THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOBNINO. MAY 29, 1895. Odr Neighbors Douto fbe Ualley. ONE CENT onnolly Wallace c & WILKES-BflRRE. The Tribune has n branch of fice at . No. 2U. LunnlnR buMdlni;. Public Hquare, Wllkee-Iiurre, for thj transaction of biiHlncsi. The publishers propose to extend the circulation of The Tribune In Wllkns-ttarre and surrounding towns, and to that end will present a very com plete department of Luzerne county news. For success In this undortnkliiK depend once Is placed solely upon the superiority of Tho Tribune as a purveyor of all the news of the day domestic, forelun, local, commercial and financial. The Renornl In-t-irests of the people of VVIIkes-TJarro and tho Wyoming vnlley will have in The Trlb uno nn earnest advocate, editorially and otherwise. It is the purpose of the pub lishers to issue a newspaper as valuable ti the general public as the mtropulltnn rta'llcs. mid deliver It to the people throughout northeastern Pennsylvania from three to five hours eahller than the .Philadelphia and New York papers can reach them. WHAT THE CHIEF SAYS. Ho Never noes Anything In n Hnrry Will Act Later. Chief of Police ISrifftrs ndmlttcd to a News-Denler reporter that lie had rt colved a communication from the mayor requeaUna; him to make for mal complaint against a certain notori ous bawdy house ml also nRulnst a well-known speak-easy. The chief added that he never acted In such cases until he had made thorough Investiga tion and was convinced that uctlon was warranted. He says the two houses nllud.'d to will be attended to in good time and In accordance with the law. The character of the houses to which the mayor has called the uttentlon of the chief Is so notorious that It Is rather surprising the chief of police require time to make Investigation. The chief and the oIHcers on whose beats ther.e houses are located ottsht to be bctte Informed than anybody else enncornl!!' tholr character, but they pretend to lv very ignorant on the subject. There are seme cities in this commonwealth where such Ipnoranee would be ileemf.t abundant rau for the removal of tT.e oftloers and the substituting of brighter and more effective men. If Mayor Nichols had the power mayors of other cities wield there would changes very quickly. Chief Hrlggs further Informed the re porter that he had be?n misrepresent ed, and that his past reputation as an officer and citizen was euttlolent guar antee that he would do his duty. Evi dently he deems It to b his first duty to obey the police committer of coun cil, and as he would doubtless be promptly removed by the committee If he co-operated with 'the mayor, he has some excuse. With him It is a ques tion of obeying the polie committee or los-ine his ottice. If the committee would Intimate to him that he might safely make complaint against the houses referred to he would do bo at once. Greater blame, therefore, at tach to the committee than to the chief of police. To the latter it Is a ma'tter of bread and butter. He sim ply stands in with the powers that be. If he were subject to the mayor he would stand in with that offlcinl. THE CONSTABLES REPORT. The Liquor Laws Arc Being Strictly Ob served in Luzerne. On Monday the constables of the county made their periodical reports. It is needless to say that the argus eyed representatives of law and order had no unpleasant duty to perform. In their several and resiective bailiwicks the liquor laws have been respected, and they had no knowledge, of any violations of the provisions of the Erooks act. If the returr.3 made by the constables were true there would be cause for sincere congratulation. The fact, however. Is that if the constables of the several cities, towns and villages of Luzerne county, really have no knowledge of violations of the liquor laws In their bailiwicks the conclusion Is Inevitable '.hat they are wilfully Ignorant; they make no effort to ac quire knowledge. Some constables have been known to excuse and Justify themselves In the plea that when they do return violat ors of the liquor laws, the grand Jury either ignores the bills, r, when true bills are found, trial ends In acquittal. "While this ia true In many cases It does not Justify constables in making re turns which they know are not true. There are, or in the past have been, not less than five hundred places In this county where liquor was Bold without the formality of a license. But the con stables say they do not know where any of these places are located. Li censed dealers know where they are, but the average licensed dealer does not care to give Information. GIVE THE DETAILS. Importing Foreigners to Do Work While Our Own Pcoplo Aro Idle. Sewer contractors now doing extensive Work in this city are Importing foreigners. Why do they not give Wllkes-Barre'a un employed work. The people of this city pay tho taxes and WUkcs-Tlarre should reap tho benefit of municipal work. There are plenty of men In town who would be glad to work anywhera Wilkes-iiarre Record. If the above Is true the Record falls In Its duty when It withholds all de tails. Who are the contractors doing extensive work for the municipality, who bring foreigners here to do the iwork while hundreds of our own people are Idle and would be only too glad for the opportunity to earn money for the support of their families? .Lt our re elected contemporary give the names of the contractors, the probable num ber of foreigners brought here by them, and In what manner they were secured. The entire community in Interested In putting a atop to that kind of business. Contracts, are usually awarded on a basis that enables contractors to pay decent living' wages for labor, and the vrorklngmcn resident In this city ought to have the preference. This Is only Justice to the community. If labor can Ti'it be secured hero then no fault can bo found with the contractors for seek ing it elsewhere. I3ut, first, let us have thfl namea of the contractors who are guilty as alleged by the Record, to gether with oilier details. Rightfully I'.cstotvcd Mcrov. Judge Lynch will be commended for hin action In the case of Ralph Luby, tho 12-year-old boy convicted of bur glary. The Judge could have Bent he IMCTAWTliCI ICC for all afflicted with TORTURING SKIN DISEASES in a Single Application of , Ctrnqtnu Works Wohdtcm, and Its curco it torturing human are limply marvellous. Sold throughout the world. Britidi depot! Sw ,v, i, King Edward-it., London, Pottss Dxva jt Cum. Cow., Sol Viopt., boMon, U. b. A. boy to the penitentiary or to the Hunt Inirdon reformatory. He did neither. because he saw a chance for savltitf the' young criminal. He sent for tha lad, who waa brought into court, and after consultation with the district at torney he said he would suspend oen tence and release the culprit, but If hereafter thore waa any further com1 plaint against him, the sentence would bo enforced. The boy's mother reside! in Philadelphia, and she took the nex train, taking the boy with her. The young culprit waa convicted of stealing a number of watches. AN INJUNCTION. Tho County CoinuilHslonors to Bo lio strained by Low. Counsel representing a number of prominent citizens and heavy tax payers yefiteriluy took the llrst step toward petitioning the court for a pre liminnry Injunction restraining the county commissioners trom awarding the contracts for the erection of a new court house under the plans of Archl tect Jlyers. It was Impossible to learn full particulars kPt vening, but ono of the attorneys representing the pe titioners BEiurHl The Tribune repre- sfiilc'llve that the proceeding was fairly under way. This action was certain to be taken. Public (sentiment demands that the county commission ers be reetrulntd In their crazy project of awarding contracts for a court house on plans that would cost a million dollars, when they have not even a site n which to erect the proposed building. The court will respect public Bentl ment and bring tho commissioners to their senses. It can Hau'ly be pre dieted that the present board of county commissioners will not commence the erection of a new court houso on the Myers plans or any others. They have alrrjdy squandered more than $10,001) rnJ will have to pay Architect Myers ? IC.ttoo more under his Iron-clad con- tract, but the court will oeve the tax payers from nny further wnste of their money by the present uonrit. ext year the people will elect three men as county cummlralonera who can be safely entrusted with the work of erecting such a new court house as the county requires. In the meantime It is necessary to tie the hands of the present board of reckless commis sioner!'. The lirst rtep in that direc tion was taken yesterday. CEMETERY SERVICES. An In Jcrstnndlng HcucheJ Between tho li. A. K. and Cemetery Officials. Some time a?o the official board of Hollenbauk Cemetery association called attention to the damage done at the cemetery by the crowd that usually as sembled there on Memorial Day, and they would not permit services to be held there execpt the decorating of the graves. This creating a good deal of feeling. It Is now stated that the usual services will be held, but an effort will be made to keep out of the ceme tery all persons except those connected with the Grand Army organizations and such other organized bodies aa par ticipate In the parade. In this way It Is hoped the trampling of the grass and other damage and defacement to the graves will be reduced to a minimum. The Grand Army posts evince a dispo sition to meet the managers of the cemetery half way and avoid all cause for complaint such as haa been heard In the past. The proper observance of Memorial Day will In no wise be marred by the adoption of the course Indicated. The members of the Grand Army of the Republic are all reasonable men, and will not lay themselves open to unrea sonable criticism. The managers of Hollenback cemetery, too, are fair and liberal men who 'have no desire to Inter fere with the proper observance of Me morial Day. ANOTHER BIG COAL SUIT. George W. Shonk and Others Want n Quarter of a Million Dollars. George W. Shonk, John J. Shonk and others have brought suit In trespass against the Kingston Coal company and Daniel Eawards, for the recovery of damages In the amount of $250,000. The suit grows out of the mining of coal by the defendant company from lands al leged to belong to the plaintiffs, and It Is likely that extended and expensive litigation will follow. The present sea son has been prolific of litigation of this character. A New Lock -Up. Wilkcs-Barre Is to have a new lock up, or police station. Architect Pod- more has submitted plans to the proper committee of city council. The plans contemplate a building of considerable pretention The basement will con tain a liberal number of cells for pris oners. The rear of the structure will provide accommodations for the patrol wagon and horses. The eeconu story will be arranged as a flit for the driver of the patrol wagon. Such a building has been needed for years and Its erec tion should not be delayed longer than Is absolutely necessary. Killed by Cars. Yesterday morning Mrs. Mary Oarra- han, of Luzerne, was almost Instantly killed at the Pond street crossing of the Lehigh Valley railroad In that borough. The old lady attempted to cross the track In front of an approaching train, but was not quick enough. She was struck by the engine and frightfully mangled under the wheels. Tha victim was past 80 years of age, and the widow of the late Thomas Garrahan, Koleascd on lliill. The two Hungarians, Peter Massenk- avltcy and Simon Saveleskl, who made such a vicious and deadly attack upon a man named Walker in a saloon at Plymouth a week ago, have been re leased from Jail, they having furnished ball In the sum of $1,000. Walker will recover, at least his physicians are of that opinion. PERSONALS. Mrs. Frank Teller, of Philadelphia, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. James Long, In this city. John J. O Hara, president of the Dio cesan union, addressed the St. AloysluB society last evening. Mrs. Morris Hughes will today leave for a three months' visit in .WaleB and other parts of Europe. W. J. Henderson, the musical critic. of the Now York Times, will be the third adjudicator at tho musical festi val of the Oratorio society. Christmas Evans and his son, Ivor Evnns, of Wales, are guests at the Wyoming Valley house. Mr. Evans Is a South Wales ooal operator. Ilev. J. O. Woodruff has Just had con ferred upon him the honorary degree of D. D. There are still two or three preachers In this vicinity who do not enjoy this distinction. Governor Huntings has Informed Hon orable Charles A. Miner that It will probably be Impossible for him to at tend the musical festival here on the 11th and 12th of June. Captain O. Hlllard Bell, of this city, nnd William, C. Beck, of Baltimore, representing the National Building as sociation, of Baltimore are to establish a branch of that organization in this city. Judge D. I Rhone addressed the Ep worth league of the Central Methodist Episcopal church last evening. His subject was "The' Church, the Home and the State." A musical programme was also a feature of the occasion. Attorneys John D. Farnhnm and T. R. Martin returned from Philadelphia yesterday, where they pleaded before the supreme court for a new trial for the murderer Bowman, recently convicted of murder In" the llrst degree. They are very bopeful of securing the trial. BRIEF NOTES. Squire Donuhuo yceterday sent Will lam Cullen, of Plains, it? Jail for wife Deatrng. Wllkes-Barre and Bcranton will be the two teams to do battle at Athlotlo park, at 3.45 p. m. today. A number of well-known dramatic artists will unpen r at George S. Robin' son'a benefit at the Grand lera House on Thursday evening of this week, The- funeral of Mrs. It. T. llandrlck will take place this afternoon. The ro- mains will be taken to Tunkhannock for Interment In Sunnysldo cumetery Three tramps, two young men rliurgvd. with Sunday ball playing, and the unfortunate Mary Ann Smurt, were lHfore tlie mayor yesterday. All were illHcharged except the woman, who was sent to Jail. The 1'ivss club Is making arrange ments for a big excursion mid picnic which will bo held in the near ruture, If every thing proves to be satisfactory, A committee left yesttertluy to inspec a new idcnle ground, which It Is de sired tho Press club shall nimi, The L,ehlgh and Wllkes-lfarre com- pnny'a collieries will average about thirteen full days this month. This Is the best time made for nny month this year by these collieries, and the men are duly thankful. It Is Just about half a loaf. Companies A, 11, 1 nnd P and the drum corps of the Ninth regiment will participate In the parade on Meinorlu Day, under the command of Major John S. Harding. At the exercises tit the cenutory only those participating In the parade will attend, to prevent th trampling down ot the grass In the adjacent lots. A number of members of the west Bud) Wherlmi'n of this city, have ar ranged for a century run to Danville on Memorial Iay, and Incite all bicy clers to Join them. Their schedule is to leave Wllkes-llarro at 5 a. m.. take breakfast ut Berwick at 8 o'clock, ar riving In Danville at 11 o'clock. He, turning, leave Danville at 11.110, reach ing Berwick nt 2 for dinner, nnd arriv ing at "Wllkes-Parre again at 7 p. m. PLYMOUTH. "While Oeorge Culbert, who Is em ployed by the Parrlsli coal eompamy, was removing timbers from the raft In the river to the mines, he was struck on the head by a tlylngskld. He was at once removed to the burgess' ottice, where medical aid was summoned. After scv eral hours of hard work he slowly re covered his senses. Sciulre Eno Is dangerously 111. Z. li. Wagner, ot Plulnsvllle, made a business trip In town yesterday. L. K. Steele, of the Electric City, was entertained by friends In town yester day. :Mrs. C. C. Eberly and daughter left yesterday for a visit among friends and relatives at Catawissa. The Clerks' association will hold their meetings on Wednesday evening in stead of Friday. Miss Edna Parks, of Wilko3-Bnrre, Is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. William Shaw. The choir of the First Presbyterian church will assist the veterans In ob serving Memorial Day, and will sing a number of anthems under the direction of Mrs. Sadie Johns. On Friday evening next commence ment exercises of the Plymouth high school will be held In Smith's Opera house. The following la tho programme Those iwho will participate In the exor cises are pupils from the high and grammar schools: Overture; Invoca tion, Kev. O. L. Severson; chorus, May, high and grammar schools hoop drill; essay, "A Popular Miscon ception," iMIss May E. Klckard; essay, The Westward Migration." Bliss Maude V. McAlarney; sextette, "Klse Again, Glad Summer Surt," Misses Itickard, Kawe, James, Lewis, Jones and Davenport; oration, "Tho Ad- antages of a Republic, Louis H, Hltohler; esaay, "Associates," Dora Mc- Danlcls; violin solo. Miss Helen Shupp; essay. The value of an Education, Maude L. Huschke; oration, Keform, Joseph P. Martin; duet, Misses Daven port and James; essay, The Newspaper and the Man," Edith Lee Phillips; es say. "The Duty of Being Pleasant," Ann-ie May Richards; presentation of diplomas 'by J. A. Opp, estp; chorus. 'Farewell, high anq grammar schools. Mls-s M.ime Hubblctt, of this place, and Morrla Van Horn, of Kingston, will Join hands in wedlock at the home of the bride s parenta on Main street this evening. Plymouth should be well represented at the opening game of the Minor league on Thursday at Athletic park, when the Welsh Hill club will come In con tact with a strong tenm trom Scnmton. The many friends of M ;. Garrahan, formerly of this plnce, but now residing at Luzerne. Pa., will be pained to learn that while she was crossing tha railroad yesterday morning she was struck and llled toy the passenger train that roaches here at 10.45. The following Is the programme that will be rendered at the eisteddfod to be held In the Armory theater tomorrow morning. There will be three sessions eld, at 10 a. m., 2 p. m., and 6 p. m.: Morning session Adjudicators, musi cal. Professor Oeorge Mason; recita tions, etc., Hon. D. J. Reese; chairman, William E. Jones, esq.; conductor, Rev. Degaln Williams; opening song, ty Mrs. J. Degaln Williams; address, by tho chairman; bardie addresses; recita tion, 'TMy Country," for children under 12 years, prize $1 ; solo, "In the Secret of His Presence," for girls under 12 years, first prize, $1; second prize, E0 cents: adjudication of No, 4; the best render ing of a piece of music on the organ at first eight, for children under 15 years, prize $1; adjudication of No. B; the Mpell- ng bee, prize $1; adjudication of No. 7: children's choir, "Sing am! Pray," prize $15; adjudication of No. 9; adjudication of No. 11. Afternoon session Chair man. T. D. Iiavls; conductor, ltov. John Hague; opening Bong, by Thomas Kow ands; address, by the chairman; barilla addresses; offertory on the organ for ohlldren under IB years, first prize, It. 60; second prize, 75 cents; recitation, "The Roll Call." for male adults, prize. $2: adjudication of No. 4; bass solo, "The Skipper," prize, $.1; adjudication of No. recitation. "The Gambler's Wife." for nmale adults, prize, $2; adjudication of No. 7; baritone solo, "The Village Black smith," prize, $2; debate by any two persons on any subject given at the time, prize, 2; adjudication of No. 11; single quartette of mixed voice on "The Ninety and Nine," prize, $4; adjudica tion of No. 12; adjudication of No. 14. Evening session Chairman, R. H. Law- ell, esq.; conductor, Morgan R. Mor gana, esq.; address, 'by the chairman; opening song, by J. H. Davles; bardic addresses; duet, "The Two Saikirs," prize, $3; recitation, "The First Client," for male and female adults, prize. $2: adjudication of No. 4; soprano solo, "Idle Days In Hummer Time," prize, $2; adjudication of No. B; adjudication of No. 7; tenor solo, "Tho Little Beggar Girl," prize, $2; three-minute speech, on any subject given at the time, prize, $1; adjudication of No, 10; "The Great God of Wonders," for a party not over twelve In number, prize, $8; adjudica tion of No. 11; adjudication of No. 13; choir to sing "The Star of the Evening," not to bo over fifty In number, prize, $50 and a silver watch for the leader: nd. Judication of No. 10. Printing for Grocers. ... , n i etc., printed so well at The Tribune of- uce inai mey win sen goous lor you. PITTSTON. The "West Flttston borough council convened Monday evening at tha town hull. Engineer Collins has been Inves tigating tho lines of property holders on the north side of Luzerne avenue, from Damon street to the bend In the road, and rexrts the fences encroach upon the publlo highway three feat, The street commissioner was ordered to give notice to such property, huldors to remove their fences to the proper line within thirty days. A number of citizens applied for building permits, which were grunted to 8. A. Urquhart, for addition to house; Airs. Browning, for buildings on North street; John Garman, building on Philadelphia ave nue; John M. ABh, bam on rear of Elm street; John U. Humphrey, shed rear of Spring street; J. V'. Hoover, building corner of Fourth and Erie; Mr. J, L. Sfartwood, addition to house. It was ordered that sewer contractors, Messrs. Acock & on, be paid $1,200 on account, which was done. It was also ordered that the sewer bonds be reprinted In denominations of $MI0, with Interest at 5 per cent. The present bonds at 4 per cent have fulled to attract buyers. Fire w.ib discovered at about 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon in tha old building formerly occupied as un organ fac tory, on North Main street. All alarm was sent In from box 2H. but the elec trical nppuratua fulled to oiM-raba prop, i-rly and tho gong only blew three blasts. The JUt-chuMc Hose company responded promptly and soon hud the llames under control. Joseph J. Cunt, of the Wyoming Vol ley House, yesterday morning dlsKied of his Interest In the hotel to j, K. O'BovIe. of Newark. N. J. Mechanics Hose fair opened last evening at Armory hall In an aus picious manner. The building was tastefully decorated and contained mnnv attractive features. Miss Lenh Heath, of Scrnnton, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W S. Northup. on River ntreet, for the pant few days, returned to her home yesterday. John nowning nas roiumeu mime from Princeton for the summer vacn tloll. E. R. Shenherd. the pioneer wneei' man of Plttaton, has opened a shop In the rear of Armory hall, where he la m-ooared to do all kinds of bicycle, gun. clock and light machinery repairing. Your patronage solicited. OLD FORGE. llarrv Reed, of Jersey City, Is visit ing hU parents, Mr. und Mrs. D. C, Reed. Mrs. Fred Repp Is visiting friends at Oxford. N. J. Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Brick church will -hold nn Ice cream festival an the parsonage lawn on Thursday afternoon and evening. James Shoemuker and Charles Stew art. ot Nichols, N. Y., wero visiting relatives over Sunday. Henry Oerbutt Is recovering from his recent illne-ss. Anyone having flowers will confer a favor on the committee of Oeorge Hill post. Grand Army of the Republic, by leaving them at the llrlek church Thurs day morning, that they may be used In decorating the soldiers' graves In Marcy cemetery. The. Methodist Ministers' district meeting was held in the Hrlck church on Monday and Tuesday. A number of very able e3saj-3 were read and dis cussed. Relief In .Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and llladder dis eases relieved In six ho'jrs by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Us exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the blnddor, kldnoys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages, in male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 12S Penn ave nue, Bcranton, Pa. Ilia life long friend, CURES Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma. Lumbago, Inflammation, Frostbites, Headache, Toothache, Psorf Internally ns well aa Externally. A hftlf to a UMpnnnffil In hftlf a tnmbtnr of watar mri Stomach trnublm, Cold (Ihllln, Malnrlal Kmra Wind id th Uoweli. and all intarnal paina. Vlfty Ccnta a Bottle. Sold by Vrugtlata HAD WAY di CO., New York. RAD WAY'S PILLS. fauee perfect digestion, complete assimila tion nnd lieulthful regularity. Cure con stipation end Its long Hat of unpleasant symptoms and rojuvenate the system. S cents a box. All Druggists, Money to Loan. I 0 TO LUAN ON MOHTOAUB J m-onrltv. D. B. REPLOOLK. attarnnv. 4'B hprnre strrnt. Agents Wanted. A GENTS HINDE'B PATENT UNIVKK- 1 . am llalr IJnrlara and wavpt-a rimed out hat), nnd "Pyr Polnted"Hnir Pins. Lib eral comuiinnlon. Free aample and full par ticulars. Auunms f. ), box ids. hw York. WANTI'D - ACTIVE HALKKMEN TO handle our lino, no tHMldllnir. Batarr. 176 tier month and expensna paid to all. Oooda entlrelv now. Aiinlv ouicklv. P.O. Um UH Iloatou, Mans, Real Estate. 'rui will UTtV V IV ir utunl Bi llima. ffnli f ml .1 . . n 1 . 1 rear, full lot, iM block, Taylor avanup. M.U. HOLOATK. "" WILL BUV IMtOOM'WUHE; PO;tUU wo block, Wyoming avonue. 41. n, UUUIATE. CI iUU WILL BUY DOUBLE flOUHB PAy.VOl (nuwj front and donb'e bourn roar, Hi) Jeff.3r.011 avenue, paying II, M rent. 01. 11. HULUAI'IS. $) Rf III WIIX BUY A LA HUB PING PtZ-tltitf home, Jefferson avenue; call at office for partlcniara. M. B. HoLU ATE. CI K WUi WILt- BUY A PROPERTY ON P B)VW the court house square. - 111. ti. 111iAiAi r WILL fiuYiroUBK I AND BARN full luL, 1400 Albrlubt avenue. $2,000 jo. ti. uuLuaifi, I J Satefs A WORD. WANTS OT ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR. IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE3, NO CHAKOB WILL BE LESS THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ABB) JNBUKTUJJ JfRJ&hi. Help WanUd Male. IJHOTO TICKBT AGENTS AND P1CTUKB X men can learn of a flue position by (id dromlug WILLIAM 11. PLATT, 720 Elui truut, nuiueu, n. d ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to iiullelt atoek aubflorlu. tlons; a monopoly; big money for aeeiitn; no capital required. EUwAKU V. F1BU CO., uoruxn uiook, tjmonga. ill. C ALKKMKN RESIDENT RAI.KHMRN O wanted, acquainted with the local aud iiaaruy iirug and grocery trade, to huudle our lino of high grade cigars, Addrou, giving raferencFH, J. EDWARD COWLEb Co., 143 vnauiuora Hireni, n. x. Help Wanted Female. w ANTED GIRLS TO LKARN DRESS making. MRS. TRIPP, m Adams av WANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO ENER (totlo Hnlenwoiiinn to reprc-r-nt 11a. Ounrantned W a dny without interfering with other duties. Healthful ooeupatlou. Write Tor pnrlleulara, luvloninK Slump, Mmiko I'hera leid Oompanv, No. li John street, New York. For Rent OKPiOErt TO LET, DESK HOOM TO LET and Atmeinbly Hall to let. D. 11. UEP- L,uui., 40H Mpruee street. IURNIKHED HOUSE TO RENT ElOHT J romr, modern Improvements. 1I0J ureen Hiittte Rtrent, corner Wyoming. .OR RENT A BUILDING ON FRANKLIN V avenue, suitable tor businena. Atldrew 1'. U. liOX 44H. T.OH RENT A LARUE, 4-STORY BUILD J ing-atliiU Franklin avenue; suitable for wnoinsaio uiulnea. UAUHOH dB DA VIES, arriiuiuu. lOH RENT FURNISHED AND UN If I III. A lilnuod rooms at oiJO Lackawanna avenue. 1,'OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST a i.ui-Kawanna svonuo. Address THOMAS a. cr Ann, at-ar m Liuterno, Uyde far. l?Vli RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL J suitable for lodno room. JOHN JEK- Jiro, iiu wyomluu ovenue. For Sale. x nora-a at your own prlne. Come and Bee loom. w. si. jiiOlK, 1'rlceburg, Pa. Boarding. WANTED ONE OR TWO BOARDERS. 1 ne quarter block from Sanloisou ave nue ear, ureon uupa finasant rooms. Ad-di-wan M. I. Pamlinin. fl':i Breaker street, city, Special Notice. ANY BOOKKEEPEROR SALESMAN WHO would liko to Increase his income or to improve 111s neaitn tiv oat door mnnlnrnmnt. should nddross tho unrlorsisnod; he mlubt icaru BDUi'-tiiiiiK iiib HuvmiAKU A. D. HOLLAND, O011er.1l Agent, COB Spruee Street, Bcranton, Pa. LARGE STOCK OP OOLD WATCHES at redui-d nrlctia. Wn Iisva trit - l,iv sioci. too nut 111 luce, 01 watcues, good watches, which we are willing to soil at very close (inures, barely coat, to reduce, at Mar. cerenu it Connell's. ATOTK'E-ON AND AFTER MAY 1, I ll wld make a monthly tour of tbe follow Inn places giving free opjn air advertising ex hibitions with the Ktereoptlcon: Taylorvllle, Hyde Hark, Providence, Dickson Olyphalit, lVckvllle. Arcbbald. Jermvn. Eihlhltinna given en Wednesday and Friday of each week during the month, the ratos for adver tising are tin per mouth. Address E. H. Call,? Tribune office, oily. "rpHK SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." X You want this relic. Contains all nf Frank Leslio's famous old War Pictureg,show Ing tho fotoes In aotunl battle, sketched on the snot. Two volumus. 2.0UU pictures. Bold on easy monthly payment Delivered by ei- Iiri-m i:uiu,it'ti'. un viiarKUB prtMjaiu. AUUrPHS . O. MOODY, (KU Adams Ave., Heranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA gtiira. etc. bound or rebound at Thi Tiiibunb ottico. Wuick work. Reasonable priced. , Proposal. SIALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ceivod at the office of the Socretarv of the Scrantou Board of Con'rol until 7.30 n in. Mon day evening, June H, 189.1, forthe heating and Toimiauug 01 1110 proposea iweive (ij room public school building to bo locnt'd 011 West Locust stree, between Acker and Corbett ave nues. Fifteenth ward, of tbe city of Scranton, Mncbnnicnl ventilation is required and dry closet syattom is to be used. Plans for said building may lie to -n at the office of John A, Duckworth, architect. 41 and 46 Coal Ki. change building, Wyoming avenue, Horanton, fa. inn sum ot nun, lu cjnu or rertlllod chock, shall be inclosed with each proposal, w hich sum shall lo forfeited to the school dis trict in case of refusal or omission 011 the part of Hi" contractor whoss proposal shall be ac cepted to execute contract within ton days after tho awarding of the same. The board ronnrves the right to roject any or all bids. iiy oroer 01 1119 ncramon n aru or control, EUOENED- FELLOWS. Secretary. Office or mi Boa no or Comiiirhiomrs or i'Uill.IU UHOUNDS AMU tiUlLDINUS. Daniel II. Hastings, , O. DtLANKf,' nuperlnteidsat. (foveruor. Amos H. Mymn. Auditor Ucnsral. Samuel M. Jackson, State 1 roasurer. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING 8TA tlonery. Furniture. Fnol and other Sun- plies. In compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, wo hereby invite sealed proposals, at prices below maximum rates fixed lu schedules, to furnish stationery, furniture, fuel and other supplies for the several dnpartmente of the stato uovernmont, ana lor making repairs la tile several departments and for tha distribu tion of tha publlo doemneats, for tbe year end lug the first Monday of June, A. D. Separate nronoaala will be reeslved and aei arate contracts awarded as anuouueed In said schedules. Eaoh proposal must be scoumpa nlod by a bond with approved surety or sura ties, conditioned for the faithful performance of the oontract, and addressed and delivered to the Board of Commissioners of Pnblio Oroundsand Buildings before lit o'clock m , of Tuesday, the 4th day of Juno. A. D. MS, at which time the proposals will be opened and published, In the Reception Room of the Ex ecutive Department, at Harrisburg, and con tracts awarded as soon thereafter as practica ble. Blank bonds and schedules eonta Inlnu all necessary information ean ba obtained at this Department. J. U UKLiANKY, For the Board of Commissioner! ot Pnblio Grounds and Bnlldings. Situation Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY A BUTCHER, C? one who thoroughly understands tha business and can give best of References. Address Buteber, box 884, Nicholson, Pa, SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG Oerman girl as nurse girt In a a-ond American family, Inquire at DM Wyoming avenue. SITUATION WANTED AS COLLECTOR bv an exDsrlenaod man: la wllllnir in work for low wages if work la steady: can ?lva beat of refrrenoe. Address "OOLLEC OR," Tribune office, Horanton. WANTED BY A LADY APPOSITION AS cook in tirlvata family, dull at Mltoh. ell's Dining Room, OlS Mulberry street. A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSI- 1 II, .tl mm -...n....-...l. has had experleuoe ana ran furnish the boat of refen-nces. Address 28H Spruce atrent. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physlciuns nnd Surgeons. DR. O. EDOAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 018 spruce street, Bcranton, Pa, (Just opposite Court Houso Square.) DR. KAY, !08 PENN AVE.; 1 to S P. M.j can aH. uiK. 01 women, oosiroirice ana and ull dls. of chll. WOOL CHALLIES. AT 15 CENTS 50 pieces Manchester Chal!ies, both light and dark grounds, representing all the new designs and colorings. Former Price, 20c. AT 25 CENTS 30 pieces American Wool Challies, large variety of the newest effects. Worth 37c, CONNOLLY DR. A. J. CONNELL, OFFICE Ml WoehlnKton avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Fruncke's drug Btroe. Residence, 722 Vina at. Ottice hours: 10.30 to Yi n. m. and 2 to 4. and 6.3U to 7.30 p. m. Sun day, 2 to 3 p. m. DR. W. B. ALLEN, S12 North Washing-ton avenue. DR. C. L. FHHY, PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Eur, Nose and Tin-out; olllce, 122 Wyoming- ave. Resi dence, 029 Vine utreet. DR. Li. M. GATES, 12G WASHINGTON avenue. Otlice hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 1.20 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Mudi Non avenue. JOHN L. WENTS5, M. D., OFFICES G2 and C3 Commonwealth building; resi dence 711 Madison ave.; olllce hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays, 2.30 to 4, evenings at residence. A specialty made of dlseasea of the eye, ear, nuso anu mroui anu gynecology. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms ana pay you better on investment than any other association. Cull on S. N. Callender, Dime Bun It UUIhllllg. Lawyers. JESSUPS & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND uounseiiorft at law, commonwealth building, Woshlnclon avenue. W. H. JES8UP. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP. JR. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. AT. torneye and Counsellors at Law, Ho. publican building, Washington ave nue, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX, ATTOK neys and Counsellors at Law; olfices ( and 8 Library building , Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL, H. PATTERSON, . WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors, Common- weaun nuiiaing. Hooins i, 20 and 2J. W. F. BOYLE. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Nos. 19 and 20, Iiurr building, Washing ton avenue. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT- mw, Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY- ai-uiw, rooms u, tri ana (a, common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT- uw, unice, w spruce St., scranton, fa. L. A. WATRE8, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 41 iacnawana ave., Scranton, URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Bulldina-, Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at & per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building, Scran ton, Pa. C. COMEGYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estute security. 403 Spruce street. U. B KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 wyomins ave., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 4a Commonweallh bid g, Bcranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 136 WTOMING AVE. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY In porcelain, crown and bridge work. Odontothreapla. Olllce, 325 North Washington avenuo. C. C. LAUBACH, SURGEON DENTIST, No, no Wyoming; avenue. It. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, l'n., prepares ooys ana kiiis for collite or buBlness; thoroughly trains young children. Cntaloguo at re aueet. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGAK- ten and ncnooi, 412 Aanms avenue, i n pils received at all times. Next term will open April 8. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, 516 LACKAWANNA avenue, Horanton, fa., inanuiaciurer oi Wire Screens. Hotels und Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 126 and 127 FRANK- Un avenue. Kates reiisoiiauie. P. Z1EULEK, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and lrvinpr f inoe, Mow York Rates, 33.60 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). Ki. N. Anaubn, Proprietor. BCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR t., L. & W. b .1. .'..!. li... t.,.1 rtn thn European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Architects. EDWARD EN DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 34, 26 ana m, lommonweatin building, Scranton. I. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear ot 806 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce St., cor. wasn. ave., ocranion. BROWN MORRIS, ARCHlTJiiOXa, InrtM DOlMing. w .naisuiiwa aisa Boron toa. Seeds. O, R. CLARK ft CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green nouiw, i.ku nuuu wmim . -nue; atore telephoe 782. Miscellaneous. BAUEIl'S ORCHBBTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picniCB, pariioa, njuoiiiiuin, "J5U (linns and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. bauer. conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberts music etore. ' M KG A ROE H BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, enveioiies, pupoi .mr. Warehouse, 130 Washing-ton ave., Bcran ton, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN CO, WHOLE- ale oeaiors in woouwuru, luiuo uuu OlljClothliO West backawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Kooms w anci :v. Wlillains UuildiiiK. opposite postotflce. Agent tor tho Hon Fire Kxtlnguishor. & WALLACE, FURNITURE EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, REASONABLE CHARGES, TRY US. 4 THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO., iA"tl (Action TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many r-nf rona thnt they will this vear hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it U already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling hn placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. 4 rt 4 1IEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. IRON AND Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv. ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTEIIEIIH SCRANTON, PA. OAK BILL STUFF. IHE COMMONWEALTH LUMBER CO TELEPHONE 432. EVERY WOMAN Ml needs rellsble, aonthly, rsmlaUn medicine. Only hsnalea loe pnesst drugs soeura pe vseu. u yea wsai in oesi, get Dr. Pcal'o Pennyroyal Pills They are vreespt, ssto oni eertola In result The main (Dr. Fealty aerarilssp, For Salaby JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avanua ant) Spruea Straot, Scranton, Pa. AT 31 CENTS 40 pieces of the finest French, all wool, Challies; the designs are very choice and every new shade and tint can be found in the lot. Sold Everywhere at 50c. AT 50 CENTS Our entire stock of Fine Satin-Striped Javanais. Formerly Sold at 75c. 209 UPHGLSTEREI EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headaches prevented and cured by fcrtm your eyes soientifloally exaainea and fitted accurately by DR. SHIMBERG. EYES EXAMINED FREE. Satisfaettoa guaranteed in every cast. 305 Spruee Street. STI 22 Commonwealtli 1 1 BId'g, Scranton, Pa. & CONNELL
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