The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 22, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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Dally and Weekly. No Bunday Edition.
fobllshed at Bcrantnn, Pa., by The Tribune rub.
inning company.
It York Ofllot: Tribune Building, Frank a
ucay, Manager.
C. . KINOMUHV, Pki. aaa Oin-i Mas. .
C. H. niPPLC, so'v mo Tasse.
W. W. DAVIS. RuaiNtaa Msaaeia.
W. W. VOUNOS, Am. Maae-a,
"rrlntore Ink." the recniriilziHt Journal for adver
linen, ratal Tna HciUmtiim TuimiXKesUiebMt
mlvtrtlfthig mwllum In Kortlu'usU'ru Peuusylva
aut. ' i rimer ma, kiiuwb.
Tna Weekly Tninvxic. Issunl Kverr Saturday
Contains Twalve Haiiiltiunie I'iik. Willi an Aeuii
dance ur ews, t tuiion, and Wpu-Kdtted Miscel
lany. For TIwhh Wtio Cannot Take Tn Daily
Tuibunu, the Weekly fe Itecommended as the
jaest uarguin uoiug. uniy f i a eur, in Auvance.
Tna Tbibums It for Hale Dally at the D , L. and W,
Diaiion ai nuuoaeu.
BCEANTON, MAY 22, 1895.
"Tho Amorlcan people, from tradition
and Interest, FAVOIt lll.MF.TALl.IS!, and
tho Republican party demunds tho use of
MONEY, with such restrictions and un
dcr such provisions, to be dctormincd by
legislation, as will secure tho mninton
once of the parity of values of tho two
rnctuls, so that the purchasing and debt
paying power of tho dollar, whether of
silver, gold or paper, shall be at all times
equal." Republican National platform.
Juno 7. 1892.
That Absurd Apportionment
The present senate bill reapportion
ing; the Btate into congressional dls
trlcts commits itwo manifest Injustices,
entirely apart from its gratuitous yok
ing; of Lackawanna with Susquehanna.
It slaps the Republicans ot Wayne
county flatly in the face, by consign
ing; them ito the hopeless oblivion In
volved irt a union with Democratic
strongholds like Pike, Northampton,
Carbon, and Monroe; and It repays the
splendid work of the Republicans of
Schuylkill county by throwing upon It
the wet blanket of an unnatural alli
ance with Democratic Columbia. In
each of these cases, nothing would be
gained by the suggested change; and
much would be losit.
But the crowning error of this ab-
Burd reapportionment bill In found In
ita treatment of the present Eleventh
congressional district, which was al
tered unknown to ithe Benator from
this district, Mr. Vaughan, who Is a
member of the committee having the
bill in charge, and is persisted in
against the expressed desire of nearly
every leading Republican In Lacka
wanna county. It Is no reflection upon
Susquehanna county ito say that in a
congressional sense it has almost noth
ing in common with Lackawanna, Its
Interests are agricultural; Lackawan
na's are wholly industrial. Its popula
tion Is stationary; Lackawanna's is
growing rapidly. No bond of common
Interest would unlto the two counties;
and an alliance between them now
would doubtless have to ie severed at
the next reapportionment, because the
district then would probably far exceed
in population even the new ratio.
The three counties of Schuylkill, Lu
zerne and Lackawanna, representing
almost the whole of a great fuel indus
try In whose prosperity every Ameri
can is interested, amply deserve their
present representation in congress. The
attempt to Interfere with that repre
sentation is as impolitic as it is unnec
essary and unsolicited. We call upon
the representatives of these counties at
Harrlsburg to unite in a protest against
the senate committee's unwarranted
attack upon the existing order of
things. The matter is too important to
be thus lightly Juggled about, without
consultation with the people directly
The Cotton States Exposition.
' On Sept 18 there will open In Atlanta
one of the finest expositions ever
known In this country with the ex
ception of the World's Columbian ex
position at Chicago probably the finest.
It will continue until Dec. 31, and will
be attended by hundreds of thousands
of people from all over the United
States, , Canada, Mexico, Cuba, and
Central and Southern America. Many
persons will also attend from Europe.
The Cotton States and International
exposition will have large separate
buildings devoted to manufactures and
the liberal arts, machinery, mining and
forestry, agriculture, electricity, trans
portation, negro exhibit, fine arts,
woman's work, fire apparatus,- United
States government exhibit, an audito
rium and an administration-building.
There will also be several state build
ings and other structures.
New York will take the lead in the
matter of state exhibits, the New York
legislature having just before adjourn
ment voted $25,000 for this purpose; but
Pennsylvania will be well represented.
The commission from this state will
be headed by Governor Hastings, and
will comprise the president of the sen
ate, the speaker of the house, the state
treasurer, and the following commis
sioners, serving undergubernatlonal ap
pointment: Hamilton Dlsston, B. B.
Hubert, H. F. Berwyn, and William
Slngerly, of Philadelphia; C. A. Paint
er, of .Allegheny; Fletcher Coleman, of
WlUIamsport; N. L. Lovell, of Erie;
William Connell, of Scran tori; J. L.
Spangler, of Bellefonte; O. H. Meyers,
of Bethlehem; Alexander Dempter, of
Pittsburg, and R. B. Powell, of Shade
land. The opportunity is' now afforded to
the alert business men of Pennsylvania
to make a valuable bid for more Inti
mate commercial relations with the
people of the southern states. The
Pennsylvania exhibit atAtlanta should
be of such a character as not only to
attract favorable attention from
Americans, but also to appeal to the
shrewd agents who will be present
from the Lattn-Amerlcan countries,
Money prudently expended In this man
ner rarely falls to bring good returns
and the South is the section In which
future development promises . to be
most brisk.
Needs of Local Charities.
Information received from Harrlsburg
Is to the effect that the appropriations
committee of the house has decided to
report In favor of giving to the Carbon
dale hospital the full amount, J12.000,
sought for it by Representative O'Mal
ley. Only four requests out of the many
which have come before the committee
have been thus favored; a facit which
speaks well for Mr. O'Malley's steward
The Carbondale hospital, however,
fully deserves this gcnerouB considera
tion. It Is one of the beat, neatest and
most serviceable Institutions of Its kind
In the anthracite region, and Scran
tonians can consistently proffer to their
friends In the Pioneer City cordial con
gratulatlons upon this happy recognl
At the same time, It must remain a
matter of profound regret that the ap
propriation committee has not seen Its
way clear to a more liberal treatment
of the charitable institutions of Scran
ton. Its sla:ilr!ng of the Oral school ap
prnpriatlon In iattlcular Is most deplor
able, and If not corrected must almopt
Inevitably Involve a regrettable curtail
ment of that excellent school's useful
nrss. With no wish to underrate the
merits of other Institutions, we think It
only'fair to say that In this Instance, at
least, the legislature Is In danger of
making a serious mistake.
Death to Reporters.
The commander-in-chief of the Span
ish forces In Cuba has announced that
hereafter any newspaper correspondent
who shall visit the rebel camp will. If
afterward caught Inside the Spanish
lines, be promptly executed. The pur
pose of this order is both to guard
against the carrying of tales and like
wise to gain for the government forces
a monopoly of the means of communl
eating with tho outside world. Its effect
will be greatly to strengthen tho cause
of the Cuban patriots in the sympathy
of every fair-minded observer of their
unequal struggle for liberty.
No other nation than Spain would
Issue such an order, even during a war
to the death, much less a mere brush
between undisciplined Islanders and
picked regulars. The order Is char
acteristic of a race to which we owe
the worst cruelties of the inquisition
and the even more damnable tortures
of the Cortez Invasion of Mexico. One
can understand from It why the people
of Cuba, during many generations, have
subordinated every other hope and aim
to the one consuming passion for free
dom from Spanish misrule. And It
ought to nerve them to yet more de
termined battle In liberty's behalf.
Would that America had a decent pre
text to Intervene!
Whitewashing the Sultan.
Rear Admiral Klrkland, commanding
the European Bquadron, has sent to the
navy department at Washington an ex
tended report upon the recent Armenian
massacres. He has ascertained from
casual talks with various consular offi
cials that If there were any massacres
In Armenia, they were not so black as
they have been painted; and they oc
curred, if at all, unknown to the sultan
and contrary to his desire.
All this Is Interesting; but It can hard
ly be deemed important. Testimony as
good as Admiral Kirkland's and a good
deal more direct, has been adduced In
proof thait the alleged massacres did
occur; that they were frightful satur
nalias of lust and ferocity; and that, If
tho Turkish authorities did not openly
encourage their commission, they at
least were wholly powerless to enforce
law and maintain order.
The question foi civilization to de
termine is not what some half-dozen
consular ofTldals scattered along the
Turkish coast think of the sultan, but
whether a government which utterly
falls to protect Its citizens against wan
ton rapine, cruelty and assassination is
sufficiently In unison with modern Ideas
to "be allowed to continue on Its In
competent way. Admiral Kirkland's
report to the navy department hardly
touches the real Issue.
Would It not be well on the part of the
senate committee on congressional re
apportionment to take the trouble, to
consult with the representative citizens
of this district before summarily yoking
another county to Lackawanna? Or Is
that committee desirous of discourag
ing Republican progress? . .
The household goods of John and
Marian Manola Mason have Just been
forcibly sold by auction In Boston; but
It Is hoped that the sale did not Include
trie home-like domicile of "Frits' Ko-
bus," whose geniality ' and winsome
charm have carried sunshine to thou
The Philadelphia Inquirer imagines
that Thomas C. Piatt is "not as dead
as his enemies wish.". Mr. Piatt Is un
doubtedly a good "stayer"; but It Is
doubtful If he can long survive the loss
of popular confidence. ' '.
It Is an interesting discovery of the
last census that in 16 out of 28 of our
leading cities the males outnumber
the females; while In the whole country
there were. 32,067,380 males to only 30,
554,370 females. And yet, the life of
the average longer by several
months than that of the average man.
Perhaps these inequalities would not
exist of we should admit fewer un
qualified male Immigrants from Europe.
Kate Field pays one of the handsom
est of possible tributes to Admiral
Meade when she says: "I have never
known a more ardent American." It
Is because he la an American that un
der this denationalized administration
he Is no longer an active admiral.
The British admiral who claimed that
England's recent seizure of Corlnto put
an end to the Monroe doctrine is re
commended not to make that state
ment after March 4, 1897.
Whatever may have been Mr. Cleve
land's secret hopes, his treatment of
Admiral Meade puts the finishing touch
on tha mausoleum of his political fu
ture. Secretary Herbert Is probably the
only ex-Confederate who would care ifo
take the Initiative in lecturing a patriot
like Admiral Meade on loyalty.
This congressional district is already
safely Republican, and the Cleveland
administration is rapidly, making it
Robert T. Lincoln made a fairly good
cabinet mlnlHter, but he will probably
never be asked to serve as president.
The knocking out of the Income tax
will prove a welcome relief to thousands
of apprehensive journalists.
Sometimes the courteous politician over
reaches hlmfwlf. This was evidently tho
case with the "wctl-known congressman"
concerning whom the Youth's Companion
tolls this story: The congressman in ques
tion, who had teen a f urnier before ho went
Into politics, was visiting his district not
long ago, and In his rnmblos ho saw a man
In a stumpy patch of ground trying to get
a plow throuBh it. He went over to him
anil, nfter a brier salutation. asKeu tne
privilege of muklng a turn or two with
the plow. The native shook his head
doubtfully as ho looked at his visitor's
store clothes and general ulr of elegant
leisure, but he let him tuke the plow. The
congressman sailed away with it in fine
stylo and made four or live rurrows Derore
tho owner of the field could recover from
his surprise. Then he pulled up nnd hand
ed the handles to the original holder. "By
gravy, mister," said the farmer, admir
ingly, "n'r you in nggercultural busi
ness?" "No," laughed tho statesman.
"Y ain't Bellin' plows?" "No." "Then
what In thunder air S'ou?" "I'm member
of congress from this district." "Air you
the man I voted for and that I ve been
readln' about In the papers doln' leglslatln'
and sich In Waahin'ton?" "Yes." "Well,
by hokey, mister," said the farmer, as lie
looked with admiration over the recently
plowed furrows', "ef I'd a had any Idea
that I was votln" fer a waste of slch good
farmln' material I'd voted for the other
candidate as shore as shootin'!"
"A penny for your thoughts!" she cried
To the dtideling by her side,
Then she Btopped to reconsider
And her calm reflection bid her
Not to cling
To a bargain quite so rash;
So she spoke up like a flash:
"Hold! That's what bad habits bring
In my extravagant way
I always do pay
About two prices for a thing!"
Here Is a story, though he did not tell It
himself, that went the rounds of the New
York clubs when Harry Furnlss, the cele
brated English caricaturist, visited tho
states two years ago. Be it known that
American journalists and American flan
eurs read Punch as a production abso
lutely devoid of humor. Two men were
quarreling violently In a club smoking
room. "I tell you I saw a man sitting
hdre an hour ago laughing over a copy of
London Punch.' "Impossible!" replied
his companion. "I don't believe there is
a man In America who could laugh over
London Punch." The discussion waxed
furious nnd at Inst bets were made on the
subject. Suddenly a thought struck the
second man. "What was the fellow like
you saw reading Punch?" "A little,
sandy-bearded man, with a rather bald
head and a big mustache." "Ah!" replied
his interlocutor, "now I see. Why, that
was Harry Furnlss himself."
'Silence Is golden," remarked the man
who loves to quote.
"Are you sure of that?" asker Mr. Meek-
ton, a ray of Interest lighting up his de
jected countenance.
"Well, that's the first Intimation I ever
had of my wife's politics. She Is In favor
of free cblnage of silver." Washington
The queen of Italy is an excellent musi
cian, whereas King Humbert displays but
little artistic taste and has certainly no
ear for music. Of late tha queen has been
compelled to use spectacles when reading.
The II 1st time her husband who detests
them saw her wearing a pair, he ex
claimed: "Margherita, take off those
glasses!" But the queen laughingly re
fused to obey; and the king, having ex
hausted h's powers of persuasion, at lust
said solemnly: "Margherita, If you don't
put away those glasses, I shnll start sing.
Ing. The effect of this simple threat was
magical. Rather than listen to the false
notes of her spouse the queen Instantly
gave way.
a a
A queer little boy who had been to school
And was up to all sorts of tricks,
Discovered that 9 when upside down,
Would pass for the figure 0.
So when asked his age by a good old damo,
Tne comical youngster said:
"I'm 9 when I Btand on my feet like this,
nut s wnen i stand on my head!"
The American.
A noveltv In hlpvoloa hna Bnnn..,i
tho Ootham hoillevnrrla. nml matt in .i..-
- . j uun
tlmo. ha airnnotofi In flprantn. T'V. .. ru . .
, ... .... Alio f-lllH-
burg Dispatch thus describes It: "It was aJ
iiin-e-wneeier, one in iront una two behind,
currying . pnueion-iiKe Dody, which ta
pered like a fashionable shoe, Just under
tha saddle, nrovlilnit fot th.
power provider. Beneath the canopy over
the hind wheels the complaisant owner
and his wife or, perhaps, his best girl
at as comfortably as In a coupe. The
un ou iiiun un nits cycie-riggeu rorepart
was clad In wheeling llverv nn,i with
parent ease furnished the motive power.
Cog chalnn on either side of the bike
proper carried It to the rear hubs of the
wheels behind, and on the level a speed
sufficient to keep ahead of ordinary vehi
cles was attained. It was a genuine cycle
carriage, and was enjoyed by all, except
ing, pernaps, tne Dig lenow who worked
the forward pedals." ,
Hn Wftn nHlrlntr tnAnM man tn Ulm h.mbi.
tor In marriage. He was talking trem-
uungiy, neaiiaiiingiy, as you read of In
story books, and the scene was full of
color, so far as an irate father and a
nerveless young man could make It. It
came the old man's turn to speak, and
aa he began his (ace was white with pas
sion, and his voice shook with excitement.
"You want my daughter?" he sold. "Ah,
now Is the time for my revenge. Twenty
years ago your father almost ruined me
In a business matter, and I swore to be
revenged. And now my time has come."
He paused for breath, and the aspirant
for the maiden's hand was about to beat
a hasty retreat in the face ot supposed
defeat, when the father broke forth again:
"Yes, sir, I swore to be revenged, and now
I'll strike the father through the son.
Want my daughter, eh? Well, take her,
and may she prove as expensive to you
as she Is to me." The old man dropped
Into his chair, worn out with the excite
ment of his plot, and the young man
fainted. London Answers,
The Hartford TlmeB says an Invention
haa been perfected In that city by which
an ordinary coul fire, without the aid of
dynamo or battery, will supply alt the
electrical light and power that could be
desired In a household. The generator,
which resembles a chenp stove, Is said to
havo supplied a 110-volt current for the
last three years, operating a pump and
running other machinery, and Is still as
good as new. Five ordinary Incandescent
lamps, it Is stated, are maintained at a
cost In consumption of coal ot 1c. an hour.
The device involves the union of two met
als In a multiplication of wedge-shaped
bits of alloy, with various appliances to
prevent oxidization. Full confidence Is
expressed by the Hartford paper In the
practical success of the Invention, which
htiH the support of some of the leading
business men of that city.
A young lady was tuklng her nephew,
aged Z years, by train, when a gentleman
whom she knew entered the same com
partment. After vainly endeavoring to make friends
with the baby boy, tho gentleman said:
"Well, will you give me a kiss?" The
baby looked from him to his auntie as ho
"No, baby won't; but auntie will."
Foreign Exchange.
It was in a. big dry-goods store and the
clerks were weary. Consequently their
usually Indistinct utterances were posi
tively Incomprehensible and their manner
more arrogant than ever. "How much is
this ribbon?" demanded a would-be cus
tomer. "Nlntecentsyar," was the Intelli
gible reply. "I beg your pardon?" said
the customer. "Nlnetcentsyar," repeated
tho clerk. "I cannot understand you,"
protested tho buyer. "Nlnetycentsyar,"
mumbled the clerk. The customer looked
a little daunted. Then she recovered her
self. "Ah, I understand," she said. "I see
that French, Spanish and German are
spoken hero. But I should llko to be wait
ed on by one of the English-speaking
cJerks." And the clerk recovered (her
voice. Chicago News.
Here Is another of Eugene Field's recol
lentlons of "TeddyT Roosevelt: Roose
velt's ranch away out west adjoins the
possessions of the Marquis de Mores, a
person whose Inflammability of temper
and whose violence of vengeance are no
torious. One time Roosevelt go,t a letter
from the marquis demanding an explana
tion of certain representations that had
been made to him, a matter, as we now
recall, involving the charge that Roose
velt had been inciting discontent among
the mnrquls' employes. Roosevelt lmme
dlntely mounted his horse and rode over to
his neighbor's. He did not Indulge In any
correspondence at all; he preferred to get
right at the kernel of the affair by having
a personal Interview with the marquis.
"A man who writes a letter of that kind
must want something," said Roosevelt,
"so I've come over to see what you want.'
"I am entirely satisfied," said the Mar
quis de Mores, as blandly as you please.
"Your explanation assures me that the
Information which disturbed me was
wholly Incorrect." Of course, there had
been no explanation; but the marquis had
tact enough to perceive that It would be
better to yield gracefully rather than run
the risk of getting dn Injured face.
The ideal husband is still a bachelor.
The strongest Influence Is always ex
erted at short range.
Affinity Is the chief reliance of the di
vorce courts.
Justice Is higher than law, In that it is
It Is always difficult to draw the line
between weakness and willingness.
The unmarried woman is always in
danger of becoming a youthful prodigy.
A man may do good work In the world
and still continue to say: "I done It."
Everything that goes out with the tide
doesn't necessarily come back with it.
A woman Is never too old to marry; but
she Is sometimes too old to be asked.
Even If a man could read his own obit
uary It Isn't likely he would recognize It,
Two wrongs do not make a right, but
they often produce about the same effect,
Too many people are in the habit of
using the conscience of others Instead of
their own.
The English papers never tire of printing
the following joke, which was old even in
George Washington's day: In St. Paul's
one day a guide was showing an American
gentleman round the tombs. "That sir,1
said the man, "his the tomb of the greatest
raval 'ero Europe or the whole world ever
knew Lord Nelson's. This marble sar-cough-hogus
weighs forty-two tons. Hln-
Bide that Is a steel receptacle, weighing
twelve tons, and hinstde that is a leaden
casket, 'ermetically sealed, weighing two
tons. Hinslde that Is a mahogany coffin,
,'olding the hashes of the great 'ero."
"Well," said the Yankee, after thinking
awhile, "I guess you've got him. If he
ever gets out of that, telegraph me at my
a a
"Doctor," I am troubled with shooting
pains In fny face." "Yes, madam; you
use too much powder." Bangkok Times.
"I would die for you!"passlonately ex
claimed the rich old suitor; and the prac
tical girl calmly asked him: "How soon 7"
Somervllle Journal. -
Harry Wa met, Twas m a crowd.
Belle Much of a crowd? Harry Well,
her mother was there. The American.
He: "Can you give me any good reason
for liking these impressionist pictures'."'
Bhu: "Yes, Indeed; they can be hung
cither side up with equally good effect."
He I think your family name Is such a
fine one. She Do you? I'm beginning to
get dreadfully tired of It. The American.
In the Coming Time First New Woman
That Mrs. Umphry Is horribly lacking In
manners. Second New Woman What's
the matter? First New Woman I Baw
her In a street car the other day, when a
number of gentlemen entered, and she
never otfored to give up her seat to them.
Chicago Record.
vaoot-nlght, Mrs. Prown. I haf to sank
you for de most hlnaaant afnnlntf T k.f
effer schbent In my life!" "Oh, don't say
that, Herr Schmidt!" "AchI bot I do say
datl I always say datl" Punch.
Dora "How do you like my new slip
pers?" Cora "They're sweet! I shall have
to get a pair like them." Dora "I am
afraid you are too late. When I got those
yesterday there wore no larger slzees left."
"What fin all thin li,ff .k,i
.. wuinan
suffraee mean?" llttlo rinnnv n
nked, looking up at his paternal parent
from the morning paper. "It means,"
said Mr. Qrogan, "that pretty soon no
man will be allowed, to vote except the
women." Cincinnati Tribune.
Mnherlv "Ynll Innlr nmllv hnnn.. -
mini whose on his way to the dentlBt to
hnvn tnnth vlrailail ' Unnan
' ...... oun, twun
great Joy "You see, If I didn't go to the J
dersjlst's I'd have to stay at home to my
wue s o o ciock lau. tine.
Impresario (engaging linger) "We will
treat you with every consideration
madam, and I assure you you will have no
one to quarrel with." Prima Donna (with
decision) "Then I just won't take the
engagement.' Life,
"But how do you atand on the financial
problem?" asked her paternal relative,
"Oh, the money of the fathers la good
enough for me," answered the prospect
ive lon-tn-law. Albany Argus.
Farmer's Wife (to tramp) "Why don'
ryou work?" "I should like to work.
marm," said Weary William, the wayside
wanderer; "but, yer see, I have been hyp
notized by a feller what won't let me do
stroke." Answers.
One of the flying rumors has It that Son
ator Fllnn, of Allegheny, may succeed
Judge Qilkeson as state chairman.
In the opinion of many Republicans,
there will be no reapportionment this
year, a belief which causes little general
Both Senutors Vaughan and Harden-
bergh are opposed to the senate plan of
congressional reapportionment; and It Is
understood that the house delegations
from Wayne, Susquehanna and Lacka
wanna will align solidly against it should
further effort be made to pass the senate
Among the Welsh-Americans the condl
ducy of Hon. John T. Williams, of Hyde
Purk, for delegate to the next Republican
national convention Is received with evi
dent favor. Mr. Williams' popularttty
among all classes Is very marked; and
must prove extremely gratifying to his
numerous mends.
Philadelphia advices are to the effect
that Senator Quay, aided by Magistrate
Durham, Senator Penrose and James Mo
Mo lies, will begin at once to carry the war
into the enemy's country by contesting
with the Martin-Porter forces In every
Philadelphia ward for delegates to the
next state convention.
Dolly Horoscope Drawn by Ajacchus, The
Tribune Astrologer.
Astrolabe cast: 2. 45 a. m. for Wednesday,
May 22, 185.
Moon rises 2.35 a. m.
It Is safe to remark that theme of the lay
ur a child that s poetical, born on this day,
Will be, as his countenance tingles with
I wonder If summer will e'er come
The man who says "Is It hot enough for
you?" still has a frog In his throat.
There is something In the atmosphere
that Indicates that It Is a trifle early yet
to predict who will carry Pennsylvania's
Republican delegates In his vest pocket
at ine next national convention.
Regard for the naked truth comnels
tne assertion mat Mr. Davis has an all
round gilt-edged attraction In his living
statuary entertainment.
Ajacchus' Advice.
Avoid Ice water.
Sit by the Are.
DO not flftpmnt tn "nnnn- nnlm nna
ShUn laWSUltS. Rpmnmhur thai tha fftnnl
decision of the highest bench is at times
as uncertain as the verdict of a Sullivan
county jury.
Mill &
131 IND 133
The Best of Them
All Is the
Porch Chairs and Rockers,
Fine Reed Chairs and Rockers.
A Few Baby Carriages Left at Cost
Cedar Chests, Moth Proof, In
Three Sizes.
Bi inn aa
Hammocks, White lonntain Ice
Cream Freezers, Jewett's Patent
Charcoal Filled Refrigerators,
Water Coolers and Filters.
Dinner Sets
Wo have now over sixty seta, all
different decorations and shapes to se
lect from; these displayed in full on
tables, m you can see all the pieces.
We also have elffht different decora.
tlona in open stock from which you
cau select Just what piece you wish.
, n,
Tone Is found only la the WEBER
Call and see these Pianos, and some flneaeo-
nnd hand Pianos we have taken ur exchange
for then.
Ladies' Gookin
Whilst in the store take a look through our Silk
ment, and see what exceptional values we are offering.
Finest Double warp Yarn dyed Surahs, every imaginable
color, - . .
Best Hand Loom Washable and Wearable Japanese
Silks, at - - - . .
Magnificent New Heavily Corded Kai-Kais, the best
quality, - . .
24-inch Satin Duchesse, Peau de Soie, Gros Grains and
Faille Francaise, of purest stock and dye, wear and satis
faction guaranteed, at
In numerous plaits. Never sold for less
than One Dollar, now reduced, to clear
them, for
A Few Days Will
I llC OHItl I LllOj
Consequently they must run easier
tnan any utner wneei. call
and examine them.
ii a nacaaaltv for all who would kaD a nlca
graaa plot It will not than look ao forlurn
and deaart-llka, as many horns surroundings.
It Is easy to handle, quickly does Its work, aura
to please. Garden Implements in all tbelr va
riety. Blies suitable for baby, mis, or those
of farfer growth. Keep your eurroundinii
pleasant and healthful. Cultivate Mother
Earth; she will bountifully repay you. Hard
ware ot fin temper for all purposes.
I., Washington Ave
811 Laok. Ay. and Stawart'a Art Stora
Photo EngMlng for areolars, Boob, Citi-
logaw, Newspapers.
' Half-Ton and Lin Work.
Ten Valuable Prizes for Answers.
Clear Them Up.
CAPITAL, - - $200,000
SURPLUS, - - 270,000
Special Attention Given
to Business Accounts.
Shirt Maker
Bet teeth. K.SO; beat set, tt: for gold cap
and teeth without plates, called orown and
brldiro work, call for prices and refer,
encaa. TONALQIA, for extracting teeth
Without pain. No ether. No (as.
Blank Books,
Office Supplies,
And Supplies,
Stationers and Engravers,
Jtfay 21, 1893.
Have Moved
to No. 121 North
Washington Avenue,
Next First
Presbyterian Church
New Store,
New Styles,
New Prices,
We Want
You for a
New Customer. '
TMsUh lies' Hellcl French Doiifola Kid Bwft.
h jn i f m In tKa It a . am
IVDHipvui ywu, MUUOJ v.uf
or Fust Note fer l-0.
Equals every way the boots
old to all null stetes for
'J.W. We make this beet
ourselves, therefore we fat
anlte the jfr, afyat ewe! towc.
i noaay
Cuter Shoe Go,
ii aAinvtv mr amjl.
S" ' " VT ' v a aa
Splml bnu ( JftaUrt,
M UIU la BUI anaw a am
ll I : e will refund th
i' J?