their fellow-men when
they do not believe as you do."
Believe me. It was with no spirit of con
demnation that I wrote to you, but with
the very opposite motive I have found
something good, and I want to share it
with you that Is the desire or my neart.
God has shown us our condition, that we
are all sinners. He has also shown how
wa mav be redeemed from the power ana
punishment of sin. I have tried God's
way, I have tested Jesus Christ as a Sav
iour, and I know not simply believe, but
I know that he can and does save. I am
conscious of the fact that He takes away
my sin and lifts the burden of guilt from
off my soul, and gives me the victory over
sin when I look to Him for help. I am
of the Christian Religion
Presbyterian Church.
conscious of these facts Just as you are
conscious of the fact that you are alive
It is knowledge, which no one has any
more right to question In a sane man than
I have a right to question your existence.
Now, you can see my position, if all this
be true, then I am not doing my full duty
toward you until I have told you what I
have found, and urged upon you to avail
yourself of the same blessing. Please do
not think of me as one who points the
finger of condemnation at you, but as one
who is prompted by the' spirit of love to
help you, and I beg of you, do not think of
Jesus Christ as one who came Into the
world to condemn the world; "For God
has sent not His Bon into the world to
condemn the world, but that the world
through Him might be saved." (see John
III, 17). The best friend you have in the
universe today Is this friend of sinners.
He stands waiting to do for you what
none other can do for you, and next to
Him are those who point you to Him.
These are your friends, not those who en
courage you to reject your only salvation.
You say that when I make such assertions
as 1 made in my hut I should not only be
ready for argument, but ready also to give
proof that 1 am right. So far as the fur
nishing Is concerned, I think I am ready
for both. No man is a worthy follower of
Jesus Christ until he Is ready to give a
reason for the hope that Is in him. With
all due deference to your expressed opin
ion to the contrary, tho Christian religion
is a reasonable religion.
But the thought I wished to convey In
my Inst about argument was this: I was
not writing to you for the purpose of start
ing an argument on the subject of Chris
tianity; on the other hand, I wished only
to give you my witness that I had proved
Jesus Christ to be what He claims to be,
uml that, it seems to me. is the very best
kind of proof. It Is not theoretical,
It Is practical scientific, If you please.
Suppose that In your business you
have received two stones samples of
two different kinds of marble. An
other marble man happens In, and he
says in his opinion that one will stand the
effects of the atmosphere the longer time;
while you take your stand that the other
will prove the more lasting. You both
have your theories about the stones, and
so you argue. But while you are in the
, midst of the urgument another man steps
j In and he gives his testimony. You know
mm to be a reliable man, and you believe
him. He says: "In another part of the
country these stones are more commonly
used, and I myself have tested them; In
the same year I put up side by side one
each of these stones about which you have
been In argument, and today this one
stands perfectly whole, unaffected by the
weather, as when put up, while that one
Is crumbling to the ground." Now, tell
me, don't you think it would be foolish to
go on theorizing and arguing simply from
theory about the lasting qualities or these
stones after having received such a tes
timony as that? I have made an actual
experiment of these doctrines of the New
Testament gospel; I come to you with the
result of the experiment, and it Is this:
They are true. I have proved them true.
You say there Is a difference between be
lieving and knowing, and you are certainly
right. I recognize the difference, but yet
I say I know in whom I have believed. I
have willed to do His will, and now I
know of the teaching whether It Is of God
or of man, acordlng to the promise of
Jesus. I am conscious that I am in posses
sion of such knowledge. Will you take
my testimony, along with thousands of
others who have made the same experi
ment, or will you go on theorizing?
That part of your letter which speaks
of the person of Christ Is a grief to my
soul, not because of any feelings of antip
athy toward you, but because of your
words of blasphemy agalnBt Him "who
knew no sin" it hurts me that you thus
speak of my best friend I would rather
that you thus spoke of me than Jesus. I
never read words that grated more harshly
upon mo than these In your letter: "If
the Jesus Christ of the Testament ever
lived, He lied, He stole, He called his fellow-men
ugly names, because they did not
believe what He said. Although I don't
know that He claimed to be God, He did
say He was equal to Ood. But no
difference. He was arrested, tried in tho
courts of His own country, and condemned
to death. Am I to suppose or believe that
the officers of justice in His own country
knew nothing about Him and believe you
know all about Him?" I cannot think
that this is anything but an outburst of
bitter hatred against Him who came into
this world to put away sin. It sounds
like the cry of those who put him to death,
who, when Pilate made an appeal of reason
to them, did but blindly cry in their mur
derous antipathy against Him, "Crucify
Him! Crucify Him!"
You say farther on: "I know you won't
like this letter, but take warning; leave
men like me alone." Putting these two
things together they reveal your attitude
toward Jesus to be the same as that of
the Jews In Christ's day. They did not
want to believe In Christ they wanted to
get Him out of the way, to bo rid of Him
altogether. His moral teaching cut Into
their practices so deeply that they tlid not
wish to subject themselves to His search
ing truths; like you they wanted to be left
alone they did not want to submit to
It is sometimes to be noticed in children
that when they are surprised or unexpect
edly discovered In doing what they know
Is wrong or forbidden, they become Indig
nant and claim the right to do as they
please, and that their parents or teachers
have no right to trouble them.
Devil-possessed men cried out to Jesus
when He came in contact with them, Buy
ing: "Lot us alone; what have we to do
with Thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?"
1 nm not surprised that you are impa
tient when this subject of your relation
ship to Jesus Christ la brought before you.
It Is only a proof that tho Scriptures are
true when you say that the natural heart
Is at enmity with God and this fact should
mean something to you, as I hope It may.
"If the Jesus Christ of the Testament
ever lived," you say, as much as to Imply
that It Is doubtful; while the whole testi
mony of history, both sacred and profane,
Is that He dl live to question It Is only
Ignorance. That He lied or that He stole
never has been proved, and I have no fear
that It ever will be proved, though there
are plenty of men and plenty of devils
that would like to accomplish It.
If reference Is made In the matter of
stealing to His going through the fields
with His disciples and taking to eat, any
one familiar with the laws of tho Jews In
His time koows that He was living In
strict accord with them. It was a priv
ilege which He had, and which everyone
had of thus satisfying hunger.
Jesus sometimes spoke the truth very
plainly and very severely, but never wm
any other motive than that of love. The
term, "ugly names," does not describe the
spirit of Jesus In anything that He ever
said In His ministry on Earth. Was not
His dying prayer on the cross for His
murderers, ay, was not His death Itself
enough to prove that He was ready to
give all He had for the welfare of those to
whom He spoke so plainly In life? If He
did apeak plainly, His every action showed
that It was for their welfare.
In answer to your Inquiry: "Am't to
suppose or believe that the officers of Jus
tice In Hli own country knew nothing
about Him, and believe that you know all
about Him?" let me say, certainly not.
If you will look a little more carefully Into
the history you will And that the Judgment
pronounced by the final court of appeal
was: "I find no fault In Him," and that It
was only by the coercion of a mob that
He was delivered for crucifixion at all, and
l I I . - . V- . . 1
. ?uu iiihii. ihmi MIC KIMIUUV Ul IllVtl
Jews who crucified Him toward Christ,
you will find that their hostility was oc
casioned only by the fact that they did
not want to believe Him or accept HI
claims. And It is the only reason why
men today take a position of hostility to
ward Him. It was not anything He had
done to the Jews-it was no crime. It
was because of His ulalms to be the Son
of God, a claim which He had abundantly
established before their eyes by His divine
works, but a claim which they brought
under the name blasphemy that tbsy
might crucify Him.
When you have undertaken to plek flaws
In the character of Jesus, you have under
taken a hopeless task. The great Intellects
of all the ages since Jesus left our earth,
whatever their special position toward
Christianity, whether Its humble disciple)
or openly opposed to It, or carelessly In
different, or - vaguely latltudlnarian, are
united in their testimony of admiration
of His character and words as exhibited
In the gospels. There is one thing Which
I desire to notice In the quotation which
you make, because it appears to be one of
your troubles. It Is this, that this revela
tion from God, or the Bible, "cannot stand
the test of scientific truth, and falls to
pieces under the touch of reason.". But
who, let me ask, are to be the Judges as to
whether or not the doctrines of the New
Testament gospel will stand Investigation,
according to scientific principles? There
are doctrines of such a nature that every
man cannot make such a test not even
every intelligent or educated man. In
astronomy, we put no stress on the pro
fessed discoveries or experiments of a
simple ploughman, who comes out of Ihj
field, with no previous preparation, and
steps Into the observatory. But If a man
versed In astronomy, one whose eye ii
used to the great telescope and has pre
pared himself to be a judge In astronomi
cal questions If such a man gives out
that he has discovered this and that to b
true In astronomical science, we are ready
to hear the results of his scientific inves
tigations. Now, on the same principle,
who Is capable of making a scientific test
of the doctrines of the New Testament 1
Evidently, not everyone not even every
educated man. Nay, but Jesus CorM
Himself laid down the rule, and It Is a
reasonable one: "If any man wllleth to do
HiS Will ho tlhatl ' tV- . k. I
whether it be of God or whether 1 spoke
from Myself (that is as a mere man)." see
John vli. 17. If anv man wllleth in An H'..
will that is, if any man will give up ;
will to God yield himself to Him. Tin
man that stands at enmity with God can
never become a Judge of these doctrines,
and to assume such a role Is equivalent
to the unscientific man's taking the place
of the professor and becoming a Judge of
his work. Now, as to whether the Blblg
corresponds In Its statements with scien
tific truth In all the different Hues, It may
be said today that not one scientific error,
blunder or Absurdity has ever been found
there something which cannot be said ol
sacred books of any other religions.
Take it In the matter of geology alone,
and Mr. Tullldgo says that "with the ad
vance of discovery, the opposition sup
posed to exist between revelation and ge
ology has disappeared, and of the eighty
theories which the French Institute
counted in 1800, as hostile to the Bible, not
one now stands."
"Not only so. but among the mightiest
advocates of God's word are many of the
masters who have no occasion to fear foi
the Bible, notwithstanding the opposition
of science, falsely so-called." And so fat
ns the reasonableness of this gospel Is con
cerned, it seems to satisfy the best minds
of the race today, and so It has done In the
past. Gladstone says that in his public
career he has come in contact with fifty
men of extraordinary mental power, and
out of the fifty there were only seven who
were not Christians. There Is a distinc
tion to be made between being unreason
able and being beyond reason. There art
many things in the Bible that I do no'
understand I am far from having arrived
at that point to which you profess to have
attained when you say: "I have read your
Bible and know all about It." If I could
comprehend everything In th'.s revelation
which purports to come from an infinitely
wise God, then I should at once begin to
doubt that it came from God at all.. But
the very fact that it contains so many
things beyond comprehension Is one of the
strong reasons for accepting it. And Just,
here, bring to remembrance the doctrine
of foreordlnatlon, or foreknowledge
under which you try to seek covert from
responsibility to God and alongside put
the truth of man's free agency, and you
say the two cannot go together, that is
unreasonable. But wait. You are con
scious of the fact that you have will power
ju" iau uv " - juu win. i ue wuru ui VJUtl
teaches the same. Man Is a free mors I
agent, then. Now, if God be God, He
must know all these things from the be
ginning, and knowing all things, He must
know us and what we will do as free moral
agents; and knowing all things. He can
plan all things, foreodatn all things.
But such being true, does not relieve you
of your responsibility to Him you have
nothing more to do with that fact than
you have with the climate of Grrenlsnd;
but you have something to do with your
responsibility to God. The major part of
the New Testament bears upon that, and
your duty Is made plain, and the results
of regulating It are made just as plain.
You say: "Truth Is what I teach; I believe
In It, and do my level best to live up to
it." But where did you get It? Havj yon
anything that Is good which Is not direct
or Indirectly a result of the religion nf
Jesus? Is there any place In this world
outside the influence of the gospel that
you would desire to live? Kvery dty you
live you are enjoying untold blessings a
the direct result of the moral end uplift
ing power of the gospel of Jesuit Christ.
You say: "I would not say one word io
turn my children, not because I thin
they are right, but because their way it
thinking Is preferred by 'he majority
My dear man, does that soi'nd ns though
you had any convictions as to the rlghincsa
of the position you hrd.' If your children
are wrong, they ought lo know It you,
as a parent, owe It to them; do what you
can to give them the tr.ith. I htllave In
my heart that where truth is 'n posses
sion, it will not be quiet In ths presence of
error, but at every opportunity will speik
form, isn t it a ract, If you were to make
the acknowledgment, that you have doubts
In ycur mind as to whethr.- or not you hnve
anything as gold as they have, and such
being the rase you are content to leave
them alone? I have taken time to writs
thus at length In a desire to help you sea
what I am convinced is ,the truth. You
say: "If Jesus wants to be my friend,
now Is the time." Let me assure you that
He wants to be your friend now. All His
Invitations are for the present. "Com
unto me and I will give you rest," means
to come now, and It IS soul rest He prom
ises. His promises are for the present as
well. He Is a present help In time of trou
bleHe will never leave you or forsake
you. We preach of One who helps to live
as well as to die. May the spirit of the
living God help you to see Jesus as your
personal Saviour, and to believe that "Ood
sent not His son Into the world to con
demn the world, but that the world through
Him might be saved."
. Yours very truly, T. W. S.
Oflloei S20 Washington Avenue, , ;
Work.: Hay-Aug. I,, E. W. V. R. '
General Sales Agent, Scranton, Pm