THE SCRANTCW TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNTNO. .TUNE 22, 1895. Oiir neighbors Douto fbe lialley Connolly Wallace i WILKES-BflRRE.' ' : . i.i n .- . ... i tTl Tribune ha opened a l"n$1h.'" floe, at No. a. baaing building, Public Square, WllkM-Barre, for the transaction of business. The publishers propone to extend the circulation of The Tribune in Wllkaa.narr and surrounding towns, and to that end will preient a very com Pleto department of Luierne county new. Vm mi.mU .. t.i .it.takinff depena- nee tt placed aolely upon the upr111or' of The Tribune at a purveyor of all tn tienre of the day-domeitlc. foreign, local. eommercUl and financial. The "er' '": tereate of the people of Wllkee-Barre anil the Wyoming valley will have In The Trib une an earnest advocate, editorially ana etherwlie. It li the purpose of the pui. inhere to laiue a newspaper a valuable to the general public u the metropolitan dallies, and deliver It to the people throughout northeastern Pennsylvania from three to live hours earlier than the Philadelphia and New York papers ttacn tnem.i TIIE DETECTIVE MUDDLE. The Herring. Me9weeney Afenoy Prosont a Stack of Affidavit. In reply to the affidavits of Edward Fulnwlder. setting forth, that he had been Induced by Barring; and McSwee- y to see Frank Shaffer, the negro tin Jer arrest for blowing up the Hun gartan shanty In the mountain cut-off. and that he had nduced snarr er to ueny his confession to Detective CTBrlen. the Barring agency yesterday submitted a bundle of affidavits to the contrary. The first Is that of "Billy" Baur, a de- tectlve on the Barrlng-McSweeney force. He aays that McSweeney In tructed iilm to go to Plttston and bring Ed. Fulnwlder to Scranton for an Interview. He found Fulnwlder, who accompanied him to Soranton as per request of Mr. McSweeney. Mr. Baur wore that while In Fulnwlder's com pany he (Baur) did not make any propo Itlons to contradict any statements made by him with regard to the crime known as the mountain murder, and did cot request Fullwider to go and Interview Frank Shaffer. o Induce them to contradict previous statements made by them concerning this case that the statement as made by Fuln wider and charging deponent with hav ing done this, are false in every "par Hcular. The second affidavit Is that of George M. Shoemaker, who swore that he was present at the Interview between Da niel McSweeney end Ed. Fulnwlder, and took down In shorthand the state' ment made by Fulnwlder to McSwee ney. The statement made at that time (January, 1S95) by Fulnwlder was to the effect that the cut-off murder was ' committed by colored men named Scott Jones, Oeorge Johnson and George emu a. mat Jones nau toia mm (r uin wider) that he had broken Into Sayer & McDonald's tool chest and took some dynamite and battery wires and used them to blow up the Hungarian shanty After doing so threw the battery into the creek. Fulnwlder said Johnson and Smith were at Hoosic Falls and that h went In search of Scott Jones and found him In Scranton, Pa., and brought htm to Barring. & McSwee tiey's office. Jones denied all knowledge of the crime, whereupoi Fulnwlder ac knowledged that he had been lying. The last affidavit, a very lengthy one. was that of Daniel 'McSweeney. of the firm of Barring & McSweeney,. He sets forth the Interview with Fulnwlder, as given in Mr. Shoemaker's affidavit, and further swears that the man Fulnwlder is a notorious liar, and always had that reputation among his own people, and. after Jones denied the murder, Fuln wlder admitted to the deponent that he was lying when he accused William Jones of the crime. Mr. McSweeney aw Fulnwlder again on June 12. 1895, and inquired if he had seen Frank Bhaeffer. Fulnwlder said Shaeffer came to him and said that he had had trouble with Nelae Miller and was go ing to tell something' about him. Shar fer also said that he and James and Melee Miller and George Jordan blew tip the Hungarian shanty. McSweeney conducted the balance of Fulnwlder's examination aa follows: . How did you know It was at that ftue? A. Because he told me at that time about It. Q. Where has Shaffer been all this time? A. He has lived near me at a Mrs. Cobb's. lie Is a bad negro. Q.Wbo did you Inform about it? A. I told no one, but I advised Frank Shaffer to give himself up, and tell the officers about it and would go light with biro. Q. 8a you have told no one about this matter until now? A. No sir. Q. Old you tell yonr wife? A. No sir. . Q. So you did not know how It was learned that. Frank Shaffer would make a statement? - A. No. sir, I did not. - All I know about ft is that the officers called at my house last Monday in search of blm. Q. Toil' made a statement to me last January that you believed , John" Bird knew nothing about It. A. I believe that John Bird does not know anything about It. Q. Do you remember what you said to me when I Interviewed you before? A. Yes, sir. i Q. Ton lied to me at that time, and you admitted that you told me lies, -did you not? A. Tes, sir. Q. Did you tell me that William Scott had told you that he had helped to blow up the shanty? A. Tes, sir. Q. And you knew It was a lie, and you cried about it? A. Tes, sir. . Q. And when you were brought face to face with Scott you admitted that it was a lie? A- Tes, sir. . Mr. McSweney's affidavit closes with a statement that he made no overtures or offers of money to Fulnwlder fry the purpose e.f retting- him to testify in the case, but simply wanted to get at the truth of the affair, if possible. The arrested Polloeraen. The Ave policemen. Ruddy, Gaynor, Jones. Drake, Farrow and Blaine, whom Burgess Fenner, of Ashley, ar rested for stealing the prisoner, Sam Lehman, Wednesday, had a hearing be fore the burgess yesterday afternoon. On one charge he fined them 15, from which they appealed; on the other two he fined them $2 and I2.2G respectively. Their attorney wanted to go their se curity for future payment, but Burgess Fenner made them pay the $2.25, Bur gess Fenner has created a new prece dent lit- making information against these men himself, and then trying his own case. Ha was prosecutor, Judge and Jury all In one.- - - ' f yv-The Williams Case. ' It is probable that the 'Williams case will go to the jury today, as nearly all the testimony Is now In. The defense has made out a strong case. Only one of their, witnesses yesterday "was Im portant, that one being Samuel Lamer eaux, He said he met Captain. Will lams on his farm at 1 o'clock on the day of the murder. Mr. Lainejeaux said: "Whence came to me I saw that the captain was cut and bleeding. His hand was badly cut and there was blood on Ills head and neck. He told me of Chapman assaulting- him and he said he was going to have him arrested. I went with the captain to the 'squire and came back with the constable. We found Chapman setting beside the fence. Ilia elbows were on his knees and he was leaning u gainst the fence. He was dead." : END OF THE YEAR. The Commencement at tho female Sem inary Yesterday Morning. At 11 o'clock yesterday morning tho Sunday ftdhool room of 'the First Pres byterian church was filled to Its utmost capuclty with friends and relutives of the graduating eluss of the Wllkes Bnrre Female seminary. The five grad uates till wore white dresses nnd car ried bouquets of roses. The following programme was rendered: Piano solo, "By the Mountain Spring." w Bohm Grace M. Foircl. Prayer Pr. Mills Chorus, (u) "Youth." (b) "The Kerry." School Essay, "Tho Minor Poems of Milton." HelHii 11. Hodgo Chorus, "Wanderer's Night Souk." Glee Club Recitation "CInna" Act V., Scene li, Cornellle Btella M. Shoemaker. Marlunna P. Boss, Grace Lea Shoemaker, Ger trude P. Jones. Chorus. "Boatman's Song" School Piano Solo. "La Scliitlllata"....C.hertner Grace Lea Shoemaker. Essay, "Chaucer's Knlghtes Tale." Sara H. Sties Recitation, "Torquatb Tasso." Act 1., Scene III Goethe Anna C. Lewis. Edna M. McCollom. J. Kdlth Lance. Katharine May Brooks. Chorus. "The Lilies Wake From Dewy Sleep Glee Club Presentation of Diplomas. Address Kev. Jumea MeLeod, D. D. Awards. Benediction. The graduates are Helen Hodge, Stella Shoemaker. Sarah Sates, Anna Lewis and Marlanna Ros3. The essay by Miss Hodge was especially good, as was also the singing of the school and the play ing or Miss "Fogel. The following awards were made: For Atendance First honor to the fol lowing pupils, who huve not been absent during the year: .Misses Sura Stltes, Edith Lance, Gertrude Jones, Anna Mor gan. Edna McCollom. Funny Osborne, Edith Ryman, Kuth Lewis. Edna Kyman, Roselys Ryman, Martha Hutchlns, Fran ces Chupman. Roxy Ashley. Lizzie Robin son. May Townsend. In the primary de partment to Madge Carpienter. For Attendance Second honor to Misses Helen Hodge, Anna Lewis, Mary Coxe, Claire Tubbs. Ruth Morgan, Alice Leav enworth. Ellen Blzby. For Punctuality To Misses May Brooks. Fanny Osborne, Clulre Tubbs, Ruth Struthers. Margaret Scott, Leigh Rlcketts, Agnes Parker, Agnes Faulds, Lizzie Robinson. For Mental Arithmetic To Lizzie Rob inson. For Geography To Martha Hutching, with honorable mention of Helen Leaven worth. For greatest amount of original work in geometry To Miss Sara Stltes. For highest place In list of honor. In cluding class work, examination, attend ance and deportment, In the three highest classes of the school To Miss Sura Stltes, with honorable mention of Miss Fanny Osborne. For highest place In the next two classes To Lucy St." John, with honorable mention of Miss Edna Ryman. For highest place In the two lowest classes To Lizzie Robinson, with honora ble mention of Helen Leavenworth. MRS. HANSON'S SCHOOL. The Kindergarten Closes with a Fine Programme. The closing exercises of Mrs. E. S. Hanson's primary school and German kindergarten were held yesterday morning at 10.30 o'cldrk at Germanla hall, and the large number of friends and relatives of the little ones who at tended were very pleasantly enter tained and amused. The programme wns opened with a short musical programme given by the pupils with the exception of one song by Mrs. R. B. Brundage. The songs, with the exception of Mrs. Brundage's, were all German and the language was spoken- with a very correct accent. The play, "Asehenbroedel" (Cinderella), as given in German, was very good and was Very amusing. Following Is the cast: The Bad Stepmother Anna Taylor Trine, Trude, her daughters. Kuth Rneder, Helen Hoots Asehenbroedel, her stepdaughter, Majorle Harvey The King Tom Wright The Queen .......Kathleen Spalding The Prince Marjoiie Hanson A Servant of the palace John Coons The Pigeons, Queenlo O'Malley, Edith Welhe Balldame ...Lillian Sturges Ballherren, Stanley Wood, David Rtoddart, Albert Jennings. First scene, Tn the House of the Step mother: second scene, In the Garden; third scene. The Ball In the Palace of the King; fourth soene, in(the House of the Step- All the cast acquitted themselves very creditably, especially Marjorle Harvey, as Clrttlerella (Asehenbroedel) and Marjorle Hanson, a the prince. The entire programme paesed oft smoothly,; and closed a very successful school-year. - . -kept Annie's Money. Yesterday morning Annla Leaner, a Hungarian girl aged about 20 years. swore out a warrant agalnnt Matthew Ryan, of Rolling Mill hill, charging him with obtaining money tinder false pre- IBABTa HUMORS Instantly Relieved And Speedily Cured by . WHEN, ALL ELSE FAILS A warm bath with CUTICUR A SOAP, nrf a cinrU annliratinn nf CUTICUR A. the great skin cure, will afford Instant re lief, permit rest ana sieep.ana point to a speedy, economical, and permanent cun of the most distressing of itching and Burning sxtn ana scaip diseases, aiter aii .vomer metnoas ,mu.- RnM Onrntkost Dm werM. Bntlth dtpMt F. Mswnir mi, fconaaa. roirvs Cilia. Coir., Sol )ianlBitw, U.S.. LYja tenses she came to this 'country; ever two jrcxt'i- ago, and 1! !, .dpinestlo with a family on South Ranldln street, In tils city. She .met Ryan and -Halted his house frequently, bocomhiif ac quainted with his wife.' Ryan, said ho and his fam'ly were going to Oregon nnd wanted Annie to come . ateo, to which she agreed. On Friday Inst she went to Nantlcoke. stnylng ait the Broadway house, and on Sunday she gave Ryan t'SO to purchase her ticket, and he promised her to meet hVr at the Pennsylvania railroad station aiul take the 3 o'clock train for thii wt.-u. On Monday Annie was on hand for Hid train, but Ryan didn't turn Up. and she swore out a warrant, charging him with falsa pretense. Up to lust night he hud nut yet been arrested. . ; Pickpockets Agni. A well-k'nown business man of this olty, who does not want his name made public, had his pocketbook stolen from him on the street yesterday afternoon. It contulned quite a sum of money, but he says, t hut. he has no 'hope of ever Kettlng l.ny iif It back. Ait Ashley lady had her pocket picked while coining from Mountain park yes terday, and a jiuise containing fll! taken. ha mude her loss known to the brakeman, and a suspicious look ing young man from Scranton was seized and handed over to a policeman whan tKs city was reached. At tho hearliiK this morning tho prisoner gave his nume, as Isaac Posner, and said he Is the on of a clothing merchant of thut name doing business In Mcranton. There was no positive evidence against the young man and he was discharged. ' Stole tho Lumber. Contractor Phillips yesterday had a man named Williams arrested for steal ing lumber from the new South Grant street schoolhouse, which Mr. Phillips is building. The Williams family . had Jl'O worth of lumber In their cellar, more in fact, so iMr. Phillips Bald, than they had left the contractor to build the schoolhouse with. Mr. Phillips has been constantly annoyed In his work on the schoolhouse, iand will push these cases'. Married in tho Court House. Yesterday afternoon Miss Mary Mil ler and William Cray were united In marriage In the court house by 'Squire Brislln, the deputy register of wills, who performed the ceremony Immedi ately after he issued the marriage li cense to them. This marriage knot is the fourth that 'Squire Brislln has been called upon to tie this week. Injured at Nantlcoke. On Thursday afternoon David Mor gan, son of Mrs. L.D. Morgan, of Nantl coke, received a very dangerous. If not fatal wound in No. 1 shaft of the Sus quehanna Coal company, at Nantlcoke. He was walking In one of the 'gang ways, when a Urge piece of rock fell on his head, inflicting a deep gash. Dr. Evans attended him and took nineteen stitches in the wound. Examinations Finished. The board of examiners; who Jiave been at work oil week e milling the applicants for the position of mine in spectors, finished their labors yester day. They will meet again next Wednesday, after the papers have been examined, and announce the names of the successful candidates. Dr. Miner Registers. Charles Howard Miner, the youngest son of Hon. Charles A. Miner, of. this city, registered yesterday as a practic ing physician here. ' Dr. Miner Is a graduate of the University of Pennsyl vania, and has degrees as doctor of medicine and doctor of surgery from that institution. ' BRIEF NOTES. - 1 j Toronto and Wllkes-Barre will .battle at Athletic park again today. ' - Lewis LeGrand, of this city, has secured a patent on a mining machine, which he will soon begin to manufacture. Cuptain Lieltrlrk, of the West End Wheelmen, has Just received word that the fast Falcon team will enter for the races. Rev. Ir. Joseph, of the local Jewish church, has had a call from an Alabama congregation, but prefers to remain In this city. T. P. Ryder, of the Record, made the address at the regular monthly meeting of the Stafford Literary Institute last Thursday evening. The Crystal Spring Water -company will have their big new filter In operation by July 4 and will furnish filtered water to their putrons after that date. Volney B. Cushlng, of Bangor, Me., will make an address on the liquor traffic this evening, on public square, under the auspices of tho Temperance union. , The subscriptions for the new Young Men's Christian association field are greatiy .needed anjl money must bo raised at once tf pay. for the fence and the rent. The Mnnlns ,of a HungnrlanVdrowned In the river above Forty Fort, on Thurs day, were burled yesterday by the poor board. The drowned Hun's, brother re fused to bury tho remains. The theater at Hanover park will bo finished today, and will bo opened next Monday with a concert. The manage ment will give free entertainments In It, both afternoon and evening. t - , Martin Murray, the well-known Hur.le street shoe merchant, and Miss Llzsli Maler, were married last Thursday even ing In St. Nicholas' German Catholic church, on South Washington street. i; Pllos! files! jit shlng Piles. ' ' Symptoms Moisture: Intense 'itchlns and stinging: moat at night) worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which oftei bleed and ulcerate, be coming very sore. Bwanye'a Ointment stops ths Itching- and bleeding, heals ul ceration, and In moat cases removes ths tumors. At druggist or by mall, for 50 cants. Dr. Bwayna & Son, Philadelphia. M I NOOK A. The employes of the Greenwood No. 1 and 2 collieries will receive their month ly stipend today. The following- is the personnel of a newly organised base ball team In this place: Luddin, -I' eataher; Forrlster, pitcher; Mangan, flrit "base; P, Dlnldn, second fcasc) '.McDonough, shortstop; T. Shea, third base;'1 tavln, left field; Joyce, center field; P. Laffy, right Meld; M, O'Nell, second catcher. The cjub Is anxlons.40 armnge a Kama With the Old Vorgp tlashers, July J, or)' the home grounds. V.;.i!j ,,''V." , Th- artidis : stating- liat 'thfr Oreen woool mines would work days thin week , -was erroneous. The mines n,re Iflle today. ,- - ;v--v ' V Att unknbwn- dndlvlrlual with a claw hammer coat and a checker-board pants was doing- the town and ft number of the people last night." PITTSTON. 1 IThe P ttston office of tho Scranton Tribune hni been onnc! tiy It. W. Crunor, nyrnt, at Xn. &WI1I nnvi ftreet, where con tr'bnt on of n'v. m"i'n 'nti of non-do-llvry, c-i'evB fo- tic It of all flwrln tlons, should bo- addressed and regular subscriptions received, vrtvert udu: nnd subscription ratus cheerfully submitted.) Attorney W, H. Gillespie, couiijI for Jack Robinson, one of the alleged mnr dcreis of liitrney Relck, la making tin effort to have the case taken to the Lackawanna com t, r lalinlng Unit hi i client will nut rcblve u fair and Impar tial trlnl, cuv In k to tin' exi lU'ii, lit uinl prejudice existing ugaliiHt lilm In this county. The dcudliick In the lIuhontnwn bor ough school bourd wim ibroken at the meet I mr held Wednesday evening! Misses Klla Gillespie, Jimcphlne Gilles pie and Grace Morrow were re-elected to their old positions us teachers. The board fulled to agree, on the election of R principal and primary teacher. John Poy, of Hughestown, nnd J. P. Lord, principal Inst year, arei npjillcnnits for the former position. The next conven tion of the bo.irdwll be on Monduy even ing next. Rev. Wilson Trerhle, postur of the Methodist KplscnpHl church at Wyo ming, will nildresA the men's meeting at the YoiitiK Men's ".rlMtiun associa tion on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Subject: "The Youni? Mail's Oppor tunity." Music by the cliolr of tho Wy oming Methodist lOpIscopul church. Hlble. clans meettif? at Youni? Men's Christian association parlors this evcu Ini? and Sunday moriiliii? nt !l o'clock. Tho fair anil festival ilir-ld u't the First Presbyterian church, under the auspices of the liulUFtrlul school, was a success. The fair was continued lust evening and a large number were pres ent. Por second-hand hotiHehold poods, call on Wright & Co., 07 South Muin stiet. Goods exchanged, bought or sold. On Thursday afternoon, as .Miss Mo Dermott, of Avoca, was passing along Muln street, this city, she was severely Injured by lead from a plumber's smelt ing and repair pot. The molten lead splashed upon her face, burning one slde badly. It Is thought that she will not lose her eyesight. Dlnsmore, Cameron Cool's high-bred trotter, was second best nt the Hethle hem races this week. Dlnsmore has a record of 2:2?,, but In Thursday's iruces he showed a puce of better than 2:20. M. Penln held the reins over Pro thnnotnry G. J. Llewellyn's new mare, Rosa W'oodnut, yesterday. She made a mile In 2:117",, but Mr. Pen-In thinks she will get a murk much lower ithaii that. C. If. Phillip?) was a visitor at Wilkes Barre yesterday. E. It. Faulknen and V. Guard, of the Electric City, were yesterday vis itors in town. Prank P. Hopper, of Wi'lkea-Burre, was In this city yesterday on business. E. J. AValsh, of Scranton, registered at the Sinclair house yesterday. A. W. Howard, of Scranton, regis tered ut the Eagle hotel yesterday. The West Plttston tea.m of the Trl county Busobull league will crosd buts with the Scranton team this after-noun at Pair grounds. This Is the llrst gumc that Win West Plttston club has entered. TUNKHAN NOCK. W. N. Reynolds, Jr., In home from Lafayette co'llese. The rolling Mtoi-k rwently added to the Montrose road Is off duty for a time to allow new trucks to be placed undiT the cars. Bass llshlng ut Lake Carey Is re ported line and a number of devotees of the port from Wllkea-Uarre and Philadelphia have been putting in time there during the week. The cottaKes are rapidly tilling up. Mrs. P. J, Allen, of Mehoppen, has been visiting friends 'here for two or three days. R. It. (larey, a. resident of Wyoming; avenue, wus t-trlc-keu with apoplexy Thuiaduy night and Immediately be came unconscious, remaining o nearly all day yesterday. His condition was still very precarious last evening. The judicial contest lias raised the question as to whether 'Whiskey Is a valuable consideration. The lausust court has decided that it Is, If a man is willing to exchange hio note for It. Children's Day will le observed by the Evangelical church people tomor row evening. Appropriate exercises have been arranged for the occasion.. On Wednesday evening following Pre siding Elder Heark-k, of W'llllunnport, will preach. The quaiferly conference Will .be held the name evening also. Mrs. Theodore Slreeton anil son Sleyle started last evening for Washington, I). C, where they will .remain about ten days. The latter will then go to Chat tanooga, Tetin.; to upend the summer, nnd Mrs, Htreeter will reliirn homo. Hundreds of disappointed witnesses have turned away ifrom the commis sioners' ofllce this week nfter learning that they could not get -their pity im mediately for time -spent. In attending the Judicial contest. It Beenis not to have crept through their wool that the county would not pay any bills until the muitter is nit summed tip nnd It Is definitely snttled upon whom the msU Mhiill fall. Many of them got a rev-tilled stateiment of their dues and had some friend discount It for cash or traded it to their landlord for board bill. Vff fi. Quick, of Lemon, ran a narrow escape from denh h. few. days lnce. While watering his 'team at a wayside trough one of his colts became fright ened and kicked him suddenly In the ,breunt. He was injured Internally, and Is still spitting blood, but fut'al results are no longer feared. It Ijl reported that Attorney C. O, Pershelmcr, who was -recently married and went to Denver, Col., for a wed ding Jtrlp, will locate there permanently for'the practice of his profession! -. A warrant Is nut for one Stevens, a pal of tho .Philadelphia worthy who was placed III Jail 011 charge of highway robbery, circus day. The Information against lUovens was made by Sheriff Knupp, and -the complaint was nldlng and abettlnf a prisoner trt escape. The bird ha'H flown,' however, und Is not likely to be caught. Mrs. II. W. t'hnse and Mrs. T. M. Greenville are visiting Canada rela tives. V ,:... : ' ' " ' 'V Inasmuch as the Lehigh Valley will have to issue mileage books of 2f0, COO an 1,000 miles for the northern end of the route, In order to comply, with the New York stale laws -'recently passed, It Is probable that they will soon be put on sale at all stations along the line. This will-be a, convenience -teMhnsu who travel but little. The Lehigh Valley protltdd materially since the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western nnd other We have put "Closing Out" prices cm many lines of Wash Dress Fabrics, and we propose to conduct a Special Sale of these goods for the next two weeks. 'It. will pay yon to be on hand. For instance : . . 4 LOT NO. 1 New Price 4c. a yard, comprises Batistes, Lawns, Challies,-etc. in new and choice designs ; former prices were from 6c. to ioc. LOT NO. 2 New Price, sc. Here you will find French Plisse 'that were ibe.j'V- LOT NO. 3 New PHce, ioc. Corded Jaconets, were quality; Asiatic Zephyrs, formerly 15c. LOT NO. 4 Under this heading we offer a large purchase of German Plisse. These goods have been sold by many houses all season at 25c. Our Sale Price i2c. a yard. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, COM A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAU) KOR, IN AI VANCK. W1IKN A HOOK. ACCOUNT IS MAUR, NO CHAHOH WILL UK. LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIH Ul'l.K AP PLIES TO HMALL WANTAUS, KX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. 1JHOTO TICKET AliKNTS AND PIOTUKE J men enn Umrn f a lino pos,tiun by nd droRHlim WILLIAM U. PLATT, TA1 Elm atrxitt, Camden, N. J. w ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ' ov.ry town to golii-it stock gubgcriP' tlons; a monopoly: liip money for auouta; no capital inquired. EDWAIil) C. I'JSH & CO., Uordun lilock, Chicago. HI. QALESMEN - K KM DENT SALESMEN yj wanted, acquainted with tli9 loi-al and nearby drill? and grocery trade, to handle our line of hlh prade t-iara. Address, tflvini; leferences, J. EDWARD COWLE4 a Co., HJ .Chambers street, N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. UrANTTD-OlRLH TO LEARN DRESS ill .kin-. MRS. TRIPP, 4:ii Adams are- nuo. T ANTED IM AiEDIATELYTWO F.NER V V netic saleswomen to repres 'Dt us. Guaranteed $0 a dny without ir.t.'rferiug with other duties, ih-altlif 1 occupation, write for partifmlars. inclosing stamp, Mango Chom leal Company, No. H John street. New York. Wanted To Rent. WANTKD A HMALL EiUHT-ROOM v V house, modern iniprovetnenta. bath room, ete.; within ten minutes' walk of the court house. Address P. O. box Ol'O city. IT WANTED BY JULY 4, AN OFFICE AND , t tw.i rooma for lilit lioU8keepiiiK: un furnished; answer 400U, stating terms. 1K. E ZIEOLEU BOWER, Delta, York County, Pa. For Kent. RARE CHANCE TO RENT 4 FLOORS AK raneed for bonrdinir and 1. dginv; -H bed rooms, parlor, dining, kite en: ad iu new re pair; ot -r UardiiiK'a China tore. POB RENT 9 ROOM Hi il'SE (ToOD COlP J dition, fumaro, kss, bntn, 418 Vine street. Apply L. M. HOitTON. Coinmonwealth B'ldg 0FFICES f cfTET. "DESK ROOM Y6 "LET and Assembly Hnll to let. 0. B. REP LOOLE, 408 Sprui e street. .-"OH RENT A LARGE, 4-STORY BUILD- Ingatll Franklin avt-niie: suitable for wholesale Si-rantcm. business. CAKSON & DAVIES, -."OR RENT FURNISHED AND UN FUR 1 nislied rooms at 5ut) Lackawanna avenu-). l.-OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST 1 Lackawanna avenue. Address 1 HOMAS E. EVANS, aear UK! Luziirno, Hyde Park. IOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL 1 suitaliln for rooms. JOHN JEK JIYN, llll WyoinitiB uronua. For Sale MOOR UK HARD IS A BROWN HE DINO. I 111 hands hinh, sound, km I and f. arlesa of all objects: a tlrat-class roadater. withape.-d, 1 hare driven him a full mile in '- Ml. anil ipinr ters In 37 sec.iiids. Who want him forplT.'i? J. W. H(H'i-ER, ,M. D , Tavlor. Pa. Agents Wanted. yirANTED HALUSMAN; SALARY FROM t V at.'irt. permanent place, llrown Bros. Co.. nurorynien, Roeliestur, N. Y. pENERAL AOENTS WANTED SELL I T lug new at tich's to dealers: exclusive, ter rltory. 110 competition, no capital required; SKI ti Wnper cent, prollt Columbia Chemical Co., till Dearborn st., Chicago, ill. Auenth Wanted for lakokst link Ahiiiilnuin Novelties, liar tlooils, T11M0 ware in America. Prnllta iinmense. Sto.ily work. One agent sent 4, reorders. Delivered free. Sample Uc. Illuitratod ratalos lie free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., 1135 Broadway, Now York. 1 HAVE THE UK ST A OK, NTS' ARTICLE J on eurth. Send postal for pari li'itlm a. Notliimr lik - it. Creilit to all worthy. Wanted by everybiMlv: no fi-aml; permanent growing business lor honest pooplo. Til HO. NOEL, OeolOKlsr, ChieiiKO. III. OENTS-H1NDE S PATENT UNIVER 1 V sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (uaod with out heat), and "Pyr Polnted'-Ilalr Plus. Lib eral commissions. Free sample nnd full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 45H Now York. V N T D - ACT lVE HA LKSM EN " TO V handln our line. 110 peddling. Salarr, 175 per month anil expenses paid to all. Omuls entirely new. Apply quickly, V. O. Box, 6J0S, Boston, Uass. Business Opportunity. WANTED-MANAOER FOP. BRANCH house, nld oitalilislind concern. Salary fVit and coniinllunr. Must deposit SetHI fully Hiieurad. No liumbua-. Will pay to In v.stlvate. Aildreas, Manufacturer, box S7A. St. Louis, lie. roads discontinued the sale ot mileage books, traveling men, especially, milking It a point to come this way whenever possible. Yesterday's proceedings In the Judl clal Inves.tlgatlon was but a continua tion of the revelations oftthe dny before. The mor; the matter Is probed the more evident becomes the fact 'thn.t bribery at the polls W:m carried on In a shume lesa and open-handed milliner. It has long been known Hint -there wan a cer tain class of voters who refused to ex ercise their privilege at .the polls unless paid for so doing, but these were an ele ment of which better things could not be expeotetl. When It becomes known Phut people who claim respectability and have ulwaya held up their heads In society will stoop, to being bought like. cattle,, only at a great deal smaller price, the Information comes In the nn turo of n surprise. , If tho Judicial con test Nhull be the ineans of cleaning the county of this tnass of corruption It will be money well spent. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, REASONABLE CHARGES, TRY US. Tl SCRANTON BEDDING CO Special Notices. WE DON'T WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS, ' but men of ability; S-'HH to J'jOU a month to hUMtlers: state and general agents; salary and Co i mission. Chemical Fire Extinguisher Co., Racine, is. LARUE STOCK OF HOLD WATCHES at reduced prices. We have got a biar stock, too bin iu faut. of watches, good watches, wh.cii we are willing to s-11 at very cloae figures, barely cost, to reduce, at Mer cereau & Connell's. VOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1, I 1 1 wl 1 make a tuontliiy tour of the follow ing places giving free op -n air advertising ex hibitions wi h the stereopticon: Tavlorville, Hyde t'ark. Providence, Dickson Olvphant, Peckville, Arcbba d, Jermyn. Exhibitions given on Wednesday and Friday of eacii week during the mouth, tbe rates for adrer tls og are tin per month. Address E. H Call, Tribune office, city. '"THE SOI DIER IN OCR CIVIL WAH." I You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pictures, show ins the foroea n actusl battle, sketcned on tbe spot. Two volumes, 2,Uuo pictures. Sold on easy monthly payment'. Delivered by ex press complete, all charces prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, Cia Adams Ave., Seranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA siiies, etc.. bound or rebound at Thk Tnuiu.NK office. Vuick work. Reasonable pru-ee. Real Estate. IO. 'K AT THE HANDSOilE HOUSES Bt J ing built on Columbia avenue; ut still theie are some very desirable lots left at low prices. A. FROTH IX (4 HAM. Situations Wanted. AVol'Ntf MAN OF EXPERIENCE w. nld like a po ition in dry goods or shoe store. Can icive good re erences. Address with full particulars, box 2tl, Montrose, Pa. AYOl'NO MAN, SINGLE. WOULD LIKE work of any kind: understands horses. Address J. H., 1110 dams avenue, WANTED A CHANCE TO LEARN v hnrdware business by young man of excellent chsracter and steady babits: strong and healthy: raferen e; Aadress "HARD WARE," Tribune office, city. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOU NO lady as bookkeeper or cas iler, or would accept a position as grocery clerk. Wouid work out of city. Excellent penman. Ad dress "Experienced," VIS Lat-kawauua ave. I ENEIiALLY EXPERIENCED CLERK vt in millinery or dry goods would like posit ion for 4th of July trad. Can furnish good recommendation from last employer. CLERK, care Tribune. WANTED - BY A Y UNO LADY A ' poaition for boikkeeping ami type writing, urderstamls a little shorthand, speaks a number ot languages. Address G, m, Tribune. U0M AN WITH CONSIDERABLE I- x"pE rieuce, would like place as maintain? housekeeper at sunn er resort. Address "WIDOW, 'care Tribune. I 'ANTED " A POSITIoNTiY ANEXPERt li enced bookkeeper; Al references. Ad dress Lock Box iT, city. Medical. LA HI rest Chichester's Englijh Pennyroyal M!t Mii.m..n.i Sr.i.,0. nr the Beat. ;. ''"j Tk, im ollirr. Iwlul '., I.,, i. r ,rtk,;lar. R.lwf lor uai..-' " itti by (return Mb;.,, ' lnfj". Cblcbosicr Cheuilcal Co., Tblbula., l'a. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Summee Law-Lecturos (twelve week ly ) iitli yi-ar ot o.intnniance. lieiriu 27th June, 1WI5, end isiU August. Are of sianal use 1st, To students who design to study at this or or other Law-School; mi. To those who pro propose to read privately: and, ad, To prac titioners who have not bad tho advantage of systematic instruction.. For circular apply (P. O , Unlvcraitv of Ya.. Charlottesville, Ya. I to.lOHN B. MINI R. Prof. Com and Stat Law PROFESSIONAL - CARDS. Physicians und Surgeons. i)ir aTEDVAR'Dl3ANHA8 REMOVED to Bid Spruce street, Si-runton, Pa. (Jtmt oppoalto Court 1 louse Square.) PR. KAY. 208 PKNN AVE.: 1 to S P. M.j cull 21HI2. Dla. of women, obstrotrlce and und nil dls. of chll. VTl. ' A. 3. CONNELU OFPICR 101 Waahlngton avenue, cor. Spruce atreet, over Krancke'a drug etroe. Residence, J22 Vine at. Ofllce hours: 10.30 to 12 n. m. nnd 2 to 4. and 6. SO to 7.80 p. m. Sun day, 2 to 3 p. m. DTLW. B. AiidEN, IU North Waahlngton avenue. UrTcTL. FR10Y, PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; ottlce, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, 629 Vina Btreet. DR I: M. OATE8. 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Ofllce hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 1.30 to 2 and 7 to S p. m. Residence 209 Jladi von avenue. Architects. , Ell WARD lT. DAVIS, ARClUTECT? Room a 24, 2S und 2G, Coninionweulth building, Scranton,. . .; IT V. W A LTE h, ARCH I TECT. OFFICE reur of 60(1 WaHhlngton avenue. LKWi3HANCOCK. Jr"ARCHITECT. 425 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Buranton. BROWN & MORIHS, ARCHITECTS, Pi-Ice building, .12(1 Waahlngton avenue, Scrnnlon. 1 " ' Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. ES, ... 20c; Dimities, regular' 15c. 209 6o2 and 604 T oato lira Taw liiom I a iiataa. aic, vui. auuuu Lawyers, JESSCPS & HAND. ATTORNEYS ANT Counsellors at law, Commonwealth) building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSL'P. JR. WILLARD, WARREN A KNAPP. At torneys and Counsellors at Law, Re publican building, - Washington v. n Ue, Scranton, Pa. PA TTE RSON & WILCOX. ATTOH neys and Counsellors at Law; offices and H Library building , Scranton, Pa. HOSWELL H. PATTEP.SO.V. H-L1A.11 A. II 1LLUA. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. W. F. botle! ATTORNEY -A T-LAW. Nos. 19 and io. Burr building, Washing ton avenue.' FRAN K T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room 5. Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY. at-Law, rooma ttf. M and Hi. Common wealth building. SAM U EL Wf EDGACTTRNEY-A-rr Law. Office. 31T Spruce -su. Scranton, Pa. L. A. WATRE8. ATTORNET-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, pa. UR1E TOWNSEND. ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building, Scrtnton. Money to 4oan In l.ute sums at S-pr tent. c. . r7 pifc he rT a tto rn e y"a T law, Comuionnealth building, Scran ton, Pa. C. COMEGYSa:! SPRUCE STREET. . D. B. P.EPLOGLE. ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on reul estate security. 4ui Spruce tret. B7. Kf LLAmT ATTORXEr-AT-LAW." ISO Wyoming ave., Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Common-wealth bld'g. Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 13 WTOMINO AVE." Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. T A FT, PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crown work. Office, tc'J Washington avenue. CTC. I.AUBAChT" SURGEON DENtTsfr No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL EX change. ; Schools. SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton. Pa., prepares boya and girl for collge or business: thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re uuest. Opens September )(K REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BVELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGAR ten and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pu pils received at all times. Next term will open April . , Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK Un avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., iT W'7 V).i-senger depot. Conducted ' on - thai European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. Pioneer of the hotel cen ter ill New lora cuy. Noted for Its superb loca tion, sniierlor rooms and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for Kivlng mmr, all c. r THE PRICK than any flint-clans hotel In the world. Facing Central Park, 5Sth un.l 5Slh sts Plaaa Square and Fifth avenue; reached bv any uptown rain, and tho rrosstown car at Will St., which latter in tersect nil xurface and elevated roads; terminal station 6th uve. U road within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plans. Drlnkinif water ami Ice used la vaporlised and frozen on the premises, and certified as to purity by Prof. Chandler. K. A. HAMMOND. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates, $3.50 per dny and upwards. lAmerl can plan). K. N. ANABLE. Proprietor. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND I.oan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Cullender, Uime Bunlt building. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEU 615 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton. Pa., manulacturer of Wire Screens. " Seeds. G. R. CLARK & COTSEEDSMEN AND) Nurserymen; store 140 Washington ave nuo; green honae, 131.0 North Main ave nue; store telephoe 7S2. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOIt balls, picnics, purtles, receptions, wad dliiKH and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. . 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'a music atore. i '. . MEGARGKKi BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envolopes. paper bags, twine. Warehouse. ISO VVaahlngton ave., Scran ton, Pa. .' FRANK P. BROWN ft CO.. WHOLE sale dealers in Woodware. Cordage and Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawannu aye. THOMAS' AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant ana auciuoi. nooiiia m"" Williams Building, opposite .postoffloe. Agiiut for tho Rex Fire Extinguisher.