The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 28, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Exquisitely made in the
latest Eton and Blazer
Shaping, Sewing and
Trimming are such as are
found only in Suits made
to your especial order.
Blue and Black Serges
and Covert Mixtures.
Jackets lined and half
$8.75 to $21.50
Why not treat with a physician to whom
you can tell your troubles and will CURE
you? Why send your money miles away
from horns to some one you never saw,
when you have the greatest Specialist
-near you with whom you can talk It over
ana Be cured.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scranton,
by his new and specific methods and
remedies cures all the follewlng: I m pot
ency, Lost Manhood, Varicocele, Gonor
rhoea, Syphilis, Blood Poison, Nightly
Losses, Stricture, Seminal Weakness, Re
stores Lost Vitality, Lost Memory, Eradi
cates all the bad effects of "Self Abuse,"
Excessive Venery, Purifies the Blood, Re
stores "Shrunken Parts" to their normal
size, Arrests decay and makes you a well
said hearty man again. If you are nerv
ous, have a rapid Irritable heart, tired,
dull feeling In the mornings. Offensive
Breath, Constipation, pains back of neck
and head, or any of the above diseases,
call and be examined. It will cost you
nothing and you may benefit largely by It.
Everything strictly secret and confiden
tial. OFFICE! HOURS-Datly 9 to 9.
Sundays, 10 to 4.
no DccurQ 413 sproc street.
Examine oar new line of Spring
Goods. All of the latest designs
and colorings, and our prices
lower than any other house in
the trade, for goods of. the same
, quality.
of every description and quality.
We are overstocked and will sell
at prices about one-half the reg
: alar price, as we need the room.
J. Scott Inglis
. .The Grocery Market.
New Tork, May 27. The market for raw
sugar opened quiet but sternly with prices
as last quoted, 98 tost centifrugals quoted
at 8c, muscovado, 89 test, at 3c, and 89
test molasses sucar at 3c.
The London suirar market ruled gener
ally quiet. Cane quiet but without change.
Java quoted at 12s. l'-id. and fair refining
et 10s. 3d. Beet ruled flat with free sellers,
May quoted et 10s. IVfed. and June 10s. d.
The market forcoffee was quiet through
out but firm for Brazil sorts with Rio No.
7 on spot quoted at 16 cents and Rio No. 8
spot at 144c Mild coffee is steady to firm
With a good demand. .
- Rice and molasses are firm with a fair
jobbing- demand.
. i , The Silver Market,
New Tork, May 27. Both here and (it
London there was Very little doing In sil
ver, and the markets were totally devoid
of feature. In London bars sold down
1-lGd. to SO 11-lGd. per ounce, but In this
city commercial bars held firm at 67c,
while Mexican dollars were likewise un
changed at C3c,
If the Baby Is Cutting Tooth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has bem
used for over Fifty Years by Millions of
' Mothers for their Children while Teething,
with .Perfect Success., It Soothes the
Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain;
Cures Wind. Colic, nnd Is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. Bold by Druggists in ev
ery part of the world. Be sure and ask for
"Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup,", and
' take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a
bottle. .
. 9
We show samples of high grade print
ing In catalogues and booklets The Trib
une Printing Department.
. New Tork, May 27. Speculation at
the Stotk exchange Is still governed
by the advices about ithe growing
crops. At tho opening today, for In
stance, stocks showed Bn Improving
tendency, the tvpont of damage so
freely circulated on Saturday last hav
ing failed to materialise and the shorts
had to und.'rso a bad quarter of an
hour, especially in the Grangers, 'which
advanced V4 and 1 per cent. The
bears hn these stocks find It hard work
to make any headway for the reason
that up-to-date representatives of the
western lines In this city have been
able to confirm the reported damage to
cerenls. New Hngland Advanced 2
to 45V4, and returned to 4414. The In
dustrials w-erv strong. Distillers and
Tobacco were very stroma. In the last
hour th? market was quiet and firm,
excel for the cordage stocks, which
were weak on the rolitto-aitlon of the
old reports of another reorganization
of the property with hnavy assess
ments nil around. Speculation closed
firm. Not chansxiS show gains of
and ?,. Total ealea were 2aU,00t)
The ranire of toilny's prices for the nc
tlve stojlis Of the New York stock ma.
ket are given below. The quotations i lire
furnished The Tribune by CI. du P.
mtek, manager for Wlll'.am Linn. Allen &
Co.. stoek brokers, 412 Spruce street.
Seranton. op'n-High-Low-Clos-in??,
est. est. iiitf.
Am. Tobacco Co 114 117 I"7-
Ateh.. To. & a. Ke... tv a ' f
Can. South r.: &H "Jj
Ches. & Ohio 234. M
Chicago Uas W M'k ? W,
Chic. & N. W W W M W
chic., it. & y w ! :
C. C, C & St. L 45 45 4H 44
Chic. Mil. & St. P... m .7
Chic, R. I. & 1' 7
Delaware & Hud IXi JA-' Ui li
i it & c.ik:: ui . ih ..
Gen. KlectrU- 3' '
Louis. & lsnh w iwa iw
.Manhattan Kle U'. Ui J' J1';'
Mich. Central 10' 1U' 100
Mo. Paellie SWi 2S
Nat. Cordage 4'j 4' 3'i S4
Nat. Lend 3l'a 34i 3ls l
N. J. Central 102 Wt 101
N. Y. Central H'Pi lii lW-j 1024
N. Y. ft N. E 42 46"4 427. 44',4
N. Y.. L. K. & V UV 13 13'i
N. Y., S. & W 121 12'i ll'-s 1'
N. Y., S. & W., Pr... 35 33 33 3314
Nor. Pacific 554 R1 51 6.
Nor. Paellie, Pr 20 2c, 2' 20
Out. & West 18 1S 18 184
Phil. & Read 19 20 19Vi 111
Southern R. R 14 14 13 14
Tenn., C. & 1 29 2 28 2S
Tex. Pacific 13 13 12 13
Union Pacific ir. 15 15 15
Wabash 9 ! 9 6
Wabash. Pr 19 20 19 2
West. Union 93 93 92 92i
U. S. Leather 23 28 22'.-., 22
U. S. Leather. Pr.... 9! 97 90 97
Open- HlKh- Low- Clos-
WHEAT. hit;. et: est. lnir.
Julv 81 Sli 7S 7
September M 82 7S 79
... 29 29 29 29
... 3" 30 29 29
... 29 30 28 29
July G3 S3l B2 02
September Gi 55 63 D3
July 6.2 6.(17 6.C2 0.67
September 6.77 6.S7 6.77 6.S7
July 12.27 12.70 12.27 12.52
September 12.57 12.97 12.57 12.80
Scranton Board of Trado Exchange Quo
tationsAll Quotations Based on Par
of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Ask.
Dime Dep. & DIs. Lank. 125
First National Dank 600
Green Rldge Lumber Co 110
Lackawanna Lumber Co 110
Lacka. Trust & Safe Dep. Co 150
Scranton Savings Rank 200
Scranton Lace Curtain Co CO
Third National Bank 250
Thuron Coal Land Co 90
Scranton Bedding Co 104
Scranton Axle Works SO
Scranton Glass Co 70
National Boring & Drilling Co 90
Scranton Jar & Stopper Co 23
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Lacks. & Montroso R. R 100
Traders' National Bank 115
Spring Brook Water Co 90
Elmhurst Boulevard Co 100
Anthracite Land and Imp. Co 90
Scranton Traction Co 95
Economy Steam Heat & Power
Co 100
Madison Avenue Improvement .... 105
Scranton Olass Co loo
Rushbrook Coal Co., 6 100
Scranton Axle Works, 0 61J
Scranton Suburban St. Kail
way, 6 105
People's St. Railway, 1st mort
gare 6's, due 1918 110
People's St. Railway, 2d mort
gage 6's, due 1921 110
Scranton Pass. Railway, lHt
mortgage 6's, duo 1920 110
Fifty shares Traders' National bunk
stock sold yesterday.
Now York I'roduco Market.
New York, May 27. Flour. Very quiet,
firm; winter wheat, low grades, t2.7'ia3.50;
do. fair to fancy, $3.75a4.2.i; do. patents,
S4.2Ga4.75; Minnesota clear, tt.20a3.6o; do.
straights, $:i.a4.15; do. patents, $l.l5a5.20;
city mills, $4.40; do. patents, $5.15. Wheat
Dull, firmer; No. 2 red store and elevator,
BOahuHc; afloat, 81 c; f. o. b., 8la81c;
ungraded red, 72a83c. ; No. 1 northern, 85a
85c. ; options excited and Irregular,
opened llrm, udvanced 2a2c, declined
2u2c. and closed firm at c. over Sat
urday; May, 80c; June, 80c; July,
81c; August, 81c; September, 92c; Oc
tober, 82c; December. 83c. Corn Dull,
weaker; No. 2, 56c. elevator; 57c. afloat;
options dull and alc. lower, closing weak;
May, f.6c; July, M-ftc; September, 58c.
Oats Dull, easier; options weaker; May,
32c; June, 32c. ; July, 33c; September,
32a32c. ; spot prices, No. 2. 32s33c; No. 2
white, &,c. ; mixed western, 32a34c. ; white
state and western, 37a41c. Beef Dull,
steady; family, $llal3; extra mess, $8.50a9.
Beef Hams Dull, easy; $18.50. Tlerced
Beef Quiet, easy; city extra India mess,
$17al9. Cut Meats Weak; pickled bellies,
B,a6c; do. shoulders, Ga5c; do. hams,
8a9n. Lard Firm; western steam, $6.85;
city, $6.25; May, $6.85; July, $6.96; refined,
quiet; continent, $7.20; Sou'h America,
$7.50; compound, 6h5c. Butter Firmer;
state dairy, 13nl8c; do. creamery, 19c;
western dairy. 7allc ; do. creamery, new,
14al9c. ; do. factory, 7allc; Klglns, 19c;
Imitation creamery, 10al6c. Cheese
Strong; state lurge, 6a6c; do. fancy
white, 6Ua6c; do. colored, 6aGc.; do.
small, 5a 7c. ; part skims, la4c; full skims,
lalc. Eggs Weak; state and Pennsyl
vania, 13al3n.; western fresh, 11al2c.;
do. per case, $2.75a3; southorn, llallc.
Chleico Live Stock.
Chicago, May 27. Cattle Receipts, 13,000
head; market Irregular, early, but closed
firm; common to extra steers, $ta4.65;
stoekers and feeders, $2.80a4.75; cows and
bulls, $1.75o4.60; calves, $.'!a5.26; Texans,
$2.6005.25. Hogs Receipts, 46,000 head;
market Be. lower, at closing, firm; heavy
packing and shipping lots. $4.35a4.65; com
mon to choice mixed, $4.20a4.65; choice as
sorted. $4.85a4.46; light, $4.16a4.60; pigs, $3a
4.25. Sheep Receipts, 14,000 head; market
weaker and lOalGc. lower; Inferior to
choice, 3a5.10; lambs, $3.60a6.90.
Buffalo Live Stock.
Buffalo, May 27. Cattle Receipts, 3,660
head; on sale, 3,500 head; market opened
very dull, good steers lOalSc. lower and
other grsdes of butchers' stock fully 25c.
lower; bulls, steady; oxen, lower; market
closed steady to shade firmer; quotations,
good to best export steers, $6.60a5.76; good
Bhllpplng, $5.25o6.40; medium to good, $4. 70a
5.15; light to fair, $4.26a4.65; good to extra
heifers, $4.6oa5; light to fair, $3.50a4.50;
mixed cows and heifers, $3.80a4.2fi; fair to
good fat cows, $3.66a4.30; common lots,
$2.;&a3.25; bulls. $3.75a4.26; extra bulls, $4.60;
oxen, $3.76a4.75; light to prime stoekers,
$3.25a2.75; feeders, $3.85a4.26; fresh cows
(springers) were- $3a5 per head lower;
extra fancy heavy steers sold late at $5. 90a
S, and fat steers (1.600 pounds) at $5.26.
Hogs Receipts, 17,650 head; on sale, 18,900
head; market closed very dull and lower;
early quotations, Yorkers, $4 55(.60; m'xed
packers, $4.60a4.6S; good mediums, $5.:.a
4.70; prime heavy, $4.70a4.75; pigs, $4.50u4.66;
roughs, $4a4.25; stags, 3a3.50; Yorker
sold late at $3.70; mtxod packers at $5.55a
6.60 and pigs at $5.60a5.52. Sheep and
Lambs Receipts, 16,000 head; on sale, 26,000
head; market closed demoralised and
very dull, yearling lambs were fully 60a75o.
lower, while spring lambs and common
cull stuff were fully 75ca$l lower; early
quotations, prime handy lambs, $5.45u6.t5;
extra export, $5.76; fair to good lots, $4.60a
6.26; cull and common lots, $2.60a4; handy
mixed sheep, $4.15u4.50; fair to good, $3.40a
4; export lots, I4.70a4.85; cull and common,
$2u3; good lambs (72 to 85 pounds) sold late
at $4.60u5.40.
Toledo Grain Morkot.
Tolodo. O., May 27.-Vhcat Receipts;
4.82 bushels: (shipments, 36,200 bushels;
market quiet; No. 2 red cash and June,
82c; July, 81c; August, 79c; Soptember,
7e. Corn Receipts, 11,172 bushels; ship
ments, none; nothing doing, oats Mar
ket dull; No. 2 mixed, July, 80e. Rye-"
Market firm; No. 2 cush, 68e. Clover Seed
Market dull; October, $5.72.
Oil Market.
rittshurg, May 27. Oil opened and low
est, 160; highest and closed, 161, here and
at oil City.
Oil City. May 27. The Standard price of
oil opened 165; highest, 165; lowest and
closed at 160.
The funeral of the late William
Wheeler, of Willow Btreet, who died
on Thursday last, took place on Sat
urday afternoon at 8 o'clock. A large
number of friends of the fumlly gath
ered at his homo und viewed the re
mains. The cortege then proceeded to
St. Patrick's church, where services
were conducted by Rev. J. M. Smoulter.
The auditorium of the church was
crowded. On the casket were several
beautiful floral offerings. The funeral
was In charge of the W. W. Waters
Post, Grand Army of 'the Republic, from
which the pall-bearers were selected.
Hays' drum corps, of Scranton, plnyod
the funeral dirge. The remains were
Interred In the Catholic cemetery.
Among those who attended from out of
town were: Mrs. John Mo-Andrew and
son, of Patterson, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs.
John McDonald, of Ulnghamton; Mr.
and Mrs. William Rlelly and Mrs.
Campbell, of Scranton.
The Rosebuds, of Olyphant, challenge
the Scranton ruslness College base ball
club to a game on the Olyphant grounds
Saturday, Juno 1. W. Patten, captain;
D. Lloyd, manaser. Answer through
The Tribune.
Laurence Robinson, Charles Knight
and Joe Chapman, of Green Ridge, were
callers at this place Sunday.
An electric car of the Scranton Trac
tion company struck a cow on Main
street, Blakely, on Sunday evening.
Traffic was delayed some time on ac
count of the accident. At the rate of
speed the cars are run through this
section It Is surprising that there are
not more accidents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. d. Brown returned
to their home In Lackawanna yester
day, after spending a few days with
relatives here.
Misses Alice Rashlelgh, Minnie Bo
wen, Cora Voyle and Alice Chase, of
Cnrbondalo, were the guests of Mrs. J.
Voyle, of Lackawanna street, on Sun
day. Miss Minnie Hobnn, of Dunmore
street, Is rapidly improving after her
recent serious illness.
C. W. Houser, Frank Northup and
Thomas Palmer rode on their wheels to
Stroudsburg Saturday.
Three prominent business men went
angling for trout to Lake Jordan one
day last week. They returned with two
Miss Bridget Gallagher left last eve
ning for an extended visit with her
aunt In Pittsburg.
Charles Lawrence was In Montrose on
Fred D. Lamb, who has been The
Tribune correspondent and collector for
this place for soma time, still retains
these positions, and in addition now
has the management of Its delivery.
About $120 has been raised to build a
band pagoda on Susquehanna avenue.
It will probably be built on the dis
puted lot, as Mr. Douglass has offered It
to the band for that purpose.
The sixteenth annual meeting of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary society of
the Montrose district of the Lacka
wanna Presbytery will be held in
Franklin church, In Upsonvllle, on
Wednesday, May 20.
On Monday evening Mizpah Conclave,
Improved Order Heptasophs, was Insti
tuted by the special organizer, J. M.
Lester, assisted by Dr. Gardner, Mar
tin Hyde, J. H. Harrington and Robert
Cooper, of Montrose. The new organi
zation now numbers about thlrty-flvc
Charles L. Crook and W. J. Pike have
purchased the Walling property on
Main street.
Albert Mitchell, of Bumpvllle, Brad
ford county, Is visiting his brother, N.
T. Mitchell, at the Mitchell house.
Mrs. J. H. Van Loan Is ill.
Street Commissioner Austin Is the
right man in the right place. Ho Is
having the streets put In as fine a con
dition as they have been In many years.
W. W. Adair has returned from
Frank Roland, of Albany, Is visit
ing friends and relatives in town.
Mr. Layton, of Blnghamton, was In
town on Monday.
Miss Myrtle Swartz, an esteemed
young lady of this place who attends
th State Normal school at Blooms
burg, is home on a vacation.
Fred Church is inow the owner of
ons of the finest boats on the river at
this place.
Mtea Bessie Thomas, a charming
young lady of Conklin, visited friends
in this place on Saturday.
W. D., of Montrose, rs In town.
Miss Fannie SJmrell, a teacher In
the Hallstead graded school, will take
a well-tarned vacation In Detroit,
Mich., next month.
Teachers' examination will be held
In the high school June 4.
Chester Munson, of Susquehanna, Is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Munson, In this place.
Martin Palmer, of Hoboken, who has
been visiting ait the residence of C. I.
Langloy, hus returned home.
Mr. Janus Hlmrell, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. G. C. Stone,
of Athens, has returned.
Mk's Lulu Hay ward, of Scranton, Is
visiting at the residence of Sidney
' Mrs. Lucy Packard, of Blngtvatnton,
Is visiting friends In this place.
A dispute has arisen In regard to
the title of the BaipitlAt church and a
portion of tho land. The Kooza hairs
have served an Injunction on the trus
tees to prevent the removal of the
A distillation from the South American palm
treo. Free from mineral 01 chemleiil com-
KP"inI Infallible cure for Bnlilnese,
..'!r"."1,,"" n rar, Thin or Uelleale
Heir, Eoieui, Tetter, end all dlmues of tho
Hair and Scalp. Paim-Cbbuti RHiMFoo tnr
beau tl tying tlio Halrt ft delightful, 000I and
refreshing Shempooj exqufcll odor. All
purchusers of tbe Palm-Christi Prkfa ra
tios are entitled to free treatment of the
Scalp, Shampooing and Hnlr-Dresslng, at any
of our Hair-Dressing Parlors. .
P. 8. Our parlors are In charge or Rneolnl.
1st on ntfeetlnnsm the Hair and Scalp. All
dvlcefiee. eWrlto for circular,
t W. bdtau.ill ut.w.. uf hSVlUg
our Hair Dressers oul upon them can make
appointments by addreielng
Salt Arjonu for Scranton.
Yesterday afternoon while A. W. Sea
man, of the firm of Seaman ft Co., was
waiting on two boatmen, one of the
men noticed a man making away with
a pair of shoes that were hanging from
a string In front of the store. Mr. Sea
man at once gave pursuit, and after
dodging the man for about two blocks
found Ofllcer Smith, who joined In the
chase. The thief was captured on Sec
ond street, near Whitney's barn. He
was recognized by an alarm clock
which he had been trying to sell to a
boatman. Officer Smith removed the
pair of shoes from under his coat and
munched the maji over before, 'Squire
Smith. He gave his name as Frank
Kelley and residence Honesdale. Ofll
cer Smith then sized Wm up with one
glance and said he didn't belong to
Honesdale, whereupon Kelley clulmcd
Hawlcy as his residence. He said he
didn't believe he took the shoes from
Seaman & Co., and if he did that he
must have been Intoxicated. Then ho
Httid .he bought them from Seaman.
Mr. Seaman Identified the shoes as well
as lvls trade mark nnd price, which was
85 cents. After a little sparring Kelley
pleaded guilty. Being unable to fur
nish ?-(K) bail he was committed to jail.
Officer Smith wanted him to leave his
alarm clock with the Justice, but he
claimed It as his own and was allowed
to take It with him.
Charles A. Whitney died at his home
on Second street Saturday afternoon of
consumption. He would have been 49
years old In June. Mr. Whitney was
'born In Honesdale. He Is survived by
one sister, 'Mary, and two brothers, H,
T. Whitney and Major George Whit
ney. The funeral will be held Tuesday
at 10 a. m. from the house.
Grover Cleveland, the pet eat of Ex
press Aigent Ltv Harr, got on a rampage
yesterday morning and with a meow
"nd a lump wont through the large
front window of the express otllce with
a single bound. The window bears a
large round hole as evidence. Tabby is
slightly under the weather and Mr. La is willing to exchange tho cat for
a dog or a gun.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Bridges spent
Sunday with Jermyn friends.
Mrs. W. J. Guest has returned after
an extensive vlult wttli her brother,
ait Pittsburg.
Wllli'e Hodden, of the Dally Anthra
cite, called on hla sister, Mrs. George
Cool, last Sunday.
The Mtithodlst Episcopal Sunday
school will observe children's day on
Sunday, June 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper, of
Scranton, were th guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Orlsedole, on Sunday.
Stephen Cairns, jr., of Wlnton, re
turned home yesterday after a week's
vi?t with relatives at Sandy Run.
The Young People's society of the
Methodist Kpifoopal church will hold
an lee cream social at the home of
Mrs. W. W. Peters, of Academy street,
on Wednesday evening. May 29.
A largs delegation of James O. Stev
ens potit, Grand Army of the Republic,
attended divine ewvlce at Archbald
last cvenlnijr.
Edward Jermyn circulated among
Jermyn friends last Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Benseooter, who has
been visiting her parents, at Clifford,
returned home Monday.
W. R. Teeter, of Dunmore, was In
town for a few hours Saturday, and
called on his parents.
George W. Lake eient a few hours
In Honesdale Sunday afternoon.
There were no services In tha Meth
odist Episcopal church Sunday even
ing on account of the union services,
held at the Presbyterian church.
Mrs. G. M. Bldwell and her (ton,
G-oorge, of Arlington, were In town
Saturday and Sunday and were guests
of A. J. Rolllson and family.
M. F. Dolphin, of Mooslc, was In
Tired Women
Should atop and consider the dangers
which threaten them because of their
weakness, languor and lack of ambition.
Thousands of women find their strength
unequal to the demands ot duty. And
yet there Is no escape from the incessant
round of care and toll. They must have
strength. How shall it be given ? By
building up their systoms through puri
fied, enriched and vitalized blood.
Hood's Barsaporllla will give them
strength because it will make their blood
pure and enable it to feed the nerves upon
proper nourishment. It will create an
appetite, tone the stomach and invigorate
every organ. It is what tired women need.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in the publio eye today.
It feedi the nerves on pure blood.
Uvnla DSIIa harmnnlmnlT wish
llOOa S PUIS Uuoa'iBuwvsrilla. 2m.
Casere er Tnr HiHir Midmm. Aiimnm
ow veu firr nnnti
Inbalck will care you. A
wonderful boon to iuffrn
Jroai !, ere Thri(,
fleenrit, Itranefcltlt,
or DAY FRv JEM. Attn
immAiuurrui. Aaemcifnt
H remedy, ennTenltnt to oirry
n Boeet, mrtr to me on Unit Indication of cold,
(istittaaec Use Kfreet PerMMiasi Cure.
SaUifMUunrnarnntcednrBiotiej refunded. Price,
it til. Trial fron at Dnifflitt, RfdMorad mill,
Noeats. L B.CD3IKU, ar.,ftm linn. Hick, D.l 4
ntn 1 nui. an tIin duoMMjtoiom,, itoh hh
IttimiB.nlA: flnraa. nurna. f'uta. wiwiarfbt mm.
edrfarriXKa. Frlee, Mi eta. at Draf D A I M
Hata or br mall prepaid. AddrmaaiobnTa. DWLIH
Wfi atailat hi MaMhAtafa Rma. nri inlifl
H. PhelBs.
Complexion Prcsatrad
Bemorcf Preeklet, Plmplee,
Cher Melee. BbekhseX,
eabera and Ten, and ra
atone tbe skin to its origi
nal freshness, producing a
lmr end neklthr oom-
iiJnn. Rntvtrlnr trt all fa
fitepamuoni and portcctly hurnlea. At "all
fcualala, of mailed lor 9cu, fiend ior ClrouUr.
1 VIOLA WIN OAP U Ha Ir.tnio. m a
ria purthtat Oaap, aarnM a WMjitn UaM a
a. attmnlMa. Maa:
O. C. BITTNKR CO., Tot.ioo, O.
f aala by Matthawa Brat, and Joha
town Saturday afternoon, looking;
after the interest of the Hawley Coal
company's washer."
James Palmer went to Honeftdale to
spend a few hours Sunday afternoon.
V D. Decker, of Dunmore, spent
Sunday at Falrvlew lake.
A surprlso party was tendered John
Miller at 'his home on Main street yes
terday. It being his sixty-eighth birth
day. Mr. Miller has been- a rospect-ed
resident of Mooslo for over twenty
years. Everybody congratulated him
on his present tfood health. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Levan and family, Mr. and Mrs. iMiilton
B. Levan, Oliver Levari, of Scranton;
Charles Gates and James Miller, of
Cnrbondale; Mr. and Mrs. DewLtt Stan
ton and family.
M. L. Dymond, of Clark's Summit, Is
in town.
Kev. V. II. Harding, a student from
Wyoming seminary, preached In the
Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday
evening. He Is a young man who is
gifted with line powers of speech and
will be welcomed again with pleasure
at the Methodist Episcopal church.
The iMoohIc Base Ball clu.b and the
Union Boill club, of I'ittston, will cross
bats on Thursday, Decoration Day, at
Miller's grove. The Sarsfleld Dramatic
club will hold a picnic on that day and
put up J5 to be played for by the clubs.
Bent Hessler, of Wllkes-Barre, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. end Mrs.
Wlldrlck, on Main street.
Class meeting at the Methodist Epis
copal church at 7.30 tonight.
Piles! Piles! Itching piles.
Symptoms Moisture; Intonso itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tumors
form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be
coming very sore. Swanyo's Ointment
stops the Itching and bleeding, heals ul
ceration, und in most chhos removes the
tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for b0
cents. Dr. Swuyne & Son, Philadelphia.
Mtn want to Live Long, be Strong,
Nappy, Love and be Loved.
"Make It knonnl
44 Make It known 1
"make It known!
"Tell It to all men!
"Proclaim It to all the
world that you have the
secret of perfect health
for men ; of power over
disease, weakness and
decay, of Glorious Man
hood. Write it, talk it,
sing it, shout it till all
theso human wrecks aro
Po writes a happy man, fresh from the Slough
of Ditsnoud.
Wolf, the discovery has been proclaimed but
men are slow to bullave.
The way is opeu to Inquire, to investigate.
why will not every man do to?
Thore 1b a slmplo way to euro at home all
thofe baneful effects of the sins of youth and
the excesses of later years which blast tbe lives
of multitudes of men.
There la a way to regain strength lost by dis
ease, overwork and worry.
A way to secure and retain the abilities sac
rificed to dissipation to " be glad again after
Buffering sod atonement."
A way to repair drains on the system that
lap the vitality.
A way to replace nervousness, dread and
despondency with courage and beif-ruspcet.
A way to give full strength, development
and toae to every portion and organ of the
A way to rotnovo every obstacle to happy and
fruitful married life.
All this is clearly shown in a little medical
work recently published. It Is not a book for
general circulation, being purrly medical and
tcientljlo and for men only who need advice
and aid.
How to get It: Write to the Erie Medical
Company, Buffalo, N. V.. say you read the arti
cle in this paper and aek them to aend von the
book culled ''Complete Manhood, and the Way
to Attain It." Tliey will send One copy entirely
free in a plain sealed wrapper to any man who
writes for it at once in good faith.
Made a
i.t uay. rajtj 'vfifcweii Man
15th Day. f of Me,
mrw ll.aelaW J"faT
THB GREAT 80th bay.
prodaces the above results In 30 days. It acU
IrawnrfullT and quickly. Cures whan all othars (all.
Youusraeu will regain thair lost manhood, and old
nun will recovnr their youthful visor by using
ItKVIVO. It qulrkljr and surely restores Nervoua
neas, Lost Vitalltr, Impotnuoy, Ntubtlr Emissions,
Lost Power, Falling Memory, Waatlns Diseases, and
all effect ot soil-abuse or axcese and indiscretion,
which unfits one (or study, biiKlneaa or marrtaf e. It
not only cures by starting at tbe seat ot disease, but
is a great nerve tnnle and blood bnililcr, bring
lng back the pink glow to pale choka and re
storing tbe Are of ynnth. It wards off Jnsaulty
and Consumption. Insist on hiving RKVIVO. no
other. It can be carried In vest pocket. By mall,
1.00 per package, or all (or SS.OO, with a poal
tlve written guarantee to care or refund
the money. Circular tree. Address
Vat sale by Matthews Bros., Drag 1st
Scran ton , I'a,
neve yon Horn Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored
Roots, Aches, old Boron, Ulcers In Mouth, Ilalr
r'alllnn? Write t ook Xernedy Co., SOT May
Capital felOOOO. I'atlon tacured nine jrrare
Offers all their piece goods, consisting of Ginghams, Chellics,
Muslins of any variety, Cassimeres, Toweling, Outing Flannel,
to close out the entire stock of the above at half price. They are
Going into the Gents' Furnishing Goods only, and this stock of
piece goods must be sacrificed at any rate. Do not delay, but
come at once and secure the bargains of this great sale. Nain
sooks, Double Swisses and all White Goods must be closed, no
matter what the price will be. The stock must be closed inside
of 30 days to make room for our Gents' Furnishing line. Be on
lookout Monday, great bargain day.
Magnetic Physician
In Scranton.
Dr. F. B. SMITH,
Diabetes 1b a disease of the nutritive
system In which sugar accumulates in
the blood, and Is excreted through the
urine. Till dally quantity of urine is
frreatly Increased. This disease may be
divided Into acute and chronic form,
but except In their duration there Is no
essential difference. Frequent urina
tion and an intense thirst are tho first
symptoms that mark the onset of this
disease, together with a voracious grow
tlte, the patient then begins to grow
thin and Bhallow, losing flesh rapidly
until he becomes a mere skeleton. The
thirst is almost unendurable, It general
ly being greatest about an hour or two
after meals. The tongue Is dry, red
nnd glaze, and tho salvia very scanty;
the gums become swollen, and consti
pation generally attacks the patient
with these symptoms. Notwithstand
ing the enormous food consumed, the
patient gradually wastes away. The
skin becomes dry and harsh, and pers
piration rarely occurs. Boils, carbuncles
and other diseases of the skin often
occur, especially eczema and pruritus.
The patient is attacked with headache,
and a faint Intoxicating feeling comes
over him and they generally fall Into
a deep, dull sleep. Diabetes, as a rule,
is pronounced Incurable by ordinary
physicians, who know but little If any
thing of animal magnetism. It can be
and is being permanently cured by Dr.
l' 11. Smith, at his parlors, 312 Wyoming
avenue. Dr. Smith will hold free pub
lic clinics, nnd cure nil worthy people
at his parlors, 312 Wyoming avenue,
from 1 to 2 p. m. daily. Otllce hours, S
a. m. to S p. m. daily, except Sundays.
Consultation free.
F. Vl. Smith. M. D.,
Magnetic Physician.
All letters of Inquiry must contain
230 Lackawanna Ava, Scranton.
Attracted great crowds and so
will our suits marked down to
$5.48 attract a great number
to see what they can possibly
be at that price.
We bought a lot of them
very cheap last week in New
York and are willing to let
you reap the benefit of our
purchase. They are worth
Union Flannel.
Slaters' Flannel
Strictly all wool, fast color,
guaranteed not to fade.
For this week only Laun
dricd shirts, white and col
ored ... 46c
They are worth 75c. and
Look at our window dis
play. THE BELL
230 Lackawanna Ave,
111 MS I
I HI li
Remnant Sale
We have placed on sale 20 patterns, with borders to
match, of
Carpet, all this season's patterns, which we will close at
85 cents.
These are worth $1.15 to $1.75, and will be found
on the first tloor.
406 and 408
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
Who Wants to Pay $ 4 for
Who Wants to Pay $ 8 for
Who Wants to Pay $12 for
Who Wants to Pay $16 for
Who Wants to Pay $20 for
To be brief, why pay about 25 per cent, more for
furnishing your home than the "Economy" asks '
For 60c.
Is strictly all wool
best grade 9
or 10 years' wear
would be 110 more
than we expect of
Ill IS 1
Your blood Is all right It's your house that's
out of order. GET CURED by the
ass and 827 Wyoming Avenue.
Lackawanna Ave.
what Economy sells for 1 3
what Economy sells for $ 6
what Economy sells for $ 9
what Economy sells for $12
what Economy sells for $16
One hundred rugs of dis
agreeable pattern Rugs
most folks won't buy.
We have put them all in
one pile, where they look
just as ugly as they are
some folks like odd pat
terns particularly if
they can buy rugs for
just one-half what they
cost some of them don't
seem homely to us and
may be wouldn't seem
homely to you the wear
is in 'em.
EBB i N.
I If