The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 22, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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rni w
Lackawanna Ave.,
" 400-402
Lackawanna Ave,,
The Fair
100 pieces Bleached
Twilled Toweling,
Holiday - I4U
loo pieces heavy cream
Shaker Flannel, Mon- 03
IOO pieces Merrimac's
Light Prints, Mon-
IOO pieces heavy, yard
wide, sheeting,
IOO pieces Calico, ind-
digo blue, best qual- H3ft
- U4U
ity, flonday
IOO pieces Cashmeres,
yard wide, (all col
ors) 25c. quality, 1Cfl
Lawns and Bedspreads.
S00 dozen Gents' Seam
less 4 Hose, worth
ioc. a pair, on Mon- OCft
day 6 pairs for - juU
50 dozen Ladies' Seam
less Hose, fast black,
worth i2c, flonday
4o dozen Ladies' Fan
cy Wrappers, worth CQa
98c, flonday
Ladies' Trimmed and Un
trimmed Hats at less than
one-half price.
5,000 yards Japanese
Wash Silks, for
Shirt Waists, worth HQft
50c. yd., Monday
Books and Laces.
100 dozen Gents' Un
lauudried Shirts,
50c. each, Monday
40 dozen Ladies' Black
Silk Mitts, extra
good, worth 39 cents Ofln
25 dozen Ladies' Wrap
pers, worth $1.50, to 4
flonday -
25c. Quality at 10 Cents.
50c. Quality at -20 Cents.
75c. Quality at 29 Cents.
$1.00 Quality at 40 Cents.
Lace Curtains, Lace Para
sol Covers, Lace Pillow Shams
Reduced 25 per cent.
Parasols, Etc., on Monday.
ioo dozen Gents' Hand
kerchiefs worth 12's.
Monday 4 for
200 doz. Ladies' Hand
kerchiefs, worth 5c. a
and Sc.each, Monday 2u
8 dozen Ladies' Duck
Suits, worth $5.00, pC
flonday - U. (u
Boys' 50c. Shirt Waists
and 50c. Knee Pants, QCa
on Monday - dull
To Close Out.
to ;
The Fair
1 - aoiK mm
On Monday.
50 dozen Gents' Bal- .
briggan Shirts and
Drawers, worth 39c, OCft
flonday -
90 dozen Ladies' Em
broidered Handker
chiefs, worth 25c. 4 01
Monday - (xlC
Ladies' Capes.
Ladies' Skirts,
Ladies' Suits
At Less Than Half Price.
Children's Dresses
At Prices That Will Surprise You.
5,000 yards all-silk
Velvet, worth $1.00 pa
yard, Monday - jyC
10 gross best quality
Buttermilk Soap, 4
cakes in box, for
So dozen Children's
Lace Caps, worth 4ft
23c, flonday -
l5 dozen Children's
Lace Hats, all colors, QC
worth 49c, Monday fljC
2 cases Corsets, sizes
18 to 30, drab and
white, worth 50c. QC
25 dozen Ladies' as
sorted Nieht Gowns,
worth 98c, flon- Cfl
50 doz. Ladies' Chem
ise and Drawers, as
sorted, worth 50c, TL
Open Air Meetings Conducted at Nay
Aug Falls by Y. M. C. A.
Organized by a Number of Boys Items of
lot crest to the Members of the
Different Denominations Work
, That Is Being Done.
'An Interesting phase of religious work
Is the summer open air meetings to be
held Sunday afternoons at Nay Aug
falls by Young Men's Christian asso
ciation workers. The plan Is a very
good one and is well told in the Toung
Men'a Christian Association Magazine,
which Is issued today, In the following
"Rev. Dr. Mutchmore, the eminent
Presbyterian divine, in an address re
cently given to the Pittsburg associa
tion said: 'You have a park here which
tae devil has dedicated to himself.
There are enough of you here to go out
and do missionary work from one end
of the park to the other. Start out and
preacli the gospel on Sunday, and then
come here through the week for rein
forcement. We have too long housed
our Christianity. People used to de
light to come to church and the asso
ciation rooms. They won't come now.
It is time to uncork our Christianity.
"This is precisely what the Scranton
association workers are now planning
in a series of open air services at Nay
Aug falls. A beautifully shaded, nat
ural amphitheater has been selected
and here a platform will be erected and
the Association Glee club and orches
tra, assisted by leading church choirs
and soloists, will give a half hour con
cert of sacred music, to be followed by
a brief address by prominent laymen of
the city. It is hoped to secure also for
two or three meetings of the series as
many famous speakers from abroad.
It Is expected that each meeting will be
In charge of some prominent Christian
worker In the city. By this means we
hope to reach with the truth a large
number of young men, who, following
a perfectly natural instinct, prefer the
green trees and the shady nooks of the
park to the heated walks and streets of
the city." ..
A thing which will be of Interest to
ministers and those who have charge
of training the young In Christian work,
Is the organization of a number of boys
In a worker's training class. These are
steady 'young fellows, very studious,
and will conduct the class themselves,
having a different leader each meet
ing. 'Rev. Charles H. Yatman's series
of eitudles for beginners will be fesed.
The class at present will meet In the
rooms of the Young Men's Christian as
sociation. ' Eplsoopal Church News.
The parochial report from (May 31,
1894, to May 31, 1895, contains the fol
lowing among other1 Interesting items:
Number of families and Individuals,
497; total bapttams, 86; number of com
municants, Sunday school officers and
teachers, 69; number of pupils,: "454;
church property, 3100,800; total offer
ings, $19,661801 ,
A. D. Holland was elected a member
of the standing committee of the dlo
ces at the Reading convention, and
also a lay delegate to the general con
Mrs. Helen M. Fellow has accepted
the position of matron of the summer
Wilbur M. Urban, candidate for holy
orders from the Scranton parish, has
recently graduated from Princeton col
lege with the highest honors. He re
ceived the fellowship which entitles
him to a, two-year post-graduate course,
one year to be spent In Europe.
The parish house of St. Mark's church,
which Is to be built at once, will con
sist of two stories the first for Sun
day school and parish purposes, the
second for worship until the church Is
built. The chapel and rectory will be
Ideal almost in their design and ap
pearance. The Men's guild of St. Mark's gave
an enjoyable social at the home of Mr.
Bronson on Thursday evening. This Is
the first of a series of socials to be held
by the guild during the summer. .
Roman Catholic Sisterhood.
The Young Lutheran; edited by Rev.
E. L. Miller, contains the following
article on the "Roman Catholic Sister
hood:" "The Roman Catholic church hns
been universally credited with being
alive to the things which strengthen
Its hands among- the people. In its
wide experience It has found that one
of Its greatest sources of strength has
been In the employment of various
sisterhoods for different spheres of
church work. The following outline
Will hint at the extended Influence, of
these agencies of this church: '
"Sisters of Mercy, spend Vlfe In visit
ing the sick and the prisons. Sisters
of the Order of the Good Shepherd aim
to reclaim fallen women and conduct
reformatories for girls. The Uraullne
nuns are devoted to teaching In acad
emics and in parochial schools. The
Sistera of the Divine Compassion pro
vide homes for waifs and homeless
children. Sisters of iMiserlcor-Jlae con
duct lying-in hospitals. Those of the
Order of St. Francis teach in parochial
schools, conduct hospitals and orphan
asylums. Sisters of 'Notre Dame teach
parochial schools exclusively; and the
convent of the Helpers of the Holy Soul
sends out Its nuns to Instruct the un
inatructed sick and the Ignorant In the
faith of the church.
The Little Sisters of the Poor care
for the aged; the Sisters of Bon Secours
are trained nurses who go out to the
homes of patients whenever they are
called; while the Sisteirs of Assumption
also are trained nurses who devote
themselves exclusively to nursing . the
sick poor, never entering the house
where the patient Is able to pay for
their services. The Presentation nuns,
and the Sisters of St. Domlnlok, each
have two or three branches, one of
which Is devoted to a contemplative
life, and the other occupied In the care
of schools or orphans.
"A number of orders exist specially
for work among the foreign population
of our cities. Such are the Slleslan
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, the
Sisters of the Society of Pious Mis
sions, the Sisters of Cenaculum, who
work among Italians, the Sisters of St.
Agnes, the Sisters of Christian Charity,
the Sisters of the Holy Cross, who work
among the Germans.
"The Sisters of the Convent of St.
Regis afford ladles opportunity to make
spiritual retreat, and minister to the
spiritual needs of world-weary women
In a time of rest, penance and prayer.
"We have named but twenty of half
a hundred orders, but a glance at their
spheres of activity Is enough to satisfy
even the Incredulous) that they must
be a great help in gaining favor for
their church."
Presbyterian Churches.
The First Presbyterian1 Sunday
school, together with the Cedar avenue
branch, will have their annual outing
at Farvlew on Monday. The train will
leave the Delaware and Hudson depot
at 8:30 a. m. It Is estimated that nearly
1,000 children will attend this excur
sion, and probably several hilndred
adult. The school children are car
ried free. Any others desiring to at
tend can purchase tickets at Sander
son's drug store and Hulbert's music
The officers elected at the Christian
Endeavor meeting of the First Pres
byterian church to serve for six months
are: W. W. Inglls, president; James
Dickson, vice president; Emma Frank,
secretary; Alice Werkhelser, treasurer.
One of the branches of work carried on
by this society Is the Cedar avenue
mission, numbering nearly 400 pupils.
The Homo Missionary society of the
First Presbyterian church held a very
unique social Thursday evening. The
Invitations sent out to the members of
the church ware accompanied by a
dainty little bag, and on the card at
tached is this verse:
We ask a small favor, pray don't think us
Drop herein a penny for every year old.
If the years of your life. you're afraid we
can tell,
A dollar In silver will do Just as well.
The Lucy Logan Mission band have
a cake sale at the lecture room of the
First Presbyterian church this after
noon. This means that for the last
few days a number of self-sacrificing
glrln have been working in hot kitch
ens, baking cake and making candy for
the Bake of assisting the missionary
work. Truly this munt be as hard these
hot days as being baked oneself some
where in the tropics for the sake of the
John P. Dunn, a Princeton senior,
preached very acceptably at the Green
Ridge Presbyterian church Inst Sab
bath morning and will preach again
tomorrow evening. Mr. Stuhl will
preach in the morning on Sabbath ob
servance. About July 10 the church
and Bible school will have their an
nual outing at Lake Ariel.
Methodist liplsoopnl.
At a meeting last week the reports of
the Elm Park Building association and
of the Ladies' Aid society were read.
The building committee report showed
net receipts amounting to $0,839.28
from the fair, which was expended in
church furnishings. The ladies report
ed having collected $767.44 during the
On July 12 Elm Park Methodlnt Epis
copal Sunday school will go to Lake
Ariel on its annual outing. Railroad
accommodations have been ' provided
for 1,000 scholars, and as many friends
of the school as oare to go. Members
of the school will go free of expense,
white non-members must pay regular
excursion rates. The excursion com
mittee consits of W. A. May, W. H.
Peck, R. Ernest Comcgys, E. F. Camp
bell, D. F. Yost, Mrs. Surdam and Mrs.
Within a few weeks the Dunmore
Methodist Episcopal church is to be
remodeled. The architects are at work
upon the plans now.
Grace Church.
On Thursday next, June 27, the Sun
day school of Grace Reformed Episco
pal .church will go on their annual ex
cursion to Lake Ariel. All friends and
any whcould like to take the trip are
cordially Invited to attend. Tickets
may be procured at the Dime Bank, G.
W. Fritz, on Lackawanna avenue;
Traders' National bank, R. H. Frear,
on Adams avenue, and W. T. Hackatit,
Republican office, for 75 cents for adults
and 40 cents for children.
On Monday evening next the Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor
of Grace church will give a social for
all members of the church and congre
gation who are Interested, at the home
of W. W. Lathrope, 1532 Monsey ave
nue. The social committee are xparlng
no expense and trouble to make this
one of the motit enjoyable socials that
have yet been held. It will be a liter
ary social, with a little music. A spe
cial, also, will be "Boston '95."
The Young People's Society of Chris
tian Endeavor recently elected officers
for the next six months, as follows:
James S. Lawson, president; Ella J.
Chandler, vice-president; Laura
Waugh, secretary; Theodore V.
Grambs, treasurer.
The Conventions.
The three great occurrences of In
terest In the church world this summer
will be the convention of Young Peo
ple's Society of Christian Endeavor at
Huston July 10 to 15; convention of Eip
wonth leagues at Chattanooga. Tenn.,
and the Baptist Young People's Union
of America at Baltimore, Md. The
railroad fares have been cut down to
astonishingly low rates, and as a result
tlure will probably be a great attend
ance at tho conventions.
V. W. C. A.
The Young Women's Christian asso
ciation is to be congratulated upon hav
ing secured to able a gymnasium in
structor as they have in the person of
M'iss Janet E. Adams. Miss Adams Is
a graduate of the Elmlra Fe'male col
lege and also of the celebrated Baron
Poise gymnasium, of Boston. As a
graduate of this school Miss Adams
must be excellent in Swedish, German
and American gymnastics. The gym
nasium will open In October with 118
gymnasium members. It Is hoped that
thli number will be doubled when peo
ple become acquainted with the excel
lent work of Miss Adams and of Miss
Tolles, the general secretary.
The educational work is to be carried
on through the summer, the class day
being Monday. All young ladles de
sirous of entering any of the classes
will be Wndly welcomed. There will
ailso be socials held every two weeks
during the tummer.
Trinity EngllBh Lutheran Church Ad
ams avenue, corner Mulberry street. Ser
vices will be conducted at 10.30 a, m. and
7.80 p. m. by the pastor. Rev. Edwin Lunn
Miller. '
Washburn Street Presbyterian Church
Rev. A. V. Bower will preach morning and
St. Luke's Church Rev. Rogers Israel,
rector. Second Sunday after Trinity. Holy
communion, 7.30 a. m.; Sunday school, 9.30
a, m.; morning prayer and sermon, 10. SO
a. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 7.30 p.m.
St. Mark's, Dunmore Rev.. A. L. Urban
In charge. Sunday school, 3 p. tn.; even
ing prayer and sermon, 4 p. m.
Pcnn Avenue Baptist Church Rev.
Warren G. Partridge, pastor. Services at
10.30 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. Children's Day
exercises by the whole Sunday school at
10.30 a. m. Subject In the evening, "The
Bunday Observance Question." All wel
come, Grace Church (Reformed Episcopal)
Morning prayer and sermon at 10.30. Sub
ject, "Mission; the Open Door," Revela
tions, III, 8. Evening prayer and sermon
at 7.30. Subject, "The Sabbath," Isaiah,
Ivlll, 13-14. Sunday school Immediately at
the close of the morning service. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor at
6.30 every Sunday evening. Strangers wel
comed at all services. Seats free.
Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church
Love feast at 9 o'clock, followed by the re
ception of members and the communion at
10.3a Sabbath school at 12 m. In the
evening preaching by the pastor, Rev. L.
C. Floyd. Seats free.
Green Ridge Baptist Church Rev. W. J.
Ford, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and
7.30 p. m. Subject In the morning. "Tho
Pursuing Enemy;" In the evening, "What
Do Ye More Than Others?"
Grace Lutheran Church Rev. Foster V.
Gift, pastor. Services at the Young Men's
Christian association at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30
p. m. Everybody welcome.
Trinity United Evangelical Church
Rov. E .E. Shaffer, of Ransom, will preach
bho morning sermon and officiate at the
holy communion at 10.30 a. m. Sunday
school at 2 p. m. At 7.45 p. m. the Sunday
school will hold Its annual Children's Day
services. Special preparations have been
made and an excellent programme will be
First Baptist Church Pastor Collins
will preach Sabbath at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30
p. m. Morning theme, "God's Providen
tial Dealings with His People." Evange
list services In the evening.
Green Ridge Un'.ted Evangelical Church
G. L. Malce, pastor. Sunday school ut
9.30 a. m. K. L. C. E. at 0.45 p. m. Preach
ing by the pastor at 10.30 a. m. and by Rev.
E. 15. Shaffer, of Ransom, Pa., at 7.45 p. m.
Holy communion ait tho evening service.
All welcome.
The pnstor, W. H. Pcarce, will preach In
Elm Park church Sunday morning and
The Jackson Street Baptist Church
Preaching by the pastor both morning and
evening at 10.30 and 7.30. Morning theme,
"Enduement , of Power." Evening,
"Abrahuin, the Friend of God." Evening
service one hour.
Howard Place African Methodist Epis
copal Church Preaching by the ptstor,
Rev. C. A. McGee, morning and evening.
St. Paul's English Lutheran Park place.
Rev. George 'M. Scheidy, pastor. Services
at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school
at 2.30 p. m. Free pews and visitors welcome.
It Is announced that Rev. Owen Evans,
minister of Engedl Calvinlstlc Methodist
church, Colwyn Bay, one of the most pop
ular preachers In North Wales, has re
ceived an Invitation to undertake tho pas
torate of the Welsh Calvinlstlc Methodist
church at Minneapolis, United States of
Charles Pierce, Bangor, who founded the
Pierce scholarship of 50 In 1893, has given
three additional scholarships of the same
value to the Theological college, Bala.
A mass meeting of the Festlntog qunr
rymen was hold last week, when It was
unanimously decided that an application
be made for an advance In wages all
round, In view of the higher prices ob
tained for slates and the general briskness
of the trade. '
The workmen of Mountain Ash are
about to erect one of the finest Institutes
In Wales. It Is to consist of a large hall,
a locture theater, club rooms, recreation
rooms, together with a reading room and
library. The total cost will bo 3.000, of
which 1,300 have already been collected.
It Is practically the outcome of a sugges
tion made some years ago by the present
Lord Aberdare, who then promised in the
name of his father the sum of 100 to
wards the formation ot a public library.
A novel incident Is related In connection
with the visit of the Rev. Thomas Levi,
AberyBtwyth-edltor of Trysorfa'r Plant
to the Holy Land. It appears that the
company climbed the hill from which the
priests claimed the blessings of God to the
Israelites. Mr. Levi being a descendant
of the tribe of Levi claimed the privilege
of announcing some of the blessings. He
did so, and was startled to hear a Welsh
response. It came from an old Arab, who
had accompanied the late Rev. John Mills,
the eminent Welsh Palenstlne explorer,
upon his travels, and had acquired Cyni
raeg pur.
George E. Stevenson and Thomas
Bradley Smith have returned from a
trip to WIlke8-Barre.
Miss Mabel Sherman and Bertha Lewis
paid a visit to the Electric City this
Henry Belin and family, of Scranton,
are occupying "Glcnverly," their ele
gant country residence, for the sum
mer. ,
Edward Jermyn and family, of Scran
ton, are stopping with Mrs. Altheanna
Northup this summer.
Fresh home-made bread every day at
Mnntin Bold's "Little Delmonleo."
Washington camp, No. 314, Patriotic
Order Sons of Amorica, are making ex
tensive preparations for the celebra
tion of Fourth of July.
Ice cream every day at Martin Bold's
"Little Delmonleo."
Children's Day will be appropriately
observed at the Methodist Episcopal
church next Sunday.
J. A. Linen, president of the First
National bank of Scranton, and family,
are occupying their mansion for the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H, Bailey at
tended the commencement exercises at
Keystone academy last Thursday and
Friday at Factoryvllle.
The literary class of the Epworth
league will give an entertainment at
the Methodist Episcopal church next
Monday evening, to which everybody
Is Invited. An elegant programme has
been arranged.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Bedford are
rusticating at Crystal lake.
Harry Miller, who has been attend
ing school at Helghtstown, N. J., Is
home on his vacation. ,
W. E. Teachman, of Honesdale, was a
visitor here this week..
Miss Lizzie Krauss, who has been the
guest of Miss Bertha Bold, has re
turned to her home at Dunmore.
Rev. James Fielding, of Factoryvllle,
Is here organizing a local board of the
Pennsylvania Building and Loan asso
ciation. ' ,
. The school board held Its regular
meeting last Friday,' with Dr. N. C.
Mackey, the newly-elected president.
In the chair. After reappointing Pro
fessor F. C. Hanyen as principal and
Miss Polly Relph In the intermediate,
and Miss Hattle Smith In the primary
departments, to serve as teachers the
following year, they adjourned.
A petition has been circulated and ex
tensively signed praying Governor
Hastings to appoint D. L. Doty to the
office ot justice of peace, made vacant
by the death of James H. McAlplne.
, Rev. A. Bergen Browe will hold the
usual Sunday services at the Baptist
church tomorrow.
George' Davis,' of Bucknell college. Is
the guest of his parents, Mr. and .Mrs.
George B .Davla. -
Mrs. E. F. Lelghton, of Blnghaimton;
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Bedford, of
Wilkea-Barre, and Mr. and Mrs. Ster
ling Bedford were guests of Mrs. An
drew Bedford last Thursday evening at
A happy ripple of excitement was
caused Wednesday night when It be
came generally known throughout the
borough that Watson H. Stone, of New
ton, brother of our burgess, E. J. Stone,
ah ills. !."-,....!,. n cl... r xi T
aim i" aiimc x, cmri'iiiuil, VI . a-
verly, had been married. Rev. F, H.
a aiw in. ui Lilt; luriiiuuiai jijiaiuijai
church, performed the ceremony at' the
narainflff. TV. .'ill n ir nnwrAa nA wall
known throutrhniit this rtnfrt 'of the
county and are highly esteemed. Mrs..
Stone has been teaching school at Ed-
ena during the past school year. Many
friends join in wishing the couple a long
and happy life. '
The Glenburn school house "was
crowded with a very attentive audience
last Wednesday night to listen to Scott
Palmer's recital of his trip to Europe,
Asia and through Holy Land.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Meth
odist Episcopal church met at the home
of Miss Ida Sherman last Friday afternoon.
Charles Price and wife, of Scranton,
spent (Sunday at T. L. Phillip's. ,
Kate B. Potts, of West Side, visited
her friend, Mrs. A. A. Davis, on Sun
day last, returning on the early train
Children's Day was observed in the
new church at the Summit on Sunday
evening last In a very creditable man
ner. The Children's Day programme, I'The
Garlands of Praise," was most credit
ably rendered at the Baptist church on
Sunday evening last. The platform
was tastefully docorated with the many
. . a . .1 A n.i And netlArlul
nuea nowera, biiu ......
Main avenue, through Lorraine. It
mow completed, and thus supplies the
missing link between Clark's Green and
Clark's Summit. Wa trust tha the
chain will ne'er be broken more. ;
H. P. Wilcox, our genial druggist,
spent Sunday with friends at Nicholson.
Lewis Casterllne amd wife, of the city,
spent several days with friends and
relatives here during the last week.
Miss Sadie Maddas. of Scranton,
spent several days with Sylvester Isby
A bunch of keys was lost last Sun.
day; the finder will receive due reward
by returning the same to Fred Clancy..
John Hannas now occupies his new
home on the Highlands.
Will Isby. the shoemaker. now has a
hnrnessmttker for constant company,
and fine harness he makes, too.
W. P. Lltts Is now convalescent, and
resumed his station- tn the office again
on Monday last.
8. C. Koons has the materials on the
grounds for the erection of his new
store. Contractors Singer and Dally
Will ao tne worn, i
General Phlnncy and wife arrived at
Maple City an Tuesday last, where they
will spend the summer. .
' Mrs. B. F. Countrlght nd daughter, 1
May, left here on. Wednesday of, this
week to attend the commencement ex-,
erclses at the Cayuga Lake Military
academy, In Aurora, New York, where a ;
son of the former will graduate iwltn
high honors. They will return the last
of the week. t
J. W. Rhodes and family vlslteH
friends in Scranton on Tuesday last.
Children's Day exercises will be held
in tha iMothrvriiat church at the Green
tomorrow (Sunday) evening. 4 , -3.
Van Horn Is slowly . but surely
growing better from his Illness. - . t
Th hallnnn nscenrlon will be a great'
attraction at Lorraine park this after-
noom-. .
Tanirann nf Dunmore. floent
several days with relatives here during
the past week.