THE , SCRANTON TBIBTINE 8ATUEDAY. MORNING, MAY 18, 1895. 6 iiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiHrniimiiiiiiiuim AMKRUPT -OF- A. -:- RUNDLE, -:- NICHOLSON, -:- PA GREAT STOCK (i 502 W1TB THE CHURCH WORKERS Congregatlonalists of the State to Meet at Plttston. WORK Of THE ENDEAVORERS Presbyterian Mission on the South Side. Eeview of the Work of the Amerleaa SnndB? School I'nlon Rev. A. L. Ursaa's Scheme. ' (Doting, the Doming week the Congre ga tinner! churches of the state Includ ing those worshiping In the Welsh lan guage vtUl meet ait Plttston for the ninth annual session of the State Con rHjiitlniiMl association. The pro gnatnme has been arranged, with great oare, as follows: Tuesday evening, 7.30 Devotional sntto, conducted by Rev. R. 8. Jones, Ebwoatairg; sermon by Rev. T. J. Wat Una, of B loss burg; administration of Xjorda Sppper by Rev. A. W. Single, of RtoeVUle and Rev. R. S. Jones; of 6cranton Wednesday morning 9, Prayer meet ing led by Rev. J. Alex. Jenkins, of Mount Carmel; 9.30, business meeting; ll, paper, ''Christian Education," Rev. IV Bell, of 'Scranton; 11.30, paper, "The EWthful Witness," Rev. John Edwards, of Pittsburg; '12, recess. Wednesday alter noon 2, devotional and business meeting; 3, paper, "Pres ent' State of Christianity," Rev. R. R. D&vles, of Meadyllle; 8.30, Pennsylva nia. Home Missionary society. Wednesday evening 7.30, devotional eervtoe, Rev. W. D. Fergerson, of West Spring Creek; 8, address, Rev. H. M. Bowden, of Braddock; 8.30, Congrega tional education society, Rev. John A. Hamilton, Boston, Mass; Amerloan (Missionary association, Rev. W. E. C. IWitght, 1). D., of Cleveland, O. Thursday mornlrjg 9, devotional ser vice. Rev. F. Tilo Evans, of Lansford; J5, business meeting; 10.15, paper, "Spirit of Giving," Rev. T. A. Humph rey, of Johnstown; 10.45, paper, Rev. A. H. Clan In, of Allegheny; 11.30, Ameri can board. Thursday afternoon 2, devotional; B.15, paper, "The Dlaoonate," Rev. David Jones, of Scr'anton; 2.45, paper, "Religious Giving, Old and New," Rev. J. 8. Upton, of RLdgway; 3.15, Woman's Missionary union. Jhumday evening 7.30, devotional flee, Rev, Charles A. Jones, of Kane; 8, Congregational Home Mis sionary society, Rev. William Kincaid, . D of New York; 8.45, Sunday School and Publishing society, Mr. W. A. Dun cart Ph. D., Boston, Mass. The churches represented will num ber 125 and each church is, entitled to two lay delegates In addition to th pastor, bo that a Very large muster Is anticipated. One feature of Tues day's session will be the dismissal of Rev. Patrick Koln, of Plttston, and his recommendation: to the church at Piill delphla from which' he has accepted a calk Review of a Year's Work. During the past year the missionary work of the- American Sunday School tinton hasy beta followed by very grati fying results. The embarassment of ftnanolal t pressure has been felt, but In the mlds&of It there have appeared most cheering tokens ot God's gracious favor. A y - There have Men In ftHe field 140 men commissioned, pf whom 120 were at work during thevwhole year and 20 dur is, LESS LACKAWANNA . ing a portion of It. As one result of their labors 1.763 new Sunday schools were organized, having 65,977 teachers and scholars, 513 were reorganized, and aid as given to existing schools 8,324 times. But in addition to this large number of 2.276 schools set in opera tion, most abundant showers of bless ings have followed the evangelistic la bors of the mlsslonerles. In many re ports they mention only "numerous conversions," In other cases only par tial reports are given; and yet the very large number of 10,092 hopeful conver sions has been reported as having: oc curred .from the work of these faithful and earnest men. They also mcde 107,230 visits to families for religious instruction and prayer, and idlstrlbuted 6,796 Bibles and 9,548 Testaments. The organization of churches has followed in 180 cases In addition to this, a most valuable work was done by the missionaries in Nebraska, Kansas, North and South Dakota and Arkansas in the careful distribution of many thousand dollars' worth of provisions and many tons of clothing to the people who suffered ex treme destitution from the famine pre vailing In those sections. Moreover, upward of one. million and a quarter copies of the illustrated Sunday school papers were freely given to the hospi tals, prisons, almshouses and reforma tories all over the land. These have been most thankfully received, and generally read with eager interest. Those who are in charge of these insti tutions testify to the exceptional value of this literature as coming frdm an un denominational source. Contributions are, however, much needed for the con tinuance of this good work to these un fortunate and needy classes. Cedar Avenue Presbyterian Mission. A' committee has been appointed by the trustees of the First Presbyterian church to prepare plans andselect a site for a new chapel for the purpose of the Cedar avenue mission. The mission was organized over twenty years ago by the Young Men's Christian associa tion, and was afterward taken! charge of by the First and Second Presbyterian churches. Subsequently the work was carried on by members of the First Presbyterian church. The present quarters, opposite the Neptune Engine house, are totally inadequate for the purposes, as there are over four hun dred pupils and teachers who regularly attend on Sunday afternoon. A well attended prayer meeting is also held on Wednesday evening. It Is anticipated that a regular church will be organized ln.the early future, as there are at present one hundred and sixty members, with every prospect of a flourishing and growing, cause. On Thursday afternoon many small, but entenprlslr," children connected with the church arid mission held a fair at the restdence of X H. Steel, when the sum of $72. was netted, which the generous little ones turned over to the superintendent of the mission to be de voted to the new chapul building fund. Christian Endeavor Notes. Christian Endeavorers should be up and doing, during the next few weeks, and work in a practical manner If Scranton is tojbe accorded the '96 convention. Discussion may be very profitable, but there are practical methods which should be adopted without further loss of 'time, and it is suggested to the '96 committee, which constitutes the best melt of the union, that they should Im mediately set to work to ensure that one delegate be sent from each society' In the city, and county, if possible, to the Erie convention. In the first place, 26,000 Worth of Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, THAN SALE NOW GOING SCRANTON, FA. the voting power for this city would be considerably increased, but, what is still more important, the number of ac tive canvassers at Erie would be so strong that it would ensure Allentown being placed In the rear. ' It may be claimed that the expense could not be borne by all the societies, but this would not be necessary, as it is well known that each society has more than one member who could easily afford a week's vacation at Erie, with out being a burden upon the society's funds. At least fifty delegates should represent Scranton and Dunmore at the convention. The Epworth league of the city and Dunmore, which comprises but eleven societies, will send thirty dele- gatesto Chattanooga, Tenn.,and, should this be any criterion, the minimum of the Christian Endeavor union should be fifty. This work should be undertaken by the '96 committee Immediately and earnestly. Items of Personal Interest. By the departure of Miss Dunbar the congregation of the Second Presbyterian church have lost a valued and faithful servant who, during her three years ot service, has accomplished much toward extending the work of that Important church. Miss Dunbar has been particu larly successful in connection with the Junior Endeavor society and the mothers' meetings. She has also worked energet ically In. advancing the interests of the night school at the Volunteer mission on West Lackawanna avenue, whera the results of her work are clearly to be seen. Apart from her educational work Miss Dunbar, in her quiet manner, has been re lieving the distressed and assisting the sick in innumerable cases. There are In stances upon record where families have been too poverty-stricken to pay the fu neral expenses, and where Miss Dunbar undertook the responsibility of the ar rangements, relieving the afflicted ones in a serious dilemma. Regrets were univer sally expressed at her departure, and more particularly so, owing to Ill-health being the cause of the resignation. ' As an examplo of her Industry It may be mentioned that Miss Dunbar has frequent ly made over 350 calls In the same month, and it is a difficult matter to form an es timate of the trouble Invoked in listening to the many sorrowful tales of poverty and distress, and the effort entailed to render the miserable homes a little brighter. In this manner Miss Dunbar has won the af fection of many hearts, and her name will be cherished for a lifetime by many cf those who looked upon her as those of a ministering angel. Rev. John Davy, who loaves next week en a visit to England, Is probably the best known minister In this Bectlon of the country, owing to his long and faithful service In the cause to which he conse crated his life. Mr. Davy has witnessed a a remarkable growth of the church and at all times the reminiscences of his early ministry are acceptable to his bearers. Notwithstanding he Is 84 years of age. Mr. Davy Is determined to visit the home of his boyhood, the first time in the long term of forty years, and will carry over the great tidings of the marvelous multi plicity of Jehn Wiley's followers in America. His two sisters In England have, for a considerable time, been anx iously awaiting the fulfilment of bis prom ise to cress tike Atlantle.. Mr. Davy will be abseftt for three months, and.upon his return will, no doubt, be able to Impart val abla Information as to 'the great changes In the old country during his long absence. Rev. A. L. Urban, rector In charge of St. Luke's mission at Dunmore, has arranged a very feasible and practical plan for rais ing the necessary amount to erect' a new chapel and rectory on the recently pur chased plot of ground, on the corner of Blakely and Potter streets. Shares are sold at $24 each, to mature In four years, and although but a few days have passed since the plan was made known, $2,200 worth of stock has already been sub scribed. The plana are being prepared by Architect F. I Brown, of this city. , I fi ll, -AT- ONE-HALF Rev. T. J. Collins, of Hyde Park ave nue, will attend the national anniversaries of Baptist societies to be held at Saratoga, N. Y., on May 28. Rev. Thomas Bell, of the Plymouth Con gregational church, will read a paper on "Christian Education" at the state asso ciation of the Congregational churches to bo held at Plttston next week. Rev. I,. W. Peck, D.D., a much respect ed veteran of the Methodist pulpit, read an excellent article on "Preacher and Teach er" before the Methodist mlnlsterlum on ' Monday last. Mr. Pecks's appearances in public, owing to his advanced age, are rare, but his presence In the pulpit al ways attracts large audiences. Rev. A. C. Oaebaelln, of the Hope of Israel mission. New York city. Is a gen tleman not easily discouraged. Mr. Uac baelln lives but for the conversion of the Jewish race to the Christian faith and his life Is devoted entirely to this object. He Is arranging to open a Hebrew mission In this city during the fall and Is deter mined to do his utmost to Insure the suc cess of the mission. James Hughes will occupy the pulpit of the Welsh Baptist church. South Main avenue, tomorrw In the absence of Rev. W. S. Jones, who Is attending the north eastern Pennsylvania Baptist association. Thomas Jones, of St. David's church choir, assisted In the musical services at the archdeaconry meeting at New Milford on Tuesday. Rev. David Jones, of Lincoln avenue, will read a paper on "The Dlaoonate" at the Congregational association at Pltts ton. The paper Is written by Mr. Jones from the standpoint of a Welsh Congrega tionalism, and it is probable that some of the Bontlments express will throw a new light upon this important subject. A. D. Holland, warden of St. Luke's church, read an excellent paper on "A Laymon'B Responsibilities" at the Scran ton archdeaconry on Tuesday last, which was very favorably commented upon. The fall meeting of the archdeaconry will be held at Honesdale lit September. The trustees of the Providence Presbyte rian church have organized as follows: President, D. B. Atherton; treasurer, T. S. Morgan, and secretary, H. H. McKeehan. No meeting of the! Baptist Pastors' union was held on Monday lost owing to a lack of quorum. A few pastors attended and adjourned without transacting any business. The following gentlemen have been elected by St. Luke's church vestry os dolegates to the diocesan convention to be held at Reading June 11; William T. Smith, J. W. Oakford, H. W. Kingsbury, Samuel Hlnes, A. D. Holland, James M. Everhart, Charles McMullen. Coming Events, ' Among the .special tmuslcal numbers that will be sung at the Providence Pres byterian church tomorrow, solos will be rendered by Misses Louise Parry, Phoebe Smith, Etta Phillips and Will Evans, the well-known West Side baritone. ' ' On Thursday evening, the ladles of the First Baptist church, Scranton street, whose surnames commence with the let ters A, B and C, will serve a supper in aid of the fund for carpeting the church. The success of the supper Is Insured, as the ladles of the church, have established a reputation for the excellence of then ca tering. On May 29 a confirmation service will be held at the Temple Anahe Chesed, Llndon street, being the Pentecostal 66551895.' The following will be confirmed: Leon Levy, Henry M. Qallen, Samuel Bernstein, Albert I. Moses, Emanuel K. Gooding, Philip Bernstein and Carrie Roos. The Northeastern Pennsylvania Baptist association will hold its meetings at Kingston tomorrow and Monday, when the convention of the Young People's so cieties will also be held. . The quarterly meeting of the Welsh Congregational Ministers' union of Lacka wanna and Luzerne valley will be held at Forest City on Saturday and tomorrdw week. The ' Oreen ' Ridge United- Evangelical Sunday school had their first rehearsal for Children's Day last evening. A splendid exercise, entitled "The Good Shepherd," I n ON AT 1 AVENUE will be rendered on Sunday evening, June 9. The Ministerial, Sunday School and Key stone League of Christian Endeavor con vention of Lewlsburg district of the United Evangelical church, will be held at Dushorc, Sullivan county. May 21-23, 1895. The Scranton pastors, with their delegates, will be in attendance. TOMORROW'S SERVICES. Saint Luke's Church Rev. Rogers Is rael, pastor. Fifth Sunday after Eas ter. Holy communion, 8 a. m.; service and sermon, 10.30 a. m.; Sunday sohool, 2.30" p. m.; evening prayer aim tviuiw.. 7.30 p. m. Saint Luke's Mission, Dunmore Rev. A. Li. Urban In charge. Sunday school, 3 p. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 4 p. m. At the Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church Preaching morning and even ing by William Parsons. Seats free. Oreen Ridge United Evangelical Church a. L. Malce, pastor. Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.; K. L. C. E., 6.30 p. m.; preaching by the pastor at 10.30 a, m. and 7.30 p. m. Strangers aJwxaya wel come. First Presbyterian Church Rev. Dr. James McLeod, pastor. Services, 10.30 a. m. and "night service" from 5 to 6 in the afternoon. The pastor will preach at both services. All are wel come. Elm Park Church W. IT. Pearce, paBtor. The Rev. S. L. Beiler, vice chancellor of the American university at Washington, D. C, will preach. Sun day school at 2 p. m.; Epworth league at 6.45. St. Paul's English Lutheran Church, Park Place Rev. George M. Scheldy, pastor. Services, 10.30 a, m. and 7.30 p. m. Pews are always free. First Baptist Church Pastor Collins will preadh Sabbath at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Seats free; all welcome. Ceda-r Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church The Sunday services will be special revival services. Morning and evening. Special music will be rendered by the choir. Grace English Lutheran Church Rev. Foster U. Gift, pastor. Services on Sunday at the Young Men's Chris tian association at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sabbath, 11.30 a m. Rev. W. E. HIpsley, of Selln's Grove, will preach. Everybody welcome. Conservatory Hall, 402 Lackawanna Avenue Usual servlcesat 3.15 p. m. Rev. W.T.McArthurwlll preach. AndonTues day, iMay 21, ait 10 a. m. ami 1.80 p. tn., occur addresses and Bible readings on Gospel and doctrinal subjects by min isters, evangelists and Christian work ers from home and abroad. Kev. A. C. Gaebllein, ex-rabbl of New York city. Is expected and will speak along the line of God's dealing with the Jew past, present and future. Everybody wel come. Trinity English Lutheran Church, Adams Avenue, corner Mulberry Street Rev. Edwin Lunn Miller, pastor. Ser vices at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. The pews are free, and all are welcome. First Welsh Baptist Church, South Main Avenue Morning service, 10 a. m.; evening service, 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. m. In tha. absence of the pastor, Rev.W, S. Jones, James Hughes will preach. The Second Presbyterian, Church Rev. Charles E. Robinson, D. D., pas tor. Services, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Five minutes In the evening to an swering the question, "Are we to sup pose that Christ's glorified body and spirit are Identical?" Sermon in the evening on the "Empty Heart." Spe cial music. All seats free In the even ing. All welcome at all services. Green Ridge Baptist ' Church Rev. W. J. Ford, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Subject In the morning, "Jesus the Best Confidant," In the evening "Foolish Bravery." Howard Place African (Methodist IS, Etc. PRICE. Church C. A. McGee pastor. Quar terly meeting, 10.30 a. m., love feast and breaking bread, 3 and 8 p. ru. Preach Ing by Rev. T. B. Bynum. Penn Avenue Baptist Church Rev. Warren G. Partridge, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. The pastor will preach both morning and evening. Strangers are especially In vlted. PRAISED BY THE PRESS, The Leading Dailies Investigate Mun yon's Remedies. And Declare They Cure 06 Out of Every 100 Persons. "From testimonials received and from facts gathered by a Times reporter, we And that out of every 100 who have used Munyon's Rheumatism Cure, 90 have de clared themselves cured or greatly bene fitted. There can now be no hesitancy in saying that Munyon's Rheumatism Cure may be termed a positive cure for rheumatism." Phllabelphla Times, May 14, 1893. "We know that thousands of people In our midst have been cured by Munyon's little sugar pellets." Boston Post. "Munyon's Remedies act almost Instan taneously, speedily curing the most obstin ate cases in a few hours." Baltimore American. "Over 1,800 people have written us that they have been cured by Munyon's Rem edies," New York Press. "Munyon's Remedies are handy to carry, pleasant to tako and absolutely harmless." Washington Post. Munyon's Rheumatism Cure is guaran teed to cure rheumatism In any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheumatism cured in from one to five days. It never falls to cure sharp, shooting pains in the arms, legs, sides, back or, or sore ness In any part of the body from one to three hours. It Is guaranteed to promptly cure lameness, stiff and swollen Joints, stiff back, and all pains in the hips and loins. - Chronic rheumatism, sciatica, lum bago or pain In the back are speedily cured. Munyon's Homoepathlo Home Remedy Company, of Philadelphia, put up specifics for nearly every disease, which are sold by all druggists, mostly for 26 cents a bottle. Those who are In doubt as to the nature of their disease should address Professor Munyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia, giving full Bymptoms of their disease. Professor Munyon will carefully diagnose the case and give you the benefit of his advice absolutely free ot charge. The Remedies will be sent to any address on receipt of retail price. Washburn Street Presbyterian Church Rev. Mr. Cameron, of M ocel lus, N. Y., will preach at the morning service ana evening service tomorro' Standard Instruments In every sense ot the term as applied to Planes. exceptional In holding their original ful ness of tone. I NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, NO. M Tlfth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1 1 5 Adaau Ave.. New Telephoae Bldf. J T WC C 2 -T. f I 502 DUPONT'S DINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopan Mills, Lis serne county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming Distriot. 118 WYOMING AVE, Scranton, Pa, Third National Bank Building. Aosacias : TB08. FOBDT Plttston. Pa. JOHN B SMITH & SON, Plymouth. Pa E. W. VOLLIOAN. Wilis Barra. Pa. Agents for tfce Rapauoo Chemical Com mga ospicsivea. Stocks, Bonds, and Grain, Bought and sold on New York Exchange and Chicago Hoard of Trade, either for cash or oo margin, Q. duB. DIMHICK, 41a Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. Telephone 5002. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET Tbe Finest In the City. The latest improved furnish ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave. nr. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal ef the best quality for domestle e. ana oc an uul diivfraa In any part ot me city at lowest price. uraers isrc at my umce NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, ir room, first floor. Tiitnf Nm Bank, er sent by mall or telephone to tbe dine, will receive prompt attention. opeoiai qomraexs win De made for tM 1 oeuveryei uucawneat coal. WM. T. SMITH. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. , . Summer Law-Lectures (twelve week ly) -Attn ytar 01 continuance. Begin 27th June, lmK, end 28th August. Are of signal ui 1st, To atudenta who design to study at this or" or other Law-School; Hod. .To those who pro- . Sropoae to read privately : and, 3d, To pra tionera who have not had the advantage of systematic instruction. Per circular apply (P. O., Uniruraity of Va.. CbarlottMTllle.Va.) to JOHN & M1NOB, Prof. (Jen. and Stat Law 1 .1-