THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 11, 1895. 5 ' S'SSOifxI'xJTjrrJSSii LOui!? BUY YOUR GOODS I GREAT BANKRUPT SALE OF THE RUNDLE . STOCK OF NICHOLSON, PA., AT 502 LACKAWANNA AVE. TO CONTINUE ONLY FOR A FEW WEEKS LONGER. II TIIP PIT v I ' A 4 ' ' J AT THE FAIR 400-402 Lackawanna Ave., ALWAYS THE BELOW MONDAY. I case Apron Ginghams, best quality, Only 22c I case Merrimack Light Shirting Cal ico, Only 21c I case American Calico, indigo blue, Only 3Ic , I case Bleached Muslin, i yard, wide, Only 3!o 4o pieces Japanese Wash Silks for Shirt Waists, worth 50c. yard, Only 29c 18 pieces Silk Velvet, all colors, worth $1.00 yard, Only 59c 62 pieces Cashmeres, all colors, worth 35c- yard, Only 2Qc 35 pieces Cheese Cloth, all the leading shades, worth 10c. yard, Only 5c TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, NAPKINS, White Bedspreads, etc., at greatly re duced prices. Copyright, 18U5, by cnAriau 11. "This Is MonBleur Ettenna Gerard, Monsieur de Talleyrand," said Lasalle. I saluted, and the statesman took me In from the top of my panache to the rowel of my spur with a glance that 'played over nre .like a irapler point. "Have you explained to the lieuten ant the circumstances under which he Is summoned to tihe emperor's pres- When Ho Hoard . My Name Showed Mo Straight In. ence?" he asKed In his dry, creaking voice. ' There was such a contrast, these two men, that I could not help glancins from one to the other of them, the lit tle, black, sly politician and the blir, sky-blue Hussar, with one fist on his hip and the other on the hilt of his sabre. They both took their seats as I looked, Talleyrand without a sound and Lasalle with a crash and jingle like a prancing charger. "It's this way, youngster," said he, In his brusque fashion. "I was with the emperor his private cabined this morning when a note was brought In to him. He opened it, and as he -did so he gave such a Btart tha.t It fluttered down pnto the floor. I handed It up to him again, but he was staring at the wall In front of him, as If he had seen a ghost. "Fratelll dull' AJacclo" he muttered, and then again "Fratelll dell' AJacclo." I don't pretend to know more Italian than a man can pick up In two campaigns, but I could make noth ing of this. It seemed to me that he had gone out of his mind, and you would have said so also, Jonsleur de Talley rand, if you had seen the look in hla eyes. He read the note, end then he at for half an hour or more without moving.!' -." "And youT" asked Talleyrand.' IE MENTION II FEW Irving Babbollnr. what I ourrht to do. Presently he seemed to come back to his senses. 'I suppose, Lasalle,' said he, that you have some gallant young ofllcers In the Tenth?" 'They are all that, sire,' I answered. "If you hnd to pick one who was to be depended upon for action, but who would not think too much you un derstand me, Lasalle, which would you select?" he asked. I saw that he need ejl an agent who would not penetrate too deeply Into his plans. 'I have one,' said I, 'who Is all spurs and mous taches, with never a thought beyond women and horses. 'That is the man I want,' r.ald Napoleon. 'Hrlng him to my private cabinet at 4 o'clock.' So, younfcnter, I came straight away to you at once, und mind that you do credit to the Tnth Hussars." I was by no means flattered by the reasons which had, led to my colonel's choice, a,nd I must have shown as much in my face, for he roared with laughter, and Talleyrand gave a dry chuckle also. "Just one word of advice before you go. Monsieur Gerard," said he, "you are now comlnpr Into troubled waters, and you might find a worse pilot than myself. We have none of us any idea as to what this little affair means, and, between ourselves. It Is very Im portant for us, who have the destinies of France upon our shoulders, to keep ourselves In touch with all that goes on. You understand me, Monsieur Gerard!" ' I had not the least Idea what he was driving at, but I bowed and tried to look as If It were clear to me. "Act very guardedly, then, and say nothing to anybody," said Talleyrand. Gilmore's Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness,, and feel exhausted ' and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down; Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood. It promotes digestion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros.. Scran ton. SCRANTON, PA. CHEAPEST. OF THE SPECIALS FOR JUNE 10. I case Gents' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, worth 39c, Only 29c 50 doz. Gents' Unlauudried Shirts, reg ular 50c. quality, Only 32J 100 doz. Ladies' Silk Mitts, worth 39c, ' ' Only 22c 500 doz. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, worth 5c- Only 2k I case Corsets, all colors, sizes 18 to 30, worth 50c, Only 35c Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Skirts, Gowns and Chemise, worth 75c. to 98c, Only 50c Infants' Caps, Sacks, Dresses, etc., At One-Half Price 5oo Boys' Suits, .all sizes, worth $2.00 to $3.00, Only 98c SATIN RIBBONS. Nos 5 and 7, worth 8c, only Sc. Nos 9 and 12, worth 12c. only 7jc. Nos 1U and 22, worth 10c, only..- 10c. "Col. Lasalle and I will not show our selves In public with you, but we will await you here, and we will give you our advice when you have told us what has passed, between the Emperor and yourself. It Is time that you started now, for the Emperor never forgives unpunctuallty." Off I went on foot to the pal ace, which was. only a hundred paces off. I made my way to the antechamber, where Duroc, with his grand, new scarlet-and-gold coat, was fussing about among the crowd of people who were waiting. I heard him whisper to Monsieur de Cau lalncourt that half of them were Ger man dukes who expected to be made kings and the other half German dukes, who expected to be made pau pers. Duroc, when he heard my name, showed me straight In, and I found myself In the Emperor's presence. I had, of course, seen him In camp a hundred times, but I had never been face to: face with him before. I have no doub't that if you had met him with out knowing in the least who he was you would simply have said that he was a sallow little fellow with a good forehead and fairly well-turned calves. His tight white cashmere breeches and white stockings showed off his legs to advantage, ltut even a stranger must have been struck by the singular look of his eyes, which could melt into ten derest sympathy or harden into an ex pression which would frighten a grena dier. It is said that even Auguereau, who was a man who had never known what fear was, quailed before Napo leon's gaze, at a time, too, when the Emperor was but an unknown soldier. He looked mildly enough at me, how ever, and motioned me to remain by the ,door. De Meneval was writing to his dictation, looking up at him be tween each sentence with his spaniel eyes. "That wlil do; you can go," said the emperor abruptly. Then, when the secretary had left the room, he strode across with his hands behind his back, and he looked me up and down with out a word. Though he was a small man himself, he was very fond of hav ing fine-looking fellows about him, and so I think that my appearance gave him pleasure.. For my, own part I raised one hand to the salute and held the other upon the hilt of my sabre, looking straight ahead of me, as a soldier should. "Well, Monslpur Gerard," said he at last, tapping his forefinger upon one of the brandebourgs 'of gold braid upon the front of my pelisse. "I am in formed that you are a very deserving young officer. Your colonel gives me an excellent account of you." I wished to makQi a brilliant reply, but I could think of nothing save La Halle's phrase that I was all Bpurs and moustaches, so'. It ended In my saying nothing at all. The emperor watched the struggle, which-must have shown Itself upon my- features, and when Anally no answer came he did not ap pear to be displeased. "I believe that you are the very man that I want,', 'said he. "Brave and clever ' men . surround me upon every side. But a brave man. who" He did not finish his sentence', and, for my own part, I could not understand what he was driving at. I contented myself with assuring him that he could count upon me to the death. "You are, aa I understand, a good swordsman," said he. "Tolerable, aire," I answered. ' "You were chosen by your regiment to fight the champion of the Hussars of Chamborant," said he. I was not sorry to find that he knew so much of my exploits. "My comrades, sire, did me that honor," said I. "And for the sake of practice you In sulted six fencing masters in the week before your duel?" t "I had the privilege of being out seven times in as many days, sire," said I. ' g "And escaped without a scratch?" "The fencing master of the Twenty third Light Infantry touched me on the left elbow, sire." "Let us have no more child's play of I Think That My Appearance Guve Hint Pleasure. the sort, monsieur,' 'he cried, turning suddenly to that cold rage of his, which was so appalling. "Do you Imagine that I place veteran soldiers in these positions that you may practice quorte et tierce upon vthem? How am I to face Europe If my soldiers turn their points upon each other? Another word of your duelling and I break you be tween these fingers." I saw his plump white hands flash before my eyes as he spoke, and his voice had turned to the most discordant hissing and growl ing. My word, my skin prlngled all over as I listened to him, and I would gladly have changed my position for that of the first man on the steepest and narrowest breach that ever swal lowed up a storpilng party. He turned to the table, drank off a cup of coffee, and then, when he faced 'me again, every trace of his storm had vanished, and he wore that pleasant smile with which he had won so many a rough soldier's heart. . y ',, To Be Continued. iSfi No matter whnt the disease Is or how many doctors have faiied to cure you, ask your druirpist for a 25-cent vial of one ol Munyon's Cures, and if you are not bene fited your money will be refunded. This Company puts up , A cure for every disease BLANK BOOKS 'r Of all kinds, manufactured at short notice, at Tbc Tribune Office. : DRY Coats' "AHTXTIflJCnirTHE'PAlMTREE'" UNEQUALLED AND UNRIVALLED PREPARATIONS FOR THE HARAND SCALP. A distil Inl Ion from tho South American palm tree, tree from mineral i cheniiml com. pound. An Infallible cure for Ilaldneaa, na r-Fnlllng, Dandruff, Thin or HrllcBte Huir, Enema, Totter, and nil dWaoeaof thu Hull- lUKl Sdllp. P LM-CnRTBTt SRAMWO for boBiitlfylns thu Huir: n delightful, cool and refreshing Shampoo exquUile orinr. All purcbiuwiii of the Palm-Ciihihti Prepara tions are entitled to free treatment of tho Sculp, Shampooing und Ilulr-DrtsBlnif, at any of our Hair-Dressing Parlors. PALM-CHRISTI CO., PHILA. rAHLOIlSi 024 CHESTNUT ST. P. 8. Our parlors aro In ctmi'so or special lit on ntreolimiH of the Hair and Real p. All advice lieu. 4r Wrllu for circular. ..... J ...... tt IIHV.Utf our Hair Dri'Mirs call upon them can maka appointments bv addressing MATTHEWS BROS., Sole Agents for Scranton. VI60R 0F SV1EN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. . Weakness, Nervousness, vcDiiity, and all the train 01 evus iroro eany errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sick no js. worry, v etc. Full strength, devel- t l opmeni ana lone Kiven to , levery urKau uuu uuriiuu of the body. Simple, nat ural methods. Jmmecll Wl ate Improvement seen. VitJIiirA 1mnnslhla. 9 OOP mfArnnCMl. Rook. explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDrCAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. Casoar ar m Hiwtif Miateu Amomt SMETtTHOLINHAtEB Tela MrvTwni will care van. a wondorful boon to nufTttreri Jrom Cold., Sore Threat, arlaenra. HrD,ehllla, or hat Fetch ajtm inmtiUatt rrlut. Aa efficient remedy, convenient to carry n pocket, ready to V' on Snt Indication of wild. 'atlnee ITee KOeeta Feraaaaeaa fur. flatlifaoUoBtiiaranteedQrinonoy refunded. Price, 6 eta. Trial (roe at prntal.ta. Keel ate red mall, Noanta. l7lClJJHIui,l&.,timRiroTllick10.. 4, rmamiAitia MTNTUni The ture.t and ifn remedy for Hlbn I nUL alliklndleeaaeajBoaena.ltcb.Balt Bbenaild floreaRuraa, Cuta. weaaarfni rem elrforPII.Ka. rrlce.CS eta. at Drag DAI U UrtaorDyrnall prepaid. Addre.a above. PMUBI ffn. I m Kw Uiaii.ui. Rma.enH .Inlin H. Phelcs. Complexion PressiiBfl DR. HKBRA'S t VIOLAiCREAI.1 Eemoroi PraakiM, Plmptaa. Ever . Motet, Blerthuda, eabara ana Tea, and re. atorea the tkln to it origi nal frahnaav proauclnf a el Mr and nealthv ram- breparatlODi and .pnToctly harmleAV At "all fcueeiiU, or mailed lor SOcu. baud lor Clrcuui. VIOLA Wflll SOAP ! Hr LiifiM. w a eaea, AtentrlM, rrHMSeifai. G. C. BITTER 4 CO., Toledo, O. .or ate by Matthew Broa. end John ft, PlieUta. WT- V" .-' YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY GOODS, NOTIONS, MILLINERY, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, BOYS' CLOTHING, ETC Lbii, u uuiniuvj vuy uvj uuiniLiaU LOOK AT Spool Cotton, worth 4c, Only Pins, all sizes, worth 3c, Ladies' Ribbed Vests, worth 25c, Only 1c 0nly1221C Pius, all sizes, worth 5c, Ladies' Hose, all kinds, worth I2c, Only 2c Only 7C Sewing Silk, worth Sc., Ladies? Hose, all kinds, worth 25c, Only 4c Only122C Knitting Silk, worth 22c, Ladies' Gloves, all kinds, worth 25c, Only 1Qc . Only 123c Children's Lace Caps, worth 50c. to $1, Ladies' Shirt Waists, worth 50c. to 75c, Only 25C Only 25c Children's Gingham Dresses, all sizes, Boys' Waists, worth 50c, worth $1.00 to $1.50, Only 5Qc 0n,y 25c ALL OTHER GOODS IN SAME PROPORTION. DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, and his assu. clatod stnrf of KiiKlish and German physicians, are now permanently located at Old Postoffice Building, Corner Penn Avenue and Spruce Street. The doctor la a Kraduuo of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology and surgery at the Medico-Chirurgical colleRo of Philadel phia. His specialties are Chronic, Ner vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Tho symptoms of which are dlzzlness.lack of confidence, sexual weakness In men and women, ball rising In throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate tho mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind, which unfits them for performlnK tho actual du ties of life, making happiness impossible, distressing the action ol the heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardlc, fonr, dreams, mel ancholy, tire easy of rompuny, feeling aa tired In the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nirvousncss, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, constipa tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected Rhould consult us Immediately ard be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakue? of Young Men Cured. If you havi been given up by your phy sician call upon the doctor and be exam !d. He cures the worst cases of Ner vous L-cblllty, Scrofula, Old Bores, Ca tarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affec tions of tho Eyo, Ear, Nose nnd Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultations fren and strictly sacred and conlldenla"., Olllce hours dally from ( a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, 9 to S. Enclose Ave 2-cent stnmps for symlpom blanks and my book nailed "New Life." I will pay one thousand dollars In gold to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. 4 , DR. B. GREWER, Old Post Office Building, corner Penn avenue and Spruce street. SCRANTON. PA. DU FONT'S ' MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Uanofactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, La : some county, Pa., and at Yr'il , mlngton, Dolawaae, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMI NG AVE., Scranton, Pa Third National Bank Building. Aoiscim ' THOS. roBDT Plttston, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH A BON, Plymouth. Pa. B. W. MULLIOAN, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Agents for the Rnpaano Chemical Ocna taaya Blgh JBluetvse, THESE PRICES: Ladies' Ribbed Vests, 2c WELSBACH LIGHT Specially Adapted ;or Reading and Sewing. S Consumes three (8) feet of gas per hour nnd gives au efllcieucy of sixty (GO) candles. Having lit least 3:! J per cent, over the ordinary Tip Burners. Cull und Sec It. 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Manufacturers' Agents. onfl very IT . EGonomicQl. (A0TI0N TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers aro of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will tako no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threa months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling hum placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. MM 1EGABGEL Wholesale AdentSa u uliui worth 10c., Only 5c Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commovealtb Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOS1C AND RU9H DALB WORKS. Lamin & Rand Powder Co.'a Orange Gun Powdej Eloctrlo Batteries, Pnses for explod ing; blasts, Safety Fuse and Rcpanno Chemical Co.'s High ExpIosiTes --ft laW'IKllKI Have Ton Bore Throat, Plm!o, CopperOolored Spote, Aches, Old Sores, Ulcers In lloulh, nalr r'alllnR? Write Took Krmrdy CoH SOT eonlcTrinple,riileaaro.IH.Jor proofs of cures. Capital S300.00O. Patlentscured nine year ajjiavjomirtjijcc21MMym CONNELL a
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