TIIE SCRANTON . TRIBUNE TUESDAY.. MORNING, JUNE 4, 1895. Off Neighbors DoWd the Ualley. A Startling Admission. & Wallace onn G oily WILKES-BHRRE. rrho Trlhimn linn nnenrd r. branrh of- ' flee ut No. 2U, Lnnlrg hn Iding. Public Bqunre, Wlikcs-Harro, for the Irunsnctlnn of business. Tho publlpliei-a propoao to extend -the 1'lrculntlon or 'the Triuunn m Wilkes-Hnrro oml surrounding towns, and to that end will present a very com plete department of Luzerne eounly ncwii, I'or Hiii'i'i-MH In ihla unilartaklnc depend- AnpA Ih tilni-eil snli-lv minn the nlincrlortty ol Tho Tribune us a purveyor of all tho news of the dny-dorticstlc. foreign, local, commercial nnd financial. Tho general in terests of tho people of Wllkes-Parre nnn tho Wyoming valley will have In The Trib une nn earnest advocate, eilltorlally and otherwise. It is tho purposo of the pub lishers to Issue a newspaper as valunblo to the general public as the' metropolitan da'tles, and ' deliver It to tho people throughout nortliinJtern Pennsylvania from three to live hours enrller than tho .Philadelphia and Now York papers cun -oncn wietu.j BOOMING JUROE RICE. Action Taken by tho I.uzcrno 15nr Asso cintlon to I'rgo Ills Appointment to tho Appcllnto lloneh. The high respect nnd esteem which the members of the Luzerne Cuunty U;ir association feel for Hon. Charles E Rice, president Judse of tho Luzerne county courts, was never better shown than yesterday norm, when the asso ciation held Its meetino; to urge tho claims of Judge Rice for appointment on the apellate court bench. Alex ander Farnham -was chosen ns chair man of the meeting;, and Joso-pli 1, Coons secretary. Mi. Farnham In as suming the duties of chairman, pnld hljrh tribute to the learning and qualld cations of Judge Rice, and said that his record as Judge of the lower court am ply qualified and recommended him for the appellate Judgeship. Hon. II. W. Palmer recommended that a committee be appointed to fur ther the object for which the liar nss elation was assembled. There has been In this county a feeling that it was not proper to ask for tho appointment of Judge Riee to an office which did not exist, but thera are now about forty applicants for tho position. W'hilo Judge Kice has not yet been formally presented as a candidate for the posi tion, It is understood at ilarrlsburg that his name will be presented. Mr. Palmer further recommended that a committee of twenty members of the bar be appointed and that they have power to appoint Bub-commlttees among- themselves, to use every honor able means to further Judge Rice for the position. Mr. Palmer then presented the follow lng address to Governor Hastings: To the Honorable Daniel H. Hastings, Governor of Pennsylvania: The members of the bar of Luzerne county respectfullv comnS'nd the Hon orable Charles K. Rice for appointment us one of the judges of the appellate court and herein set forth the reasons that seem to them sufficient to Justify their action. Judge Rice has served as president Ju-lge of Luzerne county continuously since Jan. 1. ISSfl, nnd the record of his conduct anil judgment affords the best and most con clusive evidence of his fitness for a higher place. He has shown himself to be a wise nnd upright Judge, filling tho scriptural standard, "quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath." lie has known no creed, party, rank, station, Influence or prejudice, but has Judged the people right eously without fear or favdr. He Is in the prime of vigorous manhood, has great capacity and disposition to work. Is pos sessed of a Judicial temper that enables him to hear and consider before deciding, nnd of rare ability to justify his Judg ments In opinions rcmnrUi'.ble for clear ness and strength. Of Judge P.lcj there Is but one opinion where ho is known. Other judges, lawyers and h s fellow citi zens regard him a a conspicuously able. Impartial and upright Judge. He is a Re publican, twice elected In a Democratic county, but no one has ever had reason to know from any Judiclr.l action to what pariy he belongs. We suggest that the great anthracite counties in which a pecu liar business is carried on that furnishes much and Important litigation not under ptandible by judges unlearned in Its tech nicalities, but In which Judge Rice has had largo experience, ought to have represen tation on the bench of the new court and that he Is pecuhtrlly fitted for the place. The appellate court will, as we believe, bo useful to the state just to tho extent that it commands the respect and confidence of the bar and people, therefore no con sideration .save that of fitness for the place should properly be entertained In select ing the first Judges, Upon this basis wo present with confidence the name of tho Honorable Charles K. Rice, believing that he Is without a superior among the common pleas Judges of the state and thnt his appointment will meet the approval of the bench and bar, and people and aid dignity, learning and strength to the ap pellate court. The foregoing address was adopted and the following committee was appointed by the chairman: F. W. Whenton. E. S. Os borne, K. H. Chase, I. P. Hand. J. T. Lenn han, E. O. Itutler, A. R. Hrundage, O. W. Shonk. C. W. Kline, O. L. Halsey, J. M. Carman, CI. K. Powell. George fl. Ferris, 8. J. Strauss, W. C. Price. 8. R. Miner, George IT. Troutman, O. W. McAlarney, John McGahren, Hon. E. P. Kisner. Immediately at the close of the bar meeting the committee went Into ses sion, choosing F. W. Wheaton chair man and E. H. Chase secretary. They decided to allow the chairman of the committee to select sub-committees of two each to solicit recommendations of Judge Rice's ability and fitness for the position from the bar associations of the different counties of the state. The secretary will also have a petition prepared asking for Judge Rice's ap pointment, and signed by citizens as well as members of the bar. Mr. Chase will act as press committee and attend to ithe thorough circulation of the peti tions. The meeting then adjourned, but will meet In the Bar association office at 7.30 o'clock this evening, to re ceive notice of assignments, which will be made by Mr. Wheaton. Mr. Rocs for Kccordcr. Mr. Herbert Y. Reese, of the Record, has determined to be a candidate before the Republican county convention this year, for the nomination on that ticket fur 'recorder of deeds. Mr. Reese has 'always been a , firm Republican and would doubtless get the -solid support of his Welsh friends In the convention. "3 here Is no man better known In Lu zerne counity, among his own national ity, than is Mr. Reese, and he -would bn a strong candidate If he should be mrnlnated. A t any ra te, he has a good advantage In being first In the' field frr this pleasant and lucrative office, and If he really desires to run he should net fall to promptly follow up the ad vantage thus gained. ' Flooding tho Mine, On Sunday last It was decided that the only way to quench the fire that Is consuming the Interior of the Port Jjowkley mines would be -to flood the mine, and on that day work was begun laying he pipes and making ready for tliet flooding. Two large pumps have toen located at the river, half a mile ftway, and watef. will 4e pumped Into he mines directly from tne river. It Is estimated that It will take at least a week of continuous work before the fiames will be subdued. There have been a larger, number of brattices put In the mine since the fire first, broke out In order to prevent the flames from spreading to the other parts of tho mine. The fire is likely to provo the most serious and dlfllctilt one to handle since the famous South Wllkes-Uarre blaze. STATE DELEGATES. Thoso Who Will Represent I.uzcrno in tho Prohibition Mute Convention. A number of Luzerne Prohibitionists met at the odlce of Kmmett D. Nichols In the Lanlng building yesterday after noon for the purpose of selecting dele gates to the Prohibition stats conven tion, to be held In tho city of Pittsburg tomorrow and Thursdny. The Prohibi tion brethren are always hnrmonloua and when It comes to selecting dele gates to a state convention It Is only a question as to who Is willing to go. At the meeting yesterday the following were chosen: ' William H. P.ertels, Henry S. Watts, John II. Dando, J. H. Evans. Fred. Vinnncomb and R. I. Nichols, Wilkes- Harre; Charles H. Cool, IS. S. Kmory, Dr. T. M. Johnson, W. H. Jackson and Mrs. A. M. Holvey. West I'lttston; Rev. W. H. Hiller, Parsons; J. F.. Mareey and John Schaffer, Ashley; tleorge A. Filter, Plymouth: Rev. T. M. Furey, Wanamle, and George A. IVhle, Sugar Notch. If the other counties of the state Fend proportionately strong delegations, the Prohibition state convention will bo a very large gathering, as well as a very able one. Neither of the old political parties will be represented In Its state convention by a dclegatlonhalf as strong In any respect as the above. The Pro hibition's of Luzerne certainly send their best and ablest inea to the state convention. Oiiny County Once More, Today for the last time the eyes of anxious Wllkes-liaiTlans will bo turned toward Hnrrlshtirg and await with such patience ns they can command the actum, of tho legislature In the Quay county bill. If the bill Is not cabled up today it will be heard of no more nt the present session of the legis lature. Recently reports have reached here that Senator Quay, during his late visit to Harrlsburg, gave his faithful followers In the legislature to under stand that he desired the new county bill passed. If the senator has really done this few doubt that the bill will go through with a rush. Recent events have very clearly demonstrated that Senator Quay need only say what ho wants and It Is done. The new county bill has been post poned so frequently that the oppon ents of the measure here had little ap prehension that it would pass, and not until the latest rumors about Quay's orders to pass it was Interest revived. Today will settle the matter some way. Nnntlcoko's Can Jidntes. Xar.ticoke Is going to turn out an un usually large batch of aspirants for places on the Republican county ticket this year. There are not les than three for the office of Sheriff alone, and It is not certain that all the wards of the town have been heard from. The announced candidates are C. E. Jones, J. D. PcRrick and 'Squire Samuel Powell. All three of these gentlemen have done efficient party service In the past and have probably over and over again earned recognition. It Is unfor tunate that they should all seek tho same office. Wreck on tho Valley. Testerday a slight wreck occurred on the Lehigh Valley road at Highland Junction, by which traffic wns de layed several hours. Engine No. 110 was pulling a gravel train down the siding and by a mistake ran upon the main track, crashing Into engine No. 357, which was pulling a passenger train. Roth engines were derailed and Engineer Van Wormor, of the passen ger train, was slightly hurt. Medical Society Meeting. A regular meeting of the Luzerne County Medical society will be held to morrow evening at the society's rooms in the Hollenback building. The sub- iect for discussion will h "Tho Pres ent Status of Serum Theraphy," and the leaders will be Doctors Taylor, Murphy, Faulds and Knapp. If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has bein used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething. with Perfect Success. It Soothes tho Child, Softens tho Gums, Allays ail Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in ev ery part of the world. He sure and ask for 'Mrs. Wlnslow s Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. BRIEF NOTES. The mayor disposed of five cases of a trivial character yesterday. Snme were discharged and some paid small fines. Tho West End wheelmen are prepar ing for a big time here on June 2!i and 2fi. Some of the most famous racer In the country will be present, and speed In tho varlouR races. Warner, last year's local pitcher. who was signed and then released by Boston, has gone to Rochester. The New York state team gets a good man In this young catcher. Isaac Stlne, a veteran of the civil war, dl?d at the home of his daughter, on Oregon fitrcot, on Sunday night ami will be burled with military honors this afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Minnie Trethaway, of the Hancock street grammer 1J grade, was overcome by the heat In, the school room yes terday and medical aid had to be called before she was revived. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Merrick, of Han cock street, have leon doubly bereaved. Last week they burled their 10-year-old son and yesterday followed to tho grave their little 3-year-old daughter. MAP WHITE I1M WIAJ ifta Salirror.,Bortrm,TJ.S.. fSa 3 -VI. rtM 9 I'A.'f fl t 1 1 ' IIP Iff ,.4 .M A. Lape, of Nantlcoke, Is going to raise his own pheaaitts."thl3 year. Ho found a pheasant nest containing seven eggs, took them homo and placed them under a Betting hen. Tho other day seven little pheasanta made their ap pearance. A lot of contractors and sub-contractors have published a card setting forth that they have received fair treatment at the hands of .the county commls Hk nerH In the matter of bids for eon traits on the new court house. There appears to bo Just one Wilkcs-llurro contractor among the number of thank ful ones, nnd he has a bid on Hie. The News-Dealer says that It will not champion any' man for the post- ofllce, because Its recommendation would do more harm than good with tho present administration. Hut the editor will have his little pay just the same ns to the merits and defects of the candidates who present themselves for tho honor. It Is quite likely that this "lit tin say" will be extremely Interest ing reading for some of them. PERSONAL. Cioorge K. Davis spent last Sunday nt North Mountain. Hurr Miller, of New York, son of Warner Miller, Is the guest of John A. Turner In this city. Miss Tiessle Dodge has returned from school In Raltimore, to spend tile sum mer with her parents In this city. S. O. Chase spent last Sunday at North Mountain with AY'. K. Rlcketts. Mr. Chase returned yesterday to this city. N.i It. Rutter Is In Philadelphia for a few weeks on business. His partner, A. Weeks, jr.,- returned yesterday from the Quaker City. State Senator Kline la reported so 111 that his friends have despaired of his recovery. He has been removed to his home at Hazloton. Mr. Hinsdale, of tho News-Dealer, has been called to New York as a witness In a Herald libel suit that In which W. L. Paine Is Interested as plaintiff. E. T. Cilcring, P. S. Rldsdale nnd P. J. Ramsey .represented the Wllkes Harro impers on the recent excursion of the Lehigh Valley Writer's club to Niagara Falls. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Pullard have re turned from a trip to Old Point Com fort and Washington, D. C. At the lat ter place they attended tho commence ment exercises of the Norwood school for girls, from which their daughter, Miss Emily Rullard, was graduated this year. Half Rnto Excursions on the Nickel Plato Road, to Western points on May 21 and Juno 11, 1SK. Gen eral oflice, 23 Kxehungo street, UufTalo, N. Y. PLYMOUTH. All members of Cathollc'Mutual Ren- efit association are requested to meet at their hall tomorrow evening, ns busi ness of Importance will be transacted. The Plymouth Light, Heat and Water company will erect a reservoir at Larksvllle to connect with the main line on the Bllndtown road. The borough auditors, philips Wal ters, Joseph Pauksztes and Evan L. Jones, finished auditing ' the borough accounts yesterday. Yesterday morning 'Che Traction com pany distributed new bricks along Main street, and are tearing the old ones out, as they were ordered to do by our town fathers. John Flaherty, who Is employed on masonry work at No. 3 mines of the Delaware and Hudson Coal company, was the victim of a serious accident yesterday morning. Owing to the heavy rains on Sunday It loosened the arches which ho has made, and while he was finishing other work below them yes terday a cave-in was the result. Percy Lockard la seriously 111 of typhoid fever. Charles Shupp Is confined to the house with a severe attack of the grip. Messrs. James Moore and F. F. Mc- Cann are visiting friends at tho Elec tric City. Mrs. Hastalm, of Aspen, Col., Is tho guest of Mrs. John Qollghtly and fam ily. Miss Louise Easen, of Bloomsburg Normal school, who has been visiting her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Easen, for the past week, returned to her studies yesterday. John P. Williams, of Englewood, N. J., Is the guest of his sister. Miss Sadie, of Gardner street. Mr. Williams was for many years a resident of this town. John Lees, who was overcome by the hent last week. Is Blowly recover ing. The Plymouth Silver band will give the first of a series of open nlr con certs from Renshnw's balcony on Fri day evening next. This band Is fast pushing to the front nnd will be In a very short time second to none In tho state. The funeral of tho I-year-old child of Mr. nnd Mrs. James RanbYlcks, who died Sunday, will take place this after noon nt 2 o'clock. Interment will be made In Welsh Hill cemetery. Miss Jennie Ilowden has returned from a week's stny with friends at Rrothorly Love city. Tomorrow afternoon the Welsh Hill P.ast Hall club will cross bats with Wyoming seminary club at Kingston, the receipts to be given to "Skye" Hummel. Plymouth should be well represented there. The following young people will be married In the near future and were an nounced for the first time In, St. Vin cent's church, Sunday: Michael Mar- ley, of WIIkes-Rarre, and Miss Ella Mc Kunc, of Avondnle; Richard Han ley, of Wllkes-Harre and Jvlollnda, McKune, of Avondale; John Hoyle, of I'lttston, and Miss Ella Murray, of Elm street. Charles Goodwin, of Roanoke, Va., Is visiting friends In towm. Mr. Oood wln wns a Vesldent of this town a number of years. Miss Allle Williams, of Sugar Loaf. Pa., Is being entertained by friends in tovtn. Piles I Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture; intonso Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowod to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be coming very sore. Hwanyos Ointment Mops the Itahlng and bleeding, heals ul ceration, and In most cases removes, the tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for 60 cents. Dr. Bwayne & Son, Philadelphia. When Baby was rick, w gate her Cantoris. When ahe wa a Child, sho cried for Castorls. ' When she became Mlaa, she clung to Coatorhk When ahe had Children, ahe gars ihem Cutorl PITTSTON. On Thursday evening, May 30, Rev. P. J. Katn was formally Installed as pastor of tho Fourth Reformed church, Philadelphia. .An extensive programme was arranged for the occasion, 100 degrees, but our balbrlggan un derwear Is cool at 00 cents a garment, J. H. Rlcketts. Antitoxin has proved to bo very ef fectual In the tests given In this city by Dr. C. J. liarrett. In an Interview Dr. Barrett stated to Tho Tribune re porter that In every case of dlptherla In which antit?ixln was usedr tho pa tient was convalescent. J. M. Tyson Is at Columbia Cross- ronds, Bradford county, attending the funeral of a friend. The latest- plyle straw hats, from 25 cents to $2, at Rlckett's, tho hatter. tleorge ll. Hrooks, of Scranton, was tho guest of Attorney H. C. Smyithe at his hornV, on Delaware avenue, yes terday. Young Men's Christian association members' monthly reception at asso ciation parlors on Tuesday, Juno 11. Wall paper from 8 cents up. Paper hungers nnd painters at W. F. Moyer & Hro., OS North Main street. r.Ilis Nettie Coleman, of llroad Btreet, la visiting friends at Wyoming. For fiocond-hand household goods, call on AVrlght & Co., 97 South Main street. Cloods exchanged, bought or sold. W. H. Recliendort has resigned his position ns ticket agent at Delaware and Hudson station and accepted a po sition as manager of the Postal Tele graph company, cut Tyjikhannnck. Sweaters for wheelmen from 25 cents to SI each, nt J. It. Rlcketts'. Michael Maloney returned house Sat urday fiom University of Pennsylva nia for the summer vacation. Attorney W. H. Gillespie was a vis itor at Plymouth yesterday on legal business. E. It. Shepherd, thp pioneer wheel man of PIttston, has opened a shop In tho rear of Armory hall, where he is prepared to do all kinds of bicycle, gun, clock and light machinery repairing. Your patronage solicited. S'1. Hlrsch, of Wllkes-Rarre, was a caller In town last evening. Louis Schmidt, of the llrm of Beers S-. Schmidt, Danville, was the guest of C. C. Rowman, yesterday. f-'ummer tits that wash, two for 25 cents, nt Rlcketts' hat store. Memorial Day. Decoration Day Is over i And wo leave our soldier dead, Sleeping quiet, with the sunshlno, And the green sod overhead. Soon tho blossoms, sweet and frngrnnt, On their "graves will wilt and die," Vhlle tho birds, bright, warbling sonj stcrs Sing their matins to the sky. While In poem, song and story, Wo their valiant deeds relate. And abroad resound tho glory, Of this Union state to state. On our hearts, a band of brothers. Sons of freedom, stanch and true Ever bear our country's colors, Shlning"red, puro white, true blue. Mrs. Charlotte Vermllye Cruscr. West PIttston, Juno 3, 1895. TUN KHAN NOCK. A Centermoreland fisherman cap tured a trout weighing two pounds and nine ounces. Davis Sebrlng visited his sister, Mrs. Smith, nt Scranton, over Sunday, who Is very til and not expected to live. The floating thunder showers fun day afternoon developed a wild gale at Lake Winola, which caused the In habitants some alarm while It lasted. Trees were blown down,, and loose ar ticles of every description were scat tered about, but no material damage done. The rain fell in torrents for A few moments. Up, to datethe thermometer. It Is said that 1,000 acres of timber land on Dutch mountain will be chopped and peeled this season. Mrs. Will Jennings, of Lopez, was a guest of Mrs. J. W. Denlson yesterday. The gradua tes of the high school are sending out their invitations to com mencement exercises, which are to take place Friday evening, June 14. There are seventeen graduates and they will Issue 900 Invitations. The second ruiarterly convention of the Patrons of Industry of Wyoming county will be held In the grange hall at Kclserville, June 22, at 10 a. m. Each association Is entitled to one delegate for every fifteen members of fraction therpof. George MeKown will go to Wnync boro, I'n., shortly to engage in the gro cery business with his brother, Cecil. Tho ladles of the Women's Christian Temperance union are completing ar rangements for the addresses of Volney B. Cushlng, the Maine temperance ra tor, In this counity. Ills first address will be at the Presbyterian church In this place Sunday evening, June 10. John Madden, whose leg was badly Injured while working on tho railroad three or four ybars ngn, went to the Robert Packer hospital at Sayre yes terday to consult a surgeon. His, wound is troubling him grently of late" and It Is .probable that ami operation will have to be performed. The Tunkhannock Cemetery associa tion hold Its annual meeting at tho office of B. W. Lewis yerterday after noon. Tho following otneers for the en.-ulng year were elected: President, O. Mlirs; secretary, H. W. Lewis; treas urer, W. C. Klttrldge; directors, D. W. Stark, James W. Piatt. L. T. Burns, S. J. Stark, W. E. Kelfer. The auditing committee reported $36S in the treas ury nnd about J20" ltv outstanding ac counts to their credit besides. Miss Martha Pnfo, dressmaker at Marsh & Hell's, will Blng In tho Wllkes Iiarro oratorio next week. She has a fine contralto voice of much more than ordinary power and volume. Miss Lizzie Woodruff, of Wyoming, Is visiting at Allen TIckner'B. Attorney F. F. Drake, the Record scribe, was presented with a four-pound youngster by his wife yesterday morn- No matter what tho disease is or how mnnv dnnlora Iimv toi,rt ... mim n.l. your druggist for a 25-cont vial of one ol JIunyon'a Curos. and If you ore net bne flted your money will be refunded. Jhia Company puts up A cure for every disease In New York City, for five con secutive years, the proportion of Deaths from Consumption has been three in every Twenty Persons. Rpidetnlcs of Cholera, Yellow Fever and other diseases of similar character, so ter rible in their results, occasion wide spread alarm and receive the most careful consid eration for their prevention and cure, while consumption receives scarcely a thought, yet the number of their victims ninks Into InsigniGcaiice when compared with those of consumption. Comparatively few people know what to do for their loved ones when they sec them gradually lose strength, lose color, manifest feeble vitality and emacia tion, or develop a cough, with difficult breathing, or hemorrhage. Cod liver oil was for a long tunc given in all such cases, but the poor aucccas attending its use coupled with its nauseating taste lias led many practitioners, as well ns the public nt large, to place their main reliance in Dr. Pierce's Golden McdicuWDiscovcry. It de- serves earlv attention and will prove effect tial not in every case but in a large percentage of cases, and wc believe that fully qS pet cent, of all cases of consumption can. if taken in the early stages of the disease, lie cured with the "Discovery." Dr. Pierce docs not nsk people to believe until they have in vestigated for themselves. A pamphlet haa been published having the names, addresses and photographs of n large number of those cured of consumption, bronchitis, lingering coughs, asthma, chronic nnsnl catarrh and kindred maladies which will be mailed free to those sending for it with their name and address unnn a postal card, or you can have a medical treatise, in hook form of 160 pages, mailed to you, on receipt of address and six cents m stamps. You can then write those cured and learn their experi ences. Address for nook, World's Dispensary Mkdical Association, buffalo, N. V. lng. Ho Is a victim of poultry Jokes of all sorts now. F. C. Burgess Is visiting his father at Forkston. Mrs. Edward Hush and son, Claude, of Chicago, are visiting friends In this section. The funeral of Ellas Hahn, one of the oldest residents along Tunkhannock creek, will take place at the Raton Bap tist church at 10.30 today. Rev. W. M. Hiller wilt officiate. Ho was In his seventy-eighth year. Judge Dunham and Frank H. Ing ham, of Sullivan county, were here yes terday consulting with the local attor neys concerning the judicial contest . A warrant Is out for the arrest of Samuel Hunslnger, et -forkston town ship, who Is wanted for assault and battery and threatening the life of his wife. According to her statements he pursued her with a knife and expressed a desire to drink her heart's blood The commonwealth U of the opinion that that sort of beverage Is too stimu lating for hot weather and desire to ad monish him about Indulging in It. Conductor T. G. Walter has pur chased the Piatt lot adjoining his farm along Swall Brook, which makes a fine addition to his property. He will erect his pumping engine along the brook, which will enable him to water his gar dening fields all over the farm. Jasper Hall, a Lemon township farm er, was up before Esquire Kutz last evening, charged with tearing down fences and chopping timber on his neighbor's land. After hearing the evi dence, the matter was hold under con sideration until this morning. Harmon Billings was the complainant. TAYLOR. Miss Ida Fperber Is visiting friends In New Jersey. Homer Warner called on friends In town last evening. Miss Mary Van Buskirk called on Mooslc friends Sunday. Dr. J. S. Porteus, C. H. Van Hora and Ira Atherton were at Ransom yes terday. Tho borough schools were closed for this term yesterday and will not open until next September. Nearly all of the teachers gave a picnic to their re spective scholars and the day was pleasantly spent In the nearby woods. Tonight the borough school board has arranged for an entertainment to be held In Weber's rink. County Superin tendent Taylor and City Superintend ent Phillips, of Scranton; Professor Foley and members of the school board will make addresses. An excellent en tertainment will lie furnished by the scholars of the different schools. The affair will be free. The storm of Sunday was quite se vere In this place, and many trees were blown down. A valuable cow of R. J. Morgan, while pasturing, was struck with lightning and instantly killed. The funeral of the late -Mrs. Howells, wife of Kev. Howells, who was stricken with an epleptlc fit on Saturday last, and suddenly expired, will be held from her late home, nt the corner of Grove nnd Storrs streets, this afternoon. Tho chlldrens entertainment that was to have been given tonight In Cal vary Reformed chapel has been post poned until next week. Relief In Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and niadder dis eases relieved In six ho'jra by the "Now Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages. In male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris. Druggist, 125 Penn ave nue, Scranton, Pa. Aganta Wanted. AGKNTH HINDK'B PATENT UNIVEH anl Hair Cnrlnra and Wavers fnaed with out heat), and 'Tyr Polntod"Hilr Vina. Lib ral coniniisainna. Free anmple and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box ihO. Mew York. "aNTKD "ACTIVE-SALK8ME5TO handle our Una, no peddling. Halar. f 76 per month and expnnana paid to all. Unoda entlarly new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, &UU3, llnatRn, Uaae. Boarding. WAMTED-ONP. OK TWO BOARDERS, c no Quarter hlnck from Hnndoraou ave nno ear, Green Rldsa. Plunaant room. Ad dress M. D. Farnliain. (CI Hreaker streat. city. ChaKef Application. IN THE COURT OP COMMON Pl.BAB OP Lackawanna county, No. 7111, May tertn,18tl5. Notlot la hereby given that an application will bo made to the said court or a law Judge tboreof on tlie lotto of June, A. D. 1883, at nino o'clock a. m., unilor tho Corporation Act of 1074, and the supplements thrreto, by An tonly Cnatanzo, Nloolo Ptlaso, Joseph Olem ento, SabbataCilwto and Mariaalauo Glntill core, fur a charter of an Intended corporation to be called "The Old Porgo Itallan-Amnrlean Cltison's Club," the character and object of which ia tho maintenance ot a club for social enjoymenta, and for tela porposa to hare, poaaeaa and nnjoy all the rigata, banenta and nrlvlleM of said Aot of Assembly and Its nW rS&RDk WARBBN A KNAPP, ' . - BOUSHOTS, LADIES TVT J O.. afl. - ? - iviauc ui merges, ueviots, oven ioins, neatner Mixtures ana several otner weaves in Navy Blue, Black, Tans and Mixed Colors. A large purchase from New York Manufacturers, who closed out their entire line to us at a great reduction. ' $10.00 SUITS AT $7.50,, $11.00 SUITS AT $9.00, $12.50 SUITS AT $10.00, $16.00 SUITS AT $12.50, $18.00 SUITS AT $14.00, $20.00 SUITS AT $16.00. CONNOLLY & ONE CENT A WORD. WANTS OF ATJ. KINDH COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD V A vet- will,- vi a rtrii us ipfimrwr S MADF1, NO CHAKOR WILD BE LESS THAN IS CENTS. THIS BULB AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADH. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. B AKER WANTED THIRD HAND Hchouor a bakery. "IXrANTED - STENOGRAPHER AND T T bookkeeper; on. that underHtanda both branches: atnto anlary and experience. Ad- ureaa 1. u. uox urn, ncranton, Pa. WANTED ENEHUETIO MEN OF GOOD apiieurnuenj permanent Doaitiou. Ap ply m o p. in., iioomo. uj wyominv avenue HIIOTO TICKET AGENTS AND PICTURE 1 men can learn nt a flno position by ad- troc uftmaon, j. j. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit atock fmhacriD- tlons; a monopoly; hip money for asonta; no capital required, cuivaiiuu Mou a uu. Bordun Block, Chicago, lit SALESMEN - RESIDENT SALESMEN wanted, acquainted with tho local and nearby dnift ana grocery trade-, to handle oar line of high grade cigars. Address, giving refornnces, J. EDWARD UUWLE3 Cu., IU unamDerssiroor. n. i. Helo Wanted Females. TffANTDGLST? V V making. MRS. TRIPP, 4S4 Adams are- AATANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO ENER- V V getio saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed Sun day without interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write fur particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company, No. 1i John street. Now York. Wanted. w Av TED-TO HIRE A HORSE FOR HIS keep. Light wjrk. 13)1 Jackson ft. For Rent. AAAAaiAAAAWWnA'kAAWAAAAAAAAAAiVI T AKE WINOLA-FURNISI1ED COTTAGE 1J torrent. F. T. OKELL, Coal Exchange. TXIR RENT-9-IIOOM HOUSE; GOOD CON 1 dition, furnnce. gas, bath, 418 Vine atrost. Apply L. M. HORTON, Commonwealth B'ldg. 'INGLE BIX-RCOM HOUSE FOR RENT 7 Rear (Til Adams avenue. AFFICES TO LET, DESK ROOM TO LET S and Assembly Hall to let. 11. B. Mtr LOGLE, 4H8 Bpruco street. IURNIHHED HOUSE TO RENT-EIGHT 1 rooms; modern improvements. 1102 Green Ridge streot. corner Wyoming. T.OR KENT A BUILDING ON FRANKLIN I1 nvenuo, suitable tor business. Address P. O. Box 44H. VORRENT-A LARGE, 4-STORY BUILD X1 ingntlft! Franklin avenoe; suitable for wholesale business. CAHSON He DA VIES, Scranton. IX)R RENT FURNISHED AND UNFUR . nlshcd rooms at ,106 Lackawanna avenue. OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSF. ON WEST Lackawanna nvenuo. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, acnr UK Lutcmo, Hydo Pnrk UOBRENT NK'ELY FU HN ISH EDH ALL J1 suitable, for lodge rooms. JOHN JER MYN, 11U Wyoming ovenue. For Sale. HOB SALE ON ELECTRIC AVENUE, A J liamlsoino 7 room house, nearly now, an modern conveniences, quartored aycamoro trim ana puiisncn nan noora: lot ium with aceesa on fonr sides. Inquire of WM. KAUFHOLD, on tho promises, ittt Electric av. M. COBB ARRIVHD THIS MORNING' ' with a carload of horses, making H5 head; good workers nnd drivers; weight from l,ltM to l.Miu. Htaniea .ttl itaynionu onru I JOB SALE FIRST-CLASS PACING horsca nt vonr own price. Come and see them. w. M. jr.KMir,, rncenurg, i a. Proposals. CEALED PROPOSALS FOB TUB KA18 O lng of tho Wolsh Congregational church of Tavlor. Pa., ami other improvements will bo received until Monday, Juno 17, lHU'i, nt N p. m. Plana and specifications can no seen nt the storo of It. J. Daniels & Co Taylor. The committee reserves the right to reject any or nil bids. Address all communications to J. B. Daniels, Taylor, Pa, Orrlnn or ritB fin A no or CoMMtaainMciu or PUI! 1,10 UHOUNPB AND Bt:il.UINIIH. DAriel II. HAHTtitna, 1 Governor. Amos n. Mymn. . Auditor General. Samuri. M. Jackson, State Treasurer. J. C. DEr.AKHY, ftuporintondent. rBOPOSALS FOB FURNISHING PTA tionory. Furniture, Fuel nnd other Sup plies. In compliance with the Constitution nnd laws of the Commonwonlth ot Pennsylva nia, wo hereby Invite snnled proposals, nt prices below maximum rates fixed In schedules, to furnish stntionerv. furniture, fuel nnd other supplies for the several dnpnrtinonte of tho State Government, and for making repairs in the several departments and for the distribu tion of tha public documents, for flip year end ing the flrat Monday of June, A. D. lWv. Snparnte proposals will lie received nnd sep arate contracts awarded as announced in said schedules. Each proposal must be accompa nied by n bond with approved surety or sure ties, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract, nnd addressed and delivered to the Board of Commissioners of Pnblle Grounds and Building Iwfore U o'clock m., of Tueaduv, the 4th day ot Juno. A. D. lWft, at which time the proposals will be opened and published, in the Recaption Room of the . ecutive Deportment, at Harrishurg, and con tract awarded as soon theronftor as praotlca- IllnW tinnA. anil aelimlnlfla Containing all necessary information oan b obtalnod at this Department. nI,. For the Board of Commlasion.ra ot Public Ground, and BulMlngsv Money to Loan. WUUWIMAAMWMMAMMMWWSMASMAA. 2,0CU. t(K TO LOAN UN JUUHTUAUa. aeeuritv. . D. B. UEPLOGLE. attorney, 400 Spruce atrlet. BY-M1E i. - " 1 ""M i 1 . .4 mar. WALLACE, FURNITURE UP EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, REASONABLE CHARGES. TRY US. 4 i A V V THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO Special Notices. LARGE STOCK OF GOLD WATCHES at reduced prices. We have got a big stock, too big in fact, of watches, good watches, which we are willing to sell at very close figures, barely cost, to reduce, at Mor enreau 4t Connell's. NOTICE ON AND AFTER MAY 1, I will mako a monthly tour of the follow ing places giving free op.-n air advertising ex hibitions with tho steroopticon: Tavlorvillo. Hyde Park, Providence Dickson O'lvphant, Pcekvillc, Archbnld, Jermyn. Exhibitions givon on Wedm-sdny and Friday of each week during tho month, the rates for adver tising are $10 per month. AdSrcss E. H. Call, Tribune office, city. ' 'rpHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." J. Yon wnnt this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslio's fnmousold War Pictures, show ing the forces in actual hattlo, sketched on the spot. Two volumes, 2,0m) pictures. ISold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by ex- Fress complete, all charges prepaid. Address '. O. MOODY, tea Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA Eimis, etc., bound or rebound at The Tkibunb oBlce. (juick work. Reasonable prices. Lost or Strayed. PROM MY COTTAGE AT MAPLE WOOD, X on SuDday afternoon, slate-colored boar hound; answers to narao of Duke; lias collar with my name on it. A suitable reward will bo paid for his return, either to the cottage or my oflice. WM. A. (.ONNELL, 1W Wyoming avenue, Scranton. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG man. who wants work, must have some thing to dont ouco; has worked for a private fnmlly for the last year; good reference. D., 1310 Jackson streot- SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPERI enced dining room girl as a waitress or second girl. Address 810 Railroad avenue, SlTrATi0N W A NTEDBYA COOK WITH several years' experience. Address 310 Rnilroad avenue. CITUATION WANTED BY AN ENGLISH O butcher, who understands tho trade well; If givon a fair trinl would provo satisfactory. jiuiircst) .iioKWAii, i nouue oinco, SITUATION WANTED A YOUNG LADY of practical experience wants n position a. a general houseworker; references given. Address M. C, Tribune offlco. young" LADY WOULD LIKE POSlT tion aa stenographer and typewriter; has h.nl experience and can furnish tho best of referoncw, if needed; will do all kinds of piece work. Address P. O. Box Still, city. SITUATION WANTED AS LADY'S O nurse, by a middle nged woman of experi ence. Call or nddrosa MRS. M. E. JOHNSON, Ikll Deacon street. RESPECTABLE GERMAN GIHL, Hi I rears of nge, wishes a place to assist in light house work or take caro of child. MRS. T1UEL, 1018 Weat Luck a. nve., Hyde Park. YOUNG MAN. ll, WELL EDUCATED, able-bodied, wants any kind of honornblo work. Address S. R Tribune oflice. SITUATION WANTED BY A BUTCHER, O onn who thornmlily understands the bnsinesn nnd enn give nest of References. Address Butcher, box fK)t, Nicholson, Pa, Q ITU ATION WANTED BY A YOUNG Cj German girl ns nurse girl In n good Americnu family, Inquire nt 519 Wyoming avenue. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. G. EDGAR DKAN HAS REMOVED to 616 Spruce atreot, Scmnton, Pa. (Junt opposlto Court Houso Square.) DH. KAYTaW PKNN AVE.; 1 to 8 P. M.j call 2ml2. Die. of women, obstrotrlce and nnd tall dlaof chll. DH.ATj. "cONNeLu OFFICE 201 Washington avenue, cor. Rpruco Rtrect, over Francke's drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine at. Otllce hours: 10.30 to 12 o. m. nnd 2 to 4. nnd 0.30 to 7.30 p. m. Sun day, 2 toS p. m. DR.1 W. EL ALLEN, EU North Washington avenue. PR. C. L. FREY. PRACTICE LIMITED dlsensea of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; omre, ita Wyoming- ave. jiesiv dence, B29 Vino street. DR. L. M. GATES. 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Olllce hours, 8 to a. m., 1.30 to S and 7 to 8 p. m. Rosldence 109 Madi son avenue. JOHN L. WENTZ, M. D., OFFICES 52 anu tkf i;ommonweami Dunning; rosi denco 711 Madison ave.; offlco hours, 10 to 12, 1 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays, 2.S0 to 4, evenings at residence. A specialty made of diseases of tho eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology. Loans. THE REPURLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association win loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on ' Investment than any other association. Call- on 8. N. Callender, Dime- Banli building-- T Wire Screens. JOB. KUETTEL, .615 LACKAWANNA avenue, Boramou, ra., uiauumumror ui .Wire Bcreans. m 4 . 4 2o 6o2 and 604 Lacka. Ave., Cor. Adams. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headaches prevented and cured by harlni jour eyes sclnt!flaUy examined and fitted accurately by DR. SHIMBERG. EYES EXAMINED FREE. Satisfaction; guaranteed Id every case. 305 Spruce Street. Lawyers. JESSUPS & HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law. Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. Vv'ILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT torneys and Counsellors nt Law, Re. publican building, Washington av nuo, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX. ATTOrJ neys and Counsellors at Law: offices ( ftnd 8 Library building , Scranton. Pa, ROS WELL H. PATTERSON, . WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 10, 20 nnd 21. W. F. DOYLE, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, Nos. 10 and ), Burr building. Washing, ton avenue. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT Law. Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scran, ton, Pa. :, JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms 62, 64 and 65, Common. wealth building;. SAMUHL wTeDQAR, ATTORNEY-AT- i.aw. uince, ill .spruce St., Scranton. Pu.- L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEV-AT-LAWl '- i-iu-Kawana ave., scranton, fa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank liulldlng, Scranton. Money to loan in largo sums at 5 per cent. C. R. PITCHER, law, Commonwealth ton, Pa. ATTORNEY-AT building. Scran. C. COMEGYS, 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. R. REPLOGLEi ATTORNEY LOANS netrotlated on real estate security. 401 Spruce street. i?F- KH.LA M, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW7 20y-omlngycranton, Pa. JA9. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. J. M. C. RANCIC 138 WYOMING AVE. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN, Hrldge and Crown work. Office, f23 Washington avenue. cTc.L A U It AC hT S I J RGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. K. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, ftcranton. Pa., prepares boys nnd girls for coHro or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. HUELU- MISS WORCESTER'S. KINDERGAR ten nnd School, 412 Adams avenue. Pu pils received at all times. Next term will open April 8. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK llii avenue. Rates reasonable. P. .1EGLKR, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Blxieenm at. anu irvinp t-iace, New Y'ork. Hates, $3.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. AN ABLE, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR'd.. L. & W. assenger depot. Conducted on the ;uropoan plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 24, 25 nnd 26, commonweaun building, Scranton. ; E." L.-WALTKr7a RCHITECT. OFFICE! rear of 6n6 Washington avenue. 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash. ave., Scranton. CROWN & MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, 126 Washington avenue, Bcrnnton. Seeds. O. R. CLARK & CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen: store 116 Washington ave nue; green hoiiHO, 1350 North Main ave nue; store telephoo 7&2. Miscellaneous. BATTER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conduotor, 117 Wyoming avenue, . over Uulbert music store MEGARGBE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies,- anvelopcs, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton. Pa, , . . . - FRANK P. 'BROWN ft CO W sale dealers In Woodwnre, Cordi Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna THOMAS AUBREY. EXPER1 countnnt and auditor. Rooms 19 uriuiama Uiillillno- nnnOBitli DO Agent for tha Kex Fire lixUngulil