THE SCRANTON THIBUNKMOSVAS: MOltNlNG-a MAT- 27, 1895. Qtir Ne WILKES-BflRRE. TTIia TrlhnnA has oTinnntl n. branch of- floe at No. 29, I.annlnrt bii'.UV.iitr, Public Square, Wllkes-llarre, for tho transaction of. business. Thu publishers propose to extend the. circulation of Tho Tribune In Wllkiis-Iiurre and surrounding towns. an to that end will prosoni a very com' plote department of Lusorne county news, fc'nr sucn-ss In this undertaking depend ence la nlaced solo I v unon the superiority of The Tribune as a purvoyor of all tho news of the day domestic, foreign, . local, rnmmiM'plnl anil nnuni'fHl. Tho Ireneral In- forests of tho people of Wilkus-Hnrre and tli Wrnmlni vnllev w ill have In The Trlb lino an earnest advocate, edltoilnlly and otherwise). It Is ttio purpose of the pub lishers to Issue a newspaper as valuable to tho ireneral public ns the metropolitan (tallies, und deliver It to the people tbioiiuliout niirlhenslern Pennsylvania from three to live hours enhller than tho .T'lillaileinhla and New Vork papers can reach tncm. PKOIimiTION CONVEN HON. A County Ticket Nominated - Kc v. Ilocnn AlnkcsOnoof His llnrnnRiics. The Prohibition county convention mot at Temperance Union hnll In AVilkcs-r.arre on Saturday mornlnpr at 30 o'clock. It row on unusually lafire p.-vtherlnjr, nnd nearly all of the promi mtit ProhlbiUnnlstta of Imzerno were on 'hand. Including a number of minis ters. Chairman Emmet D. Nichols catliMl the convention ito order and was urbsequontly elected to preside over Its riolifoVratkms. The commute? on rew lutlona. composed of C. H. Conl, J. L. Welter and John II. Uando, miule their jvpont. -which was unanimously advipt ihI. The resolutions are tharn and In oJsive, as Prohibition resolutions al ways are. After several speeches had been made and committees appointed the conven tion adourned until 1 p. m., but It was past 2 o'clock when Chairman Nichols calka tho afternoon sessiun to oruer. After the several cotnmHttees had made their reports the Tvork of nominating a ticket was proceeded with, .nd with out any dllllcutty or delay the follow- Ins: ticket was formed: Sheriff. Albert Lameraux, of Jack son; recorder, Jamea A. Dewy, New port: coroner, Pr. T. M. Johnson, West PNitston. The following ptntlemen were ap pointed to constitute the county coin mlttee: Frank Arsrust, John H. Pa- vltls, W. O. (Hahn, James D. Main, Noble Pelletone, Dr. T. M. Johnson. H. J. Lutzlneer, Wym Seward, John Rtone, W. H. Hobbs, John T. Jones, AV. XI. Van -Horn, Frank W. Seeley, Edward Oaris. Fred Heller, Thomas Evans, "William Sword, H. W. Evans, R. H. Campbell, lienjamln Harding Georyc A. Phle, R. H. Ntchuls, Jr.. J. 1 ai-a-rcy. E. D. Nichols was re-elected chairman. Frank W. Seeley vice-chair man, John H. Dando secretary, and William 13. Bertels. treasurer. Tha fol- lowitiff were elected delegates to the state convention: sirs. A. W. Holvey, J. H. Iando, W. B. Uertels. Charles H, Cool, T. M. Furey, S. E. Marshal, Henry S. Watts, John Shaffer, Dr. T. 01. Johnson and W. H. Jackson. One of the features of the convention was the harangue of Rev. J. C. Hoan, the ministerial crank from Forest City, who was present by Invitation, and Hired his personal grievances In his re lations -with the Wyoming conference. He) made some Ptatements that brought Rev. YV. H. Hiller to his feet, who made eime pretty sharp cri-lclsms on Ho- pan's allegation that the ministers of the pospcl were making no efforts to put down ths llquur evil. Mr. Hogan Is manifestly an lmpric-;lcal sensation alist, .and Phe Prohlb'i:Ion party will sonn Kt tired of hlmandhis controversy with Ms superiors in t'.ie Mthodlst chunch. Judjrinir remarks made Mr. Hoiran vill iut soon H-nln ba asked to participate In a I-r.jhll iitlon conven tion In Luzerne county. - , A MlSSI.Vi HAN. A C.Aso That Ought to tie Explained or In vcstlsntod. For some time a Etory has been np ponrintr In the columns of some of the local papers about the disappearance of a young Slav, named John Shinlskl, who was employed as a laborer at No. 12 colliery, of the Plymouth Coal company. As the story runs young Shiniski en tered the mine but was not seen to leave It, and the supposition 13 tht he lost himself In the workings arid has perished. He had been In this country only a short time, spoke very little English, and had worked In the No. 12 a few days only when he disappeared. His clothes are at his boarding house, end he had his board paid a month In advance, bo It Is not believed that he has decamped. There ought to be a thorough Investi gation of the cane. If the poor fellow perished In the mines his remains should be removed and given burial. For some reason the miner for whom he worked has not, so far as can be learned, been Interrogated as to Shin lskl's movements, during the time the miner was at his work. There certainly are men employed at No.-12 who are competent to make a thorough search of the mine. The company should see that this la done. - NOW THE SCHOOL BOARD. A Question That Is Attracting Some At. tcntlon and Dividing Sentiment. "When It Isn't one thing. It's an other," rermu-ked a prominent citizen In a disgusted kind of way, alluding- tit the controversy that has arisen with reference to the election of a secretary ff the Wilkes-Harre school board. Heretofore the secretary has been elect ed under the act of assembly of 1S74 which appears to provide that the sec retary of tho board Khali ba one of the directors. Now somebody has made the discovery thnt an act of 18X5 super cades that or 1874, and that the later law provides that the secretary shall nut be vl member of the board. Dr. Weaver, one of the directors, called at tc ntion -to this at the last meeting of the board and wamted the oplnltm of counsel, but a majority of the directors wre opposed to raising the question ur-tll the board was reorganized. So the matter remains In abeyance for the time being, but lawyers and others are dl using Tho secretaryship Is wliat cbh-e boys call a "soft snap" pret ty good pay for the actual service ren- dired. If It shall be decided that an outsider mutt be elected there will be a warm of candidates crowding each 'taring Disfiguring SKIN DISEASES Instantly RELIEVED the GREAT SKIN CURE A Sold throuchmittliA world. BrititB imtt P.NtWBiRV A Sons. i. Kinc London. Prjn-na Duua ft CXM. Com., Sola Propi., Bottoa, U. S- A. CUTICURA igbbors other, and weeks may elapse before a secretary Is chosen. It la .true, as the citizen referred to remarked, there Is always a row over something In con nectlon with the peculiar special laws under which Wllkes-liorre oporatee, MEMORIAL DAY How It Will Bo Obsorved by Conynfhnra 1'oit, Q. A. II. The committee In charge of Conyng- ham post have made public the follow Ing programme to be observed on Me morial Day: " Committees of Grand Army mqn will proceed to 'the Beveral cemeteries at 10 o'clock In the morning and decorate the graves of all comrades. Tho post will assemble at Memorial hall at 1 o'clock, and the procession will bo formed on South Main street. In front of tho hull. The column will proceed up South Main to Public square, around the Snare to North Main, to Union, to Franklin, to Jackson, to River, to Hot lenlmck cemetery, where services-will be held, with addresses byCommander Gusitnv Hahu and others. Returning the procession will march down River street to South, to Main, to Memorial hall, where n lunch will be served by Woman's Relief corps to members of the post. Sons of Veterans, quartette and police. Tvcnlng l'mgrnmmo. Oram! Army of tho Republic hall, 8 ociock opening by. chairman, comrauu u. ucn jomiDon. Prayer, Post Chaplain Rev. Charles 8. Meckel Music "Rest, Soldiers, Rest" Temiilo Quartette. Original Poem. ...Captain H. F. Ueardsley Reading General Orders. , Adjutant George P. Joslln music, Selection ny Aeolian Troubuuours, Calling Roll of Dead Comrades, Adjutant GooriN) r. Joslln Music. ."Tread Lightly l) er Their Graves Temple Utiortotte. , Recitation Miss Maggie Joslln Music Selection by Aeolian Troubadours, Oration Rev. Henry L. Jones, D.D. Temple uuartette. Music "Star Spangled nanner' Poxology Audience, All Sing Taps Comrade I. H. SteUllnsrur Benediction ltev. John W. Webb DEATH OX THE RAIL. A Young Mechanic Steals a Hide and Is Killed. A lamentable accident occurred nt Ashley on Saturday evening by which Harry Kline, a mojit worthy young man, wns instantly killed. Toung Kline was employed at Moore's bakery In this city and having completed his day's work proceeded to his home, at Ashley. He boarded a Jersey Central freight train, and when the train reached a point near his home he lumped off. Un happily a passenger train came rushing by en the other track at the moment he lumped and he was caught and dragged under the wheels. The body was frightfully mangled and death was Instantaneous. The accident occurred within sight of the home of his par ents, wl:h whom ho Hved. He was an exemplary young man and his sad death Is mourned In the entire com munity. POLITICAL POINTERS. E. W. Garrison, of Shlckshlnny, will again be a candidate for the Republi can nomination for sheriff. He came near making the nomination three years ago. He Is exceeding popular through a large section of the county, where he Is well known, and would make an ideal candidate. i la iM thnt e-Cnncrressman Os borne would not object to a return to political life, and hopes, as a starter, to be chosen one of the delegates to the Republican national convention. From present Indications he will not succeed. a One of the firat bills Honorable John Lelsenrlng will Introduce In the next congress will provide for a federal building In Wilkes-Barre, and he will make his best effort to put it througn. If he succeeds his re-nomlnatlon next year will be made by acclamation, so far as Wlllces-Barre is concerned. a a a The suggestion of Honorable Theo dore Hart, of the Plttston Gazette, as one of the delegates to the next Re plication national convention, meets with very general favor. The Republican editors of Luzerne have unrecognized claims that should be liquidated by the party when honors are distributed. -w The Chan Cnse. On Saturday fourteen more victims of tho Chan defalcation placed their claims In the hands of Alderman Dono- hue. These claims aggregate a total of $671.60, the largest bring $160 and the smallest XD.4 Nearly all the vic tims are Hungarians and Polanders, w ho placed the money In the hands of Chan to be trarrsmlttd to then- friends In the old courrtry. It Is believed that nearly all the claims have now been prese.nited. Nothing, so far as the pub lic knows, to being heard from Chan In addition to what has been made public. Struck hy a street Cor. On Selt.urd.ry night, about 11 o'clock, as car No. 204 on the Nantlcoke line was approaehmsf a switch about two miles from che latter place an unknown man about 60. years of age ntepped on the track and before the car could bo stopped he was struck and so severely Injured that mt lart accounts he was not expected to live. The Injured man was taken trone of the hotels at- Nantl coke and medical aid secured. Calls: It Theft. This Is the sumewhat emphoitle -but not very elegant wa the Sunday leader speaks of Lackaiwanna: "Let Lackawanna, keep the territory she stole from us. We don't want It, or the people who dw3ll therein. After es caping the loose laws of Lackawanna they could never become accustomed to the laiws f Luzerne. We ,have enough desperadoes In Hazleton." Held In Ball. . John Clark, until recently chief of police of Ashley, was on Saturday be fore Alderman Thornns, of this city, having ibeen arrested at the Instance of his wife on the charge of InfldtOMy to his marital vows. The co-respondent In the case la a woma n named Er- v-lne, residing at Wyoming- He was held in $1,000 ball. Clark and the wo man both decjare their Innocence. PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Smith ' spent Sunday with friends In Scran.ton. . Mr. and Mrs. John N. Oonyncham are In Parlfl oni their wedding tour. Andrew F. Dorr and his nenhew. Cheater Derr, -have returned from their trip to Europe. Harry Diet rick has resigned as as sistant secretary of the Wyoming H fe tor I oal eocioty irom juiy l. Rev. Fred Evans, well known as a scholar and eisteddfod adjudicator, was in town iae pasc week. W. W. Neuer, who has been traveling In California the pant few months, has returned to his home In this city. yiwm lovnoi vnase, wno has been stutlyikrar In Boston, will -this week re turn to her home In thla city for the summer. Hon. Charles A. Miner' and Hon. Morgan B. Williams have been asked to preside at tho Oratorio society's fes tival nn .TlinA 11 atlf 12 I Rev. Manly S. Hard -will address the Women's Foreign Missionary society of the Oswego district this week, Mrs. Hard will also deliver an address. Dou)d the . BRIEF NOTES. Judges Rice and Woodward were Doth on tho bench on Saturday, which was the last day of the term of court. There Is greait activity at the Sheldon Axle work- Just now, after a long sea- sun of depression. The concern has large orders on hand. Kvenlng 'band concerts on tho Tlver bank will soon be announced. They will be under the direction of Professor Alexander and will be all that can be ceslrud. Business before tho mayor does not amount to much tht-so days. A few common drunks are returned. Some more ibawdy house cases will, however, come up this .week. Counsel for the condemned murderer, Bowman, on Saturday asked that the counity pay the costs of bringing the cnse before the supremo court, about . The court will decide later. The Grand Army of ilhe Republic men attended the Central Methodist IOplKcopal church In a body last even Ing to listen to an appropriate sermon by t no pastor. Rev. J. V. Wobb. Colonel js.imuel llruuhart occupied the pulpit of the Franklin Street Meth- oulut Uplseopal church last evening. He told his experience as a prisoner of war In Llbby prison to nn Interested audience. A law suit Is In progress In Nantl. coke over a lot of empty beer kegs be longing to a Pottsvllle brewery, which were collected by the high constable of tne town and who demanded 60 cents ror each of the kegs. Deputy Coroner Perkins Is Investing.! Ing tiho death of the Polish shoemaker wno died somewhat mysteriously on Hancock Utreet a few days ago. Also the death of James Mulhall, who was Kinea at one or the mines at Ashley. SHICK3HINNY. Quite a number from this nlnce went trout fishing Ust week. John Pealer wenc to the headwaters of Hunting ton Creek early In the week and had a nice catch. C. R. Stauffer and S. H. Coleman fisihed Kitchen Creek later In tne week with good success, and W. A. Campbell and C. S. Simpson feasted on trout with friends on Pike's Creek on ! rlday. Mrs. Silas Hens amd Mrs. S. B. Cole- man visited relatives in Wllkes-Barre on last Thursday. John Prince returned Frldav rtilirht from a two days' visit at Wllkes-Barre ana Kingston. Profesiwr J. W. Havman. who was principal of the public schools here last winter, will teach at Huntington Mills nexi winter. An old-fashioned celebration and re union will be held on the Iatiterson Grove camp ground on the Fourth of July. .Speakers will address the as semblage. Dinner will be served ait the boarding house for 25 cents, the pro ceed to go to the Harvey vine circuit. Rev. w. C. Mickey preached the an nual memorial sermon before the mem bers of the Grand Army and Sons of v eterans on Sunday evening. A new house is being erected by Miss Aiaitie iNiceiy on liutler street. Charles Fisch, who has been connect ed with the Commercial House for the last two or three months, left on Sat urday, and has gone to Wllkes-Barre. Anglers are anxiously waiting for the bass season to open, which occurs on May 30. Preparations are being made for the memorial exercises here on May 30. The various civic societies nnd Sunday schools are expected to participate. iiowman Sorber and Frank Coleman. The Tribune newsboy, went to Hunt ington Mills on Saturday fishing for trout. They reported a light catch. The West Nantiooke Base Ball club came down to play the Shlckshlnny team on Saturday. The score stood 3 ito 3 In the third Inning, which ended the game on account of the rain. Misses Emma and Annie Schwartz and Bessie H-ltchler, of Nantlcoke, vis ited friends here on Saturday. The stage route between here and Cambra has been consolidated. Messrs. Stevens and Robblns, who -have been running In opposition, nre now taking care of the traveling public together. PLYMOUTH. Rev. James Moore delivered a very Interesting memorial sermon to mem bers of the Grand Army of tho Repub lic, at the Primitive Mothodlst church yesterday morning. Miss Sarah Spelgth Is the guest of Plttston friends. Hon. D. J. Reese Is home from Har- rlsburg. Levi Lawrence ana David Howells, the two boys who ran away from home some time ago and were lately arrested In New York city for begging, arrived homo safe Saturday. It still remains a mystery where the man who was reported lost In No. 12 mines some time ago Is, as none of his friends or relatives know anything of his whereabouts. It Is the firm opinion of a large number of people that the man Is still lost In the mines. A search should -be Immediately made. Mrs. J. W. Thomas, of Lansford. Is the guest of friends and relatives In town. Miss -Mame Habble-tt, one of Plym outh's most highly esteemed young la dies, will be joined In matrimony to Morris van Horn, of Kingston, on Wednesday evening next. On and after June 1 all keepers of canines will have to muzzle them, as any dog captured by the constable will likely be deart wkh according ito law. Miss Gertrude Davis Is the guest of Miss Louisa Kasen, of the Bloomsburg Normal school. Unless tho . borough and Traction company come to somS agreement soon relative "to t he relaying of tho brick pavement on 'Main fitrwt, which, since the Injunction was served against tho Traction company, has only been laid on the places In question without being tarred. It will llksly be far more expens- ve to the borough than lit would other wise be, as the dally traffic upon this street has a tendency to not only loosen the adjoining tirlcks.but breaks and de stroys them, consequently causing an unnecessary expense. Jt is earnestly hoped the town fathers will give this their Immediate attention. Miss Muggle Dooley has for her guest. Miss Annie Killeen, of Carbon- dale. All members of the Wadhnms lodge. No. 872, Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, are requested to attend n special meeting at their hall tomorrow even ing, as business of importance will be transacted. Weakly Mothers should remember that more than twenty-five thousand physicians have positively declared that Bo- vinine is their greatest friend. It contains no medication whatever. Bovinine will build up strength quicker and more permanent than any food known. Preferable to all cod liver oil or iron preparations, as it is a pure, raw food extract, palatable, and easily assimilated. Ask any physician. Aalley. PITTST0N. The property holders on William, Pul ton and Broad Btreets are greatly In sunced over the aotlon of the Scranton Suburban and Plttston Street Railway company In attempting to lay the T rail along those streets. The con tractor of tho street railway company claims the right to lay the T rail under terms of the supplcmcntry ordinance passed last December. The property holders claim thnt the ordinance was not properly made a law, and are taking steps to hold the contractor to the terms of tho original ordinance. Without re gard for the protests of the property holders, a gang of men were set to work on Fulton street Saturday morn Ing laying the T rails. Written notices were served on the contractors at 10 o'clock by members of tho street com mlttee. Mayor Maloney, at the request of the citizens Interested and members of the street committee, directed Street Commissioner Carroll to notify the con tractors to stop all work at noon, which wns done. The matter will be brought before tho special meeting of the coun cil this evening, and some definite no tion will be taken on the conflicting uiuinances. Christian Endeavor Convention. The TM-nnnnrv i,nt,v.ntlnH r-v.1- tlan Kndeavor societies will be held In mo Memorial Presbyterian church, Wllkes-Barre. nn Frlilnv iVnn 91 Among the speakers will be Rev. James flicueoo, u. i)., scranton; Rev. B. F O. McGee. Wllkes-Hnri-- u,,u M w Stahl. Scrnntonr Itnv Tiifnt,tn a um Ph. D. Wllkes-Barre; Rev. Thomas Bell,' ncranton; dev. S. Ross MeClementa, Plttston; Miss Fannie M. Evans, Phila delphia: ailll C. IT. Chnmllai, U,.rDnl,, Pa Rev. J. T. McCrory, of' Pittsburg,' iircimiii ot i-cnnsyivania Christian Kndeavor union, will address the con vention at the evptilno- ,.al.,n nn "rt..r.A Cltlsonflhlp." The mtiHlcwlllbe In charge v.i 1-iua-nnor ana Mrs. j. j. Iowe, of the Hethenv rhurnh. t., r ' - - if-u it, a i eor and Mrs. Lnwo a r ... singers, and will sing at every session. .i.omi ra-u-s nave Deen granted by the Central railroad of New Jersey and the Lehlch Vnliw r,,n,.j .i who desire to attend the convention. runner mroration may be had by ad dressing J. C. Manning, Plttston.Pa. Hheafcr-Smith. The truirrl! irrt r, r ai..i. i . Ti.. i . 'vl" nueaier, or. Plttston. fonmei-lw v !.,- nnd Miss Lillian Smith, of Car bondale. Pa., will take place at the la t ter place Tuesday morning at 10 an-, oin-a-icr is an esteemed employe of the T.ohlu-h vn.. rji - - JAUil- road company, where he haa been for , i.umuer or years. After the cere iiiLMiy is iwrmrmpfi Mr ttnrt xt QhAn flr Will IpnVft frtf a itiirs urnid..! ...... 1.11. ftour to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and akivii, w., wneretmy wjh upend a few days with relatives. On their return l II V Will p-nim n miOolonnln lK . . home at West Plttston. Other Items of In to rest. Basket Ball team of the Young Men's v.mi!tuiin association will be held ait the association room this evening. All members ai-a rp, i n i.atil a i - - 1 - . .v uiil'hu mm present bills incurred by attending The funernl nt .rVia T- rt r . - iaiv J ' 1 . I . - Gillespie will occur ftvm tho anii home, lis Avoca. This morning at 9 o chick une remains win be conveyed to St. Mary's church, Avoca, where the solemn mam of .?Arilltm mill 1m bhh Interment will be made at Market Direei cemetery. E. R. Shepherd, the pioneer wheel man Of Plttston. hna the rear of Armory hall, whore he Is prepared o do all kinds of bicycle, gun, clock and light machinery repairing. Your patronage solicited. Tho funeral of Mrs. William Wilson, whose death occurred suddenly on Fri day morning last, will take place this morn In ir at 10 nvwir Tho will be conveyed to Plttston cemetery 1UI UI'Ll-l IlllTUl, A cablegram -umki i-nraii,aj a tt PittRton Frlllav OWnlnn- In or rW. T T Bryden and daughter, Agnes, who nan ior i-,urope a rew days since, stating that they had arrived at the-lr destination. Mias Killth Rrthnrnx i TTnn. ti.i ton, Is visiting friends In Providence. mis menu; mouser, or Bethlehem, Pa., Is spending a few days with Pltts ton friends. The AllASO-a YTrtMon o.o n. ,11 - ... .....uvl. r-fn-jiuiiiK few days with friends at Schlckshlnny. William 'Mathen-snn urho woo pointed delegate to tho Railway Train men's convention, nt Atlanta, Ga., re turned home Saturday. The Bl-cvcln rlnli r -tho "v,, Christian association will meet this evening to elect olllcers. Tne commiititee for the Mechanics TTosp l-iimnniiv'a fall h.ira hm.i- pleted their arrangements. Many con- iriuimons nave neen made by mer chants and citizens genrally, and the fair nmmtsea to tw n ir (1 allmawa The fair will be formally opened Tues- uay iiomorrpw; evening at Armory hall. Wall faior from 7 con-la n null nn at W. F. (Moyer & Bros., 88 South Mntn Hireei. wm .Mrs. TCmmlt Unffman la tho mi her narenlts. Mr. and Mrs .Tnhn Tnnhiu on North Main street. ' Diphtheria Is- -nrevnlent In PlttatoM City and vicinity. Relief In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Ala. pases relieved In Bix hours by the "Now Great Bouth Amorlcr.n Kidney Cure." This now remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages, In mala or female. It rolleves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately, If you want qul?k relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 126 Penn ave nue, Scranton, Pa, . Printing for Oroccrs. Circulars, cards, booklets, letter heads. etc., printed so well at The Tribune of fice that they will sell goods for you. Bearding. WANTBD-ONE OK TWO BOARDERS, ne (iiisrtnr block from Bandftrana. nne ear. Green IiMrs. Ploaaant room. Ad- Arnn M. t. Farnhnin. 021 Brwiker street, city. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTKD AS OOLI.KCTOR bv Hi exuarlenced mnn: Is wlltins to work fnr low wayriw If work I atnndy: ean ive nrai or raiuronce. Aaureas "UOLiLEO OK," Triliana oftlcw, Bcmnton. WANTKD-UY A LADY A POSITION AB oonk in tirlvuta fnmilv. Call at M lti. Il's Dlolni Room, 616 Mulberry street. AYODNO LADY WOULD LIKE Posi tion as atennm-anher and tvimwrit.,-- has had eXDerlenoo and can furnlah tlia lunt of rnlurcnoea, Aulru 1228 Spruce strait. It Ion at bookkeeping, typewriting and shorthand. Address B 800 Tribuu offlu. SITUATION WANTED-WORK BY THB dav honaa eleanlnir or ofllne op wa.liln n take borne. Call or add rim XUi Bailroad ava. VTUATION WliSTEDnVARRilC kj wnnu poauion aa garaaner. or uteiui man; handy with tools; can do almost anything about honse; boat referenoea Address ''QAR- mca en, 'ixiDune oraoe. SITUATION WANTED BY COLORED . . u . . , U. R. W., outt West Lackawanna avenoe. I POSITION WANTED A8 COACHMAN, and wilt make mvaelf naafnl arnunA tu premlsoa. Addreu JAMEa AUSTIN, Trib une oUloe. A WORD. WANTS QV ALL KINDS COST THAT VANCil. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT ra uina no r-Hinnre WILL, BIB LESS THAN 28 CHNT8. THIS BULB AP- PLIES TO SMALL WANT AD8, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH , Help Wanted-Mala. rAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArrAAAAAArAAA 11HOTO TICKET AOKNT8 AND P10TUKE X men own inarn of a nuo poaltlon liy an dressing WILLIAM 11, PLAIT, TM Elm nruot, uamunn, n. j. WANTED-WELL-KNOWN MAN IN f ovrrv town to solicit atook luusnriu- tlons; a mimopoly; bis money for agenta; no capltnl requlrod. EDWARD C. FiSlI CO., Uorilen Illoclc, Cliloaifo. Ill, SALE8MEN KKHIDENT SALESMEN wanted, aauualnted with the kx-al and nanrby drug and grocery trade, to handle our line of high grade cigars. Addreu, vlvlng raforonces, J. EDWARD C'OWLES CO., 143 Chambers atroet, JN. I, Helo Wanted Famalaa. w nuo. ANTED-QIRL8 TO LEARN DRE88 ranking. MRS. TRIPP, 484 Adams are w ANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO ENER setlo saleswomen to renreaunt ua Onaranteed (8 a day without Interferlns with other dutlm. Healthful occupation, write for particulars, Inuloiing stamp, Mango Chem ical Company, No. 7U John street, New Vork, Agents Wanted. A OENT8 HINDE'S PATENT UNIVER- J.. aal Hair Curlers ana Wavers rased with out beat), and "Pvr Polnted"Huir Pins. Lib eral commlulona. Free sample and full par ticulars. Addreae v. u. uox too. Mew vork. w ANTED - ACTIVE 8ALKBMEN TO handle our line, no Dudd Ins. Salary. 176 per mouth and expense paid to all. Goods entirely now. Apply quiuiiy. r. u. box, ejus, uoHHin, nasa. For Rent l?OR RENT-ROOMS KOR FAM V floor, 408 Lackawanna avenue: rent reas onable. F. E. a aTTLfil Un . fenvE TO LET, DESK ROOM TO LET J and Assembly Hall to let. D. B. KEP- luuls, f cm spruce street. 17UKNIHHED HOUSE TO RENT KIOHT rooms; modern improvementa 1102 Oreen Ridge street, corner Wyoming. F OR RENT-A BUILDING ON FRANKLIN avenue, suitable for business. Address P. O. BOX 448. FOR RENT A LARGE, 4-8TORY BUILD ing at 133 Franklin avenue; suitable for wholesale Dullness. CAHBUN a UAV1U.S, scranton. F 'OR RENT FURNISHED AND UNKUB- nlshed rooms at 608 Laoka wanna avenue. TTOR RENT BIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST JL Lackawanna avenue. Addroas THOMAS B, BV AMB, aear 1135! Lucerne, Hyde f ark. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JEft- aiifl, nu Wyoming ovenae. For Sal. F'OR SALE-ONE SECOND HAND 80 horse Dower enirina and boiler in flrat- class condition. Apply to Miner Hillard Mill ing Co., 110 Union street, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. 170R SALE FIRST-CLASS PACING V horses at your own price. Come and see them. W. M. JERMYN, Frioeburg, Pa. For Sal or Exchange. I poll SALE OR TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY ' Dronerty. Well established livery busi ness, fully equipped, with fourteen norsos, light and heavy carriages, etc. A popular summer resort: two tnousana population; hotel 'bus and bairnaio to six trains: owner moving away. BROWN, Attorney, 608 Spruce street. Lost LOST ON WASHINGTON AVENUE, Kim's Daughters and a C. E. Din. tied to gether with ribbon. Finder will leave same at u. w. Owens', 008 Buruce street. Special Notices. ANY BOOKKEEPER OR SALESMAN WHO would like to increase his income or to Improve his health by out door employment, should address the undersigned; he might loarn something to his advantage. A. u. niL,UAiu, uenerai agent, 608 Spruee Street, Scranton, Pa. LARGE STOCK OF GOLD WATCHES at reduced prices, We have got a big stock, too big in fact, of watches, good watches, which we are willing to sell at very cloeu flirures. barely coeU to reduco. at Mor- cercau & ConneU'a. NOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1, I will make a monthly tour of the follow ing places giving free upon air advertising ex hibitions wilh I he stereopticon: Taylorville, Hyde Park, Providence, Dickson Olvphant, Peckvtlle, Archbald, Jurmyn. Exhibitions givon r-n Wedncadny and Friday of each week during the month, the rates for adver-tis-ng are 10 per month. Address E. H. Call, Tribune offloe, oity. HrpHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." I Yon want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pictures, show ing the foroes In actus! battle, sketched on the spot. Two volnmss, 2,000 pictures, Mold ou easy monthly payment. Delivered by ex- I-ri-Ka complete, all charges prepaid. Address . O. MOODY, Mi Adams Ave., Heranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA einee. etc.. bound or rebound at Tua TniRUNB offlce. Julok work. Reasonable prices. - Proposala. Orrics or tiii Board or Coxmisriomrs or PUBLIC UBOUNUB AHD UlilLDIMaS. Daniel H. Hastinos, Governor. Amos H. Mtmn. J, C. Dsr.ANir, Superintendent Auditor UeneraL Samukl M. Jackson, Btate Treasurer. I)R0PO8ALS FOR FURNISHING STA tlonery, Furniture, Fuol and other Sup plies. In compliance with the Conntltutlon and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, we btreby Invite sealed proposals, at prices below maximum rstte fixed in echeduloe. to furnish stationary, furnitura, fuel and other supplies for the several departments of the State Government, and for making repairs In the several departments and for tho distribu tion of the public documents, for the year end lug the first Monday of June, A. D. 18118. Separate proposals will be roooived and sep arate contracts awarded as announced In said schedules. Each proposal must be accompa nied by a bond with approved surety or aure- of the contract, and addressed and delivered to the Board of Commissioners of Public Grouuds and Buildings before Ifo'olock m , of Tuesday, the 4th day of June. A. D. IMA, at wntcn time tne proposals win ne openea ana nubllabe'L In the Recaption Room of the Ex ecutive Deportment, at Harrlsburg, and con tracts awarded as soon thereafter as practica ble. Blank bonds and schedules eontalnlna all necessary Information ean be obtained at this Department. For the Board of Commissioners of Publto Orounna and Buildings. Executors' Notice, ESTATE OF JOHN HANDLEY, DE ceased, lata of Boraotun, Lackawanna county. Pa. Letters teatameiftary upon the above named estate having been granted to the under signed, all persons having olaiint or demands against the aald estate will present them for payment end those Indebted thereto will pleas make Immediate payment to fir.nm w. re Line it, wiiKes-rjerre, ra, LEMUEL AMEKM AN, Scranton, Pa, JOHN T. BICHARDS, Sorauton, Pa. -- - Kxaeutorl, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 618 Spruce street, Heranton, ra, (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, 208 PENN AVE.: 1 to I P. M l can ana. mm. oi women, oostretrioe ana and aU dls. ef cblL Connolly DO NOT BE Printed India WE DESIRE TO SAY. FIBSTThat other Swivel Silks advertised at $i as the best goods of their class produced, Is mis leading. Our goods at 31c are superior la every respect to these second and third rate goods which arc be ing oflercd as equals. We did not know that Swivel Silks were an imported article, perhaps they are; but we don't think it good policy to handle European Swivels when better goods can be had in our own Amer ica. Our Swivels are made in America, by the best maker of these goods in America, and they are sold all over the country and are exported In large quantities to Europe, too. Europeans would not buy American Swivels unless they were better than their own. We have the original and the best American Swivel Silk AND THE PRICE IS 31 CENTS. SECONDLYThat Printed India Silks offered by us at 37 1-2& arc an Irreproachable bargain. They are not the kind that crack and pull, but they are of the class that bear the stamp of true merit and are everything we claim them to be. It is a Silk Bargain that never has been known in Scranton before. It cannot be matched by any other house at present, and probably will never be duplicated. The throngs of buyers who have purchased of these two wonderful offerings is the best evidence of their superiority. There are still good assortments left in both lines. CONNOLLY & DR. A. J. CONNELL, OKPICB Ml wanniniwn avenue, cor. npruce street, over Francke's drua; stroe. Rslrinn 722 Vine st. Ottlce hours: 10.20 to 12 n m. ana 2 to 4. and (.30 to 7.80 p. m. Sun- utty, .ivii. in. DR. W. EL ALLEN, H) North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FREY, PRACTICE LIMITED diseases or me t-yo, tar. Nose and inroai: omce, la Wyoming ave. Iteal dence, 629 Vine street;. DR. L. M. GATES. 126 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, I to a. m., 1.80 to S and 7 to o p. ra. lieaiuonce 80S Madi son avenue. JOHN Li. WENTZ. M. D.. OFFinKfl and 61 Commonwealth building; rt-al- aonce m muaiwin ave.; omce hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays, 2.3U to 4. evenings at residence, A specialty made ot diseases of the eye, ear, nose emu inruai aim BrHtH-uiugy. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on investment man any oiner association. Call on S. N. Callender, Dime Bank DUllUlUg. Lawyers. JESSUPS & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law. Commonwealth ouiiuing, wasnington avenue. W. H. JESSUP. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. AT torneys and Counsellors at Law. Re. publican building, Washington ave nue, Dcranton, ra. PATTERSON & WILCOX, ATTOR. neys and Counsellors at Law; offices t auia s iiDrary building , Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL H. PATTERSON. . WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors. Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. W. F. DOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, no. " anu u, uurr ouuaing, wasning ton avenue. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT- .law. noom o, coal exchange, Scran- JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY- rooms w, h ana vu. common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT. jr. viiii-e, on npruce at., ucranton, ra, L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, w uwuwttiia ave., ocranton, ra. URIE3 TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT uiw, in me isanK uuiuiing, scranton. Money to loan In large sums at 6 per cent. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT law, Commonwealth building, Scran ton, Pa. C. COMEGYS, 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estato security. 403 epruce street. B. F. K II, LAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 46 commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 136 WYOMING AVE. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY In porceluln, crown and bridge work. Odontothreapla. Office, 325 North Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH. 8URGEON DENTIST, No. 116 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL EX- cnange. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton. Pa., prepares boys and glrlH for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re Quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGAR ten and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pu pils reoetved at all times. Next torin will open April 8. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. JONES HROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, 615 LACKAWANNA avenue, scranton. Pa., manuiaoiurer oi Wire Bcreene. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 126 and 127 FRANK- un avenue, nates reasonaore. P. 2IEGLER, Proprietor, WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Blxteenm St. ana Irving riace. New York. Rates, $3.60 per day and upwards. (Ameri can pianj. m. N. ainacl,!!,, Proprietor. BCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. W. j a -...,... .1 W. njiHenKer utiui. ,unuuticti wi iuv luropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Architects. DAVIS & VON STORCH, ARCHITECTS. Kootns Z4, to anu w, commonweaun building, Scranton. B. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of sua wasnington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK JR.. ARCHITECT, 2& Buruce St.. cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN " " MORRIS, ARCHlTalCTdt Soraatoo. Seeds. I. R. CLARK CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, I960 North Main ave nue; etore telephoe 781; Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUBIO FOR balls, picnics, paruea, rvyviuu. n.u- dlngs and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'i rniiaiu amr. MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, wiiyaioLiww, bbiio, -Warehouse, 120 WasbVSton ave., Boran ton, Pa, , ' FRANK P. BROWN ft CO WHOLE ale dealers In Woodware. Cordage and Oil Cloth, 7W WW w?!l!;Lg!L THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and augnor. nooms i ana m Williams Building, opposite postofllce. Agent (or tne Rex Fire Extinguisher, MISLED BY MISREPRESENTATION an WALLACE, FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. ! EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, fH REASONABLE CHARGES, TRY US. 4 THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO (Action to our Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that they will this vcur hold to their usual custom oi milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop Is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it fa already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Y'ashburnCrosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. aVAJ V MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv. ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTE1IE1IEI SCRANTON, PA. HE PROP OAK BILL STUFF. ECOOiN WEALTH LUMBER CO TELEPHONE 482. MpansiariigiaiaMua osoaea, u jo warn uw roasxat Dr- PoQl's Pennyroyal Pills Tsar ( Mat, isf 4 asrtala In raralt, The amine (Dr.Tsal't) llssp uaUt, 8aataarwhtm,(UsV AMnn nuii KaMOUf Ca Uerslaiid, O. ,. Fer 8eleby JOHN H. PHELPS. Phermaolet. Cor. Wyoming Avenue end 8Prwoe Street, Soranton. Pe. Wallace IN REGARDS 209 Washington Avenue,' Opp. Court House. 602 and 604 tf Lacka. A?e., Cor. Adams. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headanhes creventod and cured by hartal your eyes sclentifleally examined and fitted accurately by DR. 5HIMBERG. EYES EXAMINED PBEE. SstlsfaettoS guaranteed In every case. 309 Spruce Street patrons: 22 Commonwealth f 1 Bld'g, Scranton, Pa. Swivel Silks CONNELL S n TIES EVERY WOMAN w ansils rillatil. imttirr. TurnUIInt nirtlrfnn Onlf banalaat ui
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers