THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNTNG. ; M AY 30, 18D5. GRAND i Will be closed todayThursday, May 30th, and tomorrow, Friday, May 31st, to mark down prices on entire stock, as we intend to retire from businsse. ' This will probably be the Greatest Sacrifice Sale ever held in this city. Don't Sale Commences GORMAN'S GRAND WEAK, NERVOUS MEN, Wky not treat with a physician to whom you an tell your troubles and will CURB you? Why lend your raonoy ml lei away from noma to aom one you never eaw. when you have the greatest SpeclalHt near you with whom you can talk It ovor and be cured. Dr. Reevea, 412 Spruce street. Scronton, by his new and specific methods and remedies cures all the following: Impot ncy, Lost Manhood. Varlococele, Gonor rhoea, Syphilis. Blood Poison, Nightly Losses, Stricture, Seminal Weukness, Re stores Lost Vitality, Lost Memory, Eradi cates all the bad effects of "Self Abuse," Excessive Venery, Purifies the Blood, Re store "Shrunken Parts" to their normal size. Arrests decay and makes you a well and hearty man again. If you are nerv ous, have a rapid Irritable heart, tired, dull feellns; In the mornings. Offensive Breath, Constipation, pains hack of neck and head, or any of the above diseases, call and be examined. It will coBt you nothing and you may benefit largely by It. Everything strictly secret and confiden tial. OFFICE HOURS Dally 9 to 9. Sundays, 10 to 4. ' FID RCCUrC No, 4,2 spruce Stroet, SCRANTOM. PA. CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of the latest designs and colorings, and our prices lower than any other house in . the trade, for goods of the same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES . of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS We are overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. J. Scott Inglis 439 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The Consolidated 8teel and Wire com pany, operating mills at Lockport ami Jollet, III., St. Louis and Allentown and Pittsburg, Pa., nas notified Its employes that their wages will be advanced 10 per cent June 1. This Includes those whoso pay has already been rnlsed. Six thou sand workers will be benefited. Within th next ten days officials of the Pennsylvania railroad expect to be In a position to make authoritative tents to determine the comparative efficiency and economy of steam and electricity as a mo tive power for Its smaller branches. For this purpose the Mt. Holly branch of the ; Camden and Burlington County railroad, ' extending from Mt. Holly to JJurlington, a distance of seven miles, has been se- - lected, and for months past tho work of equipping It as a trolley road has been In . progress. This line waa picked out for ex periment because of Its easy grades and Its light freight traffic. As at present oper ated by steam, It Is a source of greater ex pense than gain to the company. If by substituting the trolley system it Is found that the expenses can bo reduced and the . receipts Increased, making the line a profit able one, the trolley will doubtless bn Introduced on a number of other small ' branches of the company which are In about the same position as the little road from Mt. Holly to Burlington. The Philadelphia Inquirer thinks the coming month Is certain to bo a very try ing one for the anthracite roads, as they will "then feel more keenly than at any time this year the effects of the disorder In the trade. The effect of bad conditions has been minimized up to this time, be cause of the extraordinary consumption for coal due to the cold spring. In the ..first four months of the year the anthra cite production has been 19,108,316 tons, as against 10,396,900 tons In the same four months of 1894, an Increase of 2.711,416 tons, or over 28 per cent. The transportation of this coal, even though It was at lower rates than ruled a year ago, nevertheless gave the railroads very large gross earn- lngs, and as expenses have been kept down, the net earnings have been very satisfactory. An example of this Is shown In tthe case of the New Jersey Central, which for April reported an Increase of IUU018 In gross and 1186,046 In net, while for the four months It has gained (238,001 , In gross and 1186,922 In net. But this state of affairs will' not cont'nue. The output for May, instead of showing an Increase of 26 per cent., will be actually less than , It was last ynar, and In the month of June the companies must choose between a small tonnage at(d light earnings for the ' railroads, or a largo tonnage at prices that mean tremendous losses to the mining department. t ' ' Oil Market. Oil City. Hay 29. Oil opened and highest, j 156; lowest and closed, 162. . - Pittsburg, May 29. -Oil closed at 1E3, the my, quautton today. ; GORMAN'S -::- DEPOT. jViss It, Promptly at 9 STOCKS AM) BONUS. New York, May 29. The feature of the early trading at the Stock Ex change was a break of 2 per cent, in Pacillc Mail, due to the wreck of the company's steamer, Collma. Other weak spots at this time were Tennessee Coal and Hocking Valley. The shares named declined to 1. Before the expiration of the first hour a demand to cover short contracts was noted In American Sugar, and the stock ad vanced 117. This steadied the general list, and later on, when Chicago tele graphed predictions of rains In the grain belt and the price of wheat ran off a cent or so, the bears on stocks be came frightened and rushed into cover. Their purchases brought about a rise in the railway list of hi to per cent. London quite unexpectedly turned up as a buyer and this added to the bullish feelings. The Industrials were strong with the exception of Chicago Gas. Distillers was better supported and rose ito 20. Lead and General Elec tric advanced lal. Chicago Gas was weaker on rumors that the con solidation bill would be defeated. Speculation closed firm In tone. Net changes in the railway stocks showed gains of 14a4 per cent. The Industrials gained a2 except for Chicago Gas. Total Bales were 234,000 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by O. du B. Dlm mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen ft Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. . . Qp.n. H,sh. low Clos- Inc. est. est. ins- Am. Tobacco Co 113 Am. Susar Rc'g Co.116 Atch., To. & 8. Ke... 7 Can. South W' 1164 111 117 11 113 117 7 53 22 73 9S 80 41 66 6 7 53 2-i'i 7.174 9KT4 81 '4 7 53 22 73 97 80 43 66 68 Ches. & Ohio f'Mmaa Gas ... lift Chic. N. W...... Chic, B. & Q C. C. C. & St. L... Chic, Mil. & St. P , 80 . 41 . 1H . 6S 41 67 69',i Chic. It. 1. r... Delaware Hud. D., L. & W Dlst. & C. F..V-. Gen. Electric i.a1ca Shore ...12914 ISO 129 130 162 162 ..Hi 162 .. lSi .. 31 ..146 2i 35 146 1U 34 146 35 140 58 Louis. & Nash. . 58 58 58 114 113 114 Mkh. Central lou4 W" 160 Mo Pacific 28 28 28 28 Nat. Cordaite.... 3 Nat. Lead ...... 34 4 35 3 43i. 34 35 101 101 101 n! Y. Central!!l!".";iol 101 101 101 M V N K 434 43 43 43 N. Y., L.. E. & W 11 12 11 12 N. Y.. 8. & W 10 10 10 10 N. Y., 8. & W., Pr... 31 32 31 32 Nor. Pacific 6 6 6 6 Nor. Pacific, Pr 19 19 19 . 10 Ont. & West 18 18 18 18 Phil, ft Read 19 19 18 19 Southern R. R 13 13 13 13 Tenn., C. ft I... 28 28 26 28 Tex. Pacific 12 12 12 12 Union Pacific 14 14 13 14 Wabanh .". 9 9 8 9 Wabash, Pr 19- 20 19 20 West. Union 92 92 92 92 U. 8. Leather 21 21 21 21 U. 8. Leather, Pr.... 94 95 94 95 CHICAGO BOARD OP Open- WHEAT. Ing. July 82 September 82 OAT8. June 31 July 32 September 32 CORN. July 54 September ........ 55 LARD. July 6.80 September 6.95 PORK. July 12.95 September 13.28 TRADE PRICES. High- Low- Clos est, est. Ing. 82 ' 80 80 62 80 80 31 33 33. 31 31 31 31 31 31 66 53 53 56 54 54 6.87 6.80 6.85 7.06 C.95 7.00 13.06 12.80 12.90 13.30 13.07 13.17 Scranton Board of Trado Exchange Quo tationsAll Quotations Basod on Par of 100. BTOCKS. Bid. Dime Dep. ft DIs. Bank 125 First National Bank COO Green Ridge Lumber Co Lackawanna Lumber Co 110 Lacka. Trust It Rate Dep. Co Scranton Savliigs Bank 200 Scranton Lace Curtain Co Third National Bank ; 250 Thuron Coul Land Co Scranton Bedding Co , Scranton Axle Works Scranton Glass Co National Boring & Drilling Co Scranton Jar ft Stopper Co Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. & Montrose R. R Spring Brook Water Co Elmhurst Boulevard Co BONDS. Scranton Traction. Co .... Economy Steam Heat ft Power Co Madison Avenue Improvement .... Scranton Glass Co .' .... Rushhrook Coal Co., 6 Scranton Axle Works, 6 Exchange closed today. Ask. 110 'ito CO 90 104 , 80 70 90 25 100 100 90 100 95 100 105 100 100 at Now York Produce Market. New York, May 29. Flour Quiet, firm. Wheat Dull, firm; No, 1 red store and ele vator, 81a82o.; afloat, 82a82o.; f. o. b., 82a83c; ungraded red, 74a84c; No. 1 northern, 86a66c; options closed unset tled May and June, 81c.j July, 82c; Don't Miss It a. m. Saturday. DEPOT. August, 83c.j September, 83c; Decem ber, &5c. Corn Dull, firm; No. 2, 67c. elevator; 59u. afloat; options closed steady and unchanged; May, 67c; July, 58c; September, 5c. Oats Dull, firmer; options closed steady; May and June, 3314a; July, 31c; September, S4c.; spot prices. No. 2, 33a33c; No. 2 white, 37c; No. 2 Chicago, 34a34c.; No. 3. 32c; No. 3 white, 37c; mixed western, 33a3oc; white Hate and western, 37a43c. Provisions Steady, quiet, unchanged. Lard Firmer, quiet; western steam, 6.9fi; city, 16.87; May, 7; July, 17.15; September, $7.30; re fined, dull; continent, 17.20; South America, $7.50; compound, 6a5c. Butter Quiet, weak; state dairy, llul8c; do. creamery, 18c. ; western dairy, 8al3c; do. creamery, 12al8c; do. factory, 7allc; Elglns, 18c; Imitation creamery, 10al5c, Cheese Firm, steady, unchanged. Eggs Firm; state and Pennsylvania, 13al4c; western fresh, 13al3c; do. per case, $2.7Sa3.2U; southern, Ual2c. Toledo Groin Market. Toledo, O., May 29. Wheat Receipts, 2,760 bushels; shipments, 41,500 bushels; market firm; No. 2 red cash, 91c. ; June, 84c; July, 82c; August, 81c; Septem ber, 81c. Corn Receipts, 11,921 bushels; Bh'.pments, 53,000 bushels; market quiet; I No. 2 mixed, July, 64c. Oats Receipts, 1,646 bushels; shipments, none; market ' .1 . . 1 1 X'.. q mlva Inlw W.V. r ' ' 1 . I. - Seed Market steady ; October, $5.95. Buffalo Live Stock. Buffalo, May 2. Cattle Receipts, 1,260 head; none on sule; market opened dull and ens'er, closed weak; veals, good to choice, $4.75a!i.25; extra, $5.50a5.75. Hogs Receipts, 4,930 head; on sule, S.800 head; at opening of market Yorkers and light grades were stronger, while other grades were steady to easy; market closed steady to strong for good grades, but slow for pigs, with a few decks unsold; Yorkers, $4.60a4.65; mixed packers, J4.63a4.70; good mediums, $4.7oa4.75; roughs, $4a4.25; stags, $311.3.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,500 head; on sale, 13,5000 head. Including hold overs; market opened dull and lower, closed very dull, 15 loads left unsold; good yearling lambs, $4.75iu"i; a few very fancy being quoted at J3.25a5.40; fair to good, J3.50a4.50; mixed sheep, good to prime, 3.50a4.05; common to fair, J2.75n3.25; culls, J1.50a2.50; export yearlings, t5.25a5.50; ex port wether sheep, fl.25a4.50; CO-pound yearlings sold late at J2.75aa.25, and good sheep at $3.23n3.70. . Chicago Live Stock. ITnlon Stock Yards, III., May 29. Cattle Receipts, 15,000 head; market weak and 10c. lower; common to extra steers, $4u6.10; stockers and feeders, $2.60a4.60; cows and bulls, Jl.73o4.30; calves, $3o6.50; Texans, J2.50a5. Hogs Receipts, 26,000 head; mar ket mrfland 10c, higher; heavy packing and shipping lots, JI.55ol.85; common to choice mixed, $4.45n4.80; choice assorted, J4.43a4.65; light, $4.35a4.70; pigs, J3.25a4.45. Sheep Receipts, 17,000 head; market weak and 10al5c. lower; Inferior to choice, J3a3.75; lambs, i3.6Ua5.80. Tho Grocery Market. New York, May 29. The murket for raw sugar is somewhat weaker and sales of 89 test muscovado have been made at 2 15-I5c., against 3c. as the last previous sale. Centlfrugals are still quoted on the basis of 8c. for 96 test and molasses BUgar at 2 11-lOc. for 89 test. The London sugar market Is steady, lit tle doing for cane, Java quoted at 12s. ld. for and fair refining at 10s. 3d. Beet opened firm, but closed quiet, with May quoted at 10s. ld. and June at 10s. 8d. The market for refined sugar Is very quiet with psices unchanged on the basis of 4 7-16a4c. for granulated. The market for coffee Is quiet for Brazil sorts, but steady at 16c. for Rio No. 7 spot and 14c. for Rio No. 8 spot. Rice and molasses are steady but quiet. The Silver Mai ket. Now York, May 29. The markets for sil ver were dull and featureless today and prices both here and at London were un changed from those reported yesterday. In London bars were quotod at 80d. per ounce, while In this city commercial bars sold at 67c. and Mexican dollars at 53c. , HONESDALE. Wooden & Blakney, the paper box manufacturers, are about to erect a second story to a part of their manu factory. The addition will be fitted up with sewing machines and ithey will engage In the business of sewing shirts for a large wholesale house in New York. The material for the shirts will be received already .cut and ready for sewing. The new industry will In no way Interfere with the manufacture of boxes, but bids fair to be a new paying enterprise. Ed. Power Is doing very nicely after the operation performed Tuesday, re moving his leg. The purchase of a portion of ,the stock of the Honesdale Water company has for some time past been a matter of great Interest to Honesdale people.' A large number of shares have changed or are about to change hands. Who the future owners will be Is not definite ly known. J. D. Stocker, of Jermyn, and R. M. Btooker, of Honesdale, are credited with having a goodly portion. The recently elected directors of the company are Charles A. Miner, Wilkes Barre, president; R. M. Stocker, Hones dale, vice-president; F. D. Thayer, Honesdale, superintendent and secre tary; H. C.Hand, Honesdale, treasurer, and William Walker, May field; Thomas McNalr, Hazleton. Hon. c. c. Jadwin and wife have re turned from a visit with their son. Lieu tenant Edgar' Jadwin, - at ' Wlilett's Point. - , A large orowd will witness the game of base ball today between the, Scran ton Young Men's Christian Association team and the Amity Base Ball club. MONTR OS I Miss Nellie Smith left or Wednes day for a fortnight's visit with friends at Ithaca. N. Y. Sub rosa is heard the engagement of a prominent young Montrose man to an out-of-town girl. Frederick S. Amsbry was recently warranted sergeant, and Frank Gard ner and Nelson Warner corporals of Company G. Mrs Barry Searle and two daugh ters, accompanied by Miss Ellen Searle, left on Wednesday for 8prlng11eld, III., whore they will spend the. Hummer with Mrs. Searle's parents.' Archdeacon Coxe came to Montrose Tuesday night and on Wednesday, ac companied by Churles Alney, went to Frlendsvllle to negotiate with, the Methodists regarding, the sale of a piece of property owned by the diocese. The land and church were given by the Carmalt estate some years ago, and the late Dr. Ellsha Mulford preached there for several years. Rev. Dr. T. T. Munger and his daugh ter, MIhs 'Munger, of New Haven, Conn., are for a few days the guests of his brother, Edward P. Munger, of Lake avenue. The season for bass fishing opens to morrow and many local anglers are preparing for their annual anslaught. There has been considerable talk among 'the best fishermen here of some who. totally disregard the flnhlng laws. The state sends many thousand tlsh fry to Susquehanna county every year, and It Is Indeed discouraging to the in terested anglers who distribute them to have the laws for their preservation Ignored. Tho Tribune correspondent recently received a request to publish an Item, but H was' not signed by the writer. The nature of the item was such that the matter was gladly printed, but in the future no article, unleBS signed by the writer's name will receive atten tion or mention. The Tribune man will be glad to receive any communication relative to doings In and about town and can be addressed box C38, Mont rose. Memorial Day has always been made much of in Montrose, and this year will be no exception to the rule of the past. The memorial services of the Grand Army of the Republic will be held at the grave of Captain Lyons, and after the graves of the dead sol diers have been decorated, the pro cession will march to the armory, wlvt-re the following programme will be given: 1, short exercise by the post; 2, selection by the Glee club; 3, prayer; 4, selection by the Glee club; 5, address by Rev. O. L. Severson; 6, singing, "America," by all, led by the Glee club; 7, benediction. Captain H. F. Ueardsley, who has been wintering In Washington, came to Montrose on Tuesday. On Wednesday he left for Wllkes-B.-irre, where, on Decoration Day, he will read an origi nal poem. Rev. E. A. Warrlner preached to the Four Brothers post and H. F. Beards ley camp. Sons of Veterans, last Sun day night. The sermon was both prac tical and sentimental and withal beau tiful. The text was from Isaiah, xl, 12, "And he shall set up an ensign for the nations," If tho Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has bein used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In ev ery part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs, Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. HAWLEY. Ray Hardenbergh, of Honesdale, was In town, calling on friends, Monday afternoon. R. Teeter went to Honesdale Mon day. Carl Ammerman rode his bicycle Womsvnj worK 15 never done It Is a oonstnnt round of caro and toil from which there is no escape. How es sential, then, are health and strength, and Vet with how many women these are al together lacking. They are tired all day and unableto sleep at night. In this con dition the system will soon break down. Restore th 8trongrri, overcome that tired feeling, build op the system by the use of Hood's Sarsapacllla before it is too late. This great medicine is exactly What overworked women need. It makes pure, rich blood, creates an ap petite, gives strength to the nerves. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the publio eye today. Hood's Pills ttM'Sruli VIGOR of Easily, Qulokly, Permanently Restored. Weakness, Nervousness, ueDiiiijr, ana an tne train oi evils irom early errors or later lessees, the results of overwork, sickness, worry. etc. v uu strength, devel opment and tone given to every organ and portion nf the boor. Slimilo. nat ural methods. Immedi ate improvement seen. Vallum ImnnnlhU KOMI rafnrtinrfia. Rmk. explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. EOTAL KOTAL TlSLRTS. UDIES'OKLYIc crested arid painful menstruation, .cerulnpBIVWTATIVIloJ alt fenule irreguiairitiea. suld with Writtw tnitutM M Com Send Be sump for partial laraand "Guide for Ldiei," Innirtoabavini Tkl toyil f nimnl Ttiliti (Bed Crow Brnd) MUrSm VHKNf ll.SOVit BRU, CO. Iw lOMrt''ir.O.Si. SIVU,Jlo twt For sale by JOHN H. PHELP8, Drug- glat, Wyoming tvo. and Spruce street. , r imcs r"riMll. .sfQ from Seeleyvllle to Hawley, Tuesday. Misses Kdlth and lCmma Klpp, of Paupack, are spending; a few days In Scranton. , Mrs. William Knapp spent Wednes day In Scranton. . . Mlt Hattie Speers, who has been spending a two weeks' visit at Ash-j ley, returned Wednesday afternoon. Charles O. Armbruater spent Tues day at Honesdale, Commencement exercises of tho high school will be held at Stundard Opera House Friday evening. June 7. ' Phil. Clifford, of Ulr-n Eyre, Pike county, Is sending a few days In town with his Bister, Mrs. L. Waterson. Mr. Clifford expects to go to Ixmg Branch, N. J about Juno 1, where he will hold a position In the West End hotel. . Charles Ball Is working as messen ger at the Delaware and Hudson Canal company's telegraph otllce. Henry Ames, of Waymart, spent Tuesday In town with his brother, J. S. Ames. . ' . "The Federal Spy" will be presented at the Sundard Opera House tonight. N. T. Raymond, of Honesdale, was in town, calling' on friends Sunday. PECKVILLE. If you see a man walking about this morning with legs as stilt as a base ball bat, and with a weary kink In bis buck, you may know he attended the Young People's society's social last nlirht. and foundered himself eating. Buch a spread as they laid outl Ice cream, strawberries, biscuits, cake, cor fee, and other dellcacleB, were enough to make any man brave the terrors of dyspepsia, even though he would suffer afterwards. The social was a success, and .the society cleared a nice sum. . Mrs. Cosswell, of Susquehanna county, Is at the home of Dr. Beck for medlcul treatment. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Itrundage anA daughter Edna, are visiting relutlves at Orange, New Jersey. Mrs. D. K. Stearns, of Providence, circulated among her many friends here last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Z. P. Travis and Mre. P. Snedlcor will spend Decoration Day In Scranton. The dinner held at the home of Mrs. Jennie Frear, under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid society yesterday, was well patronized, and a neat sum was real ized. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Manzer,, of South Gibson, returned home yester day after a few days' visit with the former's sister, Mrs. E. T. Harding. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy, of t'annnn, are the guests of Mrs. J. Whltlc. Gilmore's Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies. If yon are suffering from weakness; and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting 'tliin and all run down; Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood. It promotes digestion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scranton. ra? REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. 7MLT w& Made a THE OREAT 8Oth boy. rnEwcm xt.xsazzuD'r produces the above results ln'30 days. It tcti powerfully and quickly. Cures when tllottfere fail VouDgmeD will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor br using KE VI VO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous Bess, Loit VlUUtT. lmpotcnoy. Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, FUlln Memory, W satin DlBeases, and all effects oi soil-abuse or excess and Indiscretion, which UDnts one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat at dtseuu, but Is a great nerva tonic and blood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to pule checks and re sfSrlng tha fire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Inalat on having REVIVO. no ther. It can be carried la vest pocket. By met), 1.00 per package or sis for SS.OO, with a posi tive written guarantee) to cue or refund the money. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., S3 Rlvsr 61., CHICAGO. ILL Vet sal ky Matthews Bros Dfggltt ficrantoB , Fa. ThliFomnna Remedy euro quickly and per muriuntty ull nervous tltnuuttco, ueh as Wonk Mmnory, liOMnf Hrnln Tower. Itomlurbe, Wake fill now, float Vlttillty nl'Xhtlr emissions, evil tlrt'iini!, IrDpotenny ami wnstlnti itseas4ts caused br youthful errors or x ?. Contains no nil I ii to s. Is a nrrve tonlffnntf blood builrtrr MnkRHtho pnlonml puny strnnic and plump. Easily cnrrteil In vont pocket. IH per mix i O for 9ft. By mall propnlft wttU u written ffiiaranteo to cum or money refunriml. Wrlto us for free medical book, sent senlftd In plain wrnpper, which con tains testimonials find financial references. IVo chnrgs fr ennanltntlnns. Drwurt nf imita tion, Sold h our advertised ituonts, or a (It Irons NKUVK IEKD CO., Maionlo Tumple.Chlcaro, HOLD IN HOll ANTON, PA., H. C. BANPERHON WASHINGTON, COIt. Sl'KUCE, DKUUUISTS. Have you 8ore Throat, PlmploB, Copper-Colored flirt its, Aches. (Mil Bores, Uloera In Mouth, Ilalr KaJllnR? Write Cook Remedy Co.,BOT Ms or proofs of ourea. Capital tftOOsOOO. Patients ou red nine wears aaotortjounandjsl THE i E DRY IDS til Otters all their piece goods, consisting of Ginghams, Chellles, Muslins of any variety, Casslmcres, Toweling. Outing Flannel, to close otit the entire stock of the above at hulf price. They are Going into the Gents' Furnishing Goods only, and this stock of piece goods must be sacrificed at any rate. Do not delay, but come at ouce and secure the bargains of this great sale. r Nuin sooks, Double Swisses and all White Goods must be closed, no matter what tho price will be. Tho stock must be closed inside of 30 days to make room for our Gents' Furnishing line. Be on lookout Monday, great bargain day. EMPIRE DRY GOODS COMPANY, , GOODMAN'S CUT PRICE STORE, OLD STAND. EPILEPSY! EPILEPSY POSITIVELY CURED AT DR. F. B. SMITH'S A PARLORS, 312 WYOMING AVENUE Read what Mr. Jamea Kernan has to say of his wonderful cure. Mr. James Kernan, an old resident of Olyphant and a gentleman of the finest reputation and character, was taken about two years ago with epilepsy. He first began to experience dizziness or vertigo which was accompanied by se vere pains In the head, back and limbs. A tired, drowsy feeling would come over him and continue for hours at a time. His sleep was disturbed by un pleasant dreams, and on arising would feel more tired than when he went to bed. He continued to grow rapidly worse and he would suddenly fall to the ground, losing all consciousness; the face and lips would become purple, the forehead wrinkled, the face swollen; sometimes a deathly pallor would come over him but generally it was of a deep purple hue; the teeth clinched, lips would become blue with frothing at the moiv'h, the limbs would violently con vulse, while the body warped and twisted in a frightful manner. When an attack would come on he would In variably fall to the ground. In falling he would usually strike some object which would keep his body fearfully bruised most of the time. Mr. Kernan applied to the most eminent physicians In this country, but without avail. He was finally induced to consult Dr. Smith. Ho did so and from the first be gan to improve. This was three weeks ago, and today he Is a well man and with no signs of the former dreadful malady. Next week Dr. Smith will hold free clinics at his parlors every day from. 1 to 2 p. m. Consultation free. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. dally except Sundays. Superfluous hair and birth marks positively removed. THE BELL 230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. Attracted great crowds and so will our suits marked down to $5.48 attract a great number to see what they can possibly be at that price. We bought a lot of them very cheap last week in New York and are willing to let you reap, the beneht of our purchase. They are worth JpIO.OO. I $5-50 $7.85 Potomac Union Flannel. Slaters' Flannel Strictly all wool, fast color, guaranteed not to fade. For this week only Laun- dried shirts, white and col ored - - - 46c They are worth 75c. and $1.00. Look at our window dis play. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL I AT THE 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE, GRAND Curtain IN HI IS. K. lis, ii, B I Jil'S Ml 1 ; III ill 4 Rare Bar Nottingham, Tambour, Irish Point, and Brussels Curtains, in one, two and three pair lots; patterns that cannot be duplicated Also short lengths of light and heavy drapery silks, suitable for furniture coverings and por teries, at one half their value. 406 and 408 Laokawanna Ave. BRANCH AT CARBON THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Oeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. Wbo Wants to Pay $ 4 for w&o wants to Pay $ 8 Who Wants to Pay $12 Who Wants to Pay $16 Wbo Wants to Pay $20 To be brief, why pay about 25 per cent, more for furnishing your home than the Economy" asks Eighty Cent Carpet For 60c. Is strictly all wool best grade 9 or io years' wear would be no more than we expect of this. HI IS Your blood Is all right it's your house that's out of order. GET CURED by the ; ECONOMY FUTURE GO ::-aas and 287 Wyoming Avcnu. WATCH OUR SENSATIONAL JUKE 0FFERIX3-E COL FAIR dCRANTOfy, PA, DISPLAY 0? Sale gains . DALE. what Economy sells for $ 3 Economy $6 Economy Economy Economy tt $9 ti HOMELY RUGS One hundred rugs of dis agreeable pattern Rugs most folks won't buy. We have put them all in one pile, where they look just as ugly as they are some folks like odd pat terns particularly if they can buy rugs for just one-half what they cost some of them don't seem homely to us and may be wouldn't seem homely to you the wear is in 'em. EBECKER i Oi