The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 08, 1895, Page 12, Image 12

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12 f
Unparalleled bargains will be-the order of the day. We
again repeat, entire stock must be sold, as Mr. Gorman will
soon leave Scranton to reside permanently in the Far West.
Tia iRTiii
Prices cut and
below a few prices,
5,000 pairs Child'sSeamless Hose,allsizes,7c,were 1 5c
1,000 yards Satin Ribbon, YA inches wide, 1c yard.
25 dozen Ladies' Linen Fancy Collars, 1c.
150 yards 5x4 Curtains, net 12c, were 25c.
Roses, all colors, 3c bunch.
100 Fine Straw Hats, 12c, were 60c.
Double Fold Wool Dress Goods, 11c.
All-Wool 40-inch Serges, 21 c, were 35c
Bear in mind Sale Commences at 9 a. m. Store
Gorman's Grand Depot
"Why not treat with a physician to whom
Jrou can toll your troubles and will CURB
you? Why send your money miles away
from noma to somo one you never saw,
when you have the greatest Specialist
near you with whom you can talk It ovor
and be cured.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scranton,
by his new and specific methods and
remedies cures an the following;: Impot
ency. Lost Manhood, Varlococele, Gonor
rhoea, Syphilis, Blood Poison, Nightly
Losses, Stricture, Seminal Weakness, Re
stores Lost Vitality, Lost Memory, Eradi
cates all the bad effects of "Self Abuse,"
Excessive Venery, Purifies the Blood, Re
stores "Shrunken Parts" to their normal
size, Arrests decay and makes you a well
and hearty man again. If you are nerv
ous, have a rapid Irritable heart, tired,
dull feeling In the mornings. Offensive
Breath, Constipation, pains back of neck
and head, or any of the above diseases,
call and be examined. It will cost you
nothing and you may benefit largely by It.
Everything strictly secret and confiden
tial. OFFICE HOURS Dally 9 to 9.
Sundays, 10 to 4.
DO DCCUCC No. 412 Sprnce Street,
Examine our new line of Spring
Goods. All of the latest designs
and colorings, and our prices
lover than any other house in
the trade, for goods of the same
, quality.
, of every description and quality.
We are overstocked and -will sell
at prices about one-half the reg
ular price, as we need the room.
J. Scott Inglis
1 Now that the statement of ship
ments of anthracite coal for the last
week of May has been received It Is
possible, says the Stockholder, to form
a more accurate opinion of the policy
adopted by the powers of allowing the
mines to work full time three days a
week, with the fixed total for the
month between 3,700,000 and 3,800,000
tons. The result can only be regarded
as satisfactory, the showing; (partly
estimated) Indicating that for the first
time in many months, the agreed out
put was not exceeded by the producing
companies. Our compilation of the re
turns for the month follows: First four
days of May, 626,492 tons; week ended
(May 11, 784,962 tons; May 18, 81,7,523 tons;
May 25, 836,371 tons; last week, 830,112
tons, making an estimated total for
the month of 3.795,480 tons, or about
the agreed output. The total compared
With May, 1894, shows a decrease of
190,801 tons. As the companies have
agreed to produce 10 per cent. less coal
this month than last, the total output
for June should not exceed 3,500,000, and
If no more coal than this is mined, the
effect upon the general anthracite
market should be beneficial. The state
ment for last week shows a decrease in
the Wyoming region of 155,266 tons and
a decrease In the Schuylkill region of
1,528 tons, but the Lehigh region reports
an increase of 12,742 tons; it also re
ported an Increase for the preceding
week a fact which Indicates that the
Lehigh Valley was either behind in its
old allotment or intended securing a
larger share of the business. Ship
ments far the year, from the three re
gions, aggregated 16,897,996 tons, an In
crease over the corresponding period
last year of 2,346,903 tons. The state
ment in detail follows:
. June, 1, 1895, June 2,1894.
Regions. Tons. Tons. Difference
.Wyoming . .447,342 602,608 Dec. 15fi,2Cn
Lehigh .... .130,420 117,678 Inc. 12,712
Sch'ylklU . ' 252,350 ; 253,878 Dec. 1,528
Total ...... 830,112 974,164 Dec. 144.052
Total year to
date ...... 16,897,996 14,651,099 Inc. 2,346,930
: if the Baby Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has ben
used for over Fifty Years by Millions of
Motherc for their Children whilo Teething-,
with Perfect Success. It Soothes the
Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain;
Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remely
for Diarrhoea, Sold by Druggists in ev
ery part of the world. Be sure and ask for
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and
take no other kind. Twenty-llvo cents a
bottls. 1 .
slashed regardless of cost. We mention
as space will not permit of more :
Torchon Lace, pure
Our SD.uO Coats Down to $ZM
Our $4.00 Coats Down to $2.09.
Our $3.50 Coats Down to $1.75.
100 Jackets Down to 69c, were $2.09.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
llplllll Powder
Absolutely pure
New York, June 7. A lower range of
prices prevailed at the Stock exchange
early in the day, owing mainly to selling
orders from London and continued liqui
dations In Susquehanna and Western,
Cordage, Reading, Atchison, North Amer
ican and other low priced stocks. The re
duction of the Chicago and Northwestern
dividend on the common stock yesterday
was used against the Grangers and the
general list sympathized to some extent.
Outside of Susquehanna and Western,
however, the losses were by no means
great. The stock named fell 4 per cent,
from the preferred to and 1 for the
common to 6. The decline otherwise was
A to 1, the latter In Jersey Central.
Reading fell 1, Sugar, Northwest, Louis
ville and Nashville, Manhattan, Tennes
see Coal and Iron each about 1 per cent.
Cordage sold at the lowest figures on rec
ord, namely 1 for the common; 3 for the
preferred, and 7 for the guaranteed. The
market experienced a change for the bet
ter with the announcement that a dividend
of 3 per cent, on the common and 1 per
cent, on preferred Sugar stock had been
declared. This started the short Interest
to covering and a rapid rise from 117'4 to
118H ensued. The advance was far more
rapid than the early decline In a number
of instances. Susquehanna and Western
preferred Jumped V-k to 25, common 1
to 8, Lake Shore Ua to 147V4, Lackawanna
VA to 162, New Jersey Central 1 to 9S,
and Tennessee Coal and Iron 1 to 29.
The market closed firm. In the usually
active stocks the recovery was equal to
l is', ner cent. The total sales aggre
gated 250,000 shares.
The range of today's prices ror tne ac
tive stocks of the New York stock mar
ket are given below. The quotations are
furnished The Tribune by G. du IS. Dlm
mlck, manager for William Linn. Allen &
Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street,
Scranton. 0p'n-High-Low-Clos-
lng. est. est. Ing.
Am. Tobacco Co H3V4 114 113V4 113
Am Cot Oil 27 27 27 27
Am' Sugar Re'g Co.118 11814 117V4 H
Atch To. & 8. Fe... 6 6 6 6
Can South..?.. KBt 53 63 63
Ches. & Ohio... 22 22 22J4 22
Chteago Gas 74 74 73 73
CMn &N.Vf WK 8 97't 98
C. C. C. & Bt. hi W
Chic., Mil. et. P... 6t 6t! 65 66
Chic! R. I. & P 68V, 68 68V4 .68
Delaware & Hud 129 129 128V4 129
D L. & W..t 161V4 12 Ml 12
DIBIT C. V! 20 . 20 18 19
Gen. Electric 36 8814 36
Lake Shore 146 14714 146V4 147
Louis. & Nash 57V4 67 57 57
Manhattan Ele 113 113 112 112
Mteh" Central 10 99 Wft JWk
Mo. Pacific :. 27 27 27 27
Nat. Cordage 2 2 1 1
Nat Lead...? 35 35 35 35
N. J. Central.. 98 9S 97 98
U Y. Central.. 101 101 101 101
N. Y. & N. E 43 43 43 43
N Y.. L. E. & W 10 10 10 10
N Y S. & W. '7 8 6 8
N. Y.. S. & VT.i Pr... 25 25 27 25
Nor. Pacific....- 6 5 6 6
Nor. Pacific. Pr 18 18 17 18
Ont. & West... 18 18 17 18
Pacific Mall 28 29 28 2K
Phil. & Read 16 16 16 16.
Southern R. R 13 13 13 18
Tenn., C. & 1 2 29 27 29
Te.x Pacific 12 12 11 11
Union Pactttc 13 13 12 13
Wabash 8 8 8 8
Wabash, Pr 19 19 18 18
West. Union 92 92 91 92
U. S. Leather 21 21 2W4 21
U. S. Leather, Pr.... 93 84 93 93
Open- High- Low- Clos-
' WHEAT. ing. est. est. lng.
July 81 81 79 80
September 82 82 80 81
July 31 31 30 80
Soptembor 30 81 30 30
jiuy1!!!'...., 53 m' m m
September .01 65 63 63
July 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62
September 6.85 6.85 . 6.83 6.S2
July 12.75 12.75 12.5 12.65
September 13.00 13.10 '12.80 12.85
Scranton Hoard of Trade ftxshnngo Oim
' tnilons-AII Quotations llascj on Per
ot 100.
STOCKS. Fid. Ask.
D'mo Dep. & Dis. Hank 125 .....
F'rst National BnnU 600
Green KIiIko Lumber Co 110
Lackawanna Lumber Co i 110
Lacka. Trust & Safe Dep. Co 150
Scrantou'Savlngs Bank , 200 ....i
Scranton Lace Curtain Co CO
Third Na'.iiiJl Honk..... i.)
In Jewelry Department hundreds cf pretty Lace Pins at 5c
Pearl and Go d Plate Cuff Buttons, 25c, were 65c.
Fancy Velvets, 24c, were 75c.
Colored China Silks, 13c, were 35c.
line, 4 inches wide, 5
open Saturday night till 10.
Thuron Coal Land Co 90
Scranton Bedding Co 101
Scranton Axle Works 80
Scranton Glass Co 65
National Boring & Drilling Co 90
Scranton Jar & Stopper Co 25
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Lacka. & Montroso R. R 100
Spring Brook Water Co 90
Elmhurst Boulevard Co 100
Anthracite Lund & Imp. Co 75
Scranton Traction Co 95
Economy Steam Heat & Power .
Co 100
Madison Avenue Improvement .... ' 105
Scranton Glass Co 100
Rushbrook Coal Co., 6 100
Scranton Axle Works, 6 96
Scranton Pass. Railway first
mortgage 6's, due 1920 110
People's St. Railway, llrst
mortgage 6's, due 1918 110
People's St, Railway, second
mortgage 6's, due 1921 110
Tho Silver Mai kot.
New York, June 7. Bar silver in London
d. higher at 30d. per ounce. New York
price for commercial bars cent higher
at 67a67c. ; government assay bars 67a
New York Produce.
New York, June 7. Flour Steady, quiet,
unchanged. Wheat Dull, firmer; No. 2
red store and elevator, 82c. ; alloat, 83a
83c; f. o. b., 83a84c; ungraded red. 74a
84c; No. 1 northern, 85c; options active,
opened' firm, closed steady at ac. over
yesterday; No. 2 red June, 82c; July, 83c;
August, 83c; September, 83c; December,
83c. Corn Dull, easier; No. 2, 66a57c.
elevator; 67a58c. afloat; ungraded
mixed, 62a57c; options dull, steady; July,
67c; September, 68o. Oats Dull; op
tions dull, easier; June, 33c; July, 33c;
September, 33c; No. 2 white June, 35c;
July, 36c; spot prices, No. 2, 33a3lc;
No. 2 white, 36a37c; No. 2 Chicago, 3la
35c; No. 3, 32c; No. 3 white. 30c; mixed
western, 32a35e. ; white state and west
ern, 37a43c Provisions Dull, unchanged.
Lard Dull, steady, unchanged. Butter
Firm; state dairy, Hal7c; do. creamery,
18c; western dairy, 9uJ3c. ; do. creamery,
12al8c; do. factory, 8tl2c; Elglns, 18c;
Imitation creamery, llalfic. Cheese Easy,
steady, unchanged. Kggs Firmer; state
and Pennsylvania, .14al4c; western
fresh, 13ul4c. ; do. per case, $2.50a3.
Tho Grocery Market.
New York, June 7. The local market for
raw sugar Is quiet but), about steady,
though buyers and sellers are apart In
their views as to market Values. Current
prices are 3c. for 96 test eWhtrlfruguls;
2 15-1 (la for 89 test muscovados nd 2 U-lGc.
for 89 test molasses sugar.' t'i ili
The London sugai maiswtla unchanged
except a partial advanua of 11 n beet.
Cane was very quiet, Jav Hoteuat 12s.
and fair refining 10s.; beet, quiets prices
fully maintained.' June quoted at Us. and
July at 103. 8d. '
The market for refined sugar is vory
qulot with prices unchanged, at 4 7-16a4c.
for granuluted.
Toledo Grain Market.
Toledo, O., June 7. Wheat Receipts,
4,377 bushcln; shipments, 15,600 bushels;
market llrm; No, 2 red cash and June,
86c; July, 83c; August, 81c; September,
87c; No. 3 red cash, 84c. Corn Rocelpts,
7,406 bushels; shipments, 16,500 bushels;
market firm; No. 2 mixed, July, 63c;
September, 65c. Oats Markot quiet; No.
2 mixed, July, 30c. ; September, 32c;
No. 2 white, cash, 83c. Clover Seed
Market dull; October, $5.85.
Clilcigo Llvo Stock.
Union Stock Yards, 111., June 7. Cattle
Receipts, 3.6O0 head; market generally firm
and luc. higher; common to extra steers,
$3.60a6; stoskers and feeders, $2.40a4; cows
and bulls, Jl.76n4.26; calves, f2.5Ua!i.75; Tex
ans, S2.20a4.CO. Hogs Receipts, 23,000 head;
market strong; heavy pneking und ship
ping lots, 84.60a4.7O; common to choice
m Ixoil, JI.3Ga4.b5; choice assorted, Jl.Ma
4.50; light, t4.25a4.50; pigs, 3a4.30. Sheep
Rocelpts. 6,000 head; market wonk; inferior
to choice, S2.25a4.15; lambs, t3aS.90.
I'liilndclrl ia Tallow Market.
Philadelphia, June 7. Tallow is quiet
and dull. Wo quote; City, prlino, In hhds,
4r4c; country, prims, in bbls, 4c; do.
dark, in bbls, 4a4c; cakes, 4o.; grease.
3a3c. .
.. i Hcllcf in Six Hours. ,
Distressing Kidney and Eladder dis
eases relieved In six ho'-r.i by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cut."
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness In
relieving putn In tho bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
su gel, in male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain in passing It
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
by C. M. Harris. Di-u.tflst, 12i Psna v.
sun, tferaoten, l'a. ,
Eugene. Siegel, of Dunmore, Is the
guest of his cousin. Warren, Rhodes,
i A. I Turner, of Binghamton, was a
visitor here last Thursday.
Mrs. Barn Whalen, who has had a
stroke of paralysis, Is very low.
The funeral of the late Charles A.
Hunter took place from his late resi
dence last Tuesday 'and was largely
attended. The Rev. F. H. Parson, of
the Methodist Episcopal church,
preached the funeral sermon. Inter
ment at Dal ton.
There will be no services'at the Meth
odist Episcopal church here next Sun
day, the Rev. P. H. Parson holding
quarterly meeting at the Methodist
Episcopal church at Clark's Summit.
In the afternoon the rite of baptism by
Immersion will be celebrated at Gravel
Scott Palmer, of Olenburn, Is supply
ing the residents of this borough with
Ice every day, which is a great accom
modation. Orders can be left at Mar
tin Bold's barber shop.
D. L. Doty, who has been critically
111 of appendicitis, was successfully op
erated upon Monday of this week by
Dr. H. D, Gardner, of Scranton, and
Dr. N. C. Maekey, of this place, and
Dr. C. D. Mackey, of Dal ton. Mr. Doty
since the operation Is improving and
will recover.
James Armstrong, who is laid up
with a stroke of paralysis, Is not re
covering very rapidly.
Miss Alice Edwards has returned to
her home, at Hyde Park, after a pleas
ant visit with her 'cousin, Miss Jennie
George White, of Tunkhannock, was
a visitor here Thursday.
John Wall, of Scranton, was a caller
her last Thursday.
George Clifford has been doing jury
duty this week."
Tho annunl election of ofTlcprs of the
Waverly school board took place last
Tuesday wlilh the following result: Dr.
N. C. Mackey, president; John Hall,
secretary, and Lester Stone, treasurer.
At a recent meeting of the Waverly
Reading circle, at the home of the
Misses Winchel, the following offlcers
were elected: Instructor, Professor F.
C.Hanyen; secretary, Miss May Browe;
trensurer, Miss Fanny Shermann.
Will our council not profit by that
terrible fire at Daltom a nd devise some
means to prevent a like occurrence
here? True, we have no water facili
ties here, but there are chemical en
gines, and Waverly ought to be sup
plied. Mlsrs Cora Relph Is visiting friends In
M. W. Bliss, sr;, who returned from
his trip to Florida quite ill, Is conva
lescing. .;. .
' .
Pilos! Piles! Itching Piles.
Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tumors
form, which often bleed and ulcerato, be
coming very sore. Swajiye's Ointment
stops the Itching and bleeding, heals ul
ceration, and In most cases removes the
tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 60
cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia.
Mr. and .Mrs. Edwin H. Ritter attend
ed the wooden wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Clarkson at Archbald last Wed
nesday night.
Thomas Coates has received the ap
pointment of Inside foreman for the
Crescent Coal company, at Yatesville.
Our public schools closed yesterday
with appropriate exercises.
Children's Day will be observed In
the Presbyterian church tomorrow
morning and evening.
Mr. Barber, who has been visiting hl9
son, Edgar, for a few days, returned
home last Thursday.
Tired, Weak, Nervous
Hood's ' Sarsaparilla Restores
Strength and Bodily Vigor.
Tho cause of that tired, weak, nervous
condition In which so many peoplo find
themselves, is the failure of the blood to
properly nourish
the nerves and tis
sues. Feed the
nerves upon pure
blood, and they
will be Btcady and
strong. Read this:
" It is with pleas
ure that I recom
mend Hood's Sar
saparilla as an ex
cellent nerve tonio
and blood purifier.
I hare taken it
more than once
llrs, C. H. Vanable
Kelthsburg, LI.
and am taking it now. I was tired, my
body ached, and I felt very badly all over.
I was afraid I would be sick. I thought I
would take Hood's Sanaparllla, and
It Has Cured Me,
and I find that it is cheaper than the doc
tor's bills. Hood's Pills are the best I
have ever taken and I use no other. I am
glad to have an opportunity to recom
mend Hood's Sanaparilla." Mrs. C. H.
Vbnablk, Keithsbarg, 111.
Hood's s"- '
Be suretogetUI-e
Hood's. VSfiQrfefe
Hood' Sarsaparilla is sold by all drutj
rlnts. $1; six tor fa. Proposed oulyiby
P. I. ffyod & Co., Lowoll, Mam.: ' ' '
Hfrfvrl'c Dillc euro oil llvor ifta, blllou
IWUU S f I US ness, headache. 25o.
Has cleaned out one manufacturer; all o! his Percale Shirts, in
different styles, very attractive in patterns; will make
You can find in the lot Shirts that are retailed at $1.00 else
where. We shall give you a chaiue on them; now is your chance
to buy them, when you need Shirts to change so often. REMEM
BER TIIE PRICE, 35 CENTS. Another opportunity-Our 25
cent Shirt and Drawers, in U.ilbi-iggan and Ribbed, are the lead
era in this city and any other. Only a fsw cases left; better be
on time before they are closed..
Her Weaknesses and All Diseases Peculiar
. to llor Sex-If You Want to Find Per
manent Relief Consult Dr. F. B. Smith
. , and Staff, at 312 Wyoming Aveuuo,
tho ' Most Poworful Magnolia Physi
cian Living.
There is no organ in the female body
that has received the name amount of
medical attention as the womb and its
appendages, and there is no organ in
the body that has been so tortured
and abused, When a lady consults the
average physician she Is told her dif
ficulties arise from womb troubles, that
there is a displacement, on inflamma
tion, an enlargement, or an ulceration
that is at the bottom of all her bad
feelings, and he beginB to operate as
follows: If there are any lacerations
they must be operated on, or If the
neck Is a little out of line there must
be an Incision made In it. After the
organ Is In its proper position a pessary
must be Inserted to hold It in its proper
position. This Instrument of torture
Is worn until the poor victim can en
dure it no longer, and she goes through
a course of cauterization until her
health is nearly ruined. The cauterl
zatlon is usually followed by cotton
tampons, which are removed as often
as once In twenty-four hours In order
that two or three gallons of hot water
may be used to allay congestion and
Inflammation, and a patient will go
through this abominable sort of treat
ment until she becomes a confirmed
invalid, as cauterization of the womb
causes induration with enlargement of
the womb, while the excessive use of
hot water will cause a thickening of
the mucous membrane that comes in
contact with It. It is all right to use
hot water but too much Is worse than
none at all. If the average doctor
would stop the abominable act of cau
terization, and give nature a chance,
there would not be one sick woman
where there are ten today. Ladles, if
you are e-lck stop this kind of torture
and If you or any of your friends are
suffering from any form of tumor,
superfluous hair or birth marks, go to
Dr. Smith and Staff, at 312 Wyoming
avenue, and be cured without the knife,
pain or detention from business.
Consult Dr. F. B. Smith at 312 Wyo
ming avenue. Olflce hours, 9 a. m. to
0 p. m. daily. Consultations free.
230 Lackawanna Ave,, Scranton.
ED Mil
We need money. Let's
exchange, and teu to one
you'll come out ahead.
We lead in honest goods
at lowest prices.
Is our price for blue
and black,' also light
colored Men's Chev
iot Suits. Same are
sold elsewhere for $9
Buys an a'l-wool
Black Clay Diagon
al Dress Suit. Oth
ers ask $12 for same
Is our leader in
Jersey Suits.
For a cool Child's
Wash Suit.
For a Child's Suit,
consisting of Waist
and Pants.
For two pairs
Knee Pants.
230 Lackawanna Aye.
ALL 35c. EACH.
tmi, OLD ST.yil
SIS, . 115,
WMl Ml It.
Nottingham, Tambour, Irish Point;
and Brussels Curtains, in one, two
and three pair lots; patterns that
cannot be duplicated.
Also short lengths of light
and heavy drapery silks, suitable
for furniture coverings and por
teries, at one half their value.
ICEffig SIEiEOffilfjl H 00a
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
! You'd Mot Thilitl
If you did not see it those premiums are doing the work
but our ECONOMY prices are a greater motive power. We
are speaking of our immense June trade. All departments
are busy shipping clerks, porters and drivers working like
bees; that's the only time we are satisfied wheu there is
work for all to continue "working." We offer in conjunc
tion with our June inducements of
100-piece Dinner Set Free with $100.00 Purchases
Htome Clock and Ornament Free with 75.00
Plush Polished Rocker Free with 50.00
Fancy Reed Rocker Free with 30.00
Tea or Center Table Free with ' - 20.00
An ECONOMY Rag Free with - 10.00
"GRIN CAUSERS," that's what our $12.00 Side
boards are.
'COMPETITION KNOCKERS" is what we call
our Solid Oak Extension Table," heavy fancy base, 42-inch
square top,
S$5.75.m "V
Introducers of .ESS&S? to pay
V ; 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVptE. ; Jtl : .;
Sale . .".