The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 21, 1895, Image 1

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A Week
ii iLd
- Tou may father together all the fabrics
. for spring and summer wear that ever
came from a loom, and look them over,
taking the full merit of each Into ac
count, and after all la said and done, you'll
be bound to admit that there la not one In
the lot that will take the place of these
rich silken weaves, for solid comfort and
unmatcbable elegance. ,
Silk are no longer a luxury. A dozen
different things have brought about a
. pries revolution In the silk markets of the
world, until the Queen of Textiles (Silk)
has become a sort of people's fabric. The
proof for thla assertion lies In the Econ
omlo Bilk Values which follow.
NO. 1
llttA 97-1 nnh FftrlCV
aillrst In nan simAll effect A! ftlSO
fancy Plaids and Clan Tartans for
waists and children s wear.
NO. 2
NO. 3
assorted lot of figured
Taffeta Silks, light, medium and
dark grounds in all sorts of ways;
actual values range from 75c to U.
Price for choice,
NO. 4
NO. 5
NO. 6
J& Pieces.
if 22-lnoh Silks, light
grounds, with dainty stripes In dell-l
I ( cate tints. An Ideal silk for sum- I
II mer waists. 1
jlS PlecesS.
Ml Satin Bhadames, YV
II full range of desirable shadings, 1
1 1 and astonishing value at II
J mixed lot white,
navy and black grounds, with
spots, figures and stripes; 20 pieces 1 1
II in all; value 65c. to 75c; special J I
jf 5 Pieces y
If 27-lnch Black Taffeta YV
II Silks, exactly the same thing
II as our usual $1.00 quality. This II
L1 For one wosk we will offer a capital
' range of the celebrated "Llbery" and
China Silks manufactured by Cheney,
v Bros., and guarantee them to be their well
known standard $1.00 quality. Exquisite
patterns on Black, Navy and Cream
Price for One Week
V , Only 59 Cents.
He 19 Given an Ovation at Covington,
Central Gordon In Covington Is Crowded
with Large Audionco Thousands
Vnablo to Gnln Admittance
to tbo Garden.
Cincinnati, O., May 20. At the Cen
tral Garden In Covington tonight Sec
retary Carlisle received an ovation un
paralleled In the history of politics In
that section of Kentucky. It was a
magnificent 'tribute to the high esteem
In which he la held by political friends.
, Of the 3.000 who Jammed themselveB
, Into a space hardly large enough for
two-thirds that, many were men of all
parties, classes and conditions. Women
were there, too, notwithstanding the
fact that It was urged that they stay
away and lot the voters hear the distin
guished speaker. Packed in almoBt as
tightly were many thousands more who
could not get beyond the gates, all pre
pared to give the secretary the most
enthusiastic reception he has ever re
ceived at the hands of those who have
honored him so often.
When he appeared at the garden
there was wild cheering and a general
din. It, however, was hardly more en
thuslsastic than that given him at the
home of his friend, Mr. Queen, a few
minutes before. There the parade of
thousands from Covington, Newport
and the suburban villages stretching up
and down the river, augmented by 800
men from Cincinnati, with bands and
horns passing In review before him.
The secretary was vorlferously cheered
throughout his speech against the free
coinage of silver. His elaborate and
eloquent argument was listened to at
tentively and tut its conclusion the sec
retary was again cheered most heartily.
He spoke as follows:
Mr. Carlisle's Address
Mr. Chairman and Fellow Cltutens:
Although absent from the state for a
very considerable time, I have never ceased
to feel a deep IntereBt In everything that
concerns the welfare of Its people, and
especially the welfare of my old constit
uents in this, congressional district. My
personal and political relations with them
have been so close and Intimate In the past
that, notwithstanding our long separation.
It is sometimes difficult, even now, for me
to realize that I am not still their repre
sentative. But my close relations to the
people here do not In the least diminish
my obligations to my fellow citizens In
other parts of the state, who have never
failed to give me a generous support in
all my aspirations, and It would be unbe
coming in me to withhold the expression
of my thanks for the confidence they have
reposed in me, or refuse to participate in
the discussion of public questions which
vitally affect their Interests. They have
a right to call me Into their counsels and
require me to bear my share of responsi
bility of the course of political events
and the results of political action when
ever, in their judgment, it Is proper to do
so, and, therefore, when it became mani
fest that my presence In the state during
some part of the time devoted to the dis
cussion of pending questions was desired
by a considerable number of my Demo
cratic friends, I did not feel at liberty to
remain absent. It may or may not add to
the force of my arguments, or the weight
of my advice, to assure you that I am not,
and do not expect to become, a candidate
for any office in the gift of the people, or
their representatives, and that I do not
appear in the state in the Interest of any
candidate. My Interest In the solution of
tbo questions now pending Is precisely the
same as that of any other American citi
zen who desires to see his country pros
perous and happy, and while my views as
to the policy which will most certainly
produce these results may be entirely er
roneous, they are honestly, entertained
and will be frankly stated. It can make
no difference to roe, personally or politi
cally, Whether they are popular or unpop
ular, here or elsewhere, although it is
always more agreeable to be In accord
with the prevailing public sentiment than
to be in opposition to It. My respect, how
ever, for the Intelligence and patriotism
of the American people constrains me to
believe that, no matter what their pre
conceived opinions may be upon any ques
tion, they will not refuse to give It a full
and fair Investigation or fall to reach a
Just conclusion when both sides have been
heard. Therefore I shall speak to you
,'hla evening with full confidence that,
wtratever may be your present opinions on
the subject to be discussed, you are willing
to re-eamlne the grounds upon which
they have- been formed, and change them
If they are found to be erroneous.
Origin of the Resent Paulo.
There has never been a time since the
close of the civil war and the settlement
of the questions growing out of It when
passion and prejudice exerted such a pow
erful Influence In controlling the action of
the people upon political and economic
questions as they have during the last two
years. A great wave of depression has
swept over the whole Industrials commer
cial and financial world, more Injurious In
Its effects in some places than in others,
but entailing great loss and distress ev
erywhere. It did not begin twenty years
ago, as some of our friends are In the
habit of asserting, but less than five years
ago. Its first serious effects were felt
In Argentina, where the people and the
government, notwithstanding the warn
ings of experience in all ages, determined
to try again the experiment of a cheap and
' inflated currency. It failed, of course, as
It sMways has and always will wherever
tried,- and Its failure, by reason or the ex
tensive commercial and financial conneo
1 liana between that country and English
capitalists, produced a crisis which se
I rlously Involved many of the great finan
cial Institutions of Europe and had a de-
pressing Influence In all the money mar
I kcts of other countries; for, in these days
(of rapid communication and close com
in -s , '. --s
7 x.
mercial relations, an Injury to credit In
any part of the globe Is Immediately felt
all around the world. Foreign holders of
our securities. In order to procure means
to meet their obligations at home and In
Argentina, sent them herelnlargeamounts
for redemption or sale, and, consequently,
tho feeling of apprehension and uncer
tainty, which already existed to a consid
erable extent, was intensified In all the
great centers of trade and finance. But
If our own domestic affairs had been wlsoly
and economically conducted our people
would have soon rocovelred from the
effects of this foreign disturbance. We
possessed all the essential elements of
prosperity, except a sound and reliable
financial syBtum, and that we might have
secured within a reasonable time; or, at
least, we might have greatly Improved our
condition In thla respect, if political or
party considerations had not Influenced
our legislation. It Is true that our rev
enue lows were not in a satisfactory con
dition, but they had been In force a long
time and the people had been compelled
to adjust their business to them, and, after
the election of President Harrison, did
not expect any beneficial change until
another administration should come In.
Censure for President Harrison.
When Mr. Cleveland's first administra
tion went out of office on the 4th day of
March, 1889, the government had an ample
revenue for all purposes; the free gold In
the treasury amounted to (196,689,614; agri
culture, manufactures, and commerce
were In a reasonably healthy and pros
perous condition, and the prospect for
the continuance of a fairly active business
era was apparently as good as It had
been for years. During the four years of
Mr. Cleveland's administration the sum
of $241,448,449 was paid on the public debt,
and at Its close there was left In the treas
ury a balance of $330,348,916, Including the
gold reserve. This vast sum had been ac
cumulated by taxation upon the people,
and they had a right to expect that It
would be faithfully applied to the ex
tinguishment of the publlo debt and to
the payment of the necessary expenses
of the government without waste or ex
travagance; but It requires a very brief
statement of the results of President Har
rison's administration to show how these
Just expectations were disappointed. When
his administration closod on the 4th of
March, 1893, and a Democratic adminis
tration came In again, the cash balance in
the treasury had dwindled down to $102,
45(T,5T?, including the gold reserve, or $62,
450,1177 exclusive of the reserve, notwith
standing the payments upon the public
debt during his term amounted to $105,
000,000 less than the payments made during
the preceding four years. In addition to
the actual receipts of the government,
which were very large, congress, by a law
passed in I860, turned into the treasury, as
a part of the general assets to be used
for public purposes, a trust fund amount
ing to more than $54,000,000, which be
longed to the national banks and had al
ways been held for the redemption of their
notes, and this fund, or what was left of
It, helped to swell the balance at tho close
of the administration.
Pot Calls Kettle Black.
There came with President Harrison a
Republican congress, and for the first two
years of his administration that party had
absolute control In both branches of the
legislative department as well as In the
executive, and was therefore wholly re
sponsible for the government of the coun
try. That congress will be distinguished
In history for three things only: First,
the enactment of the law of July 14, 1890,
providing for the purchase of 4,500,000
ounces of silver bullion each month and
the Issue of legal tender treasury notes to
pay for It; secondly, the passage of the
so-called McKlnley tariff act, which
largely Increased taxation upon the people
and at the same time diminished the rev
enues of the government; and, thirdly, the
Inauguration of the most wasteful and ex
travagant system of publlo expenditures
that ever existed In this country In time
of peace, the evil effects of which must
continue to be felt for years to come. The
result of this legislation and of the gen
eral policy of the Republican administra
tion was that, when the Democratic party
secured possession of the executive power
for the second time, It found the financial
affairs of the government In a most unsat
isfactory and precarious condition, and
rapidly growing worse. The revenues had
been greatly diminished and the current
expenditures had been enormously in
creased by the passage of laws making
permanent and other appropriations
which the treasury was bound to pay;
the compulsory purchase of silver bullion
and the Issue of legal-tender treasury
notes was still going on, and sliver was
being plied up In the treasury at the rate
of more than 154 tons per month; distrust
of our ability under the circumstances to
meet the obligations of the government
and maintain the parity of the two metals
prevailed and was Increasing in all the
great financial centres at home and
abroad, In consequence of which gold, to
the amount of more than $36,500,000, had
been withdrawn from the treasury and
shipped to other countries during the three
months Just preceding the Inauguration
of the new administration, and not a dollar
had been brought In; in short, unwlBe leg
islation had already produced Its Inevita
ble results, and whatever criticism the
Impatient spirit of a disappointed and
reBtlesB people may have prompted them
to make upon the present administration,
I am sure Impartial history will place the
responsibility for what has occurred
where It properly belongs, and I am willing
to wait until It Is written. It must not
be understood from this that I am not
ready at all times to vindicate the legality,
the Justice, and the good policy of the
course pursued by the present adminis
tration in Its efforts to maintain the credit
and honor of the government, inspire
confidence among the holders of Its obli
gations, and preserve the stability and
value of the various kinds of currency In
the hands of the people; but the present
and future are far more Important than
the past, and my time can be more profit
ably employed on this occasion In dis
cussing the questions now pending than
in reviewing transactions already closed.
Tho Money Question Stated.
Whether we shall continue to preserve
our existing monetary system, under which
all the dollars In use, whether they be
gold, silver, or paper, possess equal pur
chasing power In the markets, or provide
by law for the free and unlimited coinage
of silver dollars containing 412Vj grains of
standard silver, and make them the units
and measures of value In the exchango of
commodities and In the payment of debts.
Is by far the most Important question
that has been presented for the considera
tion of the American people during thla
generation; and that question now con
fronts us. The free coinage of sliver and
the substitution of a new unit and meas
ure of value for the existing one In the
business transactions of the country is
not an ordinary experiment which can be
safely tried today and abandoned tomor
row If found Injurious, because the Imme
diate consequences of such a step would
be so far-reaching and so enduring that
they will continue to be felt for years
after the policy had been reversed. It Is
Incumbent, therefore, upon those who In
sist upon the adoption of this revolution
ary policy to show plainly and conclu
sively In advance not only that It would
result In no Injury, but that It would be
positively beneficial, for If not positively
beneficial the change would at least be
wholly useless. This cannot be done by
appeals to the excited passions and preju
dices of the people, by attempts to array
Continued on Page 6.J
Philadelphia Alive with Patriurhcs
and Chevaliers. -
Largo Delegations from Scrauton, Wll
llamsport and Other Pennsylvania
Cities Are Present Of fleers In
stalled Yestorday-Tbe Parade
Philadelphia, May 20. The celebra
tion by the Odd Fellows In honor of the
completion of their handsome temple
at Broad and Cherry streets, began to
day. An elaborate programme cover
ing the major portion of the week has
been prepared, by which every branch
of the order will have Its place and
prominently participate In the cere
monies Incident to the dedication of the
This morning the grand encampment
of Pennsylvania opened its annual ses
sion in the temple and received com
mittee reports and this evening at the
same place the degree staff of Corona
encampment, No. 287, In the presence of
the grand encampment, gave a special
exemplification of the patriarchal
golden rule and royal purple degrees.
The grand lodge held a special session
tonight in the old hall on Sixth street
for the admission of past grands to
membership, and at 9 p. m. a recep
tion and banquet was given at the tem
ple by the board of trustees of the Odd
Fellows' Hall association to Grand Sire
John W. Stebblns, of the Sovereign
grand lodge, at which there was pres
ent a number of distinguished members
of this and other grand jurisdictions.
Dedicatory Ceremonies.
The annual session of the grand lodge
will be held tomorrow, and the dedi
catory ceremonies will be held at 10 a.
m. tomorrow.
The city la in holiday attire In honor
of the thousands of visitors. Flags
and streamers float from buildings on
all the prominent thoroughfares, and
the decorations throughout the city aro
general. The reception committee esti
mates that 100,000 Odd Fellows will, di
rectly and indirectly, participate in the
celebration. A large delegation of pa
triarch militant reached here this morn
ing from Boston and Maine. Cantons
from Connecticut and western Massa
chusetts, chevaliers from Williamsport,
Scranton and other Pennsylvania cities,
and 600 chevaliers from New York ar
rived during the day. A delegation from
California arrived tonight and another
Is on Its way from Texas. Other ar
rivals today included delegations from
the district of Columbia, New Jersey,
Delaware and Maryland.
The parade tomorrow, should the
weather be favorable, promises to be a
monstrous affair, as over 20,000 men are
expected to be In line.
"... Officers Installed.-'
At the meeting of the grand encamp
ment today,, the. following officers were
Grand patriarch, F. L. B. Keffer;
grand high priest, S. W. Jefferls; grand
senior warden, W. H. Cogswell; grand
scribe, James B. Nicholson; grand
treasurer, J. Henry Beitel; grand junior
warden, Joseph H. iMackey; grand rep
resentative to the sovereign grand
lodge, M. Richards Muckle.
A Set of Flags Adopted for Use on the Big
Steamer Whilo on tho High Seas.
Philadelphia, May 20. Mrs. Cleve
land on Saturday completed the chris
tening of the new American line steam-
Bhip St. Louis by selecting from the
International code of signals the group
of flags which are to Indicate "St.
Louis, of New York" whenever the
great steamship gives her name on the
seas to passing vessels, or to the tele
graph stations on the American and
British coasts,
Every sea-going merchant vessel
carries four flags to Indicate her name
and home port, and these, with the na
tional emblem, enable vessels of all
nations using the International code
immediately to recognize even at a dis
tance the vessel which displays the sig
Mrs. Cleveland selected for the sig
nals of the St. Louis flags composed
entirely of red, white and blue. The
first flag consists of one red and one
white stripe, perpendicular; the second
of a white, ground with a blue square
In the center, the third of a blue ground
with a white square In the center, and
the fourth of red, white and blue in
three perpendicular stripes. By design
or chance the signals selected are
among those known to sailors as least
liable to be confused at a distance and
least associated with the signals of
distress, sickness, or shipwreck.
The signal letters which correspond
In the code of this group of flags are
H. S. P. T., and these were assigned
to the St Louis today by the bureau
of navigation. Her official number la
116,609. The gross tonnage of the St.
Louis is 11,629 tons, which makes her
the largest steamship afloat except the
Campania and Lucanla, of the Cunard
line, which are 12,900 gross tons each.
Her net tonnage on which she pays
port charges here and abroad was as
certained under the new measurement
law, and Is 5,893 'tons, as compared with
6,320 tons of the New York and Paris,
mailer vessels, the tonnage of
which was determined by the old
measurement law of the United States.
The St. Lonls will shortly proceed
from Philadelphia to New York, where
she will take out her permanent docu
ments. The law f New York exempts
from taxation for etate or local pur
poses all vessels registered in the state
for foreign trade.
An Enraged Father Strikes at Ills Daugh
ter's Betrayer.
Covington, Ky May 20. There was
a panic m the criminal court today,
where the case of Emma Slaughter for
$25,000 damages against Dr. Jarvls Mc
Collum for betrayal was being heard.
While Emma was testifying her father,
Henry Slaughter, was seen drawing a
targe dirk, but the sheriff and jailer
grabbed him before he could reach Dr.
McCollum. ' v
Afterward, while Slaughter was on
the stand, &nd .the attorney for the de
fense asked him whether he had ever
been in the penitentiary, he whipped
out another knife ad plunged at the
attorney. He was again held back,
but several persons were hurt in the
panic which followed. It was neces
sary to adjourn court in order to get rid
of the crowd. In the afternoon only
attorneys and witnesses were admitted.
Tho Brave Soldier Is Reprimanded by
One Who Never "Smelled Powder."
Washington, May 20. Admiral Meade
was placed on the retired list today
with a reprimand,
Secretary Herbert recommended the
retirement, and the president endorsed
thereon as follows:
Executive Mansion, May 20, 1895.
The within recommendation Is approved,
and Rear Admiral Richard VV. Meade Is
hereby retired from active service pursu
ant to Bcctlon 1443 of the revised statutes.
The president regrota exceedingly that
the long, active service of this officer, so
brilliant in Its early stages and so often
marked by honorable Incidents, should at
Its close be tarnished by conduct at va
riance with a commendable career and In
consistent with the example which an of
ficer of his high rank should furnish of
subordination and submission to the re
straints of wholesome discipline and manl
iest pronnoty.
(Signed) Grover Cleveland.
Sympathizers with tho Opposition Will
Be Bounced from Official Positions in
tho Presbytery.
Pittsburg, Pa., May 20. Seminary
control carried the vote today In the
Presbyterian general assembly by a
vote of 432 to 98. The report of the vis
iting committee, which has been
charged with negotiations with the
score or less of Presbyterian divinity
schools of the United States looking to
the changes In their fundamental laws
such as would bring their endowments
and their faculties under direct super
vision of the Presbyterian church, was
adopted without modification after a
prolonged and spirited debate that
equalled In power and burning Interest
any ever held In a general assembly.
The report carries with it a recom
mendation that the seminary charters
be changed so as to give the church as
represented by the general assembly
the standing of a quasi corporation hav
ing the power to appear in the courts of
the states and to maintain proceedings
to enforce the control over the teachers
and funds of the institutions. By this
action of the assembly the Presbyterian
church demonstrated Its Intention and
its power to claim its own and to care
for its own, whether it be In theological
seminary or In the mission boards.
The home missions committee makes
Its report at 10 o'clock tomorrow. Three
men, whose terms expire as directors
of the home board, will be boldly
turned down by vote of assembly, un
less the committee takes warning and
scratches their names from the report
before it reaches the assembly. The
men Are abnoxious because they are
Brlggs men.-There are others like
them, on the foreign board, and when
their time comes, off they will go, too.
Some of the men whose names are to
be scratched are bankers who . have
been advancing money for many years
to the bankrupt boards. That makes
no difference to this assembly. The
western men say: "If there are no
bankers In New York but Brlggs men,
send the missionary accounts to us in
the west. There are banks in Chicago
and Cincinnati that are not run on
doctrinal lines."
The outgoing directors of the home
board, to whom objection Is made, are:
Thomas S. Hastings, D. D president of
the faculty of Union Theological sem
inary; John Crosby Brown, president
of the directorate of Union Theological
Bemlnary; Charles L. Thompson, D. D.,
and David B. Ivison. These men are
all Briggs men. Mr. Ivison has de
clined to serve and In his stead the
name of W. B. Corbln, an unknown
elder of New Jersey, is mentioned.
A Peculiar Damago Case in a Federal
Little Rock, Ark., May 20. In Fol
ruary, 1891, Isador Meyer, a passenger
on the St. Louts, Iron Mountain and
Southern railway, was killed by John
W. Graeter, a domented fellow-passenger,
at Bald Knob, Ark. Mrs. Meyer
afterward married, and, as Mrs. Oreen
thal, brought suit against the railroad
company and Pullman company con
Joining for W50.000 damages on account
of the killing of Meyer, her first hus
band. The case was closely contested,
eminent talent being employed.
It was urged in defense that plain
tiff had remarried and that she had re
covered $18,000 from Graeter In an In
diana count. The Jury in the federal
court here, after deliberating twelve
hours, returned a verdict this morning
for the plaintiff, fixing the damages at
$11,998.17. The case will probably be
Death of Luther II. Beckwlth, an Old Em
ploye of the Erie.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hawley, Pa., May 20. Luther H.
Beckwlth, aged 66 years, a prominent
railroad man, who haB been in the em
ploy of the New York and Erie and
Wyoming Railroad company for 45
years, as a plumber, dropped dead at
his home in Port Jervls at 6.30 o'clock
this morning. Death was caused by
heart failure. Since Mr. Beckwlth first
began his railroad career he has made
hosts of friends.
He Is survived by a wife, and eon,
Charles, who resides at Syracuse, and
an adopted daughter, married, who re
sides at Buffalo.
By a fall of slate In a Wlnfleld (W. Va.)
coal mine, Charles, Robert and Andrew
Smith, bothers, were killed.
A diphtheria epldemlo In Akron, O., was
traced to the sick dog of a milkman,
which apparently had the disease.
Whlel piloting the steamer Cufio up New
York bay, Pilot Gideon Napes, aged 70,
had a paralytic stroke and will die.
Miss Winnie Davis, daughter of the Con
federate chieftain, has left Washington to
attend the reunion of Confederate vet
erans at Houston, Tex. .
Gettysburg battlefield was yesterday vis
ited by Brigadier General Louis Fitzgerald
and his staff, of the First brigade, Now
York National guards.
Elected town marshal of Graenway,
Ark., Rev. A. B. Stevens, arrested three
men, although wounded by Bill Adams,
and drove away the drunken element.; , ,
Justices of the Supreme Court In
dulge In Spccchmaking.
Dissenting J udgos Deliver Fiery Orations,
Large Crowds of Interested Spec
tatorsA Scone Withont
a Parallel.
Washington, May 20. The supremo
court today, through Chief Justice Ful
ler, announced Its decision (by a vote
of 6 to 4) wiping the Income tax law
out of existence as unconstitutional,
The majority vote was cost by the
chief justice and Justices Field, Gray,
Brewer and Shlros, the latter having
shifted his position since the former
decision, and made the majority
against the law. Then, for over two
hours, the four dissenters, Harlan,
Jackson, Brown and White, attacked
the decision, one after the other, In
opinions unprecedented In feeling and
earnestness, which made the proceed
ing as sensational as they were impor
tant. Justice Jackson, who surprised ev
erybody by appearing on the bench, as
his presence in Washington was un
known until today, was perhaps the
most Impressive of the dissenters, be
cause his condition was such that he
was obliged to read his opinion out of
its turn, and to leave the bench and
prepare to return to his Philadelphia
physician as soon as he had finished
the reading, which was Interrupted
from time to time by what seemed to
be painful fits of coughing; but Harlan
and White, who are fiery orators, were
the most dramatic, for they Sxko with
fervid eloquence, gesticulated freely,
and even pounded the desk. Their
opinions were really speeches (they
both said they would submit written
opinions later) and they caused a sen
sation In the court room.
Chief Justice Fuller read the opinion
of the majority, earnestly, but without
apparent feeling, and Justices Field
and Gray on his right, and Brwer and
Shiros on his left, who concurred with
him, looked with amazement at their
Impassioned colleagues as they de
nounced the decision which has been
Interest of Spectators.
The ladles of the Supreme court fami
lies in the reserved seats and the
throng of spectators jammed into the
few benches, for the public found the
three hours and twenty minutes of lis
tening as so much time In the senate
or the house on a day of a great de
bate. There was general Interest in
the fact that three of the four dis
senters who contended so eloquently
for the maintenance of national au
thority over taxation were southern
men, just as there was In the fact that
two of them were Democrats and two
Republicans, and that of the five north
ern men who annulled the law two were
Democrats and two were Republicans.
But there was nothing spring In the
chief justice's opinion, so that it was
not strange that the rousing eloquence
of the dissenting Justices moved their
sensibilities as It had not.
The very fact that the supreme court
opinions are by custom conservative
and conventional In form and expres
sion made the speeches of the dissent
ing Justices the more effective.
An Expense of Over One Hundred Thou
sand Dollars Already Incurred.
Washington, May 20. The experi
ment of reviving the income tax has
been rather a costly one to the United
States treasury. Up to date the cost
of preparing for the enforcement of the
law now declared unconstitutional by
the Supreme court aggregates about
$100,000. All the printing done In pre
paring blank forms of returns is of
course a dead loss. There were ap
pointed 240 deputy collectors of Inter
nal revenue for the especial purpose
of handling this tax, all of whom will
now be gradually dismissed. At some
of the larger offices a few special depu
ties may be kept for a short time to as
sist In closing up the work of refund
ing the money already paid. Up to
May 1 the amount paid In was: By
corporations, $16,642.59; by persons,
$56,521.54. Since that date about $7,000
have been received, making the total
In round figures $80,000. This money
will be refunded under section 3220 re
vised statutes upon application being
made to the commissioner of internal
revenue through the collector to whom
the tax returns was originally made.
One application has already been filed
for a return of the 'tax paid li. It was
made by ex-Senator Camden, of West
Virginia, who filed It five minutes after
Chief Justice Fuller announced the de
cision of the court.
Commissioner Miller says that under
the Income tax law as It passed con
gress, $40,000,000 would have been re
ceived, and in the shape In which the
first decision left It about $16,000,000
would have been realized. To have col
lected this would hove cost about $130,
000, or less than one per cent, of the
amount collected.
The records already filed by persons
and corporations in the office of the
commissioner of Internal revenue show
ing the items of income liable to taxa
tion, will be retained inviolate in the
office. They cannot be returned to the
original persons making them as they
have now become official papers of the
office, and their destruction or return
can only be authorized by act of con
gress. Extra Session May Be Mceeasary-
The abrogation of the income tax has
revived the rumor that an extra session
of congress will be necessary In order to
supply more revenue by Increased tax
ation or else that another Issue of bonds
will have to be made to nwet the situa
tion. President Cleveland announced
several weeks ago that no extra sessloh
of congress would be called, and those
close to him say that nothing has oc
curred since to Induce him to change
his mind. This reduces speculation to
figuring whether -the treasury can be
sufficiently sustained by its present
current receipts until the regular ses
sion of congress assembles and provides
measures for raising additional reve
nue. : Assistant Secretary Cuntls Is of the
opinion that the revenue will be suffi
cient, unless there Is a decided de
crease In receipts, which he does not
anticipate At tfio close of business to
day the available treasury balance
was $85,000,000, exclusive of the
gold reserve of $97,500,000. The Belmont-Morgan
syndicate owe the treas
ury about $10,000,000 on the last sale of
bonds, which, If added, would swell the
total of available funds, Including the
gold reserve, to $192,000,000. The deficit
for the year to date Is $51,000,000, with
the expectation that it will be reduced
by June 1 to $47,000,000 or $48,000,000 and
by July 1, the beginning of the new
fiscal year, the total deficit Is not ex
pected to exceed $52,000,000 or $53,000,000.
Because of the heavy appropriation
that then becomes available, notably
$5,000,000 for the sugar bounty, the de
ficit for the five months to Dec. 1, with
the receipts running no heavier than
now, it Is estimated will be about $35,
000,000. If this estimate is correct, and there
is no raid on the treasury's gold re
serve, the best opinion of treasury offi
cials 'is that no bond issue will be
necessary. Congress will, of course,
be expected to raise additional revenue
to replace the amount calculated to be
derived from the Income tax. Many
government officials favor increasing
the tax on beer to $2 per barrel to pro
vide the additional necessary reve
nues. This will yield, it Is said, be
tween $20,000,000 and $23,001 000, and
with the current receipts will provide
sufficient revenue to make the receipts
and expenses meet. ;
Shocking Discovery of Snlcido Made by
Per l.lttle Daughter.
New York, May 20. Arising from her
slumbers with a dreadful headache at
her parents' home, No. 1256 Third ave
nue, early yesterday morning, little
Leah Tauslg groped her way from tho
spot where she had slept beside her sis
ter, Blanche, in bed with their mother,
as both children supposed. In the
darkness and amid the dense fumes of
Illuminating gas Leah etumbled over
the body of her mother, Mrs. Hattle
Tauslg. The dead woman was bent In
a kneeling posture with a rubber hose
from the gas Jet in her mouth, and her
little daughter was not long in realizing
the shocking situation. Half looking
at, half feeling of the cold, crouching
figure, Leah discovered that her mother
had Inserted the gas hose in her mouth,
bound her head up with a towel, knot
ted the latter under the chin to pre
vent opening her mouth and letting the
gas escape to suffocate the children,
and had then breathed in the fumes of
death until they killed her, which was
several hours before the ghastly dis
covery was made.
Leah shrieked with all her might, and
this awoke and alarmed her stupefied
slater, Blanche. Together the terrified
little couple aroused their father, Elec
trician John Tauslg, who had Blept In
the next room.
TauBlg tried the door and found it
barricaded, but soon burst it open and
dragged the two children out. They
soon recovered. The gas did not escape
as readily into the room as it would
have done but for the fact that a win
dow was slightly open. It looked as if
Mrs. Tauslg had thought of the chil
dren and tried to make sure that they
should survive.
Mrs. Tauslg's Infant died recently
and the event so preyed upon her that
she had for several days been upon the
verge of insanity,
Almost Unanimous Support for the Son
of Maine.
Boston, Mass., 'May 20. The Globe
will publish tomorrow Interviews with
prominent Republicans throughout
New England In reply to the question,
"Will New England give Honorable
Thomas B. Reed Its entire support in
the next national convention?"
The Interviews Indicate that Maine,
New Hampshire, Vermont and Massa
chusette might send delegations favor
ing Reed, but that Connecticut is on
the fence, and Rhode Island In favor of
a Western man. The drift of opinion
seems to be that if New England falls
to nominate Reed, Its strength will be
thrown for McKlnley. Senator Frye
"Indications are that Maine will send
a solid delegation far Reed, and that the
other New England states will do the
Congressman DIngley said: "New
England ought certainly to stand solid
ly for Reed. I have not much doubt
New England will support him first,
last and all the time."
Governor Cleaves, of Maine said: "I
believe New England will give a hearty
and united support to Mr. Reed. He is
the party's natural leader for 1896."
Tho Magnificent Building in Philudilphla
Urine $45,000.
Philadelphia, May 20. For a long
time efforts on the part of the Knights
of Labor have been made to sell the
building used as the headquarters on
Broad street, this city, and occasion
ally rumors of a tale have been circu
lated only to be denied. Today, how
ever, the property changed owners, be
ing conveyed to J. Stout, a con
veyancer, for a consideration of $40,000.
The property cost the order $15,000
The building had been used as the gen
eral headquarters of the order for sev
eral ' years, having been purchased
while Mr. Powderly was the general
master workman.
Pie socials are a Lancaster fad.
A letter-box thief has been operating ex
tensively at Allontown.
Owing to a lack of local support, Erie's
proposed centennial celebration may be a
There Is talk of a Greater Bethlehem
to Join the three boroughs, although they
are In two counties.
In ten years Northampton county's an
nual expenditures have Increased from
$106,700.24 to $296,917.94.
While Farmer Frederick Funk slept, a
trolley car near Columbia smashed Ills
wagon and badly Injured the driver. -
Ex-Senator Lewis Emery, of Bradford,
has gone to Europe to anchor the foreign
end of the United States OH pipe line. ,
Reading hat manufacturers, who employ
about 1,800 hands, are debating whether
or not to restore former wages to end u
For eastern Pennsylvania, generally
fair; slightly warmer In northern portion.;
. Underweai
We call special attention to the following
sptelal numbers In GO WN6:
A Tucked Yoke Muslin
Ruffle Gowd,
At 69c. eaclj
Embroidered Yoke Cam
brie Gowns, 98c.,
Former price, $1.23
Empire, 5quare Neck,
Embroidered Ruffle
Gown, $1.15,
Recent price,' $1.54)
"The Fedora," Cambria
Gown, Square Neck,
Handsomely trimmed,'
$1.19, Recent price, $1.6$
Skirts in great variety,
The Umbrella Skirts,
Handsomely trimmed
with Lace and Em
broidery, from
$1.75 to $7.50 each
Spedals m OUKrea'a Oevns, Drawers and
Underwaists. Also
Children', Qtaghta Dream ana Boys' Gal
atea and Pique KUta. Examine the seeds aad
yoa will appreciate their value.
510 and 512
E A.
Agent for Charles A
Schieren & Co. 'a
The Very Baafc
313 Spruce St., Scranton
Tot the Youth, the Boy, the Kan, tht Feet
Our Shoes nake as bosy. Ill ana 115 Wyo
ming avenue, Wholesale and retail.
i -
A beautiful line of En -'
gagement and Wed-.
: ding Rings. Also a
fine line of
In Sterling Silver,
i DorfJinger's Cut Glass,
end Porcelain Clocks, ,
' , at
jw.j. WeichePs, .
Patent Leather '