The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 29, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    . " ( :. .. ' .
That means we are going out of business, and in or
der to dispose of our stock quickly, will commence on
, Saturday, June ist, at 9 o'clock in the morning, a great
At such low water mark' prices
rapid disposal of the entire stock.
Entire stock must be sold. Don't fail to attend, as it
will be an opportunity of a life time to buy high grade
goods at lower prices than paid for inferior quality.
1 1
Why not treat with a physician to whom
you can tell your troubles and will CLRK
you? Why send your monjy miles away
Irom hom to some one y.vj never aw,
-when you have the frieaust Spocialtit
near you with whom you can talk It over
and be cured.
Dr. .Reeves, 412 Spruce street. Scranton,
by his new and gpectflt: methods and
remedies cures all th following: lmpot
ency, Lost Manhood, Varicocele, Gonor
rhoea, 6yphilis, Wood Folson. Nightly
Losses, Stricture, Eeminn! Weakness. lie
stores Lost Vitality. Lost Memory, Eradi
cates all the bad effects of "Self Abuse,"
Excessive Venery, Pur'lUs thf Blood, Re
stores "8hrunken Fa; t9" to their normal
size, ArrestB decay and mukes you a well
and hearty man ag;iin. If you are nerv
ous, havo a rapid trnlat.le heart, tir.1,
dull feeling In the reorninTS, Offensive
Breath, Constipation, pains back of neck
and head, or any of the above disease?,
call and be examined. I: will cost you
nothing and you may benefit largely by It.
Everything strictly secret and confiden
tial. OFFICE HOURSDaUy 9 to 9.
- Sundays, 10 to 4.
DR. beeves, "aga-
Eiaminc our new line of Spring
Goods. AH of the latest designs
and colorings, and our prices
lower than any other house in
the trade, for goods of the same
of every description and quality.
We are overstocked and will sell
at prices about one-half the reg
ular price, as we need the room.
J, Scott Inglis
mummm (venue.
The collieries of the Reading and Lo
hlgh Valley companies will work three
days this week.
The Bethlehem Iron company has an
nounced an Increase In the wages of fur
nacemen from J1.28 to $1.40 per day.
The Central Traffic association has de
cided that not more than 4,000 pounds shall
be loaded over the marked capacity of any
Jersey Central April earnings were groM,
$1,019,401; operating expenses, PM.W); net
earnings, $401,940. The net earnings In
creased $136,046 over 1891.
The New Tork Central has given an
order for 1,500 box cars. They will cost
$900,000, and the job of building them will
employ 1,000 men for over live months.
In April there were thirty-three collis
ions, seventy-five derailments and nlno
other railroad accidents. In which twenty
seven persons were killed and ninety In
jured. An old tunnel, started at Tower City
forty years ago, Is to be driven through
the mountain by the Reading company to
' Itausch Gap, and will open up a rich tract
of coal land.
The Shenandoah City cofllery of the
Heading company resumed yesterdny after
lour months' Idlenens. The colltory Is
equipped with the latest and most ap
proved machinery, and will havo a ship
ping capacity of 1,600 tonB of coal dally.
A novel road Is being built In the went.
It Is the San Diego, Pacific and Kastern
road, and Is purely a railroad men's line.
Each division of the various railroad
unions has subscribed a certain amount,
and with Bhares at $10 each, the capital Is
now $1,000,000. Every employe must be a
John S. Lazarus, formerly of Pittston,
tmt now trafflc manager of the Indianap
olis, Decatur and Western, on the 2lth
Inst, sailed for Europe, expecting to be ab
sent two months. On his return, it Is
stated that he will be appointed general
manager of the Indianapolis, Decatur and
Western, R. B. F. Pierce retiring.
' Wllkes-Barre Times: "The work of
building No. 8 Delaware . and Hudson
breaker, on the ourokirts of Plymouth,
; has taken considerable time, but now that
It Is completed it is a credit to Auram
Shaffer, who designed the building, as well
as upon his workmen. The breaker Is
most complete in every department, and
every possible appllanco hna beon provided
o as to run through the largest quantity
of coal. ' The machinery is of the latest
Improved make, and every piece has been
put together by skilled mechanics. A dust
fan has been provided of an Immense
' drawlniT power and It Is expected it will
keep the breaker almost entirely free from
dust. The exterior of the structure Is of
corrugated Iron and presents a fine ap
pearance. The breaker and mine will glvo
employment to about COO men and boys.
It will begin operations June L
C33 KM
. OO
Retiring ale
i is 11 ft
Highest of ail in Leavening Power.
stocks an?) cams.
New Tork, May 23. Reports from the
west continue generally unfavorable.
The professional tuok advantage of
the rumors to hammer the western rail
way shares. In addition London sold
fully 20,000 shares. The granj-rs de
clined anywhere from 1U to l'a. The
anthracite coalers were iUjo und-.-r pres
sure, falling ia"3. Susquehanna and
western preferred broke 4' to -J with a
subsequent rally to 31Vi. The trunk
lines, Northern Pacific preferred, and
the Bouthwesterns declined'4. The
Industrials were heavy except for dis
tillers and General EU-etric which
gained a point on rumotB that the com
pany had gained an important contract
from the Manhattan. Kurjar was sold
down to 11G from 11S. Speculation closed
weak In tone. Net changes show losses
of to 3H. Manhattan leading. Gen
eral Electric, however, rain"d " on the
day. Tula! sales were 235.500 shares.
Hie range of totl.-iy'ti prices for the ac
tive ntockH of the New York stock mar
ket arc ';ven below. The quotations aro
furnlnh.-d Tim Tribune by G. du 11. D!m
mick, manager for William Linn, Allen 4
Co.. stock brokers, 412 Spruce street,
Scranton. . ,
Op'n- Ilish- Low- Clos
ing, er.t. est. lug.
Am. Tobacr-o Co IW-i IK'i 1'4
Arn. Cot. Oil H ,?,'
Am. Sugar lte'g Co.llci lli't, lib IMS
Ateh.. To. & S. Ft... S 71
Can. Pouth 6r.'4 5.!'4 ri' WVi
fhts. & Ohio 22-Vi .z'n
Chlce.TO flas H'i 7" Wti
Chic. & N. W W" I?
Chir.. )!. & O W ', W,
C. C. ft. 1 4!'i 4'i 4! , 44' i
Chic, Mil. & St. V... 6IH I'4 '' r"-
chic, it. i. ft v w.i ei w-r.
Iblnw.ire ft Hud i: 1i "'ii
i, u t. xr n.2 iti i'W iw.i
Dll.t. ': C. F 1!ri l!'7'! V-i '!'
G-n. KU'ttrlc 3i X,:
111. Central Vri . K'j ft.Vt
Louis. & Na?h 5S:;i f''i:4 M
Manhattan Klc IK. Ill H-' 3
Mich. CVntrol Irt'tt )f' 'MV V
Mo. Pac'Cic Vfii S 0
Nat. Cordaise 8 ir, a'li
Nat. L:ul 3P4 31'i 81 Rt'.i
N. J. Central lOi',4 1::4 T,4t I'Ki'.si
N. Y. Centra! h2 1C Wl VI
N. Y. ; N. B 41 41' V.T 4.".H
N. v., l. k, Hl w n n n
N. v., s. vv 11 HH 10'i inv,
N. Y P. A W., IT... M-i Zl 3l'i
Nor. I'ncinc, IT M IH 2'i"i
out. a We-it ISVi Hi'i IS't lt
I'hll. & Read !!', Hl'i IS"!
Southern It. R Ht4 Wi 13i
Tenn.. (.'. & 1 2 M 28
T?x. Pat-lfic UV n Vi, Vl
t'nlon 1'acille Wk 144 H H
Wabash 'i 9 9
Wabash, Pr 2) Wk lOit i:
West. Union 9'Jr'4 t4 Vt'.i K",
V. 8. leather 2J M iVt 21
U. 8. Leather, Pr.... 7'4 1)7 1)3 M
Open- High- Low- Clos-
WIIEAT. lug. o:l. est. Ing.
July 7IC54 "I't 79
September Soft 81 l'J 81V4
July , 2W, .11 20 30
September 2!i')ii 3 2(!4 3'
July M B4'A 52 S.1
September WA M K,
July B.72 72 C,a C.72
September 6.87 6.SK) 8.85 0.8i
July 12.15 12.72 12.(13 12.72
September 12.D5 13.02 12.90 13.09
Scranton llonrd of Trndo RiclmnfiO Quo-inlions-AII
Uuotatlons Based on Par
of 100.
STOCIC3. Did. Ask,
Dime Dep. R: Dl. Hank 125
First National Hank 600 ,
Green Rlilgo Lumber Co 110
Lackawanna Lumber Co 110
Lacks. Truut & Bafc Dep. Co 1M
Scranton Savings Hank 200
Scranton Lace Curtain Co CO
Third National Dank 250
Thuron Coal L'ind Co AO
Scranton Redding Co ' 104
Scranton Axle Works ' 80
Scranton Class Co .-. 70
National Iloring & Drilling Co M
S'irnnton Jar Stoppor Co 25
Dickson Manufacturing Co 1(0
Lacka. & Montroso R. R ... 100
Traders' National Bank 115
Spring Rrook Water Co IM)
Elmhurst Boulevard Co 300
Anthracite Land and Imp. Co 00
Scranton Traction Co. 95
Economy Steam Heat & Power
that will insure a
IS j'j f
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Madison Avenue Improvement 105
Scranton Glass Co 100
Rushbrook Coal Co., GV- M)
Scranton Axle Work;!, C
New York I'liKlttco Mnrkct.
New York, May 2S.-Klour Firm. Wheat
Dull; No. 2 red store and elevator, ki
82'ic; efloat, 8J'c; f. o. b., 82a$3-'c.; un
graded red, 71u!lc. ; No. 1 northern, S7a
87"ic: options active and Irregulur, clos-ln-r
llrm nt l-alc. advance; May, 81 c;
June, J2'ic; July, S3'sc; AusTust, 83' ic.;
September, t$kc; October, 81'ic; Decem
ber. So'iC. Corn Dull, llrmer; No. 2. 5S'o.
elevatorr; 59ViiC. afloat; opllonn dull, lirm,
at UiBl-V. advance; May, 577;c; July,
5SHc. ; August, S!c.; S.'itcmber, 59'ic
Oats Dull, firmer; options active, strong
er; May and June, 33!ic; July and Septem
ber, 34c; spot prices. No. 2. 33:i33iC.; No.
2 wh'to, ;a3i;ic.; No. 2 Chlcngo, illaJI'ic;
No. 3, 31 'ic: No. 3 while, 3-i'ic; mixed
western, 32a34e. ; white state and western,
:i7a43'ic Provisions Quiet, steady, un
cliKtiged. Lard Firmer; western steam,
$);.92H; city, ,.25; May, Jii.85: July, $ii.U7;
refined, quiet; continent, S7.20; South
America, $7.Wi; pomt-ound. Daalic Pork
Steady. Hjttcr Steady, unchanged.
f'h nsp Firm, fair demand, unchanged.
Kggs Firmer; state and Pennsylvania,
lii'.jaloic; western fresh, l'J'al'ic.; do.
per case, J5;i3.30; southern, M'nV-'.ic
TolcJo Grain .Market.
Toledo, O., May 2S. Wheat Rece'pts,
39,.Va I . u m h o I a : shipments, 23,500 bushels;
market quiet; No. 1 red cash and June,
X3'i,c.; July, Si'jc; August, Slc.: Septem
ber. 81ic; No. 3 red, g-"ic Corn R
eelpts, 22.W3 hiifhcls; Hhlpineuis, 3,0K)
bushels; market Arm; No. 2 mixed eii;h
and May, 54c; June, 6.T.jc; July, 51'ic; No.
3 yellow, cash, M'4c Oats Market dull;
No. 2 mixed, July, 32c Clover Seed
Market dull; October, $5.85,
Buffalo Live Stock.
Ruffalo, May 21. Cattle Receipts, M0
head; on sale, 80 head; market quiet nnd
rvv: pfo- t" fair cows,; medium
s!ers, ft 9r.n!; llcht steers, $1,50; light to
good hulls, Hogs Receipts, fi.900
head; on sale, 8,000 head; market firm to
;.iiUi.t lor good nogs, slow for pigs; York
tn, li-ht to good. $l.ri()a4.ffi; mixed park
cm, H.Wml.70; nii'diums, $l.n5u4.70; good
heavy, $l.75a4.8l); roughs, $lal.25; stagH, $:ia
3M. Sheep and Lamlm Receipts, 7.V)
bead; on sale, 8,800 head; market opened
very dull, almost at a standstill, closed
very dull with 20 enrs unsold; good to
prime CM pound) shnep, $.1.!ia4.25; fancy
ewes and wethers, for export, $l.50a4.75;
good to prime lambs, $l.75a5.25; fair to
good, $4a4.5; cull nnd common lots, $2.D0a
3.75; spring lambs, (.2'.a.r.0.
Chic.ign I. ha Stock.
Union Stock Ynrds, III., May 28, Cattle
Receipts, 4,500 head; market steady; com
mon to extra steers, J1aC.ll); stockcrs nnd
feeders, $2.8nsl.i;r,; cows and hulls, $UCa
4.50; calves, $;:5.I0; Texnns, 2.50n5.1. Ilngs
Ilncelpts, 17,000 head; market firm nnd 6a
15c. higher; heavy packing and shipping
lots, $4.45n4.75; common to cholco mixed,
$I.30h4.7ii; choice assorted, '$4.K,ria4.55; light,
J4.25a4.GO; pigs, $3.1()a4.30. 81iee Receipts,
8.1.00 head; market steady; Inferior to
choice, $3a5; lambs, $1a4.U0.
Oil Mnrkct.
Plttnburg, May 28. Oil opened and high
est, 157'A: lowest and clonjd, IMi'A.
oil City, May 2H. oil opened, 157'A:
highest, KB; lowest and closed, lWiii,
I'hilndclpliln Tullon Market.
Philadelphia, May 28.-Tnllnw Is qtdet.
but steady We nuotB. c(yi , ,ft
hhils, 4a4l4c; ooutitry, prime, In bids.
41c.i do. dark, In bbls, 4a4Vio.; cakes. 4Uc
grease, a-ftaSftc. "-.
Miss Sadie aillmore Is vtry 111 at this
Mrs. James Ilaker and daucrhtera,
Maud and Gertrude, are vlslitlna
friends here.
Kvergroen cemetery presents a very
pretty appearance, and loving hands
have been very busy the past two weeks
benutifylnB the graves and grounds.
Thursday afternoon the following
will ba the lino of march: Leaving; the
Grand Army hall ait 1.45 and marching
to Evergreen cemetery: Keystono Cor
net band ;Mrs. Sarah Rice circle, No. 104;
First Baptist Sunday school; Method
ist Sunday school; Cnptain 10'. J. Hire
post, .No. 211. Rev. H. H. Wllbor will
be the orator of the day. Comrade
John T. Howe, of Scranton, will speak
In the evening. In ithe evening; the La
dles' circle will hold an entertainment
In Mftthewson's Opera, House, and serve
strawberries, lee cream, cake, etc., In
public ball opposite the Opera House.
Everybody Is requested to come.
Memorial services were observed at
the Plrnt Bantlst church on Sanrlny
laU. ltcv. 'II. J. Vitk:;(j traaclud
a very lnterentlng and patriotic ser
mon from the text, "The Lord hath
done irrcat things for us, whereof wo
are glad." Psulms cxxvl, 3. The ser
mon was listened 'to by a large congre
Kttitloru The Cnplnin hi. J. Rice post,
No. 211, und Ladles' circle attended
In a body.
Thursday morning at 9 o'clock Com
rades of hJ. J. Iilce post will decorate
at Daltort and Old Depot cemetery.
The remnlns of the Into Thomas
Moran, of Rock Tc-rrace, were laid to
rift yesterduy morning. At 10.30 o'clock
a high mass of requiem was sung; by
Rev. T. J. Comerford and at Us cdnso
he delivered an Impressive eulogy over
Ilia departed. The pall-benrers were
Patrick Currnn, Patrick Moran,
Michael Million, Patrick Keefrun,
Frank Dunleavy and Mark McDonnell.
James Fitsipatrlok was lltiwer-beiircr.
lntelllgeni-e reached here on Satur
day evening 'that John Fallon, a son
of Patrick Fallon, of the East Sldo,
surtnlned very serious inlurles In Wln
L'onsin. The UdiMim Mr. Fallon re
ceived merely plated that his son had
both his legs cut olf, but gave no fur
ther farts concerning .the accident.
Another telegram received yesterday
Kta'ted that .the young man was restlnir
easily In a hospital near the scene of
the accident. A nephew of Mr, Fnllen
will leave for Wisconsin In a day or
t;o. The Injured man' left hero about
six weeks ago.
The Memorial Day cxcrclnen conduct
ed under the auspices of Jnmos O.
Stephens imst, Grand Armv of the Re
public, will !ie held here this year. He-o.'iune-
of the fact ithnt many of tlio
iiienibens if .the post belong to Peck
vlllo R has been cut tonmry to hold ser
vices Iw-re every second year. This)
time It lit our turn ami great prepara
tions have been mndu for the proper
observance of the day. There will lie
a parade, In which nearly all our soci
eties will participate. The memorial
exerclsis will be held In the Catholic
cemetery. The oration will be deliv
ered by IT. IC. Paine, of Scranton. Cap
tain Batten! nirg, commander of the
post, requests donations of flowers nnd
nsks that they be sent to him before
Wednesday 'night.
Mr. and Mrs. T. 3. Golden have re
turned nfter a pleasant visit with
friends In Philadelphia.
An announcement Is made of the
marriage of Miss Aggie Caftnpy, of Hill
street, to Mr. Fltzsimmonfl, of Jer
myn; of Miss Katlo Mefllynn, of South
Railroad street, to Thomns Gallaglier,
and MisS Rose Sharnel to I. Ehulller,
both of Hill street.
Dr. Reed Burns performed an oper
ation on C E. Power yeRtcrdny aftor
noon, removing his leg Just below tho
knee. Mr. I'ower has been confined
to th? bed for a week past with a dis
ease similar to dry gangrene. It was
decided that the only chance of Eavirojr
his life was by removing .this leg. Mr.
Power Is 59 years old nnd well built.
The Wyoming Wild West will exhibit
at Honesdale May 31. Newspaper ac
counts clajis It as a first-rate show,
his Ufa wos by removing his log. Mr.
they do all others. Persons are warned
to look out for them.
Edwin Goodwin, of Scranton, who
lately came Into prominence on ac
count of his successful suit ngalnst tht
Delaware and Hudson Canal company,
on Saturday last purchased a white
bull terrl.T from C. J. Weaver, for $25.
Tho dog to a fine specimen of Its kind.
Mrs. J. H. Houck and daughter, Miss
Eulalle, who have 'been visiting Hones
dale relatives, returned to West Pitts
ton yesterday.
Miss Grace Brown Is visiting Mrs.
Lee Demmlng, at Wilkes-Barre.
Mrs. Caroline Cooper left yesterday
for a visit with her sister at Nicholson.
Mrs. Thomas Potter, cook at the
Coyne House, and a young woman re
siding th'.'re, were taken suddenly 111
Monday afternoon. It was at first
supposed they were poisoned on Gar
field tea. Dr. O'Connell 13 making an
Tha thief who was captured nnd
p!a?ed In Jail Monday for stealing a
pair of shoes and allowed to take an
alarm clock to bed with him which he
had In his possession, should have been
searched before being placed In Jail.
Later In the day It was discovered the
cluck had been stolen from Mr. Cowle,
at Seelcyvllle. -The -man might have
had Implements to force his way out
of Jail for all the otllelals knew.
If the Rnby Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has ben
used for over Fifty Yours by Millions of
Mothers for their Children while Teething,
with Perfect Success. It Soothes the
Child, Softens tho Gums, Alluys all Pain;
Cures Wind Colic, and is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea, Sold by Druggists ia ev
ery part of tho world. Be sure and ask for
"Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and
take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a
bottle. '
William Hollnndback left yesterday
for Easton to attend the Masonic cele
bration. The following- from this city will
witness the Benton-Tyler wedding in
Forest City thin evening: Misses Char
lotte Giles, Rena Daley, Jessie Viinnnii,
Minnie liowen. May Hallock, W. D.
Frank, 11. G. Likely, It. M. Sheuherd,
Mrs. C. 1'. Hallock, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. S.
Lewsley and Rev. and Mia. T. 10. Jep
son. William G. Taylor, of 'Forest City,
has been admitted to the hosnltal In
this city.
This afternoon, at the home of Mr.
If it is, you will bo strong, vigor
ous, full of lifo and ambition; you
will havo a good nppctilc nnd good
digestion; your Bleep will bo sound
and rcfrcsliing; your nerves will bo
strong; you will imvo iittlo need to
fear disease in any form.
It lit bow few run Buy Hint tliclr
blood Is pure! How ninny peoplo
nre suffering daily from tliu conse
quences of impure blood, scrofula, salt
l'lieum, liiPUiiiiitisiu, catarrh, nervous
nobs, sleeplessness, licudtichc, and
Tired Feel sing
Hood's Snrsapnrilln purifies, vitalizes
mill enriches tho blood. Therefore,
it is tho medicine for you.
It will glvo you pure, rich, red
blood nnd strong nerves.
It will overcomo Unit tired feeling,
crcuto an appetite, givo refreshing
sleep and niako you strong.
Is not this just what you wnnt?
' Then tako Hood's Siirsupnrilln. It
is tbo best building up liiedicino.
Hood's Sarsapa&iSla
Bs th Only
Truo Blood Purifier
rromlnontly In tho public eyo today.
Hood's Pills iZ hZSr
15 Your
Blood Pure
and Mrs. D. J. Duncan, on Gnrfleld ave
nue, will occur the marriage of their
daughter Mary S. R to John Sheyer,
of llornelliiville, N. Y. Mr. Sheyer Is
chelf dispatcher for the Erie Railway
company at llornellsvllle.
A plensane time was enjoyed at the
home of iMirfs Adena Herrlno;, on Salem
avenue, lust evenliu?, the event beinK
a muslcale, under the auspices of the
youriB workers of the Methodlnt church.
A. V. Urantweln and George Idols are
on a buolness trip to New York elty.
Mrs. John Elston, of I'nrk street, Is
vlsltlntf Scranton friends this week.
This evening, In the new Burke build
Ins, the Mozart band will give a concert
and dunce.
The funeral of William H. Cole, who
was killed Monday afternoon, will be
held this ufternoon ut 2 o'clock.
C. Haas, father-ln-lnw of S. I.
Creary, tho boMler, and H. Brehm, of
Ilazleton, drove over to this place on
Sunday afternoon. They went to tho
headwaters of Hun.tim;lon Creek on
Monday, where they spent the day llsh
liiK for trout, nnd returned In the even
ing with a Rood catch.
Nornian .McNeill's double house on
Main street Is ready for the plaster
era, who will commence work In a few
John Ash and wife, of IehlKhton,
father and mother of Mrs. C. K.
Stauffer, of itho Commercial house, re
turned home on Tuesday, after making
a vIsH of several days.
Frank Coleman, The Tribune news
boy, has been confined to his bed for
the past two days with Inflammation
of the bowels. V.n. Remaby, a nelfch
iMir boy, Is distributing the papers
durlnK his Illness.
K. A. Nlven and W. S. Miller, of
Wllkes-Rarre, and H. S. Fontaine, rep
resemtative of .the New York World,
spent tho greater part of yewterday In
this place. During the day, In com
pany will) C. R. Stauffer, of tha Com
mercial House, with whom they
stopped, took a. drive ou't through 'the
stopped, they took a drive out through
the country.
George Horber, who has been quite 111
for several weeks, Is convalescing.
George Alter, an old veteran who
hns been III for a long time, died yes
terday afternoon, aged about 50 .pears.
Rose Brlttaln, wife of ex-Deputy
Sheriff Brlttaln, of Cumbra, was burled
yesterday ufternoon.
J. R. Gould, of Hick's Ferry, delivers
vegetables raised on his farm. In this
place, several times during tho week.
The funeral of John Burnett, who was
killed on Friday, was attended on Mon
day. The remains were followed from
his late home by the members of Silver
Star cantle, No. Mi), and the Ancient Or
der Knigfcfts r.f the Mj"stlc Chain, No. 43,
and 'the Providence and Storrs' mines
Accidental 'funds. The deceased was 37
years of age. He has left a widow and
three small children to mourn the loss
of a kind father and an affectionate
The school board will meet In the bor
ough hall on June 3 next. The old
members will retire and the new ones
take their plaoos at 7.30 p. m.
Mild XTWfcFiNK
Has stood the Test ol Tims
w,r2fr re VIVO
Made a
1st Day,
Well Man
of Me.
i no until I aoth ry.
prodnees the above remits In SO days. It trtl
liuweritilly and quickly. Curoa when ill others fail.
Vouug men will rognta thmr lout manhood, aod old
men will recover tliclr youthful vuor by lulnv
KKVIVO. It quickly and aurpirrofftoroa Nervous
npHs, Lohs Vltalltr, impotcnoy. Nightly Knilealon,
Lost rower. Falling Memory, Wiwtiim Dim-asm. and
all effpcta of Nflf-atnisn or eiciinn and lnillunretlon.
which unfits one for atutly.btiKiiioiiHorniarrlise. It
lint only cures by starting at the grat ot dlsiiase, but
Is a great nerv Ionic and blond builder, bring
ing back the plnJt (rlnnr to pale eln.eJis and re
staring tho fire of youth. It wsrd off Insanity
and Consumption. Inslnt on bavlntt ItF.V I
other. It can be oar r led in vest pocket. Dy mcll,
I 1 .OO per packaso, or six tor a.OO, with posi
tive written fruarai.tre to cure or refund
thoniotiny. Circular free. Address
Vos ky Matthews Itreia Dragglst
Scranton , VaV
IlftTOtTon KoroThmnt, PLmplwi. Ooppoi,--nolOT(KI
8potn, Action, (kid Hnrux, Hlwni In Month, Ur.1i
Kftlllntt? Write Conk Hrmrdy VoH Ot Ma
son I c Tf mp1?,(,hlrnvo,l 1 1., for proofs of curoi.
4'Ap.tn1 ifM,0N. I'mtciitBcurtHl aln-rcr
Ell MV II 131
Offers all their piece goods, consisting of Ginghams, Chcllics,
Muslins of any vurloty, Cassimcres, Toweling. Outing Flannel,
to close out the entire stock of the above at half price. They are
Going into the Gents' Furnishing Goods only, and ths stock of
piece goods must be sucrlficed ut any rate. Do not delay, but
come at once and secure the bargains of' this great sale. Nain
sooks, Double Swisses and all White Goods must be closed, no
matter what the price will be. The stock inust be closed inside
of 30 days to make room for our Gents' Furnishing line. Be on
lookout Monduy, great bargain day. . y
Magnetic Physician
In Scranton.
Dr. F. B. SMITH,
Diabetes la a disease of the nutritive
system In which sugar accumulates In
the blood, and Is excreted through tho
urine. The dally quantity of urine U
greatly Increased, This disease may bo
divided Into acute and chronic form,
but except In their duration there la no
essential dllTerenco. Frequent urina
tion and an intense thirst are the first
symptoms that mark the onset of this
disease, together with a voracious ap
petite, tho patient t'hen begins to grow
thin ami willow, losing flVHh rapidly
until he becomes a mere skeleton. The
thirst Is almost unenduruble, It general
ly being greatest about an hour or two
after meals. The tongue Is dry, red
and glazed and the saliva very Beanty;
the gums become Swollen, and consti
pation generally attacks the patient
with these symptoms. Notwithstand
ing the enormous food consumed, the
patient gradually wastes away. The
skin becomes dry and harsh, and pers
piration rarely occurs. Iiolls, carbuncles
and other diseases of the skin often
occur, especially eczema and pruritus.
The patient Is attacked with headache.
and a faint intoxicating feeling comes
over him and they generally fall Into
a deep, dull sleep. Diabetes, as a rule.
is pronounced incurable by ordinary
physicians, whe know but little If any
thing of animal magnetism. It can be
and Is being permanently cured by Dr.
l' H. Smith, at his parlors, 312 Wyoming
avenue. Dr. Smith will hold free pub
lic clinics, and cure all worthy people
at ins parlors, 312 Wyoming avenue,
from 1 to 2 p. m. daily. Olllce hours, 9
a. m. to 5 p. ni. dally, except Sundays.
Consultation free.
F. n. Smith, M. D.,
Magnetic Physician.
All letters of Inquiry must contain
233 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton
in SI
Attracted great crowds and so
will our suits marked down to
$54S attract a great number
to see what they can possibty
be at that price.
We bought a lot of them
very cheap last week in New
York and are willing to let
you reap the benefit of our
purchase. They are worth
ilifiiiU illtit'il
Potomac ?R.Rfl
L'nion Flannel. V? U U V
Slaters' Flannel
Strictly all wool, fast color,
guaranteed not to fade.
For this week only Laun
dricd shirks, white and col
ored - - - 46c
They are worth 75c. and
Look at our window dis-
230 Lackawanna Ave.
Nottingham, Tambour, Irish Point,
and Brussels Curtains, in one, two
and three pair lots; patterns that
cannot be duplicated.
Also short lengths of light
and heavy drapery silks, suitable
for furniture coverings and por
teries, at one half their value.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
Who Wants to Pay $ 4 for
Who Wants to Pay $ 8
Who Wants to Pay $12
Who Wants to Pay $16
Who Wants to Pay $20
To be brief, why pay about 25 per cent, more for
furnishing your home than the "Economy" asks
For 60c.
Is strictly all wool
best grade 9
or 10 years' wear
would be no more
than we expect of
Your blood is all right it's your house that's
out of order. GET CURED by the
S2B and 227 Wyoming Avenue.
Sale . . .
1 1
what Economy sells for $ 3
One hundred rugs of dis
agreeable pattern Rugs
most folks won't buy.
We bave put them all in
one pile, where they look
just as ugly as they are
some folks like odd pat
terns particularly if
they can buy rugs for
just one-half what they
cost some of them don't
seem homely to us and
may be wouldn't seem
homely to you the wear
is in 'em.
1 111 III!