The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 21, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Getting Better
and Better
- Good storekeeping moans progrei.
Yesterday's beat isn't well enough
for tomorrow; but It la easy to go
from one height to a greater if the
business hag a tprlngy, full-of-life
step. Do you keep track of what
Is going on at our store? Interest
ing, surely; you cau make it prof
itable if you caro to. .
Is doing wonders, with all out-of-doora.
New life, new beauties
You will Bay the spirit of tho tinie
is just as potent iu-dooM, If you
get inside the right doors.
For summer time or any time, and
every price nullowed by the touch
of masterly buyiug.
If you've been here once, no need
to soy a word about tho wonderful
assortment, the startling low
prices, or the charming surround
Women's puro linen, real hem
stitched handkerchiefs, hand em-broidered-all
we bad went with a
rush. Here's a new lot just from
Belfast. No more at tho low prices
we are now selling, so far as we
now see.
Dress Goods
Bilks and all tlio rct.
Think of what you'd like to get.
Come with confidence that the
stuff is here as bright and fresh as
Spring flowers. '
Don't wait for us to nnme the
things you want Xot one sort in
twenty ever gets a word In our an
nouncements, but they're all nere,
All tho worrying has been done
for you; styles chosen, goods se
lected and nothing to pay extra
because they are stylish.
41 3 Sprue Street, Scran ton. Pa.
Specialist on
Nerve Troubles,
and Diseases of the Hear!, Lungs, Kid
neys, hvr, ' Womb, Stomach, Bladder,
Bead, Pits and Epilepsy.
He with hia assistants treat all diseases
of the Eye, Nose, Ear and Throat, Dys
pepsia, Rheumatism, Lost Vitality, Nerv
ous Debility. Female Weakness and Irreg
ularities, Nlgrhtly Losses and Errors of
Youth, Lost Manhood, Varicocele, Blood
poisoning-, Eczema, Scrofula, Bt. Vitus
Dance, Diabetes, Brlght'a Disease,
Asthma, qic.
Any one suffering with Catarrh who
Irishes (4 be permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured may receive three months'
treatment (or only FIVE DOLLARS.
The doctor has discovered a speolflo for
this dreaded disease. You can treat and
cure yourself and family with tt at home.
It never falls to cure. A trial treatment
OFFICES HOURS-Dally, 9 a. m. to p.
m.; Sunday, 10 to 1
Examine our new line of Spring
Goods. AH of the latest designs
and colorings, and our prices
lower than any other house la
the trade, for goods of the same
' of ever description and quality.
We are overstocked and will sell
at prices about one-half the rog
nlar price, as we need the room.
J. Scott Inglis
: Toledo Grain Mnrkot.
'Toledo, .May N 20. Wheat Reoeipts,
9,142 bushels; shipments. 24,500; active,
firm; No. 2 red cash and May and June,
764c; July, 75c; August, 74Vc; April,
74c; No. 3 red cash, 76V4. Corn Re
ceipts, 11,416 bushels; shipments, 64.600;
market firm; No. 2 mixed cash, 65fte;
May, B60; June. 65c;. No. 3, yellow
cash, 66V40. Oats Dull i No. 2 mixed,
July 3114. Cloverseed Dull; OctoWer,
' , Oil Markets.
Pittsburg", May 20. Oil opened 170,
highest i72; lowest, 171; closed, 172.
New York. May 20. The street was
flooded today with unfavorable crop
reports from the west and this, to
gether with the advance In sterling ex
change and further sales of stocks for
foreign account, led to a decline in
prices. At times the market showed
Btrenfrth, especially the anthracite
coalers, which advanced In the early
trading despite the denials that a deal
Is on foot iooklng to an arrangement
which will plice the Industry on a
profitable basis. Jersey Central at one
time sold up to 101, while Heading
brought 20Vi. Sugar for a time was
dockledly strong and rose to 119V4. but
the gahi - was subsequently lost on
hea'y realizations, and the stock fell
to 117. Chicago Gas was also weak
and declined to 73. In the railway
list the Northern Pacific Issues were
weak. The weakness is due to tho aiv
nouncement that the latest reorganize
tlon plan as announced from Uerlln
irovldes for a heavy assessment on
the stock. The market closed weak In
tone. Total sales 340,000 shares.
Tho range of today's prices for the ac
tive stocks of the New YorK slocR mar
kct are Klven below. Tho quotations are
furnished The Tribune by O. du 11. Dlm-
m!ck, manager for William Llnn, Allen &
Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street,
Bcranton. . '
Op'n- High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. Ing.
Am. Tobacco Co HHvti l7'i 1"V4 1V4
Am. Cot. Oil Bl',4 28 V4
Am. Bui;ar Re'g Co.lls 11' 1174 117
Ateh., To. A 8. Fe... 8 B'A Ift ')
Van. South f'-i w
,'h.n Kr Ohio 2ii 22'a 22 22
Chicago Gas 1 7 73 J3'4
Chic. & N. V 91'4 W',4 H"4 !
Chic, 11. & Q H '4 79V4
C. C. C. & St. u 44y
Chic, Mil. & Gt. V... 67 074 65 66
Chic. K. I. & V 69'4 69i 68M, m
IXlrware & Hud IXJ'4 1324 131V4 131'4
D.. L. & W lta ibz lta-ft 1024
llst. & C. F 234 23 22 22V4
Oen. Electric ti 3' as1) M
Louis. & Nash 58li 68 68 68
Manhattun Kle .116 116 115 11 W4
Mich. Central 101 4 10114 10U4 WHi
Mo. I'ac'tlc 2!H4 2Vi 28 2S
Nut. Corduge 6 6 4'4 4'4
Nut. Load 34'4 3(4 84 V4 34W
N. J. Central luo 101'i 9 Ws
N. Y. Central 102 102 101 101
N. Y. & N. R 4-1 42 414 42
N. Y L. E. & W 13'k 13 12 12-i
N. Y., 8. & W 13 13 13 13
N. Y., S. & ., I'r... 37 37 37 37
Nor. I'acitlc 6 6 6
Nor. i'aclllc. fr 2Hi 214t zov, 21
(Int. & West 1S5. 18 18i 18
Phil. & Kt'ad 19 211 llt 19
Southern It. R 11 14 13 13
Tonn., C. & 1 27 2 27 27
rex. raivne iz-h 13 rut, iz
Cnlon I'acltic. 14T4 15 14 14
V.'abash 9 9 8 S
aoun. it w ii j'j
West. I'nlon 92 92" 2'4 92
I . S. Leather 21 21 20 20
u. o. i.cainer, i'r 92 sa Vi
Open- HlKh- Low- Clos
WHEAT. ing. est. est. Ing.
July 72 74 71 73
September 72 74 72 73
June 29 29'4 29 29
July 2V 30 29 29
September 28 29 28 28
July 64 55 53 53
September 55 66 61 64
July 6.90 7.00 6.83 6.90
September 7.05 7.17 7.00 7.07
July 12.57 13.00 12.57 12.S2
September 12.85 13.42 12.85 13.10
Scronton Board of Trado Exchange
tat ions.
No. Par
Shs. Val. STOCKS. Bid.
20 60 Dime Dep. & Dls.
Bank 62 60
10 100 First Nat'l Bank 608
20 100 Green H'ge Lum'r Co ....
10O 100 Lacka. Lumber Co... 110
6 100 Lacka. Trust & Safe
Deposit Co
10 100 Scra'n Savings Bank. 200
10 100 Scra'n Lace Cur. Co
5 100 Seranton Forging Co 100
23 10O Third Nat'l Bank.... 350
6 100 Nafl Boring & Drill
ing Co. Pr
45 110 Thuron Coal Land Co ....
3 100 Seranton Bedding Co ....
4 100 Seranton Axle Works ....
10 100 Seranton Glass Co
2 100 Seranton Jar & Stop
per Co
40 100 Dickson Mfg Co
60 60 Lackawanna & Mont
rose Railroad
60 100 Traders' Nat'l Bank
60 100 Spring Brook Water
6 100 Elmhurst Boulevard
40 60 Anthracite Lund and
Imp. Co
30 1000 Seranton Trac. Co
2 600 Kcon'y Steam Heat
& Power Co
8 100 Madison Avenue Im
provement 6 600 Seranton Glass Co
23 100 Bushbrook Coal Co.
Ask. 110
New York Produce Mnrkot.
New York, May 20. Flour Held firm
er, Winter, low grades, $2.40a3.00; do.
fair to fancy, 23.25a3.60; do. patents,
J3.tOa4.00; Minnesota clear, $2.95a3.25; do.
straights, J3.B0a3.H5; do. patents, S3.70a
4.75; city mills, S3.85a3.90; do. patents,
$4.80. Wheat Dull, firm. No. 2 red,
store and elevator, 74a75c; afloat,
76a 4c; f. o. b., 76V4a76c; ungraded red,
C9a78c; No. 1 northern, 80a89V4c Op
tions were active, excited. Irregular
and higher, advancing 3a4c on bull
ish crop news, frost reports, fell la
1 v4c, with the west and on local liquida
tion, closing weak at 2ac over Sat
urday, with sales of 33,625,000 bushels.
May, 7474c; June,7fc; July and August,
76c; September, 76c; October, 76c;
November, 77c; December, 78Ho. Corn
Dull, stronger; No. 2, 68V4a59c ele
vator; 69a60c afloat; steamer mixed,
67a58c. Optlon-s advanced 3 cents
with wheat; lost H4. and closed weak
at 174a2Vi over Saturday. May, 68c;
July, 68c; September, 5814c. Oats
More active; firmer. Ontlons firmer;
May, 32'"4c; June, 33c; July. 33c. Spot
prices; No. 2, 32a3314c; No. 2 white,
374c; No. 2 Chicago, 33a34V4o; No. 3,
32c; No. 3 white, 37c; mixed western,
33a35c; white, state and western, 37a42c.
Beef Dull, weak. Family, 11.00a3.00;
extra mesa, S8.50a9.00. Beef hams
Dull; $19.00. Tlerced beef Quiet, weak.
City extra India mess, $17.00al9.00. Cut
meats, steady; pickled bellies, 54a6c;
do. shoulders, 6ac; do. hams, 9ac.
Middles, dull, nominal. Lard Quiet,
higher; western steam, $7.50; city, $6.26;
May, $7.10; July, $7.20. Refined Firm;
continent, $7.35; South America, $7.65;
compound, 6a6. Pork Quiet, higher;
Mess, $14.00al4.60. Butter Steady. Stats
dairy, 1.0al6c; do. creamery, 17o; west
ern dairy, 7al2c; do. creamery new, 11a
17c; do. old, 8al3; do. factory, 7al0;
Elglns, 17c; Imitation creamery, 8al3c.
Cheese Quiet, weak. State large, 4a
6c; fancy, 6a6e; do. small, 4a6; part
skims, l,a4c; full skims, lc. Eggs
Steady; state and Pennsylvania, 16a
lCV&c; western fresh, 13al5c; do. per
case, $3.00a3.60; southern, 12al3c;
duck, 12alfl3.
Philadelphia Tallow Market.
Plilladlephla, May 20. Tallow Is lower
and weak. We quote: City prime, In
hhda, 4a4c; country prime, In bbls,
4c; country, dark, In bbls, 4a4c;
cakes, 4c; grease, 3a3c.
Chicago Cattle.
Union Stock Yards, May 20. Cattle
Receipts, 10,000. Market firm and lOal&c.
higher. Common to extra steers, $4.35a
6.15; Blockers and feeders, $2,50a4.7fi
cows and bulls, $2a4.60; calves, $3aS.05;
Texans, $2.50a$5. Hogs Receipts 84,000,
Market firm and SalOc, higher, . Heavy
packing and shipping lots, 4.50a4.80;
common to choice mixed, $5,36a4.72V4;
choice assorted, $4.45a4.70; light. $4. 36a
4.65; pigs, $4a4.25. Sheep Receipts,
8,00. Market strong and 10al6o. higher.
Inferior to choice, $2.50a4.85;, lambs,
$3.60a6.!K). J
Tho Silver Mnrkot.,
New York, May 20. Bar silver in
London unchanged at 30 13-16d. per
ounce. New York price for commercial
bars cent lower at B7HU(c; govern
ment assay bars 07'4a68c.
. The Philadelphia and Reading is re
ceiving bids for 1,000 new coal oars.
The Missouri, Kansas and Texas has
ordered seventeen new locomotives and
will give a contract for nine more
sometime this month,
Business is booming at the Pennsyl
vania Steel works, where every de-
partment Is running full time to the
limit of Its capacity.
The Boston and Maine railroad Is
asking for bids for 600 new cars, In
eluding 200 bar cars, 200 platform cars
and 200 coal cars of the Pratt patent.
The employes of the Salem Wire Nail
company and the Flndlay company at
Flndlay, O., have had their wages in
creased 10 per cent. There are 6,000
men employed.
The Warwick Iron company at Potts-
town, Pa., has notllled Its employes,
about 150 In number, of an Increase
in their wages of 10 cents a day, to go
Into effect on June 1.
The authorities of Long Island City,
N. Y., have begun civil suit against the
Long Island railroad for violating the
city ordinance- forbidding the use of
soft coal in locomotives.
The Trilby craze has struck the rail
roads. The Rock Island and Peoria has
put in service a pessenger train be
tween Peoria and Hock Island, which
will be called "The Trilby."
The Norrlstown Woolen company,
employing nearly 400 hands, has made
an Increase in wages of 10 per cent., to
go into effect at once. The mill Is com
pelled to run on double turn to fill or
ders. The American Tube and Iron com
pany at Youngstown, O., notllled their
employes of an Increase of wages In
all the departments of from 10 to 15
per cent., to take effect at once. The
firm employes over 300 men.
Trafllc is so heavy with the Pitts,
burg, Fort Wayne and Chicago that ev
ery one of the company's engines is in
service, and some are being transferred
from other divisions of the Pennsylva
nia system. There has been a great
Improvement In both frelgth and pas
senger business with that line.
Railroad earnings make a decided
ly better showing. The returns of 80
roads for the first week of May com
piled by the Financial Chronicle, show
gross earnings of $6,236,972, an Increase
of $241,262 or 4.02 per cent, compared
with the same week last year. Only
19 roads out of the 80 reported de
creases, and in one of these the Norfolk
and Western, the falling off Is due to a
Shipments of iron ore from the Lake
Superior mines In 1894 amounted to
7,748,932 gross tons, against 6,060,492
tons In 1893. Imports of iron ore in 1894
amounted to 167,307, against 626,951 tons
in 1893, a decrease of 359,644 tons. The
Imports in 1894 were the smallest
since 1878. The production of pig
iron in the United States in
1894 was 6,657,388, a decrease
of 467,114 tons as compared with 1893.
The production of Bessemer steel Ingots
in the United States in 1894 was 3,671,'
313 gross tons, an Increase of 355,627
tons as compared with 1893. The pro
duction of all kinds of rails In the
United States in 1894- was 1,021,772 tons,
a decrease of 114,683 tons.
Hazleton Sentinel: The first electric
road In America was started at Scran
ton. Fifteen years ago there were only
horse car roads In the cities. Today,
however, there are eleven street rail
way systems in the anthracite coal re
gions and they have a mileage of 216
miles of track, almost enough tp cross
tne state. Tne amount 01 money in
vested in the roads reaches $2,167,993
and the amount paid out In wages in
one year reached $1,167,833.13. There
are 3.416 men employed. The longest
system is the Wllkes-Barre Traction
company's. It has flrty-one miles In
operation. The Shamokln street rail
way is the shortest In length as well
as receipts. It fell behind $513. It op
erates three miles of road. The Scran
ton Traction company has thirty miles
of track, and the Lehigh Traotion com
pany 'has twenty-eight miles of track
and the Schuylkill Traction twenty-two
miles. It is not Improbable that by
1898 there will be a continuous line from
Shamokln to Carbondale and from Eas
ton to Hazleton and Pottsvllle via Ta
Half Hate Excursions
on the Nickel Plate Road, to Western
points on May 21 and June 11, 1895. Gen
eral office, 23 Exchange street, Buffalo,
N. Y.
Printing for Grocors.
Circulars, cards, booklets, letter heads.
etc., printed so well at The Tribune of
fice that they will sell goods for you.
Is only another name for impure
blood, for no person is weak and ner
vous whose blood is perfectly pure.
When the blood is full of the germs
of disease, and lacking in the red cor
puscles which give it vitality, when it
fails to properly nourish the organ
and tissues of the body, what can you
expect but that tired feeling and ner
vousness? Of course Scrofula, Salt Rheum,
Catarrh and Rheumatism are uni
versally recognized as blood diseases,
for which Mood's Sartaparilla, as the
best blood purifier, la everywhere
acknowled the greatest remedy.
Therefore, as Hood's Sarsaparilla
cures all blood diseases, it is the best
remedy for that condition of the blood
which causes Nervousness.
It ii a false idea to think you are
curing your nervousness when you
are taking a preparation which only
quiet your nerves! It is like trying to
"drown" your sorrows in the flowing
bowl. They are sure to return.
We wish to make most imoresslye,
then, this truism,:
You cannot purify your blood by
deadeniko or QuiETrNa your nerves
with oplato, narcotio or nerve com
pounds. If you take such articlos
you are only TRiixmo with your
troubles. There is bubs to be a beao
tion which will leave you worse than
yon were before.
Why not then, take the true course,
follow the bee-line to tho state of
Lealth, purify your blood and cure
your Nervousness by taking
About 800 base ball fans assembled
On the base ball grounds, on the flats,
yesterday and witnessed a game be
tween the Rosebuds and the barbers
of this place. The game was a one
sided one, the Rosebuds having the
beet of it from the start Score, 25 to 8.
I Wednesday afternoon the Olyphant
Base Ball club will cross bats with the
crack Young Men's Christian Associa
tion team, of Seranton.
J. J. O'Malley, M. J. Walsh and M. J.
McIIale were callers in Dunmore 8un
Thomas Kelley, of reen Ridge, was a
caller In town Sunday.
Miss Minnie Hoban is seriously til at
her home on Dunmore Btreet.
Representative C. P. O'Malley spent
Sunday at his home, in this place.
Rev. J. Feeley, of Seranton, was a
visitor In town yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ell Longacker, of Hyde
Park, spent Sunday with the latter's
mother, on Lackawanna Btreet.
The Olyphant orchestra will hold a
ptcnlo on Decoration Day in Miles'
William Jones, son of Undertaker
Jones, of ' Lackawanna "street, while
piling up tables in his father's store
last Monday, strained himself in a se
vere manner. He is under the care of
Dr. Crans, who reports him somewhat
The Catholic Young Men's Total Ab
stinence and Benevolent society will
hold an entertainment and social In the
Father Mathew Opera House Wednes
day evening, in honor of their twenty-
fifth anniversary. An excellent pro
gramme has been' prepared. Several
noted speakers will be present.
William Brookfield, commissioner of
public works of New York, passed Sun
day In Honesdale.
Dr. C. A. Duslnbene left on the 4
o'clook train Sunday afternoon for
New York. From there he will go to
Maine and enjoy a few weeks' outing
and fishing.
The following members o the Car
bondale Cycle club came tt Honesdale
Sunday, arriving here about 9 a. m,
and leaving for the return trip at 5 p.
m.: M. K. Purdy, K. D. Purdy, Will
lam Ogleby, W. A. Smith, John E. Ber
gen. P. H. Cadwood, H. F. Simmons, M.
H. Tappan, J. F. Wagner, O. M. Chase,
Frank Wallcott and -Alex Bryden.
M. F. Dolph and W. W. Lathrope, of
Seranton, were registered at the Allen
House Monday.
Levi Patterson and John Simpson, of
Carbondale, passed Sunday at Hones
dale. Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce St., Seranton
specialist on lung troubles, consump
tlon and diseases of the heart.
E. T. Smith, for some time past the
genial manager of the shoe store of
William Krantz, left yesterday for a
visit at his home, near Deposit. He
will return to Honesdale on Friday and
the first of the week leave for New Jer
sey to take charge of a shoe Store.
The break that occurred on the canal
Friday has been repaired and boats
will commence moving again this
Besides ruining most of the first crop
the recent frost has destroyed the sup
ply of hickory and butternuts.
Mrs. Justus Laylor, nee Sarah Lewis,
died at her home In this place Satur
day morning. She leave Ave small
Rev. I. J. Smith was called to Ashley
Saturday by the sudden death of a
J. V. Keeler, of LeRaysvllle, is serl
ously 111. His parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Q. Keeler, of this place, are with
Burt Oaylord spent Sunday at Le
Miss Jennie Chamberlain and Lucre'
tia Lurrell spent last week at Carbon
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce St., Scran ton's
greatest specialist, cures when all oth
ers fail. Consultation free.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lewis, of Blng
hamton, and O. Mortlner Lewis, of
New York, are In town, called here by
the death of their sister, Mrs. J. V.
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Califf, of TOwan-
da, visited friends In town last week.
Messrs. WaHer and Guy Wells spent
last week In the northern part of the
county on business.
Mrs. Henry Bunnell, of Meshoppen,
spent last Thursday with her Bon, Dr,
W. O. Bunnell.
Frank Donley spent Sunday with his
parents, at Tunkhannock.
Miss Bessie Slocum spent last week
at Spring HllK
After a long and painful Illness, Mrs.
Bridget Mack, wife of James Mack, of
Monroe street, died at S o'clock yester
day afternoon. Mrs. Mack had been
suffering from a complication of dls
easeB for the paat five months, and her
death had been momentarily expected
for the past three days. Mrs. Mack was
a kind-hearted and charitable lady, who
sought In an humble way to fulfill her
duties as a Christian and a mother.
Her funeral will take place on Wednes
day morning. A solemn high mass of
requiem will be sung In St. Thomas'
church at 10.30 o'clock, after which her
remains will be Interred in the Catholic
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce St., Seranton,
specialist on diseases of men, nightly
losses, varicocele, spermatorrhoea, etc.
Miles J. McAndrew will attend the
Ancient Order of Hlberlans' conven
tion at Wllkes-Barre today, as a dele
gate from Division No. 6, of this place.
The regular meeting of the Catholic
Mutual Benefit association will be held
on Thursday evening of next, week.
Mrs. Melvln Meyers, Henry Myers,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beck and William
Callaway are in Philadelphia,
If the Baby la Cutting Tooth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has bem
used for over Fifty Years by Millions of
Mothers for their Children while Teething,
with Perfect Success. It Soothes the
Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain;
Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea, Bold by Druggists In ev
ery part of the world. Be sure and ask for
"Mrs. Wlnslow's ' Soothing Syrup," and
take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a
Lieutenant James O. Stevens post,
Grand Army of the Republic, will at
tend divine services at the Catholic
church at Archbald next Sunday even
ing. All comrades are requested to
meet at their hall at 6 o'clock sharp.
Henry Lloyd, of Kingston, visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Walne lasUSaturday. . .
George Williams has broken ground
for his new house on Hickory street.
, Regular communication of Oriental
Star lodge. Free and Accepted Masons,
wilt be held this evening. All members
are requested to be present, as business
of Importance Is to be transacted..
Young man, consult Dr. Reeves, 412
Spruce St., Boranton. He will curfl you
Travlsa Budd, of Carbondale, spent
Sunday with relatives In town. '
H. E. Paine, of Seranton, will de
liver the oration tin Decoration Day.
' Mrs. Frank Day and son, Ralph, of
Wllkes-Barre, . are the guestB of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Barber.-
The fire alarm which awakened the
residents from their slumbers on Sun
day night was caused by the burning
of the home of John Hayes, on Powdei
ly road; the fire Is supposed to have
occurred from a defective flue. Mrs.
Hayes and children were visiting rela
tives In Wllkes-Barre, and Mr. Hayes
had been calling on a friend on South
Main street and was on hla way home
when the alarm sounded. The struc
ture was completely destroyed. The
property was valued at $1,800, and Mr.
Hayes holds a policy for $1,000 Insur
ance. : , ,
Mrs. Philip Berryman and daugh
ters, Luella and Lois, will arrive In this
city tomorrow from Oneonta, N. Y., to
visit the former's parents, Mr. 'and
Mrs. George Lewsley, of High street.
Emmons L. Peck, of Emmons, Pa.,
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Peck, of Washington
Miss Edith Norton, of Hockendocqua,
is being entertained by Miss Elizabeth
Scurry, of Wyoming street.
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Nicholson, of
Wyoming street, spent the Sabbath
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hammerle,
of Wllkes-Barre.
Mr. and Mrs. David IZeley, of Brook
lyn, N. . Y., are guests of the latter's
mother, Mrs. R. Manvllle, of North
Main street
Last night the members of the P. W.
Nally club gave a social In Keystone
ball. A pleasant time was had by the
At the meeting of the High School
alumni, held on Saturday evening. It
was decided to hold their annual ban
quet at Hotel 'Harrison on Tuesday
evening, June 26. The - toastmaster
Chosen for the occasion was John
Brldtfett. The committees who will as
sist In the preparations are Florence
Harrison, Maggie Murphy, Mrs. A.
Banks, May Pengelly, Annie Dunfitan
and William Morrison. The annual
election of 'officers resulted as follows:
President, Kate Scott; vice-president,
Janet Bryden, secretary and treasurer,
Alice Rashlelgh. U
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ash, of Wind
sor, N. Y., celebrated their golden wed
ding oh Saturday last. Many years
ago Mr. and Mrs. Ash were residents
of Carbondale, and, will be remembered
by the pioneers of the city. The fol
lowing from this city attended the fes
tivities at Windsor on Saturday: Mr.
and Mrs. John Booth, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Lewsley Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Marcy, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Simons,
Mrs. James Smith, Mrs. Mary Ann
Dr. D. L. Bailey was called to Mont
rose yesterday morning by ithe serious
illness of his mother, who is 70 years of
, Mrs. Branson, mother ofC. N. Bron-
son and Edward Bronson, of this city,
died at her home InSidney, N. Y., on
Saturday afternoon at the age of about
80 years.
"Old Sweethearts," by home talent,
Willi be given at the Academy of Music
tonight and tomorrow night.
Every Men Who Weald Know tk.,
Grand Tratfes, Ike Plata Facts, tba
New Discoveries ef Medical Scloncc
as Applied te Harried Lite, Who
Weald Alone for Past Errors and
. Avoid Futaro Pitfalls, gheald Secare
the Wonderful Little Book Callod
"Complete Manhood, and How le At.
tale II."
"Here at lost Is Information from a ultra
tnedlcal source that must work wonders with
this feneration of men." .
The book fully describes a method by which
to attain full vigor and mauly power.
A method by which to end all unnatural
drains on the system.
To core nervousness, lack of self-control, do.
Spondmuy, Ac.
To exchange a jaded and worn nature fos
one of brightness, nuorancy and power.
To cure forever effects of excesses, overwork,
worry, Ac.
To give full strength, development and tons
to every portion and organ of the body.
Age no barrier. Failure Impossible. Two
thousand references.
The book Is purely medical and scientific,
useless to cariosity seekers. Invaluable to mee
only who need H.
A despairing man, who had applied to us,
soon after wrote t
"Well, I tell yon that first day Is one I'll
never forget. I just babbled with joy. I
wanted to hug everybody and tell tbetn my
old self had died yesterday, and my new Belt
was born to-day. Why didn't you tell me
when I first wrote that I would And it this'
. Aid another thus:
"If yon dumped a cart load of amU at my
feet It would not bring such gladness Into my
life as your method has done."
Buffalo, N. Yn end ask for the little book
(Sailed ''OOMPI.KTir. MANHOOD." Refer to
this paper, aad the company promises to send
the book, in seejod envelope, without any
narks, aad entirely free, until it Is well Intro,
Offers all their piece goods, consisting of Ginghams, Chellies,
Muslins of any variety, Casslmeres, Toweling, Outing Flannel,
to close out the entire stock of the above at half price. They are
Going Into the Gents' Furnishing Goods only, and this stock of
piece goods must be sacrificed at any rate. Do not delay, but
come at once and secure the bargains of this great sale. Nain
sooks, Double Swisses and all White Goods must be closed, no
matter what the price will be. .The stock must be closed inside
of 30 days to make room for our Gents' Furnishing line. Be on
lookout Monday, great bargain day.
Orlght's Dlsoaso of the Kidneys and Dla
bctse Mellltus Positively Cured at Dr.
F. B. Smith's Parlors, 313 Wyoming
I well know how the above an
nouncement will sound in the ears of
the ordinary physician who knows but
nine, lr anytulug, or Uritlcial Stir,
fiery, as taught bv Its founder. Prof.
E. II. Pratt, of Chicago, III. If all
physicians would acquaint themselves
with this method of treaties- disease.
their astonishment at tho number of
so-called Incurable diseases, that would
positively be cured by a proper and
thorough application, would be over.
whelming. In like manner would
the profession bo astounded by the
wonderful cures they could speedily
perform with magnetic treatment,
which has recently been called Hyp
notic Suggestion. Every physician
nas not tne physical strength to em'
ploy this mighty power, but every
physician should acquaint himself
wun it. it is a power more potent
man an drugs ana ineaicines ever pre
scribed. Bv the anolicatlon of Prof.
Pratt's orificial method, Hypnotic
Suggestion aud Electro Magnetic
treatment with the choicest instru
ments, life and vital energy Is cou
veyed to the weak and sickly bodies,
thereby vanishing disease and restor
ing health to the afflicted parts. We
will state here some of the worst cases
that were cured by this treatment and
which may be referred to: J. L.
Brown, diabetes, Rochester, N. Y.;
Mrs. Marv Bnlann. ri inhales. Rnlann
Spay, N. Y.; J. C. Henderson, Brlght's
uiscaseoi iue sianeys, reuu xau, sx.
Y., and thousands of others, all cured
by OrlHciul Surgery practiced by Dr.
T. B. Hmith and stuff at 812 Wyoming
aveuue. nr. mitn win give free il
lustrated lectures and publicly heal
tho sick at Music Hall. Lacka. ave.
every afternoon commencing Monday,
Mgv on ,1 0 A,,i,u,ir n. 'm.KMi.t,
Friday and Saturday afternoons at 2
p. m. free illustrated lectures to ladies
only at Music Hall. Dr. F. B. Smith,
Parlors 812 Wyoming ave. Consulta
tions iree. umce hours from 8 a. m,
to 5 p. m. Daily, except Sunday.
230 Lackawanna Ave,, Seranton.
Such suits you never
saw. There is no doubt
about it. Their garments
are stylish and well made,
and cheap is no name
for it. Test this asser
tion and see for your
selves if they don't speak
the truth. If there is
one thing we take more
pride in than another it is
Which at present is filled
with the most complete
assortment, from cheap
little suits costing $1.00,
to the most expensive
kind that , the proudest
parent wishes to don on
her little ones.
Child's Suit, Consisting
$ s25
01 rants ana Waist,
Two Pairs of Knee
Children's Wash Suits,
Children's Jersey Suits
230 Lackawanna Ave.
Ml Ml, 115,
Our policy is to offer greater inducements than other
Stores better assortment, handsomer patterns, lower prices.
We want your custom and your friends' custom; that's
why we leave no effort unspared.
The best makes and finest designs, including many pri
vate patterns in
Selected with a view to matching this season's best
styles of decorations. Mattings from China and Japan.
14 finest quality 40-yard rolls; a good
heavy quality at $6.00; the $5.00 quality at
.00, with twenty in-between
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
Locomotives, stationary Engines, Boners,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
' Owner wanted money; had bedroom suits to trade
for it; gave more than a hundred cents for a dollar
which, maybe, wasn't more than paying a too big
interest. That's the story.
Here's the sequel : . We gathered some Carpet
out of our stock and made the above outfit for you.
Half again as much added would be the price proper.
As long as they last not for always I That's
how this offer stands. .
1 f
EBEGKER ft 00,