The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 16, 1895, Image 1

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A We
Tou may rather together all the fabric
for spring and aummer woar that ever
earn from a loom, and look them over,
taking the full merit of each Into ac
count, and after all Is laid and done, you'll
be bound to admit that there is not one In
the lot that will take the place of these
rich silken weaves, for solid comfort and
unmatchable elegance.
Silks are no longer a luxury. A dozen
different things have brought about a
price revolution In the silk markets of the
world, until the Queen of Textiles (Silk)
has become a sort of people's fabric. The
proof for this assertion lies In the Econ
omic 811k' Values which follow.
NO. 11
Una 97.1nrh FlLTIOV
Ctllra In nsxut amflll effects! ftlSO
fancy Plaids and Clan Tartan for
waists and children wear.
NO. 2
NO. 4
NO. 5
mixed lot white,
navy and black grounds, with
spots, figures and stripes; 20 pieces
In all; value 65c. to 75c; special
39 c.
NO. 6
For one woek wa will offer a capital
, range of the celebrated ' "Llbory" and
China Silks manufactured by Cheney
3roa., and guarantee them to be their well
known standard $1.00 quality. Exquisite
patterns on Black, ' Navy and Cream
Price for One Week
Only 59 Cents.
J" 10 Pieces "K
If 23-inch Silks, light
grounds, with dainty stripes in dell-l
( cat tints. An ideal silk for sum- I
11 met waists. 1
NO. 3
assorted lot of figured
II Taffeta Bilks, light, medium and Yl
If dark grounds in all sorts of ways; l
II actual values range from 75c to 11. II
Vl Price for choice, II
15 PiecesS.
ml Satin Rhadames, V
If full range of desirable shadings, 11
1 1 ' and astonishing value at 1 1
: 5 Pieces "
If 27-lnoh Black Taffeta
II Silks, exactly the same thing l
II as our usual $1.00 quality. This II
Sweeping Change Made by Senate
Congressional Committee.
Lackawanna and Susquehanna to Do
Joincd-Work In Sonato and House. 1
Flag Hill Is Defeated-Governor
Hastings' Appointments.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Harrisburgv May IB. The senate
congressional apportionment commit
tee today reported a bill - making a
sweeping change In the congres
sional districts as now constituted.
Philadelphia and Allegheny county are
J each given an additional congressman.
I Tha bill makes no change in tl'e Phlla
j delphla districts beyond those already
Indicated In The Tribune.
The eastern end of the state Is ap
I portioned as follows: Seventh district,
i Chester and Delaware; Eighth, Mont
i ginnery and Bucks; Ninth, Northamp-
ton, Monroe, Pike, Carbon and Wayne;
Tenth, Berks and , Lehigh; Eleventh,
! Luncaster; Twelftn, ekawanna and
Susquehanna; Thirteenth, Luzerne;
Fourteenth, Scuylkill and Columbia;
Fifteenth, Dauphin, Perry and Leban
on; Sixteenth, Bradford, Wyoming,
Sullivan, Lycoming and Union; Seven
teenth, Tioga Potter, McKean, Camer
on and Clinton; Eighteenth, Northum
berland, Montour, Snyder, Juniata,
MIHlin and Center; Nineteenth, Hunt
ingdon, Franklin, Blair and Fulton;
Twentieth, Adams, York and Cumber
land. Question of Adjournment.
The question of final adjournment Is
one that is JuM now receiving much at
tention at the hands of both branches
of the legislature. Several Informal
conferences were held today between
the leaders of the senate and house to
try to formulate some plan by which
this could be accomplished as early a
possible. It is generally agreed that
tne lawmakers cannot get awav before
June 7. The senators Insist that the
only means by which this can be ac
complished Is by the house dropping all
of Ita bills below the final passage cal
endar. This will hardly be agreed to.
A decided effort Is being mode to ef
fect a compromise by which both bodies
can be satisfied.
A resolution was Introduced In the
house this morning by Mr. Dunlap, of
Philadelphia, providing that hereafter
any bills that hive been defeated or
mav be defeated on third reading and
final passage shall not be reconsidered.
A storm of noes followed the reading
of the resolution and It was withdrawn.
Mr. Dunlap says he will offer the reso
lution again next Friday, when original
resolutions are In order. Under the
rules It will go over until the following
Monday evening for consideration. ..
Another matter that is now receiving
considerable attention in the many in
cidental conferences la the legislative,
Judicial, senatorial and congressional
apportionment bills. Every measure of
this character introduced to date has
met violent opposition and the general
sentiment Is that only a conference
committee can settle the differences.
Even then It Is exceedingly doubtful
whether anything like a satisfactory
settlement can be reached. Governor
Hastings Is anxious for an apportion
ment of some kind and is doing all he
can to bring it about.
Two Important bills were Introduced
In the house today by Representative
McDonald, of Allegheny. One creates
a cash fund of 175,000 for the western
penitentiary to provide clothing, food,
light and fuel, and providing for the
reimbursement of the same by charges
on counties sending prisoners to the
prison. The other provides that brew
ers may take out license by payment
of $1,000 to the proper county author
ities only to sell to licensed dealers.
The bill also allows brewers to secure
wholesale licenses by application to
court. Under this law brewers will not
need to go into court to take out a
brewing license.
Flag Rill Defoated.
The bill allowing school boards to
purchase out of the public funds Amer
ican flags made of bunting by
American workmen, and to float
them on the school houses of
their respective districts on staffs
made of American timber, was de
feated on final passage. Last week
when the bill was under consideration
on second reading it was amended so
as to make it permissive. It was
thought It would go through in ttiis
shape without objection. The measure
was advocated 'by 'the patriotic so
cieties, and Its defeat Is the first back
set these organizations have received
this session.
The bills relieving real estate agents
from the provision of the acts of 1850
and 1861, passed finally. Those meas
ures were offered on the recommenda
tion of the auditor general. They re
lieve real estate agents from the pay
ment of the brokers' tax, which cost
the starts more to collect than the
amount of revenue derived. Only about
16 per cent, of the real estate agents In
the state were subjected to the pro
visions of the acts sought to be re
pealed. The bill requiring the payment
of a bonus of one-half of one per cent,
of capital stock by corporations also
went through finally.
The bills for the publication of the
catalogue of the state library was de
feated with only fifty-eight votes In its
favor. The act prohibiting members
of the boards of trustees of State Nor
mal schools from making or being In
terested in contracts with such schools
was Indefinitely postponed. This killed
the bill. The bill extending to third
class cities the provisions of the act of
1889to establish and maintain schools
for Instruction In mechanic arts and
kindred subjects passed finally.
I-'ovorablo'Konort on Ormo mil.
The Ormo bill .taxing all orders,
checks, coupons, pass books or other
paper representing wages or earnings
of an employe not paid In cash to the
1 employe or member of his family, and
providing for a report to the auditor
general, was favorably reported. A
resolution was reported from the rules
committee and adopted fixing the time
I of meeting on Friday at 9 o'clock and
, the consideration of appropriation bills
on first reading, as the first order of
: The house held three sessions today,
the order of business being considera
tion of revenue and senate bills on
third reading at the morning and aSter
noon session. At the evening sessions
the order was revenue bills on second
reading, senate and appropriation bills
on third reading. The bills providing
for the adoption of trade marks, tables,
symbols or private stamps by any un
incorporated association or union or
workingmen and to regulate the same,
providing for the protection and sav
ing of human life and property on
cases, of fire In cities of the first class
passed finally. A bill providing for the
filing of paper books In the several
courts of record of the commonwealth
In all causes appealed therein to the
Supreme court also passed this stage.
The house concurred in Ithe Joinit
resolution giving to the retiring super
intendent of public printing. Colonel
William Hayes Urier, of Columbia, his
drk and chulr, and directing it to be
sent to his home by the superintendent
of public buildings and grounds.
Governor's Nominations.
The governor sent to the senate the
following nominations: Inspector of
the Eastern penitentiary, Isaac J. WIs
tar; members of the committee on
states and international exposition
commission, Hamilton Dlsston, H. B.
Hubbcrt, H. F. Berwlnd and William
M. Slngerly, Philadelphia; C. A. Paint
er, Allegheny; Fletcher Coleman, Wlll
iamsport; N. S. Lovell, Erie; William
Comiell, Scranton; J. L. Spangler,
Bellefonte; O. S. Meyers, Bethlehem;
Alex Dempster, Pittsburg; R. B. Pow
ell, Shadeland.
Managers of the reform school at
Morgansea: Isidore Coblens, George
Von Bonnhurst, Allegheny; David Mc
Klnney, New Brighton; W. B. Suptori,
C. W. Houston, Pittsburg; J. S. Bu
chanan, Beaver; A. G. Harper, Thomas
MoKennon, Washington.
Tho Pennsylvania Stool Organization
Purchased for $2.000,000-llans for
Future Operations. -
Philadelphia, May 15. In accordance
with the plan of reorganization, the
receivers of the Pennsylvania Steel
company, which concern holds all of
the stock of the 'Maryland Steel com
pany, this afternoon offered the entire
property of the company at public auc
tion at the Philadelphia exchange. The
property was bought in by Effingham
B. Morris, on behalf of the reorganiza
tion committee, of which he Is chair
man, for $2,000,000, the amount of the
bonded indebtedness, Mr. Morris being
the only bidder.
Application will shortly be made to
the state department at Harrlsburg for
a new charter for the Pennsylvania
Steel company, and when this shall be
secured and other matters pertaining
to the reorganization arranged, the
concern will be taken out of the re
ceivers' hands. It Is believed that the
receivers will be discharged In about
sixty days hence.
The stockholders of the old company
have subscribed $f,50O,00O in cash for
preferred stock In the new company,
and creditors and claims aggregating
$5,300,090 will be paid at the rate of 40
per cent. In cash and the balance In
consolidated bonds of the Pennsylvania
Steel company and the Maryland Steel
Another Lot of Criminals Will Bo Turned
Harrlsburg, Pa,, May 15. At the reg
ular meeting of the board of pardons
this afternoon pardons were recom
mended in the following cases: Philip
Hack, Allegheny, larceny and conspir
acy; John Deeney, Allegheny, larceny
and receiving stolen goods; Charles
Jones, Allegheny, voluntary man
slaughter; Alexander McKee, Alle
gheny, Indecent assault; John G. Gor
don, Allegheny, robbery.
Commutation of the death sentence
of John B. Cook, the Washington
county murderer, to life Imprisonment,
was recommended, but a similar rec
ommendation was refused In the case
of John Elslmlnger, the Greene county
murderer, who will be hanged on June
6. Other cases on the list were held
under advisement.
Cuban Insurgents Are Routed By Govern
ment Troops.
Santiago de Cuba, May 15. A band
of Insurgents made an attack upon the
town of Dos Camlnos, In this province
today, but were repulsed and routed
by the goverment troops.
The rebels fled, leaving a number of
killed and wounded on the field- The
attacking band set fire to two houses,
which were destroyed.
Stoaro Engineers Meet.
Philadelphia, May 15. Delegates com
posing the supreme council of the Ameri
can Order of Steam Engineers met here
today. The licensing of engineers by state
authorities and the Inspection of boilers
under state supervision were the chief
topics of discussion. James Llghtfoot,
Pennsylvania, was elected supreme chief
engineer, and Clifford P. Williams su
preme treasurer.
Foresters' Endowment.
Reading, Pa., May 15. At this morning's
session of the Ancient Order of Foresters
there was a lively discussion on the ques
tion of dissolving the present endowment
fund and creating a new one. The propo
sition Is to create five classes known as A,
B, C, D and R. the certificates to range
from $100 to $3,1X10.
Kohl Reprieved.
Newark, May 15. Governor Werts at
Jersey City this afternoon reprieved
Henry Kohl, sentenced to be executed to
morrow for the murder of Joseph Prelnel,
to Friday, May 24.
Eight new suburban trolley linos are
projected In Pittsburg.
Many Lancaster county farmers are tak
ing up potato culture Instead of tobacco.
The new National Tooth company to be
organized at York has placed orders in ad
vance for 60,000 sets of teeth.
A boiler burst In Carnegie's Homestead
mill and fatally hurt Theodore McHenry,
who was visiting his brother at the steel
The boiler on tho towboat Rescue ex
ploded In Pittsburg and seriously In
jured Engineer McOlnnls and Fireman
Claude Schonoder.
The Electrical Engineering' company has
sued thai Insolvent Cumberland Valley
Electric Railway company for $30,000 for
breach of contract, and the Johnson com
pany has sued It for the price of rails furn
ished. . , '
Thirteenth Annual Convention in
Session at Carbondale.
Addresses Dollverod by Rev. A. P. Doyle,
Hev. T. F. Coffey, Kov. E. J. Melloy
and President John H. Do vine.
Business Transacted.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Carbondale, May 15. Weather more
like "chill November's surly blast"
than that which is In season at the ves
tibule of summer was what the clerk
of the meteorological bureau provided
for the delegates to the thirteenth an
nual convention of the Scranton Dio
cesan Total Abstinence union, which
assembled In St. Rose's hall, on Church
street. In this city this morning.
Delegates began arriving on the early
trains and at 8 o'clock all roads led
to the convention hall. The officers of
the union were all present, except Vice
President Charles Lavln, of Wllkes
Barre. President John H. Devlne, of
Scranton; Second Vice-President Frank
McCafferty, of Jermyn; Secretary John
M. Mack, of Luzerne, and Treasurer P.
F. McDonnell, of Carbondale, com
posed the remainder of the board of
government, a,nd they were busy ar
ranging all the preliminaries of the
convention, !
Rev. E. J. Melley, pastor of St.
John's church, South Side, Scranton,
the present spiritual director of the
union, while the board of government
was getting things ready, circulated
among the delegates. Father Melley
Is very popular among temperance men
of the Scranton diocese.
The 'hall was decorated with bunting
and a United States flag beamed down
from above the platform. The flag was
setoff wiitha picture of Father Theobald
Mathew, administering the pledge to a
cadet. A messenger was sent to the
parochial residence of Rev. Father
Coffey, to announce that the conven
tion was ready to open.
At 10.40 Spiritual Director Rev. E. J.
Melley, Rev. A. P. Doyle, of New York,
who Is in the city as a guest of Father
Coffey and delivered a lecture at the
Opera House. Tuesday night, and
Father Coffey were escorted to the plat
form, and President Devlne called the
delegates to order. The opening prayer
was offered by the spiritual director.
President Devlne Introduced Father
Melley to irne delegates and the spir
itual director delivered a very practical
address. He said It gave him pleasure
to note that there had not been many
bickerings in the union during the past
year, which would call forth from him
reproof. At times matters had arisen
which were to some extent reprehensi
ble, but tie thought that the causes
which were at the root of It genewited
from no malicious purpose, and there
fore he did not take it upon himself to
publicly condemn, in his capacity as
spiritual director, the actions of some
who were perhaps misguided in their
mistaken zeal for the cause of temper
ance. He said that so long as the tem
perance cause is conducted along reli
gious lines, the priests will be always
be found ready and willing to lend en
couraging help and assistance.
Addresses by Clergymen.
Rev. T. F. Coffey, pastor of St. Rose's
church, welcomed the delegates with
a most cordial address, the language of
which did not fail to strike a responsive
chord In the hearts of all the delegates.
Oarbondale is a pioneer city In the
cause of temperance, he said, and he
hoped the delegates to the convention
would go home with a full appreciation
of the hospitality of the people.
Rev. A. P. Doyle delighted the del
egates with an enthusiastic address.
The pleasure, he admitted, which it
gave him to speak In a total abstinence
convention to the delegates assembled
was greater than any pleasure that
they could derive from listening to him.
There Is great hope and great promise
in the Scranton union, because he saw
before him the young men as leading
spirits of the societies. The temper
ance movement Is nothing If not a reli
gious one and it derives Its strength
from the church.
Father Doyle closed his brilliant ad
dress with an Invitation cordially ex
tended to all the delegates to visit New
York city on Aug. 7 next, when the
national convention, of the Catholic
Total Abstinence Union of America
will assemble. The silver Jubilee of
the union will then be celebrated In
fitting style. The foremost feature will
be the presence of the papal ablegate,
Archbishop Satolll, of Washington, who
will represent the holy father, Leo XIII,
and will Impart the papal blessing.
When Father Doyle finished, John
McKeon, of Avoca, moved that a stand
ing vote of thanks be given by the
delegates to the three clergymen. It
was unanimously agreed to. President
Devlne named as assistant secretaries,
Peter F. Cuslck, of Mtnooka, and
Thomas Herbert, of Miner's Mills. He
also appointed the following commit
Credentials C. Canavan, S. J. Con
nors, M. J. O'Toole.
Auditing James F. Noone, W. Mal
loy, P. F. Carroll, John B. Hanlon, T.
W. Early, W. Murphy.
Constitution J. C. Gallagher, C. G.
Boland, J. J. Noonan, T. Collins.
Resolutions John Keiley, J. J. Mc
Manamln. James M. Gallagher, James
Cullen, W. Murphy, of Archbald, John
General Secretary Mack then called
the roll, and the following delegates
presented their credentials:
List of Delegates.
Ashley St. Aloyslus, Edward Con
nolly, Thomas Gllroy.
Avoca St. Aloyslus, John Buckley,
E. F. Riley; cadets, James Jennings,
John McKane.
Archbald. Thle IKnlghits 'of Father
Mathew, James ,'McAndrew, William
Carbondale Pioneer Father Mathew,
John Kelly, Ell Birs; Knights of Father
Mathew, A. Fldgeon,' Thomas Collins,
P. F. Carroll; cadets, M. R. Campbell,
J. P. Campbell; St. Rose, William Mul-
ley, John Kllleen; St. Patrick's, N.
Murtagh, M. J. McDonald; St. Rose
ladles, Mary C. . Barrett, Kathryn
Weish, Bridget Gllmartin.
Eckley St- Mary's, John O'Donnell.
Frenchtown St. Patrick's, Bernard
Freeland St. Ann's, John P. Hanlon,
Frank McLaughlin; Young Men's, J. J.
McManaman, Alex. Mulherrln.
Continued on Pane 8.
Rev. Otto Taswell, Jilted by Ills Sweet,
heart, Commits Suicide.
Taswell, Ind., May 15. JJecause of
unrequited love Rev. Otto Taswell blew
out his brains at Velpln yesterday. His
remains were brought to his home near
here today for burial. Deceased was to
be married next month to one of the
brightest young women In Dubois
county, but for some unexplained cause
she refused yesterday to accompany
him to church and asked to be released
from her engagement.
The minister, who was 24 years old
and a widower, Immediately went to
his room and shot himself. The young
woman Is a Methodist and Taswell be
gan life as a Methodlrtt, changed to the
Baptist denomination and then the
Presbyterian church. This is supposed
to be the cause of the woman's desire
to sever her engagement with him.
Tho Novel Method of Escaping Tough
Railway Passengers.
Cincinnati, O., May 15. The town of
Brombley, Ky., opposite the west end
of this city, is being fenced with barbed
wire by the .South Covington and Cin
cinnati Street Railway company, so as
to prevent the people living there from
using ltB cars, and to discourage out
siders from visiting the town on Sun
days. The three hundred people of
Brombley are Incensed over the move.
The railroad officials say they have
taken this summary action In order to
put a stop to the establishment of free
gardens and troublesome resorts for
Sunday visitors. They say they do not
propose to haul the tough element of
Cincinnati, Covington and Newport on
Sundays, even If paid for It. An out
break Is threatened.
Grandest Demonstration of the Kind Ever
Attempted at Philadelphia-Fifty Thou
sand Men In 1.1 no.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Philadelphia, Pa., May 14. The week
beginning Monday next, the Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows of Pennsyl
vania, will carry out the greatest dem
onstration ever attempted by any
secret organization. Besides the regu
lar annual sessions of the Grand lodge,
the Grand Encampment and the
Daughters of Rebekah, which will be
held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
day, the greatest attractive event will
be the parade on Tuesday of the Pa
triarchs Militant, Encampments and
Subordinate lodges, In full uniform,
regulation dress and various insignia.
This is the main celebration In connec
tion with the dedication of the Odd
Fellows' Temple, which Is now one of
the most Imposing buildings In Phila
delphia. There are now in Pennsyl
vania alone 1,080 lodges, with a mem
bership of about 116,000, of which about
30,000 are in Philadelphia.
Reports covering outside Jurisdictions
Indicate that, weather permitting, not
lesathan 90,000 members of the order
will visit the Quaker City, and about
50,000 .will conform to the requirements
for 'the parade. Grand officers of dis
tant Btates and of the Sovereign Grand
lodge will be present. Lodges and
Cantons from New York, Brooklyn,
Boston, Trenton, Wilmington, Balti
more and Washington will send large
delegations with bands of music, as
guests of local lodges.
All the available bands in and around
Philadelphia have been engaged, as
have all the large halls, for the enter
tainment and reception of the visiting
lodges. Elaborate accommodations,
banquents, and so forth, have been pro
vided, and no expense has been spared
to make the event a sure success.
Samuel McKeever, of the New Temple
Lodge, No. 1079, a faithful member of
the order for many years, has been
appointed grand marshal, who has
made Harry S. Wright, of Robert
Morris Lodge, No. 29, his chief of staff.
Instructions have been sent to the mar
shalls of lodges, as to requirements of
marching, their position in line, and
so forth, and It Is expected that the ar
rangements made for the proper hand
ling of such vast line of men will be
wholly successful.
Aquiu Creek Train Robber Goes Up for
Eight Years.
Stafford Court House, Va., May 15.
Charles J. Searcey was arraigned today
for his participation In the Aquta Creek
train robbery and pleaded guilty. After
a statement by Commonwealth Attor
ney White that the state had agreed
with Searcey that if he would confess
and testify he should have only five
years In the penitentiary, and a state
ment from Searcey In his own behalf
the Jury returned a verdict of guilty
and fixed his term of confinement In
the penitentiary at eight years.
Searoey wns at once sentenced and
will be taken to the penitentiary on
Perilous Journey of Harry Dougherty
with a Train.
Conshohocken, Pa., May 10. While
boarding a Reading freight train In
West Conshohocken today, Harry
Dougherty's foot was Caught " In the
looped iron step as he slipped and fell.
He was dragged 150 yards, head
downward, before train hands could
rescue him. His head and hands were
all cut up by the broken stone and ties.
Texas cattlemen will transfer 200,000 cat
tle to Wyoming and Montana feeding
Tho Catholic Knights of America are
holding their tenth biennial session in
Omaha, Neb.
The annual convention of the Ancient
Order of Hibernians opened at New York,
Pennsylvania sending the largest delega
tion. Charged with wrecking a Grand Trunk
train at Battle Creek, Mich., during the
Debs strike. ex-Conductor W. H. Smith
was arrested.
To settle an old grudge, R. H. Harris
and J. R. Everett, rival merchants of Bell
Held, Va., pulled pistols and severely
wounded each other.
A certificate filed at Albany announces
the reduction of the capital of the Inter
national Bell Telephone company from
$1,700,000 to $1,000,000. "
In a trip from Newport to Now York and
return the United States torpedo Stiletto
consumed but four and a half tons of coal
a remarkable record.
Twenty-Seventh Annual Session
Grand Lodge at Wilkes-Barre.
Address of William R. Lowls. of This City,
Was a Notable Feature-What
Was Done at tho First
Day's Session.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
WIIkes-Barre, May 15. The twenty
seventh session of the grand lodge of
the American Ivorltes began here to
day. The following delegates present
ed their credentials at the morning ses
sion: D. H. Jones, Providence; James
J. Lewis, Plymouth; Griffith W. Owen,
Taylor; Thomas H. Richards, WIIkes
Barre; Daniel Bevan, Miner's Mills;
John Powell, Pittsburg; Robert J. Da
vis, Fairhaven; Grimth Griffiths, Utlca,
N. Y. ; Moses J. Jones, Middle Gran
ville, N. Y.; John O. Thomas, Youngs
town, O.; John H. Reese, Shenandoah;
David W. Thomas, Nantlcoke; David
Parry, Olyphant; John f RIchardB,
Hyde Park; John L. Roberts, Chicago;
Lewis B. Roberts, Denver, Col.; Gabriel
Lloyd, New York; Richard Evans,
Providence; John H. Phillips, Hyde
Park; Ell Rosser, Edwardsvllle; B. W.
Jones, Bangor.
At the morning session the president
of the grand lodge appointed the fol
lowing committees: Auditing commit
tee, Gabriel Lloyd, Robert E. Williams,
Lewis B. Roberts; grand lodge assess
ment committee, Robert J. Davis, T. O.
Thomas, John H. Reese; election return
committee, D. W. Thomas, John S.
Richards, Richard Evans; committee
on expenses of delegates, Griffith W.
Owen, Robert J. Davis, John H. Phil
lips; committee on president's annual
address, Moses D. Jones, Daniel Parry,
John O. Thomas; committee on consti
tution, Daniel Parry, John O. Thomas,
Robert J. Davis. The president also
appointed a committee on devising
simpler means for electing officers of
the grand lodge. The following were
named: Daniel Bevan, Griffith Grif
fiths and Moses J. Jones.
A letter was received from R. J. Rob
erts, of Pueblo, Col., expressing a wish
that a lodge be Instituted at that place.
After an expression of gratification the
matter was referred to the Denver
Tho Parade.
The marshals of the parade In
the afternoon were Thomas H. Rich
ards and D. W. Merldeth. Those par
ticipating were the city officials, officers
of the Grand Lodge, delegate to Grand
Lodge, five venerable members, six
guests of honor, Plymouth band, Plym
outh Seniors, Plymouth Juniors, Nan
tlcoke lodge, Scranton lodges. Ninth
Regiment band, Wllkes-Barre and Ed
wardsvllle lodges and Miner's Mills
The Evening Session.
The evening session was a compli
mentary reception of oratory and song
tendered to the officers and delegates
of the Grand Lodge. It was a repre
sentative gathering of the Welsh peo
ple, and the programme prepared fcr
the occasion embraced magnificent mu
sic, wise sayings, and inspired oratory.
B. F. Lewis, editor of the Drych, Utlca,
N. Y., and his Introductory remarks
were congratulatory and to the point.
Mr. Lewis said:
Editor l ewis' Address.
I have come to Wllkes-Barre In an en
tirely unofficial capacity for the sole pur
pose of attending the Ivorlte convention
to meet old Ivorlte friends, and It gives me
groat pleasure to be with you tonight. I
confess that I am proud of the opportunity
to appear before you as an American, as
an Ivorlte and as a Welshman. The
strongest American commonwealth can be
laid upon a foundation of the broadest hu
manity and nothing will adorn American
Ism like a garland of Welsh loyalty,
poetry, eloquence, fervency and patriot
ism. The strongest Ivorlte society can be
laid upon a foundation of religious prin
ciples and nothing can better adorn Ivor-
Ism than a garlund of sobriety, purity, in
dustry, sympathy and fraternity.
I am proud to stand before you as an
American. With all our political sins,
with all our social faults, while confessing
that we have not properly improved the
opportunities God has given us, while con
fessing that we are not what we ought to
be, I feel It a great honor to be an Ameri
can citizen. 1 confess I cannot look on tho
old Star-Spangled Banner without a quick
ening of the blood In my veins and the fire
of patriotism warming my heart. I am
not ashamed to confess that I cannot read
the story of Washington and his ragged,
barefooted, half-starved army, fighting, for
liberty and Independence, without my eyes
being filled with tears. May God guard
America against selling her birthright for
a golden calf. May God help the oppressor
to see his danger before the oppressed
losesallpatlcnce and gives rein to his fury.
There is no event In the future more cer-
tuln than that the American nation will
some day shatter the tyranny that Is like
a fetter upon the hands, like a yoke of Iron
upon her neck and like a load of lead upon
her back.
A Broad-Minded Order.
I am proud to stand before you as an
Ivorlte, because Ivorlsm represents the
best traits and the best class of our people.
It Is said sometimes that the order Is not
broad enough to take all Welshmen in. - It
Is trua that every age cannot become bene
ficiaries of its benefit fund, for that would
kill the order In a short time, but every
Welshman of a good character can become
an honorary member, and we urge all to
become connected with us In that relation.
Neither do we shut out the ladles, for
everything Is ready for the formation of
female lodges. I am proud to be counted
an Ivorlte on account of the good the or
der has done in the past and tha good It
may do In the future. I believe it can be
proved by statistics that, considering Its
membership and Its age, the order has
done more financially for Its members,
their wiaows and orphans than any simi
lar order in the United States. The glory
of Ivorlsm It not to be seen In the grand
procession, but In the sick chamber and
tho house of mourning. It Is there It Is
seen In Its beauty. I am proud to stand
before you as a Welshman; as a Welsh
man who believes that some of the best
traits of our humanity have attained their
most perfect development In the Welsh
character, but at the same time a Welsh
man who can say "God speed" from the
bottom of his heart to every man to what
ever nation he may belong. Because I
have my own family, I need not hate my
noighbor. Being a Welshman Is not a
good reason why we should dislike the
Englishman, the Scotchman, the Irish
man, the Hungarian, the Polandcf, the
Italian or tho Bohemian, .
An old Welsh proverb says that every
Continued on Page 8.
Thrown to Frighten Mischievous Young
sters but May Prove Fatal.
Claysville, May 15. Several boys
were caught stealing oranges from the
rear of Bedilllon Bros.' store this morn
ing. The boys were warned to quit,
but later were found at the same trick.
One of the clerks of tho store threw a
stone to frighten them, striking a boy
by the name of Mumpher on the back
of the head, knocking him senseless
and infllotlng a dangerous cut.
It was feared the boy would bleed to
death, but tho bleeding has been
checked. The boy Is in a precarious
condition, and fears are entertained
for his recovery.
Broke from a Flying Train and Crushed
Through Fences.
Carlisle, Pa., May 15. The Cumber
lan Valley DUlsburg accommodation
train narrowly escaped a bad wreck at
Whltehlll this afternoon. While run
ning thirty miles an hour the forward
axle of Its locomotive, No. 17, broke
and threw the wheels crashing through
the fences.
Although the tracks were torn up for
some, distance, the only person hurt
before the bumping train was stopped
by Engineer Reltzel was a passenger
named Johnson, from Baltimore, who
Jumped off too soon.
Ell Williams Sets Fire to Ills House,
Breaks Ills Wifo's Skull and Than Kills
Philadelphia, May 15. Ell Williams,
colored, this morning, while supposed
ly Insane, started a fire in the cellar of
his residence, 123 North Juniper street,
and then hit his wife, Mary, who was
asleep in bed, In the head with an axe.
As a finale to the tragedy the negro
committed suicide by blowing out his
brains with an old musket. Although
the woman's skull was crushed In, she
ran to the street In her night clothes
and gave the alarm, and the fire was
soon extinguished.
Williams had been 111 for some time,
and had been acting strangely of late.
At 4 o'clock this morning he arose, and
piling up a lot of crates and baskets In
the cellar of the small' frame dwelling
set them on fire. When the flames had
gained a little headway, and it was
evident that they would consume tho
house and also hide all traces of the
prospective murder and suicide, Will
lams set in to finish the work. He was
successful so far as his own life was
concerned, but the wife rallied, despite
the fearful blow from the butt end of
an axe, and saved the house from de
struction. The woman was taken to
the Hahnemann hospital, where It was
found that she had a compound frac
ture of the skull. The physicians have
no hopes for her recovery..
Williams was 45 years old and his
wife Is of the same age. They had been
married twenty years, but had no children.
Fred Bailey, of Factorvvillo, Attempts to
End His Life.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Factoryville, Pa., May 15. Fred
Bailey, a young man In the employ of
Judson Wells, a painter and decorator,
attempted suicide this morning by tak
ing Paris green. Bailey had gone to
work as usual, but was soon missed.
No attention was given to his absence
as It was thought he would return.
Bailey went to the home of Mr. Wells,
with whom he boarded; went to the
cellar and took a large dose of Paris
green, and went to his own room with
out Beelng any of the family. Mrs.
Wells was attracted to IiIb room by
loud groans, where she found him In
great agony.
Doctors Heller and Fitch were Im
mediately summoned and have done
all they can to save his life. He is
still alive nt 7 p. m., but the result can
not be tokl yet. Young Bailey had been
canvassing for a nursery company and,
it Is alleged, had some trouble finan
cially, which Is the only reason that can
be surmised for his attempt at suicide.
Names of those Selected to Go Across the
Ithaca, N. Y., May 15. The thirteen
young men Who Will irn it tnolmH r..-
Cornell-have been decided upon. The
first eight of the following; names are
the ones who now have scats In the
boat: the next four will h i-i.-..n .
substitutes and will Bland a chance of
displacing any of men now having
seats, if their work nnwna tn ha H.Mat.
in the training on the other side of the
F. M. Matthews. rtnlTnln. w T M ri
Splllman, Tonawanda, N. .; E. C. Ha-
ger, Bunalo, N. Y.: F. W. Freeborn,
Ithaca, N. Y.; T. W. Fennell, Elmlra,
N. Y.: T. Hall. Washington Ont r
A. Louis, Brooklyn, N. Y.: It. B. Ham
ilton, Saginaw, Mich.; F. D. Colson,
Buffalo, N. Y., coxswain.
Substitutes George P. Dyer, Wash
ington, D. C; R. L. Sharp. Mllwaukes;
M. W. Roe, Chester, N. Y.j W. Bentley,
Fluvanna, N. Y.
He Took a Bribe from a Syndlcnto of
Albany, N. Y., May 15. The grand
Jury today indicted Assemblyman Eu
gene F. Vacheron, Republican assem
blyman from Queen's county. He Is
charged with accepting a bribe of $3,000
In the form of a check from a syndi
cate of icemen to Influence the assem
blymen in the matter of a bill In the
assembly restricting the cutting of Ice.
A bench warrant has been Issued, but
the member can't be found.
Salaries at Pcncoyd Ironworks Will Be
Norrlstown, Pa., May 15. Three
thousand employes of the Pcncoyd
Iron works, at West Ma.nayunk, were
made happy today by having their
wages advanced 10 per cent. Tho fol
lowing notice was postal at the work":
"Commencing May 26 a general ad
vancement will be made In all wages
throughout the works. Salaries will be
subject to special adjustment. '
For eastern Pennsylvania, parUy cloudy
weather; northerly wlndB, becopUng variable.
W call special attention to the following
special numbers in QO WNS:
A Tucked Yoke Muslin
Ruffle Gown,
At 69c. eacfy
Embroidered Yoke Cam
brie Gowns, 98c.,
Former price, $1.23
Empire, Square Neck,
Embroidered Ruffle
Gown, $1.15,
Recent price $1.5Q
The Fedora," Cambric
Gown, Square Neck,
Handsomely trimmed)1
$1.19, Recent price, $1. 6 3
Skirts in great variety,
The UmbreSJa Skirts,
Handsomely trimmed
with Lace and Em
broidery, from
$1.75 to $7.50 each
Specials la Children ' downi, Drawers and
Undorwatst Also
Childron'a QtaghMa DretiM and Eoys' Gal
atea and Pique Kilt. Examino tha goods and
yoa will appreciate tha'r value.
53 and 512
Agent for Charles A
Schleren & Co.'s
The Very Best.
313 Spruce St., Scranton.
For the Youth, tha Boy, the Man, their Foot
Our Shoes make us busy. 1U and 110 Wyo.
mine avenue. W holasale and retail.
, ' A beautiful line of En-
't gagement and Wed-.
; ding Rings. Also a
fine line of
In Sterling Silver,
Dorflinger's CutGlass,
't ' and PorceJain Clocks, .
j. Weiclhiel's,
. 408 Spruce Streets'
Patent leatkir