V L EIGIIT rAGES -G4 COLUMNS. SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1895. TWO CENTS A COrY. a A Week AMONG AT SPECIAL PRICES. You mny gather together till the fabrics for spring and summer wear that ever j came from a loom, nnd look them over, , taking the full merit of each Into ac count, and after all Is said nnd done, you'll be bound to admit that there is not one In , the lot that will take the place of these 1 rich silken weaves, for solid comfort and unmatchable elegance. i t Bilks are no longer a luxury. A dozen different things have brought about a price revolution) In the silk markets of the j world, until the Queen of Textiles (Silk) has become a sort of people's fabric. The proof for this assertion lies In the Econ omic Silk Values which follow. Complete line 27-lnch Fancy entra in nMt Hmnll effects: also fancy Plalda and Clan Tartans for waists and children s wear. 50c. NO. 2 NO. 3 NO. 4 NO. 5 Another mixed lot white. navy and black grounds, with pots, figures and stripes; 20 pieces In all; value &c. to 7ac.; special price 39c. NO. 6 EXTRA SPECIAL For one week we will offer a capital range of the celebrated "IJbery" and China Silks manufactured by Cheney Uro., and guarantee them to be their well known standard 11.00 quality. Exqulslt patterns on Black, Navy and r Cream (rounds. Price for One Week Only 59 Cents. "SILKS. 10 Pieces w 22-lnch Silks, light grounds, with dainty stripes In deli-l I ( cate tints. An ideal silk for sum- I II nier waists. J I f assorted lot of figured Taffeta Silks, light, medium and I dark grounds in all sorts of ways; 1 II actual values range from 75c. to (I. J I V Price for choice, II Satin Rhadames, V II full range of desirable shadings, 1 1 and astonishing value at II jf 5 Pieces " If 27-lnch Black Taffeta YV II Silks, exactly the same thins 1 II as our usual (1.00 quality. This 1 1 V lot at II . . WAREHOUSE ..; MEMBERS BEFORE THE BAR Seventy-four Will He Arraigned for Contempt. TO MAKE AN EXAMPLE OP THEM Speaker Wnllon Decides That Something .Must Do Dodo to Secure Attention to llusliicss-Ciiow County Killed .Apportionment Talk. Special to the Scrnnton Tribune. llurrlsburg May 19. The congres sional, senatorial ami legislative ap portionment bills will come up in 1 lie house next Tuesday on tltial passage. There Is little opposition in the house to the congressional and senatorial ap portionment measures. The example of Governor Hastings In urging a general apportionment has liud a good effect. There Is talk that Senator Cameron, who comes up for re-eleetrlon two years hence, prefers to have the districts re main as they uxe. but Cameron's ob jections will hardly be strong enough to defeat an. apportionment. The argument Is used that the ohjert oss ought to puss the measures and leave the adjustment of the disputes to a conference committee. It (s believed a iotat committee of senators ml rep resentatives can fix up a satisfactory apportionment. However, If the re quirements of the constitution ore obeyed, a. number of people will be ad versely affected. The members from counties where the population has de clined are confident they have the peo ple now to entitle them to their pres ent representation. These objectors claim that as five years have passed since the census was taken it would be fair to wait until WOO rather than im pose a hardship on their counties. Smith's School Proposition. Representative Smith, of Redford. will make nn effort next week to se cure a larger share of the school fund for the sparsely settled districts. He has discussed the subject at great length with Senator Filnn, chairman of the senate education committee. The senator is inclined to favor Smith's proposition to give each school $50 and then divide the balance according to the number of taxables. provided that each school district raises by taxation half as much as U receives from the state. The rural members will be satisfied with S',0 a school, but some of them object to the condition that the districts must raise by taxation a sum equal to halt the appropriation received. On the other hand some city members are op posed to giving each school $50. Mr. Smith declares if the house rejects these amendments he will throw up the bill in disgust. Whether or not the school appropria tion will be scaled down to $10,000,000 for the next two years is a question. If the 122 members who signed the memorial appealing to Governor Hast ings to use his Influence against the proposed reduction stand together it certainly cannot be done. It is be lieved that many of them signed It out of courtesy to Representative Dambly. If it Is a question between charity and the schools, charity will undoubtedly win, for $10,000,000 will be set aside any how for the education of children. The general appropriation bill will probably be reported to the house this week. Then the great fight on the school ques tln will occur. The house Is not showing any mercy to the elections committee of the ses sion of 1S!3. There is a strong feeling that such investigations are distasteful to the people and a waste of money, es pecially when partisan decisions are rendered. All the appropriating bills of the committee to reimburse the members and ofllcors for their services have been defeated. An effort Is be ing made to have them reconsidered. I', this Is accomplished, and the bills lass. It Is believed Governor Hastings fill emulate the example of his prede cessor and veto them. The Heller-Lau-bach senatorial contest this session will cost $25,000. Senator Laubach Is a Democrat and the chances are he will not be disturbed. Members Ilcfore tho Bar. There will be a full house on Mon day evening for the first time since the opening of the session. The spectacle of seventy-four members under arrest for contempt for being absent without leave has seldom been witnessed at the state capital. In 1889, when Speak er Buyer had 100 representatives arrest ed for the same offense, he had con siderable trouble with some of ,the members. One of them, a well-known Thlladelphian, defied the speaker and refused to appear before the bar of the house, stating that it was a farce. Whether such a scene will be duplicat ed on Monday evening remains to be developed. At that time the absentees Insisted on arguing their case, and af ter a few had been heard the balance were dismissed. Speaker Walton knew what he was doing when ordered the arrest of these absent members, and his action meets with popular favor. The speaker has been much annoyed by the carelessness and tardiness of certain members. He feels that It was time to make example of somebody, nnd unfortunately, a number of good and faithful fellows were caught napping. Another nuis ance that is responsible for many de lays Is the constant reconsideration of bills that have been defeated by de cided majorities. The bill creating the office of deputy auditor general has been given another show. It was reconsidered last Thurs day, and Is again on the calendar for third reading and final piHsaJ:. It may be called up at the plesure of Its friends. Auditor General Mylln will make no changes In his department until the bill is disposed of. He Is anxious to have It become a law, as It Is clulmed the office is actually a neces sity. The auditor general, with the ex ceptlon of the adjutant general, Is the only official at the state capital who J does not have a deputy. The bill In creasing the salary of the adjutant gen- ' oral from $2,600 to $3,000 will come ui In I the house next Tuesday on A special I order for third reading and final pas sage. Judging from the unanimity with which It passed second reading laBt "week It Is thought the bill will pass. It I has gone through the senate. The Grow county movement has been killed by a single blow from Attorney General MoCornilck. He has given the commissioners .to make tho survey for the proposed county nn opinion which effectually bars Its prompters from ac complishing their purpose. The deci sion will have an important bearing on future movements for tho erect Ion of new counties. The attorney general de cides that the words "county neat" In the act of 1S78, where It says "no part of a new oounty shall be within ten miles of the county Droit," means the "county town" nnd not the buildings In which the business of the county Is done. Under this decision the area of Grow county Is reduced to less than 400 miles as required by the constitution. In locating the proposed county the description miulred the commissioners appointed by Governor Hustings to run u circular line of about thirty miles Kng as a limit to the county. In exe cuting their work they took the count house at Wllkes-Barre ns the center of the circular line, Instead of taking the limits of that city as a common' center to the line. Tho question appeared to be oue requiring a legal interpretation, and Ivfore tiling their report the com- n tsBlom-rs submitted the question to Attorney general McPormlok, who holds that the term "county seat In the con stitution nnd the net of 1878 menus the county town" nnd not the actual busi ness place of conducting the olllclal affairs of the county. On the plan adopted by tho commis sioners I hey found territory enough for the proposed county to meet the re quirements of the constitution. Being required, however, to modify their re port in conformity with the opinion of the attorney general there will not bo enough territory in the proposed county to amount to 400 square miles. It was Intended to creaito Grow county out of a portion of Luzerne county nnd make Shlckshlnny the county seat. The movement was started to offset that for Quay county, which Is proposed to be created out of portions of Schuylkill and I.uzerae counties. The boomers of Quay county will call up the bill In the house next Wednes day and e-ndoavor to pass It finally. There will doubtless be a full nouse, as the members who have been absenting themselves for some time ami nre in contempt will try and purge them selves before the house and their con stituents by giving more attention hereafter to their duties. The Monon- iln la county bill Is still In the senate committee on new counties and county seats. BIS FIRE AT ST. ALBANS. Greater Portion of tho Iluslncss Section of the City Is Reduced to Ashes-Five Hundred Homeless. f Aihnna Vt.. May 19. The mo3t erntion which lias ever visited Vermont, this afternoon laid waste a great portion of the Dusiness in town. The fire started at 8 o'olock in the lumber yard of W. S. Fonda, and a high south wina causea the flames to enter the every heart of the town. In five minutes the Are was raging In a dozen different places, and the tire companies were powerless. The I Is estimated at three-quarters of a million dollars. Fully 500 people are to night without shelter. Forty Dusiness places were destroyed, together with at least 100 tenements, to say nothing of other places. At nbout 5.30 o'clock help arrived from niirltnirtMii n ml Swanton. By this time. however, the fire was under control, although it extended Its lines here and there. The flames jumped from the lumber yard to the center of the town In an Instant, passing over a territory fnllv Rfio vRnls In extent, without doing any damage. From the center of the town the conflagration passed north ward, destroying in its progress me new government building, the extensive plant of the St. Albans' Dally Mes senger and job print, and streets of business houses and tenements. The fir, m,.a are now under control, but are being steadily watched to prevent a sec ond outreak. On II Hamilton Sinking. Washington. May 19. Mary Abigail Dodge (Call Hamilton) It Is reported to night has been slowly sinking all day and her death. It Is feared, may be only a question of a few houVs. For two tlavs Miss Dodge has been unconscious to her surroundings. Their Wages Increased. Norrlstown, Pa., Mny 19. The Norrln town Woolen company, employing nearly 400 hands, have made an Increase In wages of 10 per cent, to go Into effect at once. Tho mill Is compelled to run on "double turn" to fill orders. STATE GLEANINGS. A rich vein of paint ore was discovered near Pottsvillo. The Bank of Pittsburg yesterday built a bonfire of 300 old bank notes. Because tho gold cure wouldn't cure him, J. H. Frcese, of Pittsburg, hanged himself. Liquor dealers at Lnncaster and Colum bia have organized a branch of the State leaguo, , While looking for work at Royersford, Albert Hartman, of Lebanon, was killed by a train. Pennsylvania farmers say tho wheat crop never looked more promising at this season than It does now, F.lghteen rattlesnakes In one den were killed by Jomes O'Connor's lumbermen at Ulnckwell's, Lycoming county. Fulling Into a vat of boiling tannery liquid at Trout Run, above Wllllamsport, Henry Dally was fatally scaldod. TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. Tho annual council of the Mount Ver non Lucl Inn' association Is In session at Washington's home. , ' Wagers of $15,000 will fall to Colonel John Bradbury, of Los Angolos, Cal., if ho makes a trip around tho world in ninety duys. On suspicion of having murdered Nils Paulsen, a stonecutter, at Brockton, Mass., Petor Wlngate, a peddler, Is under arrest. Deserted by her husband, Mrs. Knto Reeves, of Pine Bluff, Ark., choked her 3-year-old child to death, and then took chloroform. After two attempts to burn a school house at Phllllpsburg, N. Y., dynamite was found In tho coal box and the neigh borhood is greatly alarmed. The'y hung the Jury instead of the mur derer at Cleveland, Tenn., In the case cf the killing of Dr. N. P. Griffith last May by W. L. Steakly, In a political row. - A granddaughter of ' Dean Richmond, former president of the New York Central railroad, will contest Mrs. Richmond's will, which out her off on account of nor mother, EARTHOUAKES IN ITALY The City of Plorcncc Thrown Into a Panic by Shocks. HOUSES SWAYED LIKE SHIPS MudJcnod Crowds Hush from the The atres and Many Are Klllcd-At Lap pnggl forty Houses Are lllown Pown-Tho Population Awed. Florence, May 19. The population of this city was thrown into a state of panlo loet night by a Beries of earth quakes that did much damage here and In other places. The shocks wero so violent that houses swayed like ships in a seawuy, and. In a number of cases, roofs fell in, injuring many persons who had sought sarety In flight. The wildest scenes were at the theatul'S, where performances were going on us usual. Tho first shock caused those In the audiences to look wuuderlugly at each other. Then the earth swayed again, and amid shouts of "earth quukn" the crowds made wild rushes for the exits. Mad with terror, no re spect was shown for the women, weak or aged, and In the crush many were badly hurt. Upon reaching the strcetH the crowds from the theaters met those who hud fled from their dwellings, and tho excitement that ensued mude con fusion worse confounded. At Grasslna, a suburb of Florence, the shocks were very violent. The ex tent of the earth movement may be Judged from the fact that a loaded omnibus was overturned. Twelve resi dents of Grasslna were hurt. A num ber of persons refused to re-enter their houses during the night. After the first severe shocks there were repeated lighter ones. The seis mic disturbances were felt at Lucca, I'ontedera and generally throughout Tuscany. The center of the movement was at Florence.where, for many years, nothing similar has occurred. Around Florence a number of houses wero destroyed, and four persons were killed. At the time of sending this dis patch full details are wanting, but It is believed that later reports from the country affected will show that there has been a considerable number of lives lost. The Prince of Naples, the Crown Prince, who Is residing in the royal palace here, visited several points dur ing the night, inspecting the damage that had been done. At 4 o'clock this morning he started for Grasslna. Forty Houses Wrecked. As further reports of the earthqunke come to hand, the extent of the dis aster widens. At Lappaggi, a village near Grasslna, no less than forty houses were thrown from their foundations and completely wrecked. A sad feature of the disaster at this place was the finding of the body of a young mother with her Infant clasped to her heart, crushed to death oeneath the falling walls of her home. Great damage was clone In Florence. Today an Investigation was made by the municipal authorities, who esti mated that 3,000 houses were damaged. The cathedral, an Imposing example of Italian gothic architecture, and prob ably the most remarkable building of Its kind in Europe, was somewhat dam aged. The director of the observatory, of whom many anxious Inquiries were made today, does not venture to proph ecy a recurrence of the dlaturance, but further shocks are feared. The npismlc manifestation of last night was the most violent that Flor ence has known since 1,445, the earth quake of 1730, which was historical In the annals of the city, having been slighter. The population of the city was awed by the disaster. Crowds wander about the streets, their only topic of conver sation being of shocks. Kverybody Is anxiously awaiting the coming of the night, the fear being general that the quakes will then ngnln occur. Many persons have entirely abandoned their homes and Intend to pbnss the night It, places where there will be no danger of buildings falling upon them. A despatch received this evening from Naples, the scene of so many disastrous earthquakes, says there has been no disturbance In that district. So far as known now the disaster was worst at Grasslna. ST KIKE IS IlKOKEN. Labor Operations Will lie Resumed at the Minefield Today. niuefleld. W. Va,, May 19. It has been definitely settled tha't operations will be resumed in four of the largest Went Virginia mines on Tuesday. These mines are lr the heart of the Elkhorn district. Militia are In readi ness, but Governor McCorkle will not let them move until Btrlkers actually attack the works. If these operations go along successfully the strike can not succeed. There was considerable firing at the Virginia soldiers stationed at Pocuhontofl last night. The shooting was from the West Vir ginia side. In one case a bullet struck th door of a house at the works; In another a ball struck the earth within a few Inches of a soldier. The mis creants keep themselves safely hidden In the brush and timber. INCOME TAX DECISION. Tho Announcement F.xpoetod Today Mny Again no Postponed. Washington, May 19. The supreme court of the United States will re-'as-semble tomorrow. It Is expected that the decision upon the Income tax cases will be announced tomorrow, but It Is not absolutely certain that this will be done. One fact, however, seems conclusive ly established, which Is that the fate of tho income tax law has been definitely settled one way or the other. That point was settled when the court met In the conference on May 11, and Jus tice Jackson announced his views and caet his vote. So that there IB nothing In the rumor that a further consulta tion 1h necessary before the decision can be' stated. ' Should the chief Justice announce the opinion and Judgment of the court to morrow this announcement may not be made until some time after the court convenes, at 12 o'clock., Decisions are expected tomorrow In about twenty oases, some of them of considerable Importance, and which have been un der consideration for months. Under ordinary circumstances the court would adjourn tomorrow for the summer recess, but the condition of business is such that It la probable the adjournment for the term will not taku place before June 30. ATTACKED IJY MEXICANS. twenty American Surveyors Are Killed hy t anners. El Paso, Tex., May 19. Information was received here last night of a bloody local revolt which broke out In a set tlement between tho town of Guada louo Otilvo and Vnrvagam, In the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, a few days ago. The itroulle began when the na tives living In the dlKtrlot attacked a surveying party under C. P. Morrison, nn American, nnd killed twenty of the firty. The affair was reported to tho commnnder of Mexican troops at Par rot, who Immediately started a le ti hmenit of 100 men to the soine. Lost Wednesday the troops were assaulted by the natives and rotix-ated, leaving half of their dead and wounded on the battle ground. The appointment of the American, Morrison, to Hurvey government land which Is now occupied by native farmers, caused the trouble. Morrison was to receive a certain portion of the land for his work. The natives num ber about 2.000 men. Troops have been ordered from Chihuahua to quell the revolt. Morrison escaped. ST0BY OF AWFIL Ml'BDEIL Young Girl's Uody II irrlhly Mtitilutcd by Nccrocs-Tlio Ticnds Aro Tortured by Maddened Whites. Ellavllle, Fla., May 19. iMIks Mamie Armstrong, tho daughter of a promi nent farmer, left her homo six days ago to spend it he night with a neighbor, who lived about two miles distant. The next day Miss Armstrong's father went to tho house of tho neighbor to bring his daughter home, and was surprised and alarmed to hoar 'that nothing hud been seen of her. Mr. Armstrong alarmed the neigh bors and searched for the missing girl. The searclu-rs found the corpse of M1R9 Armstrong in a clump of bushes. In the woods. The body of the girl was in a horrible condition. Every shred of clothing had been -.torn oft, and (the had been assaulted. Her head was crushed and her throat cut. It was evident that girl had made a desperate light, for under her nails were found pieces of black cuticle which she had torn from her assail ants. After caring for the manglfd corpse, the enraged whites began a search for the perpetrators of tho deed. As they approached the home of Sam IJthols, the negro ran out and started for the woods, but was stopped with a bullet, which wounded him slightly. The uesro waa examined and his face found to be scratched. Threatened with Instant death, he confessed that h with Sim Crowley and John Brooks, had murdered her. Echols said that they kept the girl twenty-four hours before killing her. Most of the time Miss Armstrong was unconscious. Having secured the negroes Implicat ed by Echols, the white men took them to a dense swamp on the Suwanoe river, where they were tortured. Just what manner of death was meteu out to the negroes Is not positively known, but It Is reported that they were flayed alive and then burned. The scene of the crime and triple lynching Is near large phosphnte mines, In which are employed many negroes of the worst class. Assaults on white women have been frequent, and within six months twelve negroes have been lynched in that vicinity. ODD FELLOWS GATHERING. Annual Sessions of the Grnnd I.odgo to lie Held nt Philadelphia. Philadelphia, May 19. Tho coming week will be a memorable one in the hlrtory of Odd Fellows, not only of this state, but of the entire country. The annual session of the grand lodges and graund encampment of Pennsylvania, which is to be held here for the first time In twenty years, will be In itself an event of great Importance. Added to this, however, will be the much more Interesting and Important dedication of the new temple, which Is the greatest structure of Its kind In the counry. Theceremonles Incidental to tho dedi cation and the sessions of the encamp ment will bo most elaborate and will occupy tho entire week. Odd Fellows from all parts of tho country, with many othor out-of-town visitors, who, though non-members, are deeply Inter ested in tho event, have already be gun to arrive, and it Is expected hat there will be nt lenst 100,000 visitors In tho city when tho week's ceremonies begin. The grand lodge nnd other members of the order to the number of about 800 attended divine services In the Tabernacle Baptist church this morn ing, l'tcv. George E. Reese, pastor of the church, preached an Interesting ser mon upon the coming week of celebra tion. Trench llnvo Pcfcnted Hovns. Tarls, Mny 19. An olllclal cable dispatch sent from Majunga, Madagascar, today, states that the French have defeated the llovas at Saknlave, killing Blxty of them. A French lieutenant and twelve men were wounded, Intercnlleglnto Shoot. New Haven, Conn., May 19. The dnto of the Intercollcglato gun club shoot hns been ngnln changed. It will tnko plnce next Friday aftornoon at Princeton. Har vard, Princeton and Yalo will compete. WASHINGTON CHAT. ' It Is thought tho president will soon put the 913 doputy Internal revenuo collectors under civil service rules. The fraud order Issued by the poslof nce department against D. F. Beatty, of Washington, N. J., has been revoked on a tittering. . ' 'Tho' United States supreme court will bo asked to decide whether a letter car rier who stole a docoy lettor Is guilty of mall robbery. , - ' , . . .The first of the new Korean students to bo sunt out by th government for a west ern education reached Washington Thurs day as an attache to the legation. . Major C. C. Snlffen, paymaster. United States army, who was of tho olllclal white house staff during Grant's administration, has been ordered from Texas to New York city, and Is having a "good time" at the capital en route. ' BUGS B BETRAYED Secret Circulars Pull Into the Hands of Conservatives. CIKCl'LAKS AKE DISTRIBUTED Antl-llrlggs Delegates Seek to Make Capital from tho Secret Instructions in I'nvor of Dr. Pago-Ilriggs Men to Ho Dropped. Pittsburg, May 19. Quietly circulated among the leaders of the general 03 Bemlily here today were several copies of a type-written circular containing the secret Instruction's which were sent out from Now York to commissioners elect In anticipation of the meeting of this assembly. These circulars bear the marks of the Presbyterian league, an Institution founded upon the lines of the old peace and work combine three years ago, which tried to save Dr. Ilrlggs from his persecutors when the famouj heresy trial was on in New York. The league whs organized to undo the woik of the Portland and Washington as semblies, whose deliverance upon the truthfulness of the Bible created such a panic among the liberals, and to se cure a reversal of the assembly finding In the case of Union and Lane sem inaries. Some copies of these circulars fell into worthy hands and tlwy are now in the possession of the conserva tive leaders. The circular bfars date of May 11 and contain:) full Instructions as to tho management of the general assem bly In the matter of its organization. It urges the election as moderator of a western man, and Dr. William N. Pag, of Kansas, is proposed as an eligible candidate calculated to Inspire confi dence in the peace- loving commission (s. The clrciiln- contains Information as to Dr. Booth's antipathy, tind s.ains tin- wcui'in del.'gate:i of the dangers that would result If he wero chosen. It described Dr. Boolh as dic tatorial and severe, and urges all peace loving, falr-mlndeil commissioners to come forward to the support of Page and defeat Dr. Booth. Prcthyiuriun l.ffagiic Accuse I. These circulars are being diligently employed by the leading conservatives to strengthen their cause in the as sembly. They say that It Is the promo-tors of the Presbyterian league who have ruined the missionary boards of the church. The leaders of the league are th-a controlling directors of thii homo and foreign boards and it is be cause of the church's distrust of the&? men that the .contributions to the boards have fallen off bo heavily. John Crosby Brown's term as di rector of the honii board expires this year and he has been recommended by the secretaries for re-election. Thomas Hastings, president or Union seminary. Is alpo In the secretaries' lint for re election. Ezra Kingslcy and Dr. John Balcotnsliaw, directors In Union sem inary, are reported by the secretaries of the foreign missions good for re election. These men are all pronounced Briggs men. Thjlr names will. It Is said, be quietly dropped in tho com mittee room. The circular is being used to accomplish this result. Dr. Charles L.Thompson Is also on the outgoing list of home missionary di rectors, but his name will not be scratched this year. Although his Brlggslsm Is of the most pronounced type the line, Is to bo drawn at Union seminary and he has no connection with that Institution. DR. BOOTH'S SERMON. lie Delivers nn Kloqucnt Address to a Congregation of Ministers. Pittsburg, May 19. The commission ers to the Presbyterian General assem bly distributed themselves today over tho city, taking In the sermons of the churches' greatest preachers. Modera tor Booth attracts the largest number. His congregation was nn audience of grcy-hnlred ministers, many of them worthy to be called fathers o? the church. It was an audience such as a Presbyterian preacher may hope to face but once In his existence, as It can be gathered only by the honored name of moderator. Dr. 'Booth departed from the rule of moderators and preached a gospel sermon. Previous moderators, led by the burn ing Interests in the theological disputes before the assemblies which they have been called to moderate, have chosen to defend the faith of the church in the Bible and standards. Bjit Dr. Booth picked out a theme that might suit any pastor In nny pulpit, far removed from theological controversy and doctrinal strife. His subject was: "Chrlr.t Lifted up to Draw the World Unto Him." TROLLEY ACCIDENT. Several Passengers Injured by Collision on lliooklvn Mac. Brooklyn, N. Y., Mny 19. A trolley accident occurred at Twenty-second avenue nnd Eighty-sixth street, Bcn sonhurst, this afternoon, by which seven persons were Injured, several of them being seriously hurt. The acci dent was caused by a trolley car of the Second avenue line of the Brooklyn heights rond being run Into by a car of the same line. The cars were full of passengers nt the time. Tho accident caused a panic among tho passengers, and several women fainted. A number of persons who were cut by flying glass went homo without having their wounds dressed. Motor man Poch W. Smith and Conductor Al bert Burke, of the latter car, were ar rested on tho charge of criminal negli gence. SENSATION AT ATLANTA. An Investigation Will Ho Made of Ac counts of Grnnd Secretary Daniel. Atlanta, Gn., May 19. A sensation was caused here today over the an nouncement that an Investigation would be made of the actions and accounts of Grand Secretary Daniel, of the Order of Railway Conductors, which Is In session here. Tho Constitution obtained a circular which had been secretly dis tributed, charging Mr. Daniels with prostituting his oflloe for private pur poses, nnd flaming with other virulent denunciations. An Investigation has been called for by the secretary, and a committee will be In session for that purpose tomorrow. Mr. Daniel has held the position sev- enteen years, but was defeated two dayB ago by Martin Clancy, of Kent, Ohlu. ELOPEMENT AND TRAGEDY. The Hride's Brother and the Groom's - llrother Killed in a I'lght. MlddleBboro, Ky., May 19. A few days ago Henry Cooley, of this place, eloped with Salllo Dains, the two crossing Into West Virginia, where thoy wero married. Miss Dains' brothers had long opposed tho suit of Cooluy, nnd when they learned of the elopinent they declared their Intention of killing their sister's husband. Marshall Cooley, a brother of Henry, intercepted the newly married couple at Pond Gap, five miles from here, and warned them of the fate lii store for thvrii. While they were deliberating liio best course to pursue, the Dains trothi rs came up and a light instantly ensued. Marshall Cooley and George Da'ns wer) killed outright. Henry and his bride escaped injury. CUBA'S NEW ALLY. ICx-Sccrctary of H'ur of Venezuela Joins llcr I'orccs. New York, May 19. General Rlcardo Do tjueseda, ex-seort-tary or war, of Venezuela, and a brother of the presi dent of that republic under the lirst revolution, has come here to offer him self to the Cub-in Insurgents as a volun teer, and it is said he is bringing large supplies of men and troops to them, and that he will In all probability re ceive charge of the insurgent forces in Cuba. Many Cubans ami South Ameri cans culled on him during the day, and It Is understood he received many of fers of financial and personal assist ant. Tho Cubans are highly elated over their new ally. During the last war he landod four of the biggest expeditions that went to Cuba. Ho was personally in many of the pitched battles that took place during- the war, and con sidering the odds against him, made a wonderful showing: HOURS WITHOUT FOOD. Miss Hcllc Nnttins of Dcs .Moines Nearly Stnivcs lo Death in n Hotel Itoom. Dos Moines, la.. May 19. Tuepiny evening Miss Belle Nutting, a teacher in the Kart Side schools in this city, disappeared from home and her where abouts was not discovered until thl3 morning, when she was found In a room at a leading hotel, where she had been since 10 o'clock Tuesday night without food or attendance of any kind. She explains h.r action by saying that she was taken with a fainting spell and went to the hotel to recover, expecting to g home early in 'the morning, and therefore did not notify her family of her whereabouts or con dition. Her Illness continued and It was only by the publication of her dis appearance that her presence at the hotel was discovered. She pajd In ad vance for lodgings, and did not ord r meals or go to th dining-room. The room was thought vacant, but was not assigned during the intervening time. ..... FAITH IN FORTUNE TELLER. Rochester Clergyman Consults on Old Scor About His Son's Disappearance. Rochester. N. Y., May 19. Acting on the advice of an aged fortune teller named Hurtcr, Kev. J. It. Davis, pastor of the Methodist church as Sodus, Wayne county, hns ordered a search of Sodus Bay for the body of his son. Jay S. Davis, and a companion, Fred Fisher, who disappeared from the village late Saturday night. Tho men are supposed to have been murdered and the asser tion of the fortune teller to that effect has convinced Pastor Davis and the vil lagers that such Is the case. The bay was dragged peveral times today, but without result. Tho fortune teller is believed, hov.ever, as a short time ago she told that a man who nnd disappeared could be found at Bay Bridge In an upright position. When search was made the ody was found as she had described. RESCUED HY LIFL-SAVERS. A Coffee Enrkcntine Goes Ashoro In North enrol inn. Norfolk, Va., Mny in. The big four masted bnrkontine Josephine, of Balti more, from Hlo to Baltimore with colTee, went nshoro hint nlprht near Nittl.o Island Life Saving Station on the North Carolina coast. The surf was running high ainlhe crew of the station began effors to land the men. For two bourse they battled with wind and wave, but succeeded In land ing the crew of thirteen men In the surf boat. The vessel Is In a had position and will probably prove a total loss. MUKUF.KK1) CHILI! FOUND. Workmen Spading in a Unrdcn I nearths the Crime! Oxford, Ta., May 13. A horrible dis covery was made hero by Washington Taylor while shading a garden. Be unearthed the body of a girl child which had probably been buried three months ago. , Tho coroner huld nn Inqtirnt this evening, nnd it is believed that 1hv chlhl was murdered and burled In the garden at nlKht. lie Know It Was Loaded. Philadelphia. May 19. Charles P. Simp son, for many years 11. prosperous dry goods merchnut of this city, was found iloail In, his room nt tho Keynton hotul this morning, having killed himself by In haling illumlnntlug gas. The old man's preparations for suicide were well taken. Bo attached a rubber tube to the gas burner ami burying his head In the bod clothing took tho other end of tho tube in his mouth and Inhaled tho gas until he was dead. About live years ago Air. Simp son failed In business ' and lost every thing. This, coupled with Ill-health, mndo him despondent and led him to suicide. F'OULICN GOSSIP. Manchester offers to forego Interest on Its :,r,toXMKl0 loan to tho ship canal until trulllc improves. Blmetalllnts In tho lower hoimo of tho Trusslnn .diet will try to force through a motion Blmllar to that adopted by tho upper house. The debate was begun In tho German relchBtag on tho proposed changes In the taxation of sugnr, In order to benoilt the boot growers. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, generally fa'r and cooler; variable winds, becoming northerly. HNiEY OUR MAY SALE OP MiusHn Underwear BEGINS TODAY. TTe call special attention totha following special numbers in GOWNS: A Tucked Yoke JYlusHn Ruffle Gown, At 69c. eacl Embroidered Yoke Cam bric Gowns, 98c, Former price," $1.2S Empire, Square Neck, Embroidered Ruffle Gown, 31.15, Recent price $2.5(1 The Fedora," Cambric Gown, Square Neck, Handsomely trimmed $1.15, Recent price, $ i Skirts in great variety, The Umbrella Skirts, Handsomely trimmed with Lace and Em- ; broidery, from $1.75 to $7.50 each FpeMAls In Children Gowns, Drawers and L'ndorwaisU. Also Children's Oinghnm Draiu and Boys' Oat tea anui'iquo Kilts. Examine the goods as J yon will appreciate their valuo. 510 and 522 LACKAWANNA AVENLB EL A. KINGSBURY, Agent for Charles A. Schieren & Co.'s Leathei The Very Best, 313 Spruce St., Scranton. Patot Leatlsr M Russet S&oss fx, For the Youth, tha Eoy, the iian, thai? Fecfc Our Shoes make us biiay. 114 and 118 Wyo ming aronua. Wholasals and retail. LEWIS.MIXY k BAVIES ecelv- A beautiful line of En ' gagement and Wed : ding Rings. Also a fine line of WtBBING PRESENTS . In Sterling SJEver,' Dorflinger's CiatGJass, and Porcelain Clocks, t ' . . r ' (W i. Weichel's, . 403 Spruce Street meg" R ed i