The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 18, 1895, Page 9, Image 9

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.Facts "of I interest .
To Women Readers
Symposium of
t - Partly Gossipy
- The brand new womu of today, the lim
scl up to dnto,
Hu core Upon the ftcona te stay with en-
' ergy slate.
Tb,e all y telegraph machine, the bis typo-
" writar she
WakeB dally into rosy, lift and rippling
' melody.
But on early triumph new aha makes a
great advance,
Till . her commercial triumphs have the
spiirit of romance.
.Her bloomers soon uhe'll gayly don and
, under fortune's star.
She'll be an alderwoman or she'll drive
the bobtail car;
She'll sit on tho Judicial bench, as happy
as a Turk,
And leave her humble lord at homo to
Bcrub and do the work;
He'll have to put ths kids to sleep and
sweep the Harlem flat
And ask her for the bloomlnr cash to buy
a winter hat.
Pull soon her lord will take the floor to
talk about his plights, ..
And try to form a brotherhood to strive
. far husbands' rights.
The brand new woman, of today she'll
make things hum and hop
And, in the language of the bard, she'll
always be on top.
Oh, she will guide- the ship while he within
the castle lolls
To make the church fair tidies end the
church fair paper dolls.
And while she goes to routs and balls and
fills her. life with fun,
. He'll wring, his hands and weep and moan:
. "Man's work Is never done!"
., " . , Exchange.
A writer in. (the Sun Is disposed to put
apon American husbands a large share
f .the blame for the unsatlsfaotoriness
f Arierican wives and mothers. This
!s her arguments "It may be said that
every girl on marrying means to make
her husband 'a good wife, and that she
would di so If she-had a chance. But
what Is tho history of moat marriages?
The honeymoon ' c; ver, friends are re
selved'and the- brjde rushes Into a sys
tem of Innocent hospitality to show how
well she can keep house, and after a
while ith husband begins to find what
he cells tamo cait parties' a trifle dull.
Whait does ho do? Does be lay himself
out to be es entertaining ' as In the
flays of courting? Does the wife get
the same attention, Are her -wishes
;onsldered to the same extent? Does
he take the same Interest In her trivial
household news? Does he still tell her,
ind what Is more, show her, that he
ttlll thinks her peerless among women,
ind that while he does not wish to
make a recluse, of her, 'he still prefers
her society alona as he did In their
happy' courting' days? Is the fact not
rather that, as soon as the novelty of
new association wears off, the . man
takes the' first iplunge, and. In small
things at first, begins to neglect the
woman; Instead of taking one certain
night for his club, to take several; to
lay business keeps him. out late and
five tho truth away half a dozen times
the next day, thinking his wife docs not
find this out because she is at first too
hurt and too proud to speak of it?
Then she, too, takes her own path and
is thrown in; with other women who
- have lost all home ties, all home .inter-,
ists. even in ithelr children. Is It any
wonder that the woman grows careless,
purposeless, given up to dress, not for
men but for women, and finally objects
to an evening at home even with a
friend to dinner, and dreads a tete-a-tete
"with her husband a thousand
lime more than anything else in the
' world?" If she does not develop into
t frivolous nonentity, she takes the
ther extreme and becomes hard and
materialistic -i
' ' . "The fault lies largely with the men.
tf tliey would take one-half the trouble
to choose their -wives as they do their
jlerks, their horses, or their dogs, and
!f they gave them one-half the true con
lideration to which they are entitled,
ind ceased to regard them as so much
necessary impedimenta and furniture
iround the' house; if they chose them
for life companions instead of because
lome one else admired them or some
other foolish idea, the young American
woman 6f today would be a very dif
ferent creature in- the human gamut,
and no one would be more pleased with
the change than she herself. She may
not know this at 20 years, but at 40 the
Divine Word could not persuade her to
the contrary- ' And, again, is it not
more than possible that when the hus
band of the present learns enough to
:ontinue to act something more like
the love of the past, the new woman
' will evaporate even more quickly than
!he has sprung into being?"
" Safely at rest within its floury bin,
. iThe 'rolIlng plnr- . ", '
Erstwhile tho weapon dlro of many a
fray '
Is laid away; -
Long, lean, and lank, the terrifying broom
In closet gloom -. ,
Dreams of the time when it (oh, labor
, vain!)
Raised dirt and Cain,
Ilowly the flat-iron, coated gray with dust,
Fallot h to rust;
Every object used in past dispute
Lies still and mute.
ioftly the clock In this domestlo bower .
Chimes midnight's hour;
Blthely he fits his key into the door-
Not as of yore.
Did he thus unmolested come and go.
His wife, you know-,'
Belongs to seventeen clubs with more In
. Hail.. Woman New!
A ,. New York Meroury1, '
' : ' 4 ' '' .
if Uie announcement Is accurate that
sleeves are ito be bigger than ever the
cotajng season then it is necessary that
the arm of the law be invoked. There
Is a precedent for this, for as early as
IKS the town of Dedham, Mass.,
adopted the following: "And be it
further en'aotccT :That hereafter no per
, son whatsoever shall make a garment
for women or any other sex with sleeves
more than half an ell wldo in the widest
part and so proportionate for bigger or
smaller persons, j And for. the present
reformation" 'of Immoderate 'great
sleeves and. some other, -superfluities
which may easily be redressed without
much prejudice or soli of garments It
Is ordered," etc.
":; . " ;' .' :. . - .'
Some satisfactory cqtnmon sense is
Infused. -Into- he '(new wpmah" discus
sion by Wiliyim Dean Howells, who In
last week's -Issue of Harper's Weekly
confesses 46 doubts-'as to the existence
f the w tromanJon any extended
loal."Mr. tHowells, alluding; to the
appearance cf . the advanced and "liber
ated" woman who-figure In so muoh of
ths lat . English flot Ion, says: "The
writers seem to havo oreated her, and
Information, Partly Grave,
and Partly Gay.
ths readers believe In her. There has
always been the woman who goes to
lengths and breadths in her talk, and
the woman who goes to lengths and
breadths lh her behavior; and undoubt
edly now there Is a tendency to free
women from the control of mere con
vention moro and more, which Is a very
good thing. Men have to let them ask
why men may do certain wrong things
and women may not, but apparently
they do not abuse this right to go and
do the wrong things because men have
no good answer to make. Bo much of
new womanhood as this seems to be' In
the air, and the air Is all the fresher
and purer for it, but If any one will ob
serve the facts, will he find more than
this? The new woman to tho type of
woman whom Active art is Just now
dealing with, because she amuses and
because she is easier to do than the
woman with leas salient characteris
tics. We notice her in life because wo
have found her in books, and because
wo have begun to notice her In life she
abounds In books more and more and
again more In life. One cannot say Just
how suoh things originate or how they
will end. An artist draws a succession
of charming piatureS from some tall,
slender girl; the tall, slender girl seoms
to step from them Into the street, and
then you can get nothing but tall,
slender girls in any of the illustrations.
Nature and art seem to play Into each
other's hands, and by and by they seem
to get tired of this plaything or that,
and suddenly drop it Perhaps In time in
a very short time the new woman will
be flung out on the dust heap with her
clothes In tatters, her nssa broken, an
eye gone, an arm pulled out and the
sawdust oozing from every pore."
Creamed Codfish. Flake enough cod
fish (we prefer the boneless codfish,
which comes In packages,, for all dishes
demanding flaked fish) to make three
cupfuls. Wash) it well, squeezing it
perfectly dry. Pour over a teacupful
of cold water, and let soak five or six
hours (over night If for breakfast).
Place to boll in this water, and add a
pint of cream or very rich milk. Let It
Just reach the boiling point. Have
ready two teaspoonfuls of butter
rubbed into a tablespoonful of flour,
and a beaten egg, to which you have
added a tablespoonful of water. First,
add the butter and flour, and, as soon
as It begins to simmer, remove It from
the fire and add the beaten egg, stirring
briskly. Add a little pepper. Pour into
a deep platter, and serve with a border
of new potatoes (either steamed or
boiled.) When these are out of season,
serve in a border of mashed potatoes,
beaten until creamy.
Creamed Codfish with Eggs. Prepare
the codfish precisely as given above.
Ten minutes before serving time, put
as many eggs as you wish (half a dozen,
more or less) into a quart cup or basin,
cover them with boiling water, and lot
them stand where the water will keep
hot, but not boil, for ten minutes. Dur
ing this time, have the fish transferred
to a hot pktttor; drain the eggs when
done, cover them, with cold water,
carefully remove the sheila, and lay
them here and there upon the fish.
Codfish Stew. A teacupful of flaked
fish, soaked ten minutes In cold water
and squeezed dry. Simmer in a pint of
Tempt tli mareft,
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water for five minutes. 'Add, first, a
tablespoonful each of flour end butter,
rubbed together; next, two eggs and
two tablespoonfuls cream after taking
from the fire. Pepper to taste.
Austrian (Pudding. Twelve ounces
flour, three ounces suet, one-half tea
sseonful salt, on teaspoonful baking
powder, three-quarter ounces chopped
lemon rind, one ounce moist sugar, one
and one-half gill warm milk, not quite
one-half pound treacle. Mix the bak
ing powder, salt, and finely-chopped
suet with tha flour, and stir In the trea
cle mixed with tho milk; beat for ten
minutes; pour into a buttered basin; tie
a floured cloth over, and boll three
Compote of Oranges. Boll a pound of
sugar In one and one-half pints of
water with the peel of eight oranges,
cut very thin, for nearly twenty min
utes, removing the scum as it rises.
After the oranges are peeled remove
all the white pith without breaking the
Inner skin, divide them Into quarters,
and put them Into the syrup and let
them simmer for five or six minutes.
Then take them out carefully with a
skimmer or spoon and arrange them In
the center of a glass dish, plied one on
the other with the skin side downward.
Boil the syrup until thick, and wnen
cold pour lit carefully over the orange
quarters, and set them In a cold place
until ready to serve.
Spiced Eggs. Boil one dozen of eggs,
hard; then drop them In a pan of cold
water before removing their shells.
Heat a quart (or more If necessary) of
good white vinegar, into which Intro
duce one ounce of raw ginger, two or
three blades of sweet mace, one ounce
of allspice, half an ounce each of whole
black peppers, salt and mustard seed.
After It has simmered halt an hour
pour over the eggs placed In a Jar.
When cold cover it tightly. They will
be ready for use In three or four weeks.
Outing Sandwiches. For fole gras
sandwiches rub the fole gras through
the sieve, nod spreful It on some Slices
of bread very lightly spread with, but
ter, press the slices together, trim them
and cut them into any neat shape you
prefer. For the anchovy sandwiches
spread the slices of bread with good,
thick mayonnaise Instead of butter,
and on this arrange the anchovies,
which should have been washed, boned
and filleted. Do not put these too eloBe
ly together, or the sandwiches will be
too salt. Finish as before. For the
game sandwiches make some rich ve
loute with good game stock, according
to the meat used. Spread the bread
wtth this, and lay on It thin slices of
partridges, pheasant, etc., as you
choose, finishing as before. Sometimes
thin circles of nicely-fried bread is
used, but they aro made Juat like the
ordinary sandwiches. For the mayon
naise spread the bread with rich
mayonnaise stiffened with aspic jelly,
and on this arrange neat pieces of lob
ster or salmon; season with salt and
Nepal pepper, and finish as above. For
the caviar sandwiches have nice evenly-cut
slices of brown bread and butter,
and either cover each slice with another
or roll the slices cigar fashion. ' A little
lemon Juice squeezed over the caviar
is an addition, while some people with
a taste for "deviled" food add a quan
tity of cayenne, but this is considered
little short of sacrilege by connois
seurs, Russians especially.
Orange Sandwiches. Grate tho yel
low outer part of the orange; after
washing it well press out the juice. Put
pound of flour, 3 ounces of sugar and
2 ounces of butter into a basin, and
sift Into It half a teaspoonful of soda;
rub the butter carefully into the flour
till it is quite rubbed down. Put the
yolks of three eggs into a basin and
beat them well; add to them the grated
orange o-lnd and Juice and mix thorough
ly; then add one teaspoonful cream of
tartar, and mix again; pour all into
the basin with the flour, etc., and mix
i '
Vim iTT. tC-J. i
Copyright, 1886, by Ths New Yore Mvsioal Reoom
well. Beat the whites of tbvea eggs
until stiff, and etir them in; pour all
into two well-buttered sandwich cake
tins, or' two soup plates, and bake till
ready. When cool, split and spread
with the following mixture: One" orange,
3 ounces of ioing sugar, one white of
egg. Orate the rind of . the orange,
press out the Juice and mix into the
sugar, beat the white of agg stiffly, and
stir in. Spread it over the oakes, put
the two sides tpgether, cut neatly, and
Fruit Salad. Boll three-quarters' of
a pound of loaf sugar to a syrup with
one and a half pints of water, add a
tablespoonful each of noyeau . and
brandy, stir It well, and mix into It
grapes stoned and skinned, bannnas
peeled and sliced, melon sliced, plums
halved and stone, etc. Mix It all well
together, and stand it in a cool place
till wanted.
Spinach Pudding. Take six table
spoonfuls of cooked spinach, add the
same quantity of bread crumbs soaked
In milk and drained, a pinch of salt and
a little grated nutmeg, and four eggs
well beaten up. Mix all well together,
butter a pudding mold, and boll for
two hours. Serve with melted butter.
Spinach Patties. Make a nice puree
of spinach, drain It very dry, and then
moisten It with cream, adding a very
little nutmeg. Make eight little puff
paste patty cases, fill each with, the
spinach puree, give them a cop of but
tered egg. Heat up In the oven, and
serve on a folded napkin.
Spinach Fritters. noil the spinach,
drain well, and put it through a colan
der; add a little grated bread, nutmeg
and ginger to taste. Beat up two or
three eggs, according to the quantity
of spinach, and add a little milk or
cream (enough to make the spinach like
good baitter), mix well, and drop the
batter in a pan of boiling fat. When
the fritters rise, drain and serve at
Spinach Cream. 'Beat the yolks of
eight eggs with a wooden spoon or a
whisk; sweeten a good deal, and put
to them a stick of cinnamon, a pint of
cream, and three-quarters of a pint of
new milk.' Stir well together, then add
a quarter of a pint of spinach juice, set
it over a gentle Are, and stir one way
until It Is as thick as hasty pudding.
To be eaten 4old.
Cabbage Salad. In the early part of
the day shave fine one pint of crisp
cabbage, and pour over it the follow
ing dressing: Mix thoroughly a tea
sjoonful of flour, a tablespoonful of
butter, one-half a saltspoonful of pep
per, one-half a teaspoonful each of
salt and mustard and a large table
spoonful of vinegar. Add this slowly to
two-thirds of a teacupful of boiling
vinegar, and cook until smooth, stir
ring constantly. Turn this mixture
over the well-beaten yolk of an egg.
Mix thoroughly. Tour over the shaved
cabbage and place where It will become
very cold. The salad Is greatly im
proved. If celery Is liked, by doubling
tho dressing and adding one pint of
finely-sliced celery. The dressing Is
excellent for almost any sort of salad,
but for all varieties except cabbage
should be cooled before usJng.
A tablespoonful of ammonia in a gallon
of warm water will often restore colors In
carpets; it will also remove whitewash
from them.
The white of an egg Is one of the most
efficient remedies for a burn or a scald, ex
cluding the air at once and affording In
stant relief. . .
For cleaning out the corners In furni
ture and window sashes use. hard-wood
pointed skewers, such as butchors use to
do up meat In preparing It for cooking.
Tidies made of antique lace can be
washed satisfactorily If soaked In borax
water; then let them lie In warm suds,
squeezing them with your hands; rinse,
1 L 1 ' -
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but do not blue them. Instead of Ironing
thorn, pull them In shape, and pin them to
a clean cloth on your ironing board; pick
out each little point and down. Let
them get perfectly dry before removing
A sponge large enough to expand and fill
the chimney, after having been squeezed
In, tied to a slender stick; is the best
thing with which to clean a lamp chimney.
To glaze pastry, beat the yolk ot an egg
to a froth, and when the pastry la1 nearly
done, brush with the yolk and return to
the oven to set the glaze, but be careful
not to let It stay too long, as It will brown
It unduly.
As patent-leather shoes, even Of the best
quality, are likely to crack, and the shoe
dealers will not be responsible for them,
It Is well to know how to doctor them a
little yourself. In the first place, keep
them wrapped In cotton batting, and the
lnsldo filled with soft paper or cotton. If
necessary to wear them on a very "cold
night, put them on In the dressing room
after arriving, If possible. To keep the
leather soft, rub It occasionally With a lit
tle sweet oil, rubbing tho oil in as much
as possible, and then wipe the shoes thor
oughly with chamois. If you must con
tinue to wear your shoes after tho glaze Is
cracked, buy or make a good varnish and
keep the shoe dressed with It.
A young woman named "Susan B. An
thony was awarded a prize for beauty at
Topuka. Kansas is a state of surprises.
Queen Amelia of Portugal Is studying
medlcfne, and goes Into its Intricacies with
the zest and zeal of a professional man.
Mrs. Edward Clarence Stcdman Is not
literary In her tastes, and Is so averse to
tuklng up a pen that she usually gets her
husband's prlvato secretary to write her
social notes for her.
Mme. Carnot, widow of the late presi
dent of France, has detliched all the rib
bons from tho wreaths sent at her hus
band's funeral and has decorated a small
drawing-room with them.
Mrs. Joshua Wllbour, of Bristol, R. I.,
enjoys the distinction of being one of the
three women who havo ever been elected
by acclamation to the ofllce of vice presi
dent general of the Daughters of the
American Revolution.
The present queen of Madagascar, Ran
avalomanjaka III., is the second daughter
of Andriamanitoa Ituketakn, herself the
daughter of Raznfinandriamunitra, a niece
of Itodnma the Great, nnd granddaughter
of Andrlanampolniemcrlna, who Is the
head of the present Hova dynasty. She is
still a young and very charming woman.
Tho widow of John Brown, of slavery
day famo, has lived for several years in a
cabin among the redwoods of tho Sierra
Azure mountains, fifty miles south of San
Francisco. From her vernnda she looks
down across a Garden of Kilen, the Santa
Clara valley. Many tourists visit her, and
to all she gives a warm, kindly welcome.
Mrs. Richard Watson Glider, wife of the
editor of tho Century Magazine, was once
a professional pnlnter, but she has now
given up art because she thought she
must neglect either it or her family, and
she says She hopes none of her three or
four duughters will ever have any .special
talent for anything but being nice wo
men. When her majesty, the Empress of
Japan, drives, no one is permitted to look
at her from the windows, or chinks in the
doors, or any other part of the house, but
must sit down by the side of the street
through which she passes. Every man
and woman or child must doff hat or cap
as she goes by, with the exception of la
dies In European dress, who are permitted
to remain covered.
Mrs. Logan's hobby Is to collect souve
nirs of her Illustrious husband, and at her
home In Washington she has built a small
hall, In which are gathered hufidreds ot
things presented to the general. There
are numberless portraits, flags given by
different societies, busts, swords, guns, pa
per weights mado of Logan In marblo and
enough memorials In the shape of medals
to stock a museum. These are carefully
treasured by Mrs. Logan, who also has
the old china that belonged to her hus
band's family, some of It being very old
and of rare anil delicate beauty, tipped
with gold and engraved with his coat-of-arms
In colors.
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Itvsh Triumphal. .
Gathered in the
World of -Melody.
Mrs. Kate Wilcox nnd pupils will give
a muslcale at the Bicycle club house
on Tuesday evening. May 28, which
promises to be an enjoyable affair so
cially as well as musically. Mrs. C. D.
Simpson and Mri. E. L. Fuller will re
ceive with Mrs. Wilcox. The patron
esses are Mrs. E. H. Ripple Mrs,
Frank Jermyn, Mrs. James W.
Guernsey, -Mrs. Oeor'ge B. Hand, Mrs.
Frank Connell, Mrs. D. B. Hand and
Mrs. James McAnulty. The musical
programme of the evening will be .ren
dered by four of Mrs. Wilcox's vocal
pupils, Miss Black, of Nicholson; Miss
Garagon, Miss Taylor" and Miss Peck.
They will bo assisted by the well-known
tenor, Alfred Wooler, L. I!. Mosher,
Mrs. Hugh Holcombe, the Haydn String
quartette, and the Lawrence orchestra.
Many of our Welsh readers will regret
to hear of the death of Mrs. Glanffrw.d
Thomas, widow of Rev. GlanfrwU
Thomas, at one time Vicar-choral of St.
Asaph Cathedral, and well known In the
Gorsedd of the Eisteddfod. Ijpon the
death of her husband, Mrs. Thomas
bravely decided to adopt the musical
profession as a means of livelihood, and
Boon received a largo number of en
gagements. Her voice was one of un
usual richness, and she was Justly cele
brated as the leading high soprano of
Cambria. Mrs. Thomas lived in Swan
sea until her marriage, and at all times
was well received In her native town.
Mrs. J. E. Heckel's ladles' choir,
which Is preparing for the Wllkes-Barre
eisteddfod, held a very successful re
hearsal at L. P. Bowell's hall on Mon
day evening. The rendition of the com
petlturo pieces showed that the ladles
had. thoroughly mastered their parts,
and that it will be almost an impos
sibility for any opponent to carry off
the prize. During the evening the
ladles sang "The Bridal of the Birds,"
"Annie Laurie" and "The Bridal Caves
of the Ocean," In all of which they
showed complete harmony and the fin
est blending of voices, in which the ac
curate balancing was a prominent feat
ure. The execution of the selections
displayed artistic taste which reflected
most creditably on the talented di
rectress, Mrs. Heekel, who has the en
tire confidence of the members of the
A creditable performance was given
by pupils of Professor Albln Korn at
Powell's on Thursday evening. The
skill displayed by the students on that
occasion gave evidence- of Professor
Korn's ability as an Instructor on the
pianoforte. Those who took part were
Misses Lizzie Weller, Christie Zenke,
May Spelcher, Marian Smith, Julia
Zenke, Mary Scott, Lizzie Dougherty,
Flora Levy and Masters Freddie Lind
ner and Dan Fallon... .
An important musical event of next
week in Scranton will be the concert
given by the, celebrated Gllmore's band
at the opening of Laurel Hill park on
Saturday, May 25. The band includes
fifty performers under direction of
Victor Herbert, the -well known vio
loncello virtuoso and composer. Miss
Ida Klein, the prima donna soprano,
will accompany the band to this city
and will render several selections dur
1 1-
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si'"- -H- -g::ari grzgoaq
Interesting Notes About Famous
Musicians" at Home and Abroad
ing the entertainment at tho park. Tha
Gllmore band concert Is but a forctasta
of the good things in the musical Una
promised by Manager Lalno during tha
coming season.
Tallie Morgan Is getting up a second
choir for tho First Presbyterian
church, which will consist of over 100
voices. The first rehearsal was held
In the gallery of the church last even
ing and a fine beginning was made.
The two choirs will often slnf? together
and responslvely, which will give a
fine effect. There is no reason What
ever why this large chorus should not
become a permanent feature of this
church. Tallie Morgan can get the
singers, for he has hundreds constant
ly under his care. The choir will sing
during tho summer months at the twi
light services, from 5 to 0 o'clock, be
ginning a week from tomorrow,
The musio remlored at the opening
of the new Washburn Street Presby
terian church last Sunday Is spoken off
by all that attended in tho highest
terms. In the morning a quartette,
consisting of Mrs. B. T. Jayne, MIns
LUy Joseph, D. M. ..DavK and D. C.
Richards, gave several good selections,
and in the evening the choir of the
First Presbyterian church gave a
charming programme. Tomorrow
morning Miss Clara Sanders, MIhs An
nie Rose, D. M. Davies and H. II. Jones
will sing, and In the evening the choir
of the First Presbyterian church has
again generously consented to sing, v
which, will mean a croVded auditorium.
Miss Annette Reynolds will sing a
solo; the ladles will eing a chorus, and
the choir will sing two anthems. Miss
Florence Richmond will Uo the organ
ist. II- II I!
Mascagnl Is in Naples.
Nordlca saved 25,000 the past Season.
Tho composer, Franz von Suppe, Is 78
years of uge.
Sauret, the violinist; Tagllapietra, the
singer, and Eugene d' Albert.
Teresa Carreno, the plnnlste, has been
married thieo times. The husbands were
Bnrnnhee and McDonald, of the Boston
lans, will star Robert Iliillard next sea
son. J. J. Braham has been the loader of the
Boston theatre orchestra for twenty-five
Graco Golden and Aubrey Bouclcault
aro singing In tho "Birth of Venus" In
The orchestras In tho Garrlc-k and Em
pire theatres. New York, contain no brass
The season of grand opera In Englls'h In
New York has come to an abrupt termina
tion. It did not pay.
Lllllnn Russell's revival of Offenbach's
"La Perichole," twenty-seven years old,
has met with success.
The Bamroseh Opera company mado a
proltt of $2ii,000 In Chicago. Mr. Damroech
will give Wagner opera again next sea
son. Paris has a new prima donna in Ml!.
Lafargue, who has recently won a bril
liant success hs Dcsdemona In Verdi's
"Othello," at the Grand Opera.
The Misses Sutro, pianists, Charles Froh
man, Max Alvary, Emil Paur, director of
tha Boston Symphony orchestra, and
Heinrlch Conned havo gone to Europe,
i t-
Da Capo & at Tine.
,: i