THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY 3IOKNING, MAY .80, 1895. H. N. Patrick's New Addition to Clark's Summit FIRST-GLASS BUILDING LOTS, ADVANTAGEOUSLY LOCATED, NOW OFFERED FOR SALE, 40x140 TO 50x200 FEET, RANGING IN PRICE FROM PAPiFf IP riifuv lb All $175 Sold on easy monthly payments of from $3.00 to $5.00 per month. Absolutely the cheapest and most desirable lots for building or speculative purposes at Clark'i Summit. 500 Beautifully Located Lots. FEATURES OF Location Unsurpassed. Free Shade Trees. Spring Water, Pipes to Premises. No Wells to Dig. WOODLAWN PARK: No Taxes to Pay. Free Life Insurance. Free Improvements. No High Hills to Climb at Woodlawn Park. WOODLAWH PARK . This beautiful and healthful suburb of Clark's Summit has grown more rapidly in the past" five years than any other town in Lackawanna county. Sixty-five per cent of all the buildings erected at Clark's Summit are upon lands sold by us. Property has in many instances quadrupled in value in the past four years, and now affords a very sure field for speculation. People who know how and why towns grow predict a rapid development and rise in that portion of Clark's Summit known as WOODLAWN PARK. A small sum of money will secure a desirable lot NEAR THE DEPOT with no high hills to climb when you return to your home wearied from the toil of the day; where you will be able to view Nature's magnificent handiwork in vast expanse and beautiful arrav; to drink water of crvstal purity welling from springs WITHIN THE PARK AND PIPED TO YOUR PREMISES. You can obtain the conveniences of the city with the de lightful surroundings of the country at surprisingly low rates. No other Park in the County of Lackawanna can offer the natural advantages you will find in WOODLAWN PARK, at Clark's Summit! Our lots range in size from 40 x 140 to 50 x 200, but with alleys, etc Our prices are from $50 to $175 per lot. We can sell more land for less money than can any other firm at Clark's Summit, because we purchased at low rates and have secured all our improvements at minimum cost and have 110 high priced force of clerks, etc., to pay. We will take you FREE OF CHARGE to view Wood lawn Park, and the other parks at Clark's Summit, and you tan then buy intelligently and with full knowledge of the most advantageous location. There are several Parks at Clark's Summit. Do not purchase of us or anyone else, until you are perfectly sure you have secured the most satisfactory site for a home. And remember, the lots at Woodlawn Park are the cheapest and best at Clark's Summit. Investigate and satisfy yourself on this point i RAILROAD FACILITIES: More trains run between Scranton and Clark's Summit than between Scranton and any other of her suburbs along the line of the D. L, & W. R. R. TRAINS TO ACCOMMODATE ' People wishing to reach Scranton before 7 a. m., and to leave Scranton after 6 p. m. have been given recently. Inquire at the Woodlawn Park Office, , Near the Clark's Summit Depot, or of .PATRICK, 326 North Washington Ave.