The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 16, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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4 191
fThtM thort ferial stories are copyrighted by Bacheller. Johnson & Bach
Her, and are printed InTheTrlbune by special arrangement, simultaneous with
(their appearance In the leading dally journals of the large cities).
: 11.
I had now no doubt at all about get
ting into the yard, but I had very con
siderable misgivings as to how I was to
get out again. It would be too humili
ating, after trying here and trying
there, to have to go back to my hole
again In despair, or to be arrested by
the guards outside, and thrown Into
those damp underground cells which
are reserved for prisoners who are
caught in escaping. I set to work,
therefore, to plan what I should do. I
have never, as you know, had the
chance of showing what I could do as
a general. Sometimes, after a glass or
two of wine, I have found myself ca
pable of thinking out surprising combi
nations, and have felt that If Napoleon
had entrusted me with an army corps,
"things might have gone differently with
him. But, however that may be, there
Is no doubt that In the small strata
gems of war, and In that quickness of
Invention which Is so necessary for an
officer of light cavalry, I could hold my
own against any one. It was now that
I had need for It, and I felt sure that
It would not fall me.
The Inner wall which I had to scale
was built of bricks, 12 feet high, with
row of spikes, three Inches apart,
upon the top.' The outer I had only
caught a glimpse of once or twice,
when the gate of the exercise yard was
open. It appeared to be about the
sanTB height, and was also spiked at
the top. The space betwepn the walls
Giimoris Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted and ner
vous; are 'getting thin and all
run down; Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine , will bring roses
to your cheeks . and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters, It is the best
regulator s and corrector for
ailments . peculiar to woman
hood. It promotes digestion,
enriches the blood and gives
lasting, strength. Sold t by
Matthews Bros., Scran ton.
was over twenty feet, and I had reason
to believe that there were no sentries
there, except at the gaten. On the
other hand, I knew that there wan a
line of soldiers outsldrk Behold the
little nut, my friends, wh!?h I hid to
open with no crackers save these two
One thins upon which I rolled was
the heisjht of my comrade, saumont.
My Com-anlon Sclzod Me by tho Knees,
Yelling "Help! Ilelp!!n Prisoner
Is Ksenping."
I have already said that he was a very
tall man, six feet, at least, and It
seemed to mo that If I could mount
upon his shoulders, and get my hands
upon the Fiplkes, I could easily scale the
wall. Could I pull my big companion
up after me? That was the question,
for when I set forth with a comrade,
even thotisrh it be one for whom I bear
no affection, nothing un earth would
make me' abandon him. If I climbed
the wall and he could not follow me, I
should be compelled to return to him!
He did not seem to concern himself
much about It, however, so I hoped that
ho had confidence in his own activity.
Then another very Important matter
was the choice of the sentry who should
be on duty In front of my window at
the time of our attempt. They were
changed every 'two hours to insure
their vigilance, but I, who watched
them closely eleh night out of my win
dow, knew that there was a great dif
ference between them. There were
some who were so keen that a rat could
not cross the yard unseen, while others
thought only of their own ease, and
Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc.
could sleep as soundly leaning upon a
musket as if they were at home upon
a feather bed. There was one espe
cially, a fat, heavy man, who would re
tire Into the shadow of the wall and
doze so comfortably during his two
hours, that I have dropped pieces of
plaster from my window at his very
feet, without his observing It. By good
luck, this fellow's watch was due from
twelve to two upon the night which we
had fixed upon for our enterprise.
As the laret day passed I was so filled
with nervous agitation that I could not
control myself, but ran ceaselessly
about my cell, like a mouse In a cage.
Every moment I thought that the war
der would detact the looseness of the
bar, or that the sentry would observe
the unmortared stone, which I could
net conceal, outside, as I Stood within.
As for my companion, he sat brooding
upon the end of his bed, looking at me
In a sidelong fashion from time to time,
and biting his nails like one who Is
deep In thought.
"Courage, my frend," I crlod, slap
ping him upon the shoulder. "You will
see your guns before another month be
"That la all very well," said he. "But
whither will you fly when you get
"To the coast," I answered. "All
comes right fur a brave man, and I
shall make straight for my regiment."
"You are more likely to make straight
for the underground cells, or for the
Portsmouth hulks," said he.
"A soldier takes his chances," I re
marked. "It Is only the poltroom who
reckons always upon the worst."
I raised a flush In each of his sallow
cheeks at that, and I was glad of it, for
it was the first sign of spirit which I
had ever observed In him. For . mo
ment he put his hand out toward his
water Jug, as though he would have
hurled It at me, but then he shrugged
his shoulders and 'sat In silence once
more, biting his 'nails and scowling
down upon the floor. I could not but
think, as I looked at him, that perhaps
I was doing the Flying Artillery a very
bad service by bringing him back to
I never In. my life have known an
evening pass as slowly as that one, To
ward nightfall a wind sprang up, and
as the darkness deepened It blew
harder and harder, until a terrible gale
was whistling over tho moor. As I
looked out of my window I could not
catch a glimpse of a star, and the black
Clauds, were flying low across the
heavens. The rain was pouring down,
and what with Its hissing and splash
ing and the howling and screaming of
the wind,. It was Impossible for me to
hear the steps of the sentinels. "If I
cannot hear them," thought I, "then It
la unlikely that they can hear me"; and
I waited with .the utmost Impatience
until the Inspector should have come
round for. his nightly peep through our
grating. Then, having peered through
the darkness, and seen nothing of the
sentry, who was doubtless crouching In
some corner out of the rain, I felt that
the moment was come. I removed the
bar, pulled out the stone, and motioned
to my companion to pass through.
"After you, colonel," said he.
"Will you not go first?" I asked. '
"I had rather you showed me the
way." ; '
"Come after me, then, but come si
lently, as you. value your life.;'
, In the darkness I could hear the fel
low's teeth chattering, and I wondered
whether a man ever had such a partner
In a desperate enterprise. I seised the
bar, however, and mounting upon my
stool, I thrust my head and shoulders
ul 111,
- AT
Into the hole. I had wriggled through
as far as my waist, when my com
panion seized me suddenly by the knees,
and yelled at the top of his voice:
"Help! Help! A prisoner is escap
ing!" Ah, my friends, what did I not feel
at that moment! Of course I saw in an
instant the game of this vile creature.
Why should he risk his skin in climb
ing walls when he might be sure of a
free pardon from the English for hav
ing prevented the escape of one no
much more distinguished than himself?
I had recognized him as a poltroon and
a sneak, but I had not understood the
depth of baseness to which he could
descend. One who has spent his life
among gentlemen and men of honor
does not think of such things until they
The blockhead did not seem to un
derstand that he was lost more cer
tainly than I, I writhed back, Into the
darkness, and, seizing him by the
throat, I struck him twice with my
Iron bar. At the first blow he yelped as
a little cur does when you tread upon
Its paw. At the second, down he fell
with a groan upon the floor. Then I
seated myself upon my bed, and waited
resignedly for whatever punishment my
Jailers might Inflict upon me.
But a minute panned and yet another,
with no sound save the heavy, snoring
breathing of the senseless wretch upon
the floor. Was It possible, then, that
amid the fury of the storm his warn
ing cries hnd passed unheeded? At
Call It a Craze.
The New York Tiibnne mvi: "The lialilt of
taking 1 Iwulache powders' is increasing to au
tanning eitent among a grant number of wo
men throughout the country. These pnwdera aa
their name Indicates, are claimed by the manu
facturer to be a potitlve ami upttdy cure for an v
form of headache. Iu many casea their chief
Ingredient la morphine, opium, cocalue or tome
other equally Injurious (truer having a tendency
to deaden palu. The habit of taking them it
easily formed, hut almost imponilble to sliuke
off. Women usually begin Inking them to re
lieve a raging headache and soou resoit to Ihe
ponder to alleviate auy little pain or ache they
may be subjected to, and finally like the mor-
Fihlneor opium fieud.get Into the lmllt of Inking
hem regularly, Imagining Hint they are In paiu
if they happen to miss their tegular dose."
In nine casesaout of .ten, the trouble is
in the stomach and liver. Take a simple
laxative and liver tonic and remove the
offending matter which deranges the
stomach and causes the headache. l)r.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are composed
entirely of the purest,, concentrated,
vegetable extracts. - . One Pellet is a
dose; sugar-coated, easily swallowed;
once used, always in favor. They posi
tively cure sick headache and remove
the disposition to it, . . ; :
Mr. B. VasoaSon, of Oiler Lake, Lifter Co.,
fwiin., wriiraj "I uol
infreaueullv liavann at.
tack of the headache.
It usually comes on iu
the foreuoou. At my
dluuer I eat my regular
meal, and take on or
two of Doctor Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets Imme
diately after, and iu the
course ot au Hour air
headache Is cured and
no bad eflccti. I feel
better every way for
having taken them
not worse, aa Is usual
alter taking other kinds
of pills. ' lensaut Pel
lets ' are worth more
than their weight in
gold, if for nothing else
tbau to cur headache,"
S. Vabquon. Ksq.
first It was but a tiny hope, another
minute and It was probable, another
and It was certain. There was no sound
In the corridor, none In the courtyard.
I wiped the cold sweat from my brow,
and asked myself what I should do
One thing seemed certain. The man
on the floor must die. If I left him I
could not tell how short a time It might
bo before he gave the alarm. I dare not
strike a light, so I felt about In tho
darkness until my hand came upon
something wet, which I knew to be his
head. I .raised my iron bar, but there
was something, my friends, which pre
vented me from bringing It down. In
the heat of fight I have slain many
men men of honor, too, who had done
me no Injury. Yet here was this wretch,
lie Never Thought That a Dcsporote Man
Was Within a Few Feet of Iliin. '
a creature too foul to live', who had
tried to work me so great a mischief,
and yet I could not bring myself to
crush his skull In. Such deeds are very
well for a Spanish partlda or, for that
matter, a sans-culotte of the Faubourg
Bt. Antolne but not for soldier and a
gentleman like me.
However, the heavy breathing of the
fellow made me hope that it might be
a very long time before he recovered
his senses. I gagged him, therefore, and
bound him with Btrips of blanket to the
bed, so that In his weakened condition
there was good reason to think that, in
any case, he might not get free before
the next visit of the warden. But now
again I was faced with new difficulties,
for you will remember that I bad re
lied upon his height to help me over
the walls. I could have sat down and
shed tears of despair had not the
thought of my mother and of the em
peror come to sustain me. "Courage!"
said I. "If It weire any one but Etlenne
Gerard he would be in a bad fix now;
that is a young man who is not so easily
caugh t."
I set to work, therefore, upon Beau
mont's sheet as well as my own, and
by tearing them Into strips and then
placing them together I made a very
excellent rope. This I tied securely to
tho center of my iron bar, which was
a little over a foot In length. Then I
slipped out Into the yard, where the
rain was pouring and the -wind scream
ing louder than ever. I kept in the
shadow of the prison wall, but It was
as black as the ace of spades, and I
could not see my own hand In front of
me. Unless I walked Into the sentinel
I had nothing to fear from him. When
I had come under the wall I threw
up my bar, and to my Joy it ftuck the
very first time between the spikes at
the top. I cllmebd up my rope, pulled
It after me, and dropped down on the
other side. Then I scaled the second
wall, and was sitting astride among
the spikes upon the top, when I saw
something twinkle In the darkness be
neath me. It was the bayonet of the
sentinel below, and so close was It (the
second wall being rather lower than
the first) that I could easily, by lean
ing over, have unscrewed It from Its
socket. There he was, humming a tune
to himself, and cuddling up against
the wall to keep himself ..warm, little
thinking that a desperate man within
a few feet of him was within n ace of
stabbing him to the heart with his
own weapon. I was alteady bracing my
self for the spring, when the fellow,
with an oath, shouldered his musket,
and I heard his steps squelching
through the mud as he resumed his
beat, I slipped down my rope, and, leav
ing It hanging, I ran at the top of my
speed aijross the moor.
(To be Continued.)
Ureat English Remedy.
Gray's Specific Medicine
ir vnn cnrrra from Nr-
3ntVeeVneeeof Body and Mind?
torrEsa, and Imootancy, and all diss
ir 1VH fVIHm. vona D
sesthat uiaa from ovaT-mdulgtnoe and Mlf-abaa. as
Loss of alemory and Power, Ulmoeas of Vis
Ion, Prematura Old Ag and many ether die
aasa tbat lead to Insanity or Conaitasputoa
and an sarly grave, writ for a pampklei
Adore QHAY IlKUICIIfB Co., Buffalo.
K. T. Tha sloecfflo Medicine is sold by all
dray 1st at It par package,, or alx paokagea
for W, or sent by nsail on receipt of moeay,
and with every (S.0O order Up Gill RUTCe
a onre or money refonaed. Bt aWniinnUi
tVOn account ot eonntarfalta we ban
adopted the Yellow Wrapper, the only genu
In. Bold la Scran ton by Matthews Brva
22 Commonwealth
,, Bld'0, Scranton, Pi
pi (mm J
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure thctr many pal
rotis that tliev will this year hold to their usual custom
ot lnnilng STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop
is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, ana
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are
ot the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other
Wholesale Agents.
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turubuckles, Washers, Riv
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc,
flunnslain usee's a tellable,
the Barest drugs
Dr. Pcal'o
They an wen, ears ul eertala la resell. Tho met no (Dr. Feal'i) aeeeo Uaj
- For Sateby JOHN H. PHELPS
Sprue Stroot Serantoiw Pa.
eatbly, refmlaUnt nsedialae. Only kaml
ifcaoJa bo nasq. If yen want tke beat, pt
lees tag
Pennyroyal Pills
Pharmaoltt Cor. Wyoming Avnu and