8: TUB SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 11, 1895. DON'T MISS IT. GiiEA It will bring, as Air. Gorman will positively retire from, business shortly. Qreates Sale commences every morning at 8.30 o'clock. Be sure and come every day. Gorman's Grand Depot WEAK, NERVOUS ME'f. Why not treat with a physician to whom you can tell your troubles and will CUIIE rou? Why send your money miles away rom horn to soma one you nover saw, when you have the greatest Specialist Bear you with whom you can talk It ovor nd be cured. Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Bcranton, by his new and specific methods and remedies cures all the following: Impot ency, Lost Manhood, Varlocoeole, Gonor rhoea, Syphilis, Blood Poison, Nightly Losses, Stricture, Seminal Weakness, Re stores Lost Vitality, Lost Memory, Eradi cates all the bad effects of "Self Abuse," Excessive Venery, Purifies the Blood, Re stores "Shrunken Parts" to their normal Ize, Arrests decay and makes you a well and hearty man again. If you are nerv ous, have a rapid Irritable heart, tired, dull feeling In the mornings, Offensive Breath, Constipation, pains back of neck and head, or any of tho above diseases, call and be examined. It will cost you nothing and you may benoflt largely by It. Everything strictly secret and conndon- OFFICE HOURS Daily 9 to 9. 8undays, 10 to 4. on reeves, CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of the latest designs and colorings, and our prices lover than any other house in the trade, for goods of the same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS - Wt are overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. J, Scott Inglis 4WUCKAWAHHHVENUE. INDUSTRIAL TOPIC'S. The Bird Coleman furnaces, which have been Idle for two years, will be put into blast this week. After an Idleness of two years and a half the furnaces of the Keystone Roll ing mill, of Reading, were lighted. The employes, numbering over 300, will work double turn. It is reported here' that the Pencoyd Iron works, of Philadelphia, will lease the Pottsvllle Iron and Steel company, which is now In the hands of a re ceiver. It is assented ithat Pencoyd has more work on hand than It can handle and will utilize the Pottsvllle plant to supply orders. Railroad earnings seem to be at last on the up grade. The returns of flfty nlne railroads for the fourth week of May compiled by the Financial Chroni cle show gross eamlnips of $7,521,758, an increase of $457,400, or 6.47 per cent, compared with the same week last year. -Only twelve roads out of the fifty-nine report decreases.' For the month of May the returns of eighty. two roads show gross earnings of $31, 699,153, en increase of $1,816,217, or 6.08 per cent. FOREST CITY. J. P. Riley, of Pleasant Mount, Wayne county, vlskted his sister, Mrs. Thomas Clume, over Sunday. A Hungarian child was run over and Slightly injured on Main street, Satur day evening. Forest fires are raging on. the sur rounding mounltalns. Fred Soby and wife, of Jermyn, visit, ed Mrs. Soby's parents, here, Sunday. W. J. and Thomas Maxey spent Sun day with the latter's parents at Clif ford. Clothier W. J. Davis baa taken his family to Lake Como, Wayne county, for the summer months, where he has a. cottage. ': The Epworth league will elect officers this evening. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, of South Gibson, are visiting at the home of J. A. Andrews. ', Undertaker Kerby, of Carbondale, was In town yesterday. Mr. Kerby la having hi building on Main street re modeled ad will open a branch store her , ' .-: . GORMAN'S mm t . Bargains Of Efttir Sale This Highest of all in Leavening Power. I ABSOLUTELY PURE THE WORLD OF BUSINESS STOCKS AM) BONDS. New York, June 10. As a rule specula tion at tho Stock exchange today was vary quiet. The market was firm; the only noteworthy exceptions being the anthra cite coalers against which the bears di rected .special pressure. The advance met with practically no Interruption. .At the top figures of the day, which were gener ally attained during the latter part of the forenoon, the Improvement over Saturday amounted to 1 In Manhattan, and to Hal In the balance of the usually active list. Atchison was strengthened by the largo deposits of securities under the plan of re organization. Tennessee Coal and Iron attracted most attention among the spe cialties, and the. stock gained 1 from last week's closing. The continued upward movement of this stock was generally at tributed to buying based on the more fa vorable outlook for the Iron trade. Sus quehanna and Western preferred showed considerable weakness and declined Vfau'i, although It afterward regained most of '.he loss. The closing of tho general market was firm at or very near the best figures of the day. The net result of the day'j trading was an advance of Hal, the latter In Burlington and Qjlncy. The anthracite coalers, with the exception of Lacka wanna, which was without change, left off at declines of Ha from Saturday. The total sales were UK, 000 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by O. du B. Dlm mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen A Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. i Op'n- High- Iow- Clos- ' , lng. est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co m U3 113 113i Am. Sugar Re'g Co. 117 118 117H 117V4 Atch., T6. & S. Fe... ' r i Cm. South G3 t,3 53'A taA Ches. & Ohio 21 22 224 22V. Chicago Qas 7I'4 U 73 74H Chic, ft N. W 9714 97H 97(4 7',i Chic, B. & Q 81 82'4 81 K CMC, Mil. & St. P... !7 B7V4 fi74 07 Chip., R. I. ft P 69'i fi!t em ' Delaware ft Hud 121,4 12X 128V4 121 D L. & W Kl K ltil'4 Wl',4 Ulst. ft C. F 20 20 20 20 Gen. Electric 37 3ti'4 3 Lake Shore 147 11714 147 147V4 Louis. A NasH K84 58 &8H 58V, Manhattan Ele 1134 114 113 113 Mo. Pacific 2SVt 28 28 28V4 Nat. Cordage 1 2 1 2 Nat. Lead 36 ZtiA 35 35 N. J. Central 99 99 HVt 98'4 N. Y. Central 101 101 101 101 N. Y. A N. B 44 44 43 43 N. Y., L. E. &W 11 11 11V4 1H N. Y S. A W 8 8 1 Pi N. Y., S. V Pr... 23V4 23 21 23 Nor. Panlflo 6y 5'i 5 5 Nor. Pacific, Pr 19 19 19 19 Ont. & West 18 18 18 18 Pacific Mall 28 29 28 29 Phil. & Read K 17 15 1!"4 Southern It. R 13 13 13 13 Tenn., C. A 1 31 82 31 82 Tex. Pacific 12 12 11 12 Union Pacific 13 14 13 14 Wabash 8 8 8 8 Wabash, Pr 19 19 19 19 West. Union 9f 93 92 93 U. 8. Leather 21 21 21 21 U. S. Leather, Pr,... 94 94 ; 93 93 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low-' Clos- WHEAT. ! lng. et. est. lng. July 1 .'. 80 ' 81 79 80 September 82 82 80 80 OATS. July 31 31 30 HI Septemt)er 30 31 80 31 CORN. . . . July 52 52 52 52 September 63 53 63 53 LARD. July 9.10 6.70 6.(55 6.GT. September 6.85 6.87 6.85 6.87 july 12.75 12.75 12.(12 12.H5 September 13.00 13.07 12.90 12.92 Scranton Board of Trada Exohango Quo-intions-AII Quotations Ilasod on Par . of 100. STOCK8. Bid. Ask. Dime Dep. D!s. Dank 125 First National Bank 600 Green Ridge Lumber Co 110 Lackawanna Lumber Co 110 Lacka. Trust & Safe Dep. Co 160 Scranton Bavlngs Bank 200 Hnranton Lace Curtain Co 60 Third National Bank...., 350 Thuron Coal Land Co Scranton Bedding Co Scranton Axle Works 90 104 Bcranton Glass Co 65 National Boring & Drilling Co 90 Whatever Price Week. Latest U. S. Gov't Report B&ldira PowdH Scranton Jar & Stopper Co Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. & Montrose R. R Spring Brook Water Co Elmhurst Boulevard Co Anthracite Land & Imp. Co BONDS. Scranton Trectlon Co . Economy Steam Heat & Power Co Madison Avenue Improvement .... Scranton Glass Co Kushbrook Coal Co., 6 Scranton Axle Works, 6 Scranton Pass. Hallway first mortgage 6's, due 1920 110 People's St. Railway, first mortgage 6's, due 1918 110 People's St. Railway, second mortgage 6's, due 1921 110 25 100 100 90 100 75 100 105 100 100 96 Tho Silver Mallet. New York, June 10. Bar stiver In Lon don d. lower at 30d. per ounce. New York price for commercial bars Vt cent lower at 6GaG7l4o.; government assay bars G7aG8c. , . Now York produce Mnrkct. New York, June'lO. Flour Firm ; winter wheat, low grades, $2.70a3.GO; do. fair to fancy, $3.75a4.2G; do. patents, I4.25a4.75; Minnesota clear, $3.20a3.60; do. straights, I3.80a4.15; do. patents, $4.15a5.20. Wheat Dull, lower; No. 2 red store and elevator, 82c; afloat, 83a83c; f. o. b., 83V4a84c; ungraded red, 7a85c; No. 1 northern, 85a 85c; options closed firm, lower; June, 82c; July, 83c; August, 83c; September, 84c ; October, 84c. ; December, 85c. Corn Easier; No. 2, G(la5Gc. elevator; 67a 57c. afloat; options closed steady at lc below Saturday; July 67a; September, 58c. Oats Dull, firmer; options firm; June, 33c; July, 34c; September, 3410.; spot prices, No. 2, 34a31'4c; No. 2 white, 37c; No. 2 Chicago, 37c; No. 3, 33V4c; No. 3 white, 36c; mixed western, 33a36c. ; white state and western, 37a43c. Beef Dull; family, $llal3; extra mess, $8. Beef Hams Quiet; $18.50. 'Tlerced Beef Steady; city, extra India mess, $17al9. Cut Meats Dull, steady; pickled bellies, 6c; do. shoulders, 5c; do. hams, 9a9c. Lard Firmer; quiet; western . steam, $6.72aG.75; city, $0.25; JUly, $0.95! September, $7.15; refined, quiet; continent, $7.05; South America, $7.40; compound, 5a5c. Pork Quiet, steady; mess, $13.75al4.50. Butter Steady; atnta rlalrv 1 1 n 1 7 n . .1 n r im ... ... 10. . western dairy. 9al3c .: do. creamery. 12a 18c; do. factory, 8al2c; Elglns, 18c; Imita tion creamery, . Hal6c. Cheese Firmer; state large, 5a7c; do. fancy, 714c. ; do. small, 6a7c; part skims, 2a4c. ; full skims, lalc. Eggs Steady; state and Pennsylvania, 14al4c. ; western fresh, 13al4c; do. per case, $2.65a4.25. The Grocery Moikot. New York, June 10. A little business was done late Saturday on the basis of 8 5-16c. for 90 test centrlfrugals, and the market opened the week with that price quoted. A little lot of molasses sugar was sold Saturday at the old basis of 2 11-lCc, and that Is now the quoted price. Musco vado, 89 test, Is stlll'quoted at 2 15-lOc, but In the present unsettled condition of the market all prices should be considered as more or less nominal. Te European market Is weakening, I.on don showing a substantial decline, cane being dull and rather eosler, according to the official cable, with Java quoted at lis, 9(1., and fair refining 10s. Beet was weak, with business1 at lower prices; Juno quoted at 9s. 9d., and July, 10s. ld. The market for refined sugar Is quiet, with prices,- howuver, unchanged, and quoted on the basis of 4 7-16a4c. for gran ulated. The market for coffee Is rather easy for Brazil sorts, although prices aro about as last quoted on the basis of 15al(!c. for Rio No. 7 spot and 14al4c. for Rio No. 8. Mild Coffee was steady. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo,' O., June 10. Wheat Receipts, 81,585 bushels; shipments, 64,000 bushels; July, 83c; August, 81 c; September, 81c. Corn Receipts, 4,946 bushels; ship ments, 6,500 bushels; market dull; No. $ mixed, cash, 62c. ; No. 8 yellow, 62c. Oats Market quiet: No; 2 mixed, July, 32c; September, 32c; No. 2 white, cash, 34c. Clover Seed-r-Market dull; October, $6.87. . ' Buffalo ilvo Stock. Buffalo,. June 10. Cattle Receipts, 8,300 head; on sale, 2,600 head; market dull and 10a25o. weaker; good butchers' steers, $4.50 a4.76; light to fair, $3.90a4.40; good cows and heifers, $3.65a4; choice heavy steers, I5.25u5.75; butchers' mixed stock, $3.26a3.S5; bulls, 2.75a3.25; stockers, $3.25a3.65; year lings, $2.60a3; feeders, $3.65a4; veals, $4.50a 5.60. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head; on sale, 15.00 head; market closed steady; Yorkers, $4.65a4.60; -mixed packers, $4.&ja4.65; me diums, $4.G5a4.70; good heavy, $4.70a4.75; roughs, $4a4.25; stags, $3a3.60. . Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,200 head; on sale, 9,000 head; market closed very dull: good mixed sheep, $3.50a4; light to fulr, $2.75a3.25; year lings, $3.50a4.25; culls to fair, $2a35; spring lambs, extra, $5.50a8; fair to good, $3.75a 6.26; export sheep, $4a4.25. Chicago I.lv Stock. Chicago, June 10,-Cattle Receipts, 13,000 head; market weak at 10c. lower; common to extra steers, $3.60a6; stockers and feed ers, $2.40a4; cows and bulls, $1.75a4.25; calves, $2.50u5.75; Texans, $2.20a4.60. Hogs Receipts, 23,000 head; market Arm and 10c. higher; heavy packing and shipping lots, $4.60a4.8S; common to choice mixed, $4.45a4.80; choice assorted, $4.45o4.05; light, $4.30a4.C5; pigs, $3.10a4.35. Bheep Receipts, 10.000 head; market weak for common, firm for choice; Inferior to choice, $2a4; lambs, $3a6.76. ' . Oil Market. OH City, June 10. Oil opened and high est, 145 offered; lowest, 14(1; closed, 143. Pittsburg, June 10. Oil opened and low est, 140; highest and closed, 143. Philadelphia Tallow Mnrkct. Philadelphia, June 10. Tallow Is quiet and dull. We quote: City, prime. In hhdn, 4alc; country, prime, In bbls, 4c.j do. dark, In bbls, 4a4Vic; cakes, 4c; grease. 374a3c. : OLYPHANT- ' A most daring attempt at burglary was perpetrated Sunday morning about 3 o'clock at Kelly's drug store In the Sweeney block. The bold Intruders were prying the door oft Its hinges when Mr. Kelly was awakened by the noise and hastened to the spot with a re volver In hand, and fired several shots at the would-be robbers, who .quickly made their escape. M. J. O'Malley, of Bell street, spent yesterday at Windsor, N. Y. An Interesting debate was held at the Father Mathew Opera house on Sunday evening, the subject being "Women's Rights," which was decided In favor of the affirmative, which was ably repre sented by P. H. McCann, M. J. Mc Nulty and J. Roasa McConnac. The negative was handled In a very clever manner by A. F. McNulty, P. J. Bren nan and J. Boyle. After the debate the following brief programme was ren dered In a very charming manner: piano selection. Miss Mary Rogan; solo, Miss Lizzie Dempsey; duet. Misses Kate McHale and Emma Mc Connac; piano selection, Anna Loftus. Master Chester Adars celebrated his fourth birthday last evening. A large number of his young friends were treat ed to a very enjoyable entertainment. A number of base ball enthusiasts accompanied the" Olyphant base ball club to Mooslc Saturday and saw our boys whipped by a score of 1,7 to 8. A return game will be played on the Olyphant grounds next Saturday after noon. B. N. Kennedy and Hugh Ruddy were callers In Providence Sunday. The marriage of Will W. Jones, fore man at the Gazette office, to Miss Katie Berkhelser, of Blakely, Is announced to take place on Wednesday evening, June 19. A strawberry and Ice cream social will be held on the lawn surrounding the Blakely Baptist church on Thurs day evening. Miss Hannah McNamara, of South Scranton, was the guest of friends on Dunmoro street Sunday. Miss Annie Dougher, of Wllkes Barre, Is the guest of her cousin. Miss Mame O'Malley, of Dunmore Btreet. Messrs. Howley and Collins, of Scran ton, were visitors at this place Sunday. Mrs. Mary Shields Is visiting her daughter at Waverly. The excursion of the Loyal Knights of America, which left here yesterday morning for Harvey Lake, was largely attended. Rev. and Mrs. Peter Roberts, of Del aware street, returned Saturday eve ning after a week's sojourn In Atlantic City, N. J. John P. McNulty, of the. Arehbnlrt Citizen, circulated .among acquaint ances here Sunday. The Olyphant Stars defeated the Lilies, of Archbald, Sunday afternoon by a score of 10 to 6. The Olyphant base ball club, like Scranton, needs a "shaking up," Relief In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved In six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages. In male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 125 Penn uvo nue, Scranton, Pa. WAVERLY. George Nicholson, of Syracuse, spent Sunday here with friends. A. J. Colborn, Jr., of Scranton, wns a visitor here Saturday. B. O. Camp and family, of Montrose, are the guests of M. W. Bliss, sr. Rev. S. S. Kennedy Is visiting at Haz leton. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lutz, of Scran ton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Martin Bold Sunday. Parton Stone tins returned from a very successful trip through New York state. Introducing his patent wagon tongue support. C. Comegys, esq., of Scranton, who is spending the summer here with his family, has returned from his trip to Philadelphia. Mrs. E. F. Lelghton, of Blnghamton, Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Andrew Bedford. Morris Church, of Scranton, spent Sunday here, the guest of Miss Leavla Mershon, our assistant postmistress. Rev. A. Bergen Browe, of the Baptist church, In his last Sunday morning service, delivered a scathing rebuke to pleasure-seekers from the city that pass through here exposing to view their liquid refreshments of an Intoxicating nature.'. This Is a Christian community and those who pass through here must respecj:' our sentiment on the Sabbath, or measures will be taken to stop their boisterous and unseemly conduct. I, Wellington Warner, of New York city, was the guest of his parents,' Mr, and Mrs. Qeorjje F. Warner,' Saturday and Sunday. ,. . Mrs. Giles 'Stanton, of (Jllfford, and sister, Miss Cora White, of Green Grove, called upon friends here Satur day. Professor F. C. Hanyen, of Madison Academy, and family, will spend the next month at Mansfield and Elmlra, N. Y. Mrs. iSam Whalen, who has been suf fering from a stroke of paralysis for a long time, died Sunday evening at 6 o'clock, 79 years of age. Mrs. Whalen has been a patient sufferer and bore It with a Christian - fortitude. She was beloved by all who knew here, and will be greatly missed by a largo circle of relatives and friends. She Is survived by her .husband,. Samuel Whalen, and two daughters, Annie, wife of Burgess E. J. Stone, and Elizabeth, wife of School Director John Hall. Funeral will be held at 2 o'clock at the house, Tuesday afternoon. A large concourse of people attended the baptism by .Immersion at Gravel pond by the Rev. F. H. Parsons, of the Waverly Methodist Episcopal church, last Sunday. The following converts were baptized: Walter White, Herman Cole, and the Misses Ina Benjamin, Mlna Wells and Cora Sherman. if tho r-' Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has be?n useu lor uvr Mothers for their t?hll,i , u',.. with Perfect Success. It Soothes"".!? Child, Softens tho Oums, Allays all Pain Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Snlrl hv rriiia i. ... ery part of the world. Be sure and ask for mis. iviiibiuwh nootning syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. HONESD ALE. Sunday morning about 11 o'clock the barn of August iHertung on his farm about a mile north of his brewery, and on the same road, caught fire in an un known way. The borough alarm was sounded, but the Are department was unable to respond on account of the dis tance from Honesdale. The barn was totally destroyed, together with four pigs, one horse, reaping and. binding machine and many other valuable farming Implements. Some of the live stock was rescued from the place. The house, a large substantial structure on the opposite side of the road, caught fire and was destroyed, together with Its contents. Entire loss about $4,000. Insurance, barn, $1,000; house, $1,000. No one was at home when the buildings caught fire. It Is thought It was of in cendiary origin. Eight members of the Carbondale Cycle club rode over to Honesdale Sun day. In order to do away with some of their road tax,, the farmers of Wayne county put In time working the roads. Nearly always the roads are about 100 per cent, better before they work on them than afterward. The method they seem to employ Is about the same as that used In their potato field. Great furrows are plowed In the sides or ditch (a favorite place for wheelmen to ride) and the material, stones, loam, sod, sticks, etc., piled In the middle of the road, l.'r.lll the road Is packed down by much travel and thoroughly watered by the rains from heaven, It Is a sight to behold and a terrible ordeal is passed through by all persons using it. Rev. John N. Lewis, H. Z. Russell and D. H. Menner, or their alternates, leave today for Reading as delegates from Grace church to the diocesan convention. Mr. Jury, an old resident of East street, Is seriously III. Miss Hannah Bell, teacher In the public schools, has left for her home In Illinois. Rev. John N. Lewis and the choir of Grace church conducted services at Waymart, Sunday. The game of ball played by the mar ried and single men of the Exchanga club, Saturday, resulted In a victory for the latter. Score, 21 to 18. Tired Women Should stop and consider tho dangers which threaten them because of their weakness, languor and lack of ambition. Thousands of women find their strength unequal to the demands of duty. And yet there is no escape from the incessant round of care and toil. They must have strength. How shall it be given T By building up their systems through puri fied, enriched and vitalized blood. Hood's Barsaparilla will give them strength because it will make their blood pure and enable it to feed the nerves upon proper nourishment. It will create an appetite, tone the stomach and Invigorate every organ. It is what tired women need. Hood's Sarsapari I la Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the publio eye today. It feeds the nerves on pure blood. uAj- DM I a c hrmonliuly with flOOd S PUIS Uood's HwuiwrUU. 23a, ROOF TUNING AlfO SOLDERING All done away with by the use of HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consists of Ingredients well-known to all. It can b applied to tin, galvanlzad tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellitgs, which will firevent absolutely any crumbling, crack ng or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed one-fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the Job or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HARTMANN, 627 Birch 8L THE II Has cleaned out one manufacturer; all of his Percale Shirts, in different styles, very attractive in patterns; will make . You can find in the lot Shirts that are retailed at $1.00 else where. We shall give you a chance on them; now is your chance to buy them, when you need Shirts to change so often. REMEM BER THE PRICE, 35 CENTS. ; Another opportunity-Our 25 cent Shirt and Drawers, in Biilbrigguu and Ribbed, are the lead ers in this city and any other Only a few cases left; better be on time before they are closed. ' EMPIRE DRY GOODS COMPANY, GOODMAN'S CUT PRICE That Baffled the. Skill of .the Most Eminent Physicians of the Country. Cured bv Dr. F. B. Smith and Staff ut 312 Wyoming Avenue The Most Powerful Magnetic . Physician Living. Mr. John Camp, aged BO years, gray hair, brown eyes, weight when in health 1K0 pounds, had always enjoyed good health until about four years ago, when he no ticed tho muscles of his left hnnd were rapidly wasting away until the hand wob a mere skeleton. About this time tho muscles of tho right hand and forearm be gan to waste and finally extended over his whole body until he became a living skele ton. It frequently happens In muscular atrophy that when a single muscle has perished the disease stops at this point. But generally, however, the dlseaso pro gresses until It has extended over the whole body and every muscle has perished. Hence the name PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY. There Is no great amount of pain experienced, as a rule, but as tho muscles continue to waste away tho patient becomes feeble and fin ally helpless. This was tho condition of Mr. Camp, When brought to Dr. Smith he was so weak and feeble he could not walk or stand alone. Ho had tried the skill of physicians far and near, but In spite of all they could do he had continued to grow worse until his weight was less than a hundred pounds. Ho had become thor oughly discouraged and thought there wns no help for him. A few of his most Inti mate friends who had heard of the cures made by Dr. F. B. Smith and stuff, Induced him to see pr. Smith and make ono more effort to get well. He did so and commenced treatment upwards of five weeks ago and began to Improve after tho second treatment. His muscles are nip- Idly developing; he hns gained forty-seven pounds in flush and It Is only a matter of a short time when he will be a well man. You can consult Dr. Smith and staff at 312 Wyoming avenue from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. dully free of charge. 230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. vou rn We need money. Let's exchange, and ten to one ou ll come out ahead. e lead in honest goods at lowest prices. $4.65 S7.75 $1.25 48c. 25c. 25c. Is our price for blue and black, also light colored Men s Chev iot Suits. Same are sold elsewhere for $9 Buys an a:l-wool Black Clay Diagon al Dress Suit. Oth ers ask $12 for same Is our leader Jersey Suits. in For a cool Child's Wash Suit. For a Child's Suit, consisting of Waist and Pants. For two pairs Knee Pants. of THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Aye. SIGN OF THE BELL ,35C. STORE, OLD STAID. THlmL 1 1 AT HP 400492 LACKAWANNA AVE, GRAND DISPLAY OF I IE Mil. IS, Ml 8118, LADIES', IB I Hi o Carpet Remnant Sale We have placed on sale 20 patterns, with borders to match, of AXMINSTER, MOQUETTE, and BODY BRUSSELS Carpet, all this season's patterns, which we will close at 85 cents. These are worth $1.15 to $1.75, and will be found on the first tloor. II 1 1 If M 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avo. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA- BABY ECONOMY'S ASY CABS Way to Pay Will Solve THAT Problem. 2.1 Carriaaes r ' r...L,. pm.ntd the season over, him. L.vr tn nave '.innvon'll now j if o !( Currfaue it isn t, out - a.,a vnii'ri! netting r - - j blv Fine Carriage next to nothing for OTHEKS.$5.00. PREMIUMS with fof $io.oo,$20.oo, $30.00, $50.00, 'j?75- $100.00. ECONOMY FURNITURE CO 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE. . II i 1 0 0 FAIR SCRANTON, PA. I JACKETS, ft I El $9.90 EMM & OOo ftnmfl Worth $1 5.00. Others $20.00, come so us under finei l M coods away.If you necdj buy one iioi owj "... ... ...a. v.. " . i an unuuetiiiona- - .. for 5.yu, wnicn is them. purchasesy
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