THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATUBDAT MORNING, MAT 25, 1805. OUr -Neighbors Douto the Valley. c onnolly & Wallace DO NOT BE MISLED BY MISREPRESENTATION IN REGARDiTO WILKES-BARRE. rThA Vplhiinik Ku nnansd a branch of floe at No. A Lannlng .bulldlnft Public Square, wllkaa-Barra, for tne iransacuuu Off business. Th, publishers propose to extend the circulation of The Tribune In Wllkes-Barre and surrounding www and to that end will present a very com- 6 let department of Luzerne county new nf BiidnuM in 4hl. undertaklna- donend- nee la placed eolely upon the superiority of The Tribune aa a purveyor of all the news or the day domestic, roreign, iocm, commercial and financial. The general In terests of the people of Wllkes-Barre anil the Wyoming valley will have In The Trib une an earnest advocate, editorially and otherwise. It Is the purpose of the pub lishers to Issue a newspaper aa valuable to the general public as the metropolitan dallies, and deliver It to the people throughout northeastern Pennsylvania from three to live hours eahller than the Philadelphia and New York papers can reacn mem.j THE PROHIBITIONISTS. Will Meet In Countv Convention Today and Nominate a Ticket. ' The Prohibition party's: county con vention will 'be 'held In this city -today, and an effort traa been made to bring together an unumially large number of the active workers of the third party, The convention will nominate a full county tlckat and also select delegates to the state convention. .There will be no contests for places on the ticket and the platform to be adopted will be of the radical variety. No county In the ataire ihas more earnest Prohibition' lsts than Luzerne, and their enilhual- asm never wanes. There lias been per ceptible .Increase dn the Prohibition vote for a number of years, but that f actt does) not discourage them. Onoe in a while ithey manage to knock out a Republican candidate, which always causes Prohobltdon rejoicing. A number of prominent - speakers have promised to be In attendance at today's ' convention, among, them the Rev. Hogan, of Forest City, who re fused ito accept the charge assigned to him ait the tote Wyoming annual con ference because he alleges he has been persecuted tjecauee be Is a Prohibition ist Mr, Hogan has been trying to get Into at newspaper controversy with the bishop, who presided ait the confer ence, tmt tas not been conspicuously successful. Brother Hogan Is a novel' ty just now, but the Prohibition breth ren will soon get tired of listening to Ms personal grievances as a Method ist preacher, which he recounts on every occasion. The convention (today will be fol lowed by at macs meeting1 this evening. ACCIDENTS AT NANTICOKE. Five Persons More or Less Seriously In Jured In the Mines. An accident occurred at an early hour yesterday morning at one of the Dela- ware, Lackawanna and Western mines at Nanticoke by which the lives of a dozen men were placed in great peril, but, fortunately, all were saved. In some way the hoisting machinery be came displaced and the bucket was pre cipitated to the bottom where the men were at work. The descending bucket struck some timbers shattering them to splinters. William Cross and Louis Koschlnskl were hit and painfully but not fatally injured. The Injured men could notibe brought to the surface until the hoisting machinery had been re paired, which required several hours work. By an explosion of gas In No. 1 slope of the Susquehanna Coal company which three Polish miners were severely burned. Ignoti Winschewskl sustained the more serious burns and he may not recover. AMATEUR SINGERS. The Successful Presentation of the Mikado by WU es-Barr Talent. Last evening the third performance of the '"Mikado" was presented at the Grand Opera house before a large and well pleased audience. The several performers felt more at ease on the stage and sang and played their parts with more assurance than ait the pre ceding presentations. That Wllkes Barre contains an unusually large num ber of excellent voices fans once more seen demonstrated. Too much credit cannot be awarded Joseph P, Burns for the admirable work he has done In training the targe body of singers. Borne of these amateurs could pose as professionals if they -were so inclined. The fourth and last performance will occur this afternoon when It Is hoped the Grand will be crowded. These per formances are given1 for a purely chari table purpose, and the performers have. Cheerfully riven of tbetr ttme and tal ents without eompenaaitton. The "Mi kado," as presented by these local sing ers, la fully as enjoyable as if ft were the work, of professionals. Fatal accident. u, A Mas" falls Down Shaft and Is In .. f' stantly Billed. ' James Mufhall, residing; on Hancock Street, but working at the-Maxwell mines, near Ashley, met with a fright ful accident' yesterday afternoon. He and several other men were comtag up the shaft. The cap had reached a dis tance of about fifty feet from the bot tom when, by some means, Mulhall was thrown off; He struck a man' named James Hark Ins, who was standing at the foot of the shaft and dislocated his shoulder. Mulhall-was dead before he was brought te the surface. He leaves ft wife and several children. Recovered His Money. Burgess Boyle, of Nanticoke, bought some trifling articles from a peddler who called ait his house with, his pack of -wares. He handed mm what he sup posed was a dollar bill and received his change for a dollar. After the peddler had taken his departure the burgess discovered that he had given the fellow a $30 bill and was therefore, out 19. He referred Ifhe case to the chief of po lice who soon discovered Hhat the ped dler bad taken his departure from the town. The chief procured a horse and buggy swiU started in pursuit. He over took fais man at Ceasetownand brought ibim beuclci The $20 bill was recovered and tine vender of small wares was al lowed to go his way rejoicing. Chan's Suooessor It was yesterday announced that George Keller, for a number of years employed In the ticket office of the Le high Valley depot, will succeed 8. S. Chan as the general ticket agent of that company In this city, the place until re cently held by Mr. Chan. Mr. Heller Is a popular man and will do well for the Lehigh Valley company. A' Marrylni People. 1 ' ! , (The Polamders and Hungarians num ber only a comparatively small per cent, of the people of this county, but there appear to be 'more marriages among them than of all other naitlon- olIHr rnmhlned. They are emphatic ally a marrying people, as Is shown by the licenses granted from aay to day. One day this week there were n'nonBea lutiiari live of them to the six i fol- lowing couples: Lawrence Vorak and Mary Metro, Joseph Farowlcs and An ton la Valantl, John Mavlnko and Mary Ilko, Blodglo Depten and Frances Pa ...k. fwiitun and Ellen Sza- luni uwtftv .... winkl. Considering the limited number of this class of people in 'tne couniy, they certainly supply mure than their proportion of marriages. POLITICAL POINTS. County Chairman Robinson , i - nc.ii r.r n meetlns of the has Re- isaucu , --- - pullcan county committee on June . . . .... n n iimn for homing 4, the at IV a. in., ii a . ... .,. ontlnn nnd the trans next, wmhij v-ji. . action of such other business as may. properly come before tne conuimi . . ..ii ..i attention to I rne can uibw revised rules of the Republican party . T n-knno f (trill 1 rlnir all candidates seeking nominations to register with the county committee at least mmy before the meeting or tne couniy .-.. ventlon. The names or an canuium ;es so registered will be puoiiBneu wi... . ii ... ii.,. w.ntrcmtlnn. It Is genera the ally can wi v.. -- - thot deles-ntes and alter- nates to the Republican national con- . I . I I .V. ...... t 1 ventlon In wwo . win oe ... in,, this vear. It cuuiuy whttmi , urged that Inasmuch as the national .i win yn held earlv In the cuiivciiiiwii "... - - year, unless the delegates are chosen this year two county convenuuuu wi have to be held next year, an early one to name delegates ana a imrr .- in nominate candidates for the local offices. If the national delegates are chosen this year great Interest will attach to .v -.,.... nnnuontinn nnri the contest liter tuuiiij .v'ii . ......-.., - - will enter Into the delegate elections. The attempt will be maae xo prevent n thA rinieentea. or to ex press any preference as to presidential candidates by the county convention. There will be a score of aspirants who . . . ' , . J I ... .1 . V. desire to represent ine uismcv in i national convention. Senator Quay, I la eulrl la In rv-immllnlpntlnn With Cer tatn Innnl lAfirloi-a hero whnm he desires to have chosen, and It Is also alleged tnat ne is strongly opposcu iu uiauuu Hons for any one for president. . m . Th Vvi.n.alai nrlmlta that TcMiAP Livingstone will be in the tleid ror post- maafnM i TL'lttraa.Ra w when ' Mr Landmesser's term expires. But he will not be me oniy one. Among the present members of the legislature from this county who will be likely to give place to new men next year are Messrs. Grlner, Reese, Harvey and Jeffreys. The last named has had three terms, Reese and Harvey two and Grler one. Few persons will be surprised If, when the proper time comes, ex-Sheriff Rob inson looms up as a candidate for sheriff. There Is a strong undercurrent in his favor In many sections of the county. He was a model sheriff. If John T. Lenahan should want the Democratic nomination for congress next year he could have It, but his friends say he does not care for politics now; ne prerers to wait until ne has accumu lated some more wealth. L. C. Darte, It Is said, would like to go to the next Republican national con vention as a delegate. He Is a great admirer of General Alger, of Michigan, and would support him with great en thusiasm. Probably a Murdor. Another murder la likely to grow out of the bloody fight that occurred in a Plymouth saloon a few night ago. In which a number of Hungarians partici pated. Albert Walker, one of the men assaulted, was struck on the head with a hatchet, and his Injuries will, In all probability, result fatally. If the man dies there will be some arrests, If the assailants can be found, which Is not proluble. 'Why the arrests have not already been made is not explained by the Plymouth authorities. Christian Endeavor Convention. The trl-ounty convention of the Christian Endeavor societies will be held In this city at Memorial Presby terian church, next Friday. This con vention will be composed' of dele gates from the three counties of Lu zerne, Lackawanna and Wyoming, and will represent about seventy societies. It Is estimated that not less than 600 young men and women will be In at tendance. Prominent speakers will be present at the day sessions and also at the evening meeting. For West Point. Richard M. Thomas, of this city, won the West Point cadet ship prize in the examination held last Saturday. Gar rick M. Borden stood second and will be the alternate. Congressman Lelsen ring will appoint young Mr. Thomas and If he should fall to pass the ordeal at West Point then Borden will have a trial It is said that none of the nineteen young men rated very high In their educational attainments. Home Seoksfs Excursions One lowest limited, first-class fare for round trlpl Inquire of . agents of the Nickel Plate Road. Prohibition Connty Convention. The county convention of the Lu zerne Prohibitionists will be held today at Temperance Union hall. South Main street. The morning session will com mence at 10 o'clock. In the evening a mass meeting will be hekl. The con vention will be made attractive by ora tory and music. All ProhlbHlonlsts are invited to attend the convention, and the invitation Is extended to everybody for the evening meeting. FOR THE HAIR : A warm shampoo with Ctrtlcura Soap, and a single application of Cutlcura, the great Skin Cure, clear the scalp and hair of crusts, scales, and dandruff, allay itching, soothe Irritation, stimulate the nair folli cles, and nourish the roots, thus producing Luxuriant Hair, with a clean, wholesome, scalp, when all else falls. som nmfon dm world, renss Dsoa s CUM. !, Oow,elrnipk,SoMoa, V. , A. , BRIEF NOTES. A local paper says that the family of John Hopple, of Kingston, who died on Thursday evening, have not the means of giving him burial. The Sons of the Revolution will have appropriate anniversary exercises at the rooms of the Historical society on the evening of July S. The Wllkes-Barre Buse Ball club is climbing toward the top and when the chib returns to the city there is await ing for It a royal welcome. Tho parade on Memorial -Day will be even more elaborate thaw on former occasions. The Nlinth regiment and clvlo societies will participate. The exact amount realized by the festival for the benefit of th Home for Homeless Women Is S436.50. About 1,000 people attended the festival. A number of the West End wheclmem will make a run to DanVUle on Me morial Day. Those who accomplish lit will have to rldo about 104 miles. Tha men's meeting at the Young Men's Christian association hall tomor row will be addressed by Rev. W. D. Johnson, of Calvary EplBi-opal church. The best whlHtler of "The Mocking Bird" will receive a prize of S5 at the Ivorltcs eisteddfod, at Nnntlcoke, on Memorial Day. The whistling contest will be a novelty. The funeral of Miss Ella Jones, daughter of William O. Jones, will take plnce this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence, corner of Wood nnd Qulncy streets. Alderman J. B. Ford performed the mat-Wage ceremony for the first ,tlme the other day. Those who witnessed It said It was done "after the Scranton fashion," whatever that may mean. Tho funeral of Robert Shaw occurred yesterday afternoon. He died from In Juries received In the Red Ash mines some seven months ago. He leaves a large family In destitute circumstances. An amateur league of the base ball clubs of Luzerne, Lackawanna end Wyoming counties will probably be or ganlzed. Such a league would divide public patronage with the more pre tentious organizations. Division No. 1, Ancient Order of Hibernians, of this city, will have their annual excursion and picnic at Har vey's Lake, July 4. Games and contests of all kinds are being arranged for the occasion. Wllkes-Barre ball enthusiasts look forward with high anticipations to the first meeting between the Scranton and Wllkes-Barre base ball clubs on Wednesday next. There will be wall ing and gnaBhlng of teeth if Wllkes Barre is beaten. Carey avenue Is destined In time to become one of the handsomest thor oughfares In Wllkes-Barre. There was howling when that avenue was asphalt ed, but the lot owners are beginning to realize that they did not know what was test for them. They know now. PERSONALS. Mrs. JeSSUD, Of 8 Vita, hi tha o-iiaatt of Miss Urqulnart. L. C. Darte has been n visit, nt far-. bondale for several! days this week. senator Kline Is still confined to his home, at Hazleton. suffering from n. fever. .. , . .. . Dr. Murphy and his daue-hror riaa Louise, will spend July and August in Europe. Harry HUlard. of New Ynrir la Wait ing his mother, ilrs. F. S. HUlard, 1m cniB city. Judge Hardin? will snend Simrtav at his Bear Lake cottage, feastinsr on the fish 'he expects to catch today. Dr. Guthrie, George R. Bedford and Andrew H. McCHntock afS-contemplat-ing a trip to Europe bent on Dleaanm and recreation. The friends of Robert C. MltrVn.1l nt Plains, learn with regret that he has been compelled to undergo the amputa tion of part of one of hl3 feet. Colonel Murrav Revnnliln. W TT Tt vey, and H. M. Fuller and their fami lies left for North Mountain yester day, where they will spend Sunday. Many wilkes-Barreans will snend the Sunday at the several moiirrtnin and lake resorts In the vlclndty which nave or rate years become so popular. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Bullard -will tnrlAv gO to Old Point Comfort. vKora rfhev will remain for a week. The doctor's health has been somewhat . Impaired and he leaves for a brief rest. CLARK'S SUMMIT. The Ladies' Aid society of the Bap tist church will pive an Ice cream and strawberry festival tins evening. A very pleasar: lilac social was hld ft the Methodist Episcopal church Thursday evening. Every person at tending was expected to wear a bunch of lilacs and the table was also decor ated. Great credit is due Mrs. George R. Ludlow, Mrs. William Justin, Mrs. William Shelp, Mrs. E. Tlnkham, Mrs. R. Kimball and also the young ladles of the congregation. Mrs. Rodgers Is building an addi tion to her house, which will be used as a dining room. Mrs. B. H. Reynolds was a visitor In Scranton, yesterday. Druggist H. P. Wilcox Is now In his new building and Is doing an excellent busness. He Is now aettng up a soda fountain of Matthews' make to supply the thirsty of this vicinity. . A. L. aVn Horn has got his restau rant fitted In fine style. He Is pre pared to give meals at reasonable rates. He has a bakery and market In con nection with It. . Fred Welchel, Jr., proprietor of Sum mit hotel, hs renovated the place. MINOOKA, ' Mine Foreman Thomas Jones, of sojourning in Philadelphia. Robert Wallace had one of his fingers injured at the Greenwood mines yes terday. The supervisors are hanglnjr out tt big bluff at present. , Charles W. Gallagher, Peter F. Cu- alck and M. H. McDonough will serve aa delegates for the O'Connell council, Young Men's Institute, at the quar terly convention of the district coun cils, to he held at Scranton on Wednes day, May 29. V . . -' V George Mucklow . H home from a western trip. OLD FORQE. Superintendent J. C. Taylor visited No. 1 school on Thursday. Harry Lelnbaugh was VlstUhff friends In Danville for the past week. Mrs. Samuel B rod head Is visiting her sons in Montrose and Elk Lake. William Race was a caller In town dn Thursday. , Mrs. George Drake, jr., has nearly recovered from her recent illness. PITTSTON. Next week will be the lost week of the school year for the West Flfatston public schools. . The teiadhens and scholars have been making prepara tions tor the eighteenth annual closing exercises, which are to be given on Wednesday, May 2D, and. Friday, May 31, at the high school building. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev. Thomas W. Swan Sunday evening, May 26, at the First Presby terlan churoh, West Pittston. Those who will this year receive diplomas are: Claustcail course, Misses Jossle Marlon Benedict- Esther A. Davenport, Ella Klnts, Cora ,M. Slultler, Ruth G, Wheeler and Mr. Wlltard Howe; scien tific course, Howard I. Stewart; com mercial course. Miss Margaret Monte. The mlwslon in progress at St. John's church Is causing a great religious re vlval, the large edifice being crowded during the services since opening on Sunday morning. The mission is in charge of Rev. Father Seigll, of the Redemptorlst Fathers, of New York city, and Is assisted by five other clergymen of tile same order. The Vienna Baking Co. have on sale Perkins" Wyoming Ice Cream. No. 10 South Main at. Colonel James Falrman, of New York city, will address the men's meeting at the Young Men's Christian association rooms Sunday afternoon. Subject, "What Is That to Me?" Wall paper from 7 cents a roll up, at W. F. Moyer & Bros., 98 South Main street. ' v Colonel James Falrman will occupy ths pulpit of the First Congregational church, West Side, Sunday. ' Rev. and Mrs. MacDonald are the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald, of William street. They will be tendered a reception by Mr. MacDonald's parents on next Wednes day evening. E. H. Shepherd, the pioneer wheel man of Pittston, has openeu a shop In the rear of Armory hall, where he Is prepared to do all kinds of bicycle, gun, clock and light machinery repairing. Your patronage solicited. ' John Houser, of Mill street, left yes terday fur Detroit, Mich., to visit a sister whom he has not seen for thirty- five years. Mrs. Helen Wilson, wife of William Wilson, of South Main street, died at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. She leaves a husband, three daughters and one son. Funeral Monday at 10 a. m. The street committee of the common council met last evening and framed a resolution asking that the Trfactlon companies lay the girder rail on Wil liam, Broad and Fulton streets. In caso the companies insist upon layng tne T rail, tho resolution further ad vises that steps be taken to revoke the ordinance of March, 1893, granting fran chines to the company. Dr. Petes G. Gillespie, of Avoca, died at 3 o'clock yesterday from the effects of blood poisoning. He was 34 years of age, and was born In Pittston. Funeral at St, Mary's church, Avoca, on Mon day. The common council met last eve- Bicycles at a slaughter. A $100 wheel for $55, guaranteed for two years, any weight desired. Wheel repairing promptly attended to. W. S. Shelton, $5 South Main street. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dla. eases relieved In six hours by tha "New Great South Amerlcr-n Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surmise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain in tne bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary Das- sages, In male or female. It relieves re tention ot water and pain In passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 125 Pann ave nue, Scranton. Pa, C. A. R. Notice. Heapq'rh Col. Wm. N. Monks Poht,1 1IAM.42ILacka.AVI., ' f Bi'HANTON, PA.. May 25, 1895. i COMRADES - IN COMLIANCE WITH General Orders this noet will assemble at the ronnu. on Larkawaun arenue, Snnday evening, May i, 1IW6, at 6.30 o'clock. f r tbe parpoaa ot attondlns divine service at Elm. Park churoh. A sermon especially for the oc casion will be aollverrd. The comrariAa am nrnnstly Invited to attend this service. Cir cle Mo. la ts also Invited to participate. An Invitation is also extended to all old veterans to accompany tbe post. lj. n a An, uommanoer. JOHN T. HOWE, Adjutant Public Sals. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVK THAT THE J.1 underslsned. a livery stablo keeuar. hav ing a lien upon the hereinafter described horse under the provisions of tbe Aot of As sembly of April 7, 1807, to the amount of one nunnrea anu ten nonars lor tbe expense of keeping In kls hvory stable the said horse, will exeoae to Dublin sale, br virtue nf M act, to the hie brat bidder for cash, at his Ur ery stable, ilaln street. In the borough of Taylor, eonnty of Lackawanna and state of Penimylvanla, on Tueodav, the 18th day of June, A U IK'S, at 0 o'olnck a m., one brown riding, it nanus ninu and four years old, laid horse was delivered to the andersirned for keeping In his livery stable by H. O. don oyer, and will be sold as tha property of H. G, Conover and Randolph Crip pen. juhm c. jjavis, Taylor, ra. May , 18U, Lost. VrVVWMVVVVVVVVWVVVrvVVWVVVV LO8T-0N WASHINGTON AVENUE, King's Daughters and a 0. E. Din. tied to gether with ribbon. Kinder will leave earns at G. W. Owens', 608 Spruce street. Salesmen pantsd. CALE8MAN WANTED f 100 to I1IS PER kJ month and exDenam. Stable line. Pom- tlon nermanent. Dlenoant and desirable. Ad dress, with stamp, King M'Cg. , Co. D. 51, Cbinago. - . Special Notices. NY BOOK KEEPER OR BALehMANWHO . would Ilka to Increase hla Incoma or to Improve his health by out door employment, abould address tbe undersigned; he tnigbt learu something to his advaatage. A. 0. HOLLA n V. Uener.l Agent, BOO Sprues Street, Sorantou, Pa. Vt7ITHrN THK GOLDEN CIRCLE:" IT Uteat Tjubllratlon on Crlntile Creek ?nd its mines; handsomely Illustrated; mailed ree with maps. The Woodt Investment Co., Colorado Springs, Cola LARGE STOCK OF GOLD WATCHES el reduced price. We have aot a big stock, too big In fact of watches, good watches, which we are willing to sell at very elose figures, barely cost, to redooe, at Mar oeroau a uenneu s. OTICE-ON, AND AFTER MAY 1, I will make a mnnthlv tour of tha follow. big places giving free opjn air advertising ex. UIDIUOUS Wlia ml iwrwuiiwui AMrmrTlllv, Hyde Park, Providence, Dlokson Olyphaut, Ponkvllla. Arrhbalri. Jtirmvll. Elhlbltioiia klven on Wednesday and Friday of each week during ths month, the rates for adver. Using are 110 per moath. Address E. U Call, Tribune offloe, elty. rpHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." I Yon went this relio. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Ptetarea.stiow Ing the toreas In aotual battle, sketched on th spot. Two Tonuses, 2.0UU pictures, Hold on asy monthly paymtnt. Delivered by ex press complete, all ohargea prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, 4B Adam At., Scranton, Pa TJLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MA9A-J- sin, eta., bound or rebound at Ths Thibums office. Wulck work. Reasonable price Printed WE DESIRE TO flKM luat other Swivel Silks advertised at 25c as th best goods of their class produced, is mis leading. Our goods at 31c. are superior in every respect to these second and third rate goods which arete log oflcred as equals. We did not know that Swivel Silks were an Imported article, perhaps they aref 'but we don't think it good policy to handle European Swivels when bettor goods can be had in our own Amer ica. Our Swivels are made in America, by the best maker of these goods in America, and they are sold all over the country and are exported in large quantities to Europe, too. ' Europeans would not buy American Swivels unless they were better than thoir own. We have the original and the best American Swivel Silk, AND THE PRICE IS 31 CENTS. SECONDLYThat Printed India Silks offered by us at 37 i-ac are an irreproachable bargain. They - are not the kind that crack and pull, but they arc of the class that bear tbe stamp of true merit and are everything we claim them to be. It is a Silk liargain that never has been known in Scranton before. It cannot be matched by any other house at present, and probably will never be duplicated. Tbe throngs of buyers who have purchased of these two wonderful oOerings is the test evidence of their superiority. There are still good assortments left in both lines. , CllMMOl I V - " T A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOn, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADR, NO CHAHGB WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS, THIS RUI-B AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Hslp Wantsd Malt. TkfEN TO SELL BAKING POWDER TO iw to grocery trade. Kteady employment, yii icii.o uuuKvnwtrv , .,u uiuu i ui J oiiarf and extwnaea or com. If offer eatUf notary ad- dresa at nnoe with particulars concerning jourseii, u, r. memicui woraa, micago. 117 B DON'T WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS, VV but men of ability; $ttmltofW0a month 10 nusiiers; state aim gonerai agents: salary and commission. Chemical Fir Extinguisher vo., itacine, is. TIHOTO TICKET AGENTS AND PICTURE X men can lnarn of a fine Dosition bv ad' dressing WILLIAM U. PLATT, 730 Elm struct, uamaen, a. j. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly: bi money for agents; no capital required. r.u w ahu v. iou uu., Borden Block, Chloago. IlL SALESMEN - RESIDENT SALESMEN wanted, acquainted with th local and nearby drug and grocery trade, to handl our line of high grade cigars. Address, giving references, J. EDWARD UOWLES Co., u3 street, rt. i. Hclo Wanted Females. WANTED-UIRI.S TO LEARN DRESS making. MRS. TRIPP, ta Adams bts- nue. W ANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER getio saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed (j a day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation, write fur nartiuular. lnulosinir atamn. Mana-o Chem ical Company, No. 73 John street, N.w York. AgenU Wanted. I HAVE TBE BEST AO E NTS' ARTICLE on earth. Send costal for narticularr. Nothlna- like it. Credit to all Worthy. Wanted by everybody; no fraud; permanent growing ousinexa ior nonesc people, i n&j. inuai Geologist, Chicago. 111. WRITERS WANTED TO DO COPYING at home. LAW COLLEGE, Lima, Ohio CI ENER AL AGENTS WANTED-SELL . T ine- new ai tides to dealers: exclusive ter rltory, no competition, no capital required: 200 to OKI per cent, prollt. Columbia Chemical Co., 60 Dearborn at., Chicago, III. AGENTS WANTED FOR LARGEST LINE Aluminum Novelties. Bar Goods. Table ware in America. Profits immense. Steady work. One agent sent 4i7 reorder. Delivered free. Sample 1"C. Illustrated catalogue fro. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., 335 Broadway, Now York. AGENTS HINDE'S PATENT UNIVER sal YJulr Curler, and Wavere fusdd with out heat), and "Pyr Polnted"Hair Pins. Lib oral commission. Free sample end full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box it, daw York. WANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO h.nillA nnr linn, no neddlinir Salarr. f 75 per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, WW, Boston, Mas. Wanted Furnished Room. IJ7ANTED-A FURNISHED ROOM FOR IWn TUHUH llinuj .utm yim i,ta iuub- tlon. Address "FURNISHED ROOM," Trib uno offlc. For Rent. FOR HENT-0-ROOM IIOUSK; OOODCON dltion. furnace, gas, bath, 418 Vine street. Apply L. M. BOSTON, Commonwealth B'ldg. I TOR RENT ROOM8 FOR FAMILY. THIRD 1 floor. 406 Lackawanna avunne: rent reas onable. F. E. N ETTLBTON. CTORK FOR RENT-CORNER MAIN AVH l nn. and Price atreot 31x14) deep: newly painted Inside and out; rood location for any business. J. OORDEAUX, 47 Lacka. ave OFFICES TO LET, DESK ROOM TO LET and Assembly Hall to lot. D. B. REP LOGLE, 40S Spruce street. mWO -ROOM HOUSES FOR RENT ON X Jefferson avenue: also a house and lot for sale atGlenbum; a nice summer residence. Inquire of tt. n. calieuuor, Dime nans cunu. Ine. ipUftNISHKD HOUSE TO RENT EIGHT F room.! modern imnrovementa. 1102 Green Ridge street, corner Wyoming. FOR RENT A BUILDING ON FRANKLIN avenue, suitable for business. Address P. O. Box 44a , ?OR RENT THE PHOTOGRAPH GAL 1 l.rv fnrinerlv ocounled bv C L. Grtftln. Including room for housekeeping. l'JH Wyo ming avenue. CIIAB. 8CHLAGER, IIORRKNT-A LARGE, 4-STORY BUILD ' Inn at lKl Franklin avenue; suitable for wholewle burins. CARSON A DAVIES, Scranton. TOR RENT FURNISHED AND UNFUR L nlahed rooms at 606 Lackawanna avenue. TTOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST r I.spk.wann avenue. Address THOMAS B. EVANS, aear 11US Lusern. Hyde Park, FOR RENT NIOELY FURNISHED HALL anitable for lodo rooms, JOHN JEK- MYN, HO Wyoming ovenue. For Sale. For Sale r Exchange. FOR SALE OR TO EXCHANGE FOB CITY Dronertv. Welt established llverv bnsl- ne, fully equipped, with fourteen horses, light and heavy carriages, to A popular summer resort: two thousand population; hotel 'bus ana nsgimge to six trains; owner moving away. BROWN, Attorney, tug Spruce street. License fpplicatloit. OTICE I it HEREBY OIVKN THAT THE underslened haa BDullod to th Court of Quartar Sessions of Lackawanna county for a license per roitttng him to engage in th bud pas of a dtoliv for hire or rwa- d. Scranton, Pa,. May 14, ISM. . ONE India and SAY- & WAI I Af P tta FURNITURE THE SCRANTON Proposals. Office or tub Board or Commissioneus or r unutflufl Anu Diil.ujr'lUo. Daniel H. Hastings, Governor. Amos H. Mymx. J. C. DlLANEY. Superintendent Auditor General. Samoel M- Jackson, male ireasurer. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING 8TA tionerv. Furniture. Fuel and other Sun- plies. In compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, we hereby Invite aualed proposals, at prices below maximum ratie fixed in schedules, to furnish stationery, furniture, fuel and other supplies for the several department) of the Stat Government, and for making repairs in the several department and for the distribu tion of the public document, for the vear end ing the first Monday of June, A. D. 1KU6. Separate proposals will be rec.-ived and sep arate contracts awarded ai announced In said schedules. Each proposal must be accompa nied by a bond with approved surety.-or.ure-ties, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract, and addressed and delivered to ins Board of Commissioners ot Public Grouuds and Buildings before 12 o'clock m , of Tueadav, tbe 4th day of June, A. D. 1K5. at which time the proposals will be opened and publisbe 1, In the Reception Room of the Ex ecutive Deportment, at Harrisburg, and con tracts awarded as soon thereafter a practica ble. Blank bonds and schedules containing all necesaury information can be obtained at this Department. J. i UHLAIStl. For the Board of Commiasioners of Public Qroqnqi and Buildings, Charter Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN annlioation will be made to the a-overnor of Pennsylvania, on Monday. June 10th, 1.H9.V under the Act of Aseembly of th Commonwoalth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act to provide for the iucorporation and regulation of certain corporations." approved . ' : , . v, i ...J ,1... . ... .v.-..... April Ml. IDIt, .1IU lur ouririuvuM ,u.l diu,iui tho charter of an intended corporation to bo called "The Bald Mount Land Company," the character and object of which ia to pur chase, hold, sell, leaao and Improve real estate, and for these purposes to have, possess, and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act ' of Assembly and its supplements. LH.XULL A ME. KM A IN . Solicitor for Company. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED AS COLLECTOR bv an experienced man: Is wllline in work for low wages if work ia tdy; can give b'Kt of reference. Address "COLLEC TOR." Tribune office, Scranton. ANTED BY A LADY A POSITION AS 1. in ,-i.a, .,n , i. ell's Dining Room, 615 Mulberry street. A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE Posi tion as stenoeraiiher and typewriter: has had experience and can furniah the best of references, Address 281 Spruce street. WANTED- BY A YOUNG LADY. A Po sition st bookkeenlnu. tvnewritlna and shorthand. Address S SUV Tribune offl,.e. SITUATION WANTED WORK BY THE dav house cleaning or office or washing to take home. Call or address 38ti Railroad ave. SITUATION WANTED -MARRIED MAN ... in .. -.i A .......i ....... rr Mil LI- uBivtvii Miniunuvi, u , umui it,.,,, handy with tools; can do almost anything about hnu?: best roforenoss. Address ''GAR DENER, ' Tribune ofJioe. SITUATION WANTED BY COLORED O coachman: can give best of references. H. R. W 611 West Lackawanna avenue. 1JOBITION WANTED AS COACHMAN, I 1 HI,l ai-minA tha premise. Address JAMES AUSTIN, Trib- UI1V UII1UU. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DKAK HAS RKMOVKD to 610 Bprui-e ireoii Duraiiiuu, ru, (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. A. J- CUNNKLk, UFFICH 01 Washington venu,, vur. oiiruue- eireei, over Francke's drug atroe. Heaidence, 722 Vine St. Office hours: 10.30 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4. and (.110 to 7.90 p. m. Sun. day, 3 to I p. m. DR. W. EL AiXBN, til North Whlngton avenue. DR. C. L. FRKY. PUACTICB LIMITED diseases or ine r.y, r.Hi, nu nu Throat: office, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, 629 Vine street, DR. I M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue, union nuun, . w . ..w to 1 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 300 Madi son avenue. JOHN U W'ENTZ, M. D OFFICES 62 nnu oo uiiinii""---i wm, .,,., dence 711 Madlaon ave.; office hours, 10 to 12, t to 4, 1 to 8; Sundays, 2.80 to 4, evenings - at residence. A 1 epeaialty made of diseases of the eye, ear, noae and mroat mm nyiiwwwBf- CSII BODS, uim, vt ""'- and all die. of chll. ; ' Loans. THH REPUBLIC SAVINGS . AND lxan Association win luau ywu hwiibj on easlor terms and pay you better on investment than any other association. Cull on 8. N. Calfender, Dime Bunk building. BEDDING CO, Snivel 209 Washington Avenue, Odd. Court Hduse. UPHOLSTERED. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, REASONABLE CHARGES. TRY US, 602 and 604 1 Lacka. Ave., Cor. Adams. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headaches praventod and cured by havlnf your eyes scientifically eiamiosd and , fitted accurately by DR. SHIMBERG. EYES EXAMINED FREE, guaranteed in every case. Satlsfectio i 305 Spruce Street" Lawyers. JESSUPS tt HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law. Commonwealth building, Washington avenue, W. H. JESSUP, HORACE E. HAND. W. H. JESSUP, JR. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. AT torneys and Counsellors at Law, Re publican building, Washington ave nue, ecranton. ra. PATTERSON & WILCOX ATTOP. neys and Counsellors at Law; offices ( and 8 Library building , Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL H. PATTERSON. Wli.l-1.AA1 A. W11A.OX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. W. F. BOYLE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Nos. 19 and 20, Burr building, Washing ton avenue. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Lw.. Room. Coal, txwag,. Kdmi ton. Pa. ., -" JAMES W..- OAKFORD, ATTORNEY. at-Law, rooms C3, U and 65, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Ofllce, 317 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. L." A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWN8END, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building, Scranton, Money to loan In large sums at S per cent, - , C. R. pTtCHEr ATTORNEY-AT law, Commonwealth building, Scran ton, Pn. C. COMEGYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. replogle.att6rneyloan9 negotiated on real estate security. 408 Spruce street. 57 F KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyoming avo., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 138 WYOMING AVE. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY In porcelain, crown and bridge work. Odontothreapla. Office, 223 North Washington avenue. cT.LAI'BACHr8URGE6N DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STHATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton. Pa., prepares boys and girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re auest. Opens September 10. ' REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGAR ten and School. 412 Adarhs avenue. Pu pils received at ull times. Next term will open April 8. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. J ONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, M5 LACKAWANNA avenue. Scranton, ra., manutaciurer ui Wire Screens. Hotels andiestaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 128 and 127 FRANK, lln avenue, Ratoe reasonable. P. Z1EGLEH. Proprietor. WESTMINSF1 yrvrvr-.. B. N. ANABLE. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE; NEAR D L. & W, nasst-nuer depot. Conducted on tne European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop., Architects. DAVIS & VONBTORCH, ARCHITECTS. Rooms 24, 26 and 26. Commonwealth building:, Scranton. ElTVALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE" rear of fadWashlngton avenue. LEWTSANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce at., cor. Wash- ave.. Scranton, RROWN A MORRIS, AKCtiiiv-io. BROW wuhihiies avenue. rnee ouiiuui. - cranwo. Seeds. fi R CLARK A CO.!' SEEDSMEN AND l5& -tore i Washington ave- nue; green npuse. iow nue; store ibkhu ' MlscellancouB. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR UAUCttj o ror-ntlons. wed- drng"; and" concert work furnished For te?m" address R. J. . Bau.r. conJurtor. 117 Wyoming avenue. ovr Humeri mil. In store. . . 5iGARGEB BROTHERS PRINTERS' s !Kh?i"l5 "vvMton ave.; Borah--tpn, Pa. . .. .. i i. wrTANK P BROWN CO WHOLE. FsateNdenlers modware, dordag. and Oil Cloth, 720JWetJLacka wanna ove THOMAS - AUBREY; f EXPERT AC.. countant ana auuiuir. " T'Vi Williams Bulldlnff. oppoalt" ppatoluce. Agent for tho Rex Fir Extinguisher.