The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 15, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Because : It is not only free from Lime and Alum,
but also from Ammonia and Tartaric Acid.
' q Because : The materials used are the best that
science can produce and are beyond question perfectly
Because: All the ingredients are plainly
printed on every label ; information which other
manufacturers do not give.
Cleveland Bakinq Powder Co.,
Da. C. N. Hoagland, President. New York.
Norrman & Moors
120 Wyoming Ave.
It Does Not Fade.
It Does Not Crack.
$5 RE WARD 1
So many complaints of Irregular
delivery have reached us, which
we have traced to stolen papers,
that we now offer $5 reward for
Information that will lead to the
conviction of any person caught
stealing The Tribune from the
doorsteps of regular subscribers.
Matteo Elngo wai discharged from tho
county Jail yesterday under the Insolvency
The diagram for "The Deestrlct Skule"
will open at Powell's music store Friday
morning-, May 17.
Today appeals from assessments of Tay
lor borough taxpayers will be heard by the
county commissioners.
Acting- Brigade Inspector W. S. Millar
Inspected Companies C and D, of the
Thirteenth regiment last evening.
Employes on the northern division of tho
Delaware and Hudson company and at the
machine shops, Carbondale, were paid yes
terday. The will of C. W. Simpson, late of Dun
more, was yesterday admitted to probate
and letters testamentary were granted to
Mack Simpson.
In default of $300 ball Paddy Moran was
yesterday sent to the county Jail to answer
at court the charge of breaking the win
dows and doors of a house in Pine Brook.
James O'Neill, an old man employed as
watchman at Delaware Water Gap, was
run over and killed on Monday by train
No. 3 of the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western railroad.
The men held under ball for burglarious
ly entering the offices sf the Scrantpn
Stone company, appeared before Alder
man Millar yesterday. The hearing was
continued until next Tuesday at 7 p. m.
An amicable adjustment of the claim
which caused the suit In common pleas
court to be brought by Jonah Evans
against Spruks Bros was yesterday
reached, and Hulslander & Vosburg, at
toneys for the plaintiff, filed a discontinu
ance. A letter has been received by Secretary
Atherton, of the board of trade, from Rep
resentative Alex T. Connell stating that
fire marshal bill has passed second read
ing without a negative vote, and that In
all probability It will soon pass tho final
Martin Barrett, the boy who was arrest
ed for endeavoring to break the machinery
at the National breaker on Friday last,
was discharged by Alderman Millar yes
terday. The boy declined to reveal tho
names of the persons who prompted him In
the deed.
Attorneys Robertson & Wilcox, repre
senting Schwartz, , Mausbach & Co.,
whisky wholesalers of Philadelphia, be
gan a suit In replevin yesterday against
A. Freeman. The goods consist of five
barrels of liquor worth 11.60 a gallon, or In
ell S317.G5.
The report of the board of health states
that during the week past six new cases
of scarlet fever were reported, of which
four proved fatal; two casesiof diphtheria,
one fatal, and one fatal case of mcnsles.
The deaths from all causes numbered
twenty-five. ,
James Mulligan, of 513 North Main ave
nue, a laborer at the Pine Brook shaft,
sustained an accident yesterday afternoon
paused by a fall of coal upon his back.
He was conveyed to the Moses Taylor hos
pital and was reported to be resting com
fortably last night.
Before Register of Wills Hopkins yester
day afternoon a hearing was held in the
contested will case of Koch el Williams,
deceased. " She was found to be a luna
tic In 1892, and facts developed at the In
quisition In lunacy stamped her as a
lunatlo. for a period of eight years prior to
oJi filif
should use
the finding. Sho mudo a will In 1884 and it
Is claimed by Kvan Francis, the petitioner,
that she was not of dlsiioslnir memory
when she made the will and asks that U be
set aside.
Commencing tomorrow Davis' theater
will reopen, when Imro Fox and his novel
ties will occupy the boards. The company
comprises the celebrated Omene, the re
nowned Turkish iluncer. Omene was the
first to Introduce the Turkish dunce in
this country. ,
Murrlngo licenses wcro yesterday grant
ed by the clerk of the courts to Michael
Vunlcs and Mnry Fnrlka, of Dickson j
Evan J. Dnvles and Elizabeth M. Phillips,
of Taylor; Michael Hughes and Catherine
Fleming, of Scranton; Albert Jleba and
Anna Knot, of Scranton; and William J.
Heak-y and Evelina Nicholson, both of the
Continental mines.
The "Shore Acres" company which ap
peared at tho Academy of Music during
the season Just closed, and which made
such a favorable Impression, will be again
at the Academy next Monday night. The
company closes their season In Wilkes
Hnrre Saturday night and had Intended
disbanding, but Munngen Burguniler se
cured them for the date mentioned.
The ladles of Scranton evidently appre
ciate our selling goods of the latest styles
and choices, selections ut moderate prices,
for on Monday our sales were larger than
ever before. During the week we will
continue to offer the lines of Fancy Silks,
Dress Goods and Ladles' Shirt Waists at
cut prices as advertised, and also remind
you that we give bargains In Table Linens,
Napkins, Towels, Purasols, Summer Un
derclothing, and the best 50-cent Corset,
25-ccnts Hose for ludles and children, and
$1.00 Kid Gloves to be found In the city.
We announce the following New Goods:
The Latest In Dress Goods, Teck and
Four-ln-Hand Ties, Mclauese Suade, Kid
and Chamolse Gloves, Belts and Buckels,
Jet Point Trimming, Chomlsettes and a
line of beautiful Austrian Fans. Remem
ber we have the finest selected stock of
WASH GOODS at the lowest prices.
415 Lackawanna avenue.
For 10 Dnys Only.
Eight-day clocks, walnut or oak, half
hour strike, $2.69. Every cloak warranted.
Call early, as only a few left to be sold at
above price.
The Westminster, In New York, Purchased
for More Than $800,000.
The Westminster hotel property In
New York city has been sold. In Scran
ton there are many patrons of the pop
ular 'hostllry who will be glad to learn
that no change in Its excellent manage
ment Is contemplated.
Concerning the sale, yesterday's
Herald says: "George R. Reed sold to
a client for Investment for Eliza Witt
and others, of Cleveland, Ohio, the
Westminster hotel, at the northwest
corner of Sixteenth street and Irving
place. The property, which fronts 140
feet In Irving place and 175 feet In Six
teenth street, comprises a six story,
stone front hotel, which extends along
Sixteenth street 125 feet, and an apart
ment house, CO feet front, Connecting
with the hotel. The building is leased
until next May at $38,000 per annum.
The broker yesterday refused to state
the price, but from other sources I
learned that It was a little more than
Green Ridge Wheelmen's Monthly Session
Held Last Night.
The monthly business meeting of the
Oreen Ridge wheelmen occurred last
A committee consisting of P. B.
Ward, Larry Rowlson, R. E. White, H.
P. Hitchcock and Thomas Flltcroft
were appointed, with full power to act,
to consider the advisability of having
an excursion this season to Farvlew.
H. B. Reynolds was elected to full
membership, and E. B. Sturges was
elected an honorary member In consid
eration of past favors. A vote of
thanks was tendered Messrs. Clear
water & Ellas, for electrical work done
gratuitously In the club house. The
treasurers' report showed that the club
Is on a good financial basis.
Years of experience here and abroad en
ables us to perfectly repair all kinds of
American as well as English and other Im
ported watches. All work guaranteed,
Turnquest, 205 Washington avenue,
Ladlos' sterling waist sets, 98c., at Turn
quest's, 205 Washington avenue.
For Philadelphia and New York.'
Hurried business men and others appre
ciate the fast Jersey Central flyer known
as "The Business Man's Train," which
leaves Scranton at 1.23 p. m. and Wilkes
IJarre at 1.65, arriving In Philadelphia, at
6.38 and New York at 6.45. From Bethle
hem the trip to Philadelphia Is made over
the Philadelphia and- Reading on one of
the fastest trains In the country. The
train from Scranton is also one of the
fastest and most comfortable that passes
through this section of the country and Is
proving a boon to travelers between this
city and Wilkea-Barre to through points
In the east and south.
Sterling silver mounted belts, $1.45, at
Turnquest's, 205 Wash. ave.
Marksmen Will Shoot.
A championship pigeon shooting match
open to all shots of northeastern Pennsyl
vania will be held at the Base Ball park
tomorrow.. The event will begin at 11
o'clock and will probably last all day. An
admission of 25 cents will be charged at
the gate.
Sterling silver mounted belts, $1.45, at
Turnquest's, 205 Wash. ave.
The official brethren of Elm Park "church
will serve supper In the church parlors on
Thursday evening of this week from 6 to 8
o'clock. All their friends are cordially In
vited. Supper, 35 cents.
Sterling silver belt pins,; 47c.', at Turn
quest's, 205 Washington avenue. -
We now have a fair stock of Peerless
Bicycles. Always as cheap as any high
grade wheel.
Sterling silver belt pins, 47c, at Turn
quest's, 205 Washington avenue.
All on Account of a Little West Side
Permitted Two Young Men to Make an
Arrest and Tho Tribune Told the Story,
Chief Simpson Ordered an Investigation-Testimony
A Btlr has been created In police cir
cles over a story which, appeared In
Monday's Tribune in the West Side
column. The matter resulted In an In
vestigation under the direction of Chief
of Police Simpson yesterday and the
takinir of testimony In the matter.
One night Inst week Jonathan Harris
and Evan Jones, two young West Ski
ers, met Mrs. Reuben Brown running
excitedly on South Main avenue. She
nsked If the young men had seen a
policeman. Uhiv bolntr answered In
tho negative phe told them that her
husband was HI and that a suspicious
character was prowling around the
house on Ninth street.
Without more odo .the two young
men armed with a club and a cobble
stone? accompanied Mrs. Brown homo
and found a tramp In the cellar. They
ordered him to hold up his htinklH and
with their prisoner between them start
ed toward the police Rtatlon. On Main
avenue Patrolmnn Matthews stepped
from the doorway of D. 1). Evans' store
and relieved tho younpr men of their
prisoner. And then occurred tho epi
sode which led to yesterday's taking
of testimony. Patrolman Matthews In
terrupted the young men in their story
of the arrest by telling them that ho
had overheard their conversation with
Mrs. Brown and had been waiting to
see what the result would be.
Hi-ought to tho Chief's Attention.
Young Harris and Evans related the
story to a Tribune reporter and the
facts received were published In detail
In Monday's Tribune. Upon reading
the article Patrolman Matthews as
sumed that there had been a mistake
or wanted vindication. At any rate
the matter was brought to the atten
tion of Chief Simpson and all parties
concerned In the affair, excepting the
reporter, were requested to report at
police headquarters yesterday after
noon. The two West Side young men
repeated the story, which Was record
ed by Robert Simpson, clerk of the
chief of police. They were pledged to
secrecy, but it was learned that their
Information to the police department
was substantially the same as appeared
In The Tribune on Monday. Captain
Edwards refused two Tribune reporters
admittance to the headquarters room,
where the young men, Harris and
Jones, were being questioned.
The story was originally published
as a good one at the expense of Patrol
man .Matthews, but the matter seems
destined to receive minute considera
Programme of State Association of Con
gregational Churches Convention.
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day next the state association of the
Congregational churches will assemble
at Pittston, in the Tabernacle church.
The first meeting will be held on Tues
day evening at 7.30 o'clock, when Rev.
J. T. Mathews will preach the associa
tion sermon. Communion service will
also be conducted by Rev. A, W.
Swengle and Rev. R. S. Jones.
The business will be continued as fol
lows: Wednesday morning, 9 a. m. Prayer
meeting, led by Rev. J. A. Jenkins;
business meeting until 11 a. m.; paper,
subject. "Christian Education," read
by Rev. T. Bell; paper, subject, "The
Faithful Witness," read by Rev, John
Wednesday afternoon. Paper, sub
ject, "Present State of Christianity,"
read by Rev. R. R. Davtes, Meadville;
Pennsylvania; home mlsslonery meet
ing. Wednesday evening. Address by
Rev. H. M. Iiowdon, address by Rev. J.
A. Hamilton, Boston; address by Rev.
W. E. C. Wright, Cleveland.
Thursday morning. Devotional ex
ercises; business meeting one hour;
paper, subject, "The Spirit of Giving,"
read by Rev. T. A. Humphreys; paper,
subject, "Some Certainties in Christian
Teaching," read by Rev. A. H. Challln;
address by some representative of the
American missionary board.
Thursday afternoon. Paper, subject,
"Diaconate," read by Rev. David
Jones; paper, subject, "Religious Giv
ing," read by Rev. J. S. Upton; at 3.15
p. m. Women's Missionary meeting.
Thursday evening. The Home Mis
sionary society and Sunday school and
Publication society, by Drs. Kincald
and Duncan.
President Warren Forwards Them to
State League Clubs.
Major Everett Warren, president of
the State League of Republican clubs,
has forwarded delegate credentials and
notifications to the various state clubs,
and requesting each club to assist In
arranging that this state be well rep
resented at the coming national con
vention at Cleveland.
In his circular letter Major Warrnn
calls attention to the splendid Republl
mniam nf Pennsylvania as demon
strated In the recent election, and cites
this an one reason why the state should
ha fnilv and nroDerlv represented. Com
plete arrangements are being made for
the Cleveland convention, wnicn prom
ises to be one of unusual success. Ex
cursions, banquets and entertainments
have been arranged.
Chorloy Wants a Legal Separation from
Ills Wife.
Before the altar on Oct.' 28, 18R6, In
the city of Blnghamton, Rev. M. S.
i.tuii.,1 reformed the ceremony1 that
united two loving hearts, those of
Charles A. and Angle H. Cobb.
They retired to Scott townBhlp and
lived like two whlte-wlnged angels.
They later moved to Conklln, N. Y.,
and came back to this state again, set
tling In Benton township. But these
migrations affected Angle with a de
d when Charley refused
to move some more she deserted him
on Feb. 15, 1,893.
His attorneys filed a libel In divorce
In the office of Prothonotary Pryar yes
Many Listened to Kov. A. C. Qaebaolln
. InFlnloy's nan.
A large number of Hebrews filled
Flnley's hall on Lackawanna avenue
last evening to hear on address from
Rev. A. C. daebaelln ,of New York, on
the subject, "Who Is the Messiah?"
The address was delivered In the Ger
man language and at the close the
speaker was overwhelmed with ques
tions dealing mostly withe miracu
lous birth of Christ, and why Christ did
not restore Israel and the peace of
An extensive stock of Bibles, tracts
and Christian literature was accepted
by the audience, and the majority gave
their names and addresses to Mr. Gae
haelln with the request that he would
Bend more literature.
Ho Ts Arrested for Pointing It at Jewoler
P. P. Hogan, the North End jeweler,
entered $300 ball before Alderman
Fldles last night to appear before him
next Thursday afternoon and be tried
for pointing a revolver at Mr. Acker
man, the wholesale Jeweler.
For some time Mr. Hogan has not
been at peace with. hlB father-in-law,
Patrick Welles, who Is his security In
hlH business relations with Mr. Acker
man. The father-in-law concluded to
withdraw his security, so yesterday he
notified Mr. Ackerman to take away
his Jewelry, but Hognn objected to be
ing forced out of business, and ordered
Mr. Ackerman out of the building, and
Is charged with pointing the weapon.
Mrs. Noono Resonts Arrest for Stealing
from a North F.nd Clothesline nnd
Wanted to Fight Mrs. Wptklns for Side
Stakes of Any Amount.
The North End has had many family
differences patched up in alderman's
court, but yesterday Alderman Roberts
was called upon to act as peacemaker
In nn issue which he was unable to ad
judicate, and which furnished ludicrous
amusement for many spectators.
Mrs. George Noone, of Clark street,
a chronic police court character, was
being given a hearing on a chnrga pre
ferred by Mrs. W. IX Watklns, of
Mairket street. Mrs. Noone, It was
claimed, had surreptlously hypothe
cated the contents of the plaintiff's
clothesline, as long ago as last Decem
ber. A few days ago Mrs. Watklns" chil
dren told her that they had seen some
of their clothes worn by some children.
The mother kept a sharp lookout until
last Saturday morning, when she saw
one of her boy's waists on the back of
a strange youngster. She followed him
home, foe the purpose of obtaining the
garment, when she found that the boy's
parents,, who are In needy circum
stances, had been given the clothes by
Mrs. Noone. On stating her errand to
Mrs. Noone a wordy quarrel arose. Mrs.
Noone cut the clothes into fragments
with a large knire, and at the trial yes
terday claimed the only thing she was
sorry for was that Bhe had not given
Mrs. Watklns two black eyes.
The accused woman proved to be a
regular virago and could not be kept
quiet. Sho was committed to the
county Jail and whllo being taken there
by Constable Davis created much ex
citement by her resistance. Later In
the evening she was released on $300
ball, her brother, Patrick McGraw, be
coming her bondsman. She was re
cently released from Imprisonment for
stealing a goose from Pierce's market
on Penn avenue, and but a short while
ago badly scalded her first husband,
Dennis Munnley, during a family
quarrel. During yesterday's hearing
she several times challenged Mrs. Wat
kins to a fight for a purse of from $25
to $1,000 a side.
Arrangements Being Made in Paris
for 1 000.
An English paper says that the Paris
ians are determined that the great ex
hibition -of 1000 shall not fall by want
of forethought. Already five years In
advance the commercial circles of the
republic are In the throes of the neces
sary preliminary organization. Com
mittees are being formed to Insure an
adequate representation of the arts and
Industries of the departments, and
these again are to be spilt Into sub-committees
to control the districts. Under
arrangements so complete and effect
ive as these, there should be no ques
tion as to the ultimate success of the
exhibition, not only as a spectacle and
fete, but also as a sort of reflection in
little of the Industries and arts of the
French Republic. Five years, well
utilized, Is a period long enough to
cover works of considerable Impor
tance,, and the large scale upon which
the preparations are progressing por
tends a show of nearly unparalleled
magnitude and brilliancy.
Not content with a greater number of
bridges than almost any city In the
civilized world Venice, perhaps, ex
ceptedthe municipality of Paris, in the
Latin phrase, Is building another one
across the Seine to serve the conven
ience of the multitude of visitors ex
pected to crowd Into the gay capital
on what will certainly be a long remem
bered occasion. Little has yet trans
pired as to the probable scope and char
acter of the foreign exhibits. Invita
tions to participate in the exhibition
may be expected by the leading repre
sentative commercial chambers of this
country, and the response should cer
tainly be ready and hearty.
Letters Patent.
Having made special arrangements, I
will obtain letters patent, designs, trade
marks and copyrights without unneces
sary delay. Costs and charges furnished
on application, . W. W. Watson,
Attorney at Law,
Commonwealth Bld'g, Scranton.
May, 1895.,
Full Jeweled, adjusted Elgin watches,
$11.50, at Turnquest's, 206 Washington
avenue. Call early as only a limited num
ber can be sold at above price. .
For 10 Days Only.
Eight-day clocks, walnut or oak, half
hour strike, $2.09. Every clock warranted.
Call early, as only a few left to be sold nt
above price.
"The Pcestrlck Skule"
and tableaux will be given by the Girls'
Friendly society on May 20 at 8 p. m., in
Y. M. C. A. 'hull for Its room of Bhelter.
Tickets for sale at Powell's, Phelps' and
F. P. Price's stores.
If your watch needs repair bring It to
Turnquest for repairs, 205 Wash. ave.
Clubs can always got low rates for this
High Grade Peerless Bicycle.
Drop us a postal or telephone ui and we
will call for your clocks and other heavy
repairs. Turnquest,, 205 Washington ave
nue. 'Phone, 2D52.
Piano for So la.
A high grade 7 1-3 octave plana. Beauti
ful' mahogany cose, repeating action and
all modern improvements. No better
piano made. Will be sold very cheap.
For particulars address Box 227.
Full Jeweled, adjusted Elgin watches,
$11,50, at Turnquest's, 20ft Washington
avenue. Call early as only a limited num
ber can be sold at above price,
. Plllsbury's Flour Mills have a capacity
of 17,500 barrels a day.
Ladles' sterling waist sets, 88c., at Turn
quest's, 205 Washington avenue,
Talk of Club House and Grounds on
the Hill.
Projcet Started from a Society Woman's
Suggestion and Now Engages tho At
tention of Many-Anotlier Seheme
for a Business Men's Club,
Scranton's leading social circle, in
cluding: the younger people and married
folk, and the city's best-known busi
ness men are agitated with two propo
sitions of considerable magnitude.
One 1st the idea of abandoning the old
Lawn club and forming an organiza
tion or the "lawn and racquet" or
"country club" plan and acquiring a
roomy club house and grounds on the
hill. This Ib the project that Is consid
ered only In the light of a; purely social
club; but the business men are Interest
ed In forming a business men's club
and engaging quarters In the commer
cial section of the city, where they may
be accommodated and entertain busi
ness friends from abroad.
Neither proposition has yet met with
such great consideration as will lead to
a definite move, but In each case the
subject, which was first talked lightly
among a few, has become public prop
erty, many are Interested and It Is not
Improbable that one of the schemes
may bo brought ito a definite Issue.
Monroe Avon no Proporty Mentioned.
Mrs. V. W. Scranton Borne weeks
ago Bugfrested to one of tho best-konwn
ond one of tho most popular society
girls of the city that possibly the resi
dential proporty at the corner of Mon
roe avenue and Linden street might be
available for a society club house. The
matter was only mentioned In a gen
eral way and in casual conversation,
but when the attention of others was
engaged, the feasibility of the scheme
caused considerable discussion. It was
given especial attention In view of the
prospective tearing up of the Lawn
club's courts to make way for tho ap
proach to the new South Side bridge
from Spruce street.
While nothing tangible has resulted
It Is safe to predict that if the Lawn
club goers oult of .existence another
club of Boclal object will be formed.
Whether the house and grounds
scheme will engage such determined
action asi to lead to either a negative or
affirmative decision Is nf course a ques
tion. Gossip proposed to have the club
Include both young and old and enjoy
Indoor and outdoor functions. What
ever the decision may be there Is felt
a positive want for an exclusive build
ing where banquets, teas and recep
tions of a restrictive or semi-public
character can be given. A case In point
was the recent presence In Scranton
of Mrs. Hastings, whose introduction
to the city's representative people had
to be made In a hotel.
Another Scheme In View.
The Monroe avenue property is not
the only medium considered with a
view of bringing the matter to an issue.
A country club house along the Elm
hurst boulevard or a home In the vicin
ity of Nay Aug park is mentioned
among the possibilities.
J. C. Miller, who is about to build a
10-story building on Spruce street, has
been approached by several influential
business men and a hint given that if
he will include In his plans an arrange
ment for model club appartments on
the two upper floors, a business men's
club will be formed to occupy them.
Mr. Miller had considered the advisa
bility of a restaurant and roof garden
for the two floors mentioned, but
since the club project wns brought to
his attention! he will wait for the men
interested to take action in the matter.
Famous Turkish Dancer Will Be Thrco
Days in Scranton.
At Davis, theater for three days, be
ginning tomorrow, will be one of the
best attractions of the season. The
beautiful Circassian and premier of all
Turkish dancers, Omene, will present
her famous "Dance of the Harem,"
and her celebrated "Midway dance," or
Dance du Ventre. It Is universally con
ceded that for grace of execution In
the Dance du Ventre, Bhe has no equal.
It should be remembered that while
these dances may appear strange to
our eyes. In Turkey It Is regarded as
one of the national ceremonies, and as
presented by Omene, to thinking and
Intelligent people it is all that is ele
gant and beautiful. Omene appears
with Imro Fox's novelties, Including
New York's favorite Annie Hart In her
latest success, "Timothy D. Sullavan's
Association Chowder Party," Drawee,
the modern Juggler; Imro Fox and
many others. Matinees dally.
Hashas, a native Turk, and the per
sonal representative of Omene, is here
with Mr. Hitchcock, the advance agent
of the company.
Lackawanna Township School District
Floats $1 2,000.
It is no wonder the residents of Mi
nooka wanted to get that town annexed
to the city of Scranton, considering the
fact that Lackawanna township tax
payers will for the next five years be
compelled to shoulder per annum the
heavy burden of almost $3,000 In addi
tion to the regular school tax, to pay
for the palatial school building the di
rectors have seen lit to award to
The directors last Bummer let the
contract for the Moosic school and de
cided to float $12,000 bonds to pay for
the building. Attorneys Taylor &
e Famous '
11! Iff
The best that money will
buy. Sold only in 2-lb.
tins (sealed.)
P. S. :We make a special
ty, also, of Pure Java and
Mocha,' roller process. '
Lewis, of this city, were ordered to
draw up the bonds and sell them to
the beat bidder. The deal was com
pleted yesterday, and the Dime Dis
count and Deposit bank, of this city,
purchased the bonds at 6 per cent. In
terest. They mature In Ave years and
are payable In yearly instalments of
Tho already overburdened taxpayers
will groan when they learn this news.
Lackawanna township Ib already one
of the worst tax-ridden districts In the
They Como to Hxomlno Institutions Ask'
ing for State Aid.
A sub-committee of the senate appro
prlatlon committee will arrive In this
city today to visit institutions that
have applied for state aid. From this
city the committee will go to Carbon-
It will be composed of Senator J. C.
Mitchell, chairman, and Senators Wil
liam V. Snyder, John H. Landls, James
8. Fruit, Sailor and Short. They will
he accompanied by Sergeant-at-arms
Little and Senator. J. C. Vaughan, of
thin district.
Annual Assemblage of Delegates to tho
Convention of the Scranton Diocesan
t'nion Will llegin at St. Hose's Hall,
Carbondale, Today. t
Hev. A. P. Doyle, of New York, gen
eral secretary of the Catholic Total
Abstinence union of America, lectured
In the Carbondale Opera house last
night on his chosen subject, and was
heard by an audience that taxed the
capacity of the house. All of the tern
porance societies of Carbondale, Arch
buld, Jermyn, Forest City and Simpson
paraded the principal streets of the
pioneer city before the lecture. Car
liuges containing Father Doyle, the
mayor and ex-mayor and clergymen
wore driven at the head of the proces
slnn. ThomaB Mooney was grand mar
This morning the annual convention
of tho delegates from temperance so
cletles of the Scranton Diocesan union
will open nt St. Rose's hall, and will be
called to order by President John H.
Devine. Father Doyle, at some time
during the proceedings, will address
the delegates. The address of Presi
dent Devine will be delivered tomorrow
Don Wchcr, tho Obstreperous Penn
Avenue liutchcr, l ined $12.
Thomas John Is tho name of the Indi
vidual who caused so much trouble on
Penn avenue Monday evening and bit
Patrolman Day on the linger. In po
lice court yesterday he was given a
hearing and committed to the county
Jail for twenty days.
Dan Weber, the meat-seller, who In
terposed and abetted the prisoner by
advising him to break away from Pa
trolman Day, and thus gathered a
crowd around and encouraged the pris
oner to resist, was fined $12. He paid It,
West Stder Who Chnsed Ills Wife with
on Axe.
Charles Itterly, of North Main ave
nue. Is In the central police station
awaiting a hearing on the charge of
drunken and disorderly conduct. He
got beastly drunk and went home to
sober up.
Instead of going to bed, because his
wife scolded him, he took an axe and
ran after her. She will appear against
him In the morninfr. He has an ugly
temper in his drunken moods and
might have committed murder.
Farewell Reception nt the Home of Rev
C. E. Robinson.
In response te the Invitations Issued
by Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Robinson, about
500 persons attended at the manse last
evening to bid farewell to Miss Mary
E. Dunbar, who has recently resigned
tho position of city missionary in coiv
nectlon with the Second Presbyterian
church. Dr. and Mrs. Robinson re
ceived the guests, who also were warm
ly greeted by Miss Dunbar.
During yesterday .Miss Dunbar was
Everything New, Late
and Wearable, will be
on display this week.
Leave your orders with us,
and as early in the week as
possible. The styles will be
right and the prices moderate.
H. LANQFELD. Successor,
Tke Lackawanna Trust and Safe
Deposit Company, 404 Lackawanna
avenue, gives special attention to
Savings-Deposits, upon which
Interest Is allowed when the
same have been on deposit for
three months or over. Interest
is computed and added to princi
pal semi-annually. By reason of
its large capital, J250o all oi
which has been folly paid, the se
curity offered to this class of de
positors is deserving of notice.
Including the patutcm xtriethur at
teeth by an entirely nw proes
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
the recipient of many souvenirs from
the church societies and church mem
bers. All the visitors Joined In ex
pressing their regret at tho departure
of Miss Dunbar and especially that she
was compelled to du so owing to ill
health. FLOOR
Bread is used by every member of
your iiitnily at almost every meal.
Then we ask you is it not very essen
tial that you have tho best that you
can gel? How nice it is to always
have a close grain, soft, white brea'd,
with a pleasant taste, instead of a
coarse, spongy, dnrk bread, with, to
say tho least, no very agreeable flavor.
It is an unquestionable 1'ne.t that ut
least one-half tlio liouie-rrmde bread Is
not anything near as good as it should
be, or would bo, If the best quality of
flour Is u?od. Now we don't mean to
say that people do not buy, or at least
pay for, the highest grade of Hour. We
think they do, as few cure much for an
additional 60c. or $1 on (he cost of u
barrel of Hour If tliey only get the best
by paying it. lint thai they do not
always do. You niuy have sonictinies
stopped at a high-priced hotel unci hud
a meal placed hefore you that you did
not caro to eat. Jlut to the point, vu
have u Hour called
Which, beyond any doubt, will make
as fine bread as it is possible to make
with nuy flour in the world, if prop
erly handled, and by that we mean
Just good ordinary cre. Kvery barrel
und wk of OL'K HEST is just alike,
and will ahvavs innko First-Class
Bread. We are selling OL'K lil-ST
today at 2jc. a barrel less Hum it could
be bought for at the mill in 1,000 bar
rel lots. Within the Inst month the
mill has advanced this flour USu. u bar
rel. Wo have 1,500 barrels bought be
fore the advunco Wo have put up
our price 20c. a barrel. "A word to the
foolish, The wie are alreadv
buyiugOL'R BLST. If you are not
using It you can't commence too soon
for your own interest.
F. P. PRICE, Agent.
Special display of fine
Imported Glass Yases,
at Exceptionally Low
Are ruby, some green,
some amber and some
Crystal Glass.
Are Spnn Glass. Prices
from 10c. to $1 each.
Alderman 8tii Ward, Scranton.
Gas and Water Co. Building,
OFFICE HOURS from T.TO a m. tap. m.;
(1 hour iutermiion for dinner anil supper. )
Particular Attention Given to Collections
Prompt Settlement Guaranteed.
Telephone No. 134.
In t PrettM th Mort Peprlir ud Pnfkrnd by
utuuiif Arum
Warerooms: Oppoilte Columbus Monument,
aOB Wa"ihlrBton Av.Soronton.Pa.
From the same flrst-class makers as heretofore.
Sheet Music, Music Folios and
Small Musical Instruments
at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Leghorn Hats 59c; good
value. Come and get one.
5o dozen High Crown Sail
ors, trimmed in all colors, at
35 cents.
10 dozen Children's Lawn
Hats 69 cents, worth $1.00.'
5o dozen Children's Lawn
Caps 19 cents, worth 40c.
150 Spring Capes, 'in all
colors. $1.49, worth $3.00.
I lot of Spring Jackets, in
all colors, $1.49, worth $3.00
tfaiinicclics, Siik Waists. Separate
Skirts End Infants Garments
Sold at Half Price.
For Confirmation Wreaths,
unfmnun mir
9 mutfiinu hvl,
A Good Ail-Wool
Summer Suit,
All-Wool "
Clay Worsted Suit,
Or a
Fine Black
Spring Overcoat
Botes. Hdtsra
Let vour 'Wagons, Carts or
Funning Implements look
shabby or full to riicccs for
the want of u coat of
You or your boy can apply
it some rainy day and make
them look like new.
It is a practical puint. made
especially for this purpose.
Sample cards and prices ut