TIIE fiCRANTON TRIBTTNE-S ATUKDAT WOIllTllfO. JUKE 8,-1 895. Otir Neighbors DoWd the Ualley. Connolly Wallace & WILKES-BflRRE. The Tribune has opened a branch of fice it No. K Lanlng building, Public Square. Wilkes-Burro, for the transaction of- business. The publishers propone to extend the circulation or ina ivilltna.iiiirrn nnil surrounding towns, nnd to that end will present a very com plete department of Luzerne coumy m". Te,. ti,....u ir. thia fitwinrinklnir depend- ence la placed solely upon thii supcrloilty of The Tribune as a purveyor of all-tne news of the day domestic, foreign, local, commercial and financial. Tlio general in terests of tho people of Wllkcs-llnrre nnd the Wyoming valley will have In The Trib une nn earnest advocato, editorially niirt otherwise. It Is the purpose of tho pub lishers to Issue a newspaper as vnluamo to tho general public ns tho metropolitan dallies, nnd deliver It to tho people throughout northeastorn Pennsylvania Trom throe to live hours earlier man mo Philadelphia and Now York paper can (each them. J ACCEPTING TIIE INEVITABLE. The people of Wllkes-Nnrre, who have m vigorously opposed tho dis memberment of Luzerne county, lire becoming; more reconciled to tho prus rot of kwlnff tho lower end. The Hnxleton people have no apprehension whatever that tho new county will full when the question Is nubniltted to u voto of the people In the territory di rectly Interested. They reason that the more than 33,000 inhabitants clus tered In Rnd about the vicinity of 11a Kleton can outvote those residing In the mre sparsely settled township of Lu lerne and Schuylkill counties to be In corporated In the new county, and in this they ore probably correct. The principal opposition to tho new county in the llazleton replon will como from the Lehigh, Valley Railroad company, and the heavy coal operators in that section who are apprehensive that increased taxation will follow. The individual property-owners nppenr to attach less Importance to such con siderations, especially those in Hazle ton. They look forward to ft jrrent boom for their city and not without cause. A few of the townships proposed to be Included In the new county will nat urally vote almost against it, being so located that It will be mora difficult for their people to reach Hazleton than It Is to reach Wilkes-Barm But these townships have only a email population and will be easily outvoted by a single Hazleton ward. It is quite safe to pre dict that when the question of erecting the new county Is submitted to the popular vote It will carry by a decisive majorlt, but the majority will all come from Hazleton, Freeland, and Hazle and Fostorr townships. The portion of Schuylkill county to be attached will vote against the new county, but with out avail. The opponents of the new county manifest considerable bitterness against Senator Quay, upon whom they charge all the responsibility for the passage of the bill, alleging that but for his orders to pass It the measure would have been defeated. They will, however, soon forget ail about the sen ator's part in the affair. The man who originally suggested naming the new county in honor of the Junior senator knew what he was about. If it had been proposed to call It Pardee, or Markle or somebody else the bill would proba bly never have become a law. The county commissioners yesterday tele graphed the governor asking a hear ing before approving the new county bill. The request was granted and June 18 designated as the time. BOOMING JUDGE RICE. That the friends cf Judge Rice are very much In earnest in their efforts to secure his appointment as one of the Judges of the new Superior court is evi denced by the fact that committees of Luzerne attorneys are making tours Into neighboring counties for the pur pose of securing endorsements for him. This week a committee went to Stroudsburg and Interested a number of prominent Qlonroe county men in Judge Rice's candidacy. Similar work has been or is being done in Colum bia, Montour, Northumberland and Carbon, counties. It may be eaid that Judge Rice's prospects are far from hopeless. Judge Bice's record as a com mon pleas) judge for fifteen years is without a flaw or blemisTi, and he would adorn the bench of any court, POLITICAL POINTS. There Is considerable 'dissatisfaction expressed by numerous Wllkes-Barre. Democrats on account of the action of the Democratic city committee In get ting together on such short notice and selecting the delegates to the state con vention. It has been alleged that less than a quorum of the committee was present, but of this the writer has no personal knowledge. The delegates chosen are Editor E. F. Bogert, of the Leader, Deputy Revenue Collector Brundage and Attorney E. F. McCJov ern. .The delegation is a good 'one, however, and the Democrats ought to be satisfied. And, after all, what 'dif ference does it make whether the com mittee's meeting was at short or long notice? And what difference who the delegates are? One faction of the local Democracy simply succeeded In steal ing a little match on the other fact'.on, and that occurs frequently in Luzern. One or the other of the factions always has a grievance of some kind. The same may be said of all political par ties. Messrs. Bogert, Brundage and MoOovem simply got the innings this year; next year the other fellows may get there. It Is whispered In certain Democratic circles that lion. Asa R. Brundage may blossom out as a candidate for congress next year. Recently Mr. Brundage has taken great Interest In politics. Ho C"JT1CURA, the Great Skin Cure, and w Cuticora Soap, the most effective of Skin Purifiers and Beautifiers, preserve, purify, and beautify the skin, scalp, and hair when all else fails. ' Cuticura Rem edies are of the utmost purity and deli cacy, and especially appeal to the refined In every community. oil thnnttuat 0 wnM. Br1ti.ll tl t. Km SUT Boss, 1, King Eamr4-., London. Form IMS CaawuL Mu, Salt fnfn festal, 0. a, A. was at one tlmo Very acClve, but that was years ago. Representative Crlnor admits that his1 guns were not heavy enough to knock out the new county bill when it came to the final charge. Tho two "Matts" were too much for him. Ho says ho could have got away with Matt Long If Mn.tt Quay had not come up to his support. In tho lower end the politicians are so certain the new county will materialize that candidates fur the several olllrea are ulready being announced. Matt Long Is to be the sheriff; Editor Jack McCarthy, pivtlionotary ; Wlllam Schwurtz, treasurer; and when the time comes for a Judge, Attorney Troutmnn will probubly bo the num. Suits for Damages. The courts have recently had nn un usually lingo number of tuilts for dam ages before them. The case of Dr. O'Mullcy ngnlnst Parsons borough, fur $10,000, came to a sudden ending yes terday, when the attorneys for tho plaintiff entered a voluntary nonsuit und ugreed to iuy the costs. The suit was brought to recover damages for Injury received on a neglected street, but the plaintiff could not prove that the borough had ever uecepted the Btreet. No sooner had this cu.14 been disposed of than the court took up thut of John Cillroy against the borough of Ashley, ailruy claims that he sustained dam ages to property lit tlm amount of $5,000 by reason of a change of grade. Another suit was Instituted yester day of a somewhat similar character. This one Is brought by William J. Jen kins against Exeter borough. Jenkins was arrested by the chief of police of the borough and placed In the base ment of the lock-up. A water pipe burst and tho prisoner was kept there for twenty-eight hours with the water three Inches deep on the floor. He claims that) his health was permanently Impaired and he wants $20,000 dnmages. In the case of Touhlll vs the borough of Plttstou the Jury rendered a verdict of $409.24 in favor of the plaintiff. BRIEF NOTES. The Wllkes-Barre Tress club yester day mado application to the court for a charter. Conyngham Post 97 attended the fu neral of Robert Dawson, at Wyoming yesterday. Springfield land Wllkes-Barre play tho last game of thU series at Athletic park today. John Covab, a Hungarian miner, was instantly killed yesterday by a fall of rock In the Red Ash mines. A fire occurred yesterday afternoon at the store of Frank Sheurer, on North Washington street. The damage was slight. The diagram of the Oratorio society eisteddfod, to be held in this city next week, opened at S. L. Brown's book store yesterday. Simon Long's new building Is to be completed by July 15. It will be one of the handsomest and best appointed buildings In the olty. The 8.20 Harvey's Lake train on Thursday struck a cow at Brookslde, and the engine and two cars were de railed. No one was hurt. Hildreth & Co., of Nantlcoke, are the first to make a move toward closing their stores for half a day on Friday. They began the half holiday system yesterday. The charter of the newly organized Press club has been filed with the pro thonotary, and seems at last to be on the road to a lengthy and prosperous existence. The band concert given by Professor Alexander and the Ninth Regiment band Thursday evening, was attended by a big crowdi who much enjoyed the fine music. The presiding officers at the coming musical festival are: Hon, Charles A. Miner, E. If. Lawall, Hon. Morgan B. Williams, of Wllkes-Barre, and Hon. L. A. Watrp-s, of ficranton. Mrs. William Keating, of Ashley, was held up by a tramp last Thursday and her money demanded. Mrs. Keating screamed and two brakemen came to her rescue and the tramp find. By the erection of Quay county, old Luzerne will lose about 48.000 of her present population, according to the census' of 1890. She lost about twice as much when the upper end was chopped off. The 'Wllkes-Barre Itownhhlp1 school board has reorganized with Lawrence Casey as president, Chmrles Mulligan, secretary; and Peter Qulnn, treasurer. A. C. Campbell, esq., has been chosen attorney for the board. Lawrence Walters, of this city, was married last Thursday evening to Miss Florence llosenkrans, of I'ort Jervls, at tho home of the latter. They will reside in Wllkes-Barre, where the groom is engaged in business. The West Side wheelmen are prepar ing for their big two days' meet in this city at the end of this month, and no stone Is being left unturned to make the affair one of the most successful ever held In this section of tho state. The coroner will investigate the death of David Williams, a man 38 years of nge, which occurred at Nantlcoke last Tuesday. Before death, the man said he had been assaulted md beaten by some one, and these Injuries resulted In death. TAYLOR. The Taylor, Pyne and Holdon, mines will be paid today. Richard Griffiths, an old iund respect ed resident of Fcltzvlile, died yesterday afternoon at an advanced hire. Ho leaves a wife and one child, a grown-up daughter. The funeral announcement will be made later. The second team of tho Scranton Toung Men's Christian association played a team composed of members of the PHco Library association a game of ball on Thursday afternoon on the Riverside grounds and were vic torious by a score of 12-1L The game was exciting. Professor Weston, the physical director of the Young Men's Christian association, - umpired tho game and gave entire satisfaction. At the conclusion of the frame the visiting team was entertained In the rooms of the association. A social was held to the publlo also, and proved a financial success. Miss Grace Thomas, of Parle Place. was a visitor In this place on Thursday. suits, ueorge Hatfield, of Tavlor street, Is visiting relatives In- New Mil- lord. Printing for Grocers. Circulars, cards, booklets. letter heads. etc., printed so well at The Tribune o- floe that they, will sell goods for you. PITT5T0N. Fire was discovered In the Llewellyn block, on Luzerne avenue, yesterday morning at 3.10 o'clock. Mrs. Williams, Who, with her husband and family, oc cupies the second floor, awoke with a choking sensation and found the room in which they were sleeping to be full of smoke. Although blinded by the smoke she grasped her Infant child nnd es caped with It, while the husoanu rushed down stairs into the open nlr ntul gave the alarm, which wns sent In from box 71. The West Plttston, Ea gle nnd Niagara Hobo compnnles re sponded. As some of tho hydrants In tho vicinity of tho fire were out of or der, a general alarm wns sent In, and the Eagles returned to tho house house for their lire engine. Even at tho early hour of the morning our volunteer fire men responded with thtdr usual promptness and the flumes were Soon under control. The building was owned by l'rothouotuiy a. J. Llewellyn, and whs occupied by J. 8. Llewellyn, plumber and hnrdwnre merchant, and Panlel Lazerus' confectionery store and Ice cream parlor on the ground Hour. The second floor was used for dwelling puriKPHos, nnd the third wns used by the Red Men ns a lodge room. It Is supposed the fire originated In the basement under tho confectionery store. The Interior of the room occu pied by Mr. Lnzerus was bndly dam ugcr, the walls nnd ceilings being de stroyed ns was also the stock of can dles, t-lgiirs nnd nn elegant soda foun tain. The loss Is about $1,900. on which there Is $1,B00 Insurance. The hard ware stock of J. S. Llewellyn wns bnd ly damaged by smoke and steam. Mr. Llewellyn's loss Is covered by Insur ance. The household effects of Mr. Williams were budly damaged by smoke and were not insured. Tho property of the Red Men was damaged by smoke, but Is fully insured. The to tal loss will probably reach S3.000. Commencement Exercises. Tho commencement exercises of the Filttston high school were held at Music hall Thursday evening. The several graduates exhibited their educational powers, and did great credit to their tutor, Professor Sheik. The programme was as follows: Overture; song, "Tho Country Fair Waltz," Franz Abt; essay, "Know Thy Opportunity," Ann S. Miller; recitation, "A Railway Mat inee," Charles 11. Weber; song, "Song of the Sea," Veazle; address, "Forcused Force," Joseph A. Collier; recitation, "Tho Swan Song," Elizabeth V. Oll martln; song, "Annie Laurie," Emerson, by the boys; address, "Our Pacific Neighbor," Frank C. Abbott; recitation, "The Rugglu's Dinner . Party," Anna M. Kane; song, "Now O'er the Hill Tops," Leslie; essay, "An Old Violin," Blrdella Williams; recitation, "The Black Horse nnd His Rider," Edward F. Gibbons; presenta tion of diplomas, by the principal; song, "Awake Aeolian Lyre," Danby, School Hoard Meeting. A meeting of the school board was held lost evening at the high school building. Chairman Hlens presided and A. T. Welch acted as secretary. No tice was received from the board of health requesting the school board to abate tho nuisance of the Market Btreet school closets. A committee of three, consisting of Brennan, McNamara arrd Curry were appointed to look after the matter. At an election of an attorney for tho board, two candidates were named, as follows: Frank Bohan hnd T. A. O'Boyle. Upon a ballot being taken O'Boyle received twelve votes and Bohan three votes. A committee consisting of Brennan, Miles and Sipel was appointed to procure new rules for governing the schools. Messrs. Mc- Namara, Lynott and McAnuIty were appointed a committee to look after the tax levy. Before adjournment It was decided that the board shall meet on the first Friday of each month. Otlior Items of Interest, Rev. J. Klrkpatrtck, of the Taber nacle Congregation church, will ad dress tho men's meeting at the Young Men's Christian association Sunday afternoon. Subject, "The Young Man Who Lacked Only One Thing." The music will be rendered by the choir of the Welsh Congregational church. An adjourned meeting of select coun cil was held last evening, at which the ordinance of estimates on appropria tions for the various wards passed third reading. A party of West Side young people enjoyed a moonlight excursion to Fall ing Springs last evening. ' AI! complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should he reported at our local olfce, No. 5 William street. For second-hand household goods," call on Wright & Co., 97 South Main street. Goods exchanged, bought or sold. Last evening's Gazette states that Murderer Wlndlsh hns been heard from and that he Is In Germany. The West Side wheelmen express a desire to abide by the ordinances and denounce all who disregard the borough laws. The Lehigh Valley railroad pay days In this section are as follows: Juno 13, from Mauoh Chunk to Wllkes-Barre and Coxton; Juno 34, from Coxton to Waverly and Bayre; Jtinol5, from Sayre to Ithaca, Geneva, Manchester and Rochester; June 19, from Auburn to North Fair Haven and Sayre; June 20, from Sayre to Bcrnlce, Coxton, Avoca and Falrvlew. In the case of John Touhlll vs. Pitts ton borough, the 'Jury in eourt today rendered a verdict for the plaintiff In the sum of 3409.24. Opening game at Luzerne County Fair association- grounds, West Pitts- VTTNYON'B Rhanmntlsm Cnrs never falls to relieve in three hours and cnrs In three days. ' ' MUNYON'8 Dyspepsia Care Is guar enteu to correct constipation and euro all forma of indigestion and stomach trouble. MUNYOrTB Catarrh Cora soothes nna heals theoillicUd parts and restores Ultra to health. No failure; a cur guaranteed. MUNYON'B Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back, loin or groins and all forms of kidney disease MVli tra il fierve wire cures nervous Bens and builds up the system. MUNYON'B Vitalizer imparts new lift, restores lost powers to weak and debilita ted men. Trice $1.00. NVmatter what the disease Is or how many doctors have fulled to curs you, ask your druggist for a 25-cent vial of on of Manysn's Cures, and if you are not bene flted your money will bavofuadodv ' ton, of the Tri-County league today be tween Scranton and Plttston clubs. The game will be called at 3.30 p. m. Wall paper from 8 cents up. Paper hungers and painters at W. F. Moyer & Bro., 93 North Main Btreet, TUN KHAN NOCK. The school board met yesterday and organized by electing S. Judson Stark president, B. H. Shook secretary, and 1'. H. Piatt treasurer. The board has purchased very pretty diplomas to be presented to the grnduntelng class. The re-Indexing of the county deed books goes slowly but steadily oh. It is c. Job requiring infinite patience and most careful attention. A mnrrlnge license was granted yes terday to tleorge Strong, of Mehoop any, and Betsy J..Ro.blnson, of Forks tun. The Tritons jand the Scranton Young Men's Chrlstlnn association will try titles on the home grounds this after noon. A Htrong gnmo Is looked for, Mrs. Frances Worrell, of Fnctory ville, is visiting friends here. Mrs. I'hoebe Squire, who has been Vlnlllng relntlves here for a few days, returns to her home at West Nicholson, today. The annual session of Dlmock camp meeting will be held Aug. 21 to 29 Inclu sive, Presiding Klder J. O. Woodruff having- it in charge. Tho boarding hnll and grovery will be run under the management of J. R. Hungcrford, of this place, and the barns by D. A. Tits worth, of Montrose. The board of man agers ordered repairs upon the board ing hall, but no new association build ings will be put up this season. Another telegram from Falrhii Neb., yesterday announced that Rus sell Graham, who was shot the night before, had died of his wound. TJnth. ing concerning the details of the affair couiu be gathered, but Is Is snrmlsml that he was killed by burglars. He was a mercnant and also kept the post olllce In his store. Healwavs Blent In the building, and it is presumed that robbers made a raid upon the.store and In the melee he received his death wound, which, as the dispatch states, was in the region of the heart. He has a wife and daughter in this county. Another car for the Montrose road, a combination smoker, baggage and mail car, arrived yesterday morning. This, with the new engine, will complete the equipment for a Urst-class train, and put tho passenger service of the Mont rose on a basis with that of more pre tentious lines. linndom Shots. Three hundred witnesses will be sub poenaed to attend the session of the Judicial contest here June 17. Winnie Reynolds Is practicing to take the place of George McKown ns catcher for the Tritons. Judge Dunham will hold ar gument court here June 20. AVater pipes to furnish a supply for Sunny side cemetery grounds is being agitat ed. A capital suggestion, and ought to be carried out. There Is every Indica tion that both sides will win in the Ju dicial contest, as both seem to have a decided advantage. Somebody Is cluck ing over a nestful of china door knobs. Samuel Harding has the contract for furnishing poles for the branch of the postal telegraph. District Attorney J. M. Garmahof Luzerne county, is here soliciting names to . a paper recom mending Judge Rice, of Wllkes-Barre, for one of the appellate court Judges. Floral Sunday will be observed by the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school to morrow morning, and anniversary day by the Epworth league in the evening. A son of J. D. Gallup, of Centremore land, is reported to have been found with a bullet hole in his brain, at Lima, O. A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADH, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADB, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Lost NOTICE-CHECK hO. !!572, ONTHIHD NA. tlolial Dunk tor SHi. datod Juno 4th. sinned by A. I). Holland and indented In blank, was lost wiitlo on way to nanir. fayinont Btried. Ke turn to olllcs, at Goti Spruce St. Wanted. WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOH tiliiVWU ninety days: SHU bonus; good aecmrity. B.. f;ar Tribuim onlnp, city. Agents Wanted. (y ENEKAL AOENTrt WANTED-BELL I X inar now at tides to dealers; ekclusivo ter ritory. no rnmitltlnii. no rntiltnl requirod; Villi tii IKK) per cent, prnllt. Columbia Chumlcul Co., Oil Uvarborn "t., Chicago, III. A CENTS WANTED FOB LAKOEHT LINE Aluminum Novelties, liar Coods, Tahio ware in America, fronts immmiHv. RUuuly work. One airent sent 427 reorder. Delivorod f re. Hnmiilelllr. Illustrated catalogue free AI.UMIiNUai HOVJSLT CO., Klo uruauway, Now York. AOENTS HINDE'B PATENT UNIVER. sal Hair Curlers and Waver fused with out heat), and "I'yr Polntod"ilnlr Pins. Lib oral coiiimlMsicins. Free sample and full par ticular. Address c. O. Uox 40U, new York. ANtT D TTaCTIVE rnALKHMEN-TO handle our lino, no podilllnii. Balarv, f'firor month and eiiiousus (mid to all. Uooda entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, MIW, Boston, Has. Charter Application. Milttmttoniwul ! made to the oovernor of Pennsylvania, on lltoiidny. Juno . tuth, 1HII5, under the Aut of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled An act to nrovlde for tlio Incorporation ana regulation of certain eorporationa," approved April it. if it, ami tao supplements meroio.ior tlm charter of an Intended corDoratlon to ho called "Tho Bald Mount Land Company," the character ami object of hich is to pur cliano, hold, sell, lease and improve real estats, mid for these purpose to have, possess, ! enjoy an tue ngum, benefits and privileges of said Act of Aasomblr and its supplements. LEMUKL AMERMAN. PoJcltor for Company. Public Sale. OTICE IB HEKEDY OIVK V THAT TUB undersigned, livery stable keeper, bav- inir a Hen upon the hereinafter described horse tinder the provisions of the Aol of A- 'Man.1,1 r,f Ar,rll7. 1H07. In the amount of una hundred and ten dollars for the expense of keoplnii in bit livery si able the said horse, will expose to public sale, by virtue of said ant, to the blghsat bidder for nnsh, at his liv ery stable, Main Btreet, in the borough of Taylor, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, on 'Tuesday, the lHtll day of June, A. D. 1HL'5, at 0 o'clock a. m., one brown Eeldlng, IS bauds high and four year old. aid horse wns delivered to the tndHrshrtied for keeping In his livery stable by H, U. Con over, and will be sold as the property of H. O. Cooover andBandnlph Orippeni . ..... JOHN E. DAVia, Taylor, Pa. May 23,15. TEVIOT SUITINGS A Handsome New Fabric Pre-Eminently an Ideal Costume Cloth No End to the Purposes to Which It Can Be Put Specially Adapted to Outdoor Wear. The construction of this material somewhat resembles that of the Duck Suitings, so prominent ly in demand lust hcuhoii. There is tt illstiiiKiiishinR feature, however, about Tcviot Suiting that .separates them far above any wash ma. erlals ever Introduced to the American consumer, in that they are the most de sirable cloth ever KtiKKested for Ktilf, cycling, ten nis und walking gowns. In fact, they are almost indisnensihle, on account of the various uses for which they are adapted. Their price, too, will meet the small, as well the large, purses, And their designs und quality are such as to insure perfect satisfaction to those who buy them. A little description muy not be amiss. CONNOLLY Help Wanted Male. lAAA, WANTKU-IIOOD BLACKSMITH AT HIL-li-ioi's Cnrriago works, U1U to IU7 West Buvontli Htn.oU rANTED-()OIJ CARKIAUE 1'AINTKIt at dllionl's Curriaue works, iilU to 427 Woat Hovouth street. AGENTS OUR MEN A HE MAKIKU SS to tl'JUpnr wouk. Bend forp roofs Fust eit seller In existence. LYONS F. H. & II- it. CO., Ooshen, lnd. PHOTO TICKET AOENTIi AND VIOTUHE J moncunlenru i f a, Ann piwition by nib dressing WILLIAM H. PLATT, TM Klin trout, Catmlim, N. J. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to Htilk-it stock subscrip tions; n monopoly: big money for neurits: no capital required. EDWAUD C. E1B1I & CO., IJorden Block, Chicago. 111. OALESMEN RESIDENT SALESMEN 13 wnnted, aeoualntod with the loeul and nearby druu and grocery trade, to handle our lino of high Krnilo cigars. Address, ulvinif references, J. EDWARD COWLE3 A CO., H3 unamuers stroor, n. x. Helo Wanted Females. VirANW'DmRLfr IV nuking. MK8. TKIPP, iU Adums ave- nno. AITANTEDTifiiifEDIATELY-TWlirE N EH T V irntio saleswomen to reDresint us. Guaranteed $0 a day without InterferiuK with othordutius. iiealthful occupation. Write for particulars, inclosing scamp, Muno Chem ical Company, No. Ti Jobu street. New York. Wanted To Rent. WfANTED BY JULY 4, AN OFFICE AND v T two rooms tor Unlit Housekeeping; un furnished; answer soon, mating torms. Hit. E. ZIEULEIt LOWER, Delta. York County, Pa, For Rent. MOlt KENT OR SALE FURNISHED 8- room houso at 13H Franklin avenue. r AKE WINOLA FURNISHED COTTAGE I J for rent. F. T. OKELL, Coal Exchange, I.X1R RENT -ROOM HOUSE; GOOD CON 1 ditlon, furnace, iras. bath, 418 Vino stro -t. Apply L. M. HORTON, Commonwealth Il ldg. SINGLE SIX-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT Rar (121 Adams nvonue. VFirRjTOTET7 DESK ROOM TO LET J and Assembly Hall to let U. B. liEP- l.UUI.K, os spruce stroet. l.URNISHED HOUSE TO RliNT EIGHT X rooms; modern improvemnnts. 1102 vrreon itiugo stroet. corner v, youiiug. "IOR RENT A LARGE, 4-STORY BUILD J iuiratl) Franklin avenue; suitable for wholesale business. CARSON & DAVIES, Scrnnton. trOR RENT FURNISHED AND UNrUR nlshed roouiB at 50tt Lackawanna avenue. I70R RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST . Lackawanna nvonue. Address THOMAS E, EVANS, aear 1132 Luzerne, Hydo Park. ,'OR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL suitable for lodgo rooms, JOHN JElt- MYN, 119 Wyoming nvonue. For Sale. I70K SALE-B8 ACRES OF CLEAR AND " timber land, eimsistine of exteiiMivo hotel property, with i,-o houso, bnrn. large Ktnblo, wagon shed and other outbuildings, known as the Crystnl Lnke Hotel, and situated on tho puhllcroad leading from rnrbondnle to Dun datl. i'lcnio grove and stretch of land between tho publlo road and the lake Isilongs to this property. For further particulars write E. K. MORSE, Crystal Lake, Dundnff P. O., Susquehanna County, Pa. lOR SALE-SINGLE HOUSE WITH Is modern improvements; rear 7:(4 Madison avenue. Inquire next door. l.-'OR SALE F'lHST-CLASS PACING J horses at vonr own price. Come aud see them. W. M. JERMYN, Prioebnrg, Pa. Stockholders Meeting. rV'HlfrANmTM.jm I holders of Tho Wyoming Shovel Works for the election of oftic- rs anil the considera tion of such other business as may lw brought before them, will bo held nt the olllee of the company. In Scranton, on Paturdsy, tho 1,'ith day of .hum. Irtij, let ween tho hnurs of 10 and 11 o'clock a. m. N. (1. ROBFRTSON. Secretary. Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR TIIE HAIS. Ingot the Welsh Congregational church of Taylor. Pa., and other improvements will be received until Monday, June 17, 1H0. at tt p. in. Plans nnd specification rnn bo sneu at tlm store of II. J. Dnniela A Co., Taylor. The committee reserves tho right to rejoet any or ell bins. Address all oominunicatioiis to J. B. Daniels, Taylor, Pa. CEALEIU'ROtVlSALTFO Ing of a rectory and parish house for baint mark's Mission, Umiinora, Pa., will be received until Saturday, Juno In, lillU Plitns nnd specifications can lie seen at the nfflco of Urown & Morris, architects, 1-11 Washington avomio, Scranton, Pa. The committee ru Serves tho right to reject any or all bids. Ad dress all rommuuicatlona to J. R. BroDsou, Duuinore, Pa, J. B. 11RONSON, Secretary of the committee. OrniiB or rnn BoAitn op CoMvisstoNKita or PUUI.IO U1IOIINU8 AND BUILIIINUH. (DAxikl H. Hahtinoh, J. C. DluANRT. ."Superintendent. i.uveruor. Amos H. Mymn. Auditor General. SAIIUEL M. Jaokhon, State Treasurer. I)ROPOSALS FOB FURNISHING BTA tionury, Furniture, Funl and other Sup plies. In compliance with tho Constitution and laws of tho Commonwealth ot Pennsylva nia, we hereby invite scaled proposals, at prices below maximum ratea fixed in schedulca, to turnlsh stationery, furniture, fuel and other supplies for the savnral department,! of the State Government, end for uinking repairs in tho several departments aud for the distribu tion of the public, documents, for the year end ins the first Monday o Juno, A. D. lHW. Separate proposals will be reojlved and son arate coutructs awarded ai announced In said schedules. Each proposal must be aucnmps niod by a bond with approved surety or sure ties, oondltlonsd for the fottlilui performance of the ountraot, and addressed and delivered to the Board of Coininlssiieers ot Publlo Grounds and Hulldlngs before li! o'clock m, of Friday, the 14th day of Juno, A D. lsi at which time tho proposals will tie opened and published. In the Reception Kocm of the Ex otltlve Depnrtmsnt, at Harrisbi;rg, and cou tructs awarded as aooa thereafter ai practica ble. v ' Utttnk bonds and schedules oonUlnitlff nil necesssry information can be obtained at this uement. J. (1 DELANBY, - For the Board of Commissioners of Public. Ground and Buildings. & WALLACE, NITURE Special Notice. lVK DON'T WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS, ' but men of ability; Sao to JSuO a month to hustlers; stato aud genornl ageuts; Bnlary and commission. Chemical Fire Extinguisher Co., Racine, is. LARGE STOCK OF GOLD WATCHES at reduced prices. We havo got a big stock, too big in fact, of watches, good wntches, which we are willing to sell at very rloso figures, barely cost, to reduce at Mar cerenu & Council's. TOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1. I i- will make a monthly tour of tlio follow ing places giving freo opon nir advertising ex hibitions wLb the stcrcoptlcnn: Taylorville, Hydo lJark, Providence. Dickson (.ilvnbant, Pickvilie, Archbald, Jerniyn. Exhibitions given on Wednesday and ' Friday of each week during the mouth, the rates for adver tis ns are flu per month. Address E. II. Call, Tribune office, city. '"1'HE (SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." 1 Yon want tills relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pletures.show ing the foveas tn actual battle, akotctied on tho Bpok Two volumes, !i,0t0 pictures, Bold ou easy monthly purmenti. Delivered by ex press complete, all charges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, 0'. Adams Avo., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAO A ziiitts. etc. bonnd or rebound at The TniiiUNU ollico. Quick work. Reasonable prices. Sale ited. SALESMAN WANTED 5100 to 5123 PER t3 mouth and expense. Staple line. Posi tion permanent, plensant and desirable. Ad dreRS, with stamp. King M'f'g. Co. D. CI, Chiengo. Boarding. VTANTED ONE OR TWO BOARDERS, H i ne quarter hleck from San loison ave nue car, Own lilUe. Pleasant rooms. Ad dress M. 1). Fnrnlinm. 0-1 Breaker street, city. Situations Wanted. DRUGGIST, REGISTERED IN PKNN8YL vanio. wants steady position, city or vi cinity: shenks Gorman and English; 10 years' experience; A No. I city reforuuee. Address J. W. it , Tribune office. CIT U AT ION WAN T E D B Y A mTdDLE O ajed sinclc ninn to attend n gentleman'!) garden and drive, or any work that is desli ed of him; best rvferoni-es from last place. Ad dress "ALEXANDER," Tribune omce. T WIDOW LADY W A N TS W A SH 1NO i and ironing at homo; work satisfactory. Call 416 Gibson street 'A NT EDABrr UTflON AS UOUSE ?V kneper; had exiiericticc: will accept clerking; references giv,.n, if required. Ad dress It., Tribune olllee. rANTED-A Position by an experi fV eneed bookkeeper; Ai references. Ad dress Lock Box ill", city. CITUA.TION WANTED BY A YOUNG O man, who wants work, must have some thing to do at once; has worked for a privato family for the lust yoar; good ruforcnuo. 1., llllUJiicksou street SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPERT, enced dining room girl ns a waitress or second girl. Address ItlO Railroad avenue. C1TU ATION W ANTED-BY A COOK WITH IO several years' experience. Address 810 lialiroait avenue. ClTUATION WANTED BY AN ENGLISH O butcher, who understands tho trsdo won; If given a fnir trial would prove satisfactory. Address "MORGAN." Tribuno olllcs. lfflATlON WANTED A YOUNG LADY of practical i xpoi lenco wants a position as a general honsrwiv ker: rofcrouces given. Address M. C- Tribunal nfllcn. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. riiysicians nnd Surgeons. Dlt. a. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 010 Bpruco street, Scrnnton, Pa. (Just opposite. Court Houho Squaru.) DIl. KAY, WW PENN AVE.; 1 to S P. M. : cull 2utUI. DIR. of women, obstiolrlce and and all dla. of chll. DR. " AJ.CONNKLL, OFFICE S01 WnahlnKton avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Frnncke's drug stroo. Residence, 721 Vino t. Ollico hours; 10.30 to 12 n. in. and 2 to 4. and 0.30 to 7.30 p. m, Sun day, 3 to 3 p. m. DR. W. B. ALLEN, US North Waahington avenue. DR. fj. h. FRKY, PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; ot'.lco, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, t29 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES, 12S WASHINGTON Attlna ft.,.,,ra 0 .A Q a n 1 to 1 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Madi son avonue. Loans. THE REPUnLIO SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easiur terms and pay you better on investment than any other association. Call on S. . N. Callender, Dime Ban It building. Wire Screens. JOS.- KUETTEL, 615 LACKAWANNA avenue, Bcramon, ra,, aisauisoiunir vi Wire Screen. FUR FOR INSTANCE-Strlpes of lavender, black, pule blue, salmon, pink und navy are seen on white grounds. Over these stripes are woven a white check-like figure which gives the design the uppearance of u basket wettve. Self-colored pat ternings in stripes are seen in various colors, the stripe being brought into prominence by showing u darker thread thun thut seen in the ground col ors. There are many other combinations such us diamond figures, chevron stripes, tweed effects, etc., which must be seen to be uppreciated. An inspection is invited. ' We might udd that we control the sale of this fabric in Scranton. 2oo Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTEREI EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, REASONABLE CHARGES, TRY US. 6o2 and 604 M Lack Aye., Cor. Adams. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headaches prevented and cure, by Bsvlaf your syes scientifically examined and fitted accurately by DR. SH1MBERQ. EYES EXAMINED FREE. Satisfactlofl guaranteed lu every cobs. 303 Spruce Street Lawyers. JESSUPS & HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealth building, Washington a-enue. W. H. JES8UP. HORACE E. HAND. W. II. JESSUP, JR. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT. torneys and Counsellors at Law, P.e publlcnn building, Washington av. nue, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX. ATTOR. neys ami Counsellors at Law; offices I and 8 Library building , Scranton, Pa. HOSWELL H. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors. Common wealth building. Rooms 19. 20 and 21. W. F. BOYLE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Nos. 19 and 2t, Burr building. Washing, ton avenue. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORN EY-AT Law. Room S, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. i JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY. at-Law, rooms W, 01 and 65, Common wealth building. S A M U EL W. E DGAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. OITlce, 317 Spruce Bt.. Scranton, Fa. L. A. WATRE3, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, C3 Lackawanu ave., 8cranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building. Scranton. Money to loan in large sums at 5 per cent. C. IL PITCHER ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building. Scran ton, Pa. C. COMEGYS, 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. P.EPLOGLE. ATTORNEY LOAN9 negotiated on real estate security. 403 bpruce street. B. F. KILL AM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. J 20 Wyomln g ave.. Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law. 45 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 138 WYOMING AVE. . Dentists. Dlt. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crown work. Office, t23 Washington avenuo. CTC." LAUBACH. SURGEON DENtIstT, No. 115 Wyoming avenue. It. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL EX chunge. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepnres boys nnd girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains yuung children. Catalogue at re Quest. Opens September 10. 4 REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER 11. Bl'ELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGAR ten nnd School, 412 Adnms avenue. Pu pils received at ull timus. Next terra win open jAprllJ. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROl Hotels und Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 nnd 127 FRANK" lin avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EGLER. Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Plnce, New York. Rates, J3.50 per Hay and upwards. (Ameri can plnn). E. N. AN ABLE, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. A W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. Architects. EDWARD 31. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Rooms 24. 25 nnd 20, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E L. " WALTERr ARCHITECT. OFFICB rear of liOti Wnshtirgtun avenue. LEWIS HANCOCk7JR., ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce st., cor. Wash, ave.. Scranton. BROWN A MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, 128 Washington avenue. Scranton. Seeds. Q. R. CLARK A CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 148 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Mala ave nue; store tolephoe 782. . Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOa balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over , Hulbert music store.- iiaARaEB brothers, printers' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. W arehouse, 130 Washington ave., Bcran ton. Pa. , FRANK P. BROWN COj . WHOLE, sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and t)lJj:ioth720JWest Lackawanna ave. THOMAS ' AUBRBT, EXPERT AC countont and auditor. Rooms 10 and 20. Williams Building, opposite postotllca. Agent for the Hex Fire Extinguisher.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers