la THE SCHANTON T Itlli UJTE At UBD AY MOHNIN G, - JUNE 22, 1895. v, WEAK, NERVOUS KEN. "Why not trat with a physician to whom ou ean WU your troubl.s and will CURB rou? Why fana your mon.y miles away ram horn to aom so you'navar iw, when you haya the greatsat Special In t bear you with whom you can talk It ovor and be cured. Dr. Reevee, til Spruce itreet, Scranton, by nil new and peclno methods and remedies oures all the following;: Impot ence, Lost Manhood, Varlococeh, Gonor rhoea, Syphilis, Blood Poison, Nightly Losses, Stricture, Seminal Weakness, Re stores Lost Vitality, Ixist Memory, Eradi cates all the bad effects of "Self Abuse," Excessive Venery, Purines the Blood, Re stores "Shrunken Parts" to their normal lie, Arrests decay and makes you a well and hearty man aa-ain. If you are nerv ous, have a rapid Irritable heart, tired, dull feeling- In the mornings, Offensive Breath, Constipation, pains back of neck and hoad, or any of the above diseases, call and be examined. It will cost you nothing and you may benefit largely by It, Everything strictly secret and confiden tial. OFFICE HOURS Dally t to I. Sundays, 10 to 4. nD DCCUT6 No. l i Spruoe Street, UIU Hkklktfl HCKANTUN. PA. V highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of the latest designs and colorings, and our prices lower than any other house in the trade, for goods of the same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of ever description and quality. WALL PAPERS We are overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, aa we need the room. J.Scott Inglis 429 UCKIWINN1 IVERUL INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The enormous Increase In the Iron busi ness has reached a point where the roads centering- In Pittsburg are temporarily Unable to supply a sufficient number of cars to meet the demand from the iron and coke Industries. The International Railway commission, tinder whose direction extensive surveys have recently been made In Cen tral and South America for the purpose ol ascertaining- the feasi bility of constructing- a railroad connecting- the systems of the United States and Mexluo with those of Southern Peru. Brazil, Chill and the Argentine Re public, Is In receipt of Information showing- that the researches are already bearing- fruit. Philadelphia Stockholder: The Increase In the working time of the anthracite col lieries Is fully reflected by shipments for the week ended June 15, when the total reached 9W.SX tons. This Is a decrease, compared with the same week last year, of 225,530 tons, but production during- the latter period was on the go-as-you please plan. Last week's total was the largest for any single week for several months, the Increase over the preceding week having been no less than 86,517 tons. For the first two weeks of June the output amounted to 1.746.741 tons, or at the rate of 3,4:0.482 tons for the month. This total Is below the production agreed upon, but there Is little doubt that shipments will be heavier than they were in the first half of the month. Statement in detail for the week follows: Regions. June 13,June 16,Dlfference. j 1395. I 1894. 1 1 Wyoming .... 473.7331 W1.829!Dec 168.094 Lehigh 14S.64S 164.883' Dee 16,235 Schuylkill ... 24.246 335,447Deo 41,201 - 1 1 1 Total 916,6291 l,142,159!Dec 225,530 1 1 1 Year to date.18,597,93116,826.456jln. 1.771.475 A Doctor's Experience. Dr. H. B. Hettinger, Indianapolis, Ind., ays: "For several months after sprain ing my ankle I was severely afflicted with Rheumatism. I finally tried Detchon's 'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and in 4 days could walk without my cane; two bottles cured mo sound and well. I take great pleasure In recommending the 'Mys tic Curs' to all who are afflicted with Rheumatism. Sold by Carl Lorenx, Druggist, 41s Lackawanna avenue. Scran THE WORLD OF BUSI STOCKS AND BONDS. New York, June 21. The stock market displayed ooiiKiilerable strength In the early trading and In a number of Instances sharp advances were recorded. New Kng land rose 2(4 to 4714, and Dlittlllers from 15 to 2U'A. Among the bituminous coal and Iron, Colorado Fuel and Iron Jumped 44 to 34, and Tennessee Coal and Iron to 4l. The dealings In all these were on a lurger scale than for some time, general Klectrto wns another strong feature, ris ing 1 per cent, to 3d. The Improvement otherwise was equal Ho ViaH per Tent, While the movements referred to were !n progress the bears tried hurt! to make an Impression on Sugar and the Grangers, but the losses In them were comparatively small. Sugar was most severely ham mered and the stock ranged from 11814 .o 117!,. and Its cloning price was only lower than yesterduy. The market closed steady In tone. Net changes show, louses of H to 1 per cent. Total sules wore 2t!7, 5U0 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by O. du U. Dim nilck, manager for William Linn. Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Bpruco street, Scranton. ' Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est, est. Ins. Am. Tobacco Co n-Ui in 114 114 Am. Cot. Oil 2Vi 2V 284 284 Am. Sugar Re'g Co.1184 118 1"H 117 Atch., To. A S. Fe... 10. 104 H 1 4 Can. South G5H 6n D54 G51. Ches. & Ohio 22?. .22', 22 22 Chicago das W T4V 78 H4 chic & n! v.:::::...ioo iw Chic, B. & Q 854 854 85 85 C. C. C. & St. L 4H 45i 4o4 4Mi Chic, Mil. & St. P... 684, 684 7 68 Chic. R. I. & P 73 4 W4 ,724 Delaware & Hud 130 1304 129 1. D. . L. & W 163 1634 MS 1634 Dial. & C. F 194 204 1ft Gen. Electric 354 364 3o4 &! Lake Shore 1494 1504 148 150 Louis. & Nash 584 684 M W't Manhattan Ele 115 1154 U HIT, Mich. Central..., ....103 103 1$3 103 Mo. Pacific 324 324 31 32 Nat. Cordage 2 24 2 , 24 Nat. Lead 34 344 344 344 N. J. Central 101 1014 100 1004 N. Y. N. E 454 474 4 464 N. Y., L. E. & W 94 94 4 94 N. Y., S. A V 104 104 104 104 N. Y., S. ft V., Pr... 294 294 274 24 Nor. Pacific 44 44 44 44 Nor. Pacific, Pr 164 17 154 1 Ont. & West 184 184 " 18 Pacific Mall 314 314 S04 304 Phil. & Read 184 184 174 174 Southern R. R 14 144 14 14 Tenn., C. & I 394 40 284 94 Tex. Pacific 134 134 134 134 Union Pacific 124 124 124 124 Wabash, Pr 204 204 20 2114 West. Union 924 24 924 924 U. 8. Leather 194 194 194 194 U. S. Leather, Pr.... 93 93 924 93 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. ing. est. est. lnir. July 704 714 694 704 September 724 724 71 724 OATS. July 284 284 28 284 September 28 284 274 28 CORN. July 48T4 49 48 484 September 50 604 494 50 LARD. July 6.45 6.47 6.42 6.47 September e.w o.of . BT PORK. July 11.65 11.82 11.60 11.27 September 12.00 12.12 11.97 12.07 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quo tationsAll Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. . Bid. Ask Dime Dep. ft DIs. Bank 125 First National Bank 6u0 Green Ridge Lumber Co 110 Lackawanna Lumber Co 110 ..... Lacka. Trust & Safe Dep. Co... 145 150 Scranton Savings Bank 200 Scranton Lace Curtain Co 50 Third National Bank 350 ..... Thuron Coal Land Co 90 Scranton Axle Works 80 Scranton Glass Co 65 National Boring ft Drilling Co 90 Scranton Jar ft Stopper Co 25 Dickson Manufacturing Co 90 Lacka. ft Montrose R. R 100 Spring Brook Water Co 90 Elmhurst Boulevard Co ' 100 Anthracite Land ft Imp. Co 65 BONDS. Scranton Traction Co 9& Economy Steam Heat ft Power Co 100 Madison Avenue Improvement .... 105 Soranton Ulass Co . 100 Rushbrook Coal Co., 6.,.., 100 Scranton Axle Works, 6 ,, ttti Scranton Pass. Railway first mortgage 's, duo 1920 110 People's St. Railway, first mortgage 6's, dueJ'JIH; 110 People's St. Railway,- 'second mortgage 6's, due 1921 110 ..... New York Prod 1100 Mnrkot. New York, June 21. Flour Dull, weak. Wheat Easier; No. I red store unci elevu tor, 744c; f. o. b., 7&4u764e.j ungraded red, 68u77e.i utloat, 764a764u.; No. 1 north ern, 784c ; options closed unsettled at la 14c under yesterday; June, 744c. ; July, 764c; August, 76y4c; September, 764c; October, 764c; IJecemher, 774c Coin Dull, easier; No. 2, 53itr34c elevator; 534a 534c alloat; optkns cloned firm at 4c un der .yesterday; July, 524a534c; August, 544c j September, 544e. Oats Easier; op tions dull, steady; June, 31c; July, 314c; September, 314e.-; spot prices. No. 2, S14c; No. i white. 344c; No. 2 Chicago, 3l4u 314c; No. 3, 364c; No. 8 white, 334c; mxed western, 32u33c; white western, 35a 404c; white stuto, 35nhi4c Provisions Dull, nominal. Lard Quiet, easy. Butter Wulet, steady; state dairy. Ilal7c; do, creamery, 17418c; western dairy, Ba94c; do. rreaniery, 12ulHc; do. factory, 8o124c; Elgins, 18c.; Imitation creamery, llul5c Cheese Firm, steady, unchanged. Kkks Dull, weak; state and Pennsylvania, 124a 134c; western fresh, HV0al2c; do. per cuse, u3.50. 1 Toledo drain Market. Toledo. O., June 21. Wheat Receipts, 3.0ti3 bushels; shipments, 24.2UU bushels; No. 2 red, cash, 71c; July, 734c; August, 73c; September, 734c.; December, 754c Corn Receipts, 8.547 bushels; shipments. 19.000 bushels; market easy; No. 2 mixed, each, 4c; September, 504c; No. 3 yellow, cash, 44c Outs Market easy; No. 2 mixed, July, 294c ; September, 29c. Clover Seed Markte nomlnul; October, JG.7.T. ... " Buffalo Stock Market. Ruffalo, June 21. Cattle Receipts, 2,214 head; on sale, 60 head; market easy; fair fat cows, $2.6503111); llRht steers, M.6Ga3.s,-; venls Idwer: choice, 5.50u6.76: fair to good, 3.7f.a5.25. Hogs Receipts, 10.240 head; on sale, 7,800 head; market easy for Uxht grades, steady for Rood weights; Yorkers, good to choice, H66a4.70; good mixed puck ers, $4.75a4.80; good mediums. 4 .80a4.ii,-; choice heavy, 4.85a4.0; roughs, $la4.30; stags; 3a8.76; pigs, nominally, $4.45a4.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,500 head; on sale, 3,00(1 head; market dull for all but ex ports, which were higher; good to choice mixed sheep, 2.75a3.25; common to fair, $2a2.50; culls, llal.60; yearlings, good to choice, J3.6tM.25; spring lambs, 4.50a4.75: common to fair, $3.50a5; export sheep, 4a 4.50; few fancy show wethers at 35. Chicago Live Stock Market. Union Stock Yards, III., June 21. Cattle Receipts. 4,500 head; market steady; com mon to extra steers, !3.75a6.05; stockers and feeders, S2.40a4.35; cows and bulls, $1.50a4; calves, $3a6; Texans, $2.25a5.10. Hogs Re ceipts 18,000 head; market steady; heavy packing and. shipping lots, (4.50a4.80; com mon to choice mixed, S4.35a4.70; choice as sorted. Ii.50a4.55; light, $4.30a4.60; pigs, !a 4.35. Sheep Receipts, 12,000 head; mar ket for sheep steady, lambs 10c. higher; Inferior to choice, 1.75a4.25; lambs, J3.50a 3.55. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, June 21. Tallow is weak and dull. We quote: CMy, prime, In hhds, 44c; country, prime, in bbls, 44c; do. dark, In bbls, 4a44c; cakes, 44c; grease, 3c. Oil Market. Pittsburg; June 21. Oil opened and low est, 173; highest, 183; closed, 178. Oil City, June 21. Oil closed at 178. If the Baby Is Cutting Teetb. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has bem used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, Sold by Druggists In ev ery part of tho world. Be sure and ask for Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing SvruD." and 'take no other kind. Twenty-five cents bottle. GLENBURN. Last Wednesday evenlnif TV. Scott Palmer gave a very interesting account of his late trip abroad. He related many Instances of his voyage, also of places of much interest In England, France, ita'ly and the Holy Land. Herbert Hall 'has sold his valuable building plot to N. Callender. Frank Mead was visiting friends at this place yesterday. Mrs. J. W. Moore and daughters are spending this week in Scranton. imiM EP Great Retiring Mark-Down Sale will continue only a few days 1 longer. Stock must be sold regard less of cost. " 1 t. j. 1 .1 i . a air day, June 29th, . . ..' ' '4J will positively be the last day of the sale. DON'T IT. DON 7 MISS IT jr fi -I j ; V It may be a lifetime beYoe'you have an'pppor tunity of this kind again. 'Kindly remember cost of the goods will cut no figure inrthis sale., Gorman's NEW MILFORD, At the gun club shoot yesterday Fred. Inderllud ."killed" tha largest number of pigeons, with Q. C, Howell a olose second. The next Bhoot occurs Tues day afternoon.- The Nicholson Base Ball club will appear In the arena at this town on the Fourth. The country thoroughfares which surround this village have never been In a worse condition since William Penn discovered Pennsylvania. About the greatest advantage produced by thesa new road machines Is the fact that they can scrape as many stones Into the road as three ordinary men can throw out. The time Is not far away when the only mode of country travel will be by balloon. The apple crop In this section has a very good outlook. The race course In this place has been considerably Improved during the past few days, and will be In readiness for some fast time on tho Fourth. PECKVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Labor, of New York state, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Hecor. Children's Day will be observed In the Methodist and BitpWst churches here tomorrow morning and evening. Today will be general pay duy at all the collieries In this vicinity. ' Mr. and Mrs. Willis Krug returned from their wedding tour laHt Thursday. Don't forget the fire laddies' festival on Monday evening next. Arthur M. Peck !s ill. Yes, we are all going. Where? Why, on the union excursion of the Sunday schools at Lake Ariel. CLARK'S SUMMIT. The Lndles" Aid society of Clark's Summit will meet at Reuben Kimble's on Wednesday afternoon, June 20. A lawn social will be held In the evening. JUST THINK OF IT I One of tho I'rlghtful Facts Revealed by tlio Last Census. It Is hard to be called upon to see the point of a Joke without being given sufficient time to see It In. A gentle man with a serious face said at a re cent small gathering of people: "What are we coming to? Statistics show that In Massachusetts there are 30,000 people, all natives of the United States, who cannot speak the English language!" "Impossible," every one exclaimed.' "It Is true, nevertheless," persisted the grave-faced man. "And native Americans, you say?" "Certainly and all under two years of age!" THE KANSAS BEARD. Tho Holler Towel Whisker Which Makes That State Famous. In a humorous article on the whiskers of Kansas, a local writer describes one style of beard that bids fair to make Kansas famous. He says: "There Is still to be found In Kansas an old-fashioned wind-catcher which may be called the "family or roller towel' whisker. The Pefferlan whisker Is a No. 13 giant family' whisker. "This beard Is worn by men with smallish heads and does duty as a necktie, napkin, plaything for the chil dren, savings band, where the shaving money Is invested, and lung pad. It Is found generally upon retired school teachers, a few lawyers and an occa sional) Campbellite minister." Printing for Grocers. Circulars, cards, booklets, letter heads, etc., printed so well at The Tribune of fice that they will sell goods for you. Tired, Weak, Nervous Hood's Sarsaparilla Restores Strength and Bodily Vigor. The cause of that tired, weak, nervous condition in which so many people find themselves, it the failure of the blood to properly nourish the nerves and tis sues. Feed the nerves upon pure blood, and ,they will be steady and strong. Read this: "It is with pleas ure that I recom mend Hood's Sar saparilla as an ex cellent nerve tonlo and blood purifier. Mrs. C. H. Venabla I have taken it Kelthshurg, IlL more than once and am taking it now. I was tired, my body ached, and I felt very badly ill over. I was afraid I would be tick. I thought I would take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and It Has Cured Me, and I find that it it cheaper than the doc tor's bills. Hood's Pills are the best I have ever taken and I use no other. I am glad to have an opportunity to recom mend Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mrs. C. H. Venablb, Kelthtburg, 111. Hood's Sarta- m 1 1 parilla Be sure to get- tj Hood's. W IloodV Sarsaparilla is sold by all drug gists. ?': six forS. Prepared only by P. I. Vitoa & Co., Lowell, Mast. Hftftrt'a Dille aure all liver Ills, bilious. I IWOU 8 flllS ns. headache. SSo. M ONE V la a Noosssity-Health Must Oe Had to Ob tain It If You Are Suffering from Any Kind of Chronlo Diseases Consult the Most Powerful Magnetic Physicians Liv ing, Ur. F. B. Hmith and Staff, at 311 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Mr. J. B. Saunders, of Plttston, One of the Many Happy Men That Have Obtained Hellefanda Permanent Cure by Means of Maguetlsm. Mr. Saunders has been affected with CATARRH OF THE BLADDER for more than a. year. He first began to complain of a burning aermatlon in the bladder, which became more aggravat ed at night and during the forepart of the day. There was a constant burn ing in the bladder at night and a fre quent desire to urinate. He also com plained of dizziness with a clouded sensation in the brain, as though he was losing his mind. The desire to uri nate at night robbed him of Bleep and brought on nervous prostration. His digestion became impaired, caus ing a deathly sinking sensation at the pit of the stomach. He grew from bad to worse until he became a confirmed invalid. Hu had consulted any number of physicians without even finding temporary relief and had about give up In despulr, when hearing of the mar velous cures that were being performed by the EMINENT MAGNETIC PHY SICIANS, DR. F." B. SMITH i AND STAFF, at 312 Wyoming avenue, he decided .to consult them. This was three weeks ago, and from the' first he began to Improve rapidly. He says he felt a decided improvement after the first MAGNETIC TREATMENT, and is delighted with the success of it, and .recommends any one suffering from a similar cause or any chronic disease whatever to Dr. F. II. Smith and staff, at 312 Wyoming avenue, Scranton, Pa. Dr. Smith treats all forms of chronic diseases, and will cure seven cases out of ten that have been pronounced Incurable. If you or any of your friends are sick, don't give up In despair, but go and have a friendly talk with Dr. Smith and staff. If he can or cannot cure you he will frankly tell you so, without money and without price. Consultations free from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. daily. NEVER In the history of Scranton has Clothing been offered as low as at present. ARE YOU A MAN who likes to improve his ap pearance? If so, you can't afford to lose sight of the rare bargains offered at THE BELL." We continues the sale of Men's Black, - Blue and Light Color Cheviot Suits at $4,65 Men's Black Clay Di agonal Suits In Sauk and Frock $7.75 Men's All-Wool Pants in Choice Cheviots and Worsteds .. $2.90 Boys' Suits, 4-15 years. 85c. Serviceable Wool Suits ... $1.95 Blue and Black Dress Suits .: $2.48 THE BELL CLOTHING HOOSE, 230 Lackawanna Av& SIGN OF THE BELL THE IRE DRY G01 1 Hits cleaned out one manufacturer; all of his Percale Shirts, in different styles, very attractive in patterns; will make PRICE ON ALL, 35c. EACH. You can And in the lot Shirts that are retailed at $1.00 else where. We shall give you a chance on them; now is your chance to buy them, when you need Shirts to change so often. REMEM BER THE PRICE, 85 CEfJTS. Another opportunity-Our 25 cent Shirt and Drawer, in Balbrlggan and Ribbed, are the lead ers in this city and any other. Only a few, cases left; better be on time before they are closed. . ' EMPIRE DRY GOODS COMPANY, GOODMAN'S CUT PRICE STORE, OLD STAND. ' Special Sale -OF- U In R MUSTS Carp Remnant Sale We have placed on sale 20 patterns, with borders to match, of . AXMINSTER, MOQUETTE, and k BODY BRUSSELS Carpet, all this season's patterns, which we will, close at 85 cents. These are worth $1.15 to $1.75," and will be found on the first tloor. 1 SIS PIE. EIEOM 1 (Mo 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. BRANCH AT CAR SON DALE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. PREMIUM DAYS ARE CROWING LESS. They're in our window six of 'em those premiums unfit oi-nnr nttr1inia rt tm rv 4r ru- 4-?rru" 4 m rw" s"7erV and $100.00. Among them are Rockers Reed and Plush Tables Dinner Sets Clocks, &c., &c; the greatest force used in moving our goods is in the new price the old price lessened it's-about the, only way we do not advance we know you don't object that's why we see you here. YOU LOSE AS MUCH AS WE do by not getting our NEW PRICES on BABY CARRIAGES. ' Your promise to pay is satisfactory 1 .1 See the $15.90 Bedroom Suit in our show window. I - . .- , Premium days end Saturday, June 29th. ECONOMY FUllTOl COJ 225AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE. f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers