-v 8 THE SCEANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 17, 1895. GORMAN'S GRAND 1 Getting Better and Better Good ttorakeepin s means prone. Yesterday'- beet Un't well enough , for tomorrow; but ills oafy togo from ono height to a greater if the business has a spriugy, full-of-llfe step. So you keep track of what Is going oa at our store? Interest ing, surely; you can mako It prof itable if you euro to. May ' Is doing wonders with all out-of- door, New life, new beauties You will say the spirit of the time Is just as potent in-doors, if you get Inside the right doors. Corsets For summer time or any time, and every price msllowed by the touch of masterly buying. Muslin Underwear If you're been here once, no noed to say a word about the wonderful assortment, the startling low prices, or tne charming surround lag. Handkerchiefs Wsmen's pure linen, real hem efitohsd handkerchiefs, hand em broideredall we had went with a nun. Here's a new lot Just from Belfast. No more at the low prices we are now selling, so far as we now see. Dress Goods Silks and all the rent. Think of what you'd like to get Come with confidence that the tuff is here as bright and fresh as , Spring flowers. ; Don't wait for us to name the things you want Not one sort in twenty ever gets a word In our an nouncements, but fbey're all here. All the worrying 1ms been done for you; styles chosen, goods se lected and nothing to pay extra because they are stylish. . GORMAN'S GRAND DEP9T. OR. REEVES, 41 2 'Sprue Street, Seranton, Pa. Specialist on Nerve Troubles, Snd Dlfloniae of. rha Heart, Lungs, KI1 jrt, Llr, Womb, Stomach, Bladder, Hea.FiU and Epllpv. He WJU bia assistant treat all diseases Of thai Et Nose, Ear and Throat, Dys PSpaia, RrMumattam, Lost Vitality, Nerv ous Debility, Female Weakness and Irreir utaHflaa; Nightly Lossea and Errors of Youth, Loat Manhood, Varicocele, Blood Poisoning, Ecsema, Scrofula, 8t. Vitus Daaoa, Diabetes, Blight's Disease, Asthma, eta YOU NO MEN QUIQKLY CURED. THREE MONTHS' OFFER: Any one sufferlnr with Catarrh who Withe to bo penMinsntly, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE) DOLLARS. The doctor Ban discovered a specific for this dreaded disease. Tou can treat and euro yourself and family with It at home. It never fails to cure. A trial treatment free. OFFICE HOURS Dally, 8 a. m. to p. . to.; Sunday, 10 to 4, CARPETS - Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of the latest designs ( r and colorings, and our prices lower than any other bouse in the trade, for goods of the same '' quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES' ' of every description and quality. Wall papers V we are overstocked ana will sell Vat prices about one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. ar . . .a J; Scott Inglis ; 429 LICKtWANNI AVENUE. ' Toledo Grain AI ark et. Toledo, O., May 18. Wheat Receipts, 7,308 Jiushels; shipments, 26,500 bushels; market firmer; No. 2 red cash, May and June, 71c. bid; July, 70c.; August, 70c. Corn Receipts, 8,071 bushels; shipments, 14,800 bushels; market Arm; No. 2 mixed, May, Ktto.; July, B2V4c; No. 8 yellow, canh, , B2o. Oats No trading-. Rye Market dull; No. cash, 7tta. Clover Seed Market dull; October, 86.40. . . , ' Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, May 10. Tallow Demand Is light and prices faVor buyers. We quote: City, prime, In hhds, 4,a4V4c; country, prime, In bbls, 4c; do. dark, In bbls, 4a .; cakes, 4140. 1 grease, 8a3o, -. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 113fevt1 ABSOLUTELY PURE THE WORLD OF BUSINESS STOCKS AND BONDS. New York, May 10. There was a de cided change for the better at me biock Exchange today owing to the execu Imvliiir orders tor foreign account. Strange as It may appear the street accepted the sale of nearly live million New York central treasury .,.1, h. T V Mnrirml A Co.. RB a bull argument. Today the announcement that the Central had sulci a large oiw of stock acted a fillip and nearly every thing on the list moved up. The grang ers wr. luuivant In the face of doleful ronnrtu feuncc-rnln the crops. These stocks and the Vanderbllts were the keynote to the market. New York Central rose 3'i; Canada Southern 1: Michigan Central V4: Lake Shore 1; St. Taiil 2; Burlington and Qulncy 2V4; Northwest 3; Rock Island 2. Great v.. ...!,.,.. r..furrnrl on rttuorta that President Hill had obtained control of the Northern raciile road, bounded up 11 points. The general list was In clined td lug until the VanderblltB and ,..,. .luvuionml activity, and then the shorts, as well as operators who have been looking for a reaction, turneu In and bought. Speculation closed strong In tone. Net changes show trains nf Ur144. the latter In New York Central. Total sales 3S4.000 shares. The range of today's prices for the ae ...... .i... h KT.tt, VnrW stork mar- live Bluma 1 1 " L -. " - - ket are given below. The quotations are .. I. Jt.. xi nim. furnished The 'rriuune cy u. uu . .,,,. for willliim Linn. Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce atrect, Seranton. , Op'n-High-Low-Closing, eat. est. In. Am. Tobacco Co lt"i HWH I"3' ?! Am. l ot. uii iici7 ii7il Am. Sugar Re'g Co.ll" UJ'M. 11 ...... .mis. nnli. 3i Atch.. To. & o. re... ', 7 5T. 634 65'i Ches. & Ohio 2I 2; Chicago Gas J4 21 22 74 74 87'i c.c:'c.4k sri::::::: CMc..MiL&St4P...65 67 Chin It I. & P. 67'-, 64 674 WMi Delaware & Hud. ,m 13m 131 131 n.. L.. & V 162'., Wi IK if Uist. & C. F zjt a'i an Gen.' Klectric 34 344 III. Central 904 95-v K Lake Shore... 116-, 147V4 14SX4 117 LBKC anure s ; ' .,..7 1 Jfr Nah 5S'4 6KT4 6S VH - 11? urt 117 Miinniuinn r-ie 117 ltd 117 ..".'l0r4) 102'i 101 1U2 Ppntra II NAt. Cordcge 5',s 5-11 6i at. ieuu V .1 Cnntrtil . 35 35 34i 35'4 ... tf7-4 10O N. Y. Central... 101i 10374 1- v a. v: i. . 41 hi 4114 t N. Y., L. B. & W 131- 134 13 i;4 N. Y., S. & W 13'i 134 134 13(4 N. Y.. S. & W.. Pr... 3i 3714 8U4 3i'i rj.iirtr. til'. TU. HV. 71L iiui, rakiiiu., .. ut, V DnlAn Tr 7 64 714 24H 18 19?i 23 17 24H Ont.' & West....!.".'!! 17J4 rnu. oc iieitu to? a.iiirharn U R 14 I8V4 l!r4 14H 14 lii Tenn., C. & 1 23i 24' 23V4 24i Tex. pacinc J2f Union Pacific 15'4 Wabash Sh$ Wabash,' Pr 181 Wept. Union 91H U. 9. Leather 20 rr a T ..ihn. Dr Ql 134 13 16 1 IB 84 9 IS'-i 20 20 93 21 91 93 21Vi 'J2 91 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICE9. Ii:,.Vi . T nnr Plna. WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing. July C6-4 65 CSH September 66'i 6s 66 S OATS. June 28(4 28 28 28T4 July 2S 284 23H i8H September 2tii 26Vi 2Cli 26;j CORN. July 61 61 "4 6U4 rl September 61 62', 5174 DiVi LARD. July 6.62 6.G7 6.62 6.67 September 6.75 6.82 6.75 0.S2 PORK. - July 12.00 12.25 12.00 12.17 September 12.17 12.50 12.17 12.40 Seranton Board of Trado Exchango Quo Ask. tations. No. Par She. Val. 20 60 10 100 20 100 1U0 100 5 100 10 100 10 1'JO 6 1U0 28 100 6 100 45 100 3 100 4 100 30 100 2 100 40 100 U0 60 60 100 25 100 60 J00 6 100 80 1000 2 600 8 100 6 600 25 1U0 STOCKS. Bid. Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 62 60 First Nat'l Bank 600 Green R'ge Lum'r Co .... Lacka. Lumber Co... 110 Lacka. Trust & Safe Deposl Co Scra'n Savings Bank. 200 Scra'n Lace Cur. Co Seranton Forging Co 100 Third Nafl Bank.... 350 Nat'l Boring & Drill- ' Inir Co. Pr 110 150 "60 90 SO 10414 80 70 25 loo 60 116 10 SO 100 960 600 105 600 100 Thuron Coal Land Co Seranton Bedding Co Seranton Axle Works Seranton Glass Co.... Seranton Jar & Stop per Co Dickson Mfg Co , Lackawanna & Mont rose Railroad :.. Traders' Nat'l Bank. Bonta Glass Co Spring Brook Water Co Elmhurst Boulevard Co BONDS. Seranton Trac. Co.... Econ'y Steam Heat & Power Co Madison Avenue Im provement Seranton Glass Co.... Rushbrook Coal Co. 6 COMMERCIAL ?cw York Produco Market. v.m vrv Mnv 16. Flour More active, held higher. Wheat-Dull. 2o. higher; No 2 red store and elevator, 71a71c; -a 7i..iw.n t. o. b.. 721Aa73l4c; un graded red, 6a75c; No. 1 northern. 75is.; options were active; May, 71c; June, 7174c; July, 72c; August, 72c; Septem- ber, 7274c; December, viy4c turn-iM active, stronger; No. 2, 56c. elevator; S7c. afloat; steamer mixed, 55V4a56tte.: options m .mi hlirher: Mav. 66c: July. 67c: September, 6714c Oats-Firmer; options dull, firmer; May, suic; June, ai-e.; juiy, 32V4c; No. 2 white June, 85c; spot prices, No. 2, 31a3U4c; No. 2 white, 34V4c; No. 2 Chicago, 32Via32ttc: No. 8. 80,4c.; No. 8 white, 35c; mixed western, 82a33c; white state and western, 37a41c. Provisions Dull, steady, unchanged. Lard Quiet, firmer; western steam; 80.86; city, 86.10a !; May, tt'90; July, 87: refined, quiet, ..,! nnntinnt. 17.20: Rnuth America. ticA nnmnmind. ItHliUc. Butter Steadv: state dairy, 10al04c; do. creamery, 17c; western dairy, 7al2c; do. creamery, new, I1al7c; do. old, 8al3c; do. factory, 7al0c; Elgins, 17c; Imitation creamery, 8al3c. Cheese-Quiet, weak. Eggs Firm; state and Pennsylvania, 15c; western fresh, i al4c; southern, 12al3c; duck, 12nl6c. Iltiffulo Cottle Markot. , Buffalo, May 16. Cattle Receipts, 780 head; on sale, 80 head; market opened steady with but few here, closed steady; veals, strong and higher; prime, 84.75afi.iC; good, 84.26a4.65. Hogs Receipts, 8,100 head; on sale, 1,600 head; market opened lower, closed easy; Yorkers, 84.60a4.65; light, 84.56a4.60; mixed. 84.60al.65; good me diums and heavy, 84.70a4.80, latter for prime; roughs, 8iu4.0; stags. 83a3.76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, head; on sale, 2,750 head; mariwt opened steady at yes terday's prices, closed strong. rlilAotfA TatflA MArltnt. I Union Stock Yards, 111., Way 10.-Cattle- mlmm Receipts, 10,000 head; market steady; com mon to extra stoors, 84.15u6.10; stockers and feedors, 82.60a4.75; cows and bulls, 81.75 nl.CO; calves, )3a6.40; Texans, 2.50u6.l0. Hogs Receipts, 34,000 head; market opened weak and closed firm; heavy pack ing and shipping lots, 84.30a4.60; common to choice mixed, 84.20a4.26; choice assorted, 84.35u4.46; light, 84.2Va4.46; pigs, 83a4.25. Sheep Rece'ptu, 11,000 hend; market strong; Inferior to choice, 82.50u4.70; lambs, 83.60u5.9O. ' The Grocery Alnrkct. Now York, May 16. The row sugar mar ket Is firm, but unchanged and quiet, centlfruguls quoted at for 96 test, muscovado 3c. for 89 test and molasses sugar, 89 test at 24o. The London sugar market was steady In all positions for cane. Java quoted at 12s. ltyd.. fair retilnlng 10s. 3d. Beet quiet but firm, May 10s. 3d., June 10s. 4V4d. The market for refined sugar was only moderately active, prices unchanged on the basts of 4 7-16a4He. for granulated. The market for coffeo Is quiet in all po sitions bus steady, Rio No. 7 spot quoted at lSe. and Rio No. 8 Uc. Rice and molasses active nnd Bteady. . Tito Silver Market. New York. May 16. -Bar silver in London today was weuk und down Hd. to SO-id. per ounce, but the market was quiet. The local market for silver wus also quiet, with the price for commercial bars slight ly lower at 6Mc. Mexican dollars were higher at 53c. , i Oil Mrk.t. Oil City. May U.-Oll opened and lowest, 170; highest, 173 closed, 172. Pittsburr. Muv 1A nil n..Mj . ... v.. vciicu mm nign- est, 173; lowest and closed, 172. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The Ohio River Sheet and Tlnplate company of Pittsburg has been granted a charter of Incorporation, with a The Thomas D. West Foundry com pany of Sharpsvllle, Pa has granted its employes 10 per cent, advance in pay. The large blast fornaee of the Valen tine Iron company of Bellefonte, Pa., was recently blown In after being Idle over five months. The cleaner and warehousemen In the employ of the New Castle, Pa., Wire Nail company have been granted an advance In wages. . According to a compilation made by the New York Times, 200 firms, em ploying 128,000 persons, have advanced wages since Jan. 1. capital of J50.000. This concern Is build ing a tlnplaite plant at Rochester, Pa., which Is expected to be ready for oper ations about July 1. The Phenlx Iron Works company of Meadvllle, Pa., manufacturers of en gines and boilers, have advanced their employes' wages 10 per cent. The Baker Forge company, at Ell wood City, Pa., has Its plant running to full capacity and expects to double the force of workmen, within a few months. The Oil City, Pa., Tube company, manufacturers) of pipes and tubes, vol untarily advanced the wages of their employes 10 per cent., taking effect May 6. The Carter & Allen Machine shops. at Tamaqua, Pa., have resumed opera tions after having been shut down sev eral years. The Vulcan Iron company, by whom this plant has been bought. has made extensive Improvements. The plant will employ about 600 men. Special Master Crawford's audit of the accounts of the Reading receivers shows that a balance of 8614,388.78 was carried over at the end of March for the Railroad company; the account for the Coal and Iron company shows a balance carried forward to April 1 of 8962,518.35. The H. C. Frlck company has pur chased six acres of land at Scottdale, Pa., on which to. erect oar shops. Three large buildings will be built and con nected with the Pennsylvania and Bal timore and Ohio railroad. All other re pair and car shops will be abondoned and all repairs will be done and new cars built at the new place. LAFAYETTE. The advisory board having declared the meeting held last week unconstitu tional, another had to be held yester day to elect the managers of the base and foot ball teams. The only change In the results from those previously an nounced was lh the manager of the foot ball team. Fred Nesbltt, of Wllkes Barre was elected manager Instead of D. E. TUson, many of the foot ball team being opposed to the election of Mr. TUson. The other elections were: Assistant foot ball manager, Bishop, '97; base, ball manager, Pomeroy, '96; assistant base ball manager, Hemln way, '97. The resignation of W. T. Hackett from the advisory board was accepted and John Maxwell was elect ed to'the vacancy. Arrangements have been made with the railroads entering Easton so that visitors to the commencement exer cises may avail themselves of rates of fare of two cents per mile. Persons desiring to secure this rate of fare should address "The Register, Lafay ette college, Easton, Pa.," for card or ders. The chess club expect to play a series of gnmes with the Lehigh club at Bolhlthem Frlla, May 17. OLYPHANT. The Robinson Comic Onera enmnnnv closed a three nights' engagement at tne father Mathew ODera hniiHo nr. Wednesday evening, when they pre sented "H. M. S. Pinafore." The opera tnrOUghOUt Was ablV Dresented. and all the members of the company gave satisfaction. S. L. ADt Is abln tn hn ihmit ...1. after a severe attack of rheumatism. The Laokawanna Coal rnmnanv win pay their employes tomorrow. , Miss Edith Mason la v s tlnv hop la ter, Mrs. Ell Longacker, In Hyde Park. Mrs. J. A. Warms- and rinmrhter nf Shamokln, are visitors at this place. The Adonis Social club will hold a picnic In Miles' grove on Thursday, June 8. , Mrs. F. A. Palmer la serlnualv III a I her home on the West Side. Misses Nellie Gallaarher nnd Hrpna Lynch attended d. musical recital at Seranton yesterday. Mrs, M. A. Tucker, of Aahlev la vlalt. Ing relatives on Susquehanna street. Miss 'Katie Reese has resigned hr position as assistant at the postofflce. "I burned my fingers very badly. The pain was Intense.' Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil brought relief In three minutes. It was almost magical. I never saw any thing like It." Amelia Swords, Saunders vllle, 0. , . CARBON DALE. Exitennlve preparations have been made for the celebration of the thirty sixth anniversary of the Jjinlor .Order of United American Mechanics, which occur in Carbondale today. A large number of visitors are expected to be In the city to celebrate the event. The headquarters of the marshal and gen eral committees will ba at Hotel Amer ican, where all aids will report prompt ly at 11 o'olock. The parade will be formed and divided as follows: First division Marshal and aids, Oermanla band, platoon of police, carriages' con taining mayor, ex-mayors, representa tives of the board of trade and general comtnltLeei. Second division Music; councils of representatives from Phila delphia, Pottsvllle, Hazleton, Easton, Phllllpsburg . and adjoining cities. Third division councils from Wana ma, Nar.tlc.oke, Plymouth, Ashley and Wllkes-Btarre. Fourth division Music, counollB from Kingston, Mill Hollow, Parsons, Wyoming, Plit.tston, Taylor vllle end Seranton. Fifth division Music; councils from HfTneedale, Burin wood, TJnlondale, Forest City and Dun daff. Sixth division Music, councils from Peckvllle, Archbald, Jermyn and Carbondale. The lines will form on River etreet and parade the principal streets and will disband at Hotel An thracite. At the close of the parau, from the balcony of Hotel Anthracite, the following programme will be ren dered; Selection, band; address of wel come, J. F. Reynolds, president of the board of trade; selection, Glee club; response to address of welcome, by Vice-Councillor C. B. Johnson, of Wllkts-Barre; selection, band; address, W. C. Weaver, of Myersdale; seleotlon, Glee club; selection, band. Yesterday afternoon a little boy by the name of Kirby, whose parents re side on South Church street, was knocked down and trtepped on by a team of horses belonging to John Booth. The little fellow was playing with his schoolmates at Salem avenue school and, not noticing the horses, ran right In front of them. The horses were walking arid no blame can be laid to the driver. His Injuries are not se rious, but painful. Frank L. Crane, of Seranton, made a business trip to Carbondale yesterday afternoon. Charles Ledyard, of Aldenvllle, Wayne county, Is visiting at his uncle's E. iM. Peck, of Washington street. nr. Reeves, 412 Spruce St., Seranton. tperlallst on lung troubles, consump tion and diseases of the heart. On Friday evening of next week will be held a birthday party In the chapel of the Berean Baptist church under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid society. In vitations will be sent to every member of ithe church, and with each Invitation will be enclosed a Uttle silk bag. Those receiving the Invitation are required to plaoe pennies In the bag to the amount of the number of years old they are and bring them to the party on Fri day evening nexit. During the evening Ice cream and cake will be served to the guests. This, of course, will be free. The proceeds of the evening will be devoted to reducing the church debt. Philip Mang, an employe of the Hen drtck Manufacturing company, had his hand badly Injured yesterday morning while on duty. Seven stitches were re quired to close up the wound. Frank Ames, of Binghamton, N. Y was In Carbondale last evening. Peter Dockerty went to Chicago yes terday as a delegate to the Brother hood of Railway Conductors, which Is held In that olty this week. STROUD 8 BURG. Professor Alexander T. Ormond, of Princeton college, spent a few days with his family on Center street and re turned to the above Institution on Thursday evening. Miss Alice Walton, one of Strouds burg's belles. Is on a three days' visit to the metropolis. Pomp, of the Normal, has returned from a visit to his parents at Pen Argyl. Miss Bertha McNeal Is visiting Miss Edith Beemer, of Newton, N. J. Mrs. Thomas Sexton, of East Strouds burg, is dangerously 111. Mrs. Homer Brink, of East Strouds burg, died at her residence near the Mllford crossing on Monday evening. She leaves a husband to mourn her de parture. The deceased was only 23 years of age and was loved and respect ed by all. The funeral was held on Thursday at Newfoundland. A meeting of the board of trustees of the East Stroudsburg State Normal school was held on Wednesday evening over the glass company's store, and the following officers were elected: Presi dent, Hon. J. B. Storm; vice-president, T. Y. Hoffman: treasurer, H. M. Mutch ler, and secretary, I. A. Gardner. A special meeting of the board will be held on May 23 at 2.30 p. m. In the Nor mal chapel, when they will elect teach ers for the ensuing year. A new athletic association has been started and at a meeting held on Wed nesday evening the following officers were elected: President, Dr. W. E. Gregory; vice-president, S. M. Dreher; secretary, G. D. Brown, and treasurer, James Purrlngton. Committees were appointed to look after equipments, and the following purchases will be made Immediately: One 16-pound shot, one 12-pound shot, one 16-pound ham mer, ons 12-pound hammer, jumping rack and vaulting poles, and a com plete outfit for foot ball and base ball. The Stroudsburg Gun club offered the use of their grounds and same was ac cepted and all members of the club will be admitted to all sports free of charge. It Is the Intention of the club to chal lenge the Normal Athletic association to friendly combat as soon as they are In training, Frederick Hummell, the base ball player, Is now considered out of dan ger and If everything Is favorable he will be moved today to his home, at Plymouth. The Junior Epworth league held a temperance, meeting .on Wednesday evening im tne Methodist church, which was largely attended. The following programme was rendered: singing, league ;readlng, Miss Bessie Keller; league; reading, Miss Bessie Keller; singing,, league; reading, Miss Ella Mick; reading, iMlss Ella iBcett; reed ing, Roy Flory; reading, Miss Mable Gregory; etnglng, league. A game of ball will be played on the Normal campus on Saturday after noon between the Normal team and a picked team from ithe two boroughs. Dull and Hoffsomer will be the bat tery for the picked team, amd the In vincible Walsh and Pomp for the Nor mal. Seats will be provided and the admission will be 10 cents. The . Tuscarora Social olub will take a drive to Bushklll tonight. ' Mrs. M. Scan Ion, of Tobyhanna, was In 'town on Wednesday visiting friends. Horry Dreher has taken the contract and Is painting the residence of E. W. Savacoal, Oni Green street, East Stroudsburg. "Voices of Nature" Is the title of an operetta that will be given In the Nor mal chapel tonight, The drill will be I .. : " ' exceptionally fine and a good perform a rice Is ssured. i Admission, 26 ' cents. Beats on sale ait IMutchle's, LaUar's and Kerr's drug; stores. The employes of the Wllkes-Barre and Eastern railroad were paid an Thursday. HONE8DALE. Miss Dena Rhodes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rhodes, was married to Benjamin Shay, o,t. the German Lutheran church, at 7 o'clock lost even ing by Rev. William Schmidt. bride wore a cream silk gown, trimmed with lilies of the volley, and carried lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid. Miss Anna .Rhodes, wore a dress of blue silk and carried rosea Mr. Shay was attended by Ed. Lake, best man. After the) ceremony a supper was served at the bride's home, where a bountiful spread had been prepared. Mr. and Mrs. Shay were the recipients of many gifts. They will at once com mence housekeeping at ' their home, over Legg'a drug store. Adjutant TV. 8. Millar, acting brigade Inspector, assisted by Lieutenant Col onel Mattes and Captain It. B. Chase and Lieutenant W. R. Raub, Company C, of Seranton, Inspected Company E at the armory Wednesday evening. The attendance of the company was 100 per cent Adjutant Millar expressed him self as being highly gratified at the appearance of the company and pro nounced the Inspection to be very satis factory In all respects, In accoutre ments, drilling, . bearing, etc. A large number of townspeople were present and greatly enjoyed the evening. Paymaster H. B. Snyder, of Rondout, made his first trip up the cannl this seaeon In ithe company's yacht. Super intendent O. Hose, Honesdalu; Au ditor S. T. S. Henry, New York; Chief Clerk H. L. Stewart, Albany; and J. Kirk -Rose, Honesdale, were also In the yacht. . Albert Connolly Is home from school for his summer vacation. Two runaways occurred yesterday. In the morning a team of Courtrlght & Son ran out of the stables and across the street. The wagon to which they were attached was damaged consid erably. This is Courtrlght's second ac cident this week. Yesterday after noon a horse attached to a light buggy ran down Main street ait a rapid pace. George Volght. a 17-year-old lad, ran out and managed to climb Into the buggy from the back, stopping the horse without any accident or damage occurring. Last evening a delightful muslcate and social was held at the Presbyterian church. Miss Bessie Phelps, of Seranton, who has been th-a guest of Miss Vinnle Rose, roturned home yesterday. The Scraniton Tribune is now being sold regularly at Prompton. E. R. Budle Is tn charge. dUnmore. Mrs. S. L. Jenks is visiting relatives In New York city. Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce St., Scranton's greatest specialist. Cures when all oth ers fall. Consultation free. . Thomas Allen Is seriously Indisposed at his home on Bloom street. Miss Anna Haggerty returned from Philadelphia Wednesday evening, after spending a few weeks with friends. - - Philip Carroll, an old employe of the Pennsylvania Coal company, resigned his position yesterday afternoon, to ac cept a more lucrative one with Burke Bros., at Croton, N. Y. Miss Bertha Knittle, of Jefferson ave nue, Seranton, spent last evening with friends In town. Edward Gilbert, of Drinker street, will remove to Paterson, N. J., where he will make his home permanently. Thomas Brink visited friends In Haw- ley yesterday afternoon. Weak, Tired, Nervous "I was feeling as miserable as any one could feel, tired all the time, many times unable to go out on the street even after I had started. If I went up one flight of stairs I felt as though I should fall. I had palpitation of the heart and suffered ? ready with catarrh of the "head and hroat. I finally .decided to try Hood's Banwparllla, and soon felt better. I used the third bottle and I then felt like different person. I hope others in ill health will do as I did. If you take Hood's Sarsaparilla and use it faithfully I am sure you will be benefited. I have also found Hood's Pills to be of great benefit and I highly recommend them." Miss Jkssib Frkmont, Saddle Elver, N. J, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently la the publlo eye today. Hood's Pills euro all liver tils. 3Co Great Reduction Sals at the EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO. OLD STAND OF GOODMAN'S CUT PRICE STORE. 2 CASES Of Lndi.f hlbted Vests; yon have nevar worn a better, well fitted undorgarment; toe price, Only 1 9 Cants, (leeres short or long. NEXT LOT Midoten Bli.lwd Vests, lighter In weight, I ut just the thing for the summer. 3 Vesta for 25 Cants. Osn you afford to be without them t GENTLEMEN'S BALBRIGGANS ' ' ' In 10 different numbers; our line of Bsl brlggnns (or men we can sar s the larg est In the oltr. We supply the wholesale and retail trade. We hare the following: LOTi A good Balbrlggan Shirt and Drawers; slses to suit the buyer, at 40 cants for the Suit, or 2Soeute each, . THE EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO., OLD STAW GjmWS CUT PRICE STORE. 5IS IVl ir tin mm AND HARYELOUS CURES AT dr. f. b. lis mm, 312 Wyoming Are. Read what Mrs. M. A. Brown has to say of her wonderful cure: Mrs. M. A. Brown, residing at No. 733 Capouse avenue, when Interviewed, made the following startling announce ment: "About four years ago I con tracted catarrhal bronchitis, which caused me great suffering. With this I was taken wltih the grippe, since which the catarrhal bronchitis had been very much aggravated by catarrh of the head and throat. I also suffered with nervous prostration, and felt more tired on arising when retiring. I had severe pains over the eyes and all through my head. No one knows how I Buffered. After having tried any number of phy sicians and medicines, but to no avail, I had given up all hopes of recovery, when I was Induced to go see Dr. Smith. I did so, and from the first be gan to Improve rapidly. This was three weeks ago, and today I am a well woman. I cannot express my gratitude but I heartily recommend any one suf fering as I did to Dr. Smith. He will cure you." Dr. Smith will give free Il lustrated lectures and publicly heal the sick at Music Hall, Lackawanna ave nue, every afternoon this week at 2 o'clock. He will also deliver a free Illustrated lecture to men only at Music Hall Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Next week's lectures will consist of open lectures the forepart of the week. To ladles only latter part of week. Dr. Smith will cure all diseases of chonlc nature that have been pronounced In curable. Consultation free. Parlors, 312 Wyoming avenue.. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. dally except Sundays. 230 Lackawanna Am, Seranton WHAT THEY SAY Such suits you never saw. There is no doubt about it. Their garments are stylish and well made, and cheap is no name for it. Test this asser tion and see for your selves if they don't speak the truth. If there is one thing we take more pride in than another it is our Children's Department Which at present is filled with the most complete assortment, from cheap little suits costiug $1.00, to the most expensive kind that the proudest parent wishes to don ov her little ones. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK: Child's Suit, Consisting 3 25 .25 .48 1.25 . oi rants ana waitt. Two Pairs of Knee Pants Children's Wash Suits, Children's Jersey Suits THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL LOT 2 Colored Bslbrlggsns, eold, brown and blue, good quality, and sizes to suit any body tor the price of 25 oenta each. LOT 3 Did you ever have a solrt of onr Freuah Balbrtgtant If you have not them, you better ooine and examiae . mi.eiik Btilehed, the quality tae best, Tie tf tr are not equal in quality to and tft rs Uk oeuis, will give a suit f " our prlou 39o. each o-'SF n0'hin bMrtaiidD..w7rJ'0n' cenU tor WHAT'S NEXT?-A good white Unen Un laundried Huirt; we are headquarters on BOud Muslin Shirts: our shirts have the . material, labor, neatly made and prices lower than others; OOo. eaoh. Shirts Again If you need a shirt for work shift. Iuk. f.moy in Cheviot or Peroale, or any other shirs yon have in your mind, go to i ' Empire Dry Goods Co., dlreot manufac turer., m Canal St., New York. Bell ail their product to consumer, the - ffnriiT rvn 1111 THEB Ill - AT THE 490-402 LACKAWANNA AVE, GRAND I mmm. II. B I W aaasasar a Ifctl s w VI1UII ELlJCarpetings INDUCEMENTS TO BUYERS: Our policy is to offer greater inducements than other itores better assortment, handsomer patterns, lower prices. We want your custom and your friends' custom; that's why we leave no effort unspared. The best makes and finest designs, including many pri vate patterns in WILTONS, AXMINSTERS, MOQUETTES, VELVETS, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, AND INGRAIN CARPETS. Selected with a view to matching this season's best styles of decorations. Mattings from China and Japan. A oo for the finest quality 40-yard rolls; a good P T"a heavy quality at $6.00; the $5.00 quality at $4.00, with twenty in-between prices. 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. lii l And all branches of mercantile life are operated on a credit basis. Why should you hesitate to purchase goods by "ETCONOMY'S" l&ASY WAY TO PAY Especially when ve offer thern at prices much lower than the so-called "Cash Houses?" SIDEBOARDS In the window, "that he who runs may read." Three reasons for selling $20.00 Sidetxmrds for $13.00-Need room so badly; we pay In lessened prices to get it; there's eighteen of 'em. TWO OTHER PRICE HINTS $25.00 Sideboard, handsomely carved Antique Oak, 75 in. high, 42 in. wide, 21 in. deep, with oval peach beveled mirror, 22x14 Inches, gener ous linen drawer and lined silver drawer. TO MAKE ROOM, $15.00 $20.00 Sideboard, much like the twenty-five dollar one, but has 24x14 lu. German bevel mirror. TO MAKE ROOM, $14.00 Due to Rainy Days we have some of the Too-Fine BABY COACIIE9 left oiitf-thlrd Less than Regular Prices, Call and buy one. MATTINGS Japan-lnserted-171 cento a yard; It's our twenty-five cent kind. Oth ers thirty. China Mattings, $3.75 a roll. PORCH ROCKERS Our Specialty, 65 Cents Upwards. FREIGHT PAID EVERYWHERE. EGOflOUYlURNITURE GO 88B ana 227 Wyoming Avnu. I FAIR SCRANTON, PA. DISPLAY OF bl V) 11 Vl pi, Mig II 1 EiEttEi i CO. V. 1 ' ' '
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