K. ' -V. 1 a t - i. SCKANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1895. TWO CENTS A COPY. EIGHT PAGES 64 COLUMNS. THESE SWIVEL STTT7 TTT'f JiJLiiliU' c cost the importer 25c. for every yard he landed on American soiJ. Thevare the highest grade of Swiv el Wash Siiks known to the trade, and are. being sold all over the country for 50c. We've got 76. pieces, which represent the very cream of the New Patterns and Colorings; they're full 23 inches wide, and once more we repeat, we guar antee this to, be the .best cloth on the market, MCE IS 9 4 ' ' A WASH GOOD, SALE is now in progress at the store. Prices have gone far below' what would usually be considered rock . bottom figures. Take these five numbers as ex amples of values: NO. 1 NO. 2 NO. 3 NO. 4 NO. 5 SALE CONTINUES ; no' DAYS, Be J5 Pieces Glady's Sateens, I a genuine 18c cloth, black l I grounds, with figures, rings, I 1 spots, sprays, etc. Sale price I J y75 Pieces If ' Extra Handsome II Zephyr Ginghams, all the new 1 1 shades and ways In a full value J I l lac. cloth. Sale price II jf 50 Pieces If Fancy Crepons; n II no two pieces in the lot alike, l and all the latest novelty pat- 11 II terns; usually 10c. Sale price II y25 Pieces If Stripe Satin te f Luxe, cream and black grounds. II Lowest price previously quoted II l 18c. Sale price jl y35 Piecesv if Highest Class Ml Scotch Ginghams, no better 1 1 1 goods made. You know they re II 1 worth 25c. Sale price li : - WAREHOUSE' ' APPORTIONMENT IS KILLED Congressional, Senatorial and Lcgis ' lative Measures Collapse. ' KILLED BY OKDEK OP MR. QUAY The Complexion of Philadelphia Makes It Imperative That It Shall Not Bo A. . lowed Mora Power I'util; After , , the National Couvention. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Ilarrlsburg, May 21. There will be no apportionment by this legislature. Tills was made clear today by the defeat on Until passage of all measures of this character. The congressional, senatori al and legislative bills were killed In the house and the judicial apportionment lrf 'the senate. The vote against each wus so decisive as to preclude all doubt of their reconsideration unless there Is a decided change of sentiment. The loser by the defeat of these bills Is Alle gheny county. Hud they become a law thait cimnty 'would have been entitled to an additional congressman and sena tor and four representatives. Philadel phia loses a congressman, The killing of these bills was a great surprise to Governor Hastings. He has Insisted on a new. apportionment since the Opening of the session, and believed It would be accomplished because of the overwhelming Republican majority In ithe senate and house. Some legislators believe the governor will call an extra session for the consideration of appor tionment bills If the legislature does not reconsider tis action of today. This be lief, however, Is not general. The chances are the governor will have no more to say on this question. He has performed his duty and the responsi bility of the defeat of the bills rests with the legislature. Senator Quay's Orders. The defeat of -the bill was also a sur prise to those members not familiar with the political movements at the state capital the past twenty-four hours. Orders were Issued on Monday evening by Senator Quay through his lieuten ants to kill all the apportionment bills. The orders were fulfilled, thereby prov ing the strong hold the man from Beav er has on the legislature. The friends of David Martin and Senator Porter voted for the bills and admit that the failure to pass them is a knockout for their leaders. Only one reason Is assigned for the defeat of these measures. It Is that under the new apportionment Philadel phia would be entitled to another con gressman. This means two more na tional delegates. With Martin In con trol in the Quaker City It was thought he might capture all the delegates from there next year. For this reason or ders were given to kill the congression al apportionment. The state will still be entitled to two members -of con-gress-ait-large.1' For each of these two congressmen two national -delegates will be chosen. There la no doubt of Senator Quay's strength in the state and the result will be that the aeie- gates-at-large to the national conven tion from this state will be his friends. Senator Quay's friends were on nana in the house this morning to see that his wishes were obeyed. Senator Pen rose sat in one of the Bide aisles in the rear of the chamber in full view or tne members In the front row or. seats. Nearby on a window sill was stationed c.irn tup Andrews, chairman of the Penrose committee, senator urauy another Quay lieutenant, was also in th rhamher watching the proceedings irv-Mairistrate Durham was all over the house. Occasionally he occupied a seat In the extreme rear of tne cnam w Then again he could be seen whispering ito Representative Keyset-. or some or nis menus m v phla delegation. - . . il.. M o a a i A Crawrora Agninsi me iim. Sf-nator Andrews delivered the dele ration from Crawford county against . . w -ft V.n Da- all three bills, unns u. aiasee. " nuhiirran leader, of western pennsyi vanla, was In the chamber during the n..uiinM hut he took no part. He la verv much disappointed over the defeat of the congressional, senatorial and legislative bills on account of the loss In representation which Aliegneny county sustains. Representative caire, a nroteire of Lieutenant Oovernor Lyon, voted aealnst all tnree or me djii. rhalrman Marshall, of the approprla tions committee, voted against tne nrst two. and dodged the vote on tne legis lative apportionment. Both are staunch friends of Senator Quay. All the other members of the Allegheny delegation, except John Kearns, Democrat, voted for the bills. Ex-Auditor General Nlles, wso ra be lieved to speak for the state administra tion, made a strong plea for the passage of the bills on partisan grounds. He was given a patient hearing by his col leagues, as he always Is on every sub ject, but his pleadings had no effect on the members who had made up their mind to vote against the bills, repre sentative Collins, of Wllllamsport, a protege of Attorney General McCor- mlck. also spoke ror tne duis. me other side did not have anything to say the question. They simply voted, and In every case their votes counted for more than all the eloquence and rhetoric of Representatives Collins and Nlles. Senate Keconsldcrs. The senate this afternoon reconsid ered the vote by which the Judicial ap portionment bill was defeated. The congressional apportionment bill was recommitted. The senate agreed to the conference report on house bill con ferring on street railways the tight to carry United States malls. The reli gious garb bill was called up on third reading and defeated, but the vote was reconsidered later and further action postponed, as Senator Coyle Insisted upon his call for the order of the day, which forced an adjournment. In the house this afternoon senate resolution to adjourn sine die June 8 was called up but action was deferred. The bill for better distribution of tho" school fund was called up for special amendment. The amendment provides that there shall bo appropriated $50 to each teach er employed In a district, and the re mainder to be distributed as at present. Mr. Fow opposed the consideration of the amendment at this time, saying that time should be given to examine It properly and learn what tho distri butee would be under this system. Mr. Stewart, Philadelphia, said that the proposition was preposterous. The Idea of distributing tho same amount to a school that was only in session four or live months, as to one that huld a nine or ten months session, was the most ridiculous ever heard of. Lively In the House. " . The house this evening passed seven ty-two appropriation bills on second reading. i. The governor notified the house that he has approved the following bills: House bill changing the date for open ing and closing tax duplicates; to waive the assessment of damages by viewers; relative to the oftlclul newspaper ad vertising: lit cities of the second class; to establish a Mate live stock sanitary board: authorizing the carrying and distribution of the mulls on street rail ways; relating to Jurors und reviewers appointed by the courts In cities of the first class; also the resolution denounc ing the lack- of spirit -of - the national administration In dealing with the re public of Nicaragua complication; also the resolution that the government of the I'nlted States may exercise Its power and Inlluence toward Inducing the government of Spain to grant he Island of Cuba, that liberty and Inde pendence it so much desires; also the resolution endorsing the action of Con gressman Stone In his efforts to re strict undesirable Immigration. LIBERALS TK11MP1UNT. . Tho Situutlon of Monday Has Ilcen He- versed -Assembly Swept from Conserva tive Moorings In a Twinkling.' ' Pittsburg, Pa May 21. The general assembly was swept from Its conserva tive moorings today by the hand of the great FlCth avenue pastor, John Hall. Yesterday, on a vital issue, upon which there hud been heated and bitter de bate, the liberals were defeated by a vote of 4' to 1. Toduy, upon a question involving the self-same principles of assembly control of the church institu tions, the liberals, In a twinkling of an eye, changed their defeat to an over whelming, victory. The right to nomi nate and elect the members of the home and foreign mission board was a right secured by the assembly after a long and hard controversy which began in the Portland assembly three years ago. The work was finished at great cost to the boards, new charters having been secured from legislatures to make that end possible. In the foreign board the matter of consent to the charter changes almost caused disruption, but that misfortune was averted only by the diplomacy of the present modera tor. Dr. Booth, and having secured the power to nominate and elect men to its board who should be in sympathy with its own actsand utterances, the assem bly actually throws away the first op portunity for its exercise. It was to reach these very men who have abused and belittled and vlllifled the general assembly for Its condemna tion of Dr. Brlggs, and for Its inerrancy deliverance that the mission boards ,were ordered to change the charters, f et today these men are put back into the board by the uproariously unani mous vote of the general assembly. Dr. John Hall accomplished this amazing result: By courtesy of the vice-modera tor he took the floor as president of the home mission board to speak upon the year's work of the board. He used this opportunity to defend and protect his liberal associates upon the board. He argued as a sommlssloner of the assem bly might have argued upon the merits of a question upon which there was di vision of sentiment. He made It a per sonal matter that these men whose loy alty and Presbyterlanlsm had been at tacked should receive endorsement, urg ing the assembly, for his sake, to return them to services in the board, and when the vote was taken, led 'by the advice and counsel of an outsider, the commis sioners voted practically as one man to return them. Notwithstanding the collapse of their plans to retire the Brlggs men from the board, the New York delegation declare that they will attempt the same thing tomorrow with respect to the foreign board. Elder Sterry will make the same motion If the committee nominates John Balcom Shaw and Ezra Klngsley for re-election. nrnnk Carbolic Acid. Philadelphia, May 21. Walter Bryant and Lewis McCoy, young colored tmen, called on a friend today at 621 Cantroll street, and during the temporary absence of their hostess from the room they de cided It would be very funny to empty a bottle of whisky they had seen In a cup board. Bryant took a big drink from tho bottle and then passed It to McCoy, who also drank. The Instant they had drank the men discovered that It was not whisky In the bottle, but a burning fluid that soon stretched thorn on the floor In agony. Help was summoned and both men were rushed to the hospital, but both died de spite every effort made to save them. The bottle contained carbolic acid. Leather Going t'p. Newark, N. J. May 21. Fifteen of the leading leather manufacturers of this city, representing the largest owners of pre pared leather In the United States, today sent out letters to dealers In every sec tion of the country, notifying them of nn advance of CO to 100 per cent on curod stock. This action, the circular Btates, Is made nocessury because of the scarcity of green salted hides. A capital of $l(i,0OO,0UO was represented at the manufacturers' meeting. Tnylorl Is Guilty. . London, May 21. Alfred O. Taylor, who was Jointly Indicted with Oscar Wilde, was today found guilty In the criminal court of tho several charges against him. Taylor's sentence was delayed until a ver dict should be reached In the trial of Wilde, which will begin tomorrow. STATE SNA1 SHOTS. While watching a ball game at Centralis William Burke dropped dead. A ton of powder was stolen from the Blue Ridge works at Allentown, Reading brlckmakcrs have Btruck for an advance of 60 cents a day In wages, Jumping from a trolley car, Mrs. Matilda Feusttrmach, or Bethienem, lost a leg and has died. Work is about to begin on the fuse fac tory at Royersford that will turn out 1,000 a day. Tho African Methodist conference In York will msko Rev. Dr. J. B. Small, of that city, a bishop, - Taboszan slides mako so much noise on flundavs . that two Allentown churches havo made a formal protest, A system of retrenchment has begun In the works of Coxe Bros., iweniy-nve me chanics at Drlfton having boun suspended yesterday. DEDICATIOyn TUPLE Ceremonies of Interest to Odd Fel lows of Pennsylvania. , KAIN INTEKKUPTSTHE I'AKADE The Dedication Services, llowovor. Take , Place at the Appointed Time-An Al- tar Eiected-lntercstlug Sym bol of Odd 1'ollowshlp. V. ' Philadelphia, May 21. An Incessant rain played an Important but unfortu nate part In toduy'B celebration inci dent to the dedication of the 11,000,000 Odd Fellows temple at Ilroad and Cherry streets. For several monthB tho 30,000 members of the order In Philadel phia, and thousands of Odd Fellows In oilier, soctlons have looked forward to the parade arranged to take place to day, with considerable Interest. The profession, which was to have been composed of 20,000 men and 100 brass bunds, wub to have started at 2 p. in.. but ut that hour the grand marshal. Samuel MoKeever, reluctantly an nounced that the parade wusabandoned. The rain had been coming down In tor rents for several 'hours prior to this time, but. the heads of the order would not declare the event off until the lust moment. As It was, Broad street, which was to have been the scene of the pa rade, was crowded with thousands of prospective and umbrella . protected sightseers. The dedicatory ceremoniet. proper, however, were gone through with, they being -held, as was arranged. In the auditorium of the temple. By nightfall there was an exodus of the thousands of Odd Fellows who have ar rived In the city during the week. - Only members of the Independent Or der of Odd Fellows and the Daughters of Rebekah (the feminine branch of the order) were admitted to the dedicatory services, whloh began at 10 a. m., but the auditorium was crowded far beyond Its capacity. , - The Exercises Rcein. The exercises began with a voluntary on a grand organ, and then a ritualistic form of public dedication prepared for the occasion was followed throughout. Grand Chaplain David Craft offering prayer. Grand Master-elect Charles Chalfant announced that the grand officers were present for the purpose of dedicating the building, and the erection of an altar was then com menced, the artisans and bearers be ing summoned, and a ceremony follow ing that was profoundly Instructive and earnest. ' The grand marshal, Samuel McKee ver, summoned the heralds, one by one, with appropriate addresses to each one, while he faced the direction represent ed, he standing In the center of the hall. At the conclusion of the reply of the herald of the north, a large white rectangular block of marble was taken' by the four bearers as the basis of the altar, It typifying purity. Tho came a pinkish block from the south for "friendship," and with a new trowel, new level and a new .square. It was adjusted In place by the artisans. From the east came a blue block to represent "love," and from the west a crimson stone to place "truth" In the altar. Entranco of tho Pntriurch. There were then four blocks In place and when tha organist finished the trumpet-like Damascus march, the tur baned patriarch were ushered In, with Augustus Pfaff, sr.. In the robes of the high priest, and Christian Fisher George Borden, William H. Wagner, J. J. Wynn, Nathanlal Peacock and El mer Rodenbaugh as patriarchs. "Faith, Hope and Charity" were pre sented In the form of one green, one yellow and a top brown block. These completed the altar, which contained seven large stones. Following a prayer, and the singing of the "Jubilate" by a choir of forty voices, Henry Kengott, secretary of the building committee, turned over tho key to the grand master, who, In ac ceptance, made a thoughtful speech. The "Keystone Brotherhood" was sung by the choir to the tune of "Jer usalem the Golden," and the grand master and grand warden, Amos II. Hull, announced the bringing on of the Bible, which was borne In open by four bearers. Reading of the Scriptures. Part of the tenth chapter of Luke was read, and the grand master and the bearers recited the twenty-third Psalm. The choir sang a chorus, and the grand master declared the building dedicated, while a burst of music from the organ punctuated his closing words. Declara tions were then made by the heralds that the temple was dedicated to friend ship, love and truth, water being sprinkled, fire burned and wheat scat tered to each separate pronouncement. Then the herald of the west made his announcement, and the orphan's children entered, making a pretty and touching sight. "Rebekah," represented by Emma May Blanchard, and attand- ants, strewed flowers. The choir sang two beautiful choruses and the cere monies closed with the Doxology and benediction. The grand lodge held a short session In St. George's hall this morning for the purpose of formally distributing the report of the grand master, Harry. L. Neall. At tho Acndomy. Today's celebration was brought to an end tonight at the Academy of Music. The building was crowded, when Grand Master Neall stepped to the front of the stage and, In a brief speech, Introduced Grand Sire J. W. Stebblns, of Rochester, N. Y. An ad dress was made by the grand sire and by Mrs. Eunice Melville, editor of the National Rebekah, her subject being "The Daughters of Rebekah." At the conclusion of the programme there was a full dress reception by the officers of the state assembly and the lady patronesses of the Daughters of Rebekah and their friends at the Acad emy. There were also numerous enter tainments by local lodges tendered to visiti ng lodges. Which were held in various halls throughout the city. PERRY HAS A MYSTERY. An Unknown Mnn Disappears and Evl denco of o Crlino Is lund. Perry, O. T., May 21. Laet night a well-dressed man engaged a ,room over a restaurant. This morning when his room was visited the bed was found covered with blood and great pools of blood on the floor and much on the walla. Tho police have been working on the matter all day, but cannot got any clew. The man did not give his name when, he paid for his room and no one knows who he is or from whence ho camo. A cairlage was seen In the rear of the house after midnight last night. The theory hi that the man was mur dered and carried away. TARRED AND FEATHERED. lirutol Treatment of un Old Woman by a Wisconsin Mob. Hudson, Wis., May 21. Mayor Haw kins, of New Richmond, has been In close consultation with District Attor ney Holmes about a very disgraceful affair, which occurred In that city lust Thursday night, and has aroused the better element to a high pitch of In dignation. Near the heart of that little city there Is an old woman living by the name of Dunbar, 63 years old. She Is alleged to have greatly annoyed the neighbors. Instead of going to the courts to seek redress, last Thursday midnight some twenty-five, meen took the law Into their own hands. They raided the old woman's house, broke In the door, drugged her from tho bed, and poured tar over her entire naked body and then rolled her In chaff and sawdust. They then left her, feeling that they had performed a practical Joke. - But the better class of citizens do not look upon it In that light and count it as a serious crime, disgraceful to their city and county. Mayor Huwklns Is on the truck of the white cappers, and says no guilty man shall escape. NITRO GLYCERINE EXPLODES. Five Whllo Men and Nine Chinamen Ate Blown to Atoms-Portions of Bodies Found a Mile Away. Pinole, Cal., May 21. The nltro glycerine house of the California Powder works at Pinole blew up this morning killing Ave white men and wounding two others. Nine Chinamen were killed and three others Injured. Where the glycerine bouse stood Is now a heap of rubbish surrounding a great hole blown Into the ground by the force of the explosion. All buildings sur rounding the one where the explosion occurred and distant from It from-100 to 200 yards are more or less demolished. Every person about the mill was thrown down by the force of the explosion. Many more Injuries are reported. Seventy-five Chinamen and one1 hundred white men were employed. The loss Is estimated at $250,000. The work of rebuilding will commence to morrow. It is believed that a China man dropped a can of nltro glycerine and that the concussion from this ex plosion caused the general blow-up. The force of the explosion was tre mendous. Huge trees were thrown half a mile Into the bay. Nltro glycerine tanks weighing a ton apiece are 500 yards distant from the scene. Toes, hundis, and other parts of bodies were picked up a mile away. The nltro glycerine house contained 8,00) pounds of nltro glycerine and 2,000 pounds of hercules powder. SOMETHING NEW IN RELIGION. It Keeps an Angel Which Flies Back and Forth to Heaven. Zalma, Mo., May 21. A new sect of religious worshippers has sprung into existence in this neighborhood and Is attracting widespread attention. Rev. Joe Shrader Is the, shepherd of the new flock, and with mighty word proclaims the destiny of frail mankind. The cen ter of attraction Is an "angel," a young girl, who makes periodical flights to heaven, so It Is claimed, returning with messages for the seleated circle of be lievers. Rev. 'Dr. Shrader claims the Bible to be out of dato altogether, as It Is not consistent with modern times, and pro poses to establish a new code, obtained from headquarters through the instru mentality of his "angel." A good many are believing In his new doctrine, and Rev. Joe Shrader hopes to reform the Christian workers in a short time. Armor Plato for Russia Bethlehem. Pa.. May 21. A ballistic plate for the Russian war vessel PetroparlorsKt was today shinned by the Bethlehem Iron company to Admiral Verchowsky, chief of port at St. Petersburg, Russia. The plate weighed S-U4 tons. It Is a test plate and w 111 be tested by tno Kussian govern mcnt officials at St. Petersburg upon Its arrival there. It is the llrBt shipment on the l,S00-ton armor plate contract which Russia sent to this country, besides being the first armor plate made in this country for a foreign government. Mine Disaster, Grafton, W. Va., May 21. The mines at Monongah, on the West Virginia und Pittsburg railroad, are on fire caused by a powder explosion. Four dead wore taken out and seven or eight Injured. There were 160 other men In the mines, butt all are reported to have gotten out snfely, 4.30 p. m. The latest report from tho ex plosion at Monongah mine Is that four per sons were killed and seven or eight In jured. The remainder of the imprisoned miners got out safely. Were Looking for Work New York! May 21. Two boys, Levi Lawrence and Harry Howell, who said they had come from Plymouth, Pa., ap plied for aid to the police here tonight. They were sent to the care of the Gerry society and will probably be sent home to morrow. They had started out to look for work, thay said, their parents not knowing of tholr whereabouts. BRIEFLY WIRED. Discordant elements among the Elks seem to be harmonizing at Hulralo.JM. Y Mrs. Frank Leslie has teased to a syn dicate all the Leslie publication except the monthly magazine. . With a complication of diseases, Charles Armour, of Chicago, Is critically ill at the Windsor hotel, New York. Dr. Buchanan, the wife murderer, must show cause on Monday next why he should not be resentenced by the Now York, court of appeals. Teamster Charles Melster held his wife under a pool of water till she drowned ut Grant's Pass, Ore., while his three small children looked on. Rev. Dr. Philip S. Moxom, of South Church, Springlleld, Mass., has been called to succeed Rev. Dr. Paxton In the West Presbytorlan church, New York. Nobraska farmers burned brush heaps to keep the frosts from killing their crops, and In Illinois corn and potatoes are re covering from the elf octsVjf the recent cold wave. , .'..', ITALY IS STILL Another Town Shaken and Buildings Damaged. KING HUMBERT HIMSELF ACTIVE lie Has Coutrlbntod Generously from His I I'rlvoto I'ortuiio-Mnny Houses in Spolcto Shattered -Military Or ganUatlons Afford Ucllcf. Rome, May 21. Severe earthquake shocks were experienced yesterday morning at Spoleto, a town situated on an Isolated lHland about twenty-four miles north of Rietl, Which is located about forty miles from this city. Much dumage was done, many houses being Injured. As Spoleto is connected across a deep ravine with a neighboring height by a bridge and equeduet, over COO feet high, there are people who fear that this structure may have been damaged. As sistance has been sent to Spoleto from Rietl, and everything possible will be done to relieve the sufferers. The dam aged town has a fine citadel, a cathe dral, a Roman arch, the remains of a theater and other antiquities. Its popu lation Is about 7,000. Dispatches received here from Flor ence show that the authorities there are doing everything possible to repair the damage done by the earthquakes of Sat urday last. The troops of the garrls.-'a have been actively employed ever since the disaster In succoring the sufferers In neighboring towns and villages, and the dlstresd has In consequence been greatly lightened. A popular subscrip tion Is being raised for tho relief of the suffering poor, and the municipalities of the different towns and cities which have been affected by the subterranean disturbances are providing sums of money to assist those who are most In need of It. King Humbert has from the first, by his special request, been kept Informed regarding the extent of tne disasters and the measures of relief taken by the government and civil au thorities, and has personally directed a number of the operations conducted by the military authorities. His majesty Is understood to have subscribed liberal ly from his private purse for the relief of those thrown Into complete destitu tion, and he has In many other ways shown his sympathy with the sufferers. HYPNOTISM IS EMPLOYED. Its Success in Unravelling a Murder Mys tery A Confession Rctrasted-Mrs. liolton, While Mesmerized, Says It Was Kxtorted. Anderson, Ind., May 21. A scene, be lieved to be without parallel, was en acted here yesterday. A Judge of the circuit court, attended by the court stenographer, took down the statements of a dying woman under the Influence of hypnotism. Should the Judge accept the statements as true, they will cut a great figure In a murder mystery. George Hires was sentenced by Judge Ellison to thirteen years In the peniten tiary on conviction of the murder of William Foust, July 5 last. The princi pal witness against him was Maggie Bolton. After the trial she confessed that ber testimony was false and that ehe herself had done the deed. Dr. J. B. Callan, who claims to have hypnotic power, was granted permission to place the woman In the hypnotic sta-te to as certain which of her statements was the correct one. Judge Ellison, the official stenographer and Dr. Callan went to the hospital where Mrs. Bolton Is said to be on her death bed from consump tion, and In the presence of these wit nesses Dr. Callan soon had the woman In a hypnotic state. Mrs. Bolton spoke In a loud, clear voice, though heretofore, on account of her weakness, she was scarcely able to whisper. Mrs. Bolton, seemed -to live again the night of the crime, and In forceful manner Bhe recounted the de tails of the crime. Mrs. Bolton said ho shot that killed Foust was fired by Hires. Her confes sion that she had done the deed was extorted from her by Hires, who said the authorities suspected her son. She then shouldered the crime to shield her son. After slitl nau Deen Drougnt oui ui the cataleptic state she did not remem ber anything that she had Just told. Judge Ellison was greatly Interested, but ho declined to state what effect It would have on his ruling In the case. A motion for a new "trial for Hires Is pending. BADBUSINESS AND RELIGION. In Combination They Insent Jeweler Wyett's Reason. Lvnn. Mass.. May 21. George Wyatt, a nromlnent young Jeweler of West Lynn, went Insane yesterday over bus! ness troubles and religion. He Is locked up In the central police station and will probably be taken to the asylum at nnnvers. Wvatt Is 35 years old and married. He came from New York In February nnd bought out the establishment of George Quald, the largest Jeweler In West Lynn, but the business did not pay as well as he expected and recently undue enthusiasm In religious matters, together with worry over the unsatis factory condition of business, unbal anced his mind. SUICIDE AT NO COST. Unknown Man Morrows a Revolver to End His I.lfo at Anderson. Anderson, Ind., May 21. This morn ing an unknown man walked Into i hardware store here and, under pre tense of buying a revolver, was shown several weapons. He finally selected one and had It loaded. It was handed to him and he promptly blew Ms brain out. He had cut his name from all of his clothing and cannot be Identified. KEPT THEIR CROPS WARM. Kansas Potato Farmers Ward Off Frosls with Bonfires. Topeka, Kan. May 21. Thursday night hundreds of vegetable gardens In Kansas were nipped by the frost. Ob server Jennings, of the weather bur u here, saved the potato farmers of :v ) state a large sum. Between Kanhs City and Topeka, along . the Kansas river, thousands of acres of Kaw Valley lands ard planted In potatoes. Mr. Jen nlngs Thursday afternoon was warned of the frost, and 'lie in turn -warned tho potato farmers In the Kaw Valley through the Union Pacific station agents. That night bonfires stretched almost from Topeka. to Kansas City. Along tho north slduf of the potato farms these fires were kept burning, and the strong north wind bJew tho smoke across tho potato fields and saved the crop. TO CELEBRATE IN LONDON. Americans to Make a Patriotic Demon titration July 4. London, May 21. The membership of the recently formed American society, of London, Is growing apace and is now over 300, including In that number near ly very prominent American In Lon don. The American society formed on the basis of the Ohio society, of New York, Is preparing for a grand patriotic demonstration, which will be held July 4. One of the largest banqueting halls In London has ben engaged for the oc raflon anilltl:, estimated that 600 Amer icans will be present at the banquet. United States Ambassador Bayard will preside and a number of the leading public men In the United States have been invited to come here and address the meeting. "rjOOXEKS OX THE LINE. Thousands Wuiting for tho Kicknpoo Reservation "Old Hands" Formulate a New Soheme Whereby to Deceive Honest Homesteaders. Oklahoma City, O. T May 21. Hun dreds of people arrive hourly to help swell the already well-filled lines now camped along the tjorders of the Klck apoo reservation, awaiting its being thrown open to settlement Thursday. The weather so far has favored the would-be settlers, who are exceptional ly cheerful, and apparently comfortable In their crude schooners and shanties. Only 650 of the -thousands who desire to take up claims can possibly be satisfied. and some predict a 'most sensational run and lots of trouble, while others say discouragement will prevent a great portion of the waiters from going In at all, except as sightseers. Already there is a line of weary waiters before the line office, who took up their positions when the Issuing of the president's proclama tion first was made public. A new scheme has been Invented to deceive settlers. Sooners have gone upon the land and planted fraudulent stakes, purporting to tell that the par ticular section Is an allotment or scnooi section, to cause nonesi nouie Hevneio to go past it tor open iana iunner on. Then the planter or tne stakes will 101- low leisurely ana nopes to pun intra up and use them to cook nis conee Thursday night on the site of a care fully chosen and unlawfully gotten claim. Chandler, situated three miles from the northeastern corner, and Tecum- seh, the same distance from the south ern point of the reservation, both good county seats, will be the greatest start ing points. Ingram and Garnettsvllie on the north, Choctaw City on the west. and Clifton and Shawnee on the east ern line, will also be starting points. Wellston, In the northwestern part of the reservation, and Douglass City, sit uated near the center, both old Indian points, are the only prospective towns as yet, but there will undoubtedly be others. DIVORCES FROM TWO MEN. Mrs. Shepherd Astonishes tho Court ot Minneapolis Minneapolis, May 21. Before Judge Elliott today Mfs. Bortha fcihepnera applied for a divorce from cnanes Shepherd and from William hicko. Although It is perhaps a novel Idea, the asking of two divorces at one time, yet the case is pathetic rather than other wise. Mrs. Shepherd was married a number of years ago to Charles Shep herd, who dlssappeared after a time. Hia wife heard nothing of him for years, and, believing him dead, married a sec ond time Willlnm Illckey. Mr. Hickey, too, deserted his wife after three months of married life, since which time Mrs. Shepherd-Hlckey has been living alone. In order to straighten out the tangle the two suits were brought for divorce. Judge Elliott granted the divorce from the first hus band on the ground of desertion. The second marriage was held to have been Illegal, and as such a divorce was not necessary. ON FASSETT'S PRESERVE. Effort to Supplant the Chemung Leader in Hi9 Absence. Elmlra, N. Y.. May 21. While Mr. Fassett is absent In California his op ponents In Chemung county are native. The Flood following has always been opposed to him, and now cx-Congress-man Flood and ex-Mayor Flood are said to have become friendly toward Mr. riatt, and a good deal more bitter at Fassett. The Republican county committee held a meeting Saturday, when a reso lution Indorsing Morton was adopted without a dissenting voice. A resolu tion concerning tho enrollment of lte publlcan voters In Chemung was car ried by a vote of 23 Piatt men to 12 In opposition. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Secretary Clresham is still better. Assistant Secretary Scott Wlke will run the treasury In Secretary Carlisle's ab sence. General Thomas H. Ruger yesterday re ported to the war department for duty In Washington. v W. P. Farkhouse, arrested at New Or leans, will contest the constitutionality of tho anti-lottery law. Chief Constructor Hlchborn favors 12 Inoh guns for the new battleships, Instead of 13-Inch, as proposed by the ordnance de partment. Assistant Secretary Curtis, Chief Clerk Logan Carlisle and Lawrence O. Murr;iy and William Mcsseroy, treasury clerks, wlll go to Europe to deliver the syndicate, bonds. I n Goscogno Again Overdue New York, May 21. Up to 12.45 this morning nothing had been soon of the overdue French liner La Qascogno off Fire Island. WEATHER REPORT. , i For eastern Pennsylvania, clearing; warmer; variable winds. FIN-LET MAY SALE OF Muslin BEGINS TODAY. We call special attention to ths following special numbers la GOWNS: A Tucked Yoke Muslin Ruffle Gown, At 69c. each Embroidered Yoke Cam bric Gowns, 98c. , ' Former price, $1.25 Empire, Square Neck, Embroidered Ruffle Gown, $1.15, Recent price, $1.50 "The Fedora," Cambric Gown, Square Neck, Handsomely trimmed, $1.19, Recent price, $1.65 Skirts in great variety, The Umbrella Skirts, Handsomely trimmed with Lace and Em broidery, from $1.75 to $7.50 each Specials in Children's Gowns, Drawers and rjnderwaists. Also ., . ,. . , .,i p.- ,t,B anipiqne Kilts. Examine the eo-jdsand i you wijl spprecicte thsir value. 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE E A. KINGSBURY, Agent for Charles A. ScMeren & Co.'s ather . eltSii! The Very Best. 313 Spruce St., Scranton. AM Eiissel Shoes For the Youth, tha Boy, tha linn, thtfr Feel Oar Shoes make us bony. 114 and 118 Wyo ming avoana. Wholesale and null. Received A beaiatifu! line of En ' gagememt and Wed ' . dJng Rings. Also a .fine line of WEMfC, PRESENTS . In Sterling Silver, ' Dorfllmiger's CutQlass, and Porcelain Clocks, (w. j. WeiclnerSn 40$ Spruce Street. Le Just v