87 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MOTimG. JUNE 21; 1895. Great Retiring Mark-Down Sale will continue only a few clays longer. Stock must be sold regard- less of cost. OS3 It may be a lifetime before you have an oppor tunity of this kind again. Kindly remember cost of the goods will cut no figure in this sale. Gorman's Grand Depot WEAK, KERVOUS El V?hy not treat with a physician to whom you can tell your troubles and will CUF.C you? Why send your money m.l.s aw:iv irom home to some one you n-.-ver uw, when you have the great;?'. Specialist near you with whom you can tulk It over and be cured. Dr. Reeves. 412 Spruce street. Scranton, bv his new an.l iiiei'liic nethoii anl remedle cures all the following: Impot ency, Lost Manhood. Varicocele, Gonor rhoea, Syphilis, Blood Po'son, Nlshtiy Losses. Stricture, Seminal Weakness. Ke- torea Lost Vitality. Lost Memory. Eradi cates all the bad effects of "Solf Abus" Excessive Venery, Pur'lles the Blood. Re stores "Shrunken Parts" to their normal size. Arrests decay and rr. iks you a well and hearty man again. If you are nerv ous, havo a rapid Irritatle heart, tired, dull feellnfr In the mornings. Offentlvo Breath. Constipation, pains hack of neck and head, or any of the above diseases, call and be examined. It will cost you nothlns and you may benefit larseiy by It. Everything strictly secret and contlden- tlOFFICE HOURS Dally 9 to J. Sundays, 10 to 4. OR. REEVES, No. 41- prnce Street, SCliANIOs. PA. CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of the latest designs and colorings, and our prices lower than any other bouse in the trade, for goods of the samp quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS We are overstocked and will sell at prices abfmt one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. J. Scott Inglis 429 LACKAWnriNA iVETJL INDUSTRIAL TOPIC'S. The first stripping starte-'l In thn world was at Hollywood, about twenty three years ago. Since all the collieries In JIaztcton region are now on full time, the Lehigh Valley Railroad company has placed an extra crew of railroaders on Ihe Hazle ton division. Gllberton colliery has received ordem to shut down. It will be idle for at least six months and during that time repairs will be made and a slope sunk. The shuit down will throw 00 men and boys out of work. In Maine It Is held by the supreme court that one who uses a free pass for carriage, containing a condition 'that he will assume all ritsk of personal In Jury, In deemed to have accepted It on that condition, whether he reads K or not Coal traffic wlth-thm Ohio roads Is Im proving. Roads which usually handle, In busy timen, COO carloads of coal a day ere now hauling from 2(i0 to 200 to 2r.O a day, and within a few days will be do ing a good deal more, as orders from northern markets are beginning to come in. Superintendent Steward Kennedy Is authority for the statement that two Inside slopes are being sunk ait the Beaver Meadow colliery of the Evans Mining company.' When the slopes are completed they will itap two large veins of good coal and the same will be mined at once. Harper's Weekly, In discussing the material growth of the country be tween 1873 and 1894, gives these figures: "In 1873 the net deposits in the na tional banks of the United States were $073,400,000; in 1894 they were $2,019,300. 000. In 1873 this country exported cot tan goods of the value of $2,917,528. In 1894 its exports of cottons, In quantity, had multiplied more than four-fold and their value had Increased to $1,4,340,886. In 1873 the country produced 204,314,148 gallons of crude petroleum, and In 1894 its production had Increased to 2,033, 331,972 gallons. In 1873 the total pro duct of cane sugar In this country was 134,832,493 pounds; ln-lS91 it was 610, 825,618 pounds. In 1873 our wool pro duct was 158,000,000 pounds; In 1894 It Was 298,057,384 pounds; In 1873 we manil- attirarl 9 Jft1 9ft9 tuna ikf nicy trnn In 1891 we made 7,124,502 pounds. . N will positively be the last day IT THE WORLD OF BUSINESS STOCKS AM) BONDS. New Turk. June 2C The stock mar ket, generally spi-akln;;. presented an unusually quiet appearance today. The transactions aggregated 264.000 shares. After a tolerably tirm opening th? market was subjected to considera ble pressure, the bears devuting par ticular attention to Sut;ar. which after a rise to 12014 sold down to 113. On each and every rally free offerings of the stock wen? made. Considering the heaviness of Sugar, the general market held up remarkably well. Except In one or two of the specialties, the losses were only '4 to per cent., the latter In Northern Pacific preferred. New York. Susquehanna and Western pre ferred fell 1'2. and while these move ments were in progress a number of stocks developed considerable strength. New England and Tennessee Coal and Iron were strong, the latter gaining as much as 2H- In 'the afternoon the Grangers and other leading stocks more than recovered In sympathy with an advance of V4 to 1 per cent, in the anthracite coalers under the leadership of Reading. Speculation left off firm in tone with an advancing tendency. Net changes show advances of Ha'4. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stuck mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. du 11. Dim mlck. manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., sto'k brokers, 412 Spruce street. Scranton. Op'n- High- lxw- cios inif. est. est. ing. 1HU T. llh 1'Hij 22 Am. Tobacco Co 11!" 114'J 114 Am. Cot. Oil ." Am. Sugar Ue'g Co.li) Atch., To. & S. Ke... 10 2ft 12 lrt'i fVi'n 71'a US Pt- Can. South Ches. & Ohio... Chiafff flas.... Chic, b N. W... i.'hle.. B. & l... C. C. C. ft St. L ... ... 71 74 ... lmi ... ST.' Kv V 100 ST, ... 4;'i 4'i 4.V.i fix 4i'(, BSij, 71 Chic, Mil. & St. I'... W5 Chic. U. I. & I Dt laware Hud !.. L. ft W Klst. C. F 0-n. Klwtric ...lfc! n l'4 IS Vj 1", ;::.V, 111. Central Lake Shore Louis. & Nash. ;:. Hi ,...14!i'i llft'a 14K',a lls'i .... .W4 5t M Manhattan Kle Mo. raeiflc Nat. ConlaKe Nat. Li ad N. J. Central N. V. & N. K N. Y.. I.. K. W... N. Y., H. & W N. Y 8. W IT. Nor. Pacific Nor. Papule, IT.... Ont. & Wet Pacific Mall I'hll. & Itad Southern It. U Tenn., C. & I Tex. Par-illc ii: 11514 114i 11 l:H 33 ;'4 Sl 32- 2', Sf.Vi Kiri 41 V) 11 .)v 10 is 31 17 14'4 37'4 2'4 l'i, 3'.'4 34,i 1M'i Vl 4T.V4 4414 ? ?-IT Kill., 4.'. ('4 1014 29 '4 4 HiS. !'. 31 IS4 14 V, 39l,i r.t 20'4 92i 19 9314 IK II i4 4H Vr W 31 iny4 14--4 39' i 13' 914 2'fl 92 4 m V 10' 29'i t ir,-, is 31 M 14V4 37 134 9 2T Vl Hi-Si 93U Wahash ', Watmsh, Pr 2' West. I'nlon Vl U. H. Leather Y. U. S. Leather. IT.... M'4 CHICAGO HOARD OF TRATiR PRICKS. Open- IliKh- I,ow- Clos- "vVITKAT. Ing. eit. est. Ing. July 7I'4 72 71 72 September 72',4 71(4 72VJ 73 (JATS. July 2S 2S 2S',i 2St4 Srptemlier 2814 2STT 2S14 2S',4 CORN. July 49 49V, 474 4,ut September 60'4 W4 50 Hi'J LAKIJ. July B..VI 650 6.47 6.M September 6.72 6.75 0.70 6.70 PORK. July 12.20 12.20 11.70 11. W, 83ptemb';r 12.45 12.55 12.U0 12.15 Scranton Hoard of Trado Kxclinno Quo- tntlonH All Quotations HascJ on Par Afik or 1 00. STOCKS. . Rid Dime Dep. & DIs. Rank VSt First National Rank COU Green R'.ilge Lumber Co Lackawanna Lumber Co 110 Lacka. Trout ti Hufo Dep. Co... 115 Scranton Savings Punk 200 Scrunton Lnee Cui'tnln Co Third National Hunk : Thuron Coal Land Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Glass Co National Boring & Drilling Co. Scranton Jar ft Stopper Co Dickson Manufacturing Co Locka. & Montrose R. R Spring rirook Water Co Elmhuist Houlcvnrd Co ; Anthracite Land & Imp. Co DONDS. Scranton Traction Co . Kconomy Steam Heat & Power Co Madison Avenue Improvement .... Scranton Glass Co Rushbrook Coal Co., 6 Scranton Axle Works, 6 Scranton Pass. Hallway first mortxage due 1920 110 People's St. Railway, first mortgage 6', duo 1913 110 110 "jfiO "SO "90 80 li."i 90 25 911 1110 90 UK) 65 95 100 Kfl 100 100 96 une 29th, of the sale. T 1SS IT People's St. Railway, second mortgage 6's, due 1K-1 Ill) The Silver Mnikct. New York, June 20. Mar silver In Lon don down 'id. to 3uVI. per ounce. Com mercial price of bar silver In this market Is quoted at Wc. and that of Mexii-an dollars at M'jiiivi-sP. ! The steamship Normanla will take out I today $io.Sii sliver shipped by Zimmer i man & KVr.hay. ; The .Mercantile Safe Deposit company I hol.ls SUO.SJl.a ounces of silver bullion, against which 3.11 certificates are out standing, consisting of M brown and ?j7 green. New York Prodiico Market. New York, June 20. Flour Dull, weak, some grades lower. Wheat Closed firm and unchanged; No. 2 red store and ele vator, 7f''ic; afloat, 7o.; f. o. b., 7i'la 77 V. ; Ungraded red, tiKaTic. ; No. 1 north ern, !i7aS0c; options closed steady at un cham?ed prices; June, 7.1'jc; July, 7.Vic; August, 7ii'c; September, 7.VUc. ; October, 770.; December, 7tr'c Corn Dull, tirm; No. 2. SS'ic elevator; r,ltic afloat; aptlons closed Jlrm and unchanged; July, 51c; Au gust, Mc; September, DTi'ic Oats Steady; options dull, llrm; June, 31c; July, 31'4C ; September, 31c; spot prices. No. 2, 3Hsc: No. 2 white. 34'jcr; No. 2 Chlcngo, 32c; No. 3, 30'ic: No. 3 white, 31c; mixed western, 31Ha33c.; 'white state and west ern, 3."allc Provisions Dull, nominally unchanged. Lard Quiet, weak; .western Meam, $J.0; city, C.lB'i: July, Jii.80; Sep tember, $7; refined, dull; continent, !7; South America, $7.40;. compound, 6aui Butter Steady; westi-rn flairy, 9al4c; do. creamery, 12alSc; do. factory, 8al2!-ic. ; Kl glns, ISc; Imitation creamery, 11al5j. Cheese Fairly active, firm; state large, 5'ia7'ic; do. fancy, 71,in7,ic. ; do. small, 8c Kggs Weak; state and Pennsylvania, 12Hal3s.; western fresh, 12al2ic,; do. per case, V.'Jl.C The Grocery Market. New York, June 20. For raw sugar tho market Is quiet but steady, with prices un changed on the basis of 3 5-lc, for 6 test centrifruitals, 2c. for 89 test muscovado und 2r4c. for S9 test molasses sugur. t Thi London market is dull and irregular for cane, and partially lower; Java quoted nt 11s. 91 fair refining 9s. 9d. Reef Is quiet, with sellers at quotations; Juno quoted at 9s. 7'i'l. and July 9s. 91. The market for refined sugar remains moderately a'tlve, with the tone steady and prices unchanged and quoted at 4 7-KU 4Hc for granulated. The market for Prnzil coffee Is dull, weak and nominal; Rio No. 7 spot quoted at ireiiir!4c. and Rio No. 8 spot at 11a 11c. Mild coffee was about steady, but dull. Rice, as well as molasses nnd syrups, was having a moderate sales movement, with the tone,, as a rule, steady. Toledo Cirnln Market. Toledo, V., June 20. Wheat Receipts, 33.OT bushels; shipments, 13,000 bushels; market quiet; No. 2 red cash and June, 75c; July, 7.V,ic.; August, 7414c; Septem ber, 74V,c; December, 74'4: No. 3 red, cash, 73c.;, No. 2 white, 75c Corn Re ceipts, 2,479 bushels; shipments, 2.200 bush els; market dull; No. 2 mixed, cash, 49c; No. 3 do., 4S'4c Oats Receipts, 1,000 bush els; market easy; No. 3 mixed, July, 29V-,; Be ptember, 2914c , Clover Heed Market dull; October, $ 5.75. Timothy Market firm; September, $2.50; August, $2.60. Murrain Sinik Market. Ruffalo, Juno 20. Cattle Receipts, 1.3S0 head; on snlo, 20 head; market dull, few lots of butchers' cows, S2.75a3.25; good quotable, $3.50a4. lions Receipts, 6.9H0 head; on side, 3,000 hend; market falOc lower; Yorkers, $4.S5a4.IK); light and com mon, $4.80; mixed pnekcrs, $4.90a4.95; good mediums ami heavy, $4.!l5n6; roughs, $3. 90a 4.30; slHKR, $1.25a3.75. Sheep und Lambs Receipts, 6.5IK) head; on sale, 3.IHH) head; market dull and weak; gooif mixed sheep, $2.2f,a2.75; prime lots, $:ia3.25; extra Taliey wethers, $37fin4; yearlings, $3.60n4.25; spring lambs, $4.75(15.25; extra, $5.60u5.75. Chlcaao stock Market. Chicago, June 20. Cattle Receipts, R.OOO head; market firm; common to extra steers, $3.75a; stackers and feeders, $2.40a 4.35; cows and bulls, $2.40a4.25; calves, J.lu 5.73; Texans, $2.25a6.10. Hogs-RecelpM, 25,001) head; mafkut weak and 5al0c. lower; heavy packing and shipping lots, $4. Ola 4.8714; common to choice, mixed, $4.4lin4.75; choice assorted, $4.50a4.C0; light, $l.40a4.70; pigs, $3a4.40, Sheep Receipts, Wm head; market barely steady; Inferior to choice, $2.50u4.80; lambs, $3.50aG.0. Oil Market. Pittsburg. June 20. Oil opened and low est, 17014; highest and closed, 181. Oil City, June 20. Oil opened nnd lowest, 170 bid; highest, 181; sales closed, 180 bid. l'blliidolpliln Tallow Markot. Philadelphia, June 20. Tallow Is dull and unchanged. We quote: City, prime, In hhds, 4c! country, prime, In bbls, 4o.; do. dark, In bbls, 4a414o.; cakes, 414c; grease, 8'ic. CARBONDALE. A forest fire, wast raging 'on Wed nesday afternoon apd evenlgn at the Horse Shoe, near No. 3, on the a cavity railroad. The employes nt tho coin were krpt buny lighting fire, until they Hnally cot It under control. The com pany's property waa very much In dan ger at one time. The deaf mutes of Scranton (mssed the day t Kurvlew yesterday. Mrs. J. W. Dlmlck and children ara vlttlMng friends in Wnyne county. Mrs. SUllniun Haddock, of Hancock, Is visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph aim. 1 11, of llelmont niivtt. George S. T. Alexander was a Car- hondale visitor yeiiterduy. Mrs. Carey, if Uuloiidale, called on friends In this city yesterday. Arthur Colwtdl, of Neliraska, Is the guest if his tuolher, on Wyoming street. Mrs. Krnnk Morgan, of Spring nlnnt, Is visiting friends In Wllkes-Hurre. Yesterday was nn eventful day nt Anthracite park. lOnrly In the morn ing the electric, cars curried many pleasure seekers to the grounds. The .Mozart band p:iradid the principal stri'ets In the morning to remind the residents of .tills pinco of the event. At 10 o'clock the sport coin 111. -need nt the park; It was a game of Ikiso ball be tween the Alerts nnd Athletics of thin city. Horse races were the features of the afternoon amusement. At 1.35 o'clock the first heat was culled on with the following ontiivs: T. A. 1 lendrlek's horse of Jerniyn, I.ady Tariff; Levi Pat terson's trotter of tills city, Nellie 1!.; C. D. Hrooks' trotter of An (Ires, Mich., ltertle S.; John Simpson's horse of this city, Loltle. nnd M. .1. F.iks' trotter of Jermyn, Pmm the start Nellie P. led the bent, with llerlle S. 11 close seennd. The first half was made by Nellie li. in 1.20. nnd by Rertlo H. In 1.21 Ni'llle R. passed under the wire exnclly two minutes forty-one and nne-liulf sec onds nftor the word had lveeti given to to. Rentle S. was one second later, nnd Lndy Tariff fliiislied in 2.42:4. Lottie held fourth place from the start, and M. ,T. Krk finished In firth. At 2.25 a second bent was called and was fin ished In exactly the same order ns the previous race. Heritor!., however, gave Nelllf 1!. a hard struggle, but sh" 11 11 a good lengilh ahead. After the race the ball game was called between Car bondale and Lancaster. In which Lan caster came out victorious, with the score 3 to 4. It was a splendid game, both clubs playing (ln ball. A dancing platform was built and the music for dancing was furnished by the Moart orchestra during the afternoon. The attendance was very large. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Ulailder dis eases relieved In six hours by the "New Great South American KlUney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages. In male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and euro this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 125 1'enn ave nue, Scranton, Pa. ' HONESDALE. P. O. Knight, of Scranton, was a caller In town yesterday. Isaac F. Ham 1s home from Ptate col lege for his summer vacation. George Weston came home from Yale on Wednesday. The fountain in Central park was thoroughly cleaned by Commissioner Krantz yesterday. The Amity Social club have recently had their rooms put into elegant shape. The floor of the pool room has been covered with linoleum, other rooms re carpeted and fitted up in1 a handsme manner. A social was given to the members last evening. Music was fur nished by Leine, and entertainment pro vided Iby Albert Ruegler, the Lilliputian comic performer. The return of college boys has created a surprising demand for white duck trousers, turned up three Inches at the bottom. This popular fad Is not so very common In Honesdale. John Radon, son of J. N. C. Radon, while playing with a box of toy ca4, was badly burned about the hands by their exploding. "Peg Woflllngton" Is the name of a popular farce that will lie presented at the opera house Friday evening, June 28, for the benefit of tho Improvement association. The characters of the plav will all be portrayed by home talent. The cast Is as follows: Karl Cholinon- deley, F. M. Monughnn; Robert, his son, James Klnnerty; Clieckey, a page, Mi.-s Martha Jenkins; Carabasset, "Vg's maid, Miss Rlanche Wood; Peg Wof fllngton, iMIss Florence Ham; Robert's friends, Messrs. Kd. Clark, Robert G. Crossley, Ony R. H.idseil, Augustus Rehbeln, 'Henry Tlngley, Mrs. Harry Rockwell, Misses Minnie P.racly, Lizzie Hentley, Maggie Mberliardt, Marcclla Hernon and Jennie Schoonover. Music will be furnished iby an orchestra con sisting of Dr. Kd. Wurns, It. Louis firumbs, Joseph t'utvfleld, Miss Nettle Campbell, violins; Oliarfes T. Hentley, William1 Wallace Ham. flute; Mrs. L. II. Klchtmeyer, iMrs. led. Hums, piano. The entire programme and manage ment Is under the direction of Mrs. George M. Genung. An evening of rare entertainment Is promised. The names of those participating nlonu assure a success. If the llnhy Is tinning Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup hns bnn used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Chllilruli while Teething, with IVrfect Success. It Soothes tho Child, Softens tho Gums, Allays all Pnlu; Cures Wind Colic, 11 ml Is tho best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In ov ary part of tho world. He sum nnd nsk for "Mis. Wlnslow's Soothing Hyrup," nnd take no other kind, Twunty-llvo cunts n bottle. ALTON. S. Onrdnior, of Scranton, was visiting at this place a few days this week. Mrs. Smith, of Nantlcoke, Pn., Is vis iting her sister, Mrs. D. Smith, at this place. Oscar Relph has moved Into tho Rul ley residence on W'averly street. The masons are a,t work on the Austin building, anil when'lhls building Is com pleted It will add quite a little to the business Interests of this place. There will be three stores in It, with a front of twenty-'four feet each; room for five families and also a very nice h'.ill, which will be used by the Young Men's Chris tian association. Tho size of this hall Will be 24 by CO feet, With a 12-foot stage; also two bath rooms, to be used by members of the association, Misses Jennlo and Kitty Griffiths, of Plttston, nre spending the summer with their grandparents at this place. Mr. Price and ifanilly, of 'Scranton, have moved Into Mr. Watt's house on Waverly street. James Runnell, of Vosburg, was visit ing at this place Sunday. M. V. Purdy 1s niblu tu be about again after his sickness. This borough, needs a .reservoir to supply Ihe town with water. It would come very nicely now if we hud a prlnkler fr our streets., Francis V. 'Dershlmer, O. P. Stoll and W. A. Dean are preparing to buitd their buildings again, and we hope that the portion of our town which was de stroyed by fire will soon lie back again. Rev. :. II. Newlng, Frank P. Rates ami Roy A. ln-cker attended the Kn- worth leugue rally at Nicholson Satur day. J. II. Swart's new -house Is nearly completed, and he expects to move into It soon. The Women's Christian Temperance union will hold a social nt their rooms Friday evening. A short literary and musical programme will bo rendered nnd all nre Invited. Rev. W. 11. Sowell mfter his sermon last Sunday evening baptized the fol lowing: Urncu "Palmer, Grace Purdy, llurtoii Sinllli, Itusyell Stelle, William II. Colvln und Peter Gardner. The Young Men's Christian associa tion, meet every Wednesday evening, ami all young gentlemen are weleome. MI.-s Jane t Dickson has returned to her home nt this place ufter attending school nt Providence, H. I. KliciiinatlMtn Cured In liuv, "MYSTIC CI 'It 1-3" Tor RMI-3I1MATISM nnd NKI'llALGIA radlenlly i-uies In 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is ro luai'lialile and mysterious. It removes at oneu tlui caiisii and ttio disease iiuineiliate ly disappears. The (list tlnsu i;ienlly benefits, 75 cents. Hold by Carl Lorenz, Drugglat, 418 Luekawaiina avenue, Sernn ton. CONNELLTON. Good progress Is being mnde with the William A. breaker here, and many will be glad to se It finished and start ed at work iigaln. Tiho original was considered a good one, but that In course of construction will far exceed It both as to capacity and the very latest Improvements. Mat' hew M. 1 lentil, not content with the fame attaching to him for being the foremost amateur painter of en gines, has been displaying his clever artihtlc skill on Him William A. hose carriage. The Forest Drum corps hold their an nual picnic on Saturday next, and as the boys are popular no doubt they will have a good attendance. Connelly, the man whose arm was fractured while engaged in unloading lumber, Is now' recovering, nnd will soon be able to resume work aguln. Contractors nre nt work In digging a tunnel, to reach from the lower to the top vein of coal, about 600 feet i it, length. James iMclvin, the assistant outside foreman tit the William A. colliery, ap pears to be the right man In the right place. OERIVI VIM- Walter Raker transacted business In Scranton' yesterday. Mrs. James Grllllths died yesterday morning after a lingering illness. She was born In Wales, coming to this country many years ago. The funeral will take place Saturday. Interment In Rose Hill cemetery. Ralph Rymer Is working for the On tario and Western at Starlight. A. J. Raker is In Philadelphia. The employes of the F.dgerton Coal company will receive their pay Satur day. Mrs. I j. F. Morris, of Rcmlham, and Miss Alice Miller, of Hyde Park, are the guests of Jermyn friends. Homer D. Carey, of the Carlisle Law school, was a Jermyn caller yesterday. Printing for (iroccrs. Circulars, cards, booklets, letter heads etc., printed so well at Tho. Tribune of fice that they will sell goods for you. Mr. AU a. llyama Hamilton, Ohio. The Same as Bread Hood's Sarsaparilla on the Table at Every Meal " In my opinion Hood's Sarsnparilla has not an equal as A blood purltlcr. I doc tored 6 months for stomach tronblo aud Neuralgia of tho Heart without any good and then took Hood's Hnrsnparilla, Every spring and fall since I linvo used H and It hns dono me lots of good. I linvo not been st tended bv a physician for the last four yenrs. My wifo was suffering with water bnvih aud Fooling All Tired Out. Rhowas severely afflicted but upon my prevailing ntxin her to take Hood's Hursii jinrlllRniid Hood's Pills she felt differently inn short time. Now she is quite well. weuavo great, iauu in Hood's barsapa- Cures rilln and put It on the tgblo at every menl the same s bread." Ab. U. Hvams, with T. V. Howki.i, & Sons, residence, C8 North Third Hirer, Hamilton, Ohio. Hood's PillsJire'K easy toliiko, fa - -' THE far f Ell DRY ill I; lias cleaned out one manufacturer; nil of Ills Percale Shirts, in different styles, very attractive in patterns; will make 01E PRICE ON ALL,'35c. EACH. You can find in the lot Shirts that are retailed at $1.00 else where. We shall nive you a chance on them; now is your chance to buy them, when you need Shirts to change so often. KRAI EM HER THE PRICE, !IS CENTS. Another opportunity Our 25 cent Shirt and Drawers, in Balbriugait und Ribbed, are the lead crs in this city and any other. Only a few cases left; better be on time before they are closed. EMPIRE DRY GOODS COMPANY, GGODiWS CUT PRICE STORE, OLD SHI 3. . ON E Y Is a NcccKsity-Ilculth Must lie Und to Ob tain It If You Aro Suffering from Any Kind of Chronic Discuses Consult tho Most Powerful Juugnctlc Physlcluus l.lv ing, Hi. V. II. smith und Stuff, at 312 Wyoming Avenue. Scrunton, Po. Mr. J II. Saunders, of Plttston, Uno of the Many Happy Men Thut Havo Obtained Kellufanda Permanent Cure by .Means of Muguetisin. Mr. Saunders has been afTected with CATARRH OF THIS HLADD1CR for more than a year. Ho first began to complain of a burning sensation in tho bladder, which becutno more aggravat ed ut night and during the forepart of the duy. There wa a constant burn ing in the bladder at night und a fre quent desire to urlnute. He also com plained of dizziness with a clouded sensation In the brain, us though he was losing his mind. The desire to ur nuto ut night roblied him of (deep and brought on nervous prostration Ills dlgetlon bi-caine Impaired, caus ing 11 deailhly ulnklng sensation at the pit of the stomach. Ho grew from bad to worse until he became a conllrmed Invalid. He had consulted any number of physicians without even finding temporary relief and had about give tip in despulr, when hearing of the mar velous cures that were being performed by the KMINKNT MAGNKTIC PHY SICIANS, DR. F. II. SMITH AND STAFF, at 312 Wyoming avenue, In decided to consult them. Tills was threi! weeks ago, and from the first he began to Improve rapidly. He says lie felt a decided Improvement lifter the first MAGNKTIC TRKATMKNT, und Is delighted with the success of It, and recommends any one suffering froth u. similar causu or any chronic lls.etise whatever to Dr. V. H. Smith and stuff, at 312 Wyoming avenue, Scranton, Pn. Dr. Smith treats all forms of chronic diseases, and will euro seven cases out of ten that have been pronounced Incurable. If you or any of your friends are sick, don't give up In despair, but go and have a friendly tulk with Dr. Smith and stalf. If he can or cannot cure you he will frankly tell you so, without money nnd without price. Consultations free from !l a. m. to a p. m. daily. In the history of Scranton has Clothing been offered as low as at present. ARE YOU A MAN who likes to improve his ap pearance ? If so, you .can't afford to lose sight of the rare bargains offered at Ti-gE B Eli Lb Las 55 4 (H We continue tlio sain of Men's Black, liluo and l.brlit f'olor IMiKt-mt Moil's llluck Clay Di iiKimiil Suits iu Suck find Frock S7J5 $2,50 85c. Men's All-Wool Pants In Clioico Cheviots and Worsteds Hoys' Suits, 4-15 years.. Serviceable Wool Suits ... $2.48 ltluo nnd Black Dress Suits THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL . Special Sale OF- s I; ., I , , , . , I . Carpet Remnant Sale We have placed on sale 20 patterns; with borders to match, of AXMINSTER, MOQUETTE, and BODY BRUSSELS Carpet, all this season's patterns, which we will close at 85 cents. These are worth $1.15 to $1.75, and will be found on the first lloor. M SIS 1 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. BRANCH AT CARBON DALE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers nuionnuHftu rumnnu mhonintni. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. PREMIUM DAYS ARE CROWING EsfEiSSa Tl're in onr window six of 'em those premiums with every purchase of $10.00, $20.00, 530.00, $50.00, $75.00 aud $100.00. Among them are Rockers Reed and Plush Tables Dinner Sets Clocks, &c, Sec; the greatest force used in moving our goods is in the new price the old price lessened it's about the only way we do not advance we know you don't object that's why we see j'ou here. YOU LOSE AS MUCH AS WE do by not getting our NEW PRICES on BABY CARRIAGES. Your promise to pay is satisfactory See the $15.90 Bedroom Suit in our show window.. Premium days end Saturday, June 29th. ECQMY FURNITURE CO.! 223AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE. UL. PA., Manufacturers of EBEdSKER 1 00,